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A11240 A Christian exhortation taken out of the Holy Scriptures for the great comfort of euery faithfull person being in the agonie of death, before whome it must be ofte[n]times red and recited (if neede be) eue[n] to his last breath. Wherevnto is ioyned in the end a singular prayer for the partie greeuously afflicted by sicknesse dravving tovvard his death. Therewith is a briefe catechisme, which is not only to instructe the sicke, but also to refresh his memorie vvith the greate mysterie of our redemption. I. S., fl. 1579. 1579 (1579) STC 21500; ESTC S102189 21,015 74

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of his sonne our Lord only sauiour Iesus Christ And euen as the good old m●n Simeon of whom S. Luke maketh mention after that he had séene according to the promise made vnto him Iesus Christ whome hee had wayted for and desired of long time blessing and praysing God did say Lorde thou lettest goe nowe thy seruante in peace according to thy word for so much as mine eyes hane séene thy saluation the whiche thou hast prepared before the face of all people a lighte for the lightening of the Gētiles the glory of thy people Israell Euen so we after that wée haue knowen the sonne of God oure mediator and Aduocate after that we haue séene him with the eyes of our saith with the good old Simeon yea he whiche is the Christ and anoynted of the Lorde let vs gyue thankes with ioy and gladnesse to the great liuing God and let vs sing very Christian songs prayses and himites in the holye company of the faithful and let vs depart from thys life willingly with a glad hearte at what time soeuer it shall please this good heauenly father yea and being in good healthe lette vs desire with S. Paule to be separated from this body to be leste in peace with Simeon to the ende that we maye lastly come to that only and eternal ioy of Angels and of men whych is Iesus Christ after whom the faithfull doe languishe with a burning zeale to enioy his so amiable company with all the Saincts God the author of euery good thing and blessing the father the sonne and the holy Ghost make vs partakers of this holye grace vnto whome bée prayse euerlastingly So be it Hebr. 13. Remember those which are afflicted as being your selfe of the same bodye and subiecte to endure as much The end of the Catechismes ¶ Heere followe certayne consolatorie sentences concerning the loue of God towards man and of the benefits of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe bestowed vpon vs taken out of holy scripture for the comfort and confirmation of the afflicted in mind whome Sathan by all his cunnings would drawe into desperation and he that would escape comforte of thys small collection must haue the Bible by hym and turne to the sentences heerein vvritten and not onely reade the sentences heere cyted but also that vvhich goeth next before it and that also vvhich follovveth next after is * ⁎ * FIrst God is the God of loue and peace 2. Cor. 11. God deliuereth vs frō ouil Esa. 3. a. 63. ye know the he appeared the he might take away our sins in him is no sinne Ioh. 3. b but God setteth out his loue toward vs séeing that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for vs Ro. 5. b. for those which he hathe predestinate to be made like to the image of his son to the end he should be the first born amongst very many brethrē Ro. 8. f. and that which I liue now in the flesh I liue in the faith of the son of God who hath loued giuen himselfe for me Gala. 2. d and walke in loue euē as Christe bath loued vs hathe giuen hymselfe for vs to be an offering and a sacrifice of a sméet smelling sauoure to God Ephe. 5. a. Grace and Peace be vnto you frō hym that is that was and that is to come from the seauen spirites which are before his throne frō Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnesse the first borne of the dead and Prince of the Kings of the earth vnto him that loued vs and washed vs in his bloud frō oure sins Apoc. a. b. for the Lorde doeth chastice him that he loueth euen as the father doth the childe in whome he delighteth my sonne despise not the chastning of the Lord neither fainte when thou arte rebuked for whome the Lord loueth he chastneth and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receiueth If ye endure chastizemēt God offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto sons for what sonne is he c. Hebr. ● i. b. c. Prouer ● b. But Sion sayd the Lord hath forgotten me can a woman forgette hir childe and not haue cōpassion of the sonne of hir wombr though they should forget yet I will not forget thée Esay 49. d.e. I haue sound thée saith the Lord with an euerlasting loue therefore with merrie haue I drawen thée Iere. 31. a. b. What shall we then saye to these things if God be on our side who cā be againste vs who spared not hys owne sonne but gaue him for all to deathe howe shall he not with hym giue vs all things also Rom. 8. f. So we doe therefore loue him bycause he loued vs first Iohn 4. d. as my father knoweth me euen so knowe I my father and I lay downe my life for my Shéepe Ioh. 10. b. c. the false Prophete whiche woulde drawe vs from the loue and perfecte trust that we ought to haue in God ought not to be heard but slayne Deut. 13. a. b. c. Call vppon me in the daye of thy trouble and I will deliuer thée and thou shalt glorifie me Psalm 50. c. for O Lorde thou arte good and mercifull of greate kindnesse vnto all thē which call vpon thée Psal. 80. ● The Lorde is ful of compassion and mercie flowe to anger and of greate kindnesse he will not alwayes chide nor kéepe his anger for euer Ps. 103. a. The Lord is gratious merciful flowe to anger and of great mercie The Lord is good to al his mercies are ouer al his works Psalm 102. At what time soeuer a sinner doth repēt him of his sin from the bottome of hys hart I wil put all his wickednes out of my remēbraunce saith the Lorde Ezechiel 18. g. A sorrowfull spirite is a sacrifice vnto God dispise not O Lord humble and contrite harts Ps. 51. Séeke the Lord whilst hée may be soūd cal vpō him whilest he is néere let the wicked forsake his wayes the vnrighteous his own imaginations returne to the Lord he will haue mercie vpō him to our God for he is very ready to forgiue Esa. 55. b. c. Then shall ye crie vnto me and yée shall goe and pray vnto me and I will heare you and yée shall séeke me and find me bycause ye shal séeke me with all your hearte and I wyll bée founde of you sayth the Lorde and I will turne awaye youre captiuitie Ierem. 29. c. Grace be vnto you and peace from God the father and from oure Lorde Iesus Christ who gaue himselfe for our sinnes to deliuer vs from this presente wicked world according to the will of God dure Father to whome be glorie for euer So be it Galath i. a. Amend your liues for the kingdome of God is at hande Math. 4. c. I am not come to call the righteous but the sinners to repentance Math. 9. b. Come vnto me all ye that are loden and wéerie and I will ease you Math. ●● d. If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christe the righteous and he is the reconciliation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world 1. Iohn 2. a. * ⁎ * The Ende 2. Cor. 12.13.14 Hebr. 1.10 14. 2 Cor. 5. d. Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 15. g. Ephes 1.19 Ephes 2.1.13 Coloss 1.20 2.14.15 Iohn 3. Ba●●c 3. 2. Cor. 1. Eccles 41. Psal. 52.72 Psalme 68. Math. 7. Eccles 7. Luc. 12. Math. 24. 2. Pet. 3. 1. thess. 5. Psal. 2. Iohn 8. Math. 7. Esay 40. Rom. 7. Note Hebr. 11. Psalme 51. Psal. 142. Math. 3. Tit. 3. Ephes 2. Psal. 51. Rom. 8. Rom. 1. Math. 1. Philip. 2. Acts. 3. Math. 27. Esay 53. Apocal. 1. Hebr. 9. 1. Pet. 1. Rom. 6. Marke 16. 1. Cor. 15. Actes 1. Coloss 3. Hebr. 7. Math. 25. Psalme 61. Rom. 8. Math. 25. Ephes 1. Math. 4. 1. Cor. 11. An excellent gifte Rom. 5. 1. Cor. 15. Marke 16. Rom. 3. Math. 24. Esay 40. Genes 1. 1. Tim. 2. Tit. 3. 1. Tim. 1. Actes 4. Apocal. 1. ☞ 1. Iohn 2. Math. 17. Rom. 1. Philip. 1. 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 3. Iohn 14. Math. 26. Psalme 30. Rom. 8. Esay 55. Math. 11. 1. Iohn 5. Rom. 3. Iohn 14. Math. 26. Psalme 30. Marke 16. Deut. 18. Psalme 2. Esay 53. Genes 3.3 Math. 9. Iohn 10. Luc. 22. Hebr. 1. Ionh 5. Esay 53. Apocal. 1. Rom. 7. Rom. 3. Iohn 14. Marke 26. Psalme 30. Iohn 10. Actes 4. Rom. 8. Rom. 10. Hebr. 11. Iohn 5. 1. Iohn 2. Psalme 22. Rom. 3. Iohn 14. Math. 26. Math. 26. Math. 18. Iohn 14. Iames. 5. 1. Cor. 11. Psalme 74. Math. 26. Psalm 102. Iohn 14. Hebr. 7. Math. 6. Rom. 11. Rom. 8. Iohn 1. Psalme 30. Psalme 71. Psalme 51. Iohh 14. Math. 6. Hebr. ●● Iohn 8. Eccles 18. Genes 1. Psalme 51. Ephes 2. Rom. 5. 2. Cor. 11. Psal. 31. Rom. 10. Genes 1. Psalme 26. Genes 1. 1. Iohn 1. Luc. 1. 1. Iohn 5. Genes 18. Iohn ●7 Rom. 5. Psalme 51. Luke 24. Psalme 21. Rom. 1● Math. 1. Luc. 12. Ephes 2. Psalme 51. Rom. 8. Rom. 5. Math. 26. Hebr. 7. Actes 3. Bray 53. Math. 26. Marke 16. 1. Cor. 15. Actes 1. Coloss ● 1. Iohn ● Rom. 8. Iohn 5. Rom. ● 1. Iohn 5. Ephes 5. Math. 4. 1. Cor. 11. 1. Cor. 10. Psalme 51. Luke 17. 1. Tim. 1. Actes 4. Apocal. 1. Math. 26. Math. 10. Marke 11. Math. 5. Math. 16. Luke 23. Hebr. 9. Genes 3. Esay 38. Esay 55. 〈…〉 Math. 6. Psalme 38. Esay 38. 1. Cor. 15. Apocal. 1. Note this blasphemie Luke 2.
which beléeueth beléeue then without any doubte that Iesus Christe taking to him oure flesh became very man wherefore he dyed for you hauing borne all your sinnes in his body to blotte and put them out Present vnto God the pretious deathe of his sonne Iesus Christ and by the merit of the same death and passion aske him mercie in saying from the bottome of youre heart in great humilitie and repentance LOrd God Almightie be merciful to me poore wretched sinner for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christe my Lord and Sauiour And for the merite of his deathe and passion it maye please thee to receiue my soule the which I recommend into thy hands B. S. N. Put your strong trust in God for séeing that he is for you none shall be against you for Iesus Christ which is the Lamb without spotte hathe ouercome all for you he offered himselfe once onely for you and by the same only oblation hathe wholly wiped out all youre sinnes he hath made of none effecte your folly imustice abhomination with thys good Lord Iesus Christ God the father hathe giuen you all things B. S. N. Fortifie your selfe in Iesus Christ the whiche calleth you and iuuiteth you by his Prophets Apostles and Euangelistes to addresse youre selfe fréely to him saying all you which haue thirst come to the great fountayne Come to me all ye that laboure and are loden and I will ease you B. S. N. Beléeue stedfastly that Iesus Christ hath set you frée from all your sinnes and hath reconciled you to God his father to whome in great humilitie and repentance say you from the bottome of your heart LOrd God Almightie be mercifull vnto mee poore wretched Sinner for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christ my Lorde and Sauioure And for the merit of his deathe and passion it may please thee to receiue my Soule the which I recommende into thy hands B. S. N. Be of good chéere for vndoubtedly he will receyue youre soule as his for the loue of his sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde whiche is the Sauioure and Redéemer of all those which beléeue in him Moyses and all the Prophets haue borne witnesse that all people shal receiue saluation and blessing by Iesus Christ The Apostles and Euangelistes witnesse that Iesus Christe is not come to call the iust but the sinners te repentance and to giue his soule for the Redemption of many for hée hath shedde his bloud for the remission of sinne Beléeue then and doubt not at all for Iesus Christe hathe made the purgation of all youre sinnes hauing promised that all those which shal beléeue in him and in his father which hath sent him shall haue eternall life and shall not come at all into iudgemente but shall passe from death into life Go to now B. S. N. reioyce in Iesus Christe for he hathe loued you and washed you from al your sinnes in his bloud Take this strong faith wherewith to fighte valiantlye against the aduersarie haue none other buckler to defende youre selfe withall but this pretious bloud of Iesus Christ the which by the vertue of his deathe and passion hathe reconciled you to God his father vnto whome from the bottome of your hearte in great humilitie and repentance presente this Prayer LOrd God Almightie shew mercie vnto me poore wretched sinner for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christe my Lorde and Sauiour and for the merite of his death and passion it may please thee to receyue my soule the whiche I commend into thy handes B. S. N. Holde fast this hope and stedfast fasth that thy good God full of all mercie will receyue youre soule as his into his handes for the loue of his sonne Iesus Christe for there is none other name vnder the Heauen giuen to men by the which we maye be saued and there is no saluatiō in any other than in Iesus Christ arme you then well wyth this good Iesus Christe for he hathe done all for you he hath fulfilled the Law for you he hathe ouercome all for you Now go too B. S. N. reioyce you in God stand alwayes fast in thys liuely fayth Followe and imitate the holy Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles which are all saued in this faith who do all assure you that the aduersarie can in no wise hurt you for youre cause is wonne by Iesus Christe whiche is youre Iudge and your aduocate both togither wherefore saye alwayes in this stedfast faith Albeit I shoulde walke in the middest of the shadowe of deathe I will feare no euill for thou Lorde God art with me B. S. N. Be you also neuer wéerie to say from the bottome of youre heart in great humilitie and repentance LOrde God Almightie be mercifull to me poore wretched sinner for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christe my Lord and Sauiour And for the merite of his death and passion it may please thee to receyue my soule the whiche I commende into thy hands So be it A singular Prayer for one whyche is greately afflicted wyth sickenesse the whiche is more lyke to dye than to liue With a little Catechisme made of purpose to instructe the sicke person and to cause him to behold by Faith the greate misterie of oure Redemption Ecclesiasticus 18. Before the sicknesse vse medicine and before thou come to Iudgemente examine thy selfe and in the presence of God thou shalte finde fauoure Nowe the Lorde admonisheth vs to pray alwayes chiefely when we are touched with his rods Wherefore all the faithfull parentes and friends which visit the sicke person shoulde not onely visit and comforte the body but also should searche and enquire for spirituall medicine for his soule whiche thing shoulde bée done by good Prayers confession of sinnes and Christian exhortation according to the word of God without the whiche man can not liue but is deade béeyng yet lyuing And to the end that all these things may be done in good order and wyth zeale first it is néedefull to prostrate themselues before the Maiestie of God and to pray vnto him begynning in this sort Our helpe is in the name of the lord c. Then to presente vnto hym the generall confession of sinnes and consequently thys presente Prayer as followeth O Lord God Almighty and father of all mercies we are aēssbled in the name of thy welbeloued Sonne oure Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe in the fauour of whome we are bold to presente oure selues vnto thée to call vpon thy most blessed name hauing oure onely resuge to thy soueraigne goodnesse the whiche we doe not desire to féele and tast in oure selues only but also in the necessitie of thy poore creature being afflicted both with bodily sicknesse and affliction and calamitie of the spirite We know O Lord that thou doest iustly visit and chastice him wyth thy roddes to cause hym to vnderstande thy fatherly affection but thy great mercies whiche thou hast
vsed towardes oure fathers are not yet quenched and consumed for thou art the great eternall God fauourable and mercifull whiche neuer changest Thy holy worde teacheth vs very playnely that all the earthe is full of thy mercies the whiche doe farre surmount thy Iustice wherefore appease thy rigour towardes thy creature haue pitie and compassion of him for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christ our lord Looke not vppon his sinnes but beholde the face of thy Christe who hathe sufficientlye satisfyed for the same in offering to thée vppon the Crosse the greate Sacrifice of hys body we beséeche thée then most louing and mercifull God to make him to féele thy grace the whyche thou neuer denyest to thy Children And for so much as thou art oure eternall father whiche knowest well what is necessarie and expediente for our saluation we doe not pray thée to prolong or to shorten hys life for we do repose our selues vpon thy holy will the which we doe only desire to do Thou arte wise not néeding councell to dispose of thy creature according to thy good pleasure but if it please thée to call him who is he that maye resist and if thou wilt send him health which is he that maye controll thée For all things are in thy hand and nothing is done without thy will and holye Prouidence Yet notwithstanding O Lord if of thy mercie thou doest prolong his dayes thy scourge shall serue hym for chastizemente to amende and to turne to thée and wée wyth hym shall yéelde vnto thée thankes and prayses But if thou haue determined to passe him into a better life we beséeche thée for the loue of thy sonne Iesus to forget all hys faultes and offences the whyche thou hast willed to be blotted out and washed in the shedding of his pretious bloud That it maye please thée for the merit of the death and passion of thy sonne to receyue his soule into thy hands when thou shalte call him out of thys Worlde O Lord God despise not the workemanship of thy handes for beholde héere thy poore creature in manner vtterly beaten downe the whyche calleth vpon thée from the deapth of all his euils presenting vnto thée his sorowfull and penitente hearte the whiche we beséeche thée to haue for acceptable for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde for whose sake thou hast promised vs to heare our requestes Wherefore O Lord we beséech thée to receyue vs into thy holy conduct lightning our heartes and vnderstandings to addresse vs towardes thée and to call vpon thy name so as thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde hath taughte vs to pray for all oure necessities saying Our Father whiche arte in Heauen c. Lastly O God and most mercifull Father that it maye please thée euer to susteyne vs by thy grace and power to the ende that through the weakenesse of our fleshe we fall not And for so muche as of our selues we are so féeble that we are not able to stande fast the space of one minute may it please thée to fortifie vs by thy holy Spirit and to arme vs with thy graces to the end that we may constantlye perseuere in thy Fayth without the whiche it is not possible to please thée it may please thée to confirme vs dayly in the same whereof wée wyll make confession both wyth heart and mouth saying I beleeue in God the Father Almightie c. The Prayers being ended they may sée how the sicke person doeth and enquire how he féeleth himselfe with Christian and gratious spéech but if they sée that he decline and that within shorte time after no token of recouerie doe appeare they may chose some mete time to speake to the sicke person and to aske hym if he do desire to heare spéech of God and to hearken to his word whilest he hath yet good remembrance For if he be of God they maye then beginne thys little Catechisme which followeth * ⁎ * A shorte Catechisme vvhiche is not onely to instructe the sicke but also to refreshe his memorie with the great mysterie of oure Redemption for the good vnderstanding and remembrance whereof in his latter dayes he ought to make confession of his faith before the company of the faythful of the which one in the absence of the Minister hould demaund of hym as follovveth The Minister B. S. N. Euery man whiche knoweth well himselfe and is not ignorante of his estate and qualitie certaynely ought to acknowledge that albeit he is created to the image and likenesse of God yet notwythstanding he is conceyned and borne in the sinne of the olde Adam wherby he is made a poóre and wretched sinner ignorant inconstant and full of iniquitie and consequentlye subiecte to all miseries afflictions aduersities and lastly to deathe the cause whereof is sinne the whyche God not willing to leaue it vnpunished doth afflicte vs dayly and to speake it playnely he chastiseth vs in this world to the end we shoulde not be damned wyth the worlde Wherefore B. S. N. be patiente in your sicknesse and you shall possesse your soule in spiritual ioy acknowledge youre sinne and accuse youre selfe before the Maiestie of God whome you must looke vpon and behold by Faith making confession of the same both with heart mouth before the whole company For it is written that man beléeueth wyth his hearte to iustice and confesseth with his mouth to saluation Harken then to the demaundes whyche now I will make vnto you and answere me faithfully according to the vnderstanding that you haue receyued of the lord But if you can not bycause of your weakenesse and impeachment of your sicknesse I wyll answere for you and it shall suffice vs that ye giue vs to vnderstand by some token your heart and cōstancie of faith in the whiche you must liue and dye Now I aske of you For what cause and to what end were you created in this worlde The sicke For to know God. Minister Was it necessarie for you to know God The sicke Yea truely for so muche as hée is my soueraigne goodnesse withoute the knowledge of him I shoulde bée more miserable than the brute beastes Minister Séeing that you know God you know well that he is an infinite power wisedome and goodnesse one onely God in three persons father sonne and holy Ghost It is the onlye God which Abraham Isaac and Iacob did worship in spirit truth It is the only eternall God whiche hathe created Heauen and Earthe as all the thyngs whyche are in them the knowledge of GOD whiche you haue is it not suche The sicke Yes Minister But coulde suche a simple knowledge of God bring you well to eternall life The sicke Very hardly for it is eternall life to confesse and knowe one onely God and hym whome hée hathe sente hys onely eternall sonne oure Lorde and Sauioure Iesus Christ Minister For what
cause is it necessarie for you to confesse and knowe the Lord Iesus Christ The sicke Bycause I must recouer in Iesus Christe all that whiche I haue lost in my self by meane of the sinne of the olde Adam wherein I was conceyued and borne Wherefore it was néedefull for my saluation that Iesus Christe very God and verye man being clothed with oure fleshe shoulde of his frée liberalitie and grace giue me all that which I had lost in Adam Minister It is very well sayde that is the cause why Iesus Christe was conceyued by the holy Ghost and borne of the Virgine Marie to purge and sanctifie you for cleane contrary to him you are conceyued and borne in sinne and of sinfull parents wherefore do not you confesse that wythout Iesus Christe you shoulde haue remayned a poore and wretched sinner in eternall death The sicke Yes verily but I beléeue and confesse that this good Iesus Christ hathe reconciled me to God his Father Minister Yea but how hath he reconciled you to God his father The sicke By his deathe and passion in the sheding of his pretious bloud for to deliuer me from eternall paynes This good Iesus Christe hath suffered for me vnder Ponce Pilate manie afflictiōs iniuries and troubles It is Iesus Christ which was crucifyed for me as accursed vpon the woodde of the Crosse to deliuer mée from the eternall cursse wherevnto Adam had bound me This my faniour Iesus Christ was indéede buried to burie all my sinnes wyth him to the ende they shoulde not bée imputed vnto me before god It is my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ which is gone downe into the lower partes suffering an extreame temporall anguishe to deliuer me from an eternall Minister All this whiche you haue nowe confessed of Iesus Christe was it sufficient to saue you The sicke No but that the holy Scriptures should be in euery iote fulfilled for what is it that Iesus Christ should haue profited me to haue bin borne crucifyed dead buried and gone downe into the lower partes for me only withoute being risen agayne Wherefore I beléeue and confesse that my Lorde my head and Sauiour Iesus Christe is risen from the dead to make me to rise with hym as one of his little members into eternall life Minister Consequently it is written that he is gone vp into the Heauens being nowe set at the righte hande of God his Father But what dothe this ascention profit you The sicke My Lord my head and Sauiour Iesus Christe is gone vp into the Heauens to make me to go vp after him for there where the head is the members are also and I beléeue that being set at the right hande of God his Father he is mine Aduocate intercessor and only mediator towards him very wel assuring me that none may be able to hurte me séeing that Iesus Christ is mine aduocate my iudge togither wherefore I haue no occasion to feare the day of his iudgement when he shall come to iudge the liuing and the dead for I beléeue and confesse in steadfast Faith that there is no iudgemente nor condemnation againste those whiche are faithfull members in Iesus Christ Minister Who hathe giuen him the grace to vnderstande and knowe all these things The sicke It is by the grace of the holye Ghost one onely God with the Father and the sonne by whose meane we receyue all the good thinges and giftes whiche are offered vnto vs in Iesus Christ Minister Séeing that you haue alreadye confessed that you are a member of Iesus Christ it followeth then that you are also incorporate to hys Churche the whiche ye ought to beléeue to be holy Catholike and vniuersall The sicke I beléeue certaynely the holye Church vniuersal washed and clensed in the pretious bloud of Iesus Christ wherefore I doe most humbly thanke him that he hath gyuen me the grace to be one of the little members of his Church and beyng baptised in his name he hath made me to liue in the communion vnitie and charitie of the same hauing instructed me with his holy word and nourished me with his true bodye hauing giuen me to drinke of hys most pretious bloud in hope of the eternall life Minister Nowe séeing that you are so well founded vpon the liuely Rocke which is Iesus Christ and knowing your selfe well you must confesse and acknowledge the principall good things whiche you haue receyued of thys Lord Iesus Christ The sicke It is very méete for I will not be ingrate to acknowledge the good things and giftes that I haue receiued of God wherefore I consesse that I wretched and miserable sinner haue infinitely and withoute ceassing offended the goodnesse and iustice of God hauing transgressed his holy commandements In doing whereof I haue deserued eternall death and damnatiō Notwithstanding I appealing to the mercie of God do aske him mercie and beléeue and confesse vndoubtedly that my sinnes are fully and wholly forgiuen me by the only merite of the deathe and passion of my Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ in the sheding of hys most precious bloud wherein I doe assure my selfe to be sufficientlye and fully washed and purged which is the greatest cōtentation and good thing that euer I mighte receyue and such is my faith in the whyche I will liue and dye by the grace of the holy Ghost Minister Séeing that you haue receyued so great a good thing of God by the meane of his sonne Iesus Christe it behoueth you also to do hys commandementes for euen as he hathe pardoned and forgiuen you all your sinnes euen so likewise must you fréely and with a good heart forgiue all those whiche may haue offended you other wise you shall not walke according to God. The sicke Héerein haue I knowen the Law of Iesus Christ to be the onely holy and perfect lawe commaunding vs to loue our neyghbours both friēds and enimies as our selues wherefore I beséeche all those whome I may haue offended eyther in worde or déede to forgiue me with as good a heart as I doe forgiue all whyche haue offended me desiring to doe them pleasure and seruice as to my good bréethren and friends Minister Now séeing that it is ordeyned of God that all men shall dye we may not resist his ordinance but we must continually conforme our selues to his holy will wherfore my brother you may not find it strange if I doe declare vnto you that which the good Prophete Esay dyd declare to the King Ezechias saying vnto hym from the Lorde Giue order to thy house for thou shalt die shalt liue no longer This good councel should stirre you vp to dispose your self spiritually well in your cōscience It is first to turne your selfe to God and to bewayle your sinnes as this good King did to implore his mercie in asking him forgiuenesse and saying alwaye in your heart O Lord God be
mercifull and haue pitie vpon me wretched sinner for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christ my Lord and sauioure This done you maye not forget your house and familie the why he you ought so well to ordeyne and dispose by good festamente or other last will that it maye be after youre deceasse in peace and quietnesse but to shew you the better to vnderstand howe to giue order and to dispose of your house it is that you giue vnto euery man that whiche is his due withoute deceyuing any man that you leaue youre wife heire youre childrē and kinffolke in good agréement and quietnesse to the end that after your deceasse they haue no occasion to be diuided This done you must forget al the cares and griefes of this worlde the whiche passeth away with all his concupiseence but he that doth the will of God remaineth eternally Touching your children you are only their naturall father for a time but God is euerlastingly their spirituall Father hauing them in his holy keeping and protectiō to kéepe and nourish them and to preserue them from all euill prouided that they wyll walke in his wayes For the rest séeing that you are a Christian regenerate at the holy Sacramente of Baptisme it is long since that you did know that we haue héere no permanente citie for we looke for a better which is euerlasting wherefore I pray you in the name of God trouble not your selfe at all with anye kinde of worldly griefe for we are héere but straungers as oure fathers were when then our Lord God shall haue ordeyned that you shall dislodge and marche before vs will you not then submitte your selfe to his holy wyll and ordinance Also if he sée it expedient for your saluation to prolong your life as he did to his good Kyng Ezechias will not you be contented w it the it shall please him to dispose of you yes certainely for he is Lord and maister you are but a seruant he is your creator you are his creature and the worke of his hands Euen so then will he dispose of you according to his wyll wherevnto you shoulde humble and conforme your selfe saying with a good heart O Lord God thou knowest my necessitie if it be thy pleasure to prolong my life thy will be done if it please thee also to cal me vnto thee thy will bee done for thy creature O Lorde nathe none other will but thine Now my brother comforte your selfe in God who if he haue ordeyned to call you your calling shall hée happie for you must beléeue and trust with a strong faith that hée will make you to rise in your owne body in a glorious immortalitie to cause you to raigne with him in the eternall life the whiche is wonne and giuen to you in the vertue of the most pretious bloud of our Lord and Sauioure Iesus Christe in whose name the Lord God blesse conserue you and cause hys countenance to shine vpō you and be merciful vnto you The Lord God turne his face towardes you and maineteyne you in good estate So be it This being done if they sée the sicke person to impaire and to draw néere his deathe as willing to tende to his appoynted ende forthwith in his mortall agonie fayle ye not to recite wyth a loude voyce before him the Christian exhortation the which is placed here before thus doing God will giue him grace well faithfully to dye in him So be it I Woulde desire héere to saye something more but there is I can not tell what griefe in my heart which maketh me to holde my peace in the middest of my purpose when I thinke vpon the blindnesse and horrible darkenesse of the time passed For the Monkes and Priestes refusing in this laste necessitie the comforts that the Scripture giueth and the confirmations against the feare of Death they brought forth of the one side and of the other I can not tell what trash Firste beholde the faire exhortation whiche they gaue to those which were vpon the pittes brinke to trust in the Popes Bulles wherein they did promise them forgiuenesse of their sinnes and tooke frō them all feare of the fire of Purgatorie Now all this what was it other than to leane againste a wall that was readie to fall or to trust to a broken réede Further they exhorted the poore sicke persons to communicate and to take part of the good works whiche should be done in all their order as fastings abstinences watchings Prayers and other such lyke dayne thynges and to haue theyr parte therein they myghte in no wise spare anye siluer no if they woulde saue their soule For it is in this forte that these furred pawes and hooded beastes haue accustomed to set forthe their workes of superabundance that they might sell to others leauing alwaye that whiche was prositable and necessarie to obteyne saluation And of this matter men maye yet at this daye bring forth faire obligations passed which shall giue testimonie of these things The sicke persons then being néere deathe were admonished to thinke howe greate merits they had for so muche as Heauen was due vnto them howe manye good works they had with the multitude whereof they were cleane couered in suche forte as a man coulde not knowe whether they had offended God or no. Beho●d there the goodly comforts which they were wont to giue to poore languishing persons and such as they do giue at this day vnder the Popes rayne And aboue all the holynesses beholde this great superstition which hath place that if any man did dye being clad wyth the habite of a Frier the Diuell should haue no power ouer hym Among the whiche manye Italians haue bin drunken with this foolishe superstition yea men of renoune and of great wisedome the whyche woulde be receyued before they departed out of this world into the familie of S. Frances and after their death would be bursed in hys habit Nowe I speake not héere at all of Obsequies Vigilles Anniuersaries Peligrimage taken in hand for the saluation of the dead nor of other suffrages of the liuing nor of merits satisfactiōs and good works wherein they did put their onely hope and trust to obteyne saluation And to auoyde the paynes of Purgatorie I will not speake of the other things which these idle bellies were wont to set forth to poore sicke persons to prepare them to death I leaue to spoke of these blasphemies Whē they shaped this goodly hunne to the Virgin Marie in the Article of deathe Marie mother of grace mother of mercie defend vs from the enimie and receyue vs at the houre of death Now let vs acknowledge the inestimable benefites of oure onely God and heauenlye Father who in our dayes hath restored the doctrine of the Gospell and hathe stirred vs vp to serue him in all purenesse in true reuerence and honor and hathe drawen vs out frō the deadly darkenasse to bring vs to the knowledge