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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14033 The whole booke of psalms, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth..; Whole book of psalms. 1565 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1565 (1565) STC 2434 175,429 234

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verse 13 O ye the frost and chilling cold bles ye the Lord. c. verse 14 O ye congeled I se and snow bles ye the Lord. c. verse 15 O ye y e nightes lightsome dayes bles ye the lord c verse 16 O ye the darknes and the light bles ye the Lord. c. verse 17 O ye the lightnings the cloudes bles ye the lord c verse 18 O let the earth eke bles y e Lord bles yea the Lord. c verse 19 O ye the mountaines the hils blesse ye the lord c. verse 20 O al ye grene things on the earth bles ye the lord c verse 21 O ye the euer springing wels bles ye the Lord. c. verse 22 O ye the seas and ye the flouds bles ye the Lord c. verse 23 Whales al that in waters moue bles ye the lord c verse 24 O al ye flying foules of thayre bles ye the Lord c. verse 25 O al the beastes and cattel eke bles ye the Lorde c. verse 26 O ye the children of mankind bles ye the Lord. c. verse 27 Let Israel eke blesse the Lord bles ye the Lord. c verse 28 O ye the priestes of God the Lord bles ye the lord c verse 29 O ye the seruantes of the Lord bles ye the Lord c. verse 30 Ye sprites soules of righteous mē blesse ye y e lord c verse 31 Ye holy and ye meeke of hart blesse ye the Lord. c. verse 32 O Ananias bles the Lord bles thou the Lord praise him and magnify him for euer O Azarias bles the Lord bles thou the Lord praise him and magnify him for euer And Misael bles thou the Lord bles thou the Lord prayse him and magnify hym for euer ¶ The song of Zacharias called Benedictus THe onely lord of Israel be praised euermore for through his visitation and mercy kept in store His peoplenow he hath redemde that long hath bene in thral and spread abrode his sauyng health vpon his seruantes al. In Dauids house his seruant true according to his mynde And also his annoynted king as we in Scripture fynde As by his holy prophetes al oft times he did declare The which were since y e world began his way for to prepare That we might be deliuered from those that make debate Our enemies and from the handes of all that do vs hate The mercy which he promised our fathers to fulfil And thinke vpon his couenant made according to his wyl And also to performe the othe which he before had sworne To Abraham our father deare for vs that were forlorne That he would geue himselfe for vs and vs frō bōdage bryng Out of the hands of al our foes to serue our heauenly king And that without al maner feare and eke in rightuousnes And also for to leade our lyfe in stedfast holines And y u O child which now art borne and of the Lord elect Shalt be the prophet of the highest his wayes for to dyrect For thou shalt go before his face for to prepare his wayes And also for to teach his wil and pleasure all thy dayes To geue them knowledge how that their saluation is nere And that remission of their sins is through his mercy mere Wherby the day spring from an hie is come vs for to visit And those for to illuminate which do in darkenes sit To lighten those that shadowed be with death eke opprest And also for to guide their feete the way to peace and rest The song of blessed Mary called Magnificat MY soule doth magnify the Lord my sprite eke euermore reioyseth in the lord my god which is my Sauior And why because he did regard gaue respect vnto so base estate of his hadmaid and let the mighty go For now behold al nations and generations all From this tyme forth for euermore shal me right blessed cal Because he hath me magnifyed which is the Lord of might Whose name be euer sanctified and praysed day and night For with his mercy and his grace all men he doth inflame Throughout al generations to such as feare his name He shewed strength w t his great arme made y e proud to start With al imaginations that they bare in their hart He hath put downe the mighty ones from their supernal seat And did exalt the meeke in hart as he hath thought it meete The hungry he replenished with al thyngs that were good And through his power he made y e rich oft times to wāt their fode And calling to remembraunce his mercy euery deale Hath holpen vp assistantly his seruant Israell According to his promise made to Abraham before And to his seede successiuely to stand for euermore The song of Simeon called Nunc dimittis O Lord because my hartes desire hath wished long to see my onely lord sauiour thy son be ●ore I die the ioy health of al mankind desired long before which now is come into the world of mercy bringing store Thou sufferest thy seruaunt now in peace for to depart Accordyng to thy holy worde which lighteneth my hart Because mine eyes which thou hast made to geue my body light Haue now behold thy sauing health which is the Lorde of myght Whom thou mercifully hast set of thyne aboundant grace In open sight and visible before all peoples face The Gentils to illuminate and Sathan ouerquel And eke to be the glory of thy people Israel The Creede of Athanasius Norton WHat man soeuer he be that saluatiō wil attain the catholike beliefe he must before al things retaine Which faith vnles he holy kepe and vndefiledly without al doubt eternally he shal be sure to dye The catholike beliefe is this that God we worship one In Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie alone So as we neyther do confound the persons of the three Nor yet the substance whole of one in sunder parted bee One person of the father is another of the Sonne An other person proper of the holy ghost alone Of father Sonne and holy Ghost but one the Godhed is Like glory coeternal eke the maiestie likewyse Such as the father is such is the Sonne in ech degree And such also we do beleue the holy Ghost to bee Vncreate is the Father and vncreate is the Sonne The holy ghost vncreate so vncreate is ech one Incomprehensible Father is incomprehensible Sonne And comprehensible also is the holy Ghost of none The Father is eternal and the Sonne eternall so And in lyke sort eternal is the holy ghost also And yet though we beleue that eche of these eternals bee Yet there but one eternal is and not eternals three As ne incomprehensible we ne yet vncreat three But one incomprehensible one vncreate holde to bee Almighty so the father is the sonne almighty so And in lyke sort almighty is the holy Ghost also And albeit that euery one of these almighty bee
yet there but one almighty is and not almighties three The father God is God the Sonne God holy Ghost also yet are there not three Gods in al but one God and no mo So like wise Lord the Father is and Lord also the Sonne And lord the holy ghost yet are there not thre lords but one For as we are compeld to graunt by christian veritie Eche of the persons by hymfelfe both God and Lord to be So catholike religion forbiddeth vs alway That eyther gods be three or y t there lordes be three to say Of none the father is ne made ne create nor begot The Sonne is of the Father not create ne made but got The holy Ghost is of them both the father and the Sonne He made ne create nor begot but doth proceede alone So we one Father hold not three one Sonne also not three One holy Ghost alone and not three holy Ghostes to bee None in this Trinitie before nor after other is Ne greater any then the rest ne lesser be likewise But euery one among themselues of all the persons three Together coeternal al and al coequal bee So vnitie in Trinitie as said it is before And Trinitie in vnitie in all thynges we adore Therfore what man soeuer that saluation wil attayne This faith touching the Trinitie of force he must retayne And nedeful to eternal lyfe it is that euery wight Of the incarnating of Christ our Lord beleue aright For this the right faith is that we beleue and eke beknow That Christ our lord y e son of God is God and man also God of his fathers substance got before the world began And of his mothers substance borne in world a very man Both perfect god and perfect man in one one Iesus Christ That doth of reasonable soule and humaine flesh subsist Touchyng hys Godhode equal with his father God is he Touching his manhode lower then his father in degree Who though he be both very God and very man also yet is he but one Christ alone and is not persons two One not by turning of Godhode into the flesh of man But by takyng manhode to God this beyng one began All one not by confounding of the substance into one But onely by the vnitie that is of one person For as the reasonable soule and flesh but one man is So in one person God and man is but one Christ lykewyse Who suffred for to saue vs all to hell he did descend The third day rose agayne frō death to heauen he did ascēd He sittes at the ryght hand of God the almighty father there From thence to iudge the quicke dead againe he shal retire At whose returne all men shall rise with bodies new restorde And of their own workes they shal geue accōpt vnto y e lord And they into eternal lyfe shall go that haue done wel Who haue done il shal go into eternal fire to dwel This is the Catholike beliefe who doth not faithfully Beleue the same without al dout he saued cannot be To Father Sonne and holy ghost al glory be therfore As in beginning was is now and shal be euermore The Lamentation of a synner Marckant O Lord turne not away thy face frō him that lieth prostrate Lamenting sore his sinful life before thy mercy gate Which gate thou openest wide to those y t do lament their sin shut not y r gate against me lord but let me enter in And call me not to mine accomptes howe I haue liued here For then I know right well O Lord how vile I shall appeare I nede not to confesse my lyfe I am sure thou canst tell what I haue ben and what I am I know thou knowest it wel O Lord thou knowest what things be past eke the things that bee Thou knowest also what is to come nothing is hid from thee Before y e heauēs earth wer made y u knowest what things wer thē As all things els that haue ben since among the sonnes of men And can the thinges that I haue done be hidden from thee then Nay nay y u knowest thē all O Lord where they wer done whē Wherfore with teares I come to thee to begge and to entreate Euen as the child that hath done euill and feareth to be beate So come I to thy mercy gate where mercy doth abound Requiring mercy for my sinne to heale my deadly wounde O Lord I nede not to repeate what I do begge or craue Thou knowest O Lord before I aske y e thing that I would haue Mercy good Lord mercy I aske this is the totall summe For mercy Lord is all my sute Lord let thy mercy come The humble sute of a sinner O Lord of whom I do depēd be hold my care full hart whē thy will pleasure is release me of my smart y u seest my sorowes what they are my gref is knowne to thee and there is none that cā remoue or take the same frō me But onely thou whose ayde I craue whose mercy stil is prest To ease all those that come to thee for succour and for rest And sith thou seest my restles eyes my teares greuous grone Attēde vnto my sute O Lord marck wel my plaint mone For sinne hath so inclosed me and compast me about That I am now remediles if mercy helpe not out For mortall man cannot realease or mitigate this payne But euē thy Christ my lord god which for my sinnes was slaine Wose bloudy woūdes are yet to see though not with mortall eye yet doth thy saints behold them all and so I trust shall I. Though sinne doth hinder me a while when thou shalt see it good I shall nioy the sight of him and see his woundes and bloud And as thine angels thy saintes do now behold the same So trust I to possesse that place with them to prayse thy name But whiles I lyue here in this vale where sinners do frequent Assist me euer with thy grace my sinnes still to lament Least that I treade in sinners trace and geue them my consent To dwell with them in wickednes wherto nature is bent Onely thy grace must be my stay least that I fall down flat And beyng down then of my selfe cannot recouer that Wherfore this is yet once agayne my sute and my request To graunt me pardon for my sinne that I in thee may rest Then shall my hart my tong and voyce be instruments of prayse And in thy church house of saints sing Psalmes to thee alwaies The Lordes Prayer or Pater noster OVr father which in heauē art lord halowd be thy name thy kingdom come thy wil be done in earth euen as the same in heauē is Geue vs O Lord our dayly bread this day As we forgeue our detters so Forgeue our dettes we pray Into temptation leade vs not From euill make vs free for kingdome power and glory thine both now and euer be The .x. Commaundementes of
verse 7 Rise vp therfore saue me my God for now on thee I call For thou hast broke the chekes teeth of these wicked mē al. verse 8 Saluation onely doth belong to thee O Lord aboue Thou doost bestow vpon thy folke thy blessing and thy loue Cum inuocarem exaudiui Psalme .iiii. T. S. ¶ Whē Saul persecuted Dauid he called vpon God trusting most assuredly in his promise therfore holdly reproueth his enemies who by wilfull malice resisted his dominion And finally preferreth the fauour of God before all worldly treasures Let vs lykewise learne to trust in gods promises when we are afflicted with any kinde of Crosse and so we shall neither feare our enemies nor yet be ouer commen with tentations Syng this as the first Psalme O God that art my righteousnes Lord heare me when I cal Thou hast set me at liberty when I was bound thral verse 2 Haue mercy Lord therfore on me and graūt me this request For vnto thee vncessantly to cry I wil not rest verse 3 O mortall men how long wil ye my glory thus despise Why wander ye in vanitie and folow after lyes verse 4 Know ye that good godly men the lord doth take chuse And whē to him I make my plaint he doth me not refuse verse 5 Sinne not but stād in awe therfore examine wel your hart And in your chamber quietly see you your selues conuert verse 6 Offer to God the sacrifice of righteousnes I say And loke that in the liuing lord you put your trust alway verse 7 The greater sort craue worldly goods riches do embrace But Lord graūt vs thy countenaunce thy fauour and thy grace verse 8 For thou therby shalt make my hart more ioyful and more glad Then they that of their corne wine ful great increase haue had verse 9 In peace therfore lye down wil I taking my rest and slepe For thou onely wilt me O Lord alone in safely kepe Verba mea auribus percipe Psalme .v. T. S ¶ Dauid hauing suffered great calamitie as well by Doeg a Achitophel Saules flatterers as by other infinite enemies calleth to God for succor shewing how requisite it is that God should punishe the malicious enuy of his aduersaries After beyng assured of prosperous successe he conceyueth comforte concludyng that when God shall deliuer hym other also shall be partakers of the same mercies Sing this as the third psalme INcline thine eares vnto my wordes O Lord my plaint consider verse 2 And heare my voyce my king my god to thee I make my praier verse 3 Heare me betime Lord tary not for I wil haue respect My prayer early in the morne to thee for to direct verse 4 And I wil trust through patience in thee my God alone That art not pleased with wickednes il with thee dwels none verse 5 And in thy sight shal neuer stand these furious fooles O Lord Vaine workers of iniquitie thou hast alwayes abhord verse 6 The lyers and the flatterers thou shalt destroy them then And God will hate the bloud thirsty and the deceitful man verse 7 Therfore wil I come to thy house trusting vpon thy grace And reuerently wil worship thee toward thine holy place verse 8 Lord lead me in thy rightuousnes for to confound my foes And eke the way that I shal walke before my face disclose verse 9 For in their mouthes there is no truth their hart is foule vaine verse 10 Their throte an open sepulchre their tonges do glose and fayne verse 11 Destroy their false conspiracies that they may come to nought verse 12 Subuert thē in their heapes of sinne which haue rebelliō wrought verse 13 But those that put their trust in thee let them be glad alwayes And rēder thākes for thy defense and geue thy name the prayse verse 14 For thou with fauour wilt increase the iust righteous still And with thy grace as with a shild defend him from all ill i. Domine ne in furore tuo Psalme .vi. T. S. ¶ When Dauid by his sinnes hath prouoked gods wrath and now felt not onely his hand against him but also conceiued the horrors of death euerlastyng he desired forgeuenes bewayling that if god toke him awaye in his indignation he should lacke occasion to prayse him as he was wont to do whilest he was amongest men Then sodenly feling gods mercy he sharpely rebuketh his enemies whiche reioyseth in his affliction LOrde in thy wrath reproue me not thoughe I deserue thine ire Ne yet correct me in thy rage O Lorde I thee desire For I am weake therfore O Lorde of mercy me forbeare and heale me Lord for why thou knowest my bones do quake for feare verse 3 My soule is troubled very sore and vexed vehemently But Lord how long wilt thou delay to cure my misery verse 4 Lord tourne thee to thy wōted grace my sely soule vp take Oh saue me not for my deserts but for thy mercies sake verse 5 For why no man among the dead remembreth thee one whit Or who shal worship thee O Lord in the infernal pit verse 6 So greuous is my plaint and mone that I wax wondrous faint Al the night long I wash my bed with teares of my complaint verse 7 My sight is dimme and waxeth old with anguish of mine heart For feare of those that be my foes and would my soule subuert verse 8 But now away from me al ye that worke iniquitie For why the Lord hath hard the voyce of my complaint cry verse 9 He heard not onely the request and prayer of my hart But it receiued at my hand and tooke it in good part verse 10 And now my foes that vexed me the Lord wil soone defame And sodenly confound thē al to their rebuke and shame Domine deus meus in te speraui Psalme .vii. T. S. Dauid being falsely accused by Chus one of Saules kinsmē he calleth god to be his defēder to whō he cōmendeth his innocencie First shewing that his conscience did not accuse him of any euill towardes Saule Next that it couched gods glory to award sentence agaynst the wicked And so entring into the consideratiō of gods mercyes and promises he waxeth holde and derideth the vayne enterprises of his enemyes threatnyng that it shall fall on their owne neckes that whiche they haue purposed for others Sing this as the third psalme verse 1 O Lord my God I put my trust and confidence in thee Saue me from thē that me pursue and eke deliuer me verse 2 Least like a Lion he me teare and rent in pieces smal While there is none to succor me and rid me out of thrall verse 3 O Lord my God if I haue done the thing that is not right Or els if I be found in faut or gilty in the sight verse 4 Or to my frend rewarded euil or left him in distres Which me pursued most cruelly and hated me causeles verse 5 Then let my foes
to the consideration of the eternall mansions prepared for vs in the heauens wherof this was a shadow and figure Syng this as th x. xxi Psalme verse 1 THe earth is al the Lordes withal her store and furniture yea his is al the world and al that therin do indure verse 2 For he hath fastly founded it aboue the sea to stand And laid a low the liquid flouds to flow beneath y ● lād verse 3 For who is he O Lord that shal ascend into thy hil Or passe into thy holy place there to continue stil verse 4 Whose hāds ar harmles whose hart no spot there doth defile His soule not set on vanitie who hath not sworne no guile verse 5 Him that is such a one the Lord shal place in blisful plight And God his God and sauior shal yelde to him his right verse 6 This is the brode of trauelers in seking of his grace As Iacob did the Israelite in that time of his race verse 7 Ye princes open your gates stand open the euerlasting gate For there shal enter in therby the king of glorious state verse 8 What is the king of glorious the strong and mighty Lord The mighty Lord in battayles stout and trial of the sword verse 9 Ye princes open your gates stand open the euerlasting gate For there shal enter in therby the king of glorious state verse 10 What is this king of glorious the Lord of hostes it is The kingdome and the royalltie of glorious state is his Ad te domine leuaui Psalme .xxv. T. S. ¶ The Prophet touched with the consideration of his sinnes and also greued with the cruell malice of his enemies prayeth to God most feruently to haue his sinnes forgeuen especially such as he had committed in his youth He begynneth euery verse accordyng to the Ebrue letters two or three except I Lift mine hart to thee my God guide most iust now suffer me to take no shame for in thee do I trust Let not my foes reioyce nor make a scorne of me and let them not be ouerthrowen that put their trust in thee But shame shal them befal which harme them wrongfully verse 3 Therfore thy pathes thy rightwayes vnto me Lord descry verse 4 Direct me in thy truth and teach me I thee pray Thou art my God and sauiour on thee I wayt alway verse 5 Thy mercyes manifold I pray thee Lord remember And eke thy pitie plentiful for they haue ben for euer verse 6 Remember not the fautes and fraylty of my youth Remember not how ignoraunt I haue ben of thy truth Nor after my deserts let me thy mercy find But of thine own beningnity Lord haue me in thy mynd verse 7 His mercy is ful swete his truth a perfect guide Therfore the Lord wil sinners teach such as go aside verse 8 The humble he wil teach his preceptes for to kepe He wil direct in al his wayes the lowly and the meke verse 9 For al the wayes of God are truth mercy both To them that kepe his testament the witnes of his troth The second part verse 10 Now for thy holy name O Lord I thee intreat To graunt me pardō for my sinne for it is wōdrous great verse 11 Who so doth feare the Lord the Lord doth him direct To lead his life in such away as he doth best accept verse 12 His soule shal euermore in goodnes dwel and stand His sede and his posterity inherite shal the land verse 13 Al those that feare the Lord know his secret intent And vnto them he doth declare his wil and testament verse 14 Mine eyes and eke my hart to him I wil aduaunce That pluckt my feete out of the snare of sinne ignorance verse 15 With mercy me behold to thee I make my mone For I am poore and desolate and comfortles alone verse 16 The troubles of mine hart are multiplied in dede Bring me out of this misery necessity and nede verse 17 Behold my pouerty mine anguish and my payne Remit my sinne mine offence make me cleane agayne verse 18 O Lord behold my foes how they do stil increase Pursuing me w t deadly hate that faine would liue in peace verse 19 Preserue and kepe my soule and eke deliuer me And let me not be ouerthrowen because I trust in the. verse 20 Let my simple purenes me from mine enmies shend Because I looke as one of thine that y u shouldst me defend verse 21 Deliuer Lord thy folke and send them some relief I meane thy chosen Israel from al their paine and grief Iudica me domine Psalme .xxvi. I. H. ¶ Dauid oppressed with many iniuries findyng no helpe in the world called for ayde from God and assured of his integritie towards Saul desireth God to be his iudge and to defend his innocency causeles afflicted Finally he maketh mention of his sacrifice whiche he will offer for his deliueraunce and desireth to be in the company of the faythfull in the congregation of God whiche he was banished by Saule promising integritie of lyfe and open prayses and thankes geuyng Sing this as the .xviii. psal verse 1 LOrd be my iudge thou shalt se my pathes be right plaine I trust in god hope that he wil strēgth me to remaine verse 2 Proue me my God I thee desire my wayes to search try As men do proue their gold with fire my reaynes and hart espie verse 3 Thy goodnes layd before my face I durst be bold alwayes For of thy truth I treade the trace and wil do al my dayes verse 4 I do not lust to haunt or vse with men whose dedes are vayne To come in house I do refuse with the deceitful trayne verse 5 I much abhorre the wicked sort their dedes I do despise I do not once to them resort that hurtful things deuise verse 6 My hands I wash and do procede in workes that walke vpright Then to thy alter I make spede to offer there in sight verse 7 That I may speake preach the prayse that doth belong to thee And so declare how wondrous wayes thou hast ben good to me verse 8 O Lord thy house I loue most deare to me it doth excel I haue delight would be nere whereas thy grace doth dwel verse 9 Oh shut not vp my soule with thē in sinne that take theyr fil Nor yet my life amōgst those mē that seke much bloud to spil verse 10 Whose hāds are heapt with craft guile their life therof is ful And their right hand w t wrēch wile for bribes doth pluck pul verse 11 But I in righteousnes entend my time and dayes to serue Haue mercy Lord and me defend so that I do not swerue verse 12 My fote is stayd for al assayes it standeth wel and right Wherfore to God wil I geue praise in al the peoples sight Dominus illuminatio Psalme .xxvi. I H. ¶ Dauid maketh this Psalme beyng
deliuered from great perils as appeareth by the prayses and thankes geuing annexed Wherein we may see the constant fayth of Dauid against the assaultes of al enemies and also thend wherfore he desireth to lyue and to be deliuered one ly to worship God in his congregation Hereby he promiseth him selfe assuraunce though father and mother forsake him he teacheth this to be the onely way to see the good thinges in the lande of the lyuing and after hys example he exhorteth to fayth and to attende vpon the Lorde Sing this as the .xviii. psal verse 1 THe Lord is both my health light shal mā make me dismaide Sith god doth geue me strēgth might why shuld I be afraid verse 2 While y e my foes w t al their strēgth begin with me to brawle And thinke to eate me vp at length thē selues haue caught the fal verse 3 Though they in campe against me lye my hart is not afraid In battel pight if they wil try I trust in God for ayde verse 4 One thing of God I do require that he wil not deny For which I pray and wil desire til he to me apply verse 5 That I within his holy place my lyfe throughout may dwell To see the beauty of his face and vew his temple wel verse 6 In tyme of dread he shal me hide within his place most pure And kepe me secret by his syde as on a rocke most sure verse 7 At lēgth I know the Lordes good grace shal make me strōg stout My foes to foyle cleane deface that compasse me about verse 8 Therfore within his house wil I geue sacrifice of prayse With Psalmes songes I wil apply to laud the Lord alwayes The seconde part verse 9 Lord heare the voyce of my request for which to thee I cal Haue mercy Lord on me opprest and send me helpe with al. verse 10 My hart doth knowledge vnto thee I sue to haue thy grace Then seke my face sayst thou to me Lord I wil seke thy face verse 11 In wrath turne not thy self away nor suffer me to slyde Thou art my helpe stil to this day be stil my God and guide verse 12 My parentes both their sonne forsooke and cast me of at large And then the Lord him self yet tooke of me the cure and charge verse 13 Teach me O God the way to thee and lead me on forth right For feare of such as watch for me to trap me if they might verse 14 Do not betake me to the wil of them that be my foes For they surmise agaynst me stil false witnes to depose verse 15 My hart would faint but that in me this hope he fixed fast The Lord gods good grace shal it se in life that ay shal last verse 16 Trust stil in God whose whole thou art his wil abide thou must And he shal ease and strength thy hart if thou in him do trust Ad te domine clamabo Psalme .xxviii. I. H. ¶ Being in great feare and pensiuenes to see God dishonored by the wicked men he desireth to be rid of them and crieth for vengeaunce against them and at length assureth him selfe that God hath herd his prayer vnto whose tuition he commendeth all the faithfull Syng this as the .xxi. Psalme verse 1 THou art O Lord my strength stay the succor which I craue Neglect me not least I be like to them that go to grane verse 2 The voyce of thy suppliant heare that vnto thee doth cry When I lift vp my hands vnto thy holy arke most hye verse 3 Repute not me among the sort of wicked and peruert That speake right fayre vnto theyr frēds thinke ful il in hart verse 4 According to their handy worke as they deserue in dede And after their inuentions let them receiue their mede verse 5 For they regard nothing Gods workes his law ne yet his lore Therfore wil he them and their sede destroy for euermore verse 6 To render thankes vnto the Lord how great a cause haue I My voyce my prayer my complaint that heard so willingly verse 7 He is my shield and fortitude my buckeler in distresse My hope my helpe my hartes relief my song shal him confesse verse 8 He is our strength and our defence our enmies to resist The health and the saluation of his elect by Christ verse 9 Thy people and thine heritage Lord blesse guide and preserue Increase thē Lord rule their harts that they may neuer swerue Afferte domino psalme .xxix. T. S. ¶ An excellent Psalme wherein the Prophete exhorteth the very princes and rulers of the worlde whiche otherwise for the most part thinke there is no God at the least to feare him for the thunders and tempestes for feare wherat all creatures tremble And though there by God threatneth sinners yet is he alwayes mercyful to his and moueth them therby to prayse his name Syng this as the xxi Psalme verse 1 GEue to the Lord ye potentates ye rulers of the world Geue ye all prayse honor strength vnto the lyuing Lord. verse 2 Geue honor to his holy name and honor him alone Worship him in his maiesty within his holy throne verse 3 His voyce doth rule the waters al euē as him self doth please He doth prepare the thunder clappes and gouernes al the sease verse 4 The voyce of God is of great force and wondrous excellent It is most mighty in effect and much magnificent verse 5 The voyce of God doth rent breake the cedre trees so long The Cedre trees of Libanus which are most hye and strong verse 6 And makes them leape like as a calf or els the Vnicorne Not onely trees but moūtaines great wheron the trees ar borne verse 7 His voyce deuideth flames of fire and shakes the wildernes verse 8 It makes the desert quake for feare that called is Cades verse 9 It makes the Hindes for feare to calue makes the couert plaine Then in his temple euery man his glory doth proclaime verse 10 The Lord was set aboue the flouds ruling the raging sea So shal he raygne as Lord and kyng for euer and for aye verse 11 The Lord wil geue his people power in vertue to increase The Lord wil blesse his chosen folke with euerlasting peace Exaltab● te domine Psalme .xxx. I. H. ¶ When Dauid should haue dedicated his house to the Lord he fell so extreme sicke that he was without all hope of life and therfore after his recouery he rendreth thankes to God exhorting others to the like to learne by his example that God is rather merciful thē seuere and rigorous towardes his children and also that the fall from prosperitie is sodeyne This done he retourneth to prayer promising to prayse God for euer ALl laud and prayse with hart and voyce O Lord I geue to thee whiche didst not make my foes reioyce but hast exalted me O Lorde my God to thee I cryde in all my payne
make my sute to thee let not my words returne in vaine but geue an eare to me frō of the coastes vtmost partes of all the earth abroad in grief anguish of my hart I cry to thee O God verse 3 Vpon the rock of thy great power my woful mynd repose thou art my hope my fort and tower my fence against my foes verse 4 Within thy tent I lust to dwel for euer to indure Vnder thy wings I know right wel I shal be safe sure verse 5 The Lord doth my desire regard and doth fulfil the same With goodly gifts wil he reward al them that feare his name verse 6 The king shal he in health maintain and so prolong his dayes That he from age to age shal raign for euermore alwayes verse 7 That he may haue a dwelling place before the Lord for aye O let thy mercy truth and grace defend him from decay verse 8 Then shal I sing for euer stil with prayse vnto thy name That al my vowes I may fulfil and daily pay the same Nonne deo subiecta psalme .lxii. I. H. Dauid declareth by his exāple by y e nature of god y e he must trust in god alone therunto exhorteth al people seing y e al is vanity wtout god al goeth to nought al we ar alwaies taught y e God onely is of power to saue that he rewardeth mā according to bys workes Sing this as the. 6● Psalme verse 1 MY soule to God shal geue good hede and him alone entend for why wy helth hope to spede doth whole on him depēd verse 2 For he alone is my defence my rock my health my ayd He is my stay that no pretence shal make me much dismayd verse 3 O wicked folk how long wil ye vse crafts sure ye must fal For as a rotten hedge ye be and like a tottering wal verse 4 Whō god doth loue ye seke alwayes to put him to the wurse Ye loue to lie with mouth ye praise and yet your hart doth curse verse 5 Yet stil my soule doth whole depend on God my chief desire From al il feates me to defend none but him I require verse 6 He is my rock my strength my tower my health is of his grace He doth support me that no power can moue me out of place verse 7 God is my glory and my health my soules desire and lust My fort my strēgth my stay my wealth God is mine only trust verse 8 Oh haue your hope in him alway ye folke with one accord Poure out your harts to him and say our trust is in the Lord. verse 9 The sonnes of men deceitful are on balaunce but a sleight With things most vayne do thē cōpare for they cā kepe no weight verse 10 Trust not in wrong robbry or stelth let vayne delightes be gone though goods wel got flow in w c welth set not your harts theron verse 11 The Lord long sith one thing doth tel which here to mind I cal He spake it oft I heard it wel that god alone doth al. verse 12 And that thou Lord art good and kynde thy mercy doth excede So that al sortes wyth thee shal find according to their dede Deus deus meus psalme .lxiii. T. S. Dauid after he had bene in great daunger by Saule in the deserte Ziph made this Psalme wherin he geueth thanks to God for his wonderful deliuerance in whose mercies he trusted euē in the midst of his miseries prophecying the destruction of gods enemies contra rywise happenes to al them that trust in the Lord. 1. Sam. iii Sing this as the. 44 Psalme verse 1 O God my God I watch betyme to come to thee in hast For why my soule and body both doth thirst of thee to tast And in this barrē wildernes where waters there are none my flesh is partcht for thought of thee for thee I wish alone verse 2 That I might see yet once agayn thy glory strength and might As I was wont it to behold within thy temple bryght verse 3 For why thy mercies far surmount this lyfe and wretched dayes My lips therfore shal geue to thee due honor laude and prayse verse 4 And whilst I lyue I wil not fayle to worship thee alway And in thy name I shal lift vp my hands whē I do pray verse 5 My soule is filled as with marow which is both fat and swete my mouth therfore shal sing such sōgs as are for thee most mete verse 6 When as in bed I think on thee and eke al the night tyde verse 7 For vnder couert of thy wings thou art my ioyful guide verse 8 My soule doth surely stick to thee thy right hand is my power verse 9 And those that seke my soule to stroy thē death shal sone deuoure verse 10 The sword shal thē deuour echone their carcases shal fede The hungry foxes which do run their pray to seke at nede verse 11 The king and al men shal reioyce that do profes Gods word For liers mouthes shal thē be stopt which haue y e truth disturbde Exaudi deus vocem meam psalme lxiiii l. H Dauid prayeth against the false reporters and slaunderere he declareth their punishment destruction to the comfort of the iust and the glory of God Syng this as the. 18. Psalm verse 1 O Lord vnto my voyce geue eare with plaint when I do pray and rid my life soule from feare of foes that threat to slay verse 2 Defend me from that sort of men which in deceipts do lurke And from the frowning face of them that al il feates do worke verse 3 who whet their tōgs as we haue sene mē whet sharp their swords Thei shoote abrode their arrowes kene I mean most bitter words verse 4 With priuy sleight shote thei their shaft the vpright man to hit The iust vnware to strike by craft they care or feare no whit verse 5 A wicked worked haue they decreed in counsel thus they cry To vse deceyt let vs not dread what who can it espy verse 6 What wayes to hurt they talk muse al times within their hart They al cōsult what feates to vse ech doth inuent his part verse 7 But yet al this shal not auayle whē they think least vpon God with his dart shal sure assayle and wound thē euery one verse 8 Their crafts their il tōgs withal shal work thēselues such blame That they which then behold their fal shal wonder at y ● same verse 9 Thē al that see shal know right wel that god y e thing hath wrought and prayse his witty works tel what he to pas hath brought verse 10 Yet shal the iust in God reioyce stil trusting in his might so shal they ioy with mind and voyce whose hart is pure right Te decet hymnus Psalm .lxv. I. H. A prayse and thankesgeuing vnto God by the faythful who are signified by Sion and
sometymes the mercyes receyued desiryng also to be instructed of the Lord that he may feare hym also and glorifie his name He complayneth also of hys aduersaries and requireth to be deliuered from them Syng this as the .81 Psalm verse 1 LOrd bow thine eare to my request and heare me by and by With greuous payne grief opprest ful poore weake am I. verse 2 Preserue my soule because my way and doings holy bee and saue thy seruaunt O my Lord that puts his trust in thee verse 3 Thy mercy Lord on me expresse defend me eke with al For through the day I do not cease on thee to cry and cal verse 4 Cōfort O Lord thy seruaūts soule that now with payne is pinde For vnto thee Lord I extol and lift my soule and mynde verse 5 For thou art good and bountiful thy gifts of grace are free And eke thy mercy plentiful to al that cal on thee verse 6 O Lord likewise when I do pray regard and geue an eare Marke wel the wordes that I do say and al my prayers heare verse 7 In time when trouble doth me moue to thee I do complayne For why I know and wel do proue thou aunswerest me againe verse 8 Among the Gods O Lord is none with thee to be comparde and none can do as thou alone the like hath not bene hard verse 9 The gentils and the people al which thou didst make and frame Before thy face on knees wil fal and glorify thy name verse 10 For why thou art so much of might al power is thine owne Thou workest wonders stil in sight for thou art God alone verse 11 O teach me Lord thy way and I shal in thy truth procede O ioyne my hart to thee so nye that it thy name may dread verse 12 To thee my God wil I geue praise with al my hart O Lord and glorify thy name alwayes for euer through the world verse 13 For why thy mercy shewed to me is great and doth excel Thou setst my soule at liberty out of the lower hel verse 14 O Lord the proud agaynst me rise and heapes of men of might They seke my soule and in no wise wil haue thee in theyr sight verse 15 Thou Lord art merciful and meke ful slacke and slow to wrath Thy goodnes is ful great and eke thy truth no measure hath verse 16 O tourne me Lord and mercy graunt thy strength to me apply O helpe saue thyne own seruaunt thy handmayds sonne am I. verse 17 On me some signe of fauour shew that al my foes may see And be ashamde because Lord thou doost helpe and comfort mee Fundamenta eius Psalme .lxxxvii. I. H. ¶ The holy ghost promiseth that the condition of the Church whiche was a misery after the captiuity of Babilon should be restored to great excellēcy so that there should be nothing more comfortable then to be nombred among the members therof Sing this as the .81 Psalme verse 1 THat city shal ful wel endure her ground worke stil doth stay Vpon the holy hils ful sure it can no time time decay verse 2 God loues the gates of Siō best his grace doth there abide He loued them more then al the rest of Iacobs tents beside verse 3 Ful glorious things reported be in Sion and abrod Great things I say are sayd of thee thou city of our God verse 4 On Rahab I wil cast an eye and beare in mind the same and Babilon shal eke apply and learne to know my name verse 5 Loe Palestine and Tyre also with Ethiope like wise a people old ful long ago were borne and there did rise verse 6 Of Sion they shal say abrod that diuers men of fame Haue there sprong vp the hye God hath founded fast the same verse 7 In their recordes to them it shal through Gods deuise appere Of syon that the chief of al had his beginning there verse 8 The trumpetters with such as sing therin great plenty bee My fountaynes and my pleasaunt springs are compast al in thee Domine deus salutis Psalme .lxxxviii. I. H. ¶ A grieuous complaint of the faithful sore afflicted by sicknes persecutiō aduersitie being as it were left of God without any consolation yet he calleth on God by fayth and striueth against desperation complainyng him selfe to be forsaken of al yearthly helpe LOrd God of health the hope stay thou art alone to me I cal cry throughout the day and al the night to thee O let my prayers sone ascēd vnto thy sight on high encline thyne eare O Lord entend and herken to my cry verse 3 For why my soule with wo is fild and doth in trouble dwel My lyfe and breath almost doth yeld and draweth nye to hel verse 4 I am esteemd as one of them that in the pit do fal And made as one among those men that haue no strength at al. verse 5 As one among the dead and free from things that heare remayne It were more easy for me to be with them the which are slayne verse 6 As those that lye in graue I say whom thou hast cleane forgot The which the hand hath cut away and thou regardst thē not verse 7 Yea lyke to one shut vp ful sure within the lower pit In places darke and al obscure and in the depth of it verse 8 Thine anger and thy wrath likewise ful sore on me doth lye And al thy stormes agaynst me ryse my soule to vexe and try verse 9 Thou puttest my frends far of from me makst them hate me sore I am shut vp in prison fast and can come forth no more verse 10 My sight doth faile through grief and wo I cal to thee O God Throughout the day my handes also to thee I stretch abrod verse 11 Doost thou vnto the dead declare thy wondrous workes of fame Shal dead to life agayne repayre and prayse thee for the same verse 12 Or shal thy louing kindnes Lord be preached in the graue Or shal with them that are destroyd thy truth her honor haue verse 13 Shal they that lye in darke ful low of al thy wonders wot Or there shal they thy iustice know where al things are forgot verse 14 But I O Lord to thee alway do cry and cal apace My prayer eke ere it be day shal come before thy face verse 15 Why doost thou Lord abhorre my soule in grief that seketh thee And now O Lord why doost thou hide thy face away from me verse 16 I am afflict as dying stil from youth this many a yeare Thy terrours which do vexe me il with troubled mind I beare verse 17 The furies of thy wrathful rage ful sore vpon me fal Thy terrours eke do not asswage but me oppres with al. verse 18 Al day they compas me about as water at the tyde And al at once with streames ful stoute beset me on ech syde verse 19 Thou settest far from me my frends
doth eke his iustice shew in al the Heathens sight verse 3 His grace and truth to Israel in mynd he doth record That al the earth hath sene right wel the goodnes of the Lord. verse 4 Be glad in him with ioyful voyce al people of the earth Geue thankes to God sing and reioyce to him with ioy mirth verse 5 Vpon the harpe vnto him sing geue thanks to hym with psalmes Reioyce before the Lord our king with trumpets with shalmes verse 6 Yea let the sea with al therin with ioy both rore and swel The earth like wise let it begin with al that therin dwel verse 7 And let the flouds reioyce their fils and clap their hands apace and eke the mountaynes and the hils before the Lord his face verse 8 For he shal come to iudge and try the world and euery wight and rule the people mightely with iustice and with right Dominus regnauit psalme .xcix. I. H. He cōmendeth the power equitie and excellency of the kingdō of god by Christ ouer y e Iew Gētils prouoketh thē to magnify y e fame to serue y e lord following the example of the aunciēt fathers Moyses Aarō Samuel who calling vpon God were hard in their prayers Sing this as the .95 Psalme verse 1 THe Lord doth raign although at it the people rage ful sore Yea he on Cherubin doth syt though al y e world wold rore verse 2 The Lord that doth in Sion dwel is high wōdrous great aboue al folke he doth excel and he aloft is set verse 3 Let al men prayse thy mighty name for it is feareful sure and let them magnify the same that holy is and pure verse 4 The princely power of our kyng doth loue iudgement and ryght thou rightly rulest euery thyng in Iacob through thy might verse 5 To prayse the Lord our God deuyse al honour to hym do His footestoole worship ye lykewyse for he is holy to verse 6 Moyses Aaron and Samuel as priests on hym dyd cal when they did pray he heard thē wel and gaue thē aunswer al. verse 7 Within the cloud to them he spake then did they labour stil to kepe such lawes as he did make and pointed them vntil verse 8 O Lord our God thou didst them heare and aunswerst them again Thy mercy did on them appeare their dedes didst not maintayn verse 9 O laud and prayse our God and Lord within his holy hil For why our God throughout the world is holy euer stil 2 Iubilate deo omnis terra psalme C. He exhorteth al to serue the lord who hath made vs and enter into his courtes and assemblies to prayse his name AL people y t on earth do dwel sing to y e Lord with chereful voice him serue w t fear his praise forth tel come ye before him reioice verse 3 The Lord ye know is god in dede wtout our ayde he did vs make We are his folke he doth vs fede for his shepe he doth vs take verse 4 Oh enter thē his gates w t praise approch with ioy his courts vnto praise laud and bles his name alwayes for it is semely so to do verse 5 For why the Lord our God is good his mercy is for euer sure His truth at al times firmly stood and shal from age to age indure Another of the same verse 1 IN God the lord be glad and light praise him throughout the earth Serue him come before his sight with singing and with mirth verse 2 Know that the Lord our God he is he did vs make and kepe Not we our selues for we are his owne folke and pasture shepe verse 3 O go into his gates alwayes geue thankes within the same Within his courts set forth his prayse and laud his holy name verse 4 For why the goodnes of the Lord for euermore doth raigne from age to age throughout the world his truth doth stil remain Misericordiam iudicium psalm Ci. N. ¶ Dauid discrybeth what gouerhmēt he wil obserue in his house and kingdome He wil punish and correct by rotyng out the wick●d and cheryshing the godly persons Sing this as the .81 psalme verse 1 I Mercy wil and iudgement sing O Lord God vnto thee and wisely do in perfect way vntil thou come to mee verse 2 And in the midst of my house walke in purenes of my sprite verse 3 And I no kind of wicked thyng wil set before my sight I hate their worke that fal away it shal not cleaue to mee verse 4 From me shal part the froward hart none euil wil I see verse 5 Him wil I stroy that slaundereth his neighbour priuely The lofty hart I cannot beare nor hym that looketh hy verse 6 Mine eyes shal be on them within the land that faithful be In perfect way who worketh shal be seruant vnto me verse 7 I wil no guileful person haue within my house to dwel and in my presence he shal not remayne that lies doth tel verse 8 Betimes I wil destroy euen al the wicked of the land That I may from Gods city cut the wicked workers band Domine exaudi orationem psalme Cii I. H. ¶ It semeth that this prayer was apointed to the faithful to pray in the captiuity of Babilon A consolatiō for the buildinge of the church Wherof foloweth the praise of god to be published vnto al posterityes The conuersion of the Gentils And the stability of the church Syng this as the .67 Psalme verse 1 O Heare my prayer Lord and let my crye come vnto thee verse 2 in tyme of trouble do not hide thy face away from mee Incline thine eares to me make hast to heare me when I cal verse 3 For as the smoke doth fade so do my dayes cōsume and fal verse 4 And as a harth my bones are burnt my hart is smittē dead and withers as the grasse that I forget to eat my bread verse 5 By reason of my groning voyce my bones cleaue to my skin verse 6 As Pellicane of wildernes such case now am I in And as an Owle in desert is loe I am such a one verse 7 I watch and as a Sparow on the house top am alone verse 8 Loe daily in reprochful wise myne enmies do me scorne And they y ● do against me rage against me they haue sworne verse 9 Surely with ashes as with bread my hunger I haue fild and mingled haue my drink w t teares y t fro mine eies haue stild verse 10 Because of thy displeasure Lord thy wrath and thy disdayn For thou hast lifted me aloft and cast me down agayn verse 11 The dayes where in I pas my life are lyke the fleeting shade and I am withered like y ● gras that soone away doth fade verse 12 But thou O Lord for euer doost remayne in stedy place And thy remembrance euer doth abyde from race to race The second part verse 13 Thou wilt arise and mercy thou to
Thee to obey in wealth and wo Let not flesh bloud or any il Preuayle agaynst thy holy wil. ❧ Geue vs this day our dayly bread And al other good giftes of thyne Kepe vs from warre and from bloudshed Also from sicknes dearth and pine That we may lyue in quietnes Without al gredy carefulnes Forgeue vs our offences al Releue our careful conscience ❧ As we forgeue both great and smal Which vnto vs haue done offence Prepare vs Lord for to serue thee In perfect loue and vnity O Lord into temptation Lead vs not when the fiend doth rage To withstand his inuasion Geue power and strength to euery age ❧ Arme and make strong thy feble host With faith and with thy holy ghost O Lord from euel deliuer vs The dayes and tymes are daungerous From euerlastyng death saue vs And in our last nede comfort vs A blessed end to vs bequeth Into thy handes our soules receyue ❧ For thou O Lord art kyng of kyngs And thou hast power ouer al Thy glory shineth in al thyngs In the wyde world vniuersal Amen let it be done O Lord That we haue prayd with one accord ¶ The .xii. Articles of the Christian Faith AL my belief and confidence Is in the Lord of might the father which al things hath made the day and eke the night the heauens the firmamēt and also many a starre the earth and al that is therin which passe mās reasō far And in like maner I beleue in Christ our Lord his sonne Coequal with the deitie and man in flesh and bone Conceiued by the holy ghost his word doth me assure and of his mother Mary borne yet she a Virgin pure Because mankind to Sathan was for sinne in bōd and thral He came and offred vp him selfe to death to saue vs al. And suffring most greuous payne then Pilate being iudge Was crucified on the cros and therat did not grudge And so he died in the flesh but quickned in the spirite His body then was buried as is our vse and rite His spirit did after this descēd into the lower parts To thē y ● lōg in darknes wer the true light of their harts And in the thyrd day of his death he rose to life agayne To th end he might be glorified out of al grief and payne Ascendyng to the heauens hye to fit in glory stil On Gods right hād his father deare according to his wil. Vntil the day of iudgmēt come whē he shal come agayne With angels power yet of that day we al be vncertayn To iudge al people rightuously whō he hath dearely bought The liuing the dead also which he hath made of nought And in the holy spirit of God my faith to satisfy The third person in Trinity beleue I stedfastly The holy catholike church that gods word doth maintaine and holy scripture doth alow which Sathā doth disdain And also I do trust to haue by Iesu Christ his death Release and pardon of my sinnes and that onely by faith What time al flesh shal rise again before the Lord of might and see him w t their bodely eies which now do geue thē light And then shal Christ our fauior the shepe and Goates deuyde and geue life euerlastingly to those whom he hath tryde Which is the realme celestial in glory for to rest With al the holy company of saints and Angels bleft Which serue the Lord omnipotent obediently eche houre To whome be al dominion and prayse for euermore ¶ A prayer vnto the holy Ghost to be song before the Sermon Syng this as the 11● Psalme COme holy sprite the god of might comforter of vs al teach vs to know thy word aright y t we do neuer fal O holy Ghost visite our coast defend vs with thy shield Against al sinne and wickednes Lord help vs win the field Lord kepe our Quene her counsel geue them wil and might To perseuere in thy gospel which can put sinne to flyght O Lord that geuest thy holy word send preachers plētuously That in the same we may accord and therin lyue and dy O holy sprite direct aright the preachers of thy word that y u by them maist cut down sin as it were with a sword Depart not from those pastors pure but ayd them at al nede which breake to vs y e bread of life wher on our soules do fede O blessed spirit of truth kepe vs in peace and vnitie Kepe vs from sectes and errours al and from al papistry Conuert al those that are our foes and bring thē to thy lyght that they and we may al agree and prayse thee day night O Lord increase our faith in vs and loue so to abound that man wife be void of strife neighbours about vs roūd In our time geue thy peace O Lord to nations far nye and teach thē al thy holy word that we may sing to thee All Glory to the Trinitie that is of myghtes most The lyuing Father and the Sonne and eke the holy Ghost As it hath bene in al the tyme that hath bene heretofore As it is now and so shal be hence forth for euermore Da pacem Domine E. G. GEue peace in these our dayes O Lord great daūgers are now at hand thine enemies with one accord Christes name in euery land seeke to deface roote out and race thy true ryght worshyp in dede be thou the stay Lord we thee pray thou helpst alone in all nede Geue vs that peace which we do lacke Through misbelief and il life Thy word to offer thou doost not slacke Which we vnkindly gainstriue With fyre and sword this healthfull word Some persecute and oppresse Some with the mouth confes the truth Without sincere godlines Geue peace and vs thy spirite down send With grief and repentaunce true Do pearce our harts our lyues to amend And by fayth Christ renue That feare and dread warre and bloudshed Through thy swete mercy and grace May from vs slyde thy truth may byde And shyne in euery place The complaint of a Synner who craueth of Christ to be kept vnder hys mercy WHere rightuousnes doth say Lord for my sinful part in wrath thou shouldst me pay vengeaunce for my desert I can it not deny but nedes I must confes how that cōtinually thy lawes I do transgres thy lawes I do transgres But if it be thy wil with synners to contend Then all thy flock shal spil and be lost without end For who lyueth here so ryght that rightly he can say He synneth not in thy sight full oft and euery day Thy Scripture plain telth me y ● rightuous mā offēdeth seuē times a day to thee wheron thy wrath depēdeth So that the rightous man doth walk in no such path But he falth now or than in daunger of thy wrath Then since the case so standes y ● euen the mā rightwise Faith oft in sinful bands wherby thy wrath may rise Lord I
that am vniust and rightuousnes none haue Whereto then shal I trust my sinful soule to saue But truly to that post whereto I cleaue and shal Which is thy mercy most Lord let thy mercy fal And mitigate thy moode or els we perish al The pryce of this thy bloud wherin mercy I cal Thy scripture doth declare no drop of bloud in thee but that thou didst not spare to shed ech drop for mee Now let those drops most swete so moist my hart so dry that I with sin replete may liue and sin may dye That beyng mortifye this sinne of mine in mee I may be sanctified by grace of thyne in thee So that I neuer fal into such mortal sinne That my foes infernal reioyce my death therin But vouchsafe me to kepe from those infernal foes and from that lake so depe wheras no mercy growes And I shal sing the songs confirmed with the iust That vnto thee belongs which art my onely trust The Lamentation ¶ Through perfect repentance y ● sinner hath a sure trust in god that his sinnes shal be washed away in Christes bloud O Lord in thee is al my trust geue eare vnto my woful cry refuse me not that am vniust but bowing down thy heauenly eye behold how I doo stil lament my synnes wherin I doo offend O Lord for them shall I be shent syth thee to please I doo intend No no not so thy wil is bent To deale with sinners in thyne ire But whē in hart they shal repent thou graūtst with spede their iust desire To thee therfore stil shal I cry To wash away my sinful cryme Thy bloud O Lord is not yet dry But that it may help me in time Hast thee O Lord hast thee I say To poure on me the gifts on grace That when this life must flit away In heauē w t thee I may haue place Where thou doost raigne eternally with god which once did down thee sēd Where angels sing continually To thee be prayse world without end A thankes geuyng after the receiuyng of the Lordes supper Syng this as the .37 Psalme THe Lord be thanked for his gifts and mercy euermore that he doth shew vnto his saints to him be laud therfore Our tonges cannot so prayse y ● Lord as he doth right deserue Our hartes cannot of hym so thynke as he doth vs preserue His benefites they be so great to vs that be but synne That at our hands for recompence there is no hope to win O synful flesh that thou shouldst haue such mercies of the Lord Thou doost deserue more worthely of hym to be abhord Nought els but sinne and wretchednes doth rest within our harts And stubburnly against the Lord we daily play our parts The sunne aboue in firmament that is to vs a light Doth shew it self more cleane pure then we be in hys syght The heauens aboue and al therin more holy are then we They serue the Lord in their estate ech one in his degree They do not stryue for mastership nor flacke their office set but feare the Lord and do his wil hate is to them no let Also the earth and al therin of God it is in aw It doth obserue the formers wil by skilful natures law The sea and al that is therin doth bend when God doth beck The sprites beneth do trēble al feare his wrathful check But we alas for whom al these were made thē for to rule Do not so know or loue the Lord as doth the Oxe or mult A saw he gaue for vs to know what was his holy wil He would vs good but we would not auoid the thyng is il Not one of vs that seeketh out the Lord of lyfe to please Nor do y ● thing that might vs ioyne our Christ quiet ease Thus we are al his enemies we can it not deny and he agayn of his good wil would not that we should dy Therfore when remedy was none to bryng vs vnto lyfe the sonne of God our flesh he toke to mend our mortal strife And al the law of God our Lord he dyd it ful obey and for our sins vpon the crosse hys bloud our dets did pay And y ● we should not yet forget what good he to vs wrought A sygne he left our eyes to tel that he our bodies bought In bread wyne here visible vnto thine eyes and tast his mercies great thou maist record if that his sprite y u hast As once the corn did liue grow and was cut down with sithe and threshed out with many stripes out frō his husk to driue And as the mil with violence did teare it out so smal and made it lyke to earthly dust not sparyng it at al. And as the ouen with fyre whote did close it vp in heat and al this done that I haue said that it should be our meat So was the Lord in his ripe age cut down by cruel death his soule he gaue in torments great yelded vp his breath Because that he to vs might be an euerlastyng bread with much reproch and trouble great on earth his life he led And as the grapes in pleasant tyme are pressed very sore and plucked down whē thei be ripe not let to grow no more Because the iuyse that in them is as comfortable drinke He might receiue ioyful be whē sorowes make vs shrink So christes bloud out pressed was with nayles eke with speare The iuise wherof doth saue al those that rightly do him feare And as the cornes by vnitie into one loafe is knit So is the Lord and his whole church though he in heauen sit As many grapes make but one wyne so should we be but one In fayth and loue in Christ aboue and vnto Christ alone Leading a lyfe without all stryfe in quiet rest and peace From enuy and from malice both our hartes and tonges to cease Which if we do then shal we shew that we his chosen be By faith in him to lead a lyfe as alwayes willed he And that we may so do in dede God send vs al his grace Then after death we shal be sure with hym to haue a place Robert VVisedome PReserue vs Lord by thy dere word frō Turk and Pope defend vs Lord which both would thrust out of his throne our Lord Iesus Christ thy deare sonne Lord Iesus Christ shew forth thy might That thou art Lord of Lordes by ryght Thy poore afflicted flock defend That they may prayse thee without end God holy Ghost our comfortor ❧ Be our Patrone help and succor Geue vs one mind and perfect peace All gifts of grace in vs encrease Thou liuing God in persons three Thy name be praysed in vnitie In all our nede so vs defend That we may praise thee world without end ¶ A forme of Prayer to be vsed in priuate houses euery morning and euenyng ¶ Mornyng prayer ALmighty God most merciful father we do not present our selues
mischief stout and sorrow eke withal verse 12 Her priuy partes are wicked playne her dedes are much to vile And in the streetes there doth remayne al crafty fraud guile The second part verse 13 If that my foes did seeke my shame I might it wel abyde From open enmies check and blame some where I could me hide verse 14 But thou it was my fellow dere which frendship didst pretend And didst my secret counsel heare as my familiar frend verse 15 With whom I had delight to talke in secret and abrode And we together oft did walk within the house of God verse 16 Let death in hast vpon them fal and sen them quick to hel For mischief rayneth in their hal and parlour where they dwel verse 17 But I vnto my God do cry to him for help I flee The Lord doth heare me by and by and he doth succour mee verse 18 At morning noone and euenyng tyde vnto the Lord I pray Whē I so instantly haue cride he doth not say me nay verse 19 To peace he shal restore me yet though war be now at hand Although the number be ful great that would against me stand verse 20 The Lord that first and last doth raign both now and euermore Wil heare when I to hym complaine and punish them ful sore verse 21 For sure there is no hope that they to turne will ouce accord For why they wil not God obey nor do not feare the Lord. verse 22 Vpon their frēds they laid their hāds which were in couenāt knit Of frendship to neglect the bands they passe or care no whit verse 23 While they haue war within their hart as butter are their words although his words wer smoth as oile thei cut as sharp as swords verse 24 Cast thou thy care vpon the Lord and he shal nourish thee For in no wise wil he accord the iust in thral to see verse 25 But God shal cast thē depe in pit that thirst for bloud alwayes He wil no guileful man permit to liue out halfe hys dayes verse 26 Though such be quite destroid and gone in thee O Lord I trust I shal depend thy grace vpon with al my hart and lust Miserere psalme .lvi. I. H. Dauid being brought to Achis the king of Gath 2. Sa. 21. 12. cōplaineth of his enmies demaū deth succour putteth his trust in God his promises promiseth to performe his vowes which he had taken vpon hym Wherof this was the effect to prayse God in his Church Syng this as the Lamentation verse 1 HAue mercy Lord on me I pray for man would me deuoure He fyghteth with me day by day troubleth me ech houre verse 2 Mine enemies daily enterpryse to swaldow me outryght To fyght against me many ryse O thou most high of might verse 3 Whē they would make me most afraid with boast brags of pryde I trust in thee alone for ayde by thee will I abyde verse 4 Gods promise I do mind and prayse O Lord I stick to thee I do not care at al assayes what flesh can do to me verse 5 What things I either did or spake they wrast thē at their wil And al the counsel that they take is how to work me il verse 6 They al consēt themselues to hide close watch for me to lay They spy my pathes snares haue tride to take my lyfe away verse 7 Shal they thus scape on mischief set thou God on thē wilt frown for in his wrath he doth not let to throw whole kingdōs down verse 8 Thou seest how oft they make me flee and on my teares doost looke Reserue them in a glas by thee and wryte them in thy booke verse 9 When I do cal vpon thy name my foes away do start I wel perceyue it by that same that God doth take my part verse 10 I glory in the worde of God to prayse it I accorde With ioy wil I declare abrode the promyse of the Lord. verse 11 I trust in God and yet I say as I afore began The Lord he is my helpe and stay I do not care for man verse 12 I wil performe with hart so free to god my vowes alwayse And I O Lord al times to thee wil offer thankes and prayse verse 13 My soule from death thou doost defend and kepe my feete vpright That I before thee may ascend with such as lyue in light Miserere Psalme .lvii. I. H. ¶ Dauid beyng in the desert of Ziph where the inhabitants did betray him and at length in the same caue with Saule Calleth most earnestly vnto God with full confidence that he wil performe his promise and take his cause in hand also that he wil shew his glory in the heauēs and the earth against his cruel enemies Therfore doth he render laud and prayse Sing this as the. 44 Psalme verse 1 TAke pity for thy promise sake haue mercy Lord on me For why my soule doth her betake vnto the helpe of thee verse 2 Within the shadow of thy wings I set my selfe ful fast Til mischief malice like things be gone and ouer past verse 3 I cal vpon the God most hye to whom I sticke and stand I meane the God that wil stand by the cause I haue in hand verse 4 From heauen he hath sent his ayde to saue me from their spight That to deuour me haue assayd his mercy truth and might verse 5 I lead my life with Lions fel al set on wrath and ire And with such wicked men I dwel that freat like flames of fyre verse 6 Their teeth are speares and arrowes lōg as sharp as I haue sene they wound cut w t their quick tong like swords weapōs kene verse 7 Set vp and shew they self O God aboue the heauens bright Exalt thy praise on earth abrode thy maiesty and might verse 8 They lay their net and do prepare a priuy caue and pit wherin they think my soule to snare but they are fallen in it verse 9 My hart is set to laud the Lord in him to ioy alwayes My hart I say doth wel accord to syng his laud and prayse verse 10 Awake my ioy awake I say my lute my harpe and string For I my selfe before the day wil ryse reioyce and sing verse 11 Among the people I wil tel the goodnes of my God And shew his prayse that doth excel in Heathen lands abrode verse 12 His mercy doth extend as far as heauens al are hie His truth is high as any star that standeth in the sky verse 13 Set forth and shew thy self O God aboue the heauens bright Extol thy prayse on earth abrode thy maiesty and might Si vere vtique Psalme .lviii. I. H. He describeth the malice of his enemies the flatterers of Saule who both secretly openlye sought his destruction from whō he appealeth to gods iudgemennt shewyng that the iust shal reioyce when they see the punishment of the wicked to the
his strong reuenging hand Them to destroy in wildernes ere they should see the land verse 27 And to destroy theyr sede among the nations with his rod and through the coūtreys of the world to scatter them abrod verse 28 To Baal Peor then they did and ioyne themselues also and eate the offrings of the dead so they forsoke him tho verse 29 Thus with theyr own inuentions his wrath they did prouoke and in his so inkindly wrath the plage vpon them broke verse 30 But Phineas stood vp with zeale the sinners vile to stay and iudgement he did execute and then the plage did stay The fourth part verse 31 It was imputed vnto him for righteousnes that day and from thenceforth so compted is from race to race for aye verse 32 At waters eke of Meribah they did him angry make Yea so far fourth that Moses was then punisht for theyr sake verse 33 Because they vext his spirit so sore that in impatient heat his lips spake vnaduisedly his feauor was so great verse 34 Nor as the Lord commaunded them they slew the people tho verse 35 But were among the heathen mixt and learned their workes also verse 36 And did theyr idols serue which were theyr ruine and decay To feends their sons and daughters they did offer vp and stay verse 37 Yea with vnkindly murdryng knife the giltles bloud they spilt verse 38 Yea theyr own sons daughters bloud without al cause of gilt Whom they to Canaan Idols then offred with wicked hand and so with bloud of innocents defiled was the land verse 39 Thus wer thy stayned with the workes of theyr own filthy way and with their own inuentions a whoryng did they stray verse 40 Therfore agaynst his people was the Lords wrath kindled sore and euen his own inheritaunce therfore he did abhorre verse 41 Into the hands of heathen men he gaue them for a pray and made theyr foes theyr Lords whō they were forced to obey The fifte part verse 42 Yea and their hateful enemies opprest them in the land And they were humbly made to stoope as subiectes to theyr hād verse 43 Ful oftentimes from thral had he deliuered them before But with theyr councels they to wrath prouoked him euermore Therfore they by theyr wickednes were brought ful low to ly verse 44 yet when he saw them in distres he harkned to theyr cry verse 45 He cald to mind his couenaunt which he to them had swore and by his mercyes multitude repented him therfore verse 46 And fauour he them made to find before the sight of those That led thē captiue frō their lād when erst they were their foes verse 47 Saue vs O Lord that art our God saue vs O Lord we pray and from among the heathen folke Lord gather vs away That we may spred the noble prayse of thy most holy name That we may glory in thy prayse and soundyng of thy fame verse 48 The Lord the God of Israel be blest for euermore Let al the people say Amen prayse ye the Lord therfore Confitemini domino Psalme Cvii VV. K. ¶ The Prophet extorteth all those that are redemed by the Lord and gathered vnto hym to geue thankes for this mercif●l prouidence of God gouerning all thinges at his good pleasure sendyng good euil prosperitie and aduersitie to bryng men vnto hym Therfore as the righteous thereat reioyce so shal the wicked haue their mouthes stopped Sing this as the 9● Psalme verse 1 GEue thankes vnto the Lord our God for gratious is hee And that his mercy hath none end al mortal men may see verse 2 Such as y ● Lord redemed hath w t thākes should prayse hys name shew how they frō foes wer freed how he wrought y ● same verse 3 He gathered them forth of the lands that lay so far about Frō East to West frō North to South his hād did find thē out verse 4 They wandred in the wildernes and strayed from the way and found no citie where to dwel that serue might for their stay verse 5 Whose thirst and honger was so great in these desertes so voyde That fayntnes did thē sore assault and eke theyr soules anoyde verse 6 Then did they cry in theyr distres vnto the Lord for ayd who did remoue theyr troubles state accordyng as they prayd verse 7 And by that way which was most right he led them like a guide That they might to a citie go and there also abide verse 8 Let men therfore before the Lord confes his goodnes then and shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men verse 9 For he the empty soule sustaynd whom thirst had made to faynt The hungry soule with goodnes fed and did thē eke acquaynt verse 10 Such as do dwel in darknes depe where they of death do wayt Fast boūd to tast such troublous storms as yron chaynes do threat The second part verse 11 For that agaynst the Lords own words they sought so to rebel Esteming light his councels high which do so far excel verse 12 But whē he humbled thē ful low they then fel down with grief and none was foūd so much to help wherby to get relief verse 13 Then did they cry in theyr distres vnto the Lord for ayde who did remoue theyr troublous state according as they prayd verse 14 For he frō darknes out thē brought from deathes dredful shade Bursting with force the iron bandes which did before thē lade verse 15 Let men therfore before the Lord confes his kindnes then and shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men verse 16 For he threw down theyr gates of bras brake thē w t strōg hand The yron barres he smote in two nothing could him withstand verse 17 The foolish folke great plages do fele and cannot from thē wend But heape on mo to those they haue because they do offend verse 18 Theyr soule somuch did loth al meat that none they could abide wherby death had them almost caught as they ful truly tride verse 19 Then did they cry in theyr distres vnto the Lord for ayd who did remoue their troublous state according as they prayd verse 20 For he then sent to them his word which helth did sone restore and brought them frō those dāgers depe wherin they wer before The third part verse 21 Let men therfore before the Lord confes his kindnes then and shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men verse 22 And let them offer sacrifice with thankes and also feare and speake of al his wondrous workes with glad ioyful cheare verse 23 Such as in ships or brittel barkes into the seas discend Theyr marchādise through feareful flouds to cōpas and to end verse 24 Those men are forced to behold the Lords workes what they be and in the daungerous depe the same most marueilous they se verse 25 For at his word the stormy wind ariseth in a rage
here before thy maiesty trusting in our owne merites or worthines but in thy manifold mercies which hast promised to heare our prayers graūt our requests which we shal make to thee in y ● name of thy beloued son Iesus Christ our Lord who hath also commaunded vs to assemble our selues together in his name with ful assurance that he wil not onely be amōgst vs but also be our mediator and aduocate towards thy maiestie that we may obtayne all thinges which shal seme expedient to thy blessed wil for our necessities therfore we besech thee most merciful Father to turne thy louyng countenance towardes vs and impute not vnto vs our manifold sinnes and offences wherby we iustly deserue thy wrath sharp punishment but rather receyue vs to thy mercye for Iesus Christes sake accepting his death and passion as a iust recompence for all our offences in whom onely thou art pleased and through whom thou canst not be offended with vs. And seyng that of thy great mercies we haue quietly passed this nyght graunt O heauenly Father that we may bestow this day wholy in thy seruice so that al our thoughts words and dedes may redoūd to the glory of thy name and good ensample to al men who seyng our good workes may glorify thee our heauenly father And for as much as of thy mere fauour and ●oue thou hast not onely created vs to thyne own similitude and lykenes but also hast chosen vs to be heyres with thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ of that immortal kingdom which thou preparedst for vs before the beginning of y e world we besech thee to encrease our faith knowledge and to lighten our harts with thy holy sprite that we may in y ● mean tyme liue in godly conuersation and integrity of lyfe knowyng that Idolaters adulterers couetous men cōtentious persons drunkards gluttons and such like shal not inherite the kingdom of God And because thou hast commaunded vs to pray one for an other we do not onely make request O Lord for our selues and them that thou hast already called to the true vnderdandyng of thy heauenlye wil but for all people nations of the world who as they know by thy wonderful workes that thou art God ouer al so they may be instructed by thy holy spirit to beleue in thee theyr onely Sauiour redemer But for as much as they cannot beleue except they heare nor cannot heare but by preachyng and none can preache except they be sent therfore O Lord rayse vp faithful distributers of thy misteries who settyng apart al worldly respects may both in their lyfe doctrine onely seeke thy glory Contrarily confound Sathan Antichrist with all hyrelinges whome thou hast already cast of into a reprobate sence that they may not by sectes schismes heresies and errours disquiete thy little flocke And because O Lord we be fallen into the latter dayes and daungerous tymes wherein ignoraunce hath gotten the vpper hand and Sathan by his ministers seke by all meanes to quenche the light of thy Gospell we besech thee to maintayne thy cause against those rauenyng wolues and strengthen al thy seruants whom they keepe in prison and bondage Let not thy long suffryng be an occasion eyther to encrease their tiranny or to discourage thy children neyther yet let our synnes and wickednes be a hynderaunce to thy mercies but with speede O Lord consider these great miseries For thy people Israell many tymes by their synnes prouoked thyne anger and thou punishedst them by thy iust iudgement yet thoughe theyr synnes were neuer so greuous if they once returned from theyr iniquity thou receyuedst them to mercy We therefore most wretched synners be wayle our manifolde synnes and earnestly repent vs for our former wyckednes and vngodly behauiour towardes thee and where as we cannot of our selues purchase thy pardon yet we humbly besech thee for Iesus Christes sake to shew thy mercies vpon vs and receyue vs againe to thy fauour Graunt vs dere father these our requests and al other thynges necessary for vs and thy whole church according to thy promise in Iesus Christ our lord In whose name we besech thee as he hath taught vs saying Our father c. A prayer to be sayd before meales ALl thynges depend vppon thy prouidence O Lord to receyue at thy hands due sustenance in time conuenient thou geuest to them and they gather it thou openest thy hande and they are satisfied with al good things O heauenly father which art the fountayne ful treasure of al goodnes we beseche thee to shew thy mercies vpon vs thy children sanctify these gyfts which we receyue of thy mercifull liberality graunt vs grace to vse them soberly and purely accordyng to thy blessed wyll so that hereby we maye acknowledge thee to bee the author and geuer of all good things and aboue al that we may remember continually to seeke the spirituall fo●●e of thy worde wherwith our soules may be nourished euerlastingly through our sauior Christ who is the true bread of life which came down from heauen of whom whosoeuer eateth shal liue for euer and raigne with him in glory world without end So be it A thankes geuyng after meales LEt all nations magnify the Lord let all people reioyce in praysing and extollyng hys great mercies For his fatherly kyndnes is plentifully shewd forth vpon vs and the truth of his promise endureth for euer We render thankes vnto thee O Lorde God for the manifolde benefites which we continually receiue at thy bountiful hand not onely for that it hath pleased thee to frede vs in this present lyfe geuyng vnto vs all thinges necessary for the same but especially because thou hast of thy free mercies fashioned vs a new into an assured hope of a far better lyfe the which thou hast declared vnto vs by thy holy Gospell Therfore we humbly besech thee O heauenly father that thou wilte not suffer our affections to bee so intangled or rooted in these earthly and corruptible thyngs but that we may alwayes haue our myndes dyrected to thee on high cōtinually watchyng for the cōmyng of our Lord and Sauiour Christ what time he shal appeare for our ful redemption To whome with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory for euer and euer So be it Another thankes geuyng before meales ETernall and euerlyuing God Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ who of thy most singular loue whiche thou bearest to mankynde hast appointed to his sustenaunce not onely the frutes of the earth but also the foules of the ayre the beastes of the earth and fishes of the sea and hast commaunded thy benefits to be receyued as from thy handes with thanks geuing assuring thy children by the mouth of thy Apostle that to the cleane al things are cleane as the creatures which be sanctif●d by thy word by prayer graunt vnto vs so moderately to vse these thy giftes present that the bodies being refreshed the soules may be