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A06832 The gouernaunce of vertue teaching all faythful christia[n]s, how they oughte daily to leade their lyfe, & fruitfully to spend their time vnto the glorye of God & the health of their owne soules. Newlye corrected & augme[n]ted by Thomas Becon. 1566 Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1727; ESTC S101289 136,978 330

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this my poore gifte in good part And I shall moste humbly beseeche the Lorde our God to preserue my Lords grace and my Ladyes grace your honourable parentes in good health longe life and encrease of honoure and to geue my Lordes youre Brothers and my Ladies youre Sisters and you also grace to go forth in your godly enterprises and Christen studies that ye may tru ly know the Lord your God the saluation whiche ye haue by his sōne Iesus our alone Sauiour who euer preserue your good Ladyship in cōtinuall helth and prosperous felicitie Amen THE GOVERNANCE of Vertue ¶ How a man should behaue him selfe in the morning when he riseth When thou risest in the morning looke that thou with all humblenesse of mynde knelest downe and lifting vp thy harte thy handes and thine eyes into heauen vnto God the father almighty pray on this maner ¶ A prayer for the morning O Lord God my heauēly father I most humbly thanke thee y ● thou of thy fatherly goodnes hast vouchsafed to defend me this night from all euil I most entyrely beseche thee to preserue me also this day both from suffring and doyng any euill and to geue me grace so to walke in the lyght of thy holy woorde that I may bring forth y e frutes of y ● same vnto the glorye of thy blessed name and the profite of my neighbour Amen ¶ After thou hast prayed on this maner seing we be al sinners it shall be expedient if thou hast conuenient leasure to confesse thy selfe to God on this maner ¶ A confession of our sinnes vnto God the father MOst greuouslye haue I wretched sinner offēded thee my Lord God and heauenly father both in thought word and dede in so much that in my selfe I ūnde such vnworthines that if I did not behold thine exceding great mercies set forth in thy dearely beloued sonne our Lord and sauiour Iesu Christ I could not but dispayre and wholy geue my selfe into the hands of Satan that olde enemy of mankynd But when thorow thy grace and holy workyng I loke vpon thy mercies offered frely to all faythfull penitēt sinners in thy son Christ Iesus for whose sake thou art well pleased with man and of thy own good will forgeuest vs al our sinnes whē soeuer we flee vnto thee in his name I cease to dispayre beginne to conceiue an earneste faithe and an vndoubted hope of obtaynyng forgeuenesse of al my sins in Christes bloud for thy louing and fatherly promise sake I therfore poore and wretched sinner most humbly beseche thee for Christes sake to forgeue me al my sinnes where with from the day of my byrth vnto this present tyme I haue most greuously offended thy fatherly goodnesse and to geue me grace so to resiste the deuill the world the flesh ▪ and so to order my lyfe accordyng to thy blessed will that thou mayest delight in me as a father in his sonne de fend me frō all euill and worke in me all good thinges vnto the glory of thy holy name ☞ After the confession say the Lordes prayer called the Pater noster and so commendyng thy selfe vnto God faule in hand with some honest and vertuous exercise accordyng to thy callyng But whatsoeuer thou doest do it with purenesse of hart singlenes of eye ▪ yea so do it as though God wer present and looke vpon thee as vndoubtedly he doth Of Dinner ☞ Whē the time cōmeth that thou shouldest refresh thy wery and hongry body approch vnto the table with reuerence and when thou art set lyft vp thy hart thy hands and thy eyes vnto heauen and pray vnto God on this maner A prayer before dinner O Most gentill God and louyng father whiche mercifully ●…edest al ly uing creatures we beseche thee blesse vs and all these thy giftes whiche we at this present shall receyue of thy beū teous hande for the refreshyng of our hungry bodies and geue vs grace to doo all thynges vnto the glorye of thy name thorowe Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen Of the behauiour at the table in Diner tyme. ☞ Whē thou hast thus prayed vnto god eate thy meate soberly and christenly esche wyng all superfluitie surfeting and drouckenship Consider that thy meate and thy drinck are the giftes of God are reuerently thanke fully to bee receyued ▪ Remember that in the tyme of thy repast thy behauiour be honest comely in all thinges Let thy communica tion as the Apostle sayth ve well sauoured and powdred with ●…t that is to say seasoned with godly wisedome that thou mayest know how to answere euery man Let no fil thy talke procede out of thy mouth but that whiche is good to edifie when neede is that it may haue fauor with the hearers remem bring that thou shalte geue accountes at the day of iudgement for euery idle worde that thou speakest Eschewe all dissolute and vncomely laughyng least thou be therby counted wilde wa●…ton foolishe without good maners Let thy coūtenaūce he graue sober modest gentle and ●…ouyng towarde al that be at the table and so fashion thy selfe in gesture worde and deede as though God and his aungels we●… visibly present at the table And when Dinner is done geue thankes to God for his benefites on this maner A thankes geuyng after Dinner WE thanke thee O heauenly father for this our foode which being sāctif●…ed by thy worde thou hast vouchesafe at this present to geue vs wee beseche thee that thou wilt also fede our soules w t the liuely bread of the word which commeth out of thy mouth that we receauyng at thy merc●…full hande meate both for our bodyes and soules ▪ may lyue and growe in all godlynesse vnto the glory of thy blessed name tho row Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen VVhat is to be done after dynner ☞ After thou hast geuen thankes vnto God for thy repast ▪ returne vnto thy labour vertuously exercise thy self accordyng to thy voca tion and callyng Employ earnest diligence about thy businesse and alway in thy minde desire God to blesse to prosper and to bryng to passe all thy counsels deuises trauailes labours and enterprises Do not thy worke negligently and deceitfully but so laboure as thoughe God were present and beheld thee as vnfaynedly he doth Cursed be he sayth Hiere mye that doth the Lordes worke deceitfully Saint Paule also exhorteth that what soeuer we doo we should do it hartly as though we did in vnto the Lorde and not vnto men for as much sayth he ▪ as ye know that of the Lord ye shall receyue the rewarde of inheritaunce for ye serue the Lord Christ. Yea verely so many as labour or trauayle in any vertuous enterprise they serue God and of God shal they receiue their rewarde Therfore in thy calling labour earnestly and diligently what soeuer thou be sekyng not onely thyne owne lucre ●…uaunt age but much more the glory of God and the profite of thy neighbour as the
Apostlesayth do all thyngs vnto the glory of God Agayne let euery man looke not for his owne profite but for the profite of other Charitie seketh not her owne Of Supper ☞ When the tyme is come ▪ that thou shalte leaue of thy worke and prepare thy selfe vnto supper euē with the same reuerence that thou camest vnto the table at dinner come agayne nowe but before thou doest taste any meate pray on this maner A prayer before Supper THe eyes of all thynges looke vnto thee O Lorde and thou geuest thē meate in due tyme thou openest thy hand and fillest euery liuyng creature with the blessing vouchesafe O heauē ly father for Christes sake mercifully to loke vpon vs louingly to blesse vs liberally to geue vs grace so to taste of these thy creatures that our bodyes beyng satisfied with the moderate vse of them we may bee the more able to serue thee our Lord God and to profit our neighbour thorow Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen Of the behauiour at the table in Supper tyme. ☞ After thou hast thus prayed vnto GOD ▪ eate thy meate with a chearefull and thankefull mynde vsing the same modesty and honest behauiour that thou diddest vse at dinner And whē thou hast supped geue thankes vnto god for his benefites on this wise A thankesgeuing after Supper FOr these thy benefites wherewith thou hast refreshed our hungry bodyes we thanke thee most merciful fa ther desiring thee that thou wilt also feede our soules with y ● lyuely faith in the bloud of thy sonne Iesu Christ our Lord that we beleuyng stedfastly and working diligently thy holy wil may obtayne thy glorious kyngdome thorowe the same Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen VVhat to be done after Supper ☞ When thou hast on this wise geue thākes vnto God thou mayest do what thou wilt so it be godly and honest ▪ vntill thou goest to bed ▪ If thou canst rede rede thou thy selfe or els here some other rede parte of the holy scriptures that may be to the comfort of thy self and of so many as be with thee or passe the tyme by frendly and honest talke with some of thy lo●…yng and trusty familiares or els debate with thy selfe how thou mayest most conueniently bryng that to passe that thou hast to doo the next day folowyng Of goyng to bed ☞ And whē the time cōmeth that thou must go to bed thou beyng in thy chamber to cal remēbraūce how thou hast spent the day past If thou perceiuest that y u hast offēded God in any thyng at all confesse thy fault vnto him with a repentaunt and sorowfull heart ▪ and desire hym of hys great mercye for Christes sake to forgeue thee and promise that vnto the vttermost of thy power hys grace woorkyng with thee thou wilt amende that wherin thou hast offended and walke more diligently in the rules of thy profession Cry with the Publicane O God be mercifull to me a sinner Cry with that lost sonne Father I haue synned against heauen and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Pray with Dauid for thy names sake O Lorde for geue me my sinne for it is excedyng much Thus with a faythfull hart beleuyng that thy sinnes are for geuen thee content thy selfe and quiet thy conscience If thou perceyuest that thou hast that day committed no notable crime ▪ then geue to God right harty thankes whiche by his holy spirite hath wrought the same in thee and desire him to encrease his giftes in thee that hys glory may be shewed in all thy actes dedes This done prepare thy selfe to bedward and when thou art ready to lye down lift vp thou hart thy eyes and thy handes vnto heauen pray to God on this maner A prayer to be sayd when we go to bed I Thāke thee O heauenly father by thy dearelye beloued Sonne Iesu Christ our Lord and Sauiour that of thy free mercy thou hast preserued me this day from all hurtes and daūgers Uouchesafe also I most humbly besech thee to kepe me this night and to saue me ftom all myne enemyes both bodely and ghostlye Gyue to my body quietnesse and fleepe but let my mind continually watche vnto thee thinke on thee and on thy holy law that whē the cherefull light of y ● day shal spryng and appeare I being whole both in bo dy and mynde may ioyfull ryse again be thanckefull vnto thee and diligent ly walke in my vocation vnto the glo ry of thy blessed name and the commo ditie of my neighbour thorowe Iesus Christ thy sonne Amen ☞ When thou hast thus prayed lye down in thy bed and say on this maner The Prayer O Lorde God and my heauenly Father I commende my bodye and soule into thy handes that in Christe whiche is our life and resurrectiō thou mayest defende me from euerlastyng death and giue me that blessed and ioy full lyfe of immortalitie and that he which is the true light may poure out the brightenesse of hys grace into my hart preserne me both bodye soule vnto that day of the glorious resurrection where the faythfull with ioyfull harts shall see thee face to face and for euer reygne with thee in glory Amen ☞ Remedyes agaynst all kyndes of temptations Against Idolatry ☞ If that olde enemy Satan goeth about to persuade thee that there be ●…o gods then one resiste him with these Scriptures ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament I am the Lord thy God Thou shal●… haue none other gods in my sight Understand and marke wel that the Lord he is God in heauen aboue and vpon the earth beneath neither is ther any other God besides him Here Israel the Lord our god is one Lord. Se howe that I yea that I am the Lord and that there is no god but I. Heare O my people I will charge thee O Israell that if thou wilt her●…en vnto me there shall no straunge god be in thee neither shalt thou worship any other god For I am the Lord thy God I am the lord there is none other I am the Lord there is els none It is I that created light and darknes I make peace and trouble yea euen I the Lord do all these thynges Am not I the Lord is there any god but I A god that is righteous such one as saueth ther is none besides me Turne vnto me all ye coastes of the worlde and ye shal be saued for I am God and there is els none Haue we not all one Father hath not one god made vs ☞ An example out of the old Testament Abrahā saw three worshipped one ☞ Sentences out of the newe Testament Thou shalte worshyp the Lord thy god and him onely shalt thou serue We haue but one god whiche is the Father of whom are all thinges and ●…e in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whom are al thinges we in him
liuishe and mightie in operation and sharper then any two edged sworde Lay a part all filthinesse all superfluitie of maliciousnesse and receaue with meke●…es y ● word that is grafted in you which is able to saue your soules And see ye be doers of the word and not hearers onely disceauinge your selues For if any heare the worde and doe it not he is like to a man that beholdeth hys bodely face in a glasse For as sone as he hath looked on hym selfe hee goeth hys waye and forgetteth forthwyth what his fashion was But who so looketh in the perfecte lawe of libertye and continueth therin if he bee not a forgetfull hearer but a doer of the worke the same shall be happy in hys dede Lay a side all malice guile and dissimulation and enuy and al backbityng and as new borne babes desire that milke not of the bodye but of the minde which is without corruption that ye may grow therin We haue a ryght sure word of prophecie wherunto if ye take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place ye doe well vntill the daye dawne and the daye starre aryse in our hartes So that ye firste knowe thys that no prophecie in the scripture hath any priuate interpretation For the scripture came neuer by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy ghost Whosoeuer transgresseth and abydeth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not god He that endureth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the father and the sonne If there come any to you and bring not thys learning him receaue not to house neither once bid him god spede for he that biddeth him God spede is partaker of hys euill deedes Blessed is he that readeth and heareth the wordes of the prophecte and keepeth these thinges that are written therin Blessed is he that kepeth the words of the prophecie of this booke ☞ Examples out of the new Testament THe people preased so greatlye vppon Christ to heare the word of God that he was compelled to enter into a ship and so to teach them Mary the sister of Martha sat at Iesus feete and hearde hys preaching And when Martha being greatlye combred aboute muche seruing and other worldlye busines sayd to Christ Maister doest thou not care that my sister hath leste me to minister alone Byd her therefore that she helpe me He said Martha Martha thou carest and arte troubled aboute many thinges but one thing is needefull Mary hath chosē her that good part which shall not be taken away from her Whan Christ preached in the temple all the people did hange of his mouth hearing hym Peter turned three thousande at one of hys sermons The Eunuch chamberlain and of great authoritie with Candace Queene of the Ethiopians read the Prophet Esaye sitting in his charet to whom the holy ghost sent Philip which did both expounde the Scriptures vnto him also baptised him So dere are they to God which delight in the reading of his holy word The noblest of byrth amonge them of Thessalonia which receaued the worde with all diligence of mindes searched the Scriptures dayly whether those thinges were euen so as Paule Silas preached Apollos was an eloquent man mightie in the scriptures He was informed in the way of the lord and he spake feruently in the spirite and taught diligently the thinges of the Lord and yet knewe he but the baptisme and doctrine of Iohn onely whom whē Aquila and Priscilla his wife being lay persons had herd they toke him vnto them expounded vnto him the way of God more perfectlye in somuch that afterward he mightely ouercame the Iewes and that openly shewing by the scriptures that Iesus was Christ. Philip the Euaungelist and preacher of the gospell had foure daughters excellently learned in the holy scriptures Timothe was brought vp in the holy scriptures from his young age Against straunge religion or newe found worshipping of God IF thou be moued vnto straunge religion or new found worshipping of God eyther by Sathan by the pope or by any subtue hipocrite loke that thou by no meanes doest leane vnto their wicked motions but rather valiauntly withstād thē with these sentences and examples of the holy scripture ☞ Sentences out of the old Testament HEare Israell your Lorde God is one God Thou shalt loue thy Lord god with all thy harte with all thy soule and with all thy strength Thou shalt feare thy Lord God and serue him alone And now Israell what doth the Lorde thy God require of thee but that thou fearest the Lorde thy God and walke in hys wayes and loue him and serue the Lorde thy Godwith all thy harte with all thy soule and kepe the commaundementes of the Lorde Doe that which is pleasaunt in y ● sight of the Lord thy God Sacrifice to the Lord the sacrifyce of righteousnesse and trust in hym I will not reproue thee in thy sacrifices sayeth the●… Lord for I am full of thy burnt offeringes Offer to God the sacrifice of prayse and pay to the most highest thy vowes Call on me in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt honour me Heare O my people I will geue thee a charge O Israel If thou wilt heare me there shall be no straunge nor new found God in thee neither shalt thou worship any foraine God For I am the Lorde thy God which brought thee out of the lande of Egipt To doe mercy and iudgement pleaseth the Lord more than sacrifice A sacrifice well pleasing to the Lorde isto attend to hys cōmaundementes and to departe from all iniquities and vnrighteousnes What shall I do with all these your sacrifices sayth the Lord I am full of them The burnte offeringes of Weathers and fatlynges the bloude of Calues Lambes and Goates I will none of them When ye come before my sighte who requyred these thinges at your handes that ye shoulde walke in my courtes Bryng me no more sacrifice on thys manner in vain Your sensing is abhomination vnto me The feastes of the new Moone and the Sabbothes and other holy dayes I can not abide Your congregations are wicked Your Kalendes and your solemne feastes my soule hateth I am euen werye of them It greueth me to the hart for to suffer them When ye shall praye many prayers I will not heare you For your handes are full of bloude Bee ye washed and cleane Take awaye your euil thoughts from myne eyes Cease to do euill learne to doe well Seeke iudgement helpe the poore oppressed be fauourable to the fatherlesse defend y ● widdow and then come proue me sayth the lord If your sinnes bee as redde as scarlet yet shall they be made as whyte as snow And if they be made like purpell yet shall they be made as white as wolle If that ye will be contented
and shake the duste of your feete Uerely I say vnto you it shal be more easy for the land of Sodome and Gomorre at the day iudgement then for that city Wo bee to the Choraryn wo be to the Bethsaida For if the miracles which wer shewed in you had bene done in Tyre and Sidon they had repented long agone in sackecloth and ashes Neuerthelesse I saye vnto you it shal be easier for Tyre and S●… don at the day of iudgment then for yon And thou Caparnaum whiche art lift vp vnto heauen shalt be broughte downe to hel For if the miracles whiche haue bene done in thee had bene shewed in Sodome they had remayned vnto this day Neuertheles I say to you it shal be easier for the land of Sodome in the daye of iudge ment then for thee The kingdom of God shal be taken frō you and shal be geuen to a nation whiche shall bringe foorth the fruites of it And whosoeuer it shall fall vpon it will grind him to pouder O Ierusalem Ierusalem which killest the Prophets and stonest them whiche are sent to thee how often woulde I haue gathered thy children together as the hen ga thered her chekins vnder her wings and ye would not Behold your habitation shal be lefte vnto you desolate He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him y ● sent me This is the condemnacion that light is come into the world and men loued darknes more then light because their deedes were euel He that refuseth me sayeth Christ and receaueth not my wordes hathe one that iudgeth him The worde that I haue spoken shal iudge him at the last day If I had not com and spoken vnto them they shoulde haue had no synne but now they haue nothynge to cloke their sinne withal It was mete that the worde of God should first haue bene preached vnto you but seyng you put it from you and thinke your selues vnworthye of euerlasting life lowe tunre to the gentiles for so hath the Lord commaunded vs. He that despiseth the preacher despiseth not man but God which hath sent his holy Spirite among you He that despiseth Moses law dieth without mercy vnder two or iii. witnesses Of how much sorer punishmente suppose ye shal he be counted worthy which treadeth vnder foote the son of God and counteth the bloud of the testament asl an vnholy thinge Uerelye it is a fearefull thinge to fall into the handes of the liuing God The vngodly shal be so plaged that thei shall seke death and finde it they shall desire to dye and deathe shall flye from them Examples out of the newe Testament THey that were called to the mariage would not come but vngently treated the messengers were destroyed and theyr city brent vp When Christ came neare to Ierusalem he beheld the city and wept on it saying if thou knewest also euen at this day the things appertayninge vnto thy peace thou wouldest be more diligent to looke vpon them But nowe are they hidde from thine eyes For the dayes shal come vpon thee that thine enemies shall caste a banke aboute thee and besiege and keepe thee in on euerye side and make thee euen with the grounde with thy children which are in thee And they shall not leaue one stone vpon an other because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation Hereof may we learne that Ierusalem was destroyed because they would not receiue Christe nor his word but despised the doctrine of their saluation and the preachers of the same If we do not repent and amend the same or more greuous plages abide vs. ¶ Agaynst carnall security and fleshlye liuing withont feare of God IF Sathan tempteth thee to liue after the lusts of the flesh without all feare of God and to tak●… no thought for thy saluation that by this meanes he may prouoke thee vnto all kind of wickednes loke hat thou by no meanes geuest place to his temptations but rather watche the more diligently about hyne owne healthe y t he may not preuayle agaiust hee enarme thy selfe with stronge faithe alwaye et before thine eyes these Scriptures folowing ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament SEeke after God and your soule shall liue Seke the Lorde whyle he may be found and cal vpon him whyle he is nie Let the vngodly man forsake his owne wayes and the vnrighteous hys owne imaginations and turne againe vnto the Lord so shal he be mercifull vnto him c. Folow not the lust of thine owne hearte in thy strengthe and saye not tushe howe haue I hadde strength or who wyll bryng me vnder because of my workes for doutles god shall auenge it And say not I haue committed no sinnes what euil hath hapned to me For the almightye is a pacient rewarder Because thy syn is forgeuen thee be not therfore without feare neither heape one sinne vpon another And say not tush the mercye of the lord is great he shall forgeue me my sinnes be they neuer so many For like as he is merciful so goeth wrath from hym also and his indignation commeth downe vpon sinners Make no tarying to turne vnto the lord pute not of from day to day for sodenly shall his wrathe come and in the tyme of vengeaunce he shal destroy the. A man knoweth not his tyme but like as the fishes are taken with the angle and as the byrdes are caught with the snare euen so aremen taken in the perillous time when it commeth sodenly vpon them Let thy garments be alway white and let thine head lacke no ointment ☞ Examples out of the olde Testament THe people to whome Nohe preached woulde not amend but wente forth to nousle themselues in all kynde of worldlys pleasures and euen in the mydes of their riotous liuing the floude came and drowned them all The Sodomites laughing Lot and hys exhortations to scorne and going forth to offende God with theyr to much beastlike voluptuo●…snes whan they thought themselues to be in moste safegard and furdest from any misfortune were consumed vnto ass●…es wyth fire and brimston from heauē The Iewes setting at nought y ● admo nitions of Gods Prophets continued in all their wickednes and euen in the mids of their carnall securitie and fleshly quietnes god sente their enemies vpon them which destroied their coūtrey slew a great number of people and led awaye most miserable captiues so many as pleased them leauing the residue behynd them in moste wretched slauery Sentences out of the ne●… Testament WAtche for ye knowe not what houre your lord wil come Of this be ye sure that if the housholder knewe what howre the thiefe woulde come he would surelye watche and not suffer his house to be broken vp Therefore be ye also redye for in such an hour as ye thinke not wil the son of man come
had lost his sight grudged not aginst god that the plage of blindnes chaunsed vnto him but remained stedfast in the feare of god and thanked God ●…l the dayes of his life Ezechias being warned of God by the Prophet to prepare himselfe vnto death●… death prayed vnto god in the time of hys sicknes and obtained fifteene yeres longer to liue Manasses being afore an Idolatour a maintayner of Idolatry after that god had plagued ●…i euen whē he was in tribulatiō He besoght y e Lord his god humbled him self excedingly before y ● god of his fathers made intercessiō to him He hard his pray er brought him againe to Ierusalem into hys kingdome Examples out of the new Testament IF any man wil come after me let hi for sake him self take his cros folow me By manye tribulations must we enter into the kingdome of heauen ▪ We reioyce in tribulatiō for we know that tribulation bringeth experience experience bringeth hope and hope maketh not ashamed If we suffer together we shal be gloryfied together For I suppose that the afflictions of this life ar not worthy of y ● glory which shal be shewed vpon vs. Be patient in tribulation If we liue we liue to be at the lords wil And if we dye we dy at y ● Lords wil whether we liue therfore or dy we are y ● lords While we are punished we are corrected of the Lord lest we shuld with this world be condemned We are not weried but though our ont warde man perishe yet the inwarde man is renewed day by day For our exceading tribulation whiche is shorte and lyghte prepareth an excedinge and euerlastinge weyght of glory vnto vs while we loke not on the thinges whiche are seene but on the thynges that are not seenne For thinges whiche are seene are temporall but things which are not sēe are eternall Reade the fist Chapter of the seconde to the Corinth My strength is made perfect thorowe weaknesse Uery gladlye therfore will I reioyce of my weakenes that the strength of Christe maye dwell in me c. Reade the. 12. chapter to the Hebrues Be pacient aud settle your hartes for the commyng of the Lord draweth nye Take the Prophetes for an example of suffring aduersitie and of long patience whiche spake in the name of the Lorde Be hold we count them happy which endure ●…e haue heard of the patience of Iob and haue knowne what end the Lorde made for the Lord is very pitiful and mercifull The Lord knoweth how to deliuer the godly out of temptacion Examples out of the newe Testament The prodigall sonne before hee was plagued gaue his mind to all kind of riot and vnthriftye rule but after that he was striken with pouertye he knowledged his faulte he submited himself to his fathers wil pleasure and so was receued again into fauour A certayne man after he had bene punished with sicknes for his sin by the space of thirty eight yeares was made whole of Christe There haue bene many good men both in the olde new testament of whom som were racked and woulde not be deliuered that that they might receiue a better resurrection some tasted of mockinges and scourgings some of bondes and emprisonmente some were hewen a sunder were tempted were slayne wyth swoordes walked vp and down in sheues skinnes in goates skins in neede in tribulation and vexatiō which the world was not worthy of they wandred in wildernes in mountaynes in dens in caues of the earth c. ☞ Against the temptation of the deuel for not satisfiing the lawe of god and for nby sinfull liuinge If Sathan at the houre of death or any other timet would pluck the from thine assuered stedfast faith in Christs bloud and perswade thee that thou art but a dampned wretch forasmuch as thou hast not so trayned thy life that thou hast satisfied the law of God but rather liued wiakedly and therfore deserued euerlasting damnation be on good comfort des●… paire not harken not to this wicked suggestions neither haue thou respecte to thy workes deedes which whan they be moste righteous and pure ax as the Prophet saith like a cloth polluted with m●… strue if they be cōpared to that puritye and cleanes whiche the law requireth and shoulde be iudged of Gods righteousnes according to their desarts but settle thine eyes stedfast on Christ and his merites consideringe not what thou haste doone but what Christ hath done for thee if thou repent and beleu●… and alwayes haue these moste comfortable Scriptures in thy remembrance Sentences out of the olde Testament AL they that put their trust in thee shall not be put io confusion Call to remem brāce O Lord thy tender mercies and thy louing kindnes which haue bene euer of olde Oh remember not the sins offences of my youth but accordinge vnto thy mercy thincke thou vpon me O Lord for thy goodnes sake Mine eyes are euer looking vnto the Lord for he shal plucke my feete out of the net Because he hath put his trust in me I wil deliuer him I wil defēd him because he hath knowne my name Reade the. 104. Psalme I know that thou wouldst maliciously offend sayth God Therfore haue I called thee a transgressoure euen from my mothers womb Neuertheles for my names sake I will withdrawe my wrath and it shal be for my honours sake if I patiently forbeare thee and roote thee not out By the knowledge of him whiche is my righteous seruaunte sayth God the father of christ He shal iustefy the multitude forasmuch as he hath borne away theyr sins To know thee O Lord is perfect righte ousnes yea to know thy righteousnes and power is the roote of immortality Examples out of the olde Testament Adam transgressed thē commaundement of God in Paradise and by his transgression made both hymselfe and all vs bound to eternall dampnation Nohe fell into the sinne of dronkennes Lot was not onelye dronken but also lay with his owne daughters and so committed the greuous sinne of incest Abraham denied his wife Moses committed manslaughter Dauid committed both manslaughter and whoredome Salomon was an idolator All these wyth manye other of the olde Testament were sinners and offended the Lord their God by breaking of his lawes yet for theyr fayth whiche they had in that blessed seede which was so oft promised of God the father euen Iesus Christe they were saued Sentences out of the newe Testament We are not vnder the law but vnder grace The law of the spirite that bringeth life thorow Iesu Christ hath made me free frō the law of sinne and death Christ is the perfect fulfilling of the lawe to iustefy all that beleue No man is iustefied by the law in the sight of god The iust that is the faithful christian shall
and likenes in righteousnes true holines Suffer vs not to geue ouer our selues againe vnto our olde lusts and conc●…piscences where with we were led when we knewe not thee nor thy So●… Christe but euē as thou whiche hast called vs art holy so likewise graunt y t we may●… be holy in all our conuersation O mercyful god not the hearers of thy law but th●… ful●…llers of it shal be iustified Neither sha●… euery one that saith vnto thee Lord Lord enter into the kingdom of heauē but the that do the wil of thee our Father which art in Heauen To confes thee with our mouth and to deny thee with our deedes worketh rather our damnation then saluation For the true knowledge of thee consisteth not in talking but in working not in fauouringe but in folowinge not in louinge but in liuinge To promise thee by mouth that we wil worke in thy vineyarde and yet worke nothing at all declareth not vs to bee thy sonnes but rather bastardes To bragge of the iustification of faith and not to bringe forthe the fruites therof to glorye in the merites of thy sonne Christe in his bloude death and passion and not to liue worthy in his kind nesse to profes thy holy gospel and not to walk according to the doctrine thereof to be baptised in thy name and not to morti●…y our members which are of the earth nor to walke in a new life to be partakers of the deuine misteries and not to bee made one spyryte wyth thee what auayleth it Wee are thy freendes if wee doo those thinges that thou commaundest vs. We are thy seruauntes if we be obediente to thy will Wee are thy Sonnes if we honour and reuerence thee according to thy woord We seeke thy glory if we attempt nothing whereof thou shouldest be dyshonoured Leadinge a life confirmable to thy blessed will wee shall prouoke the ve ry enemies of thy truth to prayse thee but cōtrariwise thou shalt be euel spoken of Graunt therfore we beseech thee that our life may answer to our professiō and that the light of our good workes may so shine before men that they seinge our godly cōuersation may gloryfye thee our heauenly father Amen ¶ A short praier to be sayd at the receiuing of the mystery of Christes bodye at the holy communnion O Heauenly and blessed father I render vnto thee most harty thanks for all thy benefites which thou hast shewed vnto me most wretched sinner but specially for y ● most swete smeling sacrifice which thy only begotten son offred vnto thee on the aulter of the crosse by geuing his most pure and vndefiled body vnto the deth for the redemption of mankind in the remenbraunce wherof according to thy welbeloned sonnes ordinance I now receiue this holy bread most entierly beseching thee y e I may both be partaker of the merites of thy deare sonnes body breaking and also lead a life worthy of so great a benefit vnto the glorye of thy name Amen A Prayer to be sayd at the receyuing of the mistery of Christs bloud in the holy communion O Blessed and merciful Father thy loue toward me sinful creature is so exceading great and vnspeakeable that I cannot but geue vnto thee most hūble thāks ▪ namely for the sheding of the moste precious bloud of thy dear Sonne Iesu Christ by the vertue wherof thy wrath stirred vp against mee wretched sinner is pacified My raunsome is payed the lawe is fulfilled my enemies are ouercome and put to flight In remembraunce of this so noble a victorye and of so great a benefite I am come to this thy table O mercifull father to drink of this cup. Desiring thee that as my outward man is comforted by the drinking of this wine so likewise my inward man may be comforted and made stronge by true faith in the precious bloude of thy moste deare son O Lord my heauenly father geue me thy holy spirit which may so rule and gouerne my hart that I neuer be vnthankful nor forgetful of this thine exceading great kindnesse But so traine my life according to thy blessed wil that what soeuer I do speake or thinke may be vnto the glory of thy blessed name and the helth of my soule thorowe Iesu Christe oure Lord. Amen For all them whiche lye in the extreme panges of death or otherwise O Pitiful Phisicion and healer bothe of soul and body Christ Iesu Uouch safe to cast thine eyes vpon this poore sinfull creature N●… who lyeth heere captiue and boūd with sicknes turning his weaknes to thy glory and to his helth And bout safe good Lorde to send him pacience and sufferance that he maye with a true and perfect faith fight manfully against all tētations of the Deuil that he maye no longer continue So be it ☞ A confession for all people to be sayd in the morning O Merciful and most louing father whose loue is infinite whose mercy endurethe for euer We sinful creatures trustinge in thine vnspeakable goodnes and loue towards vs do appeare this morninge before thy deuine maiesty most lowlye confessing our manifolde sinnes and in innumerable transgressions of thy commaundements and fatherly wil. Against thee onlye against thee O Lorde haue we sinned therfore we confesse our sinnes we knowledge our offences we accuse our selues vnto the O mercifull Lord and wil not hied our vnrighteousnes We find in our selues nothing but ignoraunce of thy wil disobedience mistrust doubtfulnes in thy goodnes incredulitie hatred and con tempt of al spiritual thinges selfloue con fidence in our selues and f●…ruent lustinge after carnal thinges of this worlde And this tree of our corrupt nature bringethe forthe continually in vs none other fruit but rotten and vnsauery workes of the flesh in thoughtes wordes ▪ and doinges vnto condemnation Wherfore we humbly besech thy fatherly goodnes euen for thy sonne Iesus christes sake whom thou hast set forth for a purchaser tōwardes vs of mercy throughe faithe in his bloude to make our hearts cleane Take away our stony hartes and geue vnto vs a true and a liuelye taith whichshal worke continually by loue through Christe Haue mercy vpon vs forgeue vs our sins for thy sons sake Certefy our cōscience of remission of the same by thy holy spirit by whose operation we maye so mortefye in vs our old man the whole body of sinne that we continually dyinge vnto sinne may walke in newnes of life to the glory of thy name through Iesus Christ our lorde So be it Then say this 86. Psalme treatably BOw downe thyne eare O Lord and heare me for I am pore and in misery O preserue my soule for I am holye my God saue thy seruant that putteth his trust in thee Be mercifull vnto me O Lorde for I will call dayly vpon thee Comforte the soule of thy seruaunt vnto thee O lord do I lift vp my soule For thou lord art good and gracious and of great mercy vnto all them that cal vpon thee
peace ☞ Sentences out of the new Testament FEare not litle flocke for it is your Fathers plesure to geue you a kingdom Euerlasting life is the gift of God thorow Christe our Lord. Whome god hathe predestinate them hath he also called whome he hath called them also hath he iustified whome he hath iustified them hathe he glorified The eye hath not sene and the eare hath not heard neither hath it entered into the hart of man what thinges god hath prepared for them that loue him By grace are ye saued thorow faith and that not of your selues For it is the gifte of god and commeth not of workes least any man should boast him self God saued vs not for the dedes of righ teousnes whiche we wrought but for hys mercy and louing kindnes God hath geuen vs euerlasting life and this life is in his Sonne he that hathe the Sonne hath life and he that hathe not the Sonne of god hath not life Be faithful vnto the death and I will geue thee the crowne of life To him that ouercōmeth will I geue to sit with me in my seate euen as I ouercame and haue sitten with my father in his seate Examples out of the newe Testament The reuerent auncient father Simeō being nothing apalled with y ● remēbraūce of his sinnes after he had seene and embra sed Christ in his armes knowinge him to be the alone Sauiour of the world shewed himselfe ready glad and willinge to dye that he might enioy that heauenly enheritance purchased by the same Iesus Christ our Lorde S. Paule being fully perswaded that al his sinnes were washed away in Christes bloud desired to be loosoned from that his mortall body and to be with Christ. Virescit vulnere virtus Geue the glory to god alone Here endeth the Gouernance of vertue ¶ Here followeth certayne godlye prayers for sundry diuers purposes A prayer for the Queenes Maiesty O Lord our heauenly father high and mightye king of kinges lord of Lords the onely ruler of Princes which doest from thy throne behold al y ● dwelllers vpon earth most hartely we besech thee with thy fauour to behold our●… moste gratious soueraigne lady Queene Elizabeth and so replenish her wyth the grace of thy holy spirite that she may alway incline to thy wil and walke in thy way Indue her plentifully with heauenly gifts graunt her in health and wealth long to liue strength her that she maye vanquish ouercom al her enemies And finally y ● after this life she may attayne euerlasting ioy and felicity through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A generall confession O Lord God almighty father of mercy and God of all comfort we thy poore creatures resort vnto thee knowledgyng and confessing our selues before thy gloryous maiestye that we are all greuous sinners and can of our selues do nothing but sinne For all our imaginations intentes and thoughts are enclined and disposed vnto euel from our youth vp Our damnation cōmeth of our selues wee our selues are not able to thyncke a good thought It is thou onlye that doest worke in vs both the will the dede We are but earth and naturally the children of wrath We of our selues are but vaine yea lighter then vanitie it self We can do nothing without thee theris not one of vs whole we are all vnclene al our rightousnes is but as a filthy cloth We haue no more power to doo good of our selues then a man of Inde hath power to chaunge his skinne or the leoparde her spottes Nowe accordinge to this euell and corrupte inclination of our nature so haue we liued in thought●… worde and deede We haue finned we haue offended we haue gone backe from thy lawe haue not harkned vnto thy worde We haue not loued th●… O Lorde with all our strength with all our heart with all our power We haue bene sore transgressors of thy commaundementes wee haue not putt oure whole truste and confidence onelye in thee Wee haue in oure troubles and neede not soughte for helpe onely in thee We haue not called onely vpon thy name but with false confidence with vaine supersticion and vnlawfull othe●… haue we blasphemed thy name We haue prayed and made intercession vnto stockes stones made the creatures oure aduocates mediatours cōtrary to thy word We reposed our trust and affiance in our own deedes ▪ and in such workes as haue bene deuised by mens fantasies besides the scripture We haue wandred on vaine pil gremages offering vp mony candels and tapers to Images and reliques with such like supersticion We haue bene slouthful in our busines We haue not bene feruēt and diligent in doing of our duty Special ly on suche dayes as be appointed for the preaching of thy word we haue not plyed our selues wholly to learne it nor occupied our time in prayer geuing of thanks vnto thee And as touching the loue that we ought to haue vnto all men women for thy sake we haue not bene ernest in it at al times We haue not loued our neigh houre as our selues we haue not done as we would be done vnto we haue bene vngentle vnpaciēt vncurteous froward angry and displeased we haue reioyced in our neighbors hurte and bene sory of his welfare We haue bene led with false doc trine errours from the way of thy truth We haue sinned w t our fathers we haue don amisse we haue delt wickedly therfore our most deare father whiche art in heauē forasmuch as we haue blasphemed thee not soughte alway the glory of thy name graunt now that from henceforth thy name may be sāctified and halowed in vs. Graunt now that thy kingdome maye come and that in steede of sin and errour thou onely maiest raigne in vs graunte now that our wil may be cōformable vnto thine and that in al aduersitie we may be hartely wel content to suffer thy wil to be done in vs. Graunt now that we bee neuer destitute of our daily food but that we may alway be nourished w t thy worde in our soules and haue such a competent liuing in this life as is necessary for our body Graūt now that we may euen from our heart rootes forgeue one another all maner of trespasse as y ● for Iesu Christes sake thy Sonne haste mercifully forge●… vs. Graūt now that where the world the deuill and our owne flesh doth dayly tempt and prouoke vs to sin we may thorow thy strength be able to resist all their temptation Graunte nowe that thorow thy helpe and grace we may be deliuered from all euill from all daunger and peryll of soule and body from all synne hel and dampnation from all pryde and enny from all wrathe and slouthfulnes frō couetousnesse vnmeasurable and filthy lyuing Graunt now that from hence forth we may be content with such fatherly pro uision as thou haste made for vs already graunte now that we may
Geue eare Lord to my prayer and ponder the voyce of my humble desyres In the tyme of my trouble I wil cal vp on thee for thou hearest me Among the Gods there is none like vn to thee O lord there is not one that can do as thou doest Al nations whom thou hast made shal come worship thee O lorde and shal gloryfy thy name For thou art great and doest wonderous thinges thou art God alone Teach me thy way O lord and I will walke in thy truth O knit my hearte vnto thee that it may feare thy name I will thanke thee O Lorde my god wyth all my hearte and wyll prayse thy name for euer For great is thy mercy toward me and thou hast deliuered my soule from the neithermost hell O God the proud are risen against me and the congregations of naughty men haue not set thee before their eyes But thou O lorde god art full of compassion and mercy long suffring plenteous in goodnes and truth O turne thee then vnto me and haue mercy vpon me geue thy strength vnto thy seruaunt and help the sonne of thine handmaid Shew some tokē vpon me for good that they whiche hate me may se it and bee a shamed because thou Lorde haste helped me and comforted me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the beginning c. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Then say the Crede and the Lordes prayer c. Lord shew thy mercy vpon vs. And graunt vs thy saluation O lord saue the Queene And mercifully heare vs when we cal vpon thee Indue thy ministers wyth righteousnes And make thy chosen people ioyful O Lord saue thy people And blesse thine heritaunce Geue peace in our tyme O lord Because there is none other that fighteth for vs but only thou O god O god make cleane our hartes within vs. And take not thy holy spirite from vs. Let vs pray O God which art authour of peace and louer of concorde in knowledge of whome standeth our eternall life whose seruice is perfect fredom defend vs thy humble seruauntes in all assaultes of our enemies that we surele trusting in thy defence maye not feare the power of any ad uersaryes thorowe the myghte of Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord our heauenly father almighty euerlasting god whiche hast safelye brought vs to the beginning of this day defende vs in the same with thy mightye power and graunte that this day we fal into no sin neither rune into eny kinde of daunger but that al our doinges may be ordred by thy gouernaunce to do alway that is righteous in thy sighte through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen GOd preserue Quene Elizabeth god destroy al her enemies God preserue her most honorable counsellers God ayde the clergy wyth hys spirit in setting forth of his truth God preserue al the nobelity of this realme and the commones of the same God defend the fauorers of the gospel God chaūge the harts of our enemies and send them better mynds The power of god destroy Antichrist with al his wicked kingdome God send the gospel a ioyfull and a free passage throughoute the whole worlde God send vnto all degrees such grace that they may walke worthyly in their vocation and calling Amen The peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding kepe our harts and minds in the knowledg and loue of God and of his sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde And the blessing of God almighty the father the sonne and the holy ghost be amongst vs and remain with vs alwais Amen Imprinted at London by Iohn Day dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath S. Martins Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis De. 4. 6. ●… Gene ▪ 1●… Tob. 14 Dan. 18 Act. 2●… Ioel. 2 Exo. 20 Deut. 4 Deut. 6. Deut. 32 Psal. 81 Esay 4●… Mal. ●… Gene. 8 Math. 4 1. Cor. 8 Ephe. 4. 1. Tim. 2. Ihon. 5. Esay 7. 〈◊〉 5. Abacu 2. Ose. 2. Psalm 78 S●…pi 2 Eccle. ●… ▪ Eccle. 3●… ▪ Gene. 15. 1. Reg 17. Dan. ●… ▪ Dan. ●… ▪ Mat. 16. Iohn 1 Ihon. 3. Iohn 6 ▪ Ihon. 1●… Ihon. 14. Actes 89. ▪ 15. Actes 1●… Rom. ●… ▪ ●… Rom. ●… Rom 10. Esay 28. ●…m 14. ●…lla 3. ●…la 4. ●…e ●… 〈◊〉 ●… Heb. 11. 1. Pet. 5. Math. 9. Math. 15. Mar. 9. Mar. 1●… Luke 7 Actes 5 Esay 9. Esay 25 Esay 35 Esay 64 Dan. 4 Ose. 11 Baru 5 Psal. 2. Psal. 45 Prou. 7. Eccle. 24. 2. Reg. 7. Gene. 1. Gen. 18 Exod. 3 Esay 6 Dan. 4 Mat. 1 Mat. 3. 17 Mat 16 Math. 27 Luc 1 Ihon. 1. Iohn 3. Iohn 6. Iohn 8. Iohn 10. Iohn 11. Iohn 14. Iohn 17. Iohn 20. Rom. 2. Colos. 1. Titus 2 Hebr. 1. Psal. 2. Act. 13. Heb. 13. ●… Iohn 3. ●… Iohn 4. ●… Iohn 5. Mat. 3. 17. ●… Math. 8. Math. 13. Math. 17. Math. 26. Math. 26. Math. 9. Mar. 15 Mar. 14 Ihon. 1. ●… Iohn ●… ▪ Iohn 6. Iohn 9. Iohn 11. Ihon. 20. Acts. ●… Gene 3. Gene. 22. Gene. 49. Num. 24 Deut. ●… 1. Par. 1●… Psal. 89 Psalm 132 Esay 7. Esay 9. Esay 11. Iere. 23. Iohn 29. Eze. 34 37 Dan. 9. Mich. 5. Zach. ●… Mal. 3 Barue ●… Gene. 22. Gala. 3. Psal. 1●… ▪ Esay 7. Esay 11. Dan. 9. Mal. 1 Esay 7. Luke ●… Luke 11 Iohn 1 Actes 2. Actes 13 Rom. 1. Rom. 9 Gal. 13 Gala. ●… Phil. ●… 1. Timo. 3 2. Tim. ●… Hebr. ●… ●… Iohn 4. Iohn ●… Luke ●… Luke 12 Luke 24. Actes ▪ 2 ▪ Rom. 9 Gal. 4 1. Tim ●… Heb. 2. Psal ▪ 11 ▪ Psal. 13 Psal. 47. Psalm 6●… Psal. 10●… ▪ Psal. 103. Psal ▪ 104 ▪ Psalm 10 Psalm 113 Psalm 115 Psalm 133 Psalm 129 ●… Reg. 8. 2. Par. ●… Iob. 11. Esay 6●… Math. 13 ▪ Math. 26. Mat. 16. Luc. 24 Iohn 24. Iohn 16. Rom. 8 1 Cor. 11. Ephe. 1. Ephe. 4 Phil. ●… Colos. 3 1 Thess. 4 Heb. 1. Hebr. 10. Heb. ●… 1. Pet. 3. Act. ●… Act. 7 ▪ Acts. 9. Gene. 4. Gene. 22. Gene. 49. Psalm 2 Psal. 3 ▪ Psal. 9. Psalm 18. Psal. 12. Psalm 25. Psalm 27 Psalm 32. Psalm 33. Psal. 34. Psal. 37. Psal. 103. Psalm 129 Esay 43 Esay 45 Esay 49. Esay 53. Exod. 12. 1. Cor. 5 Exo. 16 Sap. 16. Psal. 78. Iohn 6. Exod. 17. Iohn 4. Num. 21. Math. 9. Math. 11. Math. 11. Iohn ●… Iohn 1. Iohn 3. Iohn 4. Iohn 6. Iob. 8. Iohn 10. Iohn 11. Iohn 12. Iohn 14. Iohn 15. Act. 4. Actes 10. Act. 13. Rom 3. Rom. 4. Rom. 5. Rom. ●… Rom. 8 Rom. 10. 1 Cor. 1. 1. Cor. 5 1. Cor. 6 2. Cor. 8. Gal. 2. Gal. 3. Gala. 5. Ephe. 1 Ephe. 2 Ephe. 3 Ephe. 4 Col. 1. Tim. 1 2. Tim. 2 Titus 3. 1. Pet. 1. 1. Pet. 2. Ihon. 1. Iohn 2. Iohn 3. ohn 4. Hebr. 1. Heb. 2. Heb ▪ 5 Heb. 7. Hebr. 1●… ●…eb 10. poc 1. poc 17. ●…ath