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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09945 A Godlye and holesome preseruatyue against desperatiƵ at all times necessarye for the soule but then chiefly to be bled and ministred when the deuill doth assault us moost fiercely, and deth approcheth niest. 1548 (1548) STC 20203.5; ESTC S1645 20,252 80

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dead to synne by Christes deathe we haue also certaine and sure remission of our synnes by Christes dethe we be raised also to a newe and euerlastinge life For baptime is a couenand betwixt God and vs. And a signe of his grace and fauour towarde vs wherin we be reconciled and made at one with god againe so that we may nowe haue a ioyfull and quiet cōscience for somoche as our synnes be forgeuē vs through the resurrection of Iesus christ Yea christ also in the institucion of the most blessed sacramēt of his last supper speaketh also to vs saing that his blood is shed for the remission of synne Nowe although we haue not liued alwaie innocentlie nether led suche a lyfe as we ought to haue done Yet we maye not dispayre but wtout delaye resort vnto god by true repentaunce cal faithfullye vpon his name and we shal be saued Rom. x. Ye let euery one of vs with a meke harte burst out in to these or like wordes and say O moste mercifull God father of al mercy father of oure LORD Iesu Christe be mercyfull vnto me a wretched synner make spede to deliuer me for the most bitter but moost precious death and passion of Iesu Christe thy onlie begotten sonne oure redemer and only sauioure Amen Enter not o lord in to iudgement with thy feruaunte handle me not accordinge to my deseruinge nether do vnto me after my iniquities but accordinge to thy infinite and botomles goodnes mercy take me vnto the. I a miserable and wretched creature am ī thy hand I am in thy debt daunger thou mayst do with me what it please the. O mooste mercifull father forsake me not nether cast me of I am thine all that I am There can no man comfort no man help no mā deliuer me but thou alone Thou art the true comfort the most present helpe the surest bulwarke in all necessitie Thou god art my refuge my strength my helpe in al trouble Thou art my Lord in thy handes resteth al my chaunce and affaires Shewe thy louing and mercyfull face vpon thy seruaunt saue me in thy mercy O lord but in any ways in our extreme sicknes and affliction let vs beware we loke not to earnestly neither to longe vpon our synnes But rather let vs haue the image of Christes moste helthfull and precious deth before our eys Let vs fix that in our mynd and be fully persuaded that Christ is now bourdened with our synnes that he hathe nowe taken theim vpon his owne shoulders and so hathe satisfied for theim and washed them away that he wil neuer charge vs with thē but frelie forgeaue vs theim as we professe in our Crede whē we say Credimus remissionē peccatorū we beleue the remyssion of synnes Here it shal be mete that in our sicknes we call to remebraunce such places of holie scripture as testifieth of remission of synne purchased by Christe of the which some be here subscribed Io. i. BEhold the lambe of god which takith away the synne of the world We are bought with no golde i. Pet. i. nor siluer nether any corruptible price but with the precious blood of the vnspotted and vndefyled lambe Iesus Christe So god hath loued the world that he gaue his onlie begotten sonne to th ende that we so beleuinge in him should not perishe but haue lyfe euerlastinge Io. iii. I come not to call the righteous but the synners to repentaunce Mar. ix Come vnto me al ye that laboure and are laden and I shall refreish you Lo he calleth al he refuseth Math. xi he excludeth none we must includ also our selues within this worde All we must resorte to him and he will receaue and refresh vs. God setteth forth his loue toward vs. For Christ died for vs Rom. 5. when we were yet sinners muche more now therfore we being iustified by his blood shal be sauffe frō wrath by him i. cor i. Christ Iesus is becommed vnto vs wisdome rightousnes holines redempcion Here let vs cōfort our selues that though we haue be neuer so great sinners let vs cōfesse and knowledge our sinne let vs call for mercy and pardon let vs vnfainedly beleue Christ to be our only helth Iustice and redēption and straight waye he is so he will by and by couer and put away our synnes in such sort that we shal nede fere no peril nor daūger ii co v. Him that knew no sinne hath god made sinne .i. a paymente of sinne for vs that we shulde becōe the righteousnes of god by him Gala. i. Christ gaue him selfe for oure sinnes that he might deliuer vs frō this presēt wicked world according to the wil of god our father In Christ we haue redempciō thorough his bloude Ephesi i. euen the remission of sinnes according to the riches of his grace Christ Iesus is come into this worlde to saue synners i. Ti. i. Christ Iesus hath geuin him self a redemption for al men i. Ti. ii This let vs constātly beleue vndoubted we be of the number of those that shal be saued For whē he is come a redemption for all these thinges that he hath suffered pertaineth no lesse to the me euery one of vs so we beleue than to Peter or Paule i. Pe. ii Christ hath borne our sinnes in his body vpō the crosse Christ died once for our sinnes the righteous for the vnrighteous i. petr iii The bloud of Iesus christ clēseth vs from al sinne i. Io. i. Yf any mā doth sinne we haue a aduocate with the father euē Iesus i. Ioan. ii Christ the righteouse and he is the attonemente for our synnes Not for ours onely but for the sinnes of the whole worlde By these places and suche like we maye se howe god the father which wil not the death of a sinner but that we shulde turne and liue for that most feruent burning loue that he beareth toward vs hath eased vs of the burden of our sin hath laide it vpō the back of his most dere beloued sonne which his sōne hath so takē borne and suffered for them that they can neuer condemne vs. For god taketh and reputeth the death of his sonne for a full satisfaction paiment for al our sinnes so that we truly beleue in him For seing that our sinnes thus laide vpon Christe could not ouercome him detain him in deth nor dāne him for why he rose againe vndoubtedly a full satisfaccion is alredy made for them the iustice of god is fully answered and they be vtterly hid and forgeuen Let vs beleue this and we shall not perishe euerlastignly For Christ is now become ours with al that he hath with his death with his resurrection with his assencion into heauen with his life Qui proprio filio suo non pepercit his merits his glorie As saint Paule witnesse Rom. viii wherfore Satan hath nowe no title
caste hym downe to hell perpetualy cōdempne him When therfore the temptor shal lasche at vs which lyke temptacions we maye not shrinke we may not be afraid we may not be discoraged but cōmend our self wholy to CHRISTE hange vpon him who is wholy oures who hath geuin him self wholy to vs so that synne dethe nor hel hath nothing to do with vs. CHRIST with a inestimable price his owne blood hathe deliueryd vs from the tyranny of the deuil and euer lastinge dampnaciō he is become our innocency our life and our iustice Let vs take hede in any ways that we turne not our hartes from CHRISTE crucifyed Yf we cleue to him we are set vpon a sure and inexpugnable rocke againste the whiche all the power of hell is able to do nothinge So that we may boldly exclame and euery one say with CHRISTE I prouided the Lorde afore my eys all way Psal xvi for he is at my righte elbowe that I shulde not be mouyd therefore my harte hathe be gladde and my tonge hath reioysed moreouer my felsshe shall reste in hope By faithe in CHRISTE we become the sonnes of GOD the bretherne and coheires of Christ and partakers of euerlastinge life by this faith departing hence we shall go to the kingdome preparyd for the electe afore the beginnynge of the world And if in the feruentnes of these temptaciōs our faithe begin to wauer yf we do not bere pacientlye the will of oure heuinlye Father if oure loue towarde god waxe faint and cold yf oure hope beginne to be feble weake and therfore we begin to feare lest god and we be not all at a full point but that he is yet displeasyd with vs which tentacion surely is very greuous painful daungerous and hard to ouercome we must call to remembrance Christ to haue sufferyd for vs so intollerable and inuincible tentacions that there apperyd no help no comfort no refuge wherin GOD and the whole world semyd to haue forsaken him and to be against him In somouche that he exclamyd O my god o my GOD why haste thou forsaken me Oh here was a greuous tentacion A sharpe and a bitter death that CHRISTE sufferid for vs and all to make the way of the crosse and deathe easy vnto vs. Therfore seing that CHRISTE of his owne free wyll caste him selfe into the felinge of so intollerable paine calamity and anxiety GOD our most louinge Father beinge therwith contente vndoubtydlye he knowith and consyderyth our infirmite vndoubtydly he will not deale with vs accordinge to the rigour of the law but will bere muche with vs and pardon many thinges to our infirmity Doth not CHRIST speake to al men dothe he not call men when he saith Come vnto me all you that do labour and are laden and I shal refresh you howe can ther be any greater consolaciō howe could CHRISTE speake more mercyfully to vs. There be many thinges that pinche vex and trouble man greuously but what thinge is it that can trouble the conscience of a synner more thā whan he doubteth of the mercy of god then whan he fearethe leaste GOD will cast him of then whā he can not persuade him self to conceaue any trust of gods mercy but Imagine that as a witheryd member he shal be cut of and cast away Here we had nede of christes presēt helpe here we had nede of spedy cōforte lest this violent tempest ouerwhelme and drowne vs. But let vs not feare CHRISTE is no dissembler he wyll stande by his worde he wyll perfourme hys promyse He wyll helpe and refresshe Therefore when we begynne to trymble and feare in oure conscyence when we begin to doubte of goddes mercy when we perceaue our faithe to be feable Lette vs forthwith call vpon GOD and that feruently and that indesinantly leuen from the bottome of oure hart that he tourne not his face from vs. Lette vs power before hym all that dothe trouble vs. Let vs disclose to hym oure myserye oure imbecillitie oure incredulity Let vs crye with the disciples lorde increase oure faith Luc. xvii And with the Father of the Lunaticke Lorde we beleue helpe our incredulity And with the prophet Marci ix Lorde make hast to helpe vs. For thy mercy is aboue all thy workes O moste louing O moste mercyful father lord god of our healthe Ps lxix our only help and refuge Enter not into iudgemente with thy seruauntes Christe is our iustice our redemption and innocēcy he for vs hathe sufferyd most bitter cruel death Let these thynges moue the o father of mercy For thys thy son our sauior Christes sake haue mercy vpō vs confirme and strength our harte in faith comfort vs with the consolacions of thy holy sprit that we may finally optayne Ioy euerlastyng through Iesus christ Amen After this sort if we laborynge wresting and striuinge with our imbecillity accusing afore god lamentinge our pusilianimity and incredulity do catch hold of christ and cleue fast to hym earnestlye and feruently desirynge hys help that he wyl vouchsafe to take our place to supply that is lackinge in vs. These thinges if we do surely all thinges shal be well we shal auoyde and escape easly all daunger peryl we shal be safe enogh For these two to beleue in Christ and with hart to desire faith doth not much differ the one frō the other For though we fele yet great weaknes and imperfection in our self yet this ought to comfort vs that god wylleth commandeth that he shoulde be called vpon that he hath promised to here and help these that call ryghtly vpon him Now as nothing is more iustly or necessarily desired thē true faith euen so god hearith no praier soner or more gladly then whan mā findyng no goodnes in hym selfe doth acknowlege his owne infirmity his owne mysery his owne beggerlines dothe accuse and lament his owne incredulity with depe sighes harty desires calleth for faith These sighes these desires these prayers this litle sparke of faithe is the very sede of GOD wrought in vs by him which saith of Christe by the Prophet Esay that he shall not quenche the smokinge flaxe nor breake the brusyd rede Therfore let vs stedfastly beleue or at the leaste earnestelye and hartely pray that we may beleue bewaylyng afore god our lacke of faithe whiche thinges if we do we nede not doubt but we be acceptid of god we be taken for his childrē For it is not for noughte nor in vaine that he hathe layde our imbecillitie and synnes vpon his only begoten sonnes backe In Mathew Math. v. it is said blessed be those that mourne for thei shal be cōforted blessyd be those that hōger after righteousnes for they shal be satisfied These words are spokē al so to vs they may iustly be applyed to vs we mourne are sory in our hartes that we haue mispendyd our life paste We wishe and desyre yea we euē honger thriste after righteousnes Lette vs be of good chere we shall optayne oure desire we shal be comfortyd we shall be counted iuste a fore GOD for CHRISTE oure sauior his sake Fynally let vs after the example of Christ and sainte Steuin commend our soules into the handes of GOD our heuenly father sainge euery one after this maner O Most mercyfull father I cōmēd into thy holly hādes my spirit yea thy spirite for thou hast create it thou haste commytted it for a tyme to the body thou haste geuen it thy owne Image and similitude Thou haste sent for the redēption of it thi owne most derely belouyd sonne to shed his blood This the spirite I resigne into thi handes O GOD of all mercy I am thyne all that I am I beseche the refuse not thy owne but receaue kepe and place me in euerlasting glory for the sake of Iesus Christ thy only begoten sonne Amen ¶ Imprinted at London by Iames Burrel dwellyng without the Northe gate of Paules in the cornor house of Pater noster rowe openinge in to chepesyde Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum