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mercy_n call_v lord_n sinner_n 2,337 5 7.5568 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06989 The physyke of the soule wherin thou shalt finde many Godly emplastures [and] confortable salues agaynst al spiritual diseases very necessary to be red of the true christians in these last and perilous dayes. Set forth by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1549 (1549) STC 1741; ESTC S109675 7,173 26

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with greate feare that is to saye Synne Death hel or Dampnatiō Synne The synnes wherin we haue 〈◊〉 〈…〉 ●pent oure lyfe wherwithe also we haue moste greuously offended both God and our neighbour when we remember them lyeng vpon our bed sycke we are stricken with a wonderful feare and sorowe as Paule sayth indignacion wrath●afflyction grefe of mynde ●s against euery soule of man that doth euell Death Oure olde man and flesh are verye loth to dye Therfor when death is at hand the hart of man is troubled disquieted in a mane● ouerthrowen wyth such sorowes thought ●akynge as no tunge can expresse For fearfull nature and our natural man feareth beyond al measure lest y ● whē he is ones dead layd in hys graue he should neuer returne and lyue agayne yea he thyncketh that he is past all hope and cōforte Hell and dampnacion When these thinges come into his mynd mā is streight wayes afraid lest he should vtterly be cast awaie from y ● face of god and seeth none other thing then euerlasting death Here ought he to be on a good ●onfort here ought he to take hart vnto him that by no meanes he be fai● herted and so fal into desperacion O most merciful god O most fauorable father graunte I besech thee and helpe that while we are yet in good health ād lusty we maie lerne to feare thee we maye regarde and loue thy worde we maie set thee alwaye before vs to be that scope and pricke wher vnto we maie direct al our dedes that we always remēbrīg thys most bitter agony ād greuous cōflicte maye arme and make our selues strong against it that we geuing our selues to godlynes and to the true feare of thee maye appointe all that euer we do vnto thy glory and enioye euerlastinge lyfe AMEN When thy synnes do disquyet trouble thy conscience thē cal to remembraunce ●●at the Sonne of God came doune from heauen into this world and that he being made man layed vpon him al thy synnes the synnes of al the worlde and y ● for thē he willyngly suffered death on the crosse and made satisfaction for theim all yea and for our sakes sustained most greuous paynes to bring vs out of deth This most precious bloud of Christ was shed also for thy saluacion Of this death also art y u partaker if y u dost beleue y ● christ dyed as wel for thee as for Peter Paule Neither oughtest y u to doubte but y ● he dyed as wel for thy sake as for Paules For y u arte baptised into y e death of christ This ought to cōfort the this ought to lif● vp stablish thy mind For seyng y u art baptised 〈◊〉 y ● death o● christ the death of christ shal bring thee help saluatiō by y ● death of christ y ● shalt dye to synne by y ● deathe of christe y u shalt receaue perfect ful remissiō of al thy sines to cōclude by y e deth of Christ y u shalt rise againe into anew euerlastīg lyfe For baptisme is a bargain couenaun●e signe of gods grace fauour in which y u art recōciled to god y ● throw it y u mayst haue a mery ād quyett cōscience for y ere missiō of thy sinnes thorowe y ● resurrectiō of christ Christ also speketh vnto thee w tout doubt ī the instituciō of his supper wher he professeth euidētly declareth that his bloud was shed for the remissyō of sinnes Now therfore althoughe y u hast lyued a lyfe neuer so sinful and vnpure yet is ther no cause y ● y u shul●est despere but rather y t w tout any tar●aūce y u shuldest w tout cesing cal vpō the name of y e lord y e y u maiest be saued pray after this maner O moost mercyfull God O father of all mercye the father of our Lord Iesus Chryst be mercyfull to me a synner haue pytie on me ād quickly helpe me poore wretche for the most bytter but yet the most precious passion and death of Iesus Chryst thy onelye begotten sonne and our only redeme● and sauioure AMEN Entre not into iudgemente wyth thy seruaunte O Lord. Handle me not accordynge to my desertes and Merites neyther rewarde me after mine iniquit●e but for thyne infinite and vnmeasurable bountie and exceding great mercy receaue me I myserable weake creature am in thy hande I am thy boundseruaunt ād thy debtout O most gentle god O moste fauourable father forsake me not ▪ cast me not away pore wretch y t. I am I am thine w t al y t euer I cā make No man is able to cōfort me no man is able to deliuer me no mā is able to helpe me but thou alone Thou arte the true helper in adu●●sitie thou arte the moost sure ●●esent cōforte in all necessitie y u alone arte oure helpe our bulworcke oure fortresse and our most mightie and strongly defenced towre Thou O God art oure refuge thou art oure strenght y u art our helpe● in all our ●ribulacions In thee O Lorde do I truste let me not be confounded Let me neuer be put to shame let me not be disceaued of my hope but preserue me for thyne owne ryghtuousnes sake Bow downe thine eare vnto me make haste to delyuer me Be my defender O God and my strong holde that thou mayest saue me For y u art my strength my refuge yea y u art my God ād my destenyes are in thy handes Lyghtē thy coūte●●ūce vpon thy seruaunte saue me for thy mercyes sake O Lorde c. Finis Math. ●x Math. vi Ioan. v. P●a vxx● v iii Deu. xx viii●ii Re. xxiiii Ion. xx Eccl xxxvi●i Psal lxx●i● Rom. ii A godly prayer 〈…〉 Rom. vi ●he ●upper ●● the lorde ●ath xxvi Rom. ● A pray●●