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A15967 The Psalter of Dauid newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Crowley. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1549 (1549) STC 2725; ESTC S104580 117,190 355

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him selfe is iuste he loueth ryghteousnes And with hys countenaunce he wyl loke vpon the gitles The .xij. Psalme O Lorde do thou saue and kepe nowe for frendshyppe ther is none The true and faythfull of promyse are from emonge men gone Wyth his neyghbour eche man speaketh wordes disceytfull and vayne Wyth smoth lyppes but with double hertes they speake to them certayne The Lorde shall cut of al suche lyppes as speake fayre but falsly And the tonge that speaketh greate thinges herselfe to magnifye All suche I say as do saye thus let oure tonges be walkinge Our lyppes are on oure syde and who is our Lorde or our Kynge The Lorde shall saye now wyll I ryse for the destruccyon Of the oppressed and the nedies lamentacyon And them I will restore to healthe they shal not be oppreste I wyl geue them a breathynge tyme eke a quyete reste The Lordes sayinges are pure sayinges as syluer well tryed That in an earthē coffen hath ben seuen tymes wyll fyned O Lorde do thou saue and kepe them kepe backe the flatterar Oute of thys generacyon kepe hym backe for euer For when mē of most wicked lyfe do reigne and rule the route Then do the vngodly wander on eche syde rounde aboute The .xiij. Psalme LOrde howe longe wylt thou forget me what foreuer and aye Lorde how long wylt thou hyde thy face from thy seruaunt I saye How longe shall I consult in mynde and in myne hert trauayle Howe longe shall myne enmies agaynst thy poore seruaunt preuayle Loke backe and answere me O Lorde illumyne thou myne eyes And suffer me not in the death to sleape in any wyse Leste myne enmye shoulde say I haue agaynste him preuayled And suche as vexe me should reioyce yf I were weakened But I truste in thy greate goodnes and bountiful mercy And in thine health mine hert therfore reioyceth certaynely I will synge to the Lorde I saye with hert vnfaynedly Because he doeth requyte to me all thynges aboundantly The .xiiij. Psalme THe folyshe and Insipient whose thoughtes are euer vayne Do in their hert saye folishly there is no God certayne They folowe wayes that are corrupt and ahhomynable There is none that doeth the thinge that is good and laudable The Lorde loked doune from heauen vpon the sonnes of men To se yf there were anye wyse or to seke God geuen But al had fallen and were corrupt together in their waye There was no man that woulde do good no not one man I saye What knewe they nought al are wicked they eate my flocke as breade And on the Lorde they do not call in them there is no dreade There shall they be cast doune with feare the Lorde wyll them affraye For God is in the nacyon of the iuste men for aye Ye do deryde and laugh to scorne the coūsell of the poore Because the Lord is his whole trust his help and his succour Oh woulde to God Israell myghte haue health out of Syon Woulde God I saye the tyme were come of their saluacyon That God myght bryng his flocke againe oute of captyuytie That Iacob myght reioyce and eke Israell be mery The .xv. Psalme LOrde who shall haue hys dwelling place in thy tabernacle Who shall I saye fynde quyete rest in thy most holy hyll That shall the man that walketh ryght and doeth that vpryght is And he that in his hert to speake the trueth do neuer mysse He doeth not slaunder with hys tonge nor do hys neyghbour ylle Neyther doeth suffer him to be reuyled by his wyll The wicked and the reprobate are aye vyle in hys syght But suche as feare the Lorde he doeth honoure both daye and nyght And yf he sweare or make promyse concernynge any thinge Thoughe it shoulde be hys hynderaunce to passe he wyll it brynge He setteth not hys money out to vsury or gayne Nor taketh anye brybe to put the innocent to payne Who so he be that wyll these thinges diligently apply The same shal neuer threat to falle but stādvp styll stoutly The .xvi. Psalme Saue me O God do thou vouchsalfe my defender to be Saue me I say because I haue put my whole trust in the. Vnto the Lorde thus haste thou sayde O my soule within me Thou arte my Lorde and my goodnes nothinge can be lyke the. Wyth the sainctes that dwel in the earth and men of noble fame I am delyted and wyth al myne hert I loue the same Thoughe men do encrease their Idoles multiplye them styl And gredily seke for to haue other mens godes at wyl Yet will I not tast the cup of their bloudy sacryfyce Nor with my mouth reherse the name of thē in any wyse The Lorde is the porcyon of my part and cuppe certayne O Lorde my lot and heritage thou doest alwaye sustayne The coardes that measured my parte in pleasaunt places fell Yea and a noble heritage chaunced to me ryght well The Lorde that hath ben my succour and counsell will I prayse For my verye reynes do enstructe me in the night alwayes I do prepone and set the Lord alwaye before myne eyes He is styll at my right hande leaste I fall in anye wyse Wherfore myne herte shal be ryght glad so shall my tonge reioyce And my fleshe shal reste in safetye wythoute tumult or noyse For thou shalt not forsake my soule at the sepulchersyde Nor suffer that thine holy one do into the pit flyde The path of lyfe thou wylt shewe me and full ioy in thy syght And the pleasures at thy ryght hād for euer daye and nyght The .xvij. Psalme LOrde heare the thynge that rightuouse is geue eare vnto my crye Marcke wel the prayer that I make to the vnfaynedly Let my iudgment procede from the iudge me Lorde in thy syght And let thyne eies consyder well all suche thynges as are ryght Thou hast searched myne hert throughly and visyte me by nyght Thou haste tryed me yet canste thou not blame any thynge by ryght For the secret thoughtes of myne herte my wordes do agre The secrete thoughtes open wordes are all one thinge in me In the affayres of mortall men I haue taken good hede Of the wayes of the destroyer for that thou haste preached Grounde thou my steppes therfore I say Lorde in thy fote pathes all Leste that my fete should slyp and I shoulde be redy to falle On the I call O God for thou arte wout to graunt to me Geue eare to me and heare my worde Lorde God I beseche the. O thou that by thy powr kepeste suche as do trust in the From theyr enmyes make thy mercies wonderfull vpon me Kepe me as the eie apple and vnder thy wynges me hyde From the wicked that vse to waste and my foes on eche syde Wyth theyr fatnes and greate richesse my wayes they haue stopped And wyth theyr mouth presumptuouselye proude wordes they haue framed Euen nowe they do beset our wayes and eke compasse them rounde And ernestly they do seke to
haste oute of the wombe drawne me And in my suckynge dayes I dyd put all my trust in the. From the daye of my byrthe I haue bene lefte to the onlye And from my mothers wombe thou hast ben my God certaynely Do not withdraw thy selfe farre of be not from me absent For there is no man for to helpe and trouble is present Greate bulles haue compassed me rounde wyth an vnruly route And myghtye men of Basan haue beset me round aboute Against me haue they opened their mouth wonderfull wyde Lyke as a lyon that rampeth and roreth in hys pryde I am poured out like water my bones are let aparte And as the wax that is molten so is in me myne herte My strength dryeth vp lyke a shell and my tonge cleaueth faste To my chekes and into the duste of deathe brought me to haste Dogges and ylle men haue me byset and bounde me in their bandes And as a lyon they haue gnawen my fete eke myne handes I myght haue numbred al my bones they were sene so planely But these men loke vpon me and are delyted greatly They haue diuided emonge them all my garmentes I wotte And whyche of them shoulde haue my cote they haue tryed by lotte But thou O Lorde be not farre of O my strength and my powre Make haste O Lorde thy poore seruaunt for to helpe and succoure Delyuer my soule from the sworde and let not me be torne Wyth madde dogges nor with lyons teeth nor wyth vnicornes horne Thyne holy name will I declare to my brethren eche one And prayse the in the middle of the congregacyon All ye that feare the Lorde prayse hym prayse him all Iacobs seede And all the seede of Israel feare ye the Lord in deede For the poore mans afflyctyon he hath not neglected Neyther turned away hys face but hearde when he cryed Beynge in a great concyon I prayse the Lorde onely And in their fyghte that do feare hym my vowes perfourme will I. The poore the abiect shal eate they shal al haue their fyll Suche as seke the Lorde shal prayse hym their herte shall lyue styll And all the quartars of the earth shall haue remors of mynde And shal conuert them to the Lord as reasone doeth them bynde All the housholdes and families that on the earth be founde Shall humble them before hys face and lye flat on the grounde For vnto the Lord only al kingedom doeth appertayne And emonge the heathen people the Lorde hym selfe doeth raygne The fat and welthy of the earth shal eate and do worshype And all mysers shal bowe to hym because he doeth them kepe All such shal bowe their knees to hym as do fall in the duste Because he kept their lyfe when that they sayed nedes dye we muste The ofspringe and posteritie shal him serue and obeye And for euer more vnto him their trybute shal they paye To the people that is not borne they shall resort and tell Hys iustyce and hys equyte because it doeth excell The .xxiij. Psalme THe Lord is my sheperde and I shall neuer stand in nede For in pasture exceadinge good he leadeth me to fede He causeth me to laye me doune in pasture full of grasse And dryueth me to caulme waters that be so cleare as glasse He calleth my soule backe agayn and causeth me to make My iourney in the waye of ryght for his holy names sake Thoughe I shoulde go through the valey of the shadowe of death I wil be withoute feare of yll all the dayes of my breath For thou arte aye present with me thou doest me not forsake Thy rodde and staffe do comforte me and do me merye make Ouer agaynst my foes thou wylt spreade a table for me Annoynte myne heade wyth oyle and fyl my cuppe with greate plentie But let thy mercyfull goodnes folowe me all my lyfe And then shall I dwel in thyne house wythoute debate or stryfe The .xxiiij. Psalme THe earth and al that it holdeth do to the lorde belonge The world and al that dwel therin as wel the olde as yonge For it is he that aboue al the seas hath it founded And that aboue the freshe waters hathe the same prepared Who is it that shal ascend vp into the lordes mountayne And who shal in his holy place abyde styl and remayne That shall the man with giltlesse handes and hert pourged throughly Who doeth not geue his mynde nor swere to fraude nor vanitye The same shall receyue of the Lorde blessinge and al encrease And of hys God and sauyoure he shal haue ryghteousnes This is the nacion of them that seke the Lorde I saye It is the seede of Iacob that seketh his face alwaye Lyfte vp youre heades and ope ye gates and ye dores eternall And then that moste gloriouse kynge shall passe in at you all Who is that kynge so gloryouse the Lorde stronge and myghtye The Lord that is moste noble in the powre of chyualrye Lyfte vp your heades and ope ye gates ye dores eternall And then that moste gloryouse kynge shall passe in at you all Who is that kynge so gloryouse let vs knowe whiche is he The Lorde of Hostes is that same kynge so gloriouse to se The .xxv. Psalme O Lorde to the I lyfte myne herte my God I truste in the Let me not take shame leste my foes shoulde reioyce ouer me Yea Lorde let none that truste in the be put to open shame But let them that do fall from the be put in all the blame O Lorde make thy wayes knowne to me teache me thy lawes I saye Do thou vse me vnto thy pathes and trayne me in thy waye Lorde leade thou me forth in thy trueth and by vse make me stronge For thou arte God my Sauioure whome I seke al daye longe Remember thy mercyes O Lorde eke thy greate goodnes For sence the worlde was fyrste create they dyd yet neuer cease Lorde beare not the synnes of my youthe any longer in mynde But forget al the wickednes that thou doest in me fynde But for thy goodnes sake O Lorde I hūbly beseche the. Accordynge to thy greate mercye be thou myndfull of me The Lorde is good and eke rightwyse no man can this denye And therfore wyll enstruct synners in the waye certaynelye He wil guyde the meke in iudgement they shall do ryght I saye And the lowly in spyryte he wyl accustome to hys waye Al the wayes of the Lorde are founde mercye and trueth certes To them that kepe his couenaunt and hys testymonyes O Lorde forgeue my wyckednes for thine holy names sake For myne iniquitie is greate do not thou me forsake Whoso feareth the Lorde the same he wyl leade in the waye That he hym selfe shall chuse and wylbe his succoure and staye Hys mynd shal tarye in good thinges euer wythoute greuaunce Hys seede also shall haue the earth for their enherytaunce The Lorde shall make hys secrete knowne to them that do him feare In lyke
wodes bare But in his temple all men do prayse him with al theyr care The Lorde sytteth in the deludge that ouerfloweth wyde He sytteth Lorde and kynge I saye doeth euer abyde The Lord geueth hys people powre them selfe for to defende Mercye and peace to hys people the Lorde doeth euer sende The .xxx. Psalme I Wyl prayse the O Lorde because thou haste me broke and worne But haste not suffered my foes for to laugh me to scorne O Lorde my God in my sycknes I haue cryed to the I haue called on the I saye and thou haste healed me Lorde thou haste called my soule backe frō the brym of the pyt And haste restored me that I shoulde not fal into it Ye that haue felt the Lordes mercye synge a Psalme vnto hym Set forth the memorye of hys holynes with an hymne For his anger bydeth not longe and when he is pleased He geueth lyfe vnto ech man that hath on hym trusted Though they come home wepeynge at nyght wyth a sorowefull voyce Yett in the morne cometh gladnes they shal agayne reioyce Certenly I sayde in this wyse in my prosperitie I wyll neuer bowe nor yet bend but stande vp styll stoutly For thou O Lorde hadst placed strength on thy seruantes mountayne But as sone as thy face was hyd I was troubled agayne Vnto the my Lorde dyd I calle in this myne heauie case And dyd wyth moste erneste prayar fall downe before thy face What should my bloude profyte if I should go downe to the pyt Shall dust prayse the or shall thy trueth be declared by it O Lorde heare and graunt my requeste be mercifull to me O Lorde I saye be thou myne helpe I hūbly besech the. My wepeyng and waylyng thou hast into a dawnce turned So haste thou loosed my sakcloth me wyth ioye clothed Wherfore ech man shal synge to the glorie wythouten staye O Lorde my God for euer more I wyll prayse the I saye The .xxxj. Psalme O Lorde I trust in the alone let me neuer haue naye Delyuer me in thy iustice when I do to the praye Bowe downe thyne eare to me I saye delyuer me outryght Be my defence and sure castell to saue me by thy myght For thou art my rocke and sure ground my defence at nede Wherfore for thy names sake leade me and dryue me forth to fede Brynge me out of the net that they haue layed and hyd for me Because my myght and eke my strength remayneth whole in the. Into thyne handes I do cōmitte my soule vnfaynedly Thou haste redemed me O Lorde the God of veritie I haue hated all suche men as do folowe vanitie But in the Lorde I haue alwaye trusted vnfaynedly Of thy mercie I wyll reioyce thou that lokest on my payne And that in my great miserie doeste not my soule disdayne Neyther haste shette me in the hande or powre of myne enmie But haste set my fote all at large and at full libertie Be mercifull to me O Lorde for I am sore oppreste Myne eies dasle and eke my soule and bealy take small reste Sorowe freateth my lyfe awaye mournynge bryngth my laste daye My strength fayleth through wyckednes al my bones waste awaye All my foes and enmies haue made a raylynge stocke of me But chyeflye suche in verie dede as of my neyghbours be My fryndes my famyliars haue hated me outright And when they sawe me come abroade they fled out of my syght I was forgotten vtterly as a man that is deade So was I made lyke a vessell that longe sence perished I heard that many blamed me and layde faultes to my charge Feare and tremblyng stode aboute I myght not walcke at large Whylse they consulted togither and dyd theyr wyttes employe Howe to inuent awaye to take my pore soule subtylly But I haue put my truste in the O Lorde vnfaynedly And wyth myne herte thus haue I sayde thou arte my God truly Lorde my lyfe dayes are in thyne hand let me neuer be thrall Set thou me free from myne enmies persequutours all Lyghten thy countenaunce vpō thy pore seruant I saye And for thy mercifull goodnes saue me wyth out delaye O Lorde let me not aske in vayne because I call on the But let the wycked haue that shame in the graue let them be Let lyeynge lyppes haue nought to saye which speake most craftily And eke proudly agaynste the iuste and most dispytfully Ryght large are the good thynges that thou dost kepe for them that be In thy feare and that thou dydst in theyr syght that truste in the. Vnder thy face thou shalt hyde them frō all mens conspyrynge From the debate of tonges thou shalt hyde them in thy dwellynge The Lorde is worthy for to be praysed of olde and yonge For notably he shewed me hys mercie in a towne stronge When I fled hastily I thought I am caste of surely But thou heardst the voyce of my prayer when I dyd to the crye All ye true seruantes of the Lorde loue hym vnfaynedly Whoe doeth defende the faythfull and plage the proude plentuousely Be stronge and myghtie for the Lorde wyl cause your herte be stronge So many of you as do trust in hym boeth olde and yonge The .xxxij. Psalme THat man is blest that is lyghted of hys transgression And whose synne is hydde in the hope of hys saluation The man is bleste to whō the Lord doeth not impute hys synne So is he bleste wythin whose breaste no disceyte doeth begyn Whylse I do dayly with my self sometyme thyncke secretly And some tyme breake out wyth wepyng my bones consume greatly For nyght and daye thyne hande powre lyeth vpon me heauie My iuse and moysture are made lyke thynges that sommer doeth drye But when I had tolde the my fault had not hyd my synne And after that I had this thought it is best I begynne For to confesse vnto the Lord all my transgression Forth wyth thou dydst geue me of all my synnes remission Wherfore ech goodman wyll praye the dureynge the tyme of grace And the floude of the ragynge waues shall not come to hys place Thou arte myne hydynge place and wylt kepe me from miserie And wylt beset me wyth the myrth of men that scape hardly Thou hast sayde I wyll teach the in the waye thou shouldest go And wyth myne eie and cleare knowledge I wyll helpe the also Be not lyke to the horsse or mule that do nought vnderstande Whose chawes thou must bynd wyth a bytte ere they folowe thyne hande The sorowes of the wycked men are ryght many in dede But he that doeth stycke to the Lorde shall neuer stande in nede Be glad in the Lorde O ye iuste reioyce in hys syght Synge vnto hym so many as are in youre hertes vpright The .xxxiij. Psalme REioyce ye iust men in the Lord prayse doeth good men beseme Prayse ye the Lord wyth harppe lute play on ten strynges to hym Synge a newe songe syngeswete musick wyth
fyer whose heate doeth not decaye Pour out thy wrath on the heathen that do not the confesse And on the kyngdomes that do not call on the in distresse For they haue deuoured Iacob and eaten hym vp quite And haue destroyed all his dwellyng howses in dispyte Remember not our former synnes but forgeue vs quickly For we are weakened good Lorde and that excedyngly O the God of our health helpe vs for the prayse of thy name Deliuer vs and take mercie on our synnes for the same Why should the Heathen saye where is theyr God whom they do prayse Reuenge the bloude of thy seruantes on thē Lorde in our dayes Let the gronynges of the captyue ascend vp in thy syght And them that be iudged to dye kepe on lyue by thy myght O Lorde requite oure neyghbours wyth seuen tymes the open shame That they haue gone about to laye vpon thyne holy name So we that be thy people and the flocke of thy pasture Shall setforth declare thy prayse whylse the world shall endure The .lxxx. Psalme O Thou shepeherd of Israell of my wordes take good kepe Thou that doest leade forth Ioseph as he were a flocke of shepe O thou I saye that haste thy seate vpon the Cherubim Shyne forth vpon thy pore seruant shewe thyselfe to him Before Ephraim Beniamim Manasses also Styr vp thy power and come to saue thy pore seruauntes from wo. O God restore vs once agayne and make thy face to shyne And then shall thy seruauntes be false in thy presence diuine O Lord and God of hostes howe longe wylt thou be angerie And how longe wylt thou the requestes of thy people denie Thou hast fed them wyth dolfoull teares euen as wyth bread I thyncke And hast droncke to thē of a cup full of teares to the bryncke Thou haste appoynted vs to be our neighbours mockynge stockes And to suffer our enimes to lade vs wyth theyr mockes O God restore vs once agayne and make thy face to shyne And then shall thy seruauntes be safe in thy presence diuine Out of Egypt Lord thou hast brought the vyne of Israell And for place to plant it in thou dydste the heathen expell Thou dydeste purge the rynde ther of and that diligently And whē it was roted it dyd the whole earth occupie The shadowe therof dyd couer the hylles that be so hye And hir bowes the great Ceder trees that be stronge and myghtie She stretched furth to the sea syde hir braunches that were stoute And vnto the fresh water syde hir buddes she dyd shote out Why hast thou broken downe hir hedge that whoe so passeth by Maye plucke and break of hir braunches and cause hir rote to die The wylde bore of the foreste doeth hir vtterly destroye And allwyld beastes of the field do eate hir gredily O God of hostes we the besech returne loke out from hye Loke hyther come downe to se thys vyneyard by and by Viset I saye the vineyard that thy right hand hath planted And this ofsprynge whych to thy selfe thou haste so assured It is burned vp wyth fyer and is hewen downe quite They muste nedes perishe if thou do loke on them wyth despyte Wyth the man of thy ryght hand let thy power and strength remayne And wyth the sonne of man whom thou doest wyth the entertayne Then shall we not returne from the that doest our lyfe restore But wyll call on thyne holy name for aye euermore Restore vs O Lord God of hostes make thy face to shyne And then shall thy seruauntes be salfe in thy presence diuine The .lxxxj. Psalme SYnge vnto God with reioyseynge who is our force and myght And endeuour wyth lowde trompettes Iacobs God to delyght Begyne a Psalme and playe to it with tabrete and wyth harpe And wyth the swete and solemne lute wyth notes pleasaunt and sharp Blowe wyth the horne the blastes that are vsed at the newe mone The tyme wherin our sacrifice is poynted to be done For this is a rite and custome of strength in Israell And a lawe that wyth Iacobs God hath bene accepted well And thys remembraunce dyd he leaue emonge Iosephes kynred Whē by his myghtie power they were salfly from Egyptled O Israell my thyncke I heare a voyce worthy regard The language is but strange to me such as I haue not hearde Thus sayeth the voyce I haue pulled his shoulder from burden And hys hande dyd leaue the labour of the great breke ouen In trouble I dydset the quyte when thou dydste on me crye And gaue an answere vnto the by thunder secretly And when thou dydste contend wyth me at the waters of stryfe I had a suer triall of the maner of thy lyfe But hearken O my people for my worde shall the assure If thou wylt hearken to my voyce my wyll and my pleasure There shal be no straynge God in the se thou do them not kepe Take hede that in nowyse thou do any strāg God worshype Thy Lorde and God am I that haue the out of Egypt brought ▪ Open thy mouth aske of me I wyll denie the nougth But my people heard not my voyce Iacob dyd me forsake Wherfore I gaue them libertie theyr hertes desyre to take Oh if my people had heard me walked in my waye Howe sone should I haue brought all theyr enimies to decaye And howe sone should I haue turned my powre agaynst them all That do infest and trouble them as people bond and thrall All such men as do hate the Lorde theyr bond slaues should haue bene But the ende of my peoples dayes neuer man should haue sene I would haue fed them wyth the floure and fyneste of the wheate Out of the rocke they shoulde haue had honye whylse they would eate The .lxxxij. Psalme IN the cōpanie of iudges God stode amyd them all And gaue sentence on them that werein iudgment partiall Howe longe sayde he wyll you deserne iudge matters awrye Howe longe wyll you peruert iudgment and iudge thynges contrarie Reuenge the rore fatherlesse discharge the wretch of bandes Ryd the weake the nedie out of the wycked mens handes But they ne know nor vnderstand ought but walke in the waye Of dearknes wherby the whole earth is lykly to decaye Certes I sayde you are all goddes and sonnes of the moste hye But yet as men and eke tyrannes ye shall falle downe and die Arise O God and iudge the earth for to the do belonge By thy byrth ryght all nations be they neuer so stronge The .lxxxiij. Psalme O God behold thou kepest in thy selfe in silence styll Dissemble not O God ne cease to worcke after thy wyll Forlo thyne enmies make vprores they that do the hate Lyfte vp theyr heades and do nothynge of theyr courage debate They haue cōsulted subtyly Lord agaynst thy people And agaynste thyne electe these men haue holden a counsell Come on sayde they let vs destroye them and theyr nation Let there remayne
of Iacobs name no maner mention For wyth consent of herte these haue conspired together And made a couenaunt agaynste the that lyueste euer That is to saye the Edomites and eke the Ismalites The Moabites the Hagarenes and eke the Gebalites The Amonites Amalekites and eke the palestines ▪ And they that dwell in Tiria and in all the confines To them also are ioyned the assirians I wotte Who were the chiefe ayed and succoure vnto the sonnes of lot As thou dydst to Madianites at the riuer Kison And to Siser and to Labin so do to these echone For they were broken at Endor therby brought so lowe That from the donghill of the earth no man could them well knowe Let these men and theyr rulars haue the thynge that Oreb had And as Seeb Sebah and Salumna do thē rewarde These men haue sayed let vs calendge cleym to vs and ours Al the tabernacles of God his dwellynges his bowres O my God make thē lyke a wheele that no sure rest doeth fynd And as the stubble of the earth that rouleth wyth the wynde Let them be lyke the fyer that causeth great woodes to frye And lyke the flamme that burneth vp the mountaynes greate and hye So persecute them with thy stormes that they do no rest fynde And cast them flatte vpon the grounde with thy myghtie whyrlwynde ▪ Lord dashe al theyr faces ful of ignominie and shame That they maye be forced to seke after thyne holy name Let theyr shame and confusion be more more dayly Let them be shamed then let them perishe vtterly That they maye knowe that thou whose name is Lorde art he only That beaxeste rule through all the earth as Lorde and God most hye The .lxxxiiij. Psalme O Lorde of hostes how bewtifull and howe goodly in syght Are the tabernacles tentes that in thy champe are pight To dwel in the Lordes courtes my soule doeth longe excedynglye And to be wyth the lyueynge God myne herte and fleshe do crye For the verie sparowe hath founde a place wherin to dwell And the swallowe a neste where she maye kepe hir yonge ones well O Lord of myght that arte my kyng and eke my God for aye Thyne altares are the place wheron these byrdes do fynde theyr staye Happie and blessed are all they that in thyne house do dwell For they shall styll extoll thy name and thy great prayses tell Happie are the men that do put theyr confidence in the And in whose hertes thyne holy wayes are euident to se When they passe through the vale of teares wyth welles they shall it store ▪ And the rayne shall fyll the fyshe pondes tyll they wyll hold no more From heape to heape they shall procede in greate possession Eche of them shal playnly appeare before god in Sion Lord God of hostes heare my prayer O Iacobs God take hede O God our shild behold the face of Christ thyne anoynted For in thy courtes one daye passeth a thousand dayes elsewhere At thy dore then in wycked tentes I would dwelle much rather For the Lord God is a cleare sunne eke a tergat sure And geueth grace honour and all good thynges vnto the pure O Lorde of hostes that man is blesse and must nedes happye be That putteth hys only trust his cōfidence in the. The .lxxxv. Psalme O Lorde thou wylt be mercifull to thyne owne lande doubtlesse And wylt ryd all Iacobs kynred from thrauldome and distresse The wyckednes of thy people Lorde thou wylt take awaye And all theyr synnes trespases thou wylt hyde I dare saye Thou wylt take awaye all thyne hotte anger and furiouse feruour And wylt asswage thyne hotte anger and wrathfull displeasure Restore vs O God of our health and our saluation Restore vs and leaue of thy wrath and indignation What Wylt thou be styll wrath wyth vs shall thyne Ire haue none ende Wylt thou thy furie to the laste of all ages extende Arte thou not he that wyll returne and vs to lyfe restore That thy people maye be praysed in the for euermore O Lorde shewe vs thy greate goodnes and excedynge mercie And of thy saueynge health let thy pore seruantes haue plentie I wyll heare what the Lorde sayeth for al hys wordes doubtlesse Do byd his people and his saynctes declyne from wyckednes Certes his health is not far of from them that do hym feare So that our contrey nedeth not of honoure to despeare Mercie and trueth are met in one and are come togither ▪ So haue iustice and peace ioyned kyssynge one the other Fayeth shall sprynge vp out of the earth hir rote shall not decaye And iustice shall loke downe from far out of the heauens graye The Lorde also shall geue mercie and our land hir encrease And iustice shall walke before God treade in the playne wayes The .lxxxvj. Psalme O Lorde geue eare to thy seruant and graunt me my request For I a pore and simple wretch am vexed and oppreste Preserue my lyfe O Lord because my lyueynge is vpright Do thou saue thy seruant O God who trusteth in thy myght Be good to me O Lord because I call on the dayly There thou my mynde for vnto the O Lord I lyfte it hye For thou O Lorde arte good in dede and eke full of mercie Thy bountifull goodnes is large towardes all that on the crie Geue eare O Lord to my prayer ponder my request In my trouble I call on the for to heare thou arte prest Ther is not one amonge the goddes O Lord lyke vnto the Neither is there any that doeth such worckes as thy worckes be All nations that thou haste made shall come and honour the And shall set forth thy name O Lorde wyth prayse and wyth glorie And that because thou alone arte great and stronge in theyr syght And doest wonderfull actes and arte alone the God of myght Direct me in thy wayes and I shall in thy trueth procede O Lorde constrayne myne herte to feare thyne holy name in dede I wyll prayse the O Lord my God that wyth all myne herte And from the prayses of thy name my mynde shall neuer sterte For doubtlesse thy mercie towardes me doeth in greatnes excell For thou haste rydde my soule out of the lougher pyt of hell The proude arrogant O God are risen agaynst me And the cruell sorte seke my soule and haue no feare of the. But thou Lorde God arte redie to mercie and forgeuenes Slowe to anger longe sufferyng and full of faythfullnes Loke backe and take mercie on me Lorde after thyne olde wonne Geue thy strength to thy pore seruaunte saue thyne handmaydes sonne Shewe some signe of thy loue toward me that such as do me hate Maye shame to se that thou Lorde dost me helpe and consolate The .lxxxvij. Psalme THe bases and foundations of Sion are faste set In the mountaynes and hylles that are boeth holye and sacrete The Lorde beareth more fauour to the cities of
Sion Then he doeth to the residue of Iacobs nation Ryght noble thynges O goddes citie are reported of the Reported in the O Sion right noble thynges there be Rahab and such of Babilon as haue knowen my name I wyll haue kepte in memorie as right worthy of fame Loe palestine is worthy prayse because therin were borne Boeth zor and they of Ethiope of whom I thyncke no scorne But of Sion it shall be sayed that many of greate fame Haue bene borne there the high God shall eke confirme the same In his writtynges the Lord shall cyte the peoples euerie one And of them all the chyefest man was borne in this Sion In the Sion are all my welles whereout all they do sprynge That in my trase do leade the daunce do my praises synge The .lxxxviij. Psalme LOrde God myne health before thy face I crye boeth daye and nyght ▪ Let my request I the besech be present in thy syght Bowe downe thyne eare vnto my cry for my soule hath hir fyll And my lyfe is brought to the graue through the plentie of ill But now am I compted wyth them that go into the pyt And am compared to a man that of strength hath no whyt As one fre from all maner thynges that to thys lyfe belonge I am accompted emonge them whom fatall death hath stonge I am I saye lyke to the deade that in the graue do slepe Of whō there is no memorie ne doeth thyne hand them kepe In the lower pyt of troubles Lord thou hast placed me In places that are darcke depe so hath it pleased the. Thy feruent indignation hath quelled me well most Thou hast cast out thy pore seruaunt in troubles to be toste Thou haste caused myne acquayntaunce to flye far of from me ▪ And through thy meanes they do abhor thy pore seruant tose I am enclosed in suche wyse and hedged rounde about That I ne can by any meanes fynde ishue or waye out Throughsore payne and affliction myne eye syght fayleth me O Lorde I call and crie all daye and lyfte myne handes to the. And doest thou shewe wonders to them that in the graue dolye Or shall the deade arise agayne and prayse the worthyly And shall thy mercie and goodnes be preached in the graue Or thy fayth in destruction wher none hath mynde to craue Or shall thy wonders be well knowen in places darke and blynd Or thy iustice in such a place where nothing is in mynde But I thy pore seruant haue cried to the O Lorde I saye And my prayer shall the preuēt in the spryng of the daye O Lord whye doest thou put me backe and my pore soule repell Wylt thou Lord hyde thy face from me and shewe thy selfe cruell Wretched am I and from my youth haue ben styll at deathes dore And wyth perplex and doubtfull mynde I sustayne thy terrour Thy furies and rageynge angers haue gone ouer me quite And thy terrours and great threatnynges haue kylled me downryght They haue dayly enuironed and beset me about And to gyrd me in togither they haue not stand in doubt My friendes thou haste set far from me eke my neyghbours all And haste caused myne acquayntaunce into darcknes to fall The .lxxxix. Psalme THy mercies and thy goodnes Lorde I wyll synge wythout staye And wyth my mouth Lord wyll I cause thy truth be knowe for aye For wyth my selfe thus haue I thought Goddes mercie lasteth aye And in the hygh heauens his trueth he hath set wyth sure staye Thus hath he sayd wyth mynde elect I haue made a comnaunt And wyth an othe I promised to Dauid my seruant Thy seede I wyll confirme for aye make it to enduer And in all ages that shall come thy throne shall remayne sure The heauens O Lord celebrate prayse thy wonders all So do the sanctes thyne holy trueth when they theyr counselles call In heauen who is it that maye be the Lordes felowe right And which of the stronge men shal be lyke vnto him in myght For God muste be greatly feared in holy mens counsell And must be had in reuerence of them that nygh hym dwell Lorde God of hostes who is lyke the Oh thou that art myghtie All thynges that are about the Lorde are truth and veritie Lord thou doest rule the greate furies and rages of the seas And when they do lyft vp their waues thou doest them all appease Prouide Pharao thou dydest beate euen as a deade bodie And wyth the force of thy great strength thou dydst thy foes destroye The heauens are thyne so is the earth none can thys thynge denie ▪ The whole worlde and all thynges therin thou haste made certenly The north parte and the south also thou haste made and formed ▪ Thabor and Hermon shall reioyce whē they heare the named Thou haste an arme full of all powre all myght doeth therin stande Lorde thou doest fortifie thy strength lyfte vp thy ryght hande Thy prynce lyke throne is vndersette with equitie and right Mercie and trueth go before the and are styl in thy syght O happie people that confesse the sygnes of goddes presence For in thy lyght O Lorde suche shall walke wyth greate reuerence They shall dayly ioye and reioyce Lorde in thyne holy name And in thy ryghtuousenes they shall purchase them selfe greate fame For of theyr ioyce strength O God thou only arte the floure And of thy mere goodnes thou wylt extolle our myght and power For our shyld of defence is a thynge of the lordes geuynge And the holy one of Iacob hath geuen vs our kynge Then to thy prophetes by a dreame thus saydest thou in effect I wyll supporte ayde Dauid for he is myne elect I haue found Dauid my seruant haue hym anoynted Wyth holy oyle that by my power he myght be strengthened The enimie shall neuer be able hym to deceyue Neither shall the froward haue powre my seruant for to greue I wyl braye all his enimies euen before his face And suche as do hym hate I wyll destroye wyth outen grace My trueth eke my mercie shall be wyth hym at his nede And in my name his power shal be excedyng great in dede I wyll put his hand in the sea his power shall thyther reach And ouer the rennynge riuers he shall hys ryght hand stretche He shall call on me at his nede and shall saye in this sorte Thou arte my father and my God and of my health the forte Myne heyer wyll I ordeyne hym aboue the kynges all My mercie and promise to him for euer kepe I shall I wyll make hys sede eternall his stocke shall neuer die And his royall seate wyll I make lyke the tyme of the skye If hys sonnes wyll forsake my lawe and not walke in my steppes ▪ If they wyll breake myne ordinaūce and not kepe my preceptes Then wyth roddes wyll I visyte them for theyr goynge astraye And wyll wyth scourges punish the wyckednes of theyr waye
in the next generation Let the Lorde call to memorie his fathers wyckednes And not forgette his mothers synne his plages for to encrease And let them be styll in the syght of the Lorde God most hye That out of all the earth he maye blotte these mens memorie For this man coulde shewe no mercie but persecuted styll The pore abiecte of dolfull herte hym to murther and kyll And curssynge he loued which dyd chaūce vnto him in dede But blessynge he forsoke which is far from him seuered He put on curssynge as a cote which into him is gone As water goeth into the flesh and oyle into the bone Let it be his garment therfore for euer for aye And eke the gyrdle wherwyth he maye gyrd him selfe eche daye These thynges hath the Lord prepared for myne aduersaries And for suche as speake yl agaynste my soule in any wise But thou O my Lord God be styll wyth me redie and preste And for thy name deliuer me for thy mercie is beste As for me I am vyle and pore and myne herte is wounded I vanishe as a shadowe and am sharply tormented My knees do faynte for lacke of foode my fleshe is abated And nowe my bodies habite and beautie is altered I am to them a raylynge stocke they shake theyr heades at me Helpe me O Lord my God and saue me for thy greate mercie And let them vnderstande knowe that this greate powre is thyne And that thou beynge the Lord doeste these thynges by powre diuine As for them let them cursse and ban but do thou blesse agayne Let them rebell and be shamed but make thy seruante fayne Let myne aduersaries put on ignominie and shame Let them weare reproch as a clocke and decke them wyth the same I wyll confesse vnto the Lorde wyth my mouth plentuousely I wyll praye and magnifie him in a great companie For he stode at the pores ryght hand to saue his soule from them That boasted them to haue the power him to saue and condemne The .cx. Psalme THus sayde the Lorde vnto my Lorde at my ryght hāde syt thou Tyll I make all thyne enimies vnder thy fote to bowe The rodde of thy powre the Lord shal send forth out of Sion Ouer thy foes thou shalt therfore haue the dominion Thou haste a people moste redie when thou shalt gyn to raygne And thy byrth is right noble and eke ryght holy certayne The Lorde hath sworne that thou shalt be a prieste euerlastynge As was Melchisedech he repenteth him nothynge The Lorde standeth at thy ryght hande as a defence myghtie Whoe beate downe myghtie kynges in the daye when he was angrie Messias the redemar shall iudge in most vpright wise The heathen then al shal be fylled wyth deade bodies He shall I saye iudge the heathen when he shall the heades breake In many regions and shall his wrath vpon them wreake He shall dryncke of the swyfte riuer that renneth in the waye And for that cause he shall lyfte vp his heade on high I saye The .cxj. Psalme WYth herte and mynde I wyll confesse vnto the Lorde of myght In the counsell and companie of men that are vpryght For the worckes of the Lorde are greate and wonderfull in syght Which are sought of as manye as do in the same delyght His worckes are glorie and honoure he is praysed therby And his iustice doeth styl remayne and byde eternally His miracles and wonders he hath lefte in memorie He is a Lorde so bountuouse and full of all mercie To such as feared him he gaue meate prepared by praye And hath in mynde his couenaunte and his promesse for aye The powre of his owne worckes he dyd to his people aduaunce In that he gaue them the heathen for theyr enheritaunce And the worckes of his handes are trueth and eke iudgment vpright And all his constitutions are firme surely pyght Yea they are establyshed that they maye continue aye ▪ In trueth and eke in ryght iudgment they are all done I saye He sent such men to his people as should them deliuer And bade them that his couenaunt shoulde be kept foreuer The Lord I saye hath geuē this charge vnto his owne people Whose name no doubt is most holy and eke most terrible Goddes feare is the rote of wisedome and such as therin staye Do attayne to holesome knowledge and are praysed for aye The .cxij. Psalme THe man is blessed that doeth feare the Lorde and doeth delyght In hys holy commaundementes to walke therin vpright For his sede shall be founde myghtie in the earth euerie where ▪ And the nation of the good shall luckyly prospere Greate plentie of goodes and riches shall in his house remayne And his iustice shall continue for euer more certayne Lyght doeth arise vnto good men when they syt in darcknes ▪ To the bountuouse mercifull that folowe ryghtuousenes The good man heapeth benifites and lendeth plentuousely And doeth all hys owne busines excedynge equally For he shall neuer be moued tyll tyme of tymes be paste And for euer hys rightuousnes hys iustice shall laste And when he heareth heauy newes feare shall hym nothynge prycke Because his herte is stablished and doeth to the Lorde stycke His herte I saye is stablished so that he can not feare Tyll vpon all hys enimies hys wyshes do appeare He geueth to the pore ech where his iustice shall byde aye His powre shal be set vp on hyghe with great glorie I saye That seynge thys the wycked may be wrath and gnashe his teethe And eke consume hym selfe and get nought that he desyrethe The .cxiij. Psalme O Ye that do honour the Lord prayse ye his name I saye For hys name is to be preached nowe and hense forth for aye From the vpriseynge of the sunne to the place of hys falle The holy name of the Lorde is of prayse worthyest of all For the Lorde is hygher then are all nations truly ▪ And so is he higher then the heauen that is so hye Who is lyke vnto our Lorde God that ruleth thynges on hye And yet loketh on thynges in heauen and that on the earth dolye Helyfteth vp the weake out of the duste to stand vpright And eke the pore out of the dounge he bryngeth by hys myght And that to the entent he myght hym emonge princes place Emonge princes of his people I saye to geue hym grace He maketh the wyfe of the housse that was barren before A ioyfull mother of chyldren prayse ye the Lorde therfore The .cxiiij. Psalme WHen Israell shoulde go forth of Egypt from seruitude And Iacobs house from a people boeth Barbarouse and rude Then was Iuda certēly made the lordes sanctuarie And in lyke maner Israell was made hys Imperie The whych thynge when the sea had sene it fled backward certayne And the great riuer Iordayne was returned backe agayne As for the mountaynes ceased not lyke wanton rammes to skyppe And the little hylles gan to playe as do the lambes
of shype O thou sea what is the bytyd that thou goest backe agayne And thou Iordayne what thynge is it that doeth thy course restrayne And ye mountaynes what causeth you lyke wanton rammes to shyp And you little hylles for to playe as do the lambes of shype And thou earth se thou quake also in the lordes feare alwaye Se that thou tremble in the feare of Iacobs God I saye For he maketh a standynge pole of the rocke that was drye And of the flynt a spryngynge well rennyng out plentuousely The .cxv. Psalme FOr thy mercie Lord and thy trueth vouchsafe to amplifie The glorie of thy blessed name not our vayne glorie For whye should the Heathen saye thus wyth a disdaynefull mynde I praye you where or in what place should we these mens God fynde Whye should they speake such wordes I saye wyth thoughtes excedyng isle Syth our God is in heauen and doeth all thynges that he wyll But these mens Images are made of gould and syluer vayne And are the vayne worckes of mans hande fruites of an idle brayne For they haue a mouth and speake not eies that do not se So haue they eares and do not heare such worthy thynges they be They haue a nose and do not smelle and handes that do not fele So haue they fete do not walke neyther once moue theyr hele And wyth theyr throte they do brynge forth no maner voyce at all And for helpe in theyr daynger they can neither crye nor calle Lyke vnto whome such shall be made as do make them certayne And so shall all that put theyr truste in thynges that are so vayne O Israell trust in the Lorde O faythfull men I saye Truste in the Lorde that is your helpe and your bucklar for aye O ye that be of Aharons house and the hygh priestes kynne Truste in the Lord that is your helpe and targate to truste in All ye that feare the Lorde I saye haue in him confidence For he it is that is your helpe and targate of defence The Lorde that maketh the houshold of Israell happy And eke the houshold of Aharon hath vs in memorie And he maketh all that feare him happie and fortunate Aswell such as are verie smalle as the myghtie and greate He shall also heape vnto you good turne vpon good turne Not only vnto you I saye but eke to your chyldren And you he hath alredie made happy fortunate Euen he I saye that dyd the heauen eke the earth create And the heauen is reserued for the Lord God alone But the earth he hath geuen to men for thē to dwell vpon As for the dead they prayse not God they do no mercie craue No more doeth any emonge them that go downe to the graue But we shall preach and set forth God frō henseforth euer more We shal declare his myghtie worckes prayse ye the Lorde therfore The .cxvj. Psalme I Loue the Lord because he heard myne humble voyce and crie And because he gaue eare I wyll calle on him tyll I dye The cordes of death had gyrded me eke the straytes of hell Had caught me and I was fallen into daynger cruell But I called on the Lordes name thus I sayde in dede Lorde for thy mercie delyuer thy seruantes soule at nede The Lorde is full of benifites and eke of iustice all And our God is right mercifull when we do on him call The Lorde that vseth to defende the sylley simple sorte Preserued me when I was weake and was all my conforte My soule returne into the place of thy quiete and reste For the Lorde hath done good to the. euen as thou desyreste Thou hast plucked my soule from death Lorde and his cruell stynge So haste thou done myne eyes from teares and my fete from slydynge Wherfore I wyll lyue holyly before the Lorde I saye In the contreys and regions of men that lyue for aye My fayth and promise vnto God I helde most constantly ▪ Euen when I was forced to saye I am decayed greatly Yea when I sayd in my swyfte chase and when I fled in haste All men are false ther is none true or that of trueth doeth taste What worthy thanckes therfore shall I geue to the Lorde saye ye For all the benifites that he hath shewed vnto me The cup wherwyth men vse to geue thanckes for health receyued The same wyll I take call on the Lordes name so blessed And nowe before all his people to the Lord wyll I paye All vowes that I haue made to him or else shall make for aye For wyth the Lorde the death of suche as serue hym loueyngely Is of such price that none of them shal suffer death vaynely Ah Lorde I am thy pore seruant thy pore seruant am I And the sonne of thyne handmayden whoe dydeste my bondes vntie To the therfore I wyll confesse and that wyth sacrifice And wyll call vpon the Lordes name in my most faythfull wise Nowe before all the Lordes people all my vowes wyll I paye In his courtes at Ierusalem prayse ye the Lorde I saye The .cxvij. Psalme ALl nations prayse ye the Lorde prayse and extolle his name All people of the worlde preach him let your lyfe do the same For his mercie towardes vs I saye doeth excell euer more And his trueth abydeth for aye praise ye the Lorde therfore The .cxviij. Psalme COnfesse confesse vnto the Lorde for he is good I saye Confesse to hym for hys mercie continueth for aye Nowe let Israell saye that his mercie dureth for aye And let Aharōs house saye that his goodnes doeth not decay Yea let all them that feare the Lorde euē nowe stand forth and saye That his moste mercifull goodnes cōtinueth for aye When I was in affliction on God then called I And he graunted all my requeste and that aboundauntly Wherfore the Lorde takynge my parte I wyll not stand in feare Of any thyng that mans wytte can inuent to do me deare For when the Lorde is one of them that cometh to helpe me Then shall I se all my desyre vpon myne enimie For it is better to trust in the Lorde then in man vayne So is it to truste in the Lorde then in princes certayne If all nations dyd hedge me in compasse rownde about Yet do I trust by the Lordes name to cutte me a waye out If they should compasse me aboute I say and hedge me in I do not doubt by the Lordes name awaye out for to wynne And though they compasse me about lyke bees when they do swarme Yet shall they faynt lyke fyre in thornes and do me little harme And I truste that through the Lordes name wheron I do styll call I shall cutte a waye out and set myselfe fre from them all Oh thou that waste myne enimie thou madest me fall certayne But yet the Lorde hath holpen me and set me vp agayne For God it is that is my strength my salfgard and my wealthe So is
he nought So is he benigne and gentle in all that he hath wrought The Lord is preste and styll at hande with all that on hym crye To all I saye that call on hym wyth herte vnfaynedly And to all such as do hym feare he doeth all that they wyll He doeth heare theyr clamour and crye and eke kepe them from ille The Lorde kepeth all that loue hym none ille shall come them nye ▪ But he destroyeth all that be wycked and vngodly My mouth shall speake the Lordes praises and all flesh shall declare ▪ Hys holy name from tyme to tyme tyll no tyme be to spare The .cxlvj. Psalme MY soule prayse thou the Lord for I wyll prayse him my lyfe longe And whylse I lyue vnto my God I wyll aye make my songe Put not your truste or confidence in princes or in man That hath no maner powre to saue though he do what he can Whose bodie when the breath is gone shal turne to earth agayne And then shall all hys thoughtes decaye as moste foleyshe and vayne The man is bleste that hath the God of Iacobbe for hys ayde And whose hope and only truste is vpon hys Lorde God stayed For he made boeth heauen and earth and all thynges in the same And hath kept hys true couenant for euer wythout blame So doeth he reuenge the oppreste and nourishe the hungrye And the Lord lowseth the captyue that lyue in miserie The Lorde doeth open the blyndes eies lyfte vp such as falle And the iust that walke in hys wayes he loueth aboue all He kepeth strayngers maketh Orphantes and wydowes hye But he depraueth men that are wycked and vngodly The Lorde thy God I saye Sion shall reigne for euer more Through all ages and tymes I saye prayse ye the Lorde therfore The .cxlvij. Psalme PRayse God for it is verie good and pleasaunt for to synge To our God and to geue hym prayse is also besemeynge For the citie Ierusalem the Lorde doeth buylde certayne And wyll gather suche as are fledde and brynge them home agayne He healeth the broken herted eke theyr sorowes all He hath the number of the starres doeth them by name calle Our Lord is greate and eke of powre excedynge greate in dede Whose wisedome and intellygence can not be numbered For he doeth brynge vp to honour mē that are oppressed And to the grounde he doeth caste downe such men as are wycked Synge to the Lorde wyth verse for verse and thanckes geueynge also And synge to our God wyth the harppe that so swetly doeth go For he doeth hyde the skye wyth clowdes and make rayne for the grounde And causeth great plentie of grasse on hygh hylles to be founde He geueth pasture and fedynge vnto the beastes all And to the rauens yonge chyckenes that do vpon hym call That he delyteth in is not the force of horses stronge Nor yet the legges of myghtie men be they neuer so longe And in such men as do feare are hym the Lord hath his delyte And in such as do tarie for hys mercie daye nyght O thou citie Ierusalem prayse the Lorde wythout staye ▪ And thou Sion prayse thou thy God and walke forth in hys waye For he doeth fortifie thy gates and make thy dore barres stronge So doeth he geue felicitie vnto thy chyldrē yonge And he hath ordeyned that peace should in all thy coastes be And wyth the fatnes of the wheate he hath satisfied the. He sendeth downe hys holye worde vnto the earth so lowe That it myght renne forth spedilye and that men myght hym knowe He geueth snowe as whyte as woule such is hys powre and myght And lyke asshes he sprinckeleth the hore froste in the nyght He casteth out his Isse lyke plates who can his colde sustayne And sendynge downe his holy worde he melteth them agayne He melteth them agayne I saye and maketh the wynde blowe Vpon them that the waters myght take theyr ryght course and flowe But vnto Iacob he geueth his worde and his precept And to Israell his decres and iudgmentes to be kept He hath not dealed on this sorte wyth any nation Nor shewed hys iudgmentes vnto them prayse the Lorde O Son The .cxlviij. Psalme OH you heauenly citisens prayse ye the Lorde on hye Prayse him in the hygh places and do hys name magnifie Prayse ye him Oh his angelles all that are his messengers Prayse hym also all ye that be hys heauenly souldiers Oh sunne and mone prayse ye the Lorde and all ye starres so cleare ▪ prayse ye the Lord Oh ye heauens that most hygh do appeare Ye hygh heauens I saye prayse hym and ye waters that be Heaped togither in the cloudes the Lorde your God prayse ye Let these thynges prayse the Lorde I saye and eke his holy name For at hys only worde he hath create made the same And them he hath established for euer to abyde And appoynted them an order from whiche they can not slyde Prayse ye the Lorde ye lyueynge thynges that on the earth do go Ye dragons and ye deapnesses prayse ye the Lorde also The fyre the hayle the snowe and myste and eke the wynde stormie That foloweth the Lordes precept let it prayse hym on hye The mountaynes and al little hylles the tree that fruitfull is And all the Ceders of the wodde prayse ye the kynge of blysse Let all bruite beastes and crepeynge thynges and all the byrdes that flye Let the kynges of the earth their peoples prayse hym truly Let the princes and all iudges that rule the earth by myght All yonge men and eke all virgynes prayse hym boeth daye and nyght Let all men that are of yeres olde and of tyme auncient And also men of growynge age to the lordes prayse be bent Let these I saye prayse the Lordes name for it only is hye And doeth excede the earth and eke the heauen in glorie And he hath made his people stronge and hys frendes prayse worthy The sonnes of Iacob a people that he setteth store by The .cxlix. Psalme SYnge a newe songe vnto the Lorde reioyce in hym alone And synge hys prayse in hys deare church and congregation Let Israell reioyse in hym that made him of nothynge And let the chyldrē of Sion reioyce in theyr owne kynge Let them prayse his name wyth the pype and eke wyth the tymbrelle And synge to hym vpon the harppe that sowneth swete and well For the Lorde doeth fauour his flocke and eke hys people all ▪ And doeth sett forth all such wyth health as are captyue and thralle Let them that be gentle and good reioyce wyth great honour And in theyr beddes let them reioyce and synge wyth great pleasure Let goddes prayse be styll in theyr throte let them speake no vayne worde And let goddes worde be in theyr hande as a two edged sword That on the Heathen they maye be reuenged of theyr wronge And right so correct the peoples that they shall dwell emonge
a sure warrant For this is myne only solace in all my miseries That thy worde doeth me recreate in cōfortable wise And when the proude laugh me to skorne and that excedyngly Yet do not I turne frō thy lawe but walke therin dulie And when I call to memorie the mercies by the wrought From the begynnynge of the worlde they do conforte my thought But when I thyncke on the wicked that do thy lawe forsake Suche soden feare falleth on me that I tremble and quake As for me whē I am at home in my house where I dwell My delyte is to synge thy lawes and thy decrees to tell And in the nyght I am myndfull Lorde of thy blessed name And do endeuoure for to walke in thy lawe wythout blame Whyche lawe is nowe become my lawe and waye wherin to go Because I kepe thyne ordinaunce both in weale and in wooe O Lorde thus sayde I wythout fayle I sayde for a suretie That to kepe thy most holy worde is my bounden duitie Wyth all humilitie of herte I do thy face beholde Wherefore be mercifull to me as thy worde hath me tolde My wayes I haue consydered and that diligently And haue brought my fete backe agayne thy wyttnes to applye I haue hasted wythout delaye or slowthfull tariaunce That I myght kepe all thy preceptes wyth faythfull obeysaunce The cordes of the wycked haue gone about to drawe me backe But the remēbraunce of thy lawe my mynde dyd neuer lacke In the mydest of the nyght I dyd arise for to confesse To the because of the iudgmentes Lorde of thy rightuousnes And I am a companion to al that do feare the. And kepe the constitutions that thou Lord doeste decre And let myne herte be pure and cleane in thyne holy decrees Kepe myne herte cleane and I shal not take shame in any wyse My soule faynteth whylse doubtfully it doeth desyre thyne health For in thy worde haue I my truste and confidence of wealthe Myne eies haue fayled whylse I loke thy promise for tose In so much that I maye well saye when wilt thou confort me For I am nowe lyke a bottel that in smoke hath hanged Yet thy decrees and eke thy lawes I haue styll remembred Howe longe Lord shall thy seruant wayte howe longe shall he tarie When wylt thou punishe them that do vex me so cruelly The proude haue dygged me trenches caues to fall into Wherin agaynste thyne holy lawe and thy decrees they do All thy preceptes are fayth and truethe none can thys thynge deny Helpe me therfore at such tyme as they vex me vniustly They had welmost destroyed me in the lande where I dwell Yet I forsoke none of thy lawes as thou knowest full well Lord for thy mercie quicken me make me be lyuely And then the wytnes of thy mouth I shall kepe certenly Thy worde standeth Lord in heauen for euer and foraye And thy promise thorowe all tyme who makeste the earth staye And those thynges abyde to thys daye at thy commaundement For ther is nothynge that is not to the obedient And except Lord thy lawe had ben my delyte and pleasure In my distres and miserie I had perished sure Neither wyll I euer forget thy constitutions Syth by them thou dyddeste confort my lamentations And seynge that I am thyne owne to kepe me take thou thought For all thy constitutions I haue ernestly sought The wyckedmen laye wayte for me that they maye me destroy When to weygh thy testimonies I do my selfe employ I se that al thynges haue an ende though they be most perfect But thy preceptes we se to be most largely abroadeset Oh Lorde howe exceedyng great loue vnto thy lawe beare I Syth my communication is of the same dayly By thy precept thou haste made me more wise then myne enmies For that is styll all my studie and eke myne exercise I am also wiser them they that do thy seruant teache And about thy testimonies I do spend al my speache I do perpende and weygh all thynges better then men of age Because thy constitutions I kepe wythoutē rage My fete I do kepe backe from all wayes thay dole leade to vice Because I kepe thyne holy worde in my most faythfullwise I do not parte from thy iudgmentes ne go from them astraye Because thou haste prescribed me a rule and perfect waye Oh howe swete is thyne holy worde to my taste and iudgment Certes there is no swete hony can my mouth so content Out of thy constitutions I do weyghe thynges iustly And haue therfore hated eche waye that dealeth not truly Thy worde is a burnynge candle vnto thy seruantes fete So is it a lyght to my waye my pathe is lyght by it I haue sworne and wyll constantly do performe the same That I maye kepe the iudgmentes of thy iustice wythout blame I am deiect excedyngly and cast downe to the grownde Wherfore do thou refresh me lord as thy promise doeth sownde Accept thou such oblations Lorde as I frely name And enstruct me in thy iudgmentes and make me learne the same I am styll in daynger of death my lyfe is sore beset Yet do I not thyne holye lawe at any tyme forget The wycked and vngodly men haue bent a snare for me Yet from thy constitutions I swarue in no degre Thy wyttnesses are vnto me enheritaūce for aye For they are the ioyne of myne hert my cōfort and my staye I am addict to thy decrees my mynd to them I bende That I maye execute the same for euer to the ende I hate the thoughtes wherby my mynde is drawne awaye frome the But thy lawe and commaundementes are beloued of me Thou arte my suecoure and refuge my shylde and my target And in thyne holy worde myne hope is pygh surly set Departe from me ye wycked men kepe me no companie For I kepe the commandementes of my God ernestly Vnderset me wyth thy worde Lorde and I shall lyue certayne And make me not ashamed to haue hoped in vayne Establish me O Lorde and then shall I be salfe in dede And shal by the syght of thy lawes be alwaye delited Thou wylt spurne at all such as go from thy decrees astraye For theyr wyles and theyr subtiltie is founde disceyte alwaye All the wicked men of the earth lyke drosse thou doeste destroye Wherfore I loue thy wyttnesses and thy testimonie For feare of the my bodie doethe tremble excedyngly And thy iudgmentes thy seruant doeth feare moste reuerently I haue done iudgment and iustice I haue done no man wronge Geue me not vp therfore to myne oppressers that are stronge Delyte thy seruant wyth good thynges let him lacke no goodnes And suffer not such as are proude me to greue and oppresse Myne eies haue fayled whylse I loke for thyne health doubtfully And for thy rightuouse promise that thou madeste certenly Accordynge to thy greate goodnes Lorde deale wyth thy seruant And enstruct me in thy decrees and eke thy conuenaunte I
And that with manicles they maye bynde theyr princes ech one And eke theyr Lordes and maiestrates with fetters of Iron That as it is written God maye reuenge hym on them all Whiche shall be prayse to hys dearlynges that on hys name do call The Cl. Psalme PRayse ye God in his holy place congregation And prayse hym in the sure grownde of hys dominion Prayse hym for hys myghtie powres sake and hys valiauntnes And right so do ye prayse hym for hys excedynge greatnes Prayse hym wyth the sowne of trumpet prayse hym wyth harppe and lute Prayse hym I saye wyth the tymbrel and wyth the pype or flute Prayse hym with organnes and rebecke and cymballes of lowde sownde Prayse hym I saye wyth such cymballes as make the voyce rebownde Let eche spirite and lyueynge thynge prayse God boeth night and daye Let them all worcke hys holy wyll prayse ye the Lorde I saye The ende of the Psalter Magnificat c. Luce. i. MY soule doeth magnifie the Lorde euery daye and houre And my spirite doeth reioyce in God that is my sauiour Because he hath loked vpō hys hādmaides lowe degree For loe hense sorth men shal reporte me right happie to be For he that is myghtie hath done right noble thynges to me And therfore is hys name holy euer more shal be And his mercie is stretched forth vpon all progenies From age to age on thē that haue hys feare before theyr eies By the powre of his myghtie arme he hath worthyly wrought He hath scattered the proude men in theyr owne secrete thought He hath deposed the myghtie out of their royall place And promoted them to honour whose degre was but base The hungry he hath fylled wyth good thynges in greate plentie So hath he sent the ryche awaye wythout and quite emptie He hath taken into fauour Israell his seruante That he myght be myndfull of hys mercie couenaunt Euen as he hath spoken vnto our fathers heretofore That is to saye Habraham and his seede for euermore Nunc dimittis c. Luc. ij LOrd nowe letteste thou thy seruāt departe from hense in peace Accordynge to thyne holy worde thy faythfull promesse For nowe myne eies haue sene thyne health and thy saluation Before the face of euerie people and nation Alyght to lyghten the Heathen through out the worlde so wyde And the glorie of thy people Israell on eche syde Benedictus c. Luc. i. THe Lorde the God of Israell is for to be praysed For he visited his people and hath them redemed And in the house of Dauid his seruant he hath erect The home of health for vs that be his chosen and electe As he hath spoken by the mouth of his prophetes holye That from the begynnynge haue bene preachars of veritie Declareynge that we should be made salfe from our enimies And from the powre of all them that hate vs in anye wise That towardes our fathers he myght vse his bountifull mercie And call hys holy testament into hys memorie And that he myght performe the othe that he had firmely sworne Vnto our father Habraham longe before we were borne And that he myght geue vs the powr to serue hym wythout feare Beynge free from our enmies powre whose heauie yocke we beare And that in holynes of lyfe and iustice in his syght All the tyme that we shall lyue here as well by daye as nyght And thou chylde shalt be called the prophete of the moste hye For thou shalt go before hys face hys wayes to make redie To geue his people knowledge that they shall theyr soule health wynne Only by the forgeuenes of theyr trespasse their synne By the bowelles of the mercie of our God most myghtie Where wyth the bryght daye springe hath nowe visited vs from hye To shyne to them that sate in deathes shadowe and in dearcknes To set our fete strayght in the waye that leadeth vnto peace Benedicite c. Daniel .iij. ALl ye worckes of the Lorde prayse hym speake well of hym I saye Prayse and extole his holye name for euer and for aye O ye that be the Lordes angelles and messengers at nede Speake euer well of hym prayse hym and extole hym indede Ye heauens speake wel of the Lord prayse and extole hym aye All ye waters that are aboue do ye the same I saye Al ye powres of the Lord se that ye speake good of hym styll Prayse and extole him euermore accordynge to his wyll Sunne moone speake good of the Lord prayse and extole him aye And ye starres of the hygh heauen do ye right so I saye All rayne and swete dewe blesse the Lord prayse and exalte hym hye And ye wyndes of God se ye do the same eternally Fyre and heate speake good of the Lorde laude and prayse hym euer Colde wynter and hote somerse ye do in lyke maner Ye dewes and hore froste blesse the Lord prayse and extole hys name Froste and extreme rigoure of colde do ye alwaye the same Ise and snowe speake good of the Lorde extole him euer more And ye nyghtes and dayes se ye do walke after the same lore Lygh and darckenes blesse ye the Lorde laude and extole hym aye Lyghtnynge and cloudes do ye the same wythouten stoppe or staye Let the earth speake good of the Lorde blesse hym for hir store Let hir laude and extolle hys name wyth prayses euer more Ye mountaynes ye little hylles se that ye blesse the Lorde Laude extole his holy name alwaye wyth one accorde All ye thynges that budde on the earthe the Lorde your God blesse ye And let hys laude extollynge euer emonge you be Ye sprynges speake ye good of the Lorde laude and extole him styll Ye seas and freshe riuers also do the same wyth good wyll Ye whalles and all thynges that moue in the waters blesse the Lorde Laude and extole hys holye name alwayes wyth one accorde All foules of the ayre blesse the Lord prayse and extole hym aye All beastes wylde and tame se that ye do the same thynge alwaye Ye sonnes of men blesse ye the Lord laude and extole hym styll And let Israell do the same with full consent of wyll Ye priestes of the Lorde prayse the Lorde extole hym euermore And all ye seruantes of the Lorde folowe ye the same lore Ye spirites and soules of iuste men blesse ye the Lorde alwaye Ye saynctes and ye of humble herte do the same wythout staye O Ananie O Azarie and thou O Misael Se that ye cease not to extole the Lord of Israell Te Deum laudamus c. WE prayse the as God and confesse the the Lorde for to be And as father euerlastynge all men do worshyppe the. To the crie all angelles the heauens with all the powres therin Wythout ceaseynge crie vnto the Cherub Seraphin Holy holy holy Lorde God of Sabaoth they crye Heauen and earth are full with thy maiestie and glorie The gloriouse company