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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09473 Tvvo treatises· I. Of the nature and practise of repentance. II. Of the combat of the flesh and spirit. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1593 (1593) STC 19758; ESTC S102079 38,243 106

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disease that nothing would heale but the heart blood of his owne childe he would presently judge his owne case to be dangerous and would also vowe if ever he recovered to use all meanes whereby he might avoid that disease So likewise seeing nothing could cure the deadly wound of our sinne but a plaister made of the heart blood of Christ it must make us acknowledge our pitifull case and the hainousnesse of the least of our sinnes and stirre us up to newnesse of life Againe considering the end of the redemption wrought by Christ was to deliuer us from our euill conuersation in sinne and unrighteousnesse we are not to continue and as it were lie bathing our selues in sinne for that were as if a prisoner after that he had bin ransomed and had his boltes taken of and were put out of the prison to go whither he would should returne againe and desire to lie in the dungeon still The second motive is that God hath made a promise to such as truly repent I. Of remission of sinnes Wash you make you cleane take away the evill of your workes from before mine eyes cease to doe evill c. though your sinnes were as crimsin they shall be made a● white as snow though they were red like scarlet they shal be as wooll And Seeke the Lorde while he may be found call upon him while he is neere Let the wicked for sake his wayes the vnrighteous his own imaginations returne vnto the Lord and he will have mercie on him for hee is very plentifull in forgiving II. Of life everlasting I will not the death of a sinner but rather that hee repent and live And Thus saith the Lord vnto the house of Israel Seeke yee me ye shall live III. Of mitigating or remooving temporall calamities Stand in the courte of the Lordes house speake vnto all the cities of Iudah c. If so be they will hearken and turne every man from his evill way that I may repent me of the plague which I have determined to bring upon them because of the wickednesse of their workes As God hath made these mercifull promises to penitent sinners so he hath faithfully perfourmed them so soone as they have but begun to repent Exāple of David Then David said to Nathan I have sinned against the Lord. And Nathan said to David thy sinne is forgiven thee Of Manasses When he was in tribulation he prayed vnto the Lord his God humbled him selfe greatly before the Lord God of his fathers and prayed unto him an● God was intreated of him heard his prayer Of the Publicane The Publicane c. smot● his breast saying O God be mercifull to me sinner I tell you this man departed iustified t● his house rather then the other Of the thiefe He said unto Iesus Lord remember me when thou commest to thy kingdome Then Iesus sai● unto him verely I say unto thee to day shall thou be with me in paradise Having such notable promises made to Repentance no man is to drawe backe from the practise of it because of the multitude o● his sinnes but rather to doe it The Pharise● said to Christs disciples why eates your master with Publicanes and sinners When Iesu● heard it he said unto them the whole need no● the Phisition but they that are sicke And I am come not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And Verely I say unto you that Publicanes and harlots shall goe before you into the kingdome of God CAP. IX Of the time of Repentance THe time of repentance is the time present without any delay at all as the holy Ghost saith To day if ye will heare his voyce And Exhort one another daily while it is called to day lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfullnesse of sinne Reasons hereof are these I. Life is uncerten for no mā knowes at what houre or moment after what manner he shall goe forth of this world Be ye also prepared therefore for the sonne of man wil come at an houre when ye thinke not This one thing should make a man to hasten his repentance and the rather because many are dead who purposed with them selves to repent in time to come but were prevented by death and shall never repent II. The longer a man lives in any sin the greater danger because by practise sin gets heart strēgth Custome is of such force that that which men use to do in their life time the same they doe and speake when they are dying One had three pounds owing to him to be paid three seuerall yeres when he was dying nothing could be got of him but three yeres three pounds Againe by deferring repentance men treasure up wrath against the day of wrath As if a malefactour for his punishment should be appointed to cary every day a sticke of wood to an heape to burne him twentie yeeres after III. The more the time is prolonged the harder it is to repent the longer a man goes in his sicknesse without phisicke the harder is the recoverie And where the devill dwells long hee will hardly be remooved The best way to kill a serpent is to cruse it in the heade when it is young IIII. It is as meat and drinke to the devill to see men liue in their sinnes deferring repentance as on the contrary there is great ioy among the angels of god in heaven when a sinner doth repent V. Late repentance is seldome or never true repentance For if a man repent when he cannot sinne as in former time as namely in death then hee leaves not sinne but sinne leaves him wherefore the repentance which men frame to them selues when they are dying it is to be feared least it die with them And it is very iust that hee should be contemned of God in his death who contemned God in his life Chrysostome sayeth that the wicked man hath this punishment on him that in dying hee shoulde forget himselfe who when hee was living did forget God VI. We are with Abel to giue unto God in sacrifice even the fatte of our flocke now they which deferre repentance to the end do the contrary Late repenters offer the flower of their youth to the deuill and they bring the lame and broken sacrifice of their old age to God CAP. X. OF CERTAINE CASES in Repentance I. Case of a revolt WHether a man that hath professed Christ and his religion yet afterwarde in persecution denies Christ and forsweares the religion may repent and be saved Answere It is a grievous estate yet a man may come to repentance afterward Manasses fell away to idolatry and witchcraft and yet was received to mercie So did wise Salomon and yet no doubt recovered and is received to life everlasting My reason is because God vouchsafed him to be a pen-man of some parts of holy scripture And the sctiptures were written not by
in practise when men fall into any enormous capitall or grievous offences whereby they doe very grievously wound thir owne consciences giue great offence to the Church Of this sort was the repentāce of Peter when he went forth wept bitterly Davids repentāce after that he had committed adultery murdered Vriah CAP. V. Of the persons which must repent MEn be of two sortes the naturall man and the regenerate Repentance is needefull for both For the naturall man that hee may be brought frō his sinnes and the Image of God renewed in him Some may say that many naturall men live civilly absteining from all outragious behaviour and therefore neede no repentance I graunt indeede they doe so yet repentance must goe withall For civil life without grace in Christ is nothing else in Gods sight but a beautifull abomination The Pharises were civill yet Christ saith of them Except your righteousnesse exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharises yee shall not see the kingdome of heaven Repentance is also required in the regenerate because they have many knowen and privie corruptions in them which must be mortified and otherwhiles they fall greevously and therefore that they may rise againe they must be daily practised in the spirituall exercises of repentance CAP. VI. Of the practise of Repentance IN the practise of Repentance foure speciall duties are required The first is a diligent and serious examination of the consciēce by the Lawes commandementes of God for all manner of sinnes both originall and actuall Example of the children of Israel Wherefore is the living man sorowfull man suffereth for his sinne let vs search trie our wayes turne againe to the Lorde Of David I considered my wayes turned my feete to thy testimonies Touching Originall sinne this must be well remembred that one man hath not one part onely of originall sinne and another man an other one man this corruption another that but every man as he received from Adam the whole nature of man so also he received originall sinne wholly And therefore every man not one excepted saving Christ who was extraordinarily sanctified by the holy ghost in the womb of the virgin hath in him from his parents the corruption and seede of all sinne which is a naturall disposition pronesse to commit any sinne whatsoeuer Take a view and consider all the horrible sinnes that be practised in any part of the world either against the first or second table whatsoeuer they are the spawne and seede of them all is euen in that man that is thought to be best disposed by nature Some may say that experiēce shewes the contrary because among men that want all maner of religion some are more civill orderly some againe more lewdly disposed I answere that this comes to passe not because some men are by nature lesse wicked then others but because God by his providence doth limit and restraine mens corruption more or lesse which he doth for the good of mankind For if men might be wholly left to themselves corruption woulde so exceedingly breake out into all maner of sinnes that there should be no living in the world Touching actuall sinnes they shalbe found by examinatiō to be innumerable as the haires of a mans head as the sands by the sea shore if any will but search themselves a litle by the ten commandements of the Decalogue for all their sinful thoughts words and deeds against God and man A DIRECTION FOR EXAmination of the conscience I. COM. Thou shalt have none other gods c. He breakes this commandement THat knowes not the true God Ier. 4. 22. That denies God in his hart by denying his presence iustice mercy c. Ps. 14. 1. That hates God and shewes it by disobedience Exod. 20. 5. Rom. 1. 30. That doe not feare God and stand in awe of him That feare men or other creatures more then God Matth. 10. 31. Apoc. 21. 8. That liue in open sinnes securely not fearing Gods worde or iudgements 1. Thess. 5 6 7. That is sorrowfull for his sinnes onely in respect of the punishment 2. Cor. 7. 10. That feares God by mens traditions Isa. 29. 13. That doe not beleeue Gods word but call the Canonicall scripture in question That despaires of Gods mercie That hath a dead faith without works Iam. 2. That puts faith in the devill and his workes as seekers to wisardes doe That loues the creatures as riches honour and his owne filthy pleasures more then God Ephes. 5. 5. That puts confidence in his strength wisdom riches phisitions 2. Chron. 16. 9 11. That is impatient under the crosse Mat. 10. 38. That temptes God Matth. 4. 7. That seekes for the things of this life more then for Gods kingdome Matth. 6. 33. That murmures against God 1. Cor. 10. 10. That disputes and holdes there is no God That holdes and maintaines opinions against the auncient faith set downe in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles As did the Maniches Donatistes Arrians Anabaptists c. That so holdes one religion as he is ready to follow another 1. King 18. 21. That is full of presumption of Gods mercy Isa. 7. 12. That falles away from the knowen trueth 2. Pet. 2. 20. That addes to Canonicall scripture Deut. 12. last ver II. COM. Thou shalt make to thy selfe no graven Image c. He breakes this commandement THat represents God in an image Exod. 32. 6 8. That worships God in or at images as crucifixes and such like 2. King 18. 4. That kneles downe before an image That is bodily present at Masse keeping his heart to God 1. Cor. 8. 9. That reteines the monuments of idolatrie Exod 23. 13. That marrieth with infidels or such like Gen. 6. 2. That makes leagues of amitie with such 2. Chron. 19. 1. That worships God according to his owne fantasie Col. 2. 23. That worships God with lip-service Isa. 29. 13 That hath the power of godlinesse but denies the force of it 2. Tim. 3. 5. That gives Gods worshippe to creatures as Saintes and Angels Psal. 115. 8. That refuseth to heare the preaching of the Gospell Luk. 14. 19. That negligently worships God Rev. 3. 16. That omits invocation of Gods name Isai. 64. 7. That heares sermons but when he is reprooved railes and rages and profits nothing Amos. 5. 10. That changes the worship of God in whole or in part Deut. 12. 32. That makes either open or secret league with the devill Psal. 58 That useth witchcraft sorcery or inchantments Deut. 18. 11. Lev. 19. 26. That consults with wisards Lev. 20. 6. That weares Amulets or Characters about his necke and puts confidence in them That hinders schooles of religion and good learning That seekes not within the compasse of his calling the good estate of Gods Church but seekes his owne things Psal. 132. 3 4. III. COM. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord c. He breakes this commandement THat doth