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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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thou offerest thyself vnto hym as a most gētle father to his deare sonne and by temporall punyshment ●uttest away eternall paynes whych both he and all we thorow our synfull liuing haue most ryghtouslye deserued and by makyng the outeward man weke thou comfortest and makest strōg the inward mā which is made like to thi glorious image We most entirely besech the mercifully to behold this our weke brother and as that piteful Samaritane to poure wine and oyle into his woundes to bynde them vp that is to relieue hym to cōfort hym and to cherysh him wyth thy holy spirit to make him stronge in his inwarde man that in the middes of his syckenes he may not only ●ere the crosse that thou haste layed on hym pacyently and so shewe hym self conformable to thy blessed wyll but also thanckfully praise thy holy name for thy fatherly correccion with vnfayned and stronge fayth say The lord gaue me my health the Lord hath taken it away agayne As it hath pleased the lord so it is come to passe now blessed be the the name of the Lord. Oh it is for my great profyt that the lord hath thus visited me euen that I shulde learne to forsake myne own wyl and to walcke in hys holye ordynaunces I am his creature a shepe of his pasture let him deale wyth me as semeth good in hys godly syghte For whyther I liue or dye I am the Lordes Hys wil therfore be done and not myne Gyue hym grace O swete Iesu thus to be perswaded of thy good wyll towarde hym euen in the myddes of hys moost bytter agonyes that he faynt not vnder the crosse but paciently and thanckefully abyde thy good plesure and wyth earnest fayth cal on thy blessed name which is a strong tower for all them that fle vnto it Moreouer forasmuch O Lord as it is not thy property alway to chyde alway to be angry alwaye to punyshe neither to deale wyth vs accordyng to oure sinnes nor yet to reward vs after our iniquities but as thou takest awaye so geuest thou againe as thou bryngest downe to the graue so liftest thou vp agayne as thou makest weake so makest thou stronge agayne We most humbly beseche the if it be thy godly pleasure the rather at the contēplaciō of these oure prayers to restore vnto oure weake brother after this his long sicknes the confortable benefyte of ioyfull healthe And as thou haste broughte him low wyth la●ing thy heauye crosse on hym so we moste hartely beseche the if it be thy godly wyll rayse hym vp agayne by restoryng vnto hym his former healthe that he may lyue and contynue here among vs vnto the glorye of thy name and the comfort of vs hys neyghbours But if thy godly pleasure haue otherwyse determyned that by thys hys sycknes thou wylte call hym from this vale of miseri and place hym in thy gloryous kyngdome which alone is the true ioyful and greatly longed for contre of al thy chosen and faythful people we most entierly pray the in the meane whyle to geue hym grace paciently and thankfully to beare hys crosse diligently to cal on thy holy name valeauntly to fight agaynst al the tentacions of the deuyll the flesh and the worlde and faithfullye to beleue that the merits of thi blessed passiō precious bloud are the full satisfaccion for all hys synnes and haue made a perfect atonement and frendlye reconciliaciō betwene god the father and hym Graunt O mooste merciful sauioure that his whole hart and mynde may so be set vpon the that at what soeuer houre thou callest hym out of this wretched world he mai be willing and glad to depart from it and to cōe vnto the. O let the remembraūce of the ioyes of heauen bee so feruent in hys brest that all wordlye thynges may waxe vyle in hym and a perfect desyre found in him to be losoned out of this bodi and to be with y● in glory And when the time commeth that he shall gyue ouer to nature and depart out of thys miserable world though the paynes of deathe take awaye the vse of hys tonge and speache yet graūt that his heart may cry vnto the and saye O Lorde I commende my soule into thy hādes Lorde Iesu take my spirite vnto thee Graunt also most louyng Lord that when death hath shut vp the eyes of his bodye he maye wyth the eyes of hys soule beholde and looke vpon thy gloryous maiestye in thy heauenlye kyngdome where thou wyth the father and the holy Ghoste lyuest and reignest one true and euerlasting God in al honour and glory worldes wythout ende Amen A prayer to be sayed for all suche as lye at the poynt of deathe O Moste louynge Sauioure and gentle redemer whyche cammest into this world to call synners vnto repentance to seke vp that was loste thou seest in what case thys oure brother lyeth here visited with thy mercyful hand al weake feble sick and ready to yeld vp his soule into thi holi hands O loke vpō him most gentle sauiour with thy merciful eie pitie him and be fauorable vnto him He is thy workmanshippe despise not therefore the work of thine owne handes Thou sufferedst thy blessed body thy precyous bloud to be shed for his sins and to bring hym vnto the glory of thy heauenlye father let it not therefore come to passe that thou shuldest suffer so great pains for him in vaine He was baptised in thi name and gaue himself wholy to be thy seruaunt forsakynge the deuyl the world and the flesh confesse hym therefore before thy heauenlye father and hys blessed aungels to be thy seruaunt Prou. xvi Hys synnes we confesse ar great for who is able to sai mi hert is clene and I am fre from synne but thy mercyes o Lord are much greater Ma●h ix And thou cāmest not to cal y● ryghteous but synners vnto repentance M●th● xi To them that are disesed and ouerladen wyth the burdē of sin doste thou promyse ease Thou art that god Ezec. xviii which willest not the death of a synner but rather that he shoulde turne lyue Thou art the sauioure which wishest all men to be saued i. Timo. ii and to come to the knoledge of thy truth Withdraw not therfore thy merci frō him because of his sins but rather lay vpon hym thy sauynge health that thou maist shewe thy self toward hym to be a sauioure What greter praise cā ther be to a phisiciō thē to he le the sick Nether cā th●r be a gr●ter glori to the being a ●auiour then to saue siners saue hī therfore o lord for thi nāe sake Agaī let the law b●●o ●orsiffe to his consciēce but rather giue hī grace euen in this extreme agoni cōflict of deth to be fully persuaded that thou by thy death hast takē away al his sīs Ro●● ▪ i. fulfilled the law for him bi this means deliuered
word not with eye seruice as men pleasers but in singlenes of hearte fearynge God that what so euer they doo Coloss. iiii they may do it hartely euē as vnto the lord not vnto men forasmuche as they are sure that they shal receiue the reward of the heuenly enherytaunc● of the o lord Christ whō also they serue while trulye and faithfullye they serue theyr bodely masters Graūt that so manye as are vnder the yoke may count theyr masters worthy of all honoure that the name of god his doctrine be not euil spokē of and obey thē with all feare T it ii not onli if they be good and courteous i. Peter ii but also though thei be froward please thē in al thīgs not answering thē again Tit. ii nor pickīg ought from thē but shew al good faythfulnesse that in all thynges they maye do worshyppe vnto the doctrine of the our god and saueout to whome with the holy gost be al honoure ▪ prayse and glorye for euer Amen A prayer for them that are sicke O Iesu the sauiour of the world and the true Phisicion both of the body and of the soule Math. ix we are not altogether ignorante howe detestable a thing sinne is in thi sight and how greatli thou abhorrest them that commyt i●●quitye and shake of the yoke of thy lawe Psalme v. geuing their mindes to the filthy lustes of the fleshe and the vaine pleasures of the world Som that thus vngodly behaue them selfes thou sufferest to go forthe stil in theyr be as●like manners wythoute correccion or punyshment to liue in pleasure and wantonnes vpō the earth Iacob v. Philip. iii. to noryshe their heartes as in a day of slaughter to serue theyr belly as theyr God and voluptuouslye to spende theyr dayes wythoute all feare of the that at the laste they beinge altogether nousled in voluptuousnes and dying wythout repentaūce for the sorowes Psa. cxiiii plages and punyshments of the wicked begynne at theyr death may wyth that riche and beastlike gloton be tormented for euer in the flames of hel fyre For conueniēt it is that thei which in this world liue all in pleasure Luke xvi do in another worlde receyue theyr paynes euen as thou haste promised in thy holye Gospel sayinge Wo bee to you that are full for ye shall hongre Wo be to you y● now laughe for ye shall wayl and wepe Again some that walke inordinatli ▪ Luke vi and contrary to the rules of thy holye lawe thou tendryng theyr saluacion visitest them with syckenes their punishest their bodies wyth the louing rod of thi correctiō ▪ that they maye no lenger be proude cruell and fearce againste the spyryte whose seruaunte and bond slaue the bodye of ryghte oughte to be but rather be obediēt and seruice able that it may from h●nsforthe not so much as once lust against the spirite and by thys meanes thou mercifulli callest them whiche as wanderyng sh●pe Luke ●v haue so long strayed abrode home again vnto thy shepefold● For thys O Lord is an euident tokē of thine exceadynge goodnes and tender mercy towarde vs when thou seing vs moost greuously thorowe our wicked and synneful conuersacion to offend thy deuine Maiesty to forsake thy lawe not too walk in thy ordinan̄ces to breake thy statutes not to kepe thy commaundements Ps. ●xxxix doest not take away from vs thy louing kindnes but vysytest our iniquityes wyth thy gentyl rodde and punysheste our synnes wyth thy correccions swete to the spirite i. Cor. xi but bitter to to the flesh for whyle we are punished we are corrected of the lorde least we shuld wyth thys worlde be cōdēpned and by this meanes thou prouokeste vs to leaue oure ryotous and vngodly manners and to seke after the oure moste louynge sauiour leadynge a lyfe from henseforthe accordynge to thy mooste blessed wyll and commaundemente Some also thou throweste into aduersity and punyshest wyth syckenesse to proue and try theyr fayth whether they be constante in confessynge callinge vpon and praisinge thy holye name lyke vnto that pacyent man and faythefull warryoure whyche sayed If we haue receiued good prosperous thinges at the lords hād Iob. i. why shulde we not be content to suffer euill troublous things The Lord gaue them the Lorde hath taken them away as it pleased the lord so is it come to passe blessed be the name of the Lord. So manye O Lorde as thou louest thou sometime visitest wyth thy louinge rod of correcciō least that they cōtinually enioyenge y● to muche felicitie and wealthe of worldely thynges shuld forgette the theyr Lord God and walke in the vanities of a lewde minde Heb. xii For if we endure chastenīge thou offerest thy selfe vnto vs as vnto sonnes Prouer. iii Apoca. iii. For whō thou louest him thou chastnest yea and thouscourgest euery sonne that thou receyuest Hebru xii what sonne is that whō the father chastneth not if we be not vnder correccion whereof all are partakers then a●e we bastard● and not s●ns And albeit no maner chastising for the presēt time semeth to be ioious but greuous neuerthelesse afterward it bryngeth the quiet frute of righteousnesse vnto them which are exer●ised therin Forasmuch therfore O most merciful sauiour as sicknesse and aduersyty is sent from the vnto the chyldren of men for theyr greate profyt and singuler commoditie euen that the bodye with the workes thereof shuld be subiect to the spirit and as a witnesse and zele of thy louing kindnesse and harty good wyl toward them we most hartelye praye th● mercyefullye to beholde all suche as are sycke and as that pytyfull Samaritane to poure wine and oyle into theyr woundes Luke ● and to bynd them vp that is to comfort them geuing them grace paciently to bere the crosse that thou hast laied vpō them to shew thē selfs conformable to thy blessed will in the myds of theyr trouble and syckenesse to prayse thy gloryous name and wyth stronge fayth to say Ose. vi come and let vs retourne vnto the lord for he hath begun and he wil heale vs he hath strikē vs and he wil sureli make vs whole For it is the Lorde that bryngeth downe to the graue fetcheth vp again Deu. xxxii i. Reg. ii It is the Lorde that punysheth with pouertye Tobi. xiii and maketh welthy again Sapi. xvi It is the lord that ●ringeth lowe lifteth vp again yea it is the lord that killeth and maketh aliue again It is for our greate profit Psal. cxix that the Lorde hath thus plaged vs euē that we shuld learn to forsake our owne fleshly wil to walk in his holi ordinaūces Therfore as it is gods good plesure Mat. xxvi so let it come to pas His wil be done not oures Psal. ●c● We are his people and the shepe of his pasture let him deale
moste of al wisheth but to exercise try their faith to proue their cōstaci in this their cōstict to occasion thē bi herti praiers to 〈◊〉 vnto thi holi name Pro. xvi●i ▪ which is a strōg tower mighty fortres for so many as repayre vnto it the thei getting ayde at thy hande maye not onli enter battel with this their great immortal enemy but also by the power of thy myghte ouer come hi● and put him to flyght And as thou hast geuē satā thys liberti to tempt to exercise Iob. i. proue and try vs whether we be costāt in thy faythe and word or not so dooth he take thy profer And althoughe thou sufferest hym thus to do for our great profit singuler commodity for we know that all thyngs worke for the beste vnto theym that loue God Rom. v● euen that we of oure selfes beynge weake shuld haue a gloryous triumphe and noble vyctory ouer hym thorowe the myghty puissaunce of the our grande captain yet herof taketh he an occasiō to seke our destruccion And that he may bring this to passe besides the innumerable companye of hellishe spyrites he taketh vnto hym .ii. other our moost cruel ennemies i. Ihon. ii ●●lath v. Ps● cxxiiii the world the flesh The one with his vain pleasures the other with her carnal lustes so compasse vs round about that if thy presēt help wer not we must nedes perish O louyng Lorde and most gentle sauyoure thou seest our weaknes myserye i Re xxvii ●ccl xlvii and no strength Thou knoweste againe the valeaunte myght and power of oure aduersaries Our strēgth is no more to be compared wyth theyr mighte then the strength of lytle Dauid with the mightye power of great Goliah oure speare oure swerd oure shielde wyll do nothynge in thys behalfe Notwythstandyng Lord we do not despayre For al thoughe there bee not so greate strengthe in vs ii P● xiiii that we may be able to resyst this greate company that cōmeth against vs yet haue we this one refuge and succour euen to lift vp our eyes Psal. cx●● vnto the to saye our help commeth frō the lord our god whych made heuen and earth If God be on our syde who canne be againste vs Rom. viii i. Reg. vii The battel O lord God is thine oure faythe therfore is that thou wylte geue oure ennemyes into our handes Math. ● Thou taughtest vs to pray that we maie not be ledde into temptacion and hast promised vs that thou wilte not suffer vs too bee tempted aboue oure strengthe i. Cor ● but wylte in the middes of the temptacyon make a-away for vs to escape Thou art fayt●ful Psal. ●●lv Ti●● i ▪ 〈…〉 ●ii ●● Tim. ii fulfyl therefore thy promise And forasmuch as thi good pleasu●e is that we shal manfully fyght with these our enemies for what is the lyfe of manne in this world ▪ but a continual warfarre and no man is crowned excepte he stryue lawefullye we wyth our very heart dyspairinge of oure owne strengthe corage moost humblye beseche the to be our captayne and valeauntelye to defende vs agaynst oure enemyes ▪ that they may not preuaile agaynste vs. Make vs strong in the O Lord and in the power of thy mighte Putte on thy holy armour vpon vs that we may stād stedfast against the crafty as●autes of the deuyl Ephe●● vi For wee wrastle not against the flesh and bloud but agaynst rule agaynste power and against worldly rulers of the darknes of thys world agaynste spyrytual wyckednes in heauenlye things For this cause O mooste sweete sauiour put vpon vs thy holy armour that we mai be able to resist in the euil day and stand perfect in all thynges Gyue vs grace therfore to stand to gird our loynes aboute wyth veritye hauyng on the brestplate of righteousnes and shoed with shooes prepared by the Gospell of peace But aboue al graūt that we may take vnto vs the shilde of faithe wherw t we may be able to quēch al the fyry dartes of the wycked to put on the helmete of saluacion and the swearde of the spirite which is thy blessed word Graūt also that we being thus godly en armed may thorow thy puissāce might and strength not onely enter battel with our enemyes but also valeauntly fyght with them coragiously put them to flyght tryumphantly cary away a glorious vyctory ouer them So shall it come to passe that we being valeaunt conquerours thorow thy help shal receiue at thy hānd accordyng to thi promyse Manna to eat that is hyd Ap●c● ii a white stone in the stone a new name wrytten which no man knoweth sauyng he that receiueth it Lorde for thy mercies sake grant vs these our peticions So shal we praise and magnyfye thy blessed name for euer euer Amen A prayer for remission of synnes IF we wretched synners O Lord God hadde not louīg promises of thy tēder mercy in the holye scriptures for the comfort of our weake conscyences and sorowful herts we se none other reamedy so great infinit are our sinnes but that we must nedes despayre But for asmuch as what soeuer thynges are wrytten Roma x● are wrytten for oure learninge that thorowe pacience and the comfort of scriptures we mai haue hope our sis although neuer so mani abhominable do not so muche make vs sadde as thy louynge kindenes and tēder mercyes make vs gladde Oure syns we confesse are innumerable but thi mercies are also infynyte Ezec. xviii Thou art that most gentle Lord whych wylt not the deathe of a sīner Say●e xi but rather that he turn and lyue Mathe. i. Thou for repentaunce sake dissemblest and wylt not se the sinnes of men Luke ii Thou confessest that thou cammest into thys world to saue sīners i. Timo. ii to cal not the righteous Mathe. ix Luke xvi but sinners vnto repētaūce and to seke vp that which was lost Mathe. xi Thou callest vnto thee al them that ar diseased and ladē wyth the heauy burden of synne Luke xix Math. xi and promysest that thou wilt ease them E●aye i. Yea by thi prophet thou saiest ▪ if we will washe make clene our selfs put awai our euil thoughts out of thi sight cese frō doīg of euil violēce learn to do right apply our selfs to equitie deliuer the oppressed help the fatherles to his right heare the widows cōplaint though our sis wer as red as scarlet yet shal they be made whiter thē snow And thogh they wer like purple yet shall they bee made like white wolle Yea thou saiest more ouer that for thy own sake euē for thy mercie name sake thou wilt be good vnto vs fauour vs so cast away al our sins behind thy back Esay xliii that thou wilt neuer remēber thē more O lord thou arte the
god which cā not lie Titus i. Iohn ▪ xv thou art the self truth thou art faithful in thy words holy in al thy works Psal ▪ cxlv For accordyng to these thy louinge promises haste thou euer dealt with the children of men whensoeuer they repented turned vnto the. Whē they forsaked their sinful liuing called vpō thi holi name thou forgauest al theyr sīnes and he alest al theyr infyrmytyes Psal. cxx● ▪ Thou sauedst their life from destrucciō and crowned them with merci louing kindnes For thou O Lord God art ful of compassion mercy lōg sufferīg and of great goodnes Thou wilt not alwaye be chydynge neither wilt thou kepe thi anger for euer Neyther wylt thou deale with vs after our synnes nor yet reward vs accordyng to our wyckednes For loke how hye the heauē is in cōparysō of the earth so great is thy mercy toward them that fere the. Loke howe wyde the East is from the West so far doest thou sette our synnes from vs. Yea like as a father pytyeth hys own children euen so art the mercyfull vnto them that feare thee For thou knowest whereof we be made thou remembrest that wee are but duste Esaye lx Eccle. xiiii Iacob i. ● Pet●● i. That a man in hys tyme is but as a grasse and florisheth as a flour of the field For as soone as the wynd goeth ouer it ▪ it is gone and the place therof knoweth it no more But thi merciful goodnes o lord ēdureth for euer and euer vpon thē that fear the. Of this thy louynge kyndenes tender mercy who at anye time hath not tasted if he sought it with al his hert Forgauest thou not Dauid both hys whoredome and manslaughter whē he repēted confessed hys syn Psa lxxxiii ii Reg. xii How oft didst thou call backe the plages of thy vengeaunce Iudi. x. ii Par. xii Iudi● iiii when the chyldrē of Israel lamented theyr syns and turned vnto the How mercyful dyddest thou shew thy self to the Niniuites Ionas iii. when they repented humbled them selfs in thy sight Howe louynglye spakest thou to that synneful woman in thy gospel Luke vii and forgauest her al her sins because she repēted and beleued Peter thy disciple although most cowardly denying the Mat. xx●i after that he had bytterly wept and lamented his sins thou dyddest behold with thy merciful eye and fauorably receiuedst him again into the number of thi holi Apostles Luke xxiii One of thē that died with the beīg both a theif a murtherer after he had called vnto the for grace thou placest in Paradise and makest him partaker of thine eternall felicitye Mani other notable examples of thy greate mercyes fynde wee in the holy scriptures whyche wyll not suffer vs to despair of thi clemency and goodnes be our syns wickednesses neuer so manye but they rather do encourage vs boldely to come vnto the throne of thy grace ●●bru iiii that wee maye receyue mercy and find grace to helpe in time of nede O most gentle sauiour thou art that moost louynge shepperd which diligētly soughtest vp the wandering sheepe louyngely laydest it vpon thy shulders and tenderlye broughtest it home agayne Luke xv Seke vs vp which haue so long runne astraye laye vs vpon thy merciful shoulders and bryng vs home agayne vnto the companye of thy faythefull Thou arte that mooste mercyful Samaritan Luke x. which beholdīg the miserable state of the woūded mā with thy pitifull eie cāmest vnto him madest clene his woūds pouredst in wine oil boūdedst them vp laydst the sick Samaritā vpō thi beast caridst him into the inne and neuer leaftest him til he was perfectly whole O most louynge sauyour vouchsafe also with thy merciful eie to loke vpō our wretched state whiche wythoute thy helpe muste nedes peryshe Oure woundes are deadly woundes not able to be healed of anye eyther in heauen or in earth but of the alone which art the true Phisicion and alone healest thē that are contryte in herte Mathe. Esaye Luke ● Esaye i. Oure hole head is syck and the heart is veri heauy Frō the sole of the foote vnto the head ther is no hole part in al our bodi but al are woūds botches sores and stripes which can neither be helped bounde vp molified nor eased with any ointmē except thou puttest to thy helpyng hand Let it therfore please the of thy great goodnes to make clene our wounds to poure in the wine and oyl of spirituall gladnesse to binde them vp and neuer to leue vs til thou hast made vs perfectlye whole and broughte vs into thy heauenly kyngedome Heale thou vs o Lorde and we shall be healed 〈◊〉 xvii saue thou vs and we shal be saued 〈◊〉 ●v Thou arte that mooste tender father whyche receiuedst home agayne wyth embracynge armes that lost sonne which had wasted all hys goodes wyth ryotous liuyng So soone as he returned vnto the repented him of hys dysorder confessed hys sinne and hūbled himselfe in thi sight thou haddest compassion on him and ranne and fel on hys necke and kyssed hym Thou commaundedst thy seruaunts also to bryng forth that beste garment and put it on thy sonne and to put a ryng on hys hande and shooes on hys feete Thou gauest cōmaūdemēt agayne to fetche a fatte calfe and to kyll it and sayedst let vs eate and be meri for this mi sōne was dead and is a liue againe he was lost and now is founde Shewe thys thy fauour O most gētle father to vs thy chyldrē also which haue vngodly bestowed the godly and vertuous gifts which thou both frendly and liberally gauest vnto vs. Thys our prodigall and licencious lyuīg sore greueth vs and we be hertely sory that we hau● so greuously offended thy fatherly goodnes Notwythstandynge acccordynge to thy old wonte we moste humbly besech the for thy names sake to haue merci on vs Psal. xxv to forgeue vs our synnes to receiue vs againe into thi fauoure Take awai frō vs al oure old begerly ragges put on vs the newe garmēt of innocēcy that precius rīg of fayth wherwith we ar maried vnto the Ose. ii those most godly shooes of the euangelike peace that wee maye walke from henceforthe in the wayes of thy holy commaundemēts Ephe. vi do that which is plesāt in thy sight Gyue vs grace so vnfaynedlye to repēt and to amend our lyfe Luke xv that the aungels of heauen maye reioyse at oure conuersion Psalms li. And so washe vs from oure syns more and more that at the laste we maye be cleane and appeare beautyfull in thy heauenlie fathers syght thorow the our onlye sauiour which wyth the same thy father and the holy ghoste lyuest and reignest one true euer lastynge God worldes wythoute ende Amen A prayer for a conpetente and necessarye lyuynge
hym from the cursse of the lawe Galath iii and paied his ransome that he thus being fully perswaded may haue a quiet herte a fre conscience a glad wil to forsake this wretched world and to go vnto the his lorde god Moreouer thou hast conquered him that hadde rule of death euē satā Hebru ii suffer him not therfore to exercise hys tirranny vpō this our sycke brother nor to disquiet his cōsciēce with the errours of sin and pains of hell Gse● xiii i. Cori. xv Lette not Satan nor his infernall army tempt him further thē he is able to bear but euermore gyue hym grace euen vnto his last breath valeantly to fight against the deuil witha a stronge fayeth in thy precyouse bloud that he may fyght a good fight and finish his course with ioy vn the to glorye of thi name and the health of his soul. O lord so work in him by thy holy spirite that he wyth al his hert may contempne dispise al worldly thyng●s and set his minde who●ly vpon heauēly thynges hopyng for thē with a strong vndouted fayth Agayn let it not greue him o swet sauior to be lo●oned frō this vile wretched carcase which is now so full of sorowe trouble anguysh sickenes and paine but rather let h●m haue abent and readye wyll thorowe thy goodnesse to putte it of yea and that wyth this faith ▪ that he at the last daye shall receyue it agayn in a much better state then it is now or euer was frō the daie of hys byrthe Phil. iii. euen a bodye vncorruptible immortal and like to thy glorious body Let hys whol hert and mynde be set only vppon the· Let the remēbraunce of the ioies of heauē be so feruent in his brest that he may bothe pacientlye and thanckfully take his deathe ii Cori. xv and euer wish to be with the in glory And when the time cōmeth that he shall gyue ouer to nature and depart from this miserable world vouchesafe we most humblye beseche the O Lorde Iesu to take his soule into thy handes and to place it among the glorious company of thy holy angels and blessed Saynctes and to kepe it vnto that mooste ioyfull daye of the general resurrecciō that both his bodye and soule thorow thyne almyghty power being knit againe togither at that daye he maye for euer and euer enioy thy glorious kindom and sing perpetuall praises to thy blessed name Amen ☞ A thankesgeuynge vnto God for the departure of the faythful out of thys world O How can we most louing father render vnto the sufficient thanks for thine in estimable goodnes toward thi faithful seruauntes whome thou calling out of this wretched worlde vouchestsafe to place in thy heauenly kingdō amonge the gloryous company of thy holy aūgels and blessed saintes Psal. cxv O full precyous is the death of the faithful in thy sighte Blessed are the deade that dye in the O Lord Apoc. xiiii For they are at reast frō their paynful trauails and labours The souls of the righteous are in thy hand Sapi. iii. O God and the payne of death shall not touch them In the syghte of the vnwise thei appere to die but they are in peace They shine as the sparckes that runne thorowe the reed bushe Danie xii They glyster as the shining of heauen Thei are as the stars world wythout ende They ar as the angels of God Math. xx●i Apoc. iiii They are clad with white garmentes haue goldē crownes vpon their heads They do seruice day nyght before the glorious throne of thi diuine Maiesty Apoca vii They nether honger nor thirst anye more neyther doth the sun or any heat fal vpon them for the lambe which is in the mids of the thron gouerneth thē and ledeth them vnto the lyuing foūtains of waters They folow the lābe whithersoeuer he goeth They haue such ioies ▪ E●ay lxiii i. ●or iii. as eie hath not sene nor eare hath herd neyther is th●r any hert able to thīck them Infinite and vnspeakable are the tresures O Lord whych thou haste layed vp for them that depart in thy fayth For these thy fatherly benefyts toward the souls of the fayethful for that it hath pleased the to cal our Christē brethren and sisterne from this vale of misery vnto thy heuenly kingdome we geue vnto the most herty thanks humbly beseching the that thou wylte take lyke care for vs and so gouern vs wyth thy holye spirite both in sycknes and in health that we maye lyue a good and godlye lyfe in thys preas●nte world and whensoeuer it shal be thy good plesure to call vs hence we may with strong faith in the and in thy sōne Christe Iesu our Lord commēd both our bodies soules into thy mercifull handes and thorowe thy goodnes be placed in thy gloryous kyngdome among thy faythfull chosē people and so for euer and euer praise magnify the our heauenli father to whome with thi derely beloued son Iesu Christ our Lord and sauior and the holy gost that moste swete comfortour be al glory and honor worlds without end Amē Finis ❧ The Letanye and Suffra●●s O God the Father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinn●rs O God the Sonne redemer of the world haue mercye vpon vs miserable synners O god the holy ●ost proceding from the father the sōne haue mercy vpon vs miserable sīners O holy blessed glorious tryniti thre persons one god haue merci vpon vs miserable sīners Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neyther take thou vengāce of our synnes spare vs good lord spare thy people whom thou hast redemed with thi most precious bloud and be not angri with vs for e●er Spare vs good Lo●d● From al euil and mischiffe frō sin frō the crafts and assaults of the deuil from thy wrath from euerlastyng damnacion Good lorde deliuer vs. ❧ From blindnes of hert from pride vainglory hypocrisy from enuye hatred and malice and all vncharitablenes Good lord delyuer vs. ❧ Frō fornicacion and all other d●adly sin ▪ from all the deceites of the world the fleshe the deuyl Good lo●de del●u●r vs. ☞ Frōlightning tempest from plage pestilēce famē frō battel murther from sodaine death Good lorde delyuer vs. Frō al sedicion and pryuy conspiraci frō the tiranni of the Bishop of Rome al his detestable enormities from al false doctrin heresy frō hardnes of hert cōtēpt of thy word commandemente Good lorde delyuer vs. ❧ By the misterye of thy holy incarnacion by thy holy natiuity cyrcumcysyon by thy Baptysme fasting and temptacyon Good lorde delyuer vs. By thine agonye and bloudye sweat bi thi crosse and passion bi thy precious death and buriall bi thy glorious resurrecciō ▪ ascēcion by the cōming of the holi gost Good lorde delyuer vs. In al time
may fynd fauoure at thy mercifull hand be deliuered out of feare escape all daungers and trauayle a fortunate iourney So shal it come to passe that they thorowe thyne almyghty power beyng safely deliuered from all perylles shal continuallye praise and gloryfye thy blessed name Amen A praier for trauelers by lande O LORDE whyche arte the waye the truthe and lyfe thou haste promysed in the holye scripture Iohn xiiii that they whyche put theyr truste in thee looke for healpe at thy hande and take the for theyr myghtye defender and stronge castell shall be preserued harmelesse and walcke in all theyr iourneys safelye and withoute daunger P●alm xci For thou thy self wilt take charge of them and shadowe thē vnder thy merciful wings so that none euill shal chance vnto them 〈◊〉 xii xv.xviii xix xxiiii xxv● and .xxviii. ●obi v. ●ctes xii yea as thou diddest send thy holy angel with Abraham and Tobye with other thy faithful seruants to be their guide and defender to make their iourni prosperous so wilt thou send thy blessed aungels with them that wholy depēd on the and with strong faith cōmit them selfs to thy most godly tuicion P●alm xii M●●h iiii Mark i. Luke iiii whiche shal safelye kepe them in fal their wais yea and soner hold them vp with theirhāds then they shal dash theyr foote agaynst a stone This thy accustomed gentlenesse toward thy seruants and these thy louinge promyses encourage vs greatlye at this presēt to come vnto thy Maiesty moost humblye besechynge the to send thy holy aungel vnto all such as trauaile by the way in thy feare to take care of them to defend tham frō al misfortunes and so to guyd them thorowoute al theyr iournye that they maye both prosperously and ioyfully finish their purposed trauail euer praising thi blessed name Amen A praier for a faithful manne beynge in trouble or enduraunce O Lorde ii Co● i. father of mercis and God of all consolacyon whiche ruleste and disposeste all thynges after thyne vnsearcheable wisdome Sapi. viii ix.xii and workest in thi creatures accordīg to thy blessed wyll whyche is alwaye good and godlye howsoeuer blynde frail flesh iudgeth of it we know and vnfaynedly cōfesse thyne omnypotencye and almyghtye power We know that thou artable to do whatsoeuer thi good pleasure is Psa. ●xiiii Math xix Mark x. Luk. x. viii We knowe that thou bryngeste downe to the graue and fetchest vp againe Thou punishest with pouerty Deu. xxxii i. regum ii Tobi. xiii Sapie xvi and makest wealthye agayne Thou bryngest lowe and liftest vp again Yea thou o lord killest and makest alyue agayne Oh wōderfully doest thou worke in al thi creatures specialli in thē whome thou hast appointed to be vessels of merci and enheritours of thine eternal glory If they at anytime greuously offēd thy deuine maiesty ●sal xiiii ●nd .lii. Roma iii. Iacob iii. i. Iohn i. psal lxxxix as we be al siners and redy at euery moment to fal thou dost neither long wincke at theyr wickednes nor yet for euer cast them frō thy fauour but like a louynge Phisicion wyth some emplasture or salue although bitter to the fleshe yet wholesome to the soule thou healest thē and like a tender or gentle father correctest them with some temporal punishemente ● Cor. xi Exo. x●xii ●osu● vii that by thys meanes they escapyng euerlastynge punishmēt mai repēt thē of their vngodly behauour confes theyr wickednes fl●e vnto thy mercy for euer after be the more circumspect in treadyng y● pathes of thy holy lawe Iud. i. ii.iii vi vii.viii and ix.iii r●g xxv.ii. pa. xxxvi ii regu xii xiii.xv.xvi.xxiiii On this manner didst thou handle the Israelits when they offended thy fatherly goodnes On this manner didst thou deale with king Dauid Ion. i. ii.iii Iudi. viii xiii.xv.xvi Heste xiiii xv and .xvi. prophet Ionas for their disobediēce with many other whome not withstādinge for thy mercyes sake after they had knowledged theyr offēces called vpō thy holy name thou wonderfully deliuerest broughtest them again as it were into the hauē of quietnes We therfor thy poore sorowfull creatures perceiuinge in thy holy scriptures so large fountaynes of thy greate mercies plenteously issuing oute toward all thē that be of a cōtrite and broken hearte are boulde at this present for thy promyse sake to come vnto the moost humblye besechinge the that as y● delyuerest Ionas out of the whales bely Dani. vi and .xiiii. Actes xii i ●egu xix xxi.xxiii Dani. xiii Daniel from pryson Peter thine Apostle out of warde Dauid frō the handes of his enemies Susāna frō the power of her aduersaries with other so in like māner thou wilte deliuer and set at lybertye thy seruaunte and oure faithful brother Yea and that on such sort that it may be to thi glory to his healthe and to the comfort of so manye as vnfaynedlye loue thy blessed woorde And although we for oure inperfeccion be not worthy to craue and enioy so great and confortable benefit at thy merciful hand yet we dout not but for thy derely beloued sō Iesu Christes sake thou wilt moste fauourablye heare vs mooste fatherlye pitie vs and moste bounteously graunt vs this our humble requeste And we again receiuing this benefit of oure dere brothers deliueraunce at thy hande shall not be vnthankeful but continually magnifye thy holye and glorious name which dealest so fauourably with thi seruaunts whē they cal vpō the in the name of Iesu Christ thy onlye begotten sōne and our alone mediatour and aduocate to whom wyth the and the holy goste be al prayse and honour for euer and euer Amen i. Timo. ii i. Iohn ii A thankesgeuinge for theyr deliueraunce SO often as we consider thy wōderfull worckes O blessed and heauenlye father whyche thou workest of thyne owne good wyll for so many as in their troble and aduersitye fle for refuge vnto thy holy name as vnto a strong hold and mighty fortres we cā not but confesse and acknowledge thy singuler kindenes and vnspeakable good wil which thou continually thorow thy fatherly goodnes bearest towardes thyseruauntes and for thesame not merited of any man but frely of thy mere mercy geuē we render vnto the accordinge to our most bounden dueti most herty praises and entiere thanks In consideracyon wherof the childrē of Israel being in miserable captiuity Exodus ii lamentably lamenting before the their to muche sorowfull state by heartye praiers after that thou hadst deliuered them frō that land of seruitud brast out into exceading great praises glorifyinge thi most holi and blessed name for their swete and confortable delyueraunce Exodu xv The citizens of Bethu●a likwise being in great dystres called vppon thy glorious name Iudit iiii and .xvi. thou most mercifullye deliueredst them and they agayne with mery voyces and more ioyfull heart 〈◊〉 song
Many other notable workes also cōpiled by thy faythfull seruauntes for the auauncement of thy glorye and for bryngyng of the simple people vnto the knowledge of thy truth they cru●llye burnte and destroyed after the exāples of the wycked kyngs Ioachim and Antiochus 〈◊〉 xxxvi And as for the authors of thē some those bloudy Edomits brent i. ●ath i. some thei murthered preuely some thei emprisoned flocked cheyned putte to shame al euen so mani as thei could get they cruelly and moost tirantlike entreated after the exāple of their predecessors the high priests of Iewry 〈◊〉 ●xvii which sought al meanes possible both wyth tyrany and brybes to kepe downe thy sonne Christe and hys gloryous gospel that thei alone might reygn O most gētle god whē these belly●d hipocrites chaplens of Baal had brent thy holye Bible so that we the simple people might not read the word of oure soule healthe in our owne mother tonge agayne whē these false annointed shauelinges had killed put to flyghte thy true ministers and godly prechers mat xxiiii thē made they vs to beleue as they woulde to walke to do to speke as they lusted to honoure worshippe the Math. xv not after thy holye law but after the tradycions and doctrins of men to do works not commaunded of the but suche as their idle braines fāsied wythout authority of thy worde O Lorde thou longe sufferynge God with how greate blyndenesse were we ouerwhelmed of these antichristian monstures when they taught to run a Pilgrimage to thys and that Idol to paynt thys tabernacle and to gyld that Maumet to pray to this he Saint and to that she Sainte to bie other mennes merites and to seke saluacion in them to put our truste in water salte breade palmes ashes wax oile creme bels pardons rotten reliques such other peltīg pedlarye to beleue that our souls after this present life shuld be boiled perboiled in antichristes fornace ther to lie piteously yellīg puling crying til they were redemed with Diriges Masses trētals ladyes Psalters ▪ c. to beleue that our sins could not be forgeuen tyl we had whyspered oure synnes into the Priests eare and to receiue absolucion at his hand to beleue that after the wordes of cōsecracion as they cal them ther remain no more breade nor nomore wine in the sacrament of Christes bodye and bloude but that the breade is changed into the natural flesh of thy deare sonne Christ Iesu and the wyne into his moste precious bloude ☞ that was shedde for oure sins vpon the aulter of the crosse when notwithstandinge the Papistes them selfs do many tymes keepe the breade so longe that it both mouldeth stynketh and bredeth ful of worms and afterward they burne it accordynge to theyr owne law Ah Lord thus wer we to much wretchedly mocked and led captiue of antichriste and hys disciples The darknesses wherin we walked wer so gret that they mighte be felte i. Pet●r i But thanckes be vnto the o most merciful father which haste called vs oute of the darcknes of mennes tradycyons into the glorious light of thy gospell We haue nowe learned that Antichriste and his mēbers haue longe deceyued vs taughte vs theyr owne drowesye dreames in stede of thi blessed word We now know that thou requireste not of vs that we shuld runne gadding to stocks and stones Math. xx● but that we shuld visit suche as are sicke and in prysonne and comfort thē We nowe knowe that thy wyll is not that we shuld paynt tabernacles and gyld ymages but rather that we shuld cloth the pore and helpe the nedi 〈◊〉 lviii We now know that it is vaine to pray to this or to the saynt seyng they nether here vs nor yet canne helpe vs. We haue lerned of thy blessed word 〈◊〉 ●iii 〈◊〉 vii that Christ the son is our alone intercessour mediatour and aduocate We nowe knowe 〈◊〉 ii that no saluacion is to be loked for in any ceremonys but only in thy great mercies set forthe frely to al penitente sinners thorow faith in Christs bloude We now know that Christes bloude is the alone Purgatorye of oure soules ● Iohn i. whiche purgeth maketh vs clene from all sinne We now know that whē soeuer we repent confesse our sinnes vnto the and beleue to haue remission of al our synnes Iohn i. Ephe i. Collos. i. thorow Christes bloude we shall surely be forgeuen Yet despise we not but rather hertely de●yre the counsell of godlye and learned preachers ☞ whiche with the comfortable words of the gospel may raise vp strengthen and confirme our weke cōscience against Satan sinne death hel and desperacion We now knowe that the Masse mongers haue without al shame lyed vnto vs when they taught vs to beleue that the Mas which they mumbled was a propiciatorye sacrifice of as greate vertue strengthe power as the gloryous passion of our sauioure Iesu Christe and that it was necessarye bothe for the quycke and dead Ad salutem We nowe knowe also that the sacrament of Christs bodye and bloude is not the very selfe real and naturall bodye and bloude of Christe but an holye signe Note figure and tokē of his blessed bodye and precyouse bloude For thys worde sacramente is as muche to say as a signe of an holye thynge Nowe that whyche is the signe of a thyng cānot be the thynge it selfe And thoughe thy sonne called the bread hys bodie and the wine his bloude because the disciples should the better remēber the breaking of hys bodye and the sheddynge of hys bloude as he likewise called him selfe a vine a dore Iohn xv a rock whē not with standing he was nether naturall vine Iohn ● Math. vii ●nd .xvii. material dore or stony rock but onlye lykened vnto them for certain properties which he hath with the vine dore ▪ and rocke yet is neyther the bread hys naturall bodye nor the wyne hys naturall bloud as diuers of the aunciente Doctours doe declare and proue but onelye a fygure of hys bodye and bloude ☞ The breade is called Christes body because it visibly● preacheth bryngeth to oure remēbrance the brekīg of Christes bodye The wyne also is called Christes bloud because it putteth vs in remēbrance of the sheddīg of Christes bloude Of such phrases and manners of speakynge thy holye scriptures are full But as in many other thyngs so lykewise ī this blessed sacramēt haue the Papistes for the mayntenāce of their Idle and beastli life most foulye deceyued vs makynge vs to worshyppe a wafer cake and a sponeful of wyne myngled wyth water in stead of our sauiour Iesu Christe God and manne And thys Idolatrus erroure is yet so rustered and cākered in the hertes of many bothe learned vnlearned whose myndes ii Cor. i●ii iudgements senses and wyts the God of thys world euē the deuil hath blinded that the light