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A15983 The bokes of Salomon namely, Prouerbia Ecclesiastes Cantica canticorum. Sapientia. Ecclesiasticus or Iesus the sonne of Syrach; Bible. O.T. Hagiographa. English. Great Bible. Selections. 1546 (1546) STC 2755; ESTC S119611 151,243 344

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thinges endure yf it were not thy wyll Or howe coulde any thing be preserued excepte it were called of the But thou sparest all for all are thine O Lorde thou louer of soules ¶ The mercye of God towarde synners the workes of God are vnreprouable God gyueth leysure to repente vs. Capi. xii O Lorde howe gracyous swete is thy spyrite in all thynges Therfore chasteneste thou them mesurabli that go wronge and warnest thē concerninge the thinges wherin they offende thou speaketh vnto thē o Lorde and exhortest thē to leaue theyr wickednes and put theyr truste in the. As for those olde inhabyters of thy holy lande thou myghtest not away with them Deut. 9. ● 12. d. 18. b for they cōmytted abhomynable workes agaynst the as wytchecrafte sorcery ydolatrye they slewe theyr own childrē without mercye they eate vp mens bowels and deuoured the bloode yee bycause of such abhomynacyons misbyleues offeringes thou shewest the fathers of the desolate soules by the hādes of our forefathers that the lande which thou louest aboue all other might be a dwelling for the children of God Neuerthelesse thou sparedst them also as men and sendeste the forerunners of thyne host euen hornettes to destroie out by litle lytle Not that thou waste vnable to subdue the vngodly vnto the rightuous in batell or with cruell beastes or with one roughe worde to destroy theim together But thy mynde was to dryue them out by lytle and lytle Exo. 23. d Deut. 7. d geuing them tyme and place to amend knowyng wel that it was an vnrightuous nacyon and wicked of nature that theyr thoughte myght neuer be altered for it was a cursed sede from the begynnynge feared no mā yet hast thou pardoned theyr sinnes For who wyll saye vnto the why hast thou done that Or who wyll stand agaynst thy iugemēt Or who wyl come before thy face an auenger of vnryghtuous men Or who will blame the yf the people perish whome thou haue made For there is none other God but thou 1. Pe. 5. a that carest for all thinges that thou mayst declare how that thi iudgemēt is not vnright ther dare neyther king ne tiraunt in thy sight requyre accomptes of theim whōe thou hast destroied Iob. 9. a For so much thē as thou art rightuous thy selfe thou orderest all thinges rightuously and punyshest euen hym that haue not deserued to be punysshed and takest hym for a straunger and an alyaunt in the lāde of thy power For thy power is the beginnīg of rightuousnes bicause thou art Lorde of all thynges therfore art thou gracious vnto all When men thinke the not to be of a ful strēgth thou declarest thy power and boldli deliuerest thou them ouer that knowe the not But thou Lord of power iudgest quietly and orderest vp with greate worship for thou maist do as thou wilt By such workes now hast thou taught thy people that a man also shuld be iust and louyng and haste made the chyldren to be of a good hope for euē whan thou iudgest thou geuest rowme to amende from sinnes For in so muche as thou haste punished and with suche diligence delyuered the enemyes of thy seruauntes which wer worthye to dye wherthorow thou gauest them ●yme and place of amendement that they myght turne frō theyr wickednes with how great diligence then punishest thou thine owne children vnto whose fathers thou hast sworne and made couenauntes of good promises so wher as thou doest but chasten vs thou punyshest oure enemyes dyuers wayes to the entente that when we punish we shuld remember thy goodnes and whē we our selues are punyshed to put our trust in thy mercy Wherfore where as men haue liued ignorauntly and vnryghtuously thou haste punyshed thē sore Sapi. 11. c Roma 1. c euen thorowe the same thinges that they worshypped for they went astraye very longe in the waye of erroure and helde the beastes whiche euen they re enemyes dispysed for Goddes liuyng as chyldren of no vnderstandynge Therfore haste thou sent a scorneful punyshment amonge them as amonge the chyldren of ignoraunce As for suche as wolde not be refourmed by those scornes and rebukes they felt the worthi punishment of God For the thynges that they suffered they bare them vnpaciētly beynge not content in them but vnwilling And whē they perished by the same thynges that they toke for goddes thei knowledged thē that there was but one trewe God whom afore they wolde not know therfore came the ende of theyr dampnacion vpon them All thynges be vayne excepte the knowledge of God Ydolatryes and Ydolles are mocked Capi. xiii Roma 1. c Vaine philosophers VAyne are al men whyche haue not the knowledge of God as were they that out of the good thynges whyche are sene knewe not hym that of hym selfe is euerlastynge Neyther toke they so much regarde of the workes that are made as to knowe who was the craftesman of them but some toke the fyre some the wynde or ayer some the course of the sterres some the water some toke sun and moone or the lightes of heuen which rule the yarthe for Goddes But though they had such pleasure in theyr beutye that they thought them to haue bene goddes yet shulde they haue knowen how much more fayrer he is that mad them for the maker of beutye hathe ordeyned al these thinges Or if thei merueled at the power and workes of them they shuld haue perceyued therby that he which made these thynges is myghtyer then they For by the greatnes beutye of the creature the maker therof may playnly be knowen Notwithstādyng they are the lesse to be blamed that sought God wolde haue him foūde and ●et missed and why for in as much as they went about in his workes and sought after them it is a token that they regarded and helde muche of his workes that are sene howebeit they are not holly to be excused For yf theyr vnderstanding knowlege was so great that they coulde discerne the worlde and the creatures Roma 1. c why dyd they not rather fynde out the Lord therof He mocketh the ydolaters But vnhappy are they and amonge the deade is theyr hope that call them Goddes whych are but the workes of mēs handes golde syluer and the thinge that is founde out by cunnyng the symilitude of beastes or any vayne stone that hathe bene made by hand of olde Or as whē a carpenter cutteth down a tree out of the wode and pareth of the barke of it cunnynlye and so with the one parte maketh a vessel to be vsed and dressed meate with the residue As for the other parte that is left which is profytable for nothing for it is a croked pece of wood and ful of knobbes he carueth it diligentli thorow his vanitie and accordyng to the knowledge of hys cunnyng ymages he gyueth it some proporcyon facyoneth it after the similitude of a mā or maketh it like some
to receyue Act. 20. a. shut whē thou shuldest gyue In ryches may we not put anye confydence The vengeaūce of god ought to be feared and to repentaunce may we not be slowe Capi. v. TRuste not vnto thy ryches say not tush Luke 12. b Eccle. 1● ● I haue ynough for my lyfe For it shall not helpe in the time of vengeaunce and temptacion Followe not the luste of thyne owne herte in thy strength saye not tushe howe haue I had strength or who wil bring me vnder bycause of my workes for doubtles god shal auenge it And say not I haue committed mo synnes but what euell hathe happened me For the almightie as a pacient rewarder Bicause thy sinne is forgeuen the Rom. 6. a Eccle. 21. a be not therfore without feare neither heape one sin vpō an other And saye not tushe the mercy of the lorde is greate Eccl. 16. b he shal forgyue me my sinnes be they neuer so manye For like as he is merciful so goeth wrath from him also and his indignacion cōmeth downe vpō sinners Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lorde put not of from daye to daye for sodenly shall his wrath come and in the tyme of vengeaunce he shall destroye the. Pro. 10. a and .11 a Ezech. 7. b Sepho 1. c Trust not in wicked riches for they shal not helpe the in the daye of punyshment and wrath Be not caryed about to euery wind and go not into euery waye for so doth the sinner that hath a double tongue Stande fast in the way of the lorde be stedfast in thy vnderstādyng abyde by the worlde and folow the word of peace and rightuousnes Be gentle to heare the worde of god Iaco. 1. ● that thou maist vnderstād it and make a trewe aunswer with wysdome Be swifte to heare but flowe and paciēt in giuynge answere If thou hast vnderstnadyng shape thy neyghbour an aunswere Yf no laye thyne hande vpon thy mouthe leest thou be trapped in an vndiscrete worde and so confounded Honour and worship is in a mans wise talkynge but the tonge of the vndiscrete is his owne destruccyon Be not a pryue accuser as longe as thou liuest Leui. 19. d and vse no sclaūder with thy tonge For shame and sorowe goeth ouer the thefe and an euell name ouer him that is double tōged but he that is a preuy accuser of other men shal be hated enuyed confounded Se that thou iustifie the small and great alyke ¶ It is the propertye of a synner to be euell tonged The doctrine and good councell of the wyse is to be enbraced wisdom shuld bescarched for The profyte therof Capi. vi BE not thy neighbours enemy for thy frēdes sake for who so is euel shal be the heyre of rebuke dsyhonour who soeuer beareth enuye a double tonge offendeth Rom. 12. c Phili. 2. a Be not proude in the deuyce of thyne vnderstanding leest thy leues wyther and thy fruyte be destroied and so thou be lefte as a drie tree For a wicked soule destroyeth hym that hathe it maketh hym to be laughed to scorne of his enemyes and bringeth him to the porcyon of the vngodly Eccl. 20. b A swete worde multiplieth frēdes and pacyfieth them that be at varyaunce and a thankful tōge wil be plentuous in a good mā Holde frendshyp with manye neuertheles haue but one counceller of a thousande Frendes Yf thou gettest a frend proue hym first and be not hastye to gyue him credence For some man is a frende but for a tyme and wyll not abyde in the day of trouble And there is some frende that turneth to enimite Deut. 23. b add 23. b. Mich 7. a Mat. 10. c Eccl. 37. a and taketh part agaynste the and yf he bnowe any hurt by the he telleth it out agayne some frēde is but a companyon at the table and in the day of nede he continueth not But a sure frende wil be vnto the euen as thyne own selfe and deale faythfully with thy housholde folke yf thou suffre trouble and aduersite he is with the hideth not himselfe from the Departe from thyn enemies yee and beware of thy frendes A faythful frend is a strong defēce who so fyndeth such one findeth a noble treasure A faithful frēde hath no pere the weight of golde and syluer is not to be compared to the goodnes of is faith A faythfull frende is a medicyne of lyfe they that feare the Lorde shal finde him Who so feareth the Lorde shal prospere with frēdes as he is him selfe so shall his frēde be also My sonne receyue doctrin frō thi youth vp so shalt thou fynde wysdome tyll thou be olde Go to her as one that ploweth sowethe wait paciētly for her good fruites For thou shalt haue but litle labour in her worke Eccle. 5. a but thou shalt eat of her frutes ryght so one O how excedyng sharpe is wysedome to vnlerned mē an vnstedfast body wil not remayne in her Vnto suche she is as it were a touchestone he casteth her frō him in al the haste for wisdome is with hym but in name there be but fewe that haue knowlege of her But with the that knowe her she abydeth euen vnto the appering of god Geue eare my sonne receyue my doctrine refuse not my counsell Put thy fote into her linkes take her yoke vpō thy necke bow down thy shulder vnder her beare her pacyētly Mat. 6. a be not wery of her bandes Come vnto her with thy hole hart kepe her wayes with all thy power Seke after her she shal be shewed the and whē thou hast her forsake her not For at the laste thou shalt finde reste in her that shall be turned to thy great ioye Then shal her letters be a strōg defēce for the and her yoke a gloryous raymente For the bewtye of lyfe is in her her handes are the couplinge together of saluacion Yee a glorious rayment is it thou shalt put it on and the same crown of ioye shalt thou weare My sonne yf thou wylt take hede thou shalt haue vnderstandyng and yf thou wilt apply thy minde thou shalt be wise Yf thou wilte bow downe thin eare thou shalt receiue doctrine and yf thou delight in hearing thou shalt be wise Stande with the multitude of suche elders as haue vnderstādinge consent vnto theyr wysdome with thine hert that thou mayst heare al godlye sermons and that the worthye sentences escape the not Eccle. 5. a And yf thou see a man of du●rete vnderstanding get the sone vnto him and let thy fote treade vpon the steppes of his dores Psal 1. a Let thy mynde be vpon the commaundementes of God be earnestly occupyed in his lawes so shall he stablishe thy herte geue the wisdome at thyne owne desyre ¶ We must forsake euel and yet not iustifye our selues The
pouerte How much more shal he behaue hī self honestly in ryches And who soordereth him selfe vnhonestly in riches how much more shal he behaue him self vnhonestly in pouerte ¶ The prayse of humilite After the outwarde aperaunce ought we not to iuge Of hedy rash iugement The ryche is not without offence Al thinges come of God All men are not to be broughte into thy house Capi. xi Gene. 41. f Dani. 6. a THe wysdom of hym that is brought lowe shall lifte vp his heed and shal make hym to syt among great men Commende not a man in his beutye neyther despise a mā in his vtter apperance The Bee is but a smal beest amonge the foules Actu 12. d yet is her fruyte excedynge sweete Be not proude of thy raiment and exalte ot thy self in the day of thy honour for the workes of the hyest only are wōderful yee glorious secrete vnknowen ar his workes 1. Reg. 15 ● 1. Hest 67 Many tiraūtes haue bene faine to syt down vpon the earthe and the vnlykely hath worne the crowne Many myghtye men haue bene brought lowe and the honorable haue bene deliuered in to other mens handes Deut. 13. b and .7 b Iosue 7. c and .20 c Pro. 18. b Condēpne no man before thou haste tried out the matter and when thou hast made inquisicyon then refourme ryghtuously Geue no sentence before thou hast heard the cause but fyrste let men tel out theyr tales Stryue not for a mater that toucheth not thy selfe and stonde not in the iudgement of synners My sonne Mat. 19. c 1 Ti. 6. b. Pro. 10. c. medle not with many maters and if thou wilt be ryche thou shal not get it and though thou rēnest thy way afore yet shalt thou not escape Ther is some man that laboureth and the more he weryeth him felfe the lesse he hathe Agayne some man is slouthfull hathe nede of helpe Iob. 13. c wanteth strēgth and hath great pouerte Godes eye loketh vpō him to good setteth hym vp from his low estat and lifteth vp his heed so that many men maruell at hym and gyue honour vnto God Iob. 1. c Eze. ●● a. Prosperyte and aduersytie lyfe and death pouertie and rychesse come of the Lorde Wysedome nurtour and knowlege of the law are with god loue the wayes of good are with him Errour and darknesse are made for synners and they that exalte thē selues in euil waxe old in euel The gift of god remaineth for the rightuous hys good wyl shall haue prosperite for euer Luke 12. d Some mā is rich by liuing nigardly and that is the porcyon of his reward in that he saith Luk. e 12. c now haue I gottē rest now will I eat drinke of my goodes my selfe alone And yet he cōsidereth not that the tyme draweth nye and death approcheth that he must leaue all thse thynges vnto other men and dye him selfe Stande thou fast in thy cōuenaunte and exercyse thy selfe therin and remaine in the worke vnto thy age Continue not in the workes of synners but put thy truste in god byde in thine estate for it is but an easy thing in the sight of god to make a poore man riche and that sodēly The blessinge of god hasteth to the reward of the rightuous maketh hys frutes soone to florishe and prospere Saye not what helpeth it me what shall I haue the whyle Agayn saye not I haue ynough how can I wante Eccle. 18. c When thou art in welfare forget not aduersitie when it goeth not wel with the haue a good hope that it shal be better For it is but a smal thinge vnto God in the daye of death to rewarde euerye man accordynge to hys waies The aduersite of an hour maketh one to forget al pleasure and when a mā dieth his workes are discouered Praise no body before his death for a man shal be knowen in his childrē Bring not euery man in to thine house for the disceitfull laieth wayte dyuersly Like as a partrych in a maunde so is the herte of the proude and like as a spie that loketh vpon the fal of his neyghbour For he turneth good vnto euell and sclaundreth the chosē Of one sparke is made a great fire and of a disceyteful mā is blode increased an vngodly man layeth waite for bloode Beware of the deceytful for he ymagineth wicked thīges to bring the in to a perpetual shame If thou takest an ale aūt vnto the he shal destroye the in vnquyetnes driue the frō thine owne wayes ¶ Vnto whom we ought to do good Enemyes ought to be escheued Capi. xii WHen thou wylte do good knowe to whome thou dost it so shalt thou be greatly thanked for thy benefytes Gala. 6. a Tim. 5. a Do good vnto the vnrightuous and thou shalte fynde greate rewarde though not of hym yet no dout the lorde him selfe shall rewarde the. He stādeth not in a good case that is alwaye occupyed in euel and geueth no almes for the hyest hateth the synners hath mercy vpon them that shew the workes of repētance Geue thou vnto such as feare god and receyue not a synner As for the vngodly synners he shal recompence vengeaunce vnto them and kepe them to the daye of wrath Geue thou vnto the good receyue not the synner do wel vnto hym that is lowly but geue not to the vngodly Let not the bred be geuen him that he be not mightier then thy self therin For so shalt thou receiue twise as much euel in all the good that thou doest vnto hym And whi the highest hateth sinners and shal rewarde vengeaunce to the vngodly In prosperite a frende shal not be knowen and in aduersytie an enemye shal not be hyd For whē a man is in welth it greueth his enemyes but in heuines trouble a man shal knowe his frende Truste neuer thine enemy for like as an yron rusteth so doth his wickednes ▪ and though he make much crowchyng and knelyng yet kepe wel thy minde beware of him Set him not by the neyther let him syt at thy ryght hande lest he turneth him get into thi place take thy rowme seke thy seat and so thou at the laste remēber my wordes and be prycked at my sayenges Who wyll haue pytie of the charme that is stynged of the serpent or of al such as come nye the bestes Euen so is it with hym that kepeth company with a wycked man lappeth him selfe in his sinnes For a season wyl he byde with the but if thou stomble he taryeth not ¶ An enemye is swete in his lyps Ier. xli b ymagineth disceyte in his hert to throw the into the pit ye he cā wepe with his eyes yf he maye fynde oportunite he wyl not be satisfied with blod yf aduersite come vpō the thou shalt find him there first though he pretend to do the helpe