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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08442 Sermons of Barnardine Ochine of Sena godlie, frutefull, and uery necessarye for all true Christians translated out of Italien into Englishe Ochino, Bernardino, 1487-1564.; Bacon, Anne Cooke, Lady, 1528?-1610. 1548 (1548) STC 18764; ESTC S101443 23,048 79

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goodnes wythout recouerye and be throwen in to the depe pytte of hell there to remayne and abyde in fyre euerlastingly Wherfore me semeth it were expediēt to imagin what waye to take what answer to make wyth what reasons to arme vs that we maye haue the mattyer to passe on oure syde Fyrst of all an vndouted matter is it Roma 5. that we all haue synned in Adam and besyde the origynal synne haue innumerable actuall ne can be saued onles fyrst we be absolued and forgeuē and that must nedes be whilest we be in this lyfe for after warde is no more redemcion at all Luce 16. To the gloton was denyed one droppe of water Wherfore necessary it is to know that there be two iudgement seates of god the one is of ryghtwysenes the other of mercy grace pytie goodnes loue swetnes and lyberalitie Hebre. 4. as Paule speakyng of thys last fayth let vs go boldlye to the trone and bench of gods grace at the first bench sitteth god and Chryste kepeth resydence at the second Now as for the sinners if they wylve saued they must go all to the benche of mercy to aske and call for pitie and not iustice for fauoure and strayght reconynge bycause we haue all bene vniuste and with alour ryght wysnes and good workes be not hable to withstande goddes rightwisenes wherfore Dauid sayed Psal 1●5 Lord none can be iustyfyed in thy syghte yf there thou wyltsee a reconynge and in another place ●sal cxxix Lord yf thou wylt punishe our iniquities who shal be hable to abyde and Iob sayeth Iob. 9. I know that mā can not be iustified yf he stande face to face afore god And in another place Iob. 15. what thyng is man that he shoulde be cleane the heauens be not cleane in hys syght Ieremye ii And Ieremye wryteth thus If thou washe the wyth nytrus thou shalt neuerthelesse be stained And Esaye sayeth our ryght wysenes be lyke the clothes of an vncleane womā Prouer. xx and Salomon witnesseth the same sayeng who is he that can saye my harte is cleane I am pure innocent from sinne wherefore sayeth god by Ierymy why wyl you striue with me in iugemēt As though he shuld say you are fooles if you thynk your selfe hable to wythstande the iustice of god seing youre ryght wysnes ys vncleane and that somoch vnclener as that not onely the workes but also the very īward thoughts affections and desires shal be examined and tryed therfore sayeth god I wyl search trye and proue Ierusalem Sopho. 1 wyth lanternes it is moste profitable therefore to go to the bench of mercy And say wyth Dauid Psalm 15. Lord I shalcom afore the not with the multitude of my workes but of thy mercy and in case thou be sommoned and called to the trone of iustice appeale to the other bench of mercy for as from the iudgemēt of a lord subiecte to the Emperour a man may appeale to Cesars iudgemēt seate so may a man appeale from the benche of iustice to the trone of mercy as to the hygher court In asmoche as Iames writeth mercy ercelleth iustice it is sene that Ezechyas Iames. ii after sentence was gyuen vpon hym at the benche of iustyce iiii Regu bycause he appealed to the other Throne of mercy had graunted to hym that he shuld lyue fyftene yeres longer And Dauid by appealyng to mercy caused the sentence to be reuoked ii Regu x● which was gyuē that he shuld dye And what tyme that seruaūt Math. 3. of whō the gospel speaketh sayed haue pacience with me gyue me respite he appealed to mercy and was herde In like maner is it and hath be of al sinners that be saued Now muste we do in the same wyse I meane when we be cyted to the court of iustice to rēder and yelde an accompte then must we appeale to mercy and saye we be dead through Christ to the law Roma 7. and therfore to iustice also which iudge after the lawe are we deade then hath iustice no iurildictiō vpon vs at al no though it were the greatest synner of the world saye thou to god I am Christes thou gauest me to hym as Christe sayeth they were thyne Iohn 17. thou hast gyuen thē to me Moreouer Christ hath rede medme therfor am I his for many causes I wyl therfore stāde to hys iudgemēt thou hast giuen him all power in heauen in earth as he himselfe sayeth Math. 18. to me is gyuen all power in he auen in earth wherfore he may do with me the thyng that lyketh him and as to him semeth good he is my iudge as Christ hymselfe sayeth Iohn xii the father hath giuen aliudgement to the sonne it is therfore his dutye to iudge me But as in another place he sayeth he came not to iudge but to saue the worlde say therfore to Christ do thyne offyce saue me for thou camest and thy father dyd sende the for that entēt I feele all redy thy voyce in my harte thou saiest to me that bycause I trust in the thou wylt saue me alredye by thy grace haue I put in the my cōfydence hope and he Exodi 19. that beleueth in the can not be damned saue me therfore accordyng as thou art bounden by a couenaunt made And albeit thy cōscience accused the and all the deuels besyde layed to thy charge ye a though iudgemēt were giuē against the yer so long as thou art in this presēt life it is alway lauful to appeale to the mercy of god And yf it were so that by force thou shuld be drawen to the court of iustice crye out wyth Isay and saye to Christ ●●ty 38. o Lorde I suffer violence make answere for me helpe me forsake me not I chose and wyl haue the for my attorney and speche mā not bycause thou shuld defende my iuste accomptes and true reckeninges for I haue none soch but to th entent thou shulde take my synnes for thyne and rewarde me with thyne innocencye holynes right witnes Thou hast already satisfyed for me on the crosse and appoynted me by adopcion to be the sonne of god wherfore I cā not be damned no not one shal be founde that dare accuse me Ioma 8. being one of goddes elected More ouer yf thou be myneded and wyllyng to appeare wythout daunger at the benche of goddes ryght wysnes dyspoyle fyrste thyselfe of the olde Adam and apparell the wyth Christ as Paule exhorteth vs and thou shal be safe Collosen For in somoch as thou hast embraced him for thyne owne thou cā not be dāned all though thou haddest cōmitted al the sinnes of the worlde As a womā great with childe can not be punished no more can thou Apoca. ● yf thou haue Christ in thy hart Iohn 3. or rather as Christe sayeth he that beleueth in the sonne is not iudged he
is so assured of hys saluacyon that there nedeth no examinacion to be had of hym he is one of Christes membres and hath his sprite wherfore he can no more be damned thē Christ bicause he is knytte to hym by lyuely fayth If it be so that god wolde make there with the a rekenyng saye to hym how thou hast made it wyth Christ for as he put on Christe all our iniquities and sinnes as I say sayeth with great loue accepted them for his owne ●●ye 53. and boūde him self to make satisfaction for them Wherfore thou shalt say Lorde yf thou hast any reconing or matter against me make it with Christ he knoweth wel how to answer can declare the he hath satisfyed for thē In case be that any must be dāned for the synnes I haue done it is Christ that must be dāned and not I good Lorde for albeit I am he that committed thē neuer thelesse Christ bounde hym selfe to satiffie for them and that by consent and good wyl of his father wherfore whosoeuer be leueth ●●uely in Christ is al together safe and sure Besyde this yf god wolde nedes make the audite accompte with vs and wolde say I am not content with Christes satisfactiō for you I wyl that your selfes make recompēce for the you haue offēded which is a thing impossible alredy frō the beginning he is cōtented hath accepted that denine sacrifice of the vndefiled lābe Christ Iesus which dyed on the crosse to be obediēt to his father as Paul hath writē alredy is the right wis●es of god satisfyed by christ more thē sufficient Philip. ii we be airedy reconsiled with god and made his sōnes so cōsequētly his heires he hath alredy geuen vs paradise and whē god hath onse giuē a gifte it neuer repenteth hym Roma 11 wherfore the gyft can not be called agayne bireason god is not chan̄geable I neuerthelesse althoughe as I sayed he shuld say I wyll that thou thy selfe satisfye Answere hym on thys wyse Lorde yf I were as dere beloued to the as is Christ and had doone and suffered louynglye for thy honour all that Christ did and suffered in thys case woldesse thou not holde thy selfe sufficiently satisfied for me in case he graūted therto thou shuld make hym this answer then is it alredy done for in that Christ suffered I any selfe suffered by reasone I am changed into Christ ye a the true Christianes that haue Christe in theyr hartes as Paule sayith let Christ dwel in our harts may pittiously lamēt complayne to of god ●●●a ● say to hym thou hast punished vs more bitterlye then we haue deserued consideryng that we offended and not Christe reasone woulde thou shuld haue punished vs our wyll and oure lyfe and soule and not that innocent and vndefiled lambe Iesus Christe and thou hast punished Christe whych is the lyfe of my soule the harte of my harte the sprite of my sprite as Dauid sayeth god my fleshe and my harte Psalm 73. god of my harte thou shuldest yf my death had not bene inough for my sinns turned me into nothing and letten alone that innocente and iuste Christe more deare and intier to me then myne owne soule wherfore I feele more that that he suffered for me then I shulde haue felte if I had suffered all the tormente possible on myne owne body but well wyst thou that I coulde not by reason of my frailty a vyde and suffer all that I had deserued for my synnes and therfore thou chose that my ghty and stronge Christ to suffer for them in my steade and more ouer hast set hym in my harte to th entent that I shuld not onely fele that he suffered but also that he myght geue me strenghth to be able to suffer Thou mayst also say Lord albe it I haue sinned I am regenerate and borne agayne by Christ I am no more the man that synned but I am a new creature wherfore thou can not iustly ponishe me by cause that spryte of myne that synned Gala. ii is dead and Christ lyueth in me I lyue no longer my selfe but Christ in me ponish kylle and turne to nought that sprit of mine that wyl of myne spoile from me that olde Adam that sensualitie and al that in me hath sinned and ponishe not me sithen by the new sprite that I receuid of Christ I am hys moste innocente creatur more ouer thou Lord hast geuen me Christ wyth al his diuine treasures graces Roma 3. that to be more surely mine thē I am my self and in so moch as he is myne entier I am able to satisfy for al my dettes What fearest thou then O synful soule seest thou not that as the blood of Abelcried for vēgance 〈◊〉 ● so this blood of christ callith for mercy and he can not but must nedes be herd 〈…〉 one abisse calleth on another I me ane the bothomeles abisse of my synnes hath nede of the abisse of Christes passion and the abisse of Christes passiō calleth to the abisse of the mercye of god Psalm 1● say therfore to Christ O Lord make thy mercy maruelo us and wonderful thou sauest them that truste in the cry saue me for thy mercy sake take and ēbrace thyne the rightwisnes of Christ then can I be cōtented thou say Psalm 7. Iudge me lord acording to my ryghtwysnes Let euery mā therfore go to the court of the mercy of god if we be called to the barre of iustice let vs apeale all wayes to mercy and see that neuer a man appeare before the throne of iustice excepte fyrst he be clothed wyth Christ through faith and then he may be presented boldelye as he that is armed wyth innocencye and truth may be presented afore any place of iudgement And god shall accepte thē for ryghtwyse To whō be all honour and glory through Iesu Christ oure Lorde Amen BY WHAT MEANE to come to heauen EXPERIENCE PROVETH THAT euerye creature hathe naturallye a desyre and appetyte to resorte to it owne proper place and mansyon and namely mā bycause he is the most souereine creature of al other And for so moch as ouer natiue cuntrie is not here vpon the earth Hebre. 15. Collos●n 1 but in heauen is our place of reste considerynge that all men haue this desier to go to heauen I take yt to be expedyent to weygh and ponder how we may go thither God hath geuen vs Christ for an onely mirrour glasse rule squier Maister and Guyde wherfore whoso is wylling to walke thither I meane to heauen muste go the same path that he hath gone and troden before vs by cause he knoweth the waye most perfectly and tawght it to vs withowt any gyle as wel by hys examples as by his woords therfore he that entēdith to go to heauen must folow hym And first as he being in the shape and fourme of god was not proude