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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15802 A consolacyon for chrysten people to repayre agayn the lordes temple with certayne places of scrypture truely applyed to satysfye theyr myndes for ye expellyng of ydolatry, [et] to instruct the[m], of loue and obedience. Compyled by nycholas wyse Wyse, Nicholas. 1538 (1538) STC 26063; ESTC S105455 46,887 142

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I sayd it is to be feared lest your punysshment be reserued vnto that place Math. xiiii where there shall be waylynge and gnasshyng of tethe Call your iniquites to remembraunce expell your synne and ydolatry with repentaunce Be not styffe necked agaynst the lorde whiche standeth waytynge that he may haue mercy vpon you lifteth hym selfe vp the he may receyue you to grace Esa xxi As the prophet Esaye sayd vnto the people of god whiche were punysshed for sekyng helpe at other then hym selfe for the lord god is ryghtuous happy are al they that wayte for hym Marke that sayeng of the prophet he sayd not happy are some but happy are all that wayte for hym And though the wordes were spoken vnto the people of Cyon and to the Cytesens of Ierusalē yet doth it serue also vnto vs. For he is our lorde and our God of whom it was sayd vnto them shall ye neuer be in heuynesse for dowtles he wyll haue mercy vpō you Esa xxx As sone as he hereth the voyce of thy cry he wyl helpe the. The Lorde gyueth you the breed of aduersyte and the water of trouble but thyne instructour flyeth not far from that yf thyne eyes loke vnto hym yf thyne eares herkē vnto his word that cryeth after that and sayeth This is the way go this tourne the neyther to the ryght hande nor to the lyft ye ought to put nothyng to the word of god nor to take no thyng from it Deu. iiii the lord wold haue you kepe the streight path which is apoynted vnto you by the scrypture As for the tradycyons of men they be dowtfull in many thynges not cōsonaunt vnto the scripture Haue ye not ben taught to bable vp suche prayers wherof ye vnderstode not one word what ye sayd The apostle sayeth yf I praye with tonges meanyng a voyce that he vnderstode not my spyryte prayeth but my mynde is without fruyte I had leuer in the congregacyon to speake v. wordes with my mynde to the informacyon of other i Cor. xiiii rather then .x. thousande wordes with the tonges whiche be not vnderstande The effecte of prayer ꝑsisteth not in many wordes Christ sayeth Mat. vi when ye praye bable not moche as the Gentyls do for they thynke they shal be herde for theyr moche bablyng sake Be ye not lyke them therfore for youre father knoweth wherof ye haue nede before ye aske of hym Ma● ●● The scrybes and pharasyes were reproued of the lorde for teachyng the people to obserue theyr tradycyons in stede of goddes preceptes sayenge Ese xix Well prophecyed Esaye of you with theyr lyppes they honoure me but theyr herte is farre fro me And where the worde of God is truely preached the same word lyke wyse shall reproue your false teachers whiche haue taught you and youre fathers th●s many yeres wycked tradycyons Mat. vi The true fastynge and perfyte prayer haue they abused and taughte the people to doo lykewyse the workes of charyte and almous dede whiche oughte to be done and gyuen to the poore hathe ben dymynysshed and gyuen to sturdy and valyaunt beggers craftely crepte in to the church of Christ which haue begyled the people with theyr false ypocrysy and fayned holynesse Meruayll not though it greue them that the people haue fre lyberty to rede and serche the scriptures for it is the onely thyng that vttereth theyr craft theyr falshode theyr wyckednesse for betwyxte them and theyr ydolles which were inuented to pyke mēnes purses and that vnder an holy pretence what meruayl was it that England was so replenysshed with thenes vacabundes and beggees it is an euydent thing that the most parte of them be offended that the scrypture is in Englysshe wherby their subteltye is espied for if a man reproue thē of ypocrysy or byd them laboure for their lyuynge Awe say they is this the charyte that the gospel teacheth you Truely it were not to be wondred at yf men were not so moche in charyte with you as they be whiche so haue dysceyued the pore symple soules frō theyr charytable aimous to whome god dyd apoynt it to be gyuen I say not this because men shulde breake their pacyence towardes you but to reduce you the soner to repentaunce and amendement and to be sory and ashamed of your euyll doynges Saynt Iohn̄ sayeth in his seconde Epystle who so transgresseth abydeth not in the doctryne of Christ hath not god he that abydeth in the doctryne of Christ hath bothe the father and the sonne If any man come to you and bryng not this doctryne receyue hym not in to your house neyther salute hym That text I suppose caused the freres to ronne aboute with In principio erat verbum fearynge els they shulde not be saluted of the peple nor receyued ī to theyr houses But there is an other place in scrypture more conuenyent to be applyed vnto them then that place agreed and serued to their purpose beware of false ꝓphetes which come to you in shepes clothyng but inwardly they are rauenyng wolues ye shal know thē by their fruytes God knoweth my herte I write this for no malice vnto them but to th entent that the truthe of gods glory which hath long ben hyd mought appere agayne his holy gospel which they suche other haue falsly belyed peruerted kepte in corners may come to his perfyte lyght so that the people myght know the true honouryng of God to be in spirite veryte to folow the exhortacyon of saynt Peter to walke after the wyl of god not after the wyll of the hethen i. Pe. iii. in wantonnes ryotous drynkyng abhomynable ydolatry the holsom counsell of saynt Paule to be no worshipper of ymages Collo i. to mortefy your membres of synne vpon the earth Iohn v. Saynt Iohn̄ warneth lytel chyldren to kepe them selues from ymages O lorde howe hath thy blessed worde the doctrine of thy holy sayntes ben abused the old mē now a days cā scarsly be brought to folow the lesson Know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost i Cor. vi Remembre vpon what foundacyon ye are buylded Mat. ●●i 〈…〉 stycke vnto your foūdacyon cleue fast to your heed corner stone which can not be remoued ye are not a temple of stone made with mennes handes ye are the lyuyng temple of god ii Cor. vi whiche haue ben longe in decay brused brokē pulled downe of those that wer enemyes bothe to you your foundacyon Christ Mat ●●● i. Cor. iii but they haue pulled so long that they haue met with a rocke 1 Pet. ii the stomblyng stone whiche hath made them to fall Now is the tyme to repayre your temple agayne be ye not neclygēt in the lordes worke but laboure with herte mynde therin euery man according to his power callyng And agaynst suche as wyll
boke of lyfe himselfe Paule wysshed also to be cursed frome Christ for his brethrens sake Rom. i● These praiers were of another maner effect thē the prayers of our popeholy pykepurses prayng for the soules in the bitter paynes of purgatory Agayne ye maye rede the god wolde haue spared the dystrucciō of the eyties which were dystroyed for syn Gene. xviii for the sakes of tē good persōs yf they mought haue ben founde in them at the request of Abraham Remembre the exortaciō of saynt Iames I●●● v. for one man to praye for an other declaryng what efficacy is in the ryghtuous mānes praier if it be feruēt By example of Helyas that was a man mortall euen as we are iiiii Reg xvii whiche tolde kynge Achab that it shulde not rayne it rayned not on the earthe by the space of iii. yeres and .vi. monethes and he prayed agayne iiii Reg xviii and the heuen gaue raine the erth brought forth fruyt I wold the people wolde be exercysed in redyng heryng such lyke stories whiche mought put them in remembraūce of the great mercy goodnes of god alwayes shewed vnto them which did feare loue him what effecte their prayers were of Wherin they mought also take exāple what punisshmēt god toke vpō obstinate synners ydolatres whiche though god oftē spared to punysshe thē for the ryghtuous mēnes sakes at theyr hūble feruēt prayers yet is ther to be notyd in thē all after what sorte maner god sparyd them Salomon whiche had commytted Idolatrye displeased the lorde agaynst whō god raysed vp sundry aduersaries to trouble him his kyngdome yet the lorde spared him made him a promyse that he shulde possesse styll his lande duringe his lyfe iiii Reg xi for his father dauids sake which had walked in the wayes of the lorde but there was no promise made vnto him that he shulde inheryte the kyngedome of heauen for his fathers sake I am sure he neuer came ther but yf it were for Chrystes sake only Nother the best saynt that euer dyed so where ye fynde that god shewed his mercy vpon synners for the ryghtuous mēnes sakes Consyder alwayes the diuersyte of the benefite gyuen only for Chrystes sake which is the kyngdome of heauen and that whiche was gyuen at the petycyons and for the loue of holye men beynge but a temporall rewarde it is but a temporall rewarde for a man to haue his lyfe prolonged Neyther to inioy landes ryches honoure helth or suche other thynges mar xvi Act. v. The apostles by theyr lyfe tyme receaued power of the lorde to gyue helthe to them that were sycke And to caste out deuyls and vnclen spyrytes iiii Be. xvii yee and ye shal rede of holy men that by theyr prayers haue reuyuyd the deed to lyfe yet al these were but temporal benefites gyuen also of hym by his sayntes to confyrme theyr faythe in his name that they dyd it whiche is Christe to whome belongeth only the remission of synnes and the kyngdome of god Rom. v. Now seyng it belōgeth onlye to him to gyue the one to forgyue the other they ought onely to be requyred and desyred of him And if ye purpose to praye vnto the deed saintes for any thing belongynge either to your bodyes or soules vpon the grounde of this argument sayeng for as moche as they were holye men and women in theyr tyme and that god spared the punysshment of synners often for their sakes and at the feruente and humble prayers moche rather it is to be thought that they now hauing receauid a glorified body and be in ioye with Christ shal be herde of the lord And the sinners sparyd at their request and prayers To that I answere yf ye were certayne that the sayntes whiche are deed whose bodyes remayne in the earthe to the resurruccyon of all flesshe do aswell heare your voyces nowe as they did the voyces of the people beinge here and spekyng vnto them by their lyfe tyme. That then it were conuenyent ye shulde praye vnto them to praye with you and for you to god But for as moche as I neuer yet could be certefied by ony man throughe scripture that they do heare oure prayers for my parte I thinke it but a vayne thinge to truste in the vncertayne thinge and to leue the certayne to leue Christ and praye to his saintes To all those that knowe the saintes here 's them I saye it is well done but to al them that beleue it and know it not I saye it is not well done For as moche as they haue not the scrypture to certefy thē of their wel doing The vnlearned multytude exceptyd in whome I thynke it is nother wel nor euyll done whiche knowe nothing more thē is preached taught by their curates vnto them So they refuse not the truth aproued by scripture when it is taught them whiche I refer vnto the bisshoppes and wel learned men in the scriptures wherin is contayned al thynges necessary belongynge to faith and saluacion But admyt that ye were certayne that the sayntes do heare you whiche I thynke trulye wolde trouble the mooste parte of the clergye within Englande to approue suppose you that they wold pray either with you or for you if ye thynke euyll in youre harte not beyng pourged with contricion for syn and to praye for good thynges with your mouthe no truly onles they do only heare the voyce and knowe not the harte But God whiche hearethe the voyce and knoweth the secretes of the mynde Ro. viii regardeth neither the honoure whiche ye gyue him neither the prayer of your mouth onles your hertes agre withall and if you praye for grace with your mouth and couyt it with all your hertes it shal be gyuen you yf you pray forgyuenesse of your synnes are penytent for them in youre hertes they shal be forgyuē you Axe what soeuer ye wyll in faithe and it shal be graunted vnto you Ioh. xv But in whose name ye shulde aske I haue shewed you and for his sake ther is a promis made vnto you that ye shall obtayn it It is not for saynt fraūcis sake that ye shall posses the celestial heritage nother yet his holye cowle that can preserue you frome hell for your sinnes let the frers say as they list It is a vayne reasō that I haue harde dyuers men make which by a similitude apply the fauour of worldly princes vnto the fauour of the celestial god sayeng if a man haue any thing to do with the kinge he must fyrste sue vnto the noble men of the courte and suche as be of the kynges preuy chambre yf he thynke to opteyne his purpose not to prease to the kyng hym selfe And so lykewyse vnto God a man shulde fyrste pray and be a sueter vnto his sayntes not presume to go to hym selfe Is not this an vnwyse thynge that men