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mercy_n call_v lord_n sinner_n 2,337 5 7.5568 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14108 A plaine discouerie of ten English lepers, verie noisome and hurtfull to the Church and common wealth setting before our eies the iniquitie of these latter dayes, and inducing vs to a due consideration of our selues. Published by Thomas Timme minister. Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1592 (1592) STC 24418; ESTC S118801 68,904 98

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before and with falshood shameful deceit withdraweth stealeth it from the right heires she ladeth first her honest poore husband with great shame great trauel labor sorrow and pain in that he is compelled to bring vp those adulterous children which are not his own Moreouer she dishonoreth her father her mother her kinred her children euen her lawfull children who in time to come will be ashamed of her and of whom doubt will be made in the world whether they be lawfully begotten or no. Therefore when they speake of their mother or heare her named they are abashed and ashamed Adultresses also make their husbands to be despised and of no reputation though they be honest and vertuous men These and such like innumerable confusions shame hurt hishonour and filthinesse follow vpon abhominable adultery besides the poisonings murders treasons manslaughters and other mischiefes that ensue by reason of the same which I ouerpasse This did the ancient and noble men of old time weigh consider and therfore righteously and vpon iust occasion haue they appointed the punishmēt of death as due for the abhominable sin of adulterie Yet adulterers alledge for their defence that this rigorous punishment of death appointed by god hath not bene executed or put in practize at any time vpō the offenders For Dauid was an adulterer say they and yet receiued no punishment therfore Yea the Lord Christ himselfe did abrogate and dissolue the punishment of adulterie forsomuch as he commaunded not the woman taken in adultery to be put to death Iohn 8. but bad her go her way and sinne no more and for because no man condemned her he also let her go To this I answere God hath once alreadie reuealed his will in his lawe concerning the punishment due to this sinne now if men do not execute the punishment according to Gods commaundement yet remaineth the law of God irreuocable and sure Therefore this is a vaine obiection And albeit all sentences and iudgements that haue beene executed of olde vpon adulterers be not extant in holy Scripture it is no maruaile For Gods booke is not so generall a Register that wee must looke to finde in the same the actes and punishments of all vnthriftes and brothels and the execution of all such malesactours The storie of Susanna telleth howe it was like to haue gone with her which plainly sheweth that such execution was then in vse Dauid also committed adulterie once in his life which was the occasion of the horrible murther also which he committed so that he caused not onely his faithfull seruant Vriah but other noble men in like maner to be slaine What came of it Truth it is he was not stoned to death But what chaunged vnto him Surely euen as he had dishonoured another mans childe so sawe he shame vpon his owne children while he liued and that with great wretchednesse For Amon defloured Thamar his owne naturall sister and they both were Dauids children And Abshalom did miserably slay Amon his brother for committing that wickednesse with his sister Thamar Not long after did the same Abshalom driue his owne naturall father Dauid out of his Realme and vnnaturally and shamefully lay with his fathers wiues Whereupon there followed an horrible great slaughter in the which Abshalom was slaine with many thousands mo of the common people Now let euerie man indifferently weigh with himselfe whether it be not a lesse thing once to haue execution and to die then to abide the death of so manie and that so long with such miserie and sorrow Therefore was Dauid more grieuouslie punished then if he had beene but once stoned to death Let euerie man then learne here by this example that none can escape the hande of God although the worlde lay no hand vpon him God neuerthelesse punisheth and that with a more heauie iudgement when hee doth it not here but deferreth it vnto another worlde And whereas they make Christ a maintainer of adulterers that is too intollerable wickednesse Christ neuer gaue libertie to sinne for hee sayth I came not to breake the lawe but to fulfill it Saint Paul also sayth To the righteous there is no lawe giuen but to the vnrighteous and disobedient to wheremongers to periured to liers and blasphemers And to the Galathians he sayth Walke ye in the spirite so are ye not vnder the lawe Therefore forsomuch as adulterers do walke in the flesh and not in the spirite they are vnder the lawe neither hath the Lord taken the lawe and punishment from them Moreouer as touching the storie in the 8. chapter of Saint Iohn we must consider that the Lord said vnto the adultresse Woman hath no man condemned thee And when she had answered No man lord He sayd Neither do I condemne thee For with this answer laid he before her the sentence of the Iudges to strike her cōscience that she might feele and see what she had deserued But forsomuch as he was not come nowe to giue sentence as a Iudge but to saue hee woulde not condemne her and therefore neither medled with the law nor act The Lord was now come to haue mercie vpon sinners and to call to repentance Therefore said he also to this woman Go thy way and sinne no more By which words the Lorde doth warne all such as are tang●●● 〈◊〉 adulterie to cease from henceforth and to amend In so doing God wil haue mercy vpon them and take from them the same dishonour paine and punishment which they haue greatly deserued For God hath no delight in the destruction of a poore sinner but will rather that they conuert and liue But if they will not turne if they will needs be stiffe necked and set foorth their shameles foreheads then verily doth God watch ouer their wickednesse and sayth thus vnto them by the mouth of the Prophet Hieremie In the desire of vncleane lust they are become like vnto stallandes euery one neieth after his neighbours wife should I not punish this Wherefore all they that do persist in this wickednesse may dayly looke for the heauie vengeance of God to fall vpon them Therefore that thou mayest eschue the same and the contagion of so foule a leprosie embrace these fewe lessons as speciall preseruatiues 1 Eschew idlenesse and euer be occupied in some honest labour 2 Auoyde all occasions of euill all suspect houses and wanton companie 3 Beware of filthie communication wanton songs and histories of bawderie 4 Vse sobrietie and temperance in meat drinke sleepe and apparell 5 Looke not to narrowly vpon the beautie of a woman 6 Be dayly conuersant with such persons as are both chaste honest vertuous and godly 7 Remember often the passions of Christ for sinne 8 Consider the certaintie and suddennesse of death and of the day of iudgement 9 Vse dayly faithfull and feruent prayer vnto God for the gracious gift of chastitie and of cleannesse of heart So dooing thou shalt be sure to reape the fruit to thy continuall