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A10793 Of the foolishnes of men in putting-off the amendement of their liues from daie to daie a godlie and profitable treatise for the present time; written in the Latine tongue by that reuerend and worthie member of Christ his church in this age, Iohn Riuius. Newlie translated by Thomas Rogers.; De stultitia mortalium, in procrastinanda correctione vitæ. English Rivius, Johann, 1500-1553.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1582 (1582) STC 21066; ESTC S105156 60,254 183

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heart manifest so that all men shall behold the same The which how horrible it will be to the wicked no man can sufficientlie either tell or conceaue For if in this life a wicked man whose wicked and shamefull vices and wickednes are to be ripped vp and repeated in the face of a great multitude of men would wish rather to be swallowed vp of the earth aliue then haue so many witnesses of filthie life to appeare in sight how thinke yee our mindes shalbe troubled when the harts of the wicked shalbe opened and all our cogitations councels and doinges brought before the sight of the whole world of the Angels of God and of all the Saints in heauen If here we deeme it a miserable and wretched thing to be led vnto prison how miserable will it then seeme to be throwen into euerlasting tormentes If it be horrible to be punished in this world either with banishment or death what will it be hereafter to be banished worldes without end from the celestiall kingdome and body and soule to be put to euerlasting death If it be most comfortable for the godlie to heare God bidding them to inherite the kingdome prepared for them from the foundation of the world how horrible doo we thinke that the sentence of the Iudge will be to the wicked condemning them vnto euerlasting fire prepared for the Diuell and his Angels If we beleeue these thinges of the iudgement to come of the reward of the godlie and due punishmēt of the wicked are true why doo we so liue as though there were neither heauen nor hell If we doo not beleeue these thinges why will we needes be called and counted Christians Let vs therefore shake off securitie which possesseth our mindes together with that sluggishnes cowardnes and blockishnes and drousines which haue inuaded vs. We argue not about nifles but about the saluatiō of the soule the possession of the kingdome of heauen about euerlasting life and blessednes VVherfore now I saie now while we liue and are in health while we maie be forgiuen while he is our aduocate which will be our Iudge let vs endeuor to amend our liues and neuer deferre we the same till our sinnes forsake vs before we forsake them Let vs alwaies remember the daie of iudgement and the horrible voice of the Iudge bidding the wicked depart from him also the paines of hell and the euerlasting fire let vs neuer forget Finallie let the shortnes of our life the certaintie of death the vncertaintie when we shall depart be euermore in minde to the ende that no man maie promise him selfe so much as one daie no not one moment of life To which effect it was well saide of Seneca It is vncertaine in what place death will waite for thee therefore waite thou for death in all places And therefore the more vncertaine and short mans life is the more while we maie we are to thinke of repentance Cap. 11. ¶ A remedie for the second cause whie we repent not● mentioned afore in the third Chapter FOr to saie some-what against the second cause why shouldest thou defer the amendment of thy life in trust and hope of Gods mercie I graunt Christ when he came called sinners but vnto repentance for their life mispent not vnto libertie to sinne The Lord gratiouslie as he is mercifull doth forgiue but such as repent nor them which obstinatlie persist in wickednes Christ bare our sinnes in his bodie on the tree saith Peter I know he did but what addeth he That we being deliuered frō sin should liue in righteousnes Christ gaue himselfe for vs saith Paule vnto Titus No man denieth that but what followeth in the same place That he might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous of good workes Christ hath washed vs from our sinnes through his blood saith Iohn in the Reuelation I knowledge it but not that we should againe defile our selues with sinne and wickednes VVe haue an aduocate with God the Father saith Iohn euen Iesus Christ Not vnles we repent and so run vnto him for helpe But you vvill saie I vvill hereafter bewaile my sinne But how knowest thou that thou shalt liue one minute of an houre much lesse so long a time as thou vvilt prefixe for thy conuersion Call into thy minde vvhat God vnto that Rich-man in the Gospell vvhich in his great prosperitie promised long life to him-selfe doth saie O foole this night will they fetch awaie thy soule from thee Thou hast much to feare least the like happen to thy selfe I hope thou saiest it will be better vvith me then so But vvhat if your hope deceaue you then maie some one exclame and saie O vaine and deceitfull hope Now if that should come to passe vvhich God forbid thou art vtterlie damned and voluntarilie throwest thy selfe into euerlasting destruction Yet you can not denie but it maie fall out so our life is so vncertaine Then vvhat a follie is it by procrastinating repētance to bring thy saluation in hazard vvhich thou maist be sure of repent thou neuer so soone VVhy then foorth-with dost thou not amend rather then vvith such daunger of thy saluation to feede thy vaine hope God is mercifull me thinkes you saie So is he righteous too VVhy then standest thou not in feare of his iustice vvhose mercie thou dost trust vntoo I desire not the death of the wicked saith the Lord by the Prophet True but what followeth those wordes But that the wicked man turne from his waie and liue Therefore turne you vnto the Lord as Ioel adhorteth with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning Turne you vnto the Lord your God for he is gratious and mercifull slowe to anger and of great kindnes as the same Ioel speaketh Hetherto maketh that of Ezechiel If the wicked man will returne from all his sinnes that he hath committed and keepe all my statutes and doo that which is lawful and right he shall surelie liue and shall not die And a litle after Haue I anie desire that the wicked should die saith the Lord or shall he not liue if he turne from his waies Hetherto belongeth that of Esaie Let the wicked forsake his waies and the vnrighteous his own imaginations and returne vnto the Lord and he wil haue mercie vpon him and to our God for he is verie readie to forgiue The Prophet sheweth how that God is gratious and merciful but toward them which repent and acknowledge their sinne Therefore doo thou speedelie repent turne againe vnto the feare of God aske forgiuenes of thy sinnes with teares and sighing be thorowlie out of loue with thy selfe for wickednes perpetrated and committed leaue thine owne waie and turne vnto the Lord thy God and then assure thy selfe of saluation despaire not neither doubt thou of Gods mercie and fauour In the meane while remember the saying of our Sauiour That ioie shalbe in heauen for
one sinner that conuerteth more then for ninetie and nine iust men Yea let this aboue all the rest pricke thee vp vnto repentance considering both how greatlie the verie Angels desire thy conuersion and how much they reioice when thou dost amend But that in the Psalmes likes thee passing well where it is saide Thou O Lord art a pittifull God and mercifull slowe to anger and great in kindnes Seeing you saie so hearken vvhat in the same booke of Psalmes is vvritten Thou hatest all them which worke iniquity Againe The face of the Lord is against them that doo euill Some vvill yet saie it is in the Gospel after Iohn that He which beleeueth in the Sonne hath euerlasting life But vvhat saith the same Iohn in an other place He that commiteth sinne is of the Diuel And He that saith I knowe God and keepeth not his commaundementes is a liar and the truth is not in him Iohn Baptist witnesseth of Christ saying Behold the Lambe of God which taketh awaie the sinnes of the world But what saith he beside Repent And Bring foorth fruites worthy amendment of life You vrge further that of Peter in the Actes saying VVe beleeue through the grace of the Lord Iesus to be saued But marke you not what in the same booke is written Amend your liues therefore and turne that your sinnes maie be put awaie Doth not Christ in the Gospel after Iohn saie God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onlie begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life But doth he not saie in Matthewe also Not euerie one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth my Fathers wil which is in heauen You beleeue I am sure that which Paule saith That Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners beleeue also that neither enchaunters nor whooremongers nor murtherers nor idolaters nor theeues nor couetous nor proude persons nor dronkards nor railers nor the factious nor enuious nor euil-willers shall inherite the kingdome of God For if you beleeue that Paule or the holie spirite rather by the mouth of Paule doth speake the truth you see plainlie that you can haue no hope of mercie at Gods hand or assurance to be saued liuing awicked filthie life For as faith through the Gospel acknowledgeth God to be mercifull to the penitent so doth it know that he is angrie and displeased with such as obstinatelie proceede in sinne There is no cause then why through hope and confidence of pardon at Gods hand thou shouldest prolong thy conuersion and flatter thy selfe Repent come into the waie againe and then doubt thou no whit but thou maist make thy selfe a large promise of Gods fauour and kindnes And as no man can trulie repent but he which hopeth to be forgiuen as it is well saide by Ambrose so none maie hope to beforgiuen which doth not vnfeinedlie repent This one thing I will ad now out of Iesus the sonne of Sirach before I proceede vnto the rest Saie not saith he I haue sinned and what euil hath come vnto me For the Almightie is a patient rewarder but he wil not leaue thee vnpunished Because thy sinne is forgiuen be not without feare to heape sinne vpon sinne And saie not the mercie of God is great he wil forgiue my manifold sinnes For mercie and wrath come from him and his indignation commeth downe vpon sinners Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lord and put not off from daie to daie For suddenlie shall the wrath of the Lord breake foorth and in thy securitie thou shalt be destroied and thou shalt perish in the time of vengeance Hetherto Ecclesiasticus Cap. 12. ¶ A remedie against the custome of sinning which is the third cause of deferring repentance as aboue in the fourth Chapter hath bene showed BVt custome of sinning doth hinder thee that thou canst not amend returne from sinne vnto godlines For commonlie it falleth out that looke what a man hath bene vsed vnto from his youth he pursueth in his age Because as Cyprian saith that is not quicklie and speedelie laide off which is growen to ripenes through long vse For when will he learne to be a good husband which hath spent his time in riottousnes and daintie fare And he which glittereth in braue apparel gloriouslie set out with gold and purple will hardlie attire him-selfe after the facion of the simple sort It cannot be but that with forceable intisementes as the manner is wine must inuite pride puffe vp anger set on fite couetousnes vnquiet cruelty prick forward ambitiō delight lust bring downe head-long and so foorth So that it maie seeme verie hard by anie meanes to alter custome which in a manner is become another nature Notwithstanding if you loue your owne wel-fare you must endeuor yet But you wil aske how you maie so do Euen if you cast off that by litle and litle through good custome which you haue got through euil custome and if you labour to plucke vp that by good custome which euil custome hath ingraffed And nothing is so hard as Seneca doth saie which the minde of man cannot ouercome VVhat-soeuer the mind went about it hath brought to passe VVherefore to breake this almost inuincible strength of custome you must addresse your minde chieflie there-vnto and not striue and labour onlie by force to ouercome the same And yet you must striue withall if you would weaken and plucke vp and roote out a thing which is fastened and sticketh to the rootes VVherefore set there-vpon couragiouslie at the least wise begin vpon good hope endeuor with a sure trust in God doubt thou not but thou shalt blessedlie go forward For before thou begin thine olde custome perhaps wil seeme vnuincible but when you come vnto the triall straight-waie that which you thought would hardlie be done will seeme nothing so or at least not so difficult So often-times that which at the first we thinke heauie when we once go about the same proueth light Brieflie what the most excellent Poet speaketh of Mnestheus companions to this effect Their good successe doth make them bold and stoute They able are Because they seeme to be Nothing their courages can dare Thinke without peraduenture will fitlie be applied to thee Onlie as I haue saide go about the same with a courage hope wel and euerie daie thy care and minde to liue godlie wil like thee more and more and the loue of vertue than which as one trulie saith nothing is more beutiful nothing more faire more louelie nothing is wil maruelouslie inflame and rauish thy mind And in the ende thou wilt vse much ioiful gratulations to thy selfe for addressing to reforme thy manners Such a pleasure and euerie daie more profite then others shall you reape thereby So that you wil confesse that to be true which our Lord and sauiour Christ said vnto his Disciples in these
by the fall of houses or other chances haue beene bruzed into peeces Therefore albe God would the repentance rather then the death of a sinner as vndoubtedlie he would yet is it a dangerous thing in respect of vncertaine chances to deferre the amendment of our life in hope of Gods mercie For thou art in time to repent while thou art yet aliue while thou art strong while thou art in health But thus it is The yong man giueth himselfe to pleasure to bellie cheere to wine to riot and promiseth himselfe manie yeeres and a long life and therefore neuer thinketh of reforming his manners but deferres that matter vntill he comes vnto age yet is he not sure whether he shall liue to be an old man For who among manie thousands attaineth to old age Now being an old man what dooth he then To morowe it shalbe doone saith he and still to morowe it shalbe doone so willinglie he deceaueth vainelie dooth flatter himselfe because no man as I haue saide can promise that he shall liue till to morowe naie there is no man sure that he shall liue till night In the meane season Death suddenlie oppresseth him that deferreth and prolōgeth the reformatiō of his life as euerie daie almost we haue examples giuē yet doo not other mens harmes make vs to beware so mightelie dooth Satan drawe on and feede vs with a vaine hope of Gods mercie and of a long life And although it neither ought nor in deede anie waie can be denied that the true penitent sinners at all times do finde fauor at Gods hand and that a man neuer no not at the point of death should despaire yet who is so foolish that maie haue that which is voide of all danger and will chuse that which is ioined with great hazard euen of the soule Therefore to be out of all doubt let vs while time is thinke of amending our liues and not deferre the same from daie to daie especiallie because we are not sure to liue till to morowe Nowe concerning the mercie of God let vs remember continuallie what Cyprian in a certaine place dooth say on this wise As much as God is good and mercifull in that he is a Father so much is he to be feared in that he is a Iudge so will it come to passe that the feare of Gods vengeance will reclaime vs from sinne and the vaine hope of his mercie in too much securitie shall not deceaue and corrupt vs. In this vaine hope of Gods mercie how miserabley doo those Popish Priestes deceaue themselues who all their life time keepe concubines and vnder the pretence of a single life plaie the whore-masters are neuer punished nor yet thinke of changing their wicked manners nor of putting their concubines quite awaie from them Yea notwithstanding they know well their owne filthines and wicked life yet blush they not daie by daie almoste to doo the diuine seruice to come vnto the mysticall and diuine table vnworthelie to eate the Lords breade and to drinke the holie cup vnworthelie Oh how horrible yea how dangerous is it to liue in such state of life wherein if death suddenlie should strike thee thou wert vtterlie cast awaie In vaine therefore doo they flatter themselues with hope of Gods mercie which keep concubines in such sorte and with hardened hartes persist in wickednes neuer minding either to put awaie and forsake their harlots or to change their wicked liues by hartie repentance and to aske forgiuenes of their lewde behauiour at Gods hand with teares and sighing But some will saie they aske God mercie oftentimes and oftentimes they beseech his goodnes to forgiue them For after their euening praier saie they not euerie daie welnigh Conuert vs O Lord and turne awaie thy displeasure against vs. Yea and in the ende of their Mattins too doo they not saie Lord haue mercie vpon vs. And at other times that God would haue mercie on them spare and forgiue them they praie doo they not I heare you But with what earnestnes of minde with what heate and zeale of spirite they doo so I will not dispute Be it they praie vnto God zelouslie earnestlie and with a moste hartie affection what then what good do their praiers vnlesse they put awaie their concubines with intent neuer to take them againe and vnlesse they perseuere in a purpose and minde to liue chastlie euer afterward in a studie of amending their life and finallie in continuall sorow for their wickednesse committed Now because they doo not this as their deedes plainelie show who doubteth but either they thinke those things written concerning the daie of iudgement to be but a fable or that they flatter themselues too too much with a vaine and false hope of pardon at Gods hande O horrible face of the Popish Church They which aswell by example as by praier should rule gouerne and teach others euē they so behaue themselues that others in them be maruelouslie offēded Whē the Laie people come vnto the Lords table with what reuerēce as it is meet they should with what feare trembling with what zeale do they approche what preparation doo they make before they confesse their sins desire absolution what care do they take that no scruple remaine in their conscience minde how certainlie firmelie doo they purpose to amende their manners and to reforme their life Nowe what doo the Popish Priestes Forsooth as one of their owne crewe reporteth they from the wicked embracement of an whore hasten vnto the altar and that commonlie vnpunished without blushing They are touched neither with a care of amending their liues nor of putting awaie their harlots neither conceaue they anie sorrow at the remembrance of sinne To be briefe in name onelie and word they be Christians but in deede and truth they appeare plaine Ethnickes VVhat then some may demaunde is there no hope of saluation of such Surelie to speake my conscience they who are such as I haue described can haue no hope of mercie before God forsomuch as the Auctor of the Epistle vnto the Hebrues dooth affirme that VVhoremongers and Adulterers God will iudge and Paule saith They which doo such things shall not inherit the kingdome of God VVherefore if the Papists beleeue it to be true as it is which the Apostle hath saide what hope can they haue to be saued abiding in such filthines of life especiallie seeing they neither vnfainedlie repent nor will put away their concubines But if they doo not beleeue it to be true then falselie doo they vsurpe the name of Christians and are not to be numbred among the godlie but should be to vs as our Sauiour dooth saie As Heathen men and Publicans How then doo Bishops tollerate such vngodlie fellowes in their Churches Yea why allow they such to preache vnto the people yea why for mony do they permit them to haue harlots The matter is manifest so that it cānot
When that noble deerelie beloued of the Lord Dauid I meane at what time he was through much prosperitie secure had fallen into the filthie sinne of adulterie and increased the greatnes thereof by the murthering of an innocent man with what miseries and calamities did God afflict him yea after he had repented and was restored into Gods fauour againe For God plagued him both with the death of his Sonne newlie borne and with the rebellion of his owne children and by his woful flight from Hierusalem and with violence offered to his concubine by his owne sonne and with defection of his subiectes and finallie to omit other thinges with a great slaughter of his people So horrible and hore is the wrath of God against wickednes If so holie a man no not after his repentance and comming into Gods fauour as the bookes wherein the Actes of the Kinges of Israell be contained doo witnes if I saie so holy a man after his repentance scaped not vnpunished for his sinnes committed what thinke you shall betide them which are touched with no griefe of their wickednes which securelie doo sinne and proceede from one sinne vnto another finallie which with obstinate heartes persist in vngodlines Let vs therefore cast off al slouthfulnes and that sleepie and drousie securitie when we haue the world at wil let vs liue in the feare of the Lord and make sure our saluation with feare and trembling let vs not suffer our selues to be entangled with the wicked intisementes of the flesh and finallie by continuall praier let vs resist the tentation of Satan And thus much for this point Cap. 14. ¶ A remedie against the fift cause of deferring amendment of life contained in the sixt Chapter of this booke THey which in hope of long life doo procrastinate the amendment of their life doo vtterlie of purpose deceaue them-selues and vainelie doo hope for that which greatlie they desire whereby witting knowing liuing and seeing with their owne eies their destruction they perish which is the extremest follie that can be If these men are nothing moued with that which Philosophers wise men I meane among the Heathen yet void of true religion haue left in writing touching the shortnes and vncertaintie of this life as he was who saide that Man is a bubble and he too who called man A dreame of a shadowe yet let Iob that mā so beloued of God moue vs which witnesseth that Man is of a short continuance let the seruant of God Iames moue vs which saith that the life of man is euen a vapor that appeareth for a litle time and afterward vanisheth away let the sonne of God our Lord and sauiour Christ who cannot lie moue vs who biddeth vs VVatch for we know neither the daie nor the houre Finallie if you thinke it most true let euen common experience moue vs. Oftentimes thou art with such as are grieuouslie sicke without hope of recouerie thou art present when they giue vp the ghost thou hearest the verie pangs of death thou beholdest them vpon the beare thou followest the coarses vnto the graue thou seest them laide into the earth thou hearest the pitteous crie of mourners thou readest Epitaphes engraued on tombes thou meetest manie in mourning weede all which thinges should stirre vp thy minde to remember the shortnes of this life and how death is nigh at thine elbowe If the death of others whome we knowe not cannot moue vs yet let vs be moued through the death of our friends and familiars let our own dangers and grieuous sicknes whereinto we fall often-times moue vs. And we that consider not our owne infirmitie through the troubles of others let vs confesse our frailitie and mortalitie of mankinde at least wise through our owne weaknes where-withall we are tempted VVhich thing if we would doo we shall perceaue there is no cause why we should flatter our selues with a vaine and deceiptful hope of longer life But som wil say I may amēd my self repent when I am old in the meane space I wil take my plesure So you say But who is sure he shall liue till he be old Thinkest thou which neglectest and ouer-passest the offered time and occasion to repent thinkest thou I saie to haue the like oportunitie when thou thinkest good for thine owne behoofe Thou art deceaued surelie thou art much deceaued if thou thinke so God of his mercie which desireth the conuersion rather then the death of a sinner when he thinketh good calleth thee vnto repentance and as he in the Reuelation saith Standeth at the doore and knocketh Therfore doo thou open when he knocketh hearken to him that calleth whether he calleth followe him and neuer despise the riches of his bountifulnes and patience least for thine hardnes and heart that cannot repent thou heape vnto thy selfe wrath against the daie of wrath as Paule writeth vnto the Romanes Let vs beare in minde what the same Paule vnto the Corinthians doth saie VVe beseech you that ye receaue not the grace of God in vaine For he saith I haue heard thee in a time accepted and in the daie of saluation haue I succoured thee Behold now the accepted time behold now the daie of saluation By which words the Apostle sheweth that the time which God offereth for repentaunce is not to be ouer-slipt and that like occasion is not alwaies giuen Hetherto belongeth that vnto the Galathians VVhile we haue time let vs doo good And not vntrulie saide an olde writer He which hath promised pardon to him that repenteth hath not promised another daie of life to him that dissembleth his sinnes Take heede therefore that by procrastinating repentance and that through hope of longer life thou wittinglie and of purpose doo not tempt the Lord whose goodnes inuiteth thee vnto repentance The which we are forbidden by an expresse commaundement of God in Deuteronomie It falleth out many times that men are killed suddenlie euen in brauling playing and quaffing together so that he can haue no time to aske mercie at Gods hand for his wickednes when as we in the meane while through the singuler goodnes of God haue time and space to returne vnto godlines Wherfore let vs not abuse this so great mercie of our most gratious God who looketh and longeth too as it were for occasiō to shew mercie vpō vs. Amend we our sinful liues least being suddenly preuented with death as the Church doth sing we seeke time to repent and cannot finde the same And certainlie He which hath promised pardon to him that repenteth as euen-now I said and must often saie hath not promised another daie of life to him that dissembleth his sinnes But as some saie in the time of sicknes a sinner maie repent He maie doo so I graunt notwithstanding marke how many impediments come then in the waie which verie hardlie can be auoided For to saie nothing of the care vvhich the sicke hath of making his vvil of prouision for his vvife and
children of the paine of sicknes and such like vvhich maie seeme of small importance how doth Satan bestirre him-selfe then vvhat engins doth he set to bring the poore soule vnto desperation through laying his manifold offences before his eies For then chieflie if euer he rippeth vp and bringeth into remembraunce whatsoeuer euil a man hath either thought or wild or said or done and such faultes as of them-selues are great and hainous he doth make much greater then they be and by all meanes doth studie to withdrawe him from hope of saluation and to driue him vnto despaire for his manifold and great offences Hetherto belongeth the griefe of a guiltie conscience the great feare of death before his eies the wofull and bitter cogitation of Gods iudgement seate the dread of a seuere sentence which wil sore dismaie and trouble the minde the horrible remembrance of the paines of hel and who is able to repeate all the impediments and causes which let men that they cannot so much as thinke of repenting at that time Doo not therefore doo not if thou be wise deferre the amendement of their life till the last daie For that is a verie dangerous matter that I saie not how such a repentance for so much as of necessitie it springeth and is extorted through the feare of damnation rather then taken in hand of pure zeale is of small force to get pardon But no repentance is too late before God I confesse so much For At what time so euer a sinner dooth repent him of his sinne I wil put all his wickednes out of my remembrance saith the Lord. And as the Prophet in another place God desireth not the death of a sinner but that he repent and liue But what if sudden death take thee vnawares that thou canst haue no time to lament and to repent thee of thy sinnes For all men should looke for that which maie happen vnto all men Let the vnlooked for destruction of them vpon whome the towre in Silo fell as Luke recordeth come into your minde VVhat if suddenlie you should leese your wits and vnderstanding as we see many doo The which if it should fall out as it maie happen then gone were all hope of repenting which the sinner had placed in prolonging the amendment of his life For that maie betide thee which hath happened to others that you maie thinke you are not exempted from that which is common to all men For a true saying is that of Publius That maie happen to euerie man which maie happen to anie man Cast awaie therfore all hope of long life then the which vndoubtedlie nothing is more vaine fleeting neither doo thou dreame of occasion nor appoint a time wherein thou wilt repent nor finallie doo not thou nourish thy foolishnes or madnes rather in deferring the reformation of thy sinfull life through this deceiptful hope VVert thou wise thou wouldest repent at that time wherein thou maist offend For if thou minde then to repent when thou canst sinne no more doubtles thou dost not leaue sinne but sinne thee Furthermore it is to be feared least seeing when thou maist thou wilt not repent that when thou wouldest thou maist not For the iudgementes of almightie God in punishing mans wickednes are vnsearchable For as his woont is of his goodnes and mercie to giue them space of repentance vvhich are prepared readie and willing to receaue mercie yea and in the meane while with much patience and lenitie to beare with sinners vntill they returne from their wickednes so when he seeth any man vtterlie bent vnto vngodlines and deriding Gods long suffering and so worthie damnation then ceaseth he to hold such a one back from falling into destruction and so according to the phrase of scripture blindeth the desperate and hardeneth the obstinate neither dooth he looke any longer for his conuersion nor offereth occasion for the damned to repent For God hath appointed a time and manner for each man the which no man in wickednes maie ouer-passe and God will not prolong his punishment and paine of sinne The which should stirre vp all men to repent without delaie and to prepare them-selues to receaue the grace of God But for so much as we haue spoken sufficient hereof let vs hasten vnto other thinges Cap. 15. ❧ A remedie for the sixt cause of deferring repentance declared afore in the seuenth Chapter THey vvho through the opinion which they haue in Popes pardōs doo defer the correction of their life doo trust to a weake staffe and depend vppon a tottering wall as the saying is So doo they in like sort that worship Saint Barbara and wil be buried in the habite of a Franciscane For in all the scripture what maie be found concerning these toies VVhat in all the old Testament In the Euangelical doctrine what VVhat in the works of the Apostles To conclude which of these thinges was obserued in the primitiue Church or else by a generall iudgement and consent of the Church at all times receaued and allowed as a thing auaileable and necessarie to saluation Therefore who doth not before death bewaile his offences he albeit he haue a thousand Buls and Pardons shall neuer be saued And therefore vnlesse thou wilt be in doubt of thy saluation omitting these vices thou must earnestlie repent thy wicked life and be heartelie sorie at the remembraunce of thy sinnes thou must with teares and praiers beseech God to be good vnto thee finallie thine onlie refuge must be to runne vnto the merites of Christ in a strong hope that God the Father wil be merciful to thee for Christ his sake whome for vs he hath deliuered vnto the death So wil it come to passe that God wil haue mercie on thee forgiue thy sinnes and for his Christes sake receaue thee into fauour For we haue him our aduocate with God which praieth for vs and doth reconcile his heauenlie Father who by reason of our sinnes and wickednes is offended with vs and maketh him both mercifull and quiet as Iohn in his first Catholical Epistle doth teach So then regard thou neither the Popes pardons nor the worship of Barbara nor the habite and weede of a Franciscane wherin there is no hope at all to be saued Run thou v●to Christ him-selfe who is our mediator and aduocate as I said the throne of grace the propitiation for the sinnes of the world and the Lambe killed frō the beginning of the world as in the Reuelation it appeareth brieflie who is our righteousnes sanctification and redemption as Paul vnto the Corinthiās doth witnesse VVherfore to returne vnto the purpose prolong not the amendement of thy sinfull life for anie Bull or Pardon from the Pope especiallie seeing our life is so short and the houre of certain death so vncertaine The which death for so much as in respect of vncertaine chaunces it is alwaies nigh and maie in this verie moment ouer-take a man vnawares doubtles as one saith can not