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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15491 Mnemosyn[on kyrio-]euchariston A treatise of the supper of the Lord in commemoration of his death, and the manifolde benefits thereby receiued; wherein the monstrous transubstantiated masse idole of that seven headed inchanting whore of Rome is stampt to power, to giue al the to drink [sic], which make it their only pleasure to swill themselues in the dregs thereof: and wherein also the doctrintes & vses which arise from thence, are most soundly & sincerely delivered. By Iohn Willovghby. Exhomologesis: a praier, or generall confession or our manifold sinnes vnto the Lord. Willoughbie, John. 1603 (1603) STC 25759; ESTC S102159 54,565 174

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the Abstract Iudge whether this bee not workemanlie knockt and beaten out by their sophistrizing hammer 4 Fourthly and lastly the vbiquitarians trifle most passing idlely in behatching a threefold māner of the body of Christ that is 1 A naturall manner 2 A glorious manner 3 A maiesticall manner The first two waies they denie marveylous crookedly that Christ is euerie where in body but come ye once to the thirde which is his manner of Maiesty then haue say they along with you to Westminster seeing in this sort both there and euery where els throughout the world we shal neuer misse him Examination First here is in this distributiō a notable Catachresis or abuse of the voice manner which is placed heere most improperly for an adiunct Secondly the parts do not cohere agree with the Distribute for the naturall manner is not an Adiunct of the body of Christ but it is the forme it selfe And as for that their manner of Maiesty some men are over hastie to tearme it figmentum perquisitè excogitatum but I had rather speake English and call it a plaine cogge and foisted legerdemaine Thirdly the Partes do not oppositlie disagree betwixt themselues because the glorie of the natural body is an adiunct and it remaineth notwithstanding the adiunct stil a true physical natural body although it be also glorified For glorificatiō hath not taken away the nature of Christ his body but the infirmitie thereof patibilitie But these Vbiquitaries are sure cardes take them at any time without a fitten and strike of their neckes They durst not say that Christes natural bodie is euerie where fie that were to grosse and therefore see what cunning can bring to passe they haue wrought it out maiesticallie Wherfore beholde their follie whiles that they thinke to shun the raine they run mee out of hād aboue head eares into the riuer For it had bin as good nay better for them to say at first dash that the natural body of Christ is euerie where so to make no more then one body of him then by such an vnartificial blinde distinction both to affirme his body to be everie where over and besides to ordaine him a triple body too that is 1. a Naturall body 2. a Glorious body 3. a maiesticall bodie I might set downe much more such stuffe of theirs but I count this sufficient to shew what they are euen in this respect the Popes own ympes and still like vnto thēselues wil bee so though the Diuel saie nay This I doe and maie speake boldly vpon regard of their wilful obstinacie and malitious harts both against our selues our doctrin Ours nay the Lords owne doctrine The Corollarie and vpshot of this whole treatise vpon the Lords Supper LEt vs most hūbly beseech the Lord our God of his abundant kindnes mercy towards vs in his Son Christ Jesus that he wold stay vs with his grace that we denying and defying from our harts al vngodlines al heresies scismes erroneous opinions false doctrines all superstitious reliques ceremonies of that whorish church of Rome in a word al Epicurisme Atheisme Papisme Bron nisme we may be groūded in the truth of his most powerful word being nourished vp continuallie in a liuelie faith with this heauēly holy banquet may persist in stedfastnes of the same truth even to our last breathing and yeelding vp the Ghost into the hands of our allouing gracious God who hath faithfullie promised that hee will not faile vs nor forsake vs Hebr. 13.5 but wil bee readie then especiallie by his holie Angels to receaue vs vp vnto himselfe into his holie mountaine and new Ierusalem the citie Hebr. 12.22 of the living God where wee shall liue in ioyes vnvtterable with the congregation it selfe of the first borne which are writtē in heauen with God the Iudge of al with the spirits of iust perfect men And with Iesus the Mediatour of the new Testament and with the bloode of sprinkeling that speaketh better things then that of Abell God grant vs al these things for our Lord and Saviour Christ Iesus sake to whō with the Father the holy Ghost be attributed al praise and glory now for ever So be it Amen A Praier for the whole State of this Church and Realme of England conteyning a true confession of our sinnes before the Lord fitte to bee saide at all times and seasons Merciful Lord and Father which refusest not to hear thy servants at what time they doe flee vnto thee in the contrition of their harts we beseech thee to expell the darkenes of our vnderstanding that being directed by thy holie Spirit we may from a true feeling of our woeful state in the name of Iesus Christ vnlocke our grieved cōsciences powre out the affections of our brokē harts by sincerely invocating on thy holy blessed name Amen O Most gracious and louing Father wee come vnto thee in the name of thy dearely beloued son Iesus Christ beseeching thee out of the humility of our soules that thou wouldest vouchsafe to looke downe vpon vs with the eie of pittie notwithstanding most vile miserable sinners as we are For we were conceaved in sin borne in iniquitie having no truth nor sound part within vs seeing from the sole of the foote vnto the crowne of the head there is nothing whole but woundes swelling soares ful of corruption we are a seede of the wicked corrupt children forsaking the Lord and provoking the holie one of Israel to anger Nowe though we are thus vncleane sunken deepe into all impieties though our righteousnes be as filthy clouts though we doe al fade like a leafe and that our iniquities like the winde haue caried vs away yet thou O Lord art mercie and truth promising to harken vnto repentant sinners that doe cal vnto thee We cal and crie vnto thee O Lord out of the true sorrowes and grievances of our hearts to remove from vs the burden horrour of our sinnes which do lie most heavie vpon our consciences stinging and pressing vs downe vnto the verie gates of Hell thou therefore ô heavenly Father which savest both man and beast thou whose mercie reacheth vnto the heavens and whose faithfulnes vnto the cloudes thou whose righteousnes is like the mightie mountaines and thy iudgments like a great deepe powre forth vpon vs most sillie wormes and vnworthie wretches as we are of the rich plentie of thy Grace let thy accustomed mercie breake forth and prevent vs in al our actions reforme our froward wils our corrupt affections our inbred depraved natures create in vs cleane harts renue right Spirits within vs that so our whole man both soules and bodies may bee conformed to thy holie will And to this ende out of the longing desires of our harts we prostrating our selues at the foote-stoole of thy mercie seate doe craue of thee ô bountiful Father to quicken vs with thy holy
wide from the marke and ende of the institution For Christ willeth vs to take this Sacrament and to take bread and wine in remembrance of him Therefore the bread is called the bodie of Christ not really but in that it is a memoriall of his bodie that is the bread is a remembrance vnto vs of Christs bodie even as it is also commanded in the wordes of the institution hoc facite in mei commemorationem Doe this in remembrance of mee According to the truth whereof St. Paule is content to be ordered saying 1. Cor. 11.26 mortem domini annunciatis vsquequo venerit that is ye shew the Lords death till hee come Yea in the two former verses this doe yee in remembrance of me But the Papists will not bee tied to this with the holy blessed Apostle St. Paule and therefore they wisely invented another way which is a knacke more then ordinarie viz. 1 To make their Christ of bread 2 To adore him in the bread after they haue once made him to eat part of him carnallie grosly to reserue part of him in their Pixes for other holy vses c. 3 To offer him vp a Propitiatorie sacrifice pro viuis defunctis both for the quicke and deade as that pelting and peevish toy of theirs Purgatorie I meane an errour yea an heresie rather being flatly against the Articles of our faith doth testifie vnto vs. It is a Proverb that a man shal soone know a ratte by his clawing so may one as soone sooner too smell out I will not say a knaue it is to good a name for thē what madd shavers these Papists are by their strange and vncooth doctrines But to our purpos● againe In the institutiō we read that Christ bidding his Apostles to doe this in remembrance of him he did before verie apparently breake the bread VVherefore the breaking of bread is a necessarie ceremonie for three causes for it signifieth the passion and separation of his soule from the body 1. Because Christ hath commaunded it for it is a part of the Institution 2. Because it tendeth to our Consolation knowing that his bodie was bruised Crucifixum non fractum thus for our sakes 3. That this monster of transubstātiation may bee taken away according to the iudgement of Vrsinus pag. 688. and thus much of the first end Secondly Sacramentum est incorporationis nostrae that is it is a Sacrament of our incorporation into Christs body And this is that which hath the promise Iohn 6.56 He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him So Eph. 5. cap. 30. verse For wee are members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bones Thirdly Sacramentum est spiritualis nutritionis nostrae that is a Sacrament of our spiritual education and nutrition in the body of Christ For as we are through Baptisme washed with the bloode of Christ so being washed and regenerated wee are likewise continually nourished by the bodie and blood of Christ as appeareth Iohn 6. cap. ver 35 53 54 55 56 57 58 c. Q. For so much as this our continuall nourishment in the body of Christ floweth frō himselfe the head therof and that by reason of our spirituall mariage coniunction or vniō with him set downe directly for our stay and comfort herein places out of the holy scriptures for this so exceeding excellent and heavēly doctrine A. Looke 1 Cor. 10 cap. 15 16 17. Iohn 17 cap. 9 10 11 12 13 21 22 23 26 verses Item Iohn 15.4 5 6 7.1 Cor. 12.12 13 14 Item 1. Cor. 6.15 16 17 Item 1 Iohn 4 12 13 14 15 16 Item Eph. 2 18 19 20 21 22 Item Rev. 21 2 Item Isay 54 4 5 6 7 c. Moreouer I wil set downe these vnderneath at large Hose 2 cap. 16 19 verses And in that day saith the Lord thou shalt cal me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is my husband and shalt call me no more 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is my Lord or Master And I will marry thee vnto mee for euer yea I wil marry thee vnto mee in righteousnesse and in iudgement and in mercie and in compassion And verse 20. I will even marrie thee vnto mee in faithfulnes and thou shalt knowe the Lord. Item Hose 3. cap. 2.3 verse Item 2 Cor. 11. cap. 1.2 verses viz. VVould to God yee could suffer a little my foolishnes in deede yee suffer mee For I am gealouse over you with godlie gealousie for I haue prepared you for one husband to present you as a pure Virgine to Christ Looke Ezech. 16.8 Ezech. 23.4 Ezch. 16. chapter but especially these verses following viz. And when I passed by thee I saw thee polluted in thine owne bloode and I saide vnto thee when thou wast in thy bloude Thou shalt liue even when thou wast in thy blood I said vnto thee thou shalt liue I haue caused thee to multiplie as the budde of the fielde thou hast encreased and waxen great and thou hast gotten excellent ornaments thy breastes are fashioned thine haire is growen whereas thou wast naked and bare Now when I passed by thee and looked vpon thee behold thy time was as the time of loue I spredd my skirtes vpon thee covered thy filthines yea I sware vnto thee entered into a covenant with thee saith the Lord God and thou becamest mine Then washed I thee with water yea washed away thy blood from thee and I annointed thee with oyle I cloathed thee also with broithered worke and shodde thee with badgers skinne I girded thee about with fine linnen and I covered thee with silke I decked thee also with ornamentes and I put bracelets vpon thine handes and a chaine on thy necke And I put a frontlett vpon thy face and earings in thine eares and a bewtifull crowne vpon thine head Thus wast thou deckte with golde silver thy rayment was of fine linnen and silke and broidred worke thou didst eate fine floure and honie and oyle thou wast verie bewtifull thou didst grow vp into a kingdome And thy name was spred among the Heathen for thy bewtie for it was perfect through my bewty which I had set vpon thee saith the Lord God c. Item Zach. 1 chap 14 Isay 62.1 Ier. 2.1 2 3 32 Can a maide forgett her ornament or a bride her attire yet my people haue forgotten mee daies without number Item Salomons songe 2. cap. 5 verse Stay me with flagons comfort me with apples for I am sicke of loue His left hand is vnder mine head and his right hand doth embrace mee Ibid. verse 15.16 Take vs the foxes the little foxes which destroy the vines for our vines haue smale grapes My welbeloued is mine I am his he feedeth among the Lillies Item Cant 5 cap 1 2 3 4 5 6. And Cant 7 cap 10 12 verses I am my welbeloueds his desire is towards mee Item Iohn