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A15968 Certayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid, commonlye called the .vii. penytentiall psalmes, drawen into englyshe meter by Sir Thomas Wyat knyght, wherunto is added a prolage of [the] auctore before euery psalme, very pleasau[n]t [and] profettable to the godly reader; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Wyatt. Wyatt, Thomas, Sir, 1503?-1542.; Harington, John, d. 1582. 1549 (1549) STC 2726; ESTC S111727 13,698 74

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Certayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid commonlye called thee .vii. penytentiall psalmes drawen into englyshe meter by Sir Thomas Wyat Knyght wherunto is added a prologe of y e auctore before euery psalme very pleasaūt profettable to the godly reader Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyarde at the sygne of thee Starre By Thomas Raynald and Iohn Harryngton ¶ To the right honorable and his singuler good Lord William Marqu●she of Northampton Earle of Essex Barone of K●ndal Lord parre knig●t of the most noble ordre of the Garter youre moste bon●en orator at commaundement Iohn Hattington wysh●th helth prosperite wyth encrease of v●rtue the mercy of God for euer COnsyderyng th● manyfolde dueties and aboundant seru●ce that I owe vnto your good Lordeshyp ryghte honorable my Singul●r good Lord I cā not but see infinite causes● why I chiefely of all others oughte wyth all cheref●ll and ready endeuoure to gratifye your good Lordshyp by all meanes possyble and to applye my selfe wholye too thee same as one that woulde gladly but cā by no mean●s able to do accordinglye as hys bondē duette requireth I cānot I say but se acknowledge my selfe boūdē and not able to doo soche seruice as Iowe both for the inestimable benefites y t your noble progenito●s and also your good Lordship hath shewed vnto my parentes pr●dycessors also to my selfe as to one least able to do anye acceptable seruice thoughe the wil be at all tymes most ready In tokē wherof youre lordship shal at all tymes perceaue by simple thinges that my ●ittel wit shal be able to inu●nt that yf myne harte coulde do you any seruyce no labour or trauayle shulde witholde me frō doynge my duetie● that yf busy labour y t hert myght be able to paye the du●tye that loue oweth your lordshyp shulde in no poīt fynde me ingrate or vnthākful And to declare this my redye wyll I haue dedicated vnto your name thys little treatyse whyche after I had perused and by thaduise of others better learned then my self determined to put it in printe that the noble fame of so worthy a Knighte as was thee Auctor hereof Syr Thomas Wyat shuld not perish but remayne as wel for hys syngul●r learnīg as valiant dedes in ●ne●cyal f●ates I thought that I could not find a more worthy patron for soch a mās worke then your Lordship whō I haue al●wayes knowen to be of so godlye a zeale to thee furtheraunce of gods holy a secret gospel most humbly b●sechynge your good Lordeshippe herin to accepte my good wyll and too esteme me as one that wissheth vnto the same al honour healthe and prosperous successe AMEN ☞ Your good Lordshyppes most humble at cōmaūdemēt Iohn Hartington ¶ The Prologe of the Auctor LOue to geue lawe vnto hys subiectes hartes Stode in the eyes of Barsabe the bryghte And in a looke anone hym selfes conuertes Cru●lly pleasaunt before King Dauids syght Fyrst dased hys ●yes furder forth he s●art●s Wyth venemed brethe as softly as he myghte Touche his senewes and ouer runnes hys bones Wyth ●●epynge fyre sparkeled for the nones And when he sawe that kindeled was the flame The noysome poyson in hys harte he launced So that the soule dyd tremble wyth the same And in hys brawle as he stode and traunced Yeldynge vn●o the fygure and thee frame That those fayre eyes hadde in hys pre●ens glaun●●d Th● tor●●● that loue had printed in hys ●reste● 〈◊〉 ●o●oreth it as a thynge of thyng●s ves●e ☞ So that he forgotte the wysdom a●d ●or●caste Wh●●he woo to realmes when that 〈…〉 dothe lacke Forg●●●●ge ●ke goddes Maiestye as 〈◊〉 Y●a a●● hys owne forthwyth he dothe to make ●rye to goo into ●hee felde in 〈◊〉 Urye I saye that was hys Ieweles make Under pretence of certayne victorye For enemyes swordes a ready pray to be W●ereby he may enioye her out o● doubte Whome more th●n God or him self he myn●eth And after he hadde broughte thys thynge about And of t●at luste possest hym self he fyndeth● That hathe and dothe reuerse and cl●ne turne out Kynges from kyngdomes and cytyes vndermynd●th He blynded thynkes thys trayne so blynde and close To blynde al thynges that nothing waye it disclose ☞ But Nathan hath spied out this trecherye Wyth ●uful ch●are and settes afore hys face The greate offence outrage and iniurye That he hathe done too God as in thys case By murder for too clooke adulterye He shewethe eke from heauen thee t●reates alas So s●●rnly sore thys Prophete thys Nathan That al am●sed was thys woful aged man ¶ Like him that meateth wyth horror and wythe feare The heate doth streyght forsake the lymyttes colde The colour ●ke droppeth downe frō hys cheare So dothe he feele hys fyre manyfolde Hys heate hys luste his pleasure all in scare Consume and waste● and streyght hys crowne of gold Hys purple pauler hys scepter he le●teth fall And to the ground he throweth him self wyth all ☞ Then pompious pryde of state and dignite Forth with rebate repentaunt humblenes Thinner vyle clothe then clothed pouertie Doth scantlye hyde and cladde hys nakednes Hys fayre hoore bearde of reuerente grauitie Wyth ruffeled heyre knowyng hys wyckednes More lyke was he the same repentaunce Then statelye prynce of worldelye gou●rnaunce ☞ ●ys harpe he takethe in hand to be his guide Wherwyth he offreth playnts hys soule to saue That from hys harte dystylleth on euery syde Wythedrawynge hym selfe into a darke cau● Within the ground wher he might hym ●yde Flyinge the lyghte as in pryson or graue In which as sone as Dauid entred had The darcke horror dyd make hys faulte a drad ✚ But wythout prolongyng or delaye Of that whyche myghte hys Lorde hys God appease Falleth on hys knees and wyth hys harpe I saye Afore hys breste frawted wythe dysease Of stormye syghes depe draughtes of hys d●caye Dressed vpryghte sekyng to conterpase Hys songes wythe syghes and touchynge of the stringes Wyth tender harte too thus to God he synges Domine ne in furore O Lord syns my mouthe thy myghtie name Suffereth it selfe my lord to name to call Here hathe my harpe he taken by the same That the repentaunce whych I haue and shall Maye at thy hande seke mercy as the thynge Of onely comfort to wretched sinners all Whereby I dare w t humble bemonynge By the goodnes of thee this thynge requyre Chas●yce me not for my deseruinge Accordynge to thy ●uste conceaued yre O lorde I dreade and that I did not dreade I me repente and euermore d●syre Thee to dreade I open here and sprede My faulte to thee but thou for thy goodnes Measure it not in largenes nor in breade Punishe it not as asketh thee greatnes Of thy furor prouoked by myne offence Temper o lorde the harme of my excesse Wyth mendyng wyll that I for recompence Prepare agayne and rather pytye me For I am weake and cleane wythout defence More is
very force of mynde Cleued to the fleshe and from y e spirite were fledde As desperate thy mercye for to fynde So made I am the soden pellycane And lyke the owle that flyeth by proper kynde Lyght of the day and hath herself betane To ruyne lyfe oute of all companye Wyth waker care that w t this woo beganne Lyke thee sparrowe was I Solytarye That syttes alone vnder y ● houses ●aues This whyle my foes conspyred contynually And dyd prouoke the harme of my dysease Wherefore lyke ashes my bread dyd me sauor Of thy iust word the tast might not me please Wherfore my drinke I tempered wyth lycor Of wepynge teares that from myne eyes dyd rayne Because I knowe the wrath of thy furour Prouoked by ryghte had of my pryde dysdayne For thou dyddest lyfte me vp to throwe me downe To teache me howe to know my selfe agayne Wherby I knowe that helpeles I shuld drowne My dayes l●ke shadow declyne and I doo crye A●d the foreuer eterniti● dothe drowne Worlde wythoute ende dothe last thy memory For thys frayltie that yoketh al man kynde Thou shalt awake and rue this myserye Rue on Syon Syon that as I fynde Is thee people that lyue vnder the lawe For now is tyme the tyme at hāde assynde The tyme so long● that thy seruauntes drawe In greate desyre to se that pleasaunte daye Daye of redemynge Syon frō synnes awe For they haue Ruthe to see in suche decaye In duste and s●ones thys wretched Syon lore Then the gentiles shall dreade thy name alwaye All earthely kynges thy glorye shall honour Then when thy grace thy Syō thus redemeth When thus thou hast declared thy myghtie power The lorde his seruauntes wysshes and so estemeth That hym turnethe vnto y ● power request To our dyscente this to be written semeth Of all compfortes as consolacyon beste And they that then shal be regenerate Shall prayse the Lord therfore bothe moste and leste For he hath loked from the high of hys estate The Lord from heaue● ●n e●rth hath loked on vs To heare thee mone of them that are algate In soche bondage to lose and o● discus The sonnes of death oute frome theyr deadlye bonde Too gyue thereby occasion glorious In thys Syon thys holye name to stonde And in Ierusalem hys laud●s lastynge aye When in one churche thee people of the lande And realmes ben gathered to s●rue to laude to praye The Lorde that is aboue so ius●e and mercyfull But these feble runninge in thee waye My strength fayleth to reache it at the full He hath abredged my dayes they ●re not sure To se that terme that tyme so wonderfull All though I haue with hart wil and cure Prayed to the Lorde take me not awaye In the middes of my yeares thoughe thyne eu●r sure Remayne ete●●e whom tyme can not decaye Thou wroughteste the earthe thy handes the heauens dyd make They shall perysshe thou shalt laste alwaye And all thynges aye shall were and ouertake Lyke clothe and thou shalt chaunge thē lyke apparell Tourne and translate and they in worthe it take But thou thy selfe thy selfe remayneste hole That thou was erste and shall thy yeare extende Then se●s to thys there maye nothynge rebelle The greateste compforte that I can pretende Is that the chyldren of thy seruauntes deare That in the world are gotte shall wythoute ende Before thy face be stablyshed all in feare The Auctor WHen Dauid hadde perceaued in hys breste The spyryte of God retourne that was exyled Because he knewe he hath alone expreste These greate thynges that grea●er spyryte compyled As shawme or pipe lett es out the sounde impreste By musyke arte forged to fore fyled I saye when Dauid hadde perceaued that I wys The spirite of compforte in hym reuyued is ✚ For ther vpon he maketh argumente Of reconsylyng vnto the Lordes grace Al thoughe somtyme to prophecy hathe lente Bothe brute beastes and wycked hartes a place But oure Dauid iudgeth in hys entente Hym selfe by penaunce cleane oute of thys case Whereby he hathe remissyon of offence And begynneth to alowe hys payne and penitence ☞ But wh●n he weyt● the fa●●● and recompense He dampneth hys dede and fyndeth playne Attwene them two no what equiualence Whereby he takethe all outwarde dedes in vayne To beare the name of ryghtfull penitence Whych is alone the harte returned agayne And sore contryte hart that doth his faulte bemone And outward dede the synne or ●●●te alone ✚ Wyth thys he dothe defende the slye assaulte Of vayne aloweance of hys owne deserte And all the glorye of hys forgeuen faulte To God alone he dothe it hole conuerte Hys owne meryte he fyndeth in defaulte And whyles he pondered these thing●s in hys harte Hys knee hys arme hys hande susteyned hys chinne When he hys songe agayne thus dyd begynne Deprofundis clamaui ad te domine FRom depth of synne from depe dispayre Frō depth of deeth frō depth of hart●s sorowe Frō this depe caue of darken●s depe repayre The haue I called O Lorde to be my borowe Thou in my voyce O Lorde perceaue and heare My harte my hope my playnte my ouerthrowe My wyll to ryse and let by graunt appeare That to my voyce t●yne ●●●es do well attende No place so farre that to the is not neare Noo depthe so depe that thou ne mays●e extende Thyne eare sett● therto heare thē my wofull playnte For Lord yf thou doo obserue what men doo offende And putte the natyue mercye in restreynte Yf iuste exactyon demaunde recompence Who maye endure O Lorde who shall not faynte At soche accompte dede and no reuerence Shoulde so runne at large but thou sekest rather loue For in thy hande is mercyes resydence By hope wher●of thou doeste oure hartes moue I in the Lorde haue sette my confydence My soule soche trueth dothe ●uermore approue Thy holye worde of eterne exc●ll●nce Thy mercyes promyse ● that is all wa●e iu●●e Haue b●n my staye my piller and pr●t●nce My soule in God● hath● mor● desyrous ●ru●● Then ha●h t●e wa●●●m●● loking for 〈…〉 By 〈…〉 ●●pe 〈…〉 Fo● gr●●●●●●●●uor ●re hys pr●pet●●● Pl●●●eou●●●ansome● shall com● wyth hym I ●a●● And shall redeme all oure iniquitie The Auctor THys worde redeme that in his mouthe dyd sounde Dyd putte Dauid it semeth vnto me As in a traunce to stare vppon thee g●ounde And wyth hys thoughte the hyghte of heauen to see Where he beholdes thee worde that shulde confounde The worde of death by humilite here to be In mortall mayde in mortal habite made Eternallye in mortall vayle too shade ☞ He seyth that worde whē ful rype tyme shulde come Doo awaye that vayle by feruente aff●ction Tourne of wyth deathe for deathe shulde haue her dome And lepeth lyghter frome soche corruption The glute of lyghte that in the ayre dothe lome Man redemeth death hathe h●r destruction That mortall vayle● hathe immortalyt●e Too Dauid assuraunce of hys iniquitie ☞ Wherby he frames thys reason in hys harte That goodnes whych doth not forbeare hys sonne From d●ath for m●● and can therby conuerte My death to lyf●● m● synne to saluation Bothe can and wyll a smaller grac● departe To hym that sueth by humble supplication And syns I haue thys larger grace assayde To aske thys thinge why am I thē affrayde ☞ He graunteth moste to them that moste do craue And he delyghtes in suit wythoute r●●p●cte Alas my sonne pu●sues me to the graue Suffered by God my synnes for to ●orr●c●e Bu● of my synnes syns I may pardon hau● My sonnes suyte shall shortelye be reiec●e Then wyll I craue wyth sute confydence And thus b●gynne the sucte of hys pretence Domine ●x●●di orationem meam HEar● my prayer o lord heare my requeste Complyshe my bone supply thou my desyre● Not for my desert but for thyne owne behest In whose firme truth thou promist myne empyre To stande stable and after thy iustyce Performe o● Lorde that thynge that I requyre But of law after the forme and guise To enter iudgement wythe thee thrall bonde slaue To plede hys right for in soch maner wyse Before thy syghte noo man hys ryghte shall saue For o● my self lo thys my righteousnesse By scorge and whyppe and priekynge spurr●s I haue Scant rysē vp such is my beas● lynes For that myne enemyes hath put sued my lyfe And in the duste hathe soyled my lustynes Forreyn● r●almes to fl●● hys rage ●o ry●e Be hath● 〈…〉 hyde my 〈◊〉 And for bycaus● 〈…〉 at st●y●e My har●e 〈…〉 ●orce war●s●●●● I had recoue●●● to 〈…〉 paste And dyd rememb●● t●●●ea●●s in al my drede And dyd peru●e● thy ●or●k●s ● euer last Wherby I knowe a●●ue the ● wonders al Thy mercyes were th●n lyfte I vp in hast My handes to the●● 〈◊〉 soule ●o the dyd call Lyke bare soyle for moyster o●●hy grace Haste to my helpe O lord a●or● I fall For euer I fele my spiryte doth fainte apace Turne not thy face from me● y t I be layede In compt of them that headlinge downe doo passe Into the pyt shewe me be tunes thyne ayde For on thy grace I holly do depende And in thy handes since all my helth is stayed Do me to know what way thou wylte I bende For vnto the I haue raysed vp my mynde Rydde me oh lorde from them that do entende My foes to be for I haue me assigned Alwaye wythin thy secrete protectyon Teache me thy wyl that I by y t may fynde The way to worke the same in a●fectyon For thou my god thy blessed spirite vpryght In laude of truthe shall be my dyr●ctyon Thou for thy name shal reuiue my spiryte Wythin the ryght that I receiue by the Wh●reby my l●●● of daunger shal be quyte T●ou haste fo● done the greate iniquy●ye T●a● v●●r● 〈…〉 ●ou shalt also c●n●o●n●● ●●y foes 〈◊〉 ●or thy be●ignitt● For thyne am I thy seruaun●● moste bounde FINIS ¶ ●um Preuil●gio ad imprimendum S●lum M. T.XLIX The last day of December
forth wyth to open in thy syght My faulte my feare my fylthines I saye And not to hyde frō the my great vnryghte I shall quoth I agaynst my selfe confesse Unto thee Lorde all my synfull plyghte And thou forth with diddest wash the wyckedn●sse Of myne off●nce of truthe ryght thus it is Wherfore they that haue tas●ed thy goo●nesse At me shall take example as of thys And praye and s●ke i●t● me for tyme of grace Th●n shall the stormes and ●●uddes of harme And hym to r●●he shall ●euer haue the space Thou arte my refuge and onely ●auegarde From the troubles that compas me the place Such Ioyes as he that scapeth his enemyes warde Wyth losed bandes hath in lybertye Such is my ioye thou haste to me preparde That as the see man in his Ieopardye By soden syght perceaued hath the lyghte So by thy great mercyful propertye Within thy boke thus reade I my comforte I shal the teache and geue vnderstandynge And point to the what way thou shalte resorte For thy addresse to kepe the frō wanderynge My eye shall take the charge to be thy guyde I aske therto of the onelye thys thynge Be not lyke horse or mule that men do ryde That not alone doth his master knowe But for thee good thou muste hym betide And brideled lest hys guyde he byte or throwe Oh diuerse there are chastesinges of sinne In meat and drynke in brethe that man doth blowe In slepe and watche in fretynge styl wyth in That neuer suffer rest vnto the mynde Felde wythe offence that newe and newe begynne Wyth thousande feares the harte to strayne and blynd But for al thys he that in God doth trust Wy●he ●●●cy● shall hym selfe defended fynde Ioyce and reioyce I saye you that be iuste In hym that mak●th holdethe you so styll In hym youre glorye alwayes set you muste All you that be of vpryght hart and wyll The Auctor THys songe end●d Dauid dyd sty●t● hys voyce And in that whyle he aboute wyth hys eye Dyd seke the darcke caue with whyche wythoute noyce Hys sylence semed too argue and ●●●lye Uppon hys harpe ●hys peace that dyd reioyce The 〈…〉 so dyd call And f●●●d● mercye at plentyfull mercy●s hand Neuer denied but where it was wythstande ☞ As the seruaunte in hys maysters face Fyndynge pardon of hys passed offence Consyderynge his greate goodnes and hys grace Gladde teares dystylles as gladsome recompence Ryghte so Dauid semed in thee place A marble Image of synguler reuerence Carued in the rocke wythe eyes and hande on hygh● Made is by craft to playn to sobbe to syghe Thys whyle a beame that bryght sonne forth sendeth That sonne the whyche was neue● sonne could hyde Perc●th thee caue and on the harpe descendethe Whose glaunsing lyght the world dyd ouer glyde And suche luyster vpon the harpe extendethe As lyghte of lampe vpon the golde cleaue tryed The torne wherof into his eyes did s●e●te Supprysed wyth ioye by pennaūce of the harte ☞ He more enflamed with farre more hote effecte Of God then he was erste of Barsabe Hys lefte foote dyd on thee earthe erec●e Iuste thereby remaynethe the other knee To thee lefte syde hys wayght● h● dothe dyrecte For hope of helthe hys harpe agayne taketh he Hys hande hys tuyne hys mynde sought hys laye Whyche to the lord with sober voyce dyd saye Domine ne in furore tuo O Lord as I haue y e both prayed and praye Although in the be no alteracyon But that we mē like as our selfes we saye Mesuryng thy Iustyce by ou● mutacyon Chastice me not oh lorde in thy furor Nor me correcte in wrathful castygacyon For that thy arrowes of feare of Terror Of sword of sycknes of famine of fyre Stickes depe in me I loo frō myne ●rrour Am pluck●d vp as horse out of the myre With stroke of spurre such is thy hande on me That in my flesshe for terror of thy yre Is not one poynt of f●rme stab●lytye Nor in my bones ther is no stedfastnes Suche is my dreade of mutabylyt●e For that I know●● m● fraylfull wyckednes For why my synnes aboue m● hed are bounde Lyke heuy weightes that doth my force oppresse Under the whych I stoupe and b●we to the grounde As wyllow plante haled by vyolence And of my fles●he eche not well cured wounde That festered is by folye and n●clygence By secrete luste● hath ra●k●d vnder skynne Not duely cured by my penytence Perceyuynge thus the tyrannye of synne That with weyght hath hūbled and deprest My pryde by grudgyng of the worme within That neuer dyeth● I lyue wyth 〈◊〉 rest So are myne ●ntrayles I●f●●● with feruent ●ore Fedynge my harme ● my wel●● oppreste That in my ●leshe● is 〈…〉 ●he therfore So wonderous great hath ben my vexacyon That it forsced my harte to cry and rore O lorde thou knowest thinwa●de contemplacyon Of my desire thou knowest my syghes and plaintes Thou knowest the teares of my lamentacyon Cānot expresse my hartes inwarde restrayntes My harte pantethe my force I feele it quayle My sight my eyes my loke decayes and fayntes And when myne enemyes dyd me most assayle My frendes most sure wherein I set most trust Myne owne vertues sonest th● dyd fayle And stode aparte reason wyt● vniuste As kyn vnkynde were fardeste gone at nede So had they place ther venume out to thruste That sought my death by naughty worde and deade Ther tonges reproche their wit dyd frawde applye And I lyke deafe dom forthe my waye yede Lyke one that here 's not nor hath ●o replye Not one worde agayne knowyng that from thyne hande These thynges procede thou lorde shalte replye My truste in that wherein I s●ycke and stande Yet haue I had greate cause to dreade and feare That thou wouldeste geue my foes the ouer hande For in my fal they shewed suche pleasaunt chere That there wythal I alway in the lashe Abyde the stroke and wythe me euery where I beare my faulte that greatel● doth abashe My dolefull cheare for I my 〈◊〉 confesse And my de●erte dothe al my cōfort● dashe In the m●ne while● mine enemi●● styll en●rease And my prouokers● hereby do● augmente That without cause● to hurt me do no ●●ase In euell for good agaynste m● they be bente And hynder shal my good presente of grace Loo nowe my god that seest my whole entente My lord I am thou knowest in what case Forsake me not be not far from me gone Haste to my helpe haste lorde hast apace O lord● the lord of al my helth alone The Auctor LYke as the pylgrime y t in a longe way Faintinge for heate prouoked by some wynde In some fresshe shade lyeth downe ●t middes of the day So dothe of Dauid the wery voyce and mynde Ca●e breath of syghes whē he had songe thys laye Under suche shade as sorowe hath assynde And as thee tone styll myndes hys vyage ende So dothe the other to mercye styll pretende ☞ On foure cordes
hys fingers he pretendes Without hearyng or Iudgement of the sounde Downe of hys eyes a streame of teares discendes Wythout felynge that tryckell on the grounde Is 〈◊〉 that bledes in vayne● ryghte so Intendes Thaltred sences to that that the● are bound● But lyghe and wepe he can no●● other thynge And loke vp styll vnto the heaue● kynge ☞ But who hath ben w●thoute the caue mouthe And ●earde thee tea●es● and syghes that hym dyd strayne He wold haue sworne ther had oute of the ●outh● A luke warme wynd brought forth a ●moky rayne But that so close the caue was a●d vnkoweth That none but god was r●corde of hys payne ●●s hadde the ●ynde blowen in all Israell ●ares Of theyr kynge the wofull playnte and teares ✚ Of why●h sonne part whē he vp s●pped had Lyke as he whō hys owne thought● affayres He turnes hys loke hym semed that the ●hade Of hys offen●e aga●ne hys force assayes ●y vyolente dispayre on hym too ●ade St●rrynge lyke hym whom sodayn dispayre dismayde His herte he straynes and from his harte oute bringes Thys songe that I note wether he cryeth or synges Miserere mei deus RUe on me Lord for thy goodnes and grace That of thy nature arte so bountifull For that goodnes● that in thy worde dothe brace Repugnant natures● in quiet wōderfull And for thy me●cyes nōber with oute ende In heauen and earth perc●aued so plentifull That ouer al they do them selfe ● extende For hys mercye moche more then man can synne Do a way my synne that thy grace offende Ofte tymes agayne wasshe me but washe me well wythin And from my synnes that thus makes me afrayde Make thou me cleane as euer thy wonte hath ben● For vnto thee nowe none can be layde For too prescrybe ●emyssyon of synne I● harte r●tourned as thou thy selfe has●e sayde And I besnowe my faulte and ●ny neglygence In my syghte my synnes is fix●d fas●e Therof too haue● more perfecte penytence To the abo●e● to the haue I tres●●s●e For none can cure my fault but thou alone For in thy syght I haue not ben agaste For to offend iudging thy sight as none So that my faulte were hydde from syghte of man Thy maiestye so from my sight was gone Thys knowe I and r●pent pardon thou then Wherby thou shalte kepe● stylle thy worde stable Thy iustyce pure and cleane because that when I pardoned am then forth with iusticiable Iuste I am iudged by iustice of thy grace For I my selfe loo thinge moste vnstable Formed in offence conceaued in lyke case Am nought● but synne from m● natyuytie Be not these sayde for myne excuse ah alas But of thy helpe to shewe necessitie inwarde For loo thou louest the truthe of the harte Whych yet dothe lyue in mooste fydelite Thoughe I haue fallē by frayle ouertha●rte For wylfull malyce leade me not the way● So moche as hathe thee flesshe dr●●en me aparte Wherfore O Lord● as thou hast ●one alwaye Teache me the hydden wysdom of thy lore Since that my faythe dothe not ●●t decaye And as the Iewes to heale thee ●●pper ●ore Wythe Isoppe clense clense me and I am cleane Thou shalte me washe and more then snowe therfore I shal be whyte howe fowle my faulte hath bene Thou of my health shall gladsome tydinges bringe When from aboue remissiō shal be sene Discende on earth thou shal●e for ioye vpspringe The bones that were before ●●●●sumed to duste Loke not oh Lorde vppon my●● offendynge But do awaye my dedes that are vniu●●e Make a cleane hart in the middell of my bres●● Wyth spyryt● v●r●●g●t ●oyded from ●ylthy● lus●● From thyne eyes ●●re ●ast me not in v●res●e Nor take from me thee spyryte of holynesse Render to me● ioye of thy helpe h●ste My wylle confyrme wyth the spirite of stedfastnesse And by thys shall these godlye thynges ensue Synners I shall into thy wayes addresse They shall returne to the and thy grace sue My tongue shall prayse thy iustification My mouth shal spreade thy glorious prayse true But of thy selfe o God thys operation It muste procede by purgynge me from bloode Amonge the ●uste● tha● I m●y● haue relatyon And of thy la●des for to let ●ut the floode Thou muste oh lord● my lyppes ●yrste vnlose For yf thou haddeste es●emed pleasaunt good The outwarde dedes that outewarde men disclose I wold haue offered vnto the sacrifice But thou delytest not in no soche glose Of outeward dede as men dr●ame and d●uyse The ●acrifice that the lorde lyketh moste Is spirite contryte lowe harte in humble wyse Thou do●ste acc●pte o God for pleasaunt hoste Make Syon Lorde accordynge to thy wyll Inward Syon the Syon of the hoste Of hartes Ieru●alem strengthe thy walles stylle Then shalte thou take for good the outwarde dedes Of a sacrifice thy pleasure too fulfyll The Auctor OF deape secretes that Dauid ther dyd synge Of mercye or fayth of frayltie of grace Of goddes goodnesse and of iusty●yinge Thy goodnesse dyd so astony hym 〈◊〉 ●● who myght sa●e who hath ●x●●●ssed thys thynge ● synner I● what haue I saide● a● 〈◊〉 That gods goodnesse wold● with 〈◊〉 ●onge entr●a● L●● me agayne consyder and repeate ☞ And so he doth but expressed by worde But in hys harte● he turnethe and payseth Eche worde that hys lyppes myght foorde abrode He poīteth he pawseth he wōdreth he prayseth The mercy that hydethe of iustyce the sworde The iustyce that so hys promyse accomplysheth For hys wordes sake to worthyles deserte That gratis hys grace to mē dothe departe Here hath he comfort when he doth measure Measureles mercye to measureles fautes To prodygalle synners Infinytye treasure Treasure celestyall that neuer shal ●efaulte Ye when that synne shall fayle and may not endure Mercy shal reigne agayne whome shal not assaute Of hell preuayle by whome loe at thys daye Of heauen gates remyssyon is thee kaye And when Dauid had pondered wel and tryed A●d seeth hym selfe not outterly depryued For lyght of grace that dar●ke of synne dyd hyde He fyndeth hys hoope moche there with reuyued He importeth on the lorde on euery syde For he knowethe wel that to mercy is ascribed Respecteles labor importune crye and call And thus begynneth hys sōg there wythall Domine exaudi orationem meam LOrd heare my praier let my crye passe Unto the lord without Impedyments Do not frō me tourne thy mercyful face Unto my selfe le●uynge my gouernement In tyme of trouble and aduersytye Enclyne vnto me thyne eare thyne entente And when I call helpe myne necessytye Redely graunte theffecte of my desyre Boldelye too please thy Maiestye And eke my case soch haste doth well requyre For lyke a synke my dayes are past awaye My bones dryed vp as a fornace with the fyre My harte my mynde is wythered vp lyke haye But I haue forgott to take 〈◊〉 breade My breade of lyfe thee worde o● truthe I saye And for my paynfull syghes my dreade My bones my strength my