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A09215 The richt vay to the kingdome of heuine is techit heir in the x co[m]mandis of God, and in the creid, and Pater noster, in the quhilk al christine me[n] sal find al thing [th]at is neidful and requirit to onderstand to the saluation of the saul Pedersen, Christiern, 1480?-1554.; Gau, John, d. 1553. 1533 (1533) STC 19525; ESTC S106364 84,454 242

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the secund chaiptur of the dedis of the apostlis be preching of ye law he brocht the pepil to knawelege of thair sine and band thair conscience sua that thay war priklit in thair hartis and said to hine ād to ye oder apostlis quhat sal we dw thane thay brotht furtht the key of the sueit promis sayand repent and be baptist euerie ane of ȝow in the nayme of Iesus christ for the remissione of sinnis and ȝe sal resaue the gift of the halie spreit for the promis wesz maid to ȝow and to ȝour bairnis ād to al quhilk ar far ȝei to say mony as ye lord sal cal ye dedis of ye apostlis and Peters and Paulis epistlis ar ful of siclik exemplis the paip na the bischoips hesz na oder keyis of Christ or of peter bot to prech godis word the law and the wangel the quhilk ii bindis and lowsis al conscience as is befor said the mimster of thir keys suld be chosine be ye Chrissine congregacione ye quhilk suld be vithout omy crime ye husbād of ane wiff et ce as S. Paul writis i Thimo iii Nouacianꝰ quhilk vesz ane blyndit heritik trowit that and ony haid anis sinnit that thay ●wld bot anis get forg●ff●ne off thair sinnis and na mair bot yat is falsz heresie the halie vrit schawis ye contra and leris wsz that god is meik ād marciful that alsz sone and oft as men repētis thair sinnis and murnis with the hart for thaime and wil leiff thayme thane thay ar forgiffine and god vill na mair ramember apone thaime as the propheit Eȝechiel vritis in his xviii chaiptur our lord sais alsua hime selff as sanct Matheu vritis in his xi chaiptour cum to me al ȝe quhilk ar hewit that is with sine ād I wil refresch ȝow thair is na hewiar burdine to men na sine that is notht neidful to prewe heir mair that sine sal be forgiffine quhairfor ellis come our lord Iesus christ in to the vardil and suffert deid bot to schawe to vsz marcie ād grace and to lowsz vsz of al our simis as hime selff sais in the ix chaiptur of S. Matheu thay quhilk ar hail thay mister notht ane lech bot yay quhilk ar seik he sais alsua in ye same c. I cō noth to cal richtus men bot sinners he said to the disciplis quhilk Ihone send to hime as S. Luc vritis in his xi chaiptur pasz agane and schaw to Ihone thay thingis quhilk ȝe heir and se ye blind rasauis seicht ye crippil gāgis ye liper ar maid cleyne ye deiff heris the deid ar rasit wp And the pwir rasauis blitht tythandis the quhilk is forgiffine of sinnis sanct Matheu vritis in his first chaiptur yat ye angel said to Ioseph thow sal cal his nayme Iesus yat is saluiour for he sal saiff his pepil fra thair sinnis that is notht that he salalanerlie anis forgiff to thaime thair sinis ād daylie offēce bot sa sune and oft as ony mā desiris forgiffines of his sinis ād angers and murnis thairfor desirand the marcie of god trowand in his promis quhilk he hes maid to sinners in his sone Iesu christ he forgiffis thayme quhilk alsua said to Peter as S. Mat. vritis in his xviii c. quhen he sperit at hime lord quhow oft sal I forgiff my broder giff he sinnis aganis me sal i forgiff hime vii timis Iesꝰ ansuert to hime I say noth to ye vi timis bot lxx vii timis heir techis he marcie Uitnes of ye ald testamēt MOyses vritis in ye xxxiiii ca. of exodi lord god thou quhilk is marciful meik lang suferād and trew thow quhilk gyffis marcie to ane thousand generacions and tak●s avay euil and sine thair is n●yne innocent in thy sicht mark heir quhow faithfullie moises confessit the lord godi● greit grace and marcie Item it is vritine in the xii chaiptur of the secund bwik of kingis quhen Dauid haid Committit ad ultrie witht Bersibea vrias vyff et c. quhen he knew his sine and angert thairfor in his hart thane ye propheit Nathan said in contenent to hime the lord hes tayne auay thy sine god sais as it is vritine in the first chaiptur of the propheit esaie vesth ȝow and be cleyne tak auay ȝour ewil thochtis fra my eyne seisz to dweweil for giff ȝour sinnis be reid as blwid ȝeit thay sal be quhyt as snaw and giff thay be reid as purpur neuertheles yai sal be quhit as wow the propheit eȝechel vritis in his xviii chaiptur quhen ane sinner twrnis hime ●ra al his sinnis quhilk he hes dune and keipis al my cōmādis thane I wil ramember na mai● of his sinnis quhilk he hes dune he vritis alsua heir of in his xxxiii and xxxvi c. the propheit Ihonas vritis of the forgiffine of sinnis in his iii chaiptur the propheit Esaias of the muth of god sais in his xliii I am he I am he quhilk takis auay thy sinnis for my aune saik and I vil na mair ramember apone thayme the propheit Iohel vritis thayr of in his ii c. and the Propheit Dauid in the bwik of psalmis in mony placis and specialie in ye li and xxxii and lxxxix Psalme Uitnes of the neu testament IEsus Christ is cōpanie ād cōuersatione wesz with siners ye quhilk signifeis yat he come to rasawe thayme to marcie and grace as hime selff sais in ye xviii chai of S. Matheu The sone of man come to saiff ye thing quhilk perist S. Matheu vritis in his ix chaiptur yat Christ said to ye man quhilk ye pepil brocht to hime liand in his bed sone traist thy sinnis ar forgiffine to ye and he callit S. Matheu quhilk vesz ane publicane fra his sinful craifft as he vritis in ye saine chaip alsua he callit paul quhen he wesz persewād ye halie chrissine kirk as it is vritine in ye iy chaiptur of ye dedis of ye apostlis And he sais in ye first chaiptur of ye first epistil to Thimothe it is ane trew vord and aluay wordy to be rasauit Christ Iesus come in this wardil to saiff sinners et ce Christis and S. Ihonis preching beginnis yat ve suld anger and repent our sinnis and leiff 〈◊〉 ald liff as S. Matheu vritis in his iii and iiii chaiptur Thay say thair repent ye kingdome of heuine is at ye hand S. Luc vritis in his vii chaiptur quhow Christ forgaiff ye sinful voman quhilk weisch his feit and in his xiii chaliptur He callis al sinners to repentente sayand siclik as ye tour in siloe fel dune and slew xviii men sua sal it be of ȝow and ȝe repent noth sune Sanct Marc vritis in his iii chaiptur al sine sal be forgiffine to men and
prayer as the papis hes dwne giffand sa mony thousād ȝedris to reid ye dremis of mē and thay quhilk redis thayme may deliuer sa mony saulis of purgatorie and thay sal noth be condannit ye quhilk is al bot manifest leinge and haldis ye pepil in errour I held mekil alsua befor of siclik praers ād pardonis in my blindnes quhair in i vesz befor quhen i vesz blindit with ye deuilis doctrine quhilk is ye doctrine of men quhilk spekis leinge throw ypocrisie as sanct Paul vritis in ye iiii ca. of ye first epistil to thimothe and in mony oder placis of his epistlis bot lowit be ye fader of licht quhilk hes brocht me and mony oders out of this blindnes and mirknes of egipt be the licht of his halie vord quhilk is sprunge wp to vsz quhilk ramanit in mirknes and ingnorance part prayis ane special prayer for to get riches oder to get vardlie honours oder for oder peticions ād sua sancte Brigitteis prayer ād ye xv o and S. Gregoris vii o and alexandri and sixti and iulii and papis prayers hes beyne haldine mair precious na our lord Iesus Christis prayer for causz thay haiff giffine sic leinge and pardone to thayme ye quhilk hesz blindit ye pepil and causit thayme to trow mair in the prayers dremit be men quhilk ar lears na in ye prayer maid be our lord Iesus Christ quhilk is ye euerlestand verite Mony prayis ye psalter of our ladie part vith queral bedis for causz thay suld thair for haiff greit pardone and oders prais this Psalter and makis thair of ane fraternite ye falsz prechours said to ye simpil pepil yat thay vane ye greit pardone for this suposz thay prayit this notht with ye hart bot yat is manifest leinge siclik as ye oder thingis yat thay said thairof yat yair suld be say mony thousād ȝeris of pardone for ye prainge of thayme siclik prayers ar mair skaithful na profetabil to ye saluatione of the saul for causz our lord Iesus Christis prayer is thairfor lichtlit al that is neidful to the saul and liff of man is habundantlie contenit in the Pater Noster for al the pardone and blissinge and al oder thing quhilk is necessar for liff and saul baith in this vardil and in the vardil to cum is contenit in the Pater noster and it is better to pray ane Pater Noster with ane feruent mynd thair apone na to pray al the oder prayers maid be men with thair greit pardone AMEN The Pater noster is diuidit in ii partis The first part is ane beginning and preparatione to pray The secund part is diuidit in vii peticions The beginning Our fader thou quhilk is in the heuine ALmichtine God sane thow of thy singlar grace and marcie hes noth alanerlie maid wsz bot alsua commandit and lerit wsz be thy sone Iesus Christ that we suld cal and hald the for our best belowit hewinlie fader supposz thow may richtuslie be ane scherp iuge apone wsz pwir sinners for our innumerabil sinnis quhilk ve haiff dwne aganis thy commandis and godlie wil in mony vays and thairthrow hes greitlie offēdit thy maieste quhairfor o heuinlie Fader giff wsz thy marcie and ane swuer saith and hop to the in our hart that we may aluterlie without ony dout trow in thy faderlie marcie lwiff and grace ād lat vsz knaw thy faderlie lwiff quhilk thow hes to vsz ād schew to vsz giffād thy onlie sone to deid for our saik ād gif vsz faith to trow veralie that thow art our decrest fader and that thairfor we may lwiff the with al our hart and knaw and trow in verite that we ar thy bairnis and that ve may cal ye fader with blithnes ād cry traistfullie and pertlie to ye in al our aduersite defend vsz fader fra al ewil yat ve may al tyme ramane thy bairnis and yat ve serue noth to mak ane terribil iuge of ye or yat ve mak noth ye our inime with our sinnis quhilk ar thy bairnis and heritours Thow wil noth yat we alanerlie suld cal ye fader bot thow wil yat we sal al cal ye our fader and yat we sal euerie ane pray to ye for oder quhairfor giff vsz ane broderlie lwiff to oder yat we may al knaw and onderstand yat we ar al to gider breder and sister and yat thow art al our fader and giff vsz yat we may euerie ane pray for oder and notht to pray alanerlie for our selff or seik our aune profeit of ye bot alsua our breders and lat vsz cast auay al inuy ād crabitnes quhilk is amāgis ony of vsz ād lat vsz lwiff euerie ane oder with our hart as ye guid bairnis of God suld dw yat we may al say to gider to ye our fader and notht alanerlie my fader and sane thow art notht ane fleschlie ȝeirdlie fader as ve haif heir apone ye ȝeird bot thou art our spiritual fader quhilk is in ye heuine ād thou cane newer de bot thow art inmortal without ony end bot our fleschlie fader heir apone ye ȝeird is mortal and vaik and cane noth saiff hime selff fra deid thairfor thow art gretar and ane better fader to wsz na our fleschlie fader and thow leris vsz to leiff our fleschlie fader and moder sister and bredir frendis and kine riches and mony gloir and honour and al the vanite of this vardil and our aune liff for thy saik O heuinlie fader thairfor giff vsz grace to be thy heuinlie bairnis and leir vsz yat we may alanerlie think apone ye euerlestand airschip and dwellinge of our saul quhilk is in the heuine That ye flesclie faders heritage draw wsz notht fra our richt airschip and mak wsz ye barnis and airis of ye vardil bot giff wsz yat we may say to ye vith ane richt hart O heuinlie fader giff vsz yat we may veralie be thy heuinlie barnis and airis AMEN The first peticione Thy nayme mot be hallowit O Almichtine God best belowit hewinlie fader thy halie nayme is mony vayis dispisit ād lichlit it is alsua callit to mony thingis quhilk ar noth to thy lowine and honour bot abusit to sine and ewil and vichcraft and to mony greit abhominabil aithtis sua yat ye chrissine nayme quhilk we haiff of Christ quhair throw we ar callit chrissine men yat is mair to dishonour of thy halie nayme na to honour it is dailie blasphemit amāgis vsz in mony innumerabil vayis quhairfor giff wsz thy godlie grace that we may keip wsz fra al thing quhilk is notht to the lowine and honour of thy halie nayme help alsua that al vichcraft and fals traist in the deuil and in al oder
of ye and i sal mak his kingdome suuer for euer ād for thir promissis christ is callit sum tyme the sone of Dauid and sum tyme ye sone of Abrahame ane diligent reder ma collec to gider al the promissis of christ ye quhilk ar na oder thing bot the vangel the quhilk ar richt profetabil to reid and ramember apone for thay raisz ād strinthis our waiknes for he quhilk maid thayme to wsz is faithful ād ful of strintht in this maner efter ye fal of Adame incontinent god reuelit the vangel bot efteruert be successione of tyme mair cleirlie And quhen the tyme wesz cū pre ordinat be god he fulfillet his promis as S. Paul vritis in the first chaip of his epistil to the romans Paul the seruand of Iesu christ callit to ye office of ane apostil sewert to prech the vangel or blitht tyrhādis of god quhilk he promist befor be his prophetis in ye halie scripturs of his sone quhilk vesz borne of the seid of Dauid as pertenand to the flesch And in the first ca. of his ii epistil to Timothe he sais thynk notht scheyme to beir vitnes of our lord Iesus Christ nay think notht scheyme of me quhilk am bwnd for his saik bot suffer aduersite with the vangel throw the power of god quhilk hes deliuerit and callit vsz witht ane halie vocatione notht efter our varkis bot for his preposz and grace quhilk wesz giffine to wsz throw Christ Iesu or the beginning of the vardil bot is now declarit opinlie be the apering of our saluiour Iesu quhilk hes distroyit deid and hes brocht liff ād inmortalite to licht throw ye vangel ye vangeliftis beris vitnes yat God fulfillit his promis as we reid in ye i c. of S. Math. quhair he beginnis sayand this is ye bwik of ye generatione of Iesus Christ ye sone of Dauid ye sone alsua of Abraham ye law as i sai● befor is ye ministratione of deid ye quhilk schawis to ȝow quhat is sine and cōfūdis and sleis ād slais ȝour cōsciēce ād giffis nay strinth to ȝou to forbeir sine ye vangel is ye ministratione of liff ye quhilk rasis ād quiknis ȝour fleyit cōsciēce ād giffis ye spreit to fulfil quhat ye law cōmādis this is neidful to onderstand giff we wil knaw in quhat maner we quhilk ar borne ye bairnis of ir ar maid richtus befor god quhen ye law schawis to wsz our sine and condānatione it causis wsz to dispair bot we ar maid richtus quhen we belewe in ye word of grace ye vāgel quhilk God promist to wsz in Christ ye quhilk is forgiffine of our sinis ād ve inheir to hime be faith doutand notht bot his richtusnes is ouris his halines is ouris his satisfactione is ouris his resurrectione is ouris schortlie notht doutand bot our sinnis ar forgiffine throw hime ād we ar rasauit in ye fauoris of God Neyne of our varkis makis wsz richtus quhow guid or quhow meritabil as mony callis thayme thay apeir bot alanerlie faith of ye marcie and grace of God throw Iesꝰ Christ as ye propheit Abac. sais in his ii c. The richtus liffis of faith and S. Paul sais ii c. of his epistil to the Gal. I liff of ye faith of ye sone of god quhilk lwiffit me ād gaiff hime selff for me I lichtiie notht ye grace of god for giff richtusnes come of ye law thane Christ de it inuane alsua he sais in ye iii c. to ye Ro. Richtusnes in ye seicht of God is be ye faith of Iesu Christ and in ye iiii c. of ye same he sais to hime yat trowis in hime quhilk makis ye ongodlie richtus faith is reknit for richtusnes faith is noth ane vayne opinione or ane vauerād thocht quhilk ony herād ye historie of ye vāgel may haiff ye quhilk renewis noth ye hart nay causis notht ane new liff nay hesz nay guid warkis or frwitis folouand efter weray faith is ye wark of God in wsz throw ye quhilk we ar new borne be his halie spreit ād ar maid new creaturs to God Faith virkis throw lwiff ād cane noth be you as S. Paul sais in ye v c. to ye Gala. ād of it cūis guid varkis as guid frwit dwis of ye guid tre ye mā quhilk hesz veray faith curis noth quhider guid varkis be cōmādit or noth ȝei supposz thair war nay law saith causis hime to virk throw lwiff godlie ād chrissine varkis he quhilk dwis hton his varkis with ane godlie and quik lwiff he is ȝeit onfaithful ād al his varkis ar bot sine faith is ane cōstant ād swuer beleue of ye marcie of God to vsz quhilk is quik in ye hart ād wirkis michtilie and makis ye hart blith ād ioyful ād rasis it in sueit lwif to God and starkis ye hart yat it feris noth deid nay ony oder creatur this causis ye spreit of god quhilk cūis in ye hart throu faith it cane noth be yat this faith be in ony bot guid varkis or frwitis man cū of it siclik as heit procedis fra ye fyr and the bemis fra ye sone I pray God quhilk cōmandit with his word licht to spring of mirknes yat he scheyne in ȝour hartis ād illuminat ȝou in ye chrissine faith for it is ye gift of God and cūis noth throw warkis nay industrie of man this faith is veray iustice or richtusnes in ye seicht of god quhilk renewis ād makis ane man sua according to ye diffinitione of iustice or richtusnes yat he giffis to euerie man his aune quhen we ar maid richtus throw faith quhairthrow we rasaue ye spreit quhilk causis wsz to lwiff ye law thane we giff louine and honour to God quhilk pertenis alanerlie to hime and alsua quhen we trow yat we ar recōsalit to God throw ye deid of Christ frelie without our meritis and knawis yat he did say greit kīdnes to vsz thane we dw al yat we cane ȝei is redy to giff our liff for our bredir quhen ye phariseans ād pyntit ypocritis quhilk vald mak thair selff richtꝰ throw thair aune varkis as ye pridful pharesiane did of quhome S. Luc vritis in his xviii c. heris yat we ar maid richtus throw faith and throw nay varkis thay murmur ād cryis heresie heresie thir new prechours condānis guid varkis o blind ignorance quhē sal thow be expellit out of thir hartis ād quhē sal ye licht of verite scheyne yat ȝe may cleirlie onderstand ye natur of faith and varkis and informe thayme of thair ignorance reid quhat ye halie apostil S. Paul sais of Abrahā in ye iiii c. to ye Rom. quhair he sais quhat sal we say yat Abraham our fader fand as percen and to ye flesch yat is to say wesz he maid richtꝰ throu his varkis he cōcludis yat he wesz maid richtus befor god throw faith without ony varkis and he prewis this be ye scriptur quhilk is vritine in the xv cha of Genesis yat faith vesz reknit to Abraham for richtusnes or he wesz circūcidit quhairfor giff ye vark of circūcisione quhilk God cōmādit to hime ye quhilk wesz ane precious vark of obedience aualit notht to Abraham for richtusnes quhat is thane mair swuer nay yat our varkis makis wsz noth richtꝰ in ye seicht of God bot siclik as abrahamis circūcisiōe wesz ane sing or ane takine of ye richtusnes quhilk he haid throw faith sua our varkis ar bot wtuert singis or taiknis quhilk makis wsz notht richtus bot declaris and schawis that we ar maid richtus throw faith siclik as ye guid frwit declaris and schawis ane guid tre as our saluiour sais in ye vii c. of S. Mat. quhais doctrine we suld heir giff we wil be as ve ar callit chrissine men our heuinlie fader hes cōmādit wsz to heir hime sayand this is my weilbelowit sone in quhō i delit heir hime as it is vritine in ye xvii c. of S. Mat. Be seik ȝour heuinlie fader yat ȝe be notht of thayme of quhome ye propheit Esaias spekis in his vi c. ȝe sal heir with ȝour eris and sal noth onderstand and ȝe sal se with ȝour eyne and sal notht se for ye hart of this pepil is vaxit groff ād yai ar dul to heir with thair eris ād thay haiff closit thair eyne yat thay suld noth se nay heir with thair eris nay onderstand with thair hartis ād suld turne yat i micht he●l thayme as S. Paul sais in ye iiii c. of his ii epistil to ye Corī Giff our vangel be hid it is hid amangis thayme quhilk perissis in quhome ye God of this vardil hesz blīdit ye myndis of thayme quhilk beleuis noth that the licht of ye glorious vāgel of Christ suld notht scheyne to thayme be var with the fals prophetis quhilk cū is to ȝow in scheipis clais ād in religione of angels yat yai spulȝe ȝow noth of this doctrine ād iuge the spretis giff thay be of god for sathane transfigurs hime selff in ye āgel of licht Fair now veil ād rasaue this seruice of ȝour pwir seruād ye fauor of our lord Iesus Christ and ye lwiff of God ād the companie of ye halie spreit be with ȝow al AMEN Prentit in Malmw Be me Ihone Hochstraten the xvi day of October Anno M D XXXiii