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A12381 The sinfull mans search: or seeking of God. Preached by Henrie Smith, and published according to a true corrected copie, sent by the author to an honorable ladie Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1592 (1592) STC 22697; ESTC S113756 32,346 94

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prouide foode for the bodie hir greatest care was to enterteyne Christ and to make him good cheere to testifie hir thankfull minde vnto him that had doone so great things for them hee had raysed hir brother Lazarus from death to life therefore hee was worthye to bee well enterteyned If Elias deserued to bee well dealt withall at the hande of his hostesse whose sonne he had restored to life or Elysa deserued such enterteynement for hir sonnes reuiuing then surelie our Sauiour Christ was worthie to be welcome hither where hee had raysed Lazarus out of his graue wherein hee had lyne by the space of foure dayes before It was well doone therefore of Martha to shewe hir thankefull minde vnto Christ but it was not well doone at that time to shewe her selfe thankefull in that manner it was then time to heare the worde for at that time Christ preached the worde it was no time for hir to spende that time in other affayres and to neglect the greatest affaire the meanes of hir owne saluation It was not vnlawfull for Martha to labour no more then it was vnlawfull for Peter to sleepe but when Christ was preaching it was no time for hir to bee so busie in seruing no more then it was time for Peter to sleepe when Christ willed him so earnestly to watch and praye When Christ preached out of Symons ship to the people that stoode vppon the shore it was no time for Peter to play the Fisherman But when Christ had left speaking and commanded him to launch into the deepe then it was time for Peter to let downe the net There is a time wherein we ought to labour in our vocation and a time wherein we ought to heare the word and as we may not vtterly neglect our lawfull callings to followe sermons so must wee not bestow the Sabaoth which is consecrated to the seruice of God in following the workes of our vocation All things haue their appointed time saith the wise man Eccle. 3. and euery thing is seemely in his conuenient season but when things are doone preposterously and out of order there followeth confusion Although Martha did not heare Christ yet did she labour for Christ many in our dayes will neyther labour for Christ nor heare of Christ but as the Israelites were wearye of their iourney in the wildernesse and lothed that heauenly Manna so these men are wearie of euery godly exercise and are soone cloyed with the word of God The fiue foolish Virgins wasted their Oyle to no purpose and while they went to buie were excluded the marriage and these foolish men spende this time of grace vainely and wantonly as though after this life there were no time of iustice and vengeance to be feared The daye serueth for their pride or profit the night is spent in sporte and pleasure and no time is left to heare the worde When wee are praying they are playing when we are preaching they are eating and drinking like the old world that eate and dranke that marryed wiues and gaue in mariage while Noah was preparing the Arke for the sauing of his houshold And as Baals Priests wounded themselues to serue their Idoll so these men take dangerous courses and strangely trouble themselues to serue the diuell Nowe Martha findeth hir selfe agreeued and begins to enuie hir sisters exercise as Iosephs brethren enuyed him for his dreames and the sonnes of Ishai that disdained theyr brother Dauid for his forwardnesse in the combat with Goliath These two sisters that in other things agreed so well togither in this doo differ so much that Christ must haue the hearing of the matter and decide the controuersie Martha plaieth the Plaintife and accuseth hir sister Marye the defendant answereth by hir Aduocate and Christ himselfe that tooke vppon him the office of an Aduocate is become the Iudge and giueth sentence on Maryes side Martha complaineth of hir sisters slothfulnesse and seemeth after a sorte to blame our Sauiour for winking at it requiring him to see the matter redressed speedily But Christ first reprooueth Marthaes curiositie and then excuseth yea and commendeth Maries care In Martha it appeareth howe willing wee are to please our selues in our owne conceits and how ready to conceiue amisse of others dooings yea sometime to prefer our owne defects before the perfections of other men If Dauid chasten his soule with fasting it shall bee turned to his reproofe if hee put on Sackcloth to testifie his contrition they iest at him and the drunkards make songs of him if Iohn Baptist be temperate in his apparrell and dyet they will say hee hath a diuell If Paul answere discreetely for himselfe he shall bee charged to bee mad with ouermuch learning yea if our Sauiour Christ himselfe frequent the companie of sinners to reclaime them from sinne they will not sticke to call him a friend and companion of Publicans and sinners Among vs if there be any that be more forward in religion then the rest and more diligent to heare the worde as Marie was there shall not want some or other to censure them at their pleasure yea to finde faulte and to condemne them for so doing yet are not the godly to bee discouraged herewith or to desist from theyr godly exercises for as the Lorde answered for Mary when shee held hir peace so the Lorde will defend their cause and take their part against their aduersaries The Lorde cannot abide to heare his seruants ill spoken off but is alwayes ready to mainteine their right and to answere for them He will not suffer Laban to speake an ill worde to his seruant Iacob And if Aaron and Myriam murmure against Moises the Lorde will punish it with leprosie what a comfortable thing is this to the godly that the king of kings will take their parts and will not suffer them to susteyne any wrong Hee is a most sure and trustie friend that will not abide his friend to bee backbited or ill spoken of but eyther hee will answere in their defence or hee will finde some meanes to stop the mouthes and restraine the slanderous toungs of their enemies as somtime he stopt Balaams passage when hee went to curse his people and caused the dumbe beast to speake and to reprooue the madnesse of the Prophet rather then he woulde haue his people to bee curssed The repitition of Marthaes name argueth the vehemencie and earnestnesse of this admonition The Lord is faine to be very earnest and importunate with vs before hee can reclaime vs. So when God spake vnto Abraham hee calleth him twise by name Christ called Peter thrise by name Iohn 21. to cause him make his three-fould confession to make amends for his threefold deniall And when the Lorde spake vnto Samuel hee called him foure seuerall times by name before hee answered for such is the great mercie of GOD that he is content
mutabilitie but the word of God is the foode of the soule the bread of life that immortall seede which bringeth foorth fruite vnto eternall life Let the worde of God therefore be precious vnto vs because it is so permanent for heauen and earth must passe but the worde of God endureth for euer If we make choise of any thing beside it must be taken from vs or we shal be taken from it but if we make choise of this one thing it shall neuer bee taken from vs neither in this world nor in the world to come The Lord grant that wee be not only hearers but doers of the word that it may be truly sayd of vs as Christ said of his disciples that heard his preaching Behold my brother my sister and mother or as hee answered the woman that commended his carnall kindred Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe the same FINIS A Godly Prayer to bee said at all times BEcause I haue sinned ô Lord and doone wickedly in thy sight and prouoked thee to anger by my abhominable wickednes making my bodie which thou hast ordained a vessell for thine honor an instrument to most detestable filthines ô Lord be merciful vnto me and pardon mee this great wickednes looke not vpon mee good father with the eyes of iustice neither do thou drawe against me the sword of iudgement for then how shall I that am but dust stand in thy presence when thy wrathfull indignation commeth foorth as a whirlewind and thy heauie displeasure as a mightie tempest seeing the earth trembleth the depths are discouered and the verie heauens are shaken when thou art angrie Exercise not therefore thy furie against me that am but as chaffe before the winde and as stubble against a flaming fire though I haue sinned grieuouslie in thy sight preferring my wicked desire before thy holy commandement esteeming the pleasute of a moment before eternall and euerlasting ioyes nay which is worse making more account of vilenesse and vanitie and extreame folly and madnes then of the glory and maiesty of the most excellent wonderfull and blessed God nothing dreading his displeasure whose wrath maketh the diuels to quake and burneth vnquenchable vnto the bottomlesse pit of hell whose might is so great that by the breath of his nosthrils he is able in the twinkling of an eye to destroy a thousand worlds yet am I bold prostrating my selfe before the throne of thy maiestie heartily to beseech and humblie to entreate thee that thou wilt not deale with me according to my merites for I haue deserued that thou shouldst raine downe fire and brimstone from out of heauen vpon me to deuour me or to open the earth vnderneath me to swallow me vp quick vnto hell but thou art gratious and full of compassion and rich in mercies therefore do men put their trust vnder the shadow of thy wings I haue none in heauen to flie vnto but thee nor in earth of whom I may receiue any comfort but at thy fauourable hands which are stretched out day and night to receiue all that by earnest repentance turne vnto thee being readie to ease all those that are laden with the burthen of their sinne and to refresh their distressed consiences In the multitude of thy mercies I approche vnto thee ô Lord desiring thee to looke downe from the height of thy sanctuarie vppon me poore and wretched sinner and to wipe away mine offences and to blotte out my misdeedes especiallie this my vngratious vncleane and vngodlye act that it may not come vppe in remembrance with thee nor bee imputed to mee for euer for ' thy sonnes sake ô Lorde in whome thou art well pleased in whom thou wast fully satisfied vppon the crosse for my sinnes graunt mee free pardon and remission of that I haue so foolishlie by my exceeding frailtie committed against thee in this shamefull deed But ô thou my vncleane and vnthankfull soule my vngodly and rebellious heart what did I sinfull wretch and execrable caitife so blindlie and desperatlie attempt Howe art thou become quite sencelesse that thou wast so readie to anger thy most louing God and to prouoke thy most mightie iudge that thou mightest satisfie thy filthie fleshe suborned both by thine and Gods moste malitious aduersarie to grieue and vex the spirit of the Lord and to damne thy selfe for euer Hath not God of his singular fauour made the heauens of old and placed the sunne and moone in them two glorious lights with innumerable starres a wonderfull workmanship for thy vse and benefit Hath hee not lifted vp the clouds by his strong arme and heaped treasures of raigne haile and snow to doe thee seruice Hath hee not in the midst of the world laid the foundations of the earth that thou mightest haue a stable habitation and mightest from thence behold euery way thou lookest the walles of his beautifull pallace Hath hee not gathered the waters into one place and made the drie land appeare and drawne foorth by his powre a pure substance of aire betweene heauen and earth that fishes might multiplie in the seas foules in great aboundance flie in the open face of the firmament tender plants hearbs flowers and tree● in all varietie growe and fructifie vpon the ground yea creeping things cattell and beasts increase in infinite number in pastures fields gardens orchards and groues and all these to doe thee pleasure Hath he not further giuen thee springs and riuers gold and siluer pearles and iewels euen plentie of streames stones and mettall to furnish thee with whatsoeuer for profite thou needest or for pleasure desirest Hath hee not made thee Lord and ruler ouer all his craatures euen ouer the huge Elephants the Whale the strong Lion and Vnicorne and horse of warre ouer the sauage Tigars Beares and Wolues ouer the mightie Eagle Griffin Vultur Ostrich and Haulke Art thou not clad and defended fed and enriched cheered and renowned by these his creatures and that all the partes of thy bodie and sences of thy minde might be partakers of his goodnes and with his sweetnes refreshed comforted delighted in great measure Yea aboue all this hath hee not breathed into thy bodie an immortall soule that thou mightest remaine with him in glorie for euer Did hee not at the first frame thee like vnto himselfe that he might therefore loue thee as his sonne Did hee not cast into thy spirit the beames of his wisedome that thou through thy vnderstanding mightest behold him and his glory and stirred vp sparkes of goodnes in thy heart that thou mightest by thy affection imbrace him and his bountie and bee made perfectly blessed by his infinite happinesse who when Adam thy vngratefull father by distrusting him that had faithfully promised was throughlie able to fulfill his will and resolutely determined exceedingly to aduance him hauing giuen him this whole worlde in testimonie thereof by discontenting his minde with the excellent estate he was placed in of
commaundement hee will deliuer thee there is the promise and thou shalt glorifie him there is the condition To disobey the commaundement is rebellion to distrust the promise is infidelitie to refuse the condition is vile ingratitude Wherefore let vs seeke and seeke earnestlie with a feruent spirit and humblenes of heart and let vs perswade our selues that there is no seeking without finding no opening without knocking The second circumstance to be considered in this point is to whome wee must seeke for these things Our direction is made vnto God For euery good and perfect gift is from aboue descending from the father of lights And as for manie causes we are to seeke to God and to God alone so especiallie for these foure First because wee haue nothing of our selues nor of any other creature but whatsoeuer wee haue wee haue it of God for what hast thou that thou hast not receiued in him wee liue we mooue and haue our beeing Art thou wise in thine owne conceit O remember that the wisdome of the world is foolishnes with God! O consider that the naturall man vnderstandeth not the thinges of God! these things are hid from the wise and prudent and are reuealed to babes and sucklings Alas what were man if hee were once left to himselfe a map of miserie and a sinck of calamitie Alas howe were hee able to resist the fierie dartes of the aduersarie who continually goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom hee may deuoure Heere yee may note first his malice for hee dailye accuseth vs before the cheefe Iudge of the Kings benche when he cannot preuaile in this court but seeth his billes of accusation repelled then hee remooueth the matter to the Court of our owne consciences where on the one side he laieth the bookes of the lawe and statutes made against sinne on the other side the billes of accusation brought in against vs out of the bookes of the lawe alledging these strict places against vs The soule that sinneth shall dye the death Curssed is hee that abideth not in euery pointe of the lawe to doo it On the other side hee bringeth in consciences to witnesse against vs and then inferreth this harde conclusion Therefore there is no hope of saluation Then if hee see that wee appeale from iustice to mercie and say At what time soeuer a sinner repenteth the Iudge putteth all his wickednesse out of his remembrance hee dealeth with vs as craftie worldlings deale in matters of lawe who when they see their matters passe against them in higher Courtes bring downe their case into the countrie to bee decided by the neighbours who either for their simplicitie cannot or for their fauour dare not iudge of the trueth of the matter So our aduersarie though GOD himselfe doo discharge vs though our conscience testifie our innocencie yet hee accuseth in the third Courte before men where hee is bolde to powre out his whole venome and poyson of his malice against vs and to forge what lyes and slaunders and Libels hee list because hee knoweth they shall bee receiued as true Thus hee accused Christ Iesus our blessed Lorde and Sauiour before Poncius Pilate and caused diuers false and vntrue witnesses to come in against him But if hee were malicious onely to wish our destruction and not mightie to wreake his mallice we should haue little cause to feare but hee is mightie therefore hee is termed a Lyon the power of darknes the great Dragon which drew to the earth the third part of the starres of heauen that is with earthlye temptation to haue ouerthrowne them which seemed to shine in the Church of God as Lampes and starres O then how easie is our ouerthrow if the Lord did not hold vs vp which shine not as starres in heauen but creepe like wormes on earth Yet if hee were but malitious and mightie it were better with vs but he is fierce and therefore called a roaring Lyon who laying waite for the bloud of the godly stirreth vp bloud-thirstie persecuters to make themselues drunk with the bloud of the Saints as most grieuouslie hee did from the time of Iohn Baptist to the reigne of Maxentius the space of 294. yeares slaying some by the sworde burning other with fire hanging some on the Gallowes drowning some in Riuers stabing some with forkes of Iron pressing others to death with stones deuouring many thousands of the tender Lambs of Christs flock To this mallice might and rage is added his subtile policie which hee vseth in circumuenting the faithfull he dooth not pitch his tentes in anye one place but walketh about from place to place to spie out his best aduantage in the night hee soweth Tares and in the daye hee hindereth the growth thereof Hee proceedeth after further and added to his pollicie industrie he considereth our natures dispositions to what sinnes wee doe most incline and therevnto hee applyeth himselfe sometimes by flatterie sometimes by feare sometimes by feeding our humours hee subtillie entiseth vs sometimes by violence hee goeth about to enforce vs somtime by changing himselfe into an Angell of light hee endeuoureth to betraye our soules into his hands and in whatsoeuer estate hee findeth vs he thereby taketh occasion to lay siedge to our soules Thus yee see noted in a worde the force of our aduersarie examine nowe your selues whether yee haue anye thing in your selues and you shall find nothing but weakenesse and corruption It is God that giueth strength to the mightie wisdom to the prudent knowledge to the vnderstanding hee teacheth Dauids hand to fight and his fingers to battaile hee giueth strength to his armes to breake a bowe euen a bow of steele wherfore let neither the wise man glory in his wisdom nor the strong man in his strength but let him that glorieth glory only in the Lord. Secondly we are to seeke vnto God alone because none is so present as he for God because hee is almightie and with his power filleth both heauē and earth is present alwaies with them that feare him and readie to succour them in distresse The Lorde is neere to all that call vpon him in truth he heareth our gronings and sighes and knoweth what things are necessary for vs before we aske The third reason why we must seeke vnto God is none is so able to helpe vs as he but of this I shall haue particular occasion to speake when I come to this point and pray to the Almightie The fourth reason why wee must seeke Christ alone is because there is none so willing to helpe vs as he It is a great courage to vs to make sute when we are perswaded of the willingnesse of him to whome we make sute and I pray yee who was euer more carefull for our saluation and more watchfull ouer vs then the Lord who euer put his trust in him and was confounded In this respect he is called a Father because as the father tendreth his sonne so
when he taketh the furbished blade into his hand when he is readie to throwe the fierie thunderbolts of his wrath when hee summoneth before him the worme that neuer dyeth the fire that neuer shall be quenched to reuenge on the wicked into what a plight are they then driuen then leaue they off be fauourable O Lord be fauourable and say to the hilles O ye mountaines come and couer vs O ye waters come ouerwhelme vs wo wo wo how great is this darknesse The godly on the other side are bathed in such streames of blisse and aduaunced to such happines as neither tongue can vtter nor heart conceiue The second thing wee haue to note in his promises is his mercie which exceedeth all his workes For God though he haue giuen a cursse of the lawe against sinners yet seeing Christ for the penitent hath borne the cursse wherby his iustice is not impaired he is content to accept our weakenes as our strength to recompence our imperfections with reward of greatest perfection that which we can performe but in small part he is content to accept as whole not for any desert of ours but in the satisfaction of his sonne who paid with the seale of his own blod the ransome for our sins he hath cancelled the hand writing that was against vs. Wherfore we are to pray vnto God that whensoeuer our sins shal come in question before him that he would looke vpō Christ Iesus the true loking glas in whō he shall find vs most pure innocent to shine most cleerly in the righteousnes which hee hath giuen vs by faith so that we appeare not in our owne righteousnes but in the righteousnes of the lambe who hauing taken away the sinnes of the world and hauing made vs as white as snow though wee were as red as Crimson saith he will be mercifull to our iniquities and wil remember our sinnes no more Of him doe all the Prophets beare witnesse that thorow his name all that beleeue shall receiue remission of theyr sinnes Againe drinke yee all of this for this is my bloud which is shed for the remission of sinnes Christ gaue himselfe for our sinnes that hee might deliuer vs from the cursse of the law euen according to the will of his father Christ bare our sinnes in his owne bodie on the tree that we being deliuered from sin might liue in righteousnes by whose stripes we are healed for we were as sheepe going astray but are now returned to the shepheard and Bishop of our soules It is no more but beleeue and be saued beleeue and receiue remission beleeue and lay of thine owne righteousnes and inuest thy selfe with the righteousnesse of the vnspotted Lambe Dauid was young and after was old yet in all his daies he neuer saw the righteous forsaken Sometimes he scourgeth his children but like a louing father hee layeth no more vpon them then they are able to beare for hee afflicteth them for his own iustice because they are sinners for his wisedome to exercise their faith for his mercie to cause them to repent but this is the end of all he helpeth them in their distresses he reuengeth himselfe vpon his enemies and giueth to his people rest and quietnes O that we would therefore praise the Lord and forget not all other his singular benefits O that we would confesse that his mercie endureth for euer The third thing to note in his promises is his bountifull kindnesse in requiring so small a thing with so great and liberall blessings and bindeth himselfe by obligation as it were that as sure as we perfome the one so hee will not faile to accomplish the other The fourth is his patience and long suffering which is not slacknesse as some men account slacknesse but is patience because willinglie hee would haue no man to perish but gladly would haue all men come to repentance He is content to stay our leysure till we seeke and pray vnto him and neuer smiteth till there be no hope of redresse The fist is his loue in that he is content to stirre vs vp to holy exercises and puritie of life and to allure vs with faire promises of aide prosperous encrease of all his blessings in this world The particular examination of these blessings would require a large discourse then fearing tediousnes I dare presume to trouble yee withall wherefore a worde of ech and so I end Touching the first where it is said God will awake vp vnto thee it is a greater benefit then the words import for it signifieth not onely that he will heare thee but that he will also doo what thou desirest and satisfie thy request As long as the sinner sleepeth the Lord is said to bee a sleepe but assoone as the sinner awaketh from sinne God will arise sayth Dauid and his enemies shall bee scattered and they that hate him shall flie before him as the smoake vanisheth before the wind and as the wax melteth against the fire euen so shall the wicked perish at the presence of God Wherfore as Paul exhorted the Ephesians so I exhort you Awake thou that sleepest stand vp from the dead Christ shal giue thee light awake vnto God and God will awake vnto thee Christ euen the sonne of God the bright morning star shall giue thee the light of life In the second he promiseth abundance of worldly blessings in recompence of prayer for it is said He will make the habitations of thy righteousnes prosperous that is the Lord will make peace within thy walles and prosperitie within thy pallaces hee will commaund his blessings to bee with thee in thy store house and in all thou settest thy hand vnto he will open vnto thee his good treasures euen the Heauens to giue raine on thy lande in due season Thou shalt laye vp golde as the dust and the gold of Ophir as the flint of the riuer thou shalt wash thy pathes with butter and thy rockes shall powre out riuers of Oyle thou shalt call saluation thy wall and praise shall be in thy gates Loe thus shall the man be blessed that feareth God Lastly for being pure and vpright hee will make thy latter end greatly encrease and that thou maist the lesse mistrust his promise hee will doe it though thy beginning be but small Heere brethren ye see what a sea of matter is offered mee wherevnto if I would commit my selfe I might discourse vnto yee what straunge euents by Gods prouidence haue happened in the world what great Kings and Potentates haue been plucked downe from their thrones and what contemptible persons in the eye of the world haue beene aduanced to their roomes How Mardocheus a straunger was exalted into Hamons place how Ioseph and Daniell the one a bond-man in Egipt the other a Captiue in Babilon were made Princes in those kingdomes But because I will not ouermuch transgresse the bondes of modestie or hold
to admonish vs often of our dutie and such is the dulnesse and peruersenesse of our crooked nature that wee cannot bee gayned by the first admonition but the Lord must call vs often and earnestly before we will harken vnto him There are two things in this speach of Christ to be obserued The first is his modest reprehension of Marthaes immoderate care the other is his friendly defence of Maries choise Though Martha was very carefull to entertaine Christ in the best manner yet if he perceiue any thing in hir worthie of reprehension he will not stick to tell hir of it he will not sooth hir in hir saying nor smooth hir in hir owne conceit for all the trouble and cost that she bestowes vpon him If we be often inuited to some mans table and kindely enterteyned it would bee vnkindlye taken if wee should finde fault with any disorder but forasmuch as all Christ his actions are the instructions of Christians therefore euery Christian but especially Preachers whome it more specially concerneth must learne by this example how to behaue themselues when they are inuited to great feasts namely to speake their conscience freely when they see a fault The best requitall that wee can make for our good cheere is to giue good counsell and wholsome admonition to them that inuite vs. When Christ dined with the Pharisey Luke 11. and was misliked for not washing before dinner hee tooke occasion to reprooue their hypocrisie their outward show of holinesse which was the sinne of the Pharises and at another time he noteth them for preasing to the chiefe places at banquets and sheweth what modestie is to bee obserued in sitting downe to meate and what guests should be bidden to our table So should Preachers behaue themselues towards those that inuite them to great feasts where they see perhaps some fault or disorder either in the Maister of the house or in some other of the guests to saye vnto them thus or otherwise as the case requireth I will warne you of one thing that will doo you good that you would leaue your vsurie and extortion your couetousnesse and oppression that you would leaue your swearing and blaspheming the name of God that you would forbeare to prophane the Lords Sabaoth that you would leaue your pride and excesse in your dyet and apparrell that you would forbeare to speake ill of any behind their backes or to beare any malice or hatred to any of your neighbors These are the faults which are easie to be espyed almost in euery place and these are the faultes which the faythfull minister of Christ Iesus should not leaue vnreprooued wheresoeuer he commeth but as Elias tould Ahab of his Idolatrie though hee were his king and Iohn Baptist tould Herod of his adulterie though he did many things for him and heard him gladly so should the preacher reprooue the people for their notorious offences notwithstanding some fauours and curtesies receiued from them If Christ had cause to finde faulte with Martha for hir too much diligence in his enterteinement it seemes hee was not curious of his dyet but would haue beene content with simple cates he was no delicate or daintie guest hee did not affect or delight in sumptuous banquets or costly fare he rather requireth a religious heart a constant faith a willing mind to heare the word with an earnest care to liue thereafter These are the things wherin the Lorde delighteth these are the iuncates which hee desireth and which he preferreth before all earthly cheere Thus is Martha reprehended for hir curiositie now let vs see how Marie is excused and commended for hir godly care One thing is necessary saith Christ and what is that one thing euen to heare the word preached which is the power of God to saluation to euery one that beleeueth A man may better want all things then that one needful thing and yet we desire all other things and neglect that one thing which is so needfull This one thing hath Marie chosen and therefore hath chosen the better part Marthaes part is good bicause it prouideth for this present life but Maries part is better bicause it leadeth to eternall life It is good to be occupyed about our calling to get our liuing but it is better to bee occupied in hearing the word which is able to saue our soules As the head and the foot are both needfull in the body so Marie and Martha are both needfull in a commonwealth man hath two vocations the one earthlye by his labour the other heauenly by his prayer There is the actiue life which consisteth in practising the affayres of this life wherein man sheweth himselfe to bee like himselfe and there is the contemplatiue life which consisteth in the meditation of diuine and heauenly things wherein man sheweth himselfe to bee like the Angels for they which labour in their temporall vocations do liue like men but they which labour in spirituall matters liue like Angels When they heare the word God speaketh vnto them when they pray they speake vnto God so that there is a continual conference betweene God and them bicause they are continually exercised in hearing or praying Christ loued Martha for hir hospitalitie as Isaac loued Esau for his Venison So did he loue Mary for hir diligence in hearing his word as Rebecca loued Iacob for harkning to hir voice A nursse which hath hir brest full of milke doth loue the child that sucks it from hir and Christ which hath his brest full of heauenly milke is glad when he hath children to suck the same Let vs therfore as the Apostle willeth vs 1. Pet. 2.1.2 laying aside all maliciousnesse and all guile and dissimulation and enuie and all euill speaking as new borne babes desire that sincere milke of the worde that we may grow thereby to bee perfect men in Christ Iesus let vs breath after the fountaine of liuing water which springeth vp vnto eternall life as the faintie Hart desireth the water brook to quench his thirst and for as much as many things are so troublesome and one thing is so needefull let vs seeke that one needfull thing the end of all things euen to feare God and keepe his commandements which we must learne by hearing the word of God whereby faith without the which it is impossible to please God is begotten nourished in the hearts of men This is that good part which Marie hath chosen by so much better then hir sisters choise bicause it concerneth a better life and hath the fruition of this present life Mary hath a double portion She heard the word and eate of the meate which hir sister dressed for godlinesse hath the promise of this life of the life to come As for all other things whether they be honors promotions pleasures and what not they serue onely for the maintenance of this present lyfe which is so short and subiect to