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A09181 A frutefull booke of the comon places of all S. Pauls Epistles right necessarye for all sortes of people, but especially for those of the ministerye dyligentelye sette foorthe by Thomas Paniell. Anno. 1562; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. Selections. Paynell, Thomas. 1562 (1562) STC 19492; ESTC S114192 128,237 388

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br●adde whiche we breake part takynge of the bodye of Christe because that we thoughe we bee manye yet are one breade and one bodye in as much as wee all are partakers of one breade and of one cuppe That whiche I deliuered vnto you I receaued of the Lorde For the Lorde Iesus the same nighte in whiche he was betrayed toke bread and thanked and brake and said Take ye ● eate ye this is my body which shal be betrayed for you This doe ye in remembraunce of me After the same manner he toke the cuppe when supper was done sayinge This cuppe is the newe Testament in my bloud This do as ofte as ye drincke it in the remembraunce of me For as often as ye shall eate this breade and drincke of this cup ye shall shew the Lordes deathe tyll he come Therefore● who so euer shall eate of thy● breade or dryncke of the cuppe vnworthely shall be gil●y of the body bloud of the lord Let a man therfore e●amin him selfe a●● so let hym eate of the breade and 〈…〉 the cupe For he that eateth or drincketh vnworthelye eateth and drinketh hys owne damnation because he maketh no di●ference of the Lords body For this cause many are w●ake and sycke among you and many slepe Wherfore my breethren when ye come to gether to eate tarye one for an other Yf anye man honger let him eate at home that ye come not to gether vnto condempnation Other thinges shall I set in order when I come ¶ How that they which be maryed ought to behaue them selues And of the contynence of vyrgynes and wydowes Capitu. 58. AS concerning the things wherof ye wrote vnto me it is good for a man not to touche a woman Neuerthelesse to auo●d fornication let euerye man haue hys wyfe and let euery wyf● haue her husbād Let the man ge●● vnto the wyfe due ●en●uolence Likewise also the wife ●nto the man The wife hath no power ouer her owne bodye but the husband And likewise the man hath no power ouer his owne bodye but the wife Withdraw not your selues one from an other excepte it be wit● consente for a time for to geue youre selues too fastinge and prayer And afterwarde come againe to the same thinge leaste Sathan tempte you for youre incontinencye This I saye of fauoure for I woulde that all men wer as I am my selfe but euery man hath his proper gifte of God one after this manner an other after that I saye vnto the vnmaryed men and wydowes it is good for them that they abyde euen as I doe But and if they can not abstaine let them mary For it is better too marye then to burne Unto the maried commaund not I but the Lorde that the wife seperate not her selfe from the man If she separate her selfe let her remain vnmaried or be reconciled vnto her husbande agayne And let not the husbande put awaye his wife frome him To the remnaunte saye I and not the Lorde If anye brother haue a wyfe that beleueth not Yf she be contente to dwell with him let him not put her away And the woman whiche hath to her husbande an infidell if he consente to dwell with her let her not put him awaye For the vnbeleuinge husbande is sanctifyed by the wife and the vnbeleuing wife is sanctified by the husbande Or els wer your children vncleane but now are they pure But and if the vnbeleuinge departe let him departe A brother or a sister is not in subiection to such God hath called vs in peace For howe knowest thou o woman whether thou shalt saue that man or no Other how knowest thou o man whether thou shalt saue that woman or no But euen as God hath distrybuted to euerye man As concerning virgynes I haue no commaundemente of the Lorde yet geue I counsell as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lorde to be fayethfull I suppose that it is good for the presente necessity For it is good for a man so to be Art thou bounde vnto a wyfe seeke not too be lowsed Arte thou lowsed from a wife seke not a wife But and if thou takest a wife thou synnest not Lykewise if a virgyne marye she sinneth not Neuerthelesse suche shal haue truble in their flesh but I fauoure you The single manne careth for the thinges of the Lorde how he maye please the Lord. But he that hath maried careth for the thinges of the worlde howe he maye please hys wife and is deuided The syngle woman carethe for the thinges of the Lorde that she maye be pure both in body and also in spirit but she that is maryed careth for the things of the world how she may please her husband Thys speake I for your profytte not to tangle you in a snare but for that whiche is honest and comely vnto you and that ye maye quietly cleaue vnto the Lord without separation If any mā think that it is vncomelye for his virgyne Yf she passe the tyme of maryage and so if neede require let hym doe what he lusteth he sinneth not if she be maried Neuerthelesse he that purposeth surelye in his harte hauinge no neede but hathe power ouer hys owne wyll and hath so decreed in his harte that ●e wyll kepe his virgy●e doth wel So then ●e that ●oyneth his virgine in mariage doth wel But he that ioyneth not his virgine in mariage doth better The wife is bound to the law as long as her husband liueth If her husbande s●epe she is at libertye to marye with whome shee wyll onelye in the Lorde But she is happiar if she do abide in my iudgemente And I thinke verelye that I haue the spirit of God Women submytte your selues vnto your owne husbandes as vnto the Lord. For the husbande is the wiues heade euen as Christ is the heade of the congregation Therefore as the congregation is in subiection vntoo Christ likewise let the wiues be in subiection to theyr husbandes in all thinges Husbands loue your wiues ●●en as Christ loued the congrega●●●n and gaue him self for it So ought men●e to lo●e their wiues as their owne bodyes He that louethe hys wyfe loueth him selfe Neuerthelesse 〈◊〉 y● so that euerye one of you loue his wife ●ruly euen as him selfe And let the wyfe s●e that she feare her ●usbande Wyues submitte your selues vnto your owne husban●es as it is comelye in the Lorde Husbandes loue youre wyues and be not bytter vnto them Let wedlocke be had in price in all pointes and let ●he chamber be vndefy●ed ¶ Of Certain documentes generally partayning to men women and widowes Capitu 59. I Woulde ye knewe that Chr●st is the head of euerye man and that the manne is the womans heade And God is Christes headde Euerye man prayinge or prophesyinge hauing any thinge on his head shameth his h●adde Euery woman that praieth or prophesieth bare headed dishonesteth her headde For it is euen all one and the very same thinge euen as
of the elders But when it pleased Godde whyche separated m●e frome my mothers wombe and called me by hys grace for to declare his sonne by me that I shuld preache him amonge the h●athen imm●diatly I comened not of the matter wi●h fleshe and bloude nei●her returned to Ierusalem to them which were Apostles before me but went my waies in to Arabia and came again vnto Damasco Then after three yeare I returned to Ierusalem to see Peter and abode with him 15. dayes none other of the Apostles sawe I but Iames the Lordes brother The things whiche I wryte beholde God knoweth I lye not After that I wente in to the costes of Siria and Cilicia and was vnknowen as touchynge my person vnto the congregation of Iewrye whiche were in Christe But they hearde onely that he whiche persecuted vs in time past nowe preacheth the fayeth whyche before he destroyed And they glorified God on my behalfe Then .14 yeares after I went vp agayne to Ierusalem wyth Barnabas and ●ooke wyth me Titus also ¶ How humblye the Apostell desireth hym selfe and his disciples to be prayed for And of certayne other hys actes Capitu 71. I Beseche you brethren for oure Lodre Iesus Christes sake and for the loue of the spirite that ye helpe me in my busines with your prayers to God for me that I maye be deliuered frome them whiche beleue not in Iewrye and that this my seruice which I haue to Ierusalem maye be accepted of the saintes that I may come vnto you with ioye by the wyll of God and maye with you be refreshed Prayinge for mee that vtteraunce maye be geuen vnto me that I maye open my mouthe boldely to vtter the secretes of the gospel wher of I am a messenger in bondes that therein I maye speake frely as it becometh me to speake Praye ye for vs that God open vnto vs the dore of vtteraunce that we may speake the mistery of Christ. Wherfore I am also in bondes that I maye vtter it as it becommeth me to speake Furthermore breethren praye for vs that the worde of God may haue free passage and be glorified as it is with you and that we maye be deliuered from vnreasonable and euyll menne I desire you therefore somewhat the more abundauntely that ye so do that I may be restored to you quickelye Knowe the brother Timothe whome we haue sente from vs with whome if he come shortelye I wyll see you I wyll come vnto you after I haue gone ouer Macedonia For I wyll go throughe oute Macedonia Wyth you pe●aduenture I wyll a byde a whyle or els wynter that ye maye bringe me on my waye whether so euer I goo I wyll not see you nowe in my passage but I truste to abyde a whyle wyth you if God shall suffer me I wyll tarye at Ephesus vntyll whytsontyde For a greate dore and a frutefull is opened vnto me and there are manye aduersaryes To speake of brother Apollo I certifye you that I greatelye desired him to come vnto you with the brethren but hys mynde was not at all to come at this tyme. How be it he wyll come when he shal haue conueniente time and leysure I call God for a recorde vnto my soule that for to fauoure you all I came not any more vnto Corinthum Not that we bee Lordes ouer youre faith but helpers of your ioye Make spede to come to me at once For Demas hath left me and loueth thys presente worlde and is departed vnto Thesselonica Cressensis gone too Galacia and Titus vnto Damatia Only Lucas is wyth me Take Marke bringe him with the. For he is necssary vnto me for to minister And Lithicus haue I setto Ephesus The cloke y ● I left at Troada w t Carpus when thou comest bringe with thee and the bokes but speciallye the partchement Erascus abode at Corinthum Trophimos I left at Myletum sicke Make spede to come before wynter When I shall sende Artemas vnto the or Tithicus be diligente to come to me vnto Nichopolis ¶ Of suche persons whiche in hys Epistles he saluted and were saluted Capitu 72. GReete Prisca and Aquila my helpers in Christ Iesu which haue for my lyfe layed downe theyr owne neckes Unto which not I onelye gaue thankes but also the congregation of the Gentiles Likewise greete the congregation that is in their house Salute my welbeloued Epenetes● whiche is the firste frute among them of Achaia Greete Marye which bestowed much labour on vs. Salute Andronicus Iunia my cosyns whiche were prysonners with me also whiche are well taken amonge the Apostelles and were in Christe before me Timotheus my woorke felowe and Lucius and Iason and Sopater my kinsmen salute you Caius myne hoste and the host of al the congregations saluteth you● Graseus saluteth you c. The congregations of Asia salute you Aquila and Priscilla salute you muche in the Lorde and so doeth all the congregatyon that is in theyr house with whom I am lodged All the brethren grete you The salutation of me Paule with myne owne hande c. All the saintes salute you Epap●ra● saluteth you I beare him recorde that he hathe a feruente minde toward you and toward them of Laodicia and them of Ierapolis Deare Lucas the Phisition greeteth you and Demas Salute the ●reethren whiche are of Laodicia and salute Nimphas and the congregation which is in her house Epaphras my felowe presoner in Christe Iesus salutethe thee and Marcus Aristarcus Demas Lucas my helpers ●ri●●arcus my pryson felowe saluteth you and Marcus Barnabas sisters sonne touchinge whome y● receaued commaundementes Yf he come vnto you receaue him and Iesus whiche is called iustus which are of the circumcision These onely are my work felowes vnto the kingdome of God whiche were vnto my consolation Salute all the saintes The brethren whiche are in Italye salute you All the saintes salute you and moste of all they whiche are of the Emperoures housholde The salutation of me Paule with mine owne hande This is the token in al epistels So I write The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christe be wyth you all ¶ The prayse and glorification o● the omnipotent Lor● and god Capitu. 73. TO him that is of power to stablyshe you accordynge to my gospell and preachynge of Iesus Christe in vtteringe of the mysterye which was kepte secrete sense the worlde began but nowe is opened by the scriptures of prophesye at the commaundemente of the euerlastinge God to styrre vp obedience to the faith published among all nations To the same God which alone is wyse be prayse throughe Iesus Christ for euer Amen God is fayethfull By whome ye are called Blessed be God the father of oure Lord Iesus Christ the father of mercye and the God of all comforte the Lord no doubte is a spirit And wher the spirite of the Lorde is there is libertye
Testamente ca. 53 No man but he that is called taketh honour vpon him capi 55 Nothinge can departe a manne from the loue of God capi 7 Now we se in a glasse cap. 32 Nothinge is commen of it selfe ca. 20 O. Obey not for feare but because of conscience cap. 14 Obey them that haue the ouersyght of you capit 61 Olde thinges are passed away ca. 46 Olde womens dutye and office ca. 61 One mediator betwene god and man capitu 46. O the abundaunte wisedome of god O the depenesse of the aboundaun●e knowledge of God ca. 44 Our ablen●s cometh of god ca. 6 Our knowledge is vnperfect ca. 33 Our fathers were all baptised vnder Moses in the cloude in the sea ca. 37 Our reioysinge is the testimonye of conscience capi 17 Owe nothinge to any man but loue capitu 7.11 Ouercome euill wyth goodnes ca. 10 P. Pacience bringeth experience ca. 10 Passe ouer vayne voyces cap. 13 Paule was called too be an Apostle be god ca. 1 Paule was appointed to preache by the commaundemente of god ca. 1.43 Paule is not ashamed of the Gospell capitu 4. Paule receaued not the gospel of mā but of Christ ca. 4 Paul because he woulde not be greuous to anye man labourd daye and nighte capi●u 10.20 Paule a minister of the gospel ca. 13. Paule deliuered Alexander to Sathā capitu ●4 Paule christened but two ca. 21 Paul was vnquieted in y e flesh ca 25. Paule prayeth night and day ca. 27 Paule counteth all thinge as doung● to wynne Christ ca. 3● Paule was of the tribe of Beniamin capitu 37 Paul as concerninge the law was a Pharisee ca. eodem Paule persecuted the congregation capitu 37.70 Paule is in debte to all men ca. 39 Paule came not to the people in gloriousnes of wordes ca. eode Paule preached not with entisinge wordes ca. eod Paule sawe Iesus Christ ca. 39.47 Paule was no chopper of the worde of god cap. 39 Paule was not behynde the chefe Apostles ca. eo Paul was not r●de in knowledge eo Paul exhorted not with gu●le ca. eod Paul was no flatterer ca eod Paule cloked no couetuousnes ca. eo Paul sought not to please men ca. eo Paul was diligent to remember the poore ca. 53 Paule withstode Peter cap. eo Paule for his brethren wyshed him ●●lfe to be cursed from Christ ca. 66 Paule made him selfe seruaunte vnall menne cap. eo Paul delited in infirmities ca. 67.69 Paul was let doun in a basket ca. 67 Paule fulfylleth that is behynde of the passions of Christe ca. 67 Paule was taken vp in to the thyrde heauen cap. 69 Paule coulde do all thinges through the helpe of Christe ca. ●ode Paul was learned to be content both wyth wealth and wo ca. eo Pauls cloke his parchements ca. 71 Pauls token in al his Epistles ca. 72 Peace of God passeth all vnderstandinge ca. 3 Please thy neighboure vnto his edi●yinge c●pitu 20 Potter hathe power ouer the claye capitu 44. Praye in the spirite capi 18 Preache the Gospell and lyue of the gospell capi 1● the Preachinge of the crosse capi 13 Preache the worde be it in season or out of season ca. 24.61 Preachers must be sente cap. 39 Priestes that rule well are worthye of double honour cap. 61.14 Praye with the spirite a●d with the mynde ca. 26 Praye continually ca. 26.36 Pray lyfting vp your hands wi●hout wrath ca. 26 Praye for kinges and for all that are in auctoritye cap. eo Power cometh of god ca. 14. Prouide for honest thinges cap. 12 Put on the Lord Iesus ca. 17.32 Put on the armur of lighte ca. 18.32 Put not a stomblynge blocke in thy brothers way cap. 20.22 Put away childishnes ca. 23 Put awaye lyinge and speake the truth cap. ●8 Put on the newe man cap 29 Put of the old man with his works capi eod Put away all maliciousnes ca. 35 Put awaye ●ilthye communication capitu 35. Put on ●●nder mercy ca. 36 Put not thy wyf● from the. ca. 38 R. Raab the harlote ca. 5 Rebuke the works of darknes ca. 24 Rebuke not an elder ca. ●od Rebuke the sinfull openly ca. eo Rec●aue the weake ca. 15. Receaue not the grace of god in vain capitu 23. Recompence not euyll for euyl ca. 10 Redeme the time ca. 12 Reioyce not in men ca. 20.27 Reioyce in tribulation ca. 27 R●ioyce in God cap. 27.13 Reioyce in the crosse of Christ. ca. 27 Remember them that are in bondes capitu 15. the R●ward of synne is d●ath ca 17 Reward to him that worketh is recken●d of du●ye ca. 50. Repr●ue t●em wyth modes●y that resys●e the truthe cap. ●4 Righteousnesse is opened by sayeth capitu 4.50 Rich men saule in to many noysome lustes cap. 19 the Rote of Ie●●e ca. 40. S. Sacrifices which please god ca. 15. Sacrifice of lawe is the ●rute of ou●e lippes ca. 29 Sathan fashioneth him selfe in to an Aungell of ligh●e ca. 25. Sara through fayeth was deliuered of a childe ca. 23 Seke not thine owne profyt●e ca. 7 Seke an other mans wealth ca. eo● Seke the profitie of many ca. 20 Seke not for a wyfe cap. 58. Seeke the thinges whiche are aboue capitu 32. Seruauntes of synne are not vnder righteousenes ca. 11 the Seruaunte of the Lorde muste informe them that resyste the truth● capitu 36 the Seruaunte of the Lorde must not striue ca. eo Seruauntes obey youre maysters capitu 60. Seruauntes must● counte they● mas●ers worthye of all honour ca. eo● Ser●auntes oughte not to aunswer agayne ca. eod Scripture is able too make a manne wise vnto saluation ca. 12 Scripture geuen by the inspiration of God is profitable to teache to improue ca. 13 Shewe mercy with cherfulnes ca. 41 Synners haue pleasure in them that synne capi 35 Synne was not regarded as long as there was no lawe cap. 50 Sowe spirituall thynges and reape carnall cap. 11 Sowe lyttle and reape little ca. eod Sorowe not for the deadde withoute hope capi 31 Spirituall men discusse all thinges capitu 12 Speake euyll of no man ca. 14 Speake all one thinge ca. 21 Styrre vp the gift● of God whiche is in the ca. 23 Study to be quiet ca. 36 Striue not about wordes ca. 21 S●and not in thy own consaite ca. ●5 Swell not one agaynst another ca. 21 Submit your selues to the auctority of the hier powers ca. 14. Submit your selues one to an other in the feare of god capi 8 Suffer affliction ca. 32 Suffer to gether and be glorifyed together ca. 42 T. the Tabernacle and what was contained in it cap. 37 Take hede to thy office ca. 12 Tame and bring the body in to sub●ection capi 15 Teache and take hede to thy doctrine capitu 41. Tempte not Christe cap. 25 The feblest members are mooste necessarye cap● 41 The earnest of our inheritaūce ca. 43 The woorde of the preacher is the worde of God ca. eod The wrath of God against vngodlynes cap. 45 The word of god is