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A06492 A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians first collected and gathered vvord by vvord out of his preaching, and novv out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the vnlearned. Wherein is set forth most excellently the glorious riches of Gods grace ...; In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. 1575 (1575) STC 16965; ESTC S108973 590,302 574

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the lawe bringeth with it may daily be diminished in vs more and more As long then as we liue in the flesh which is not without sinne the lawe oftentimes retourneth and doth his office in one more and in an other lesse as their Faith is strong or weake and yet not to their destruction but to their saluation For this is the exercise of the lawe in the Sainctes namely the continuall mortification of the flesh of reason and of our owne strength and the daily renewing of our inward man as it is sayd in the .2 Cor. 4. We receaue then the first fruites of the spirite the leuen is hidde in the masse of the dough but all the dough is not yet leuened no it is yet but onely begunne to be leuened If I behold the leuen I see nothing else but pure leuen But if I behold the whole masse I see that it is not all pure leuen That is to say If I behold Christe I am altogether pure and holy knowing nothing at all of the lawe for Christe is my leuen But if I behold mine owne flesh I feele in my selfe couetousnes lust anger pride and arrogancie also the feare of death heauines hatred murmuring and impatiencie against God. The more these sinnes are in me the more is Christ absent from me or if he be present he is felt but a litle Here haue we neede of a Scholemaster to exercise and vexe this strong Asse the flesh that by this exercise sinnes may be diminished a way prepared vnto Christe For as Christe came once corporally at the time appoynted abolished the whole lawe vanquished sinne destroyed death and hell euen so he commeth spiritually without ceasing and daily quencheth and killeth these sinnes in vs. This I say that thou mayest be able to aunswere if any shall thus obiecte Christe came into the world and atonce toke away all our sinnes and clensed vs by his bloud what neede we then to heare the Gospell or to receaue the Sacramentes True it is that in as much as thou beholdest Christe the lawe and sinne are quite abolished But Christe is not yet come vnto thee or if he be come yet notwithstanding there are remnauntes of sinne in thee thou art not yet throughly leuened For where concupiscence heauines of spirite and feare of death is there is yet also the lawe and sinne Christ is not yet throughly come but when he cometh in deede he driueth away feare and heauines and bringeth peace and quietnes of conscience So farre forth then as I do apprehend Christ by Faith so much is the lawe abolished vnto me But my flesh the world and the Deuill doe hinder Faith in me that it can not be perfect Right gladly I would that that litle light of Faith which is in my heart were spread thoroughout all my body and all the members thereof but it is not done it is not by and by spreade but onely beginneth to be spreade In the meane season this is our consolation that we hauing the first fruites of the spirite doe nowe beginne to be leuened But we shall be thoroughly leuened when this body of sinne is dissolued and we shall rise newe creatures wholy together with Christe Albeit then that Christe be one and the same yesterday to day and shall be for euer and albeit that all the faithfull which were before Christ had the Gospell and Faith yet notwithstanding Christe came once in the time before determined Faith also came once when the Apostles preached and published the Gospell thoroughout the world Moreouer Christ commeth also spiritually euery day Faith likewise commeth daily by the word of the Gospel Now when Faith is come the Scholemaster is constrained to geue place with his heauy and grenous office Christ cōmeth also spiritually when we stil more and more doe knowe and vnderstand those things which by him are geuen vnto vs and encrease in grace and in the knowledge of him 2. Pet. 3. Verse 26. For ye are all the sonnes of God by Faith in Christ Iesus Paule as a true and an excellent teacher of Faith hath alwayes these wordes in his mouth By Faith In Faith Of Faith which is in Christ Iesus He sayth not ye are the children of God because ye are circumcised because ye haue heard the law and haue done the workes therof as the Iewes doe imagine and the false Apostles teach but by Faith in Iesus Christe The lawe then maketh vs not the children of God and much lesse mens traditions It can not beget vs into a new nature or a new birth but it setteth before vs that old birth wherby we were borne to the kingdome of the Deuill And so it prepareth vs to a new birth which is by Faith in Iesus Christ and not by the lawe as Paule plainly witnesseth For ye are all the children of God by Faith. c. As if he sayd Albeit ye be tormented humbled and killed by the lawe yet hath not the lawe made you righteous or made you the children of God this is the worke of Faith alone What Faith Faith in Christe Faith therefore in Christ maketh vs the children of God and not the lawe The same thing witnesseth also Iohn in the .1 chap. He gaue povver to as many as beleued in him to be the children of God. What tounge either of men or Angels can sufficiently extol and magnifie the great mercy of God towardes vs that we which are miserable sinners and by nature the children of wrath should be called to this grace and glory to be made the children and heires of God fellow heires with the sonne of God and Lordes ouer heauen and earth and that by the onely meanes of our Faith which is in Christ Iesu Verse 27. For all ye that are baptised into Christ haue put on Christ To put on Christ is taken two maner of wayes according to the law according to the gospel According to the law as it is said in the 13. chap. to the Rom Put ye on the Lord Iesus Christ that is folowe the example and vertues of Christe Doe that which he did and suffer that which he suffered And in the .1 Pet. 2. Christ hath suffred for vs leauing vs an example that vve should folovv his steppes Nowe we see in Christ a singuler patience an inestimable mildnes and loue and a wonderfull modestie in all things This goodly apparell we must put on that is to say folowe these vertues But the putting on of Christ according to the Gospell consisteth not in imitation but in a newe birth and a new creation that is to say in putting on Christes innocencie his righteousnes his wisedom his power his sauing health his life and his spirite We are clothed with the lether coate of Adam which is a mortall garment and a garment of sinne that is to say we are all subiect vnto sinne all sold vnder sinne
iudgement of all kindes of doctrine and trades of life It approueth establisheth ciuill gouernment houshold gouernment and all kindes of life that are ordained and appoynted of god It rooteth vp all doctrines of errour sedition confusion and such like and it putteth away the feare of sinne and death and to be short it discouereth all subtile slights and works of the Deuill and openeth the benefits and loue of God towards vs in Christ What with a mischiefe meanes the world to hate this word this glad tidings of euerlasting comfort grace saluation and eternall life so bitterly and to persecute it with such hellish outrage Paule before called this present world euill and wicked that is to say the Deuils kingdome For els it would acknowledge the benefite and mercie of God but forasmuch as it is vnder the dominion of the deuill it doth therefore carelesly and desperatly despise persecute these things louing darknes errours and the kingdome of the Deuill more then the light truth kingdome of Christ And this it doth not through ignorance or errour but through the malice of the deuill Which thing hereby may sufficiently appeare in that Christ the sonne of God by giuing him selfe to death for the sinnes of all men hath gained nothing els of this froward and forlorne world but that for this his inestimable benefite it blasphemeth him and persecuteth his most healthfull word and faine would yet still naile him to the crosse if it could Therefore not onely the world dwelleth in darkenes but it is darkenes it selfe as it is written in the first of Iohn Paule therfore amplifieth these words From Christ vvho hath called you As though he would say My preaching was not of the hard lawes of Moses neither taught I that you should be bondslaues vnder the yoke but I preached the onely doctrine of grace and freedome from the lawe sinne death the deuill and damnation That is to say that Christ hath mercifully called you in grace that ye should be freemen vnder Christ and not bōdmen vnder Moses whose Disciples ye are now become againe by meanes of your false Apostles who by the lawe of Moises called you not vnto grace but vnto wrath to the hating of God to sinne and death But Christes calling bringeth grace and sauing health For they that be called by him in stede of the lawe that worketh sorrow doe gaine the glad tidings of the Gospel and are translated out of Gods wrath into his fauour out of sinne into righteousnes and out of death into life And will you suffer your selues to be carried yea and that so soone and so easily an other way from such a liuing fountaine full of grace and and life Now if Moses call men to Gods wrath and to sinne by the law of God whither shall the Pope call men by his owne traditions The other sense that the father calleth in the grace of Christ is also good but the former sense concerning Christ serueth more fitly for the comforting of afflicted consciences Verse 6 Vnto an other Gospell Here we may learne to espie the craftie sleights and subtilties of the Deuill No heretike commeth vnder the title of errours and of the Deuill neither doth the Deuill himselfe come as a Deuill in his owne likenes especially that white Deuill which we spake of before Yea euen the blacke deuill which forceth men to manifest wickednes maketh a cloke for them to couer that sinne which they committe or purpose to committe The murtherer in his rage seeth not that murther is so greate and horrible a sinne as it is in deede for that he hath a cloke to couer the same Whoremasters theeues couetous persons drunkards and such others haue wherwith to flatter them selues and couer their sinnes So the blacke deuill also commeth out disguised and counterfet in all his works and deuises But in spirituall matters where Sathan commeth forth not blacke but white in the likenes of an Angell or of God him selfe there he passeth himselfe with most craftie dissimulation and wonderfull sleights and is wont to set forth to sale his most deadly poison for the doctrine of grace for the word of God for the Gospell of Christ For this cause Paule calleth the doctrine of the false Apostles Sathans ministers a gospell also saying vnto an other Gospell but in derision As though he would say ye Galathians haue now other Euangelistes and an other Gospell My Gospell is now despised of you it is now no more in estimation among you Hereby it may easily be gathered that these false Apostles had condemned the Gospell of Paule among the Galathians saying Paule in deede hath begunne well but to haue begunne well it is not enough for there remaine yet many higher matters Like as they say in the .15 of the Acts It is not enough for you to beleue in Christ or to be baptised but it behoueth also that ye be circumcised For except ye be circumcised after the lavv of Moses ye can not be saued This is asmuch to say as Christ is a good workman which hath in deede begunne a building but he hath not finished it for this must Moses doe So at this day when the fantasticall Anabaptistes and others can not manifestly condemne vs they say These Lutherans haue the spirite of fearefulnes they dare not franckly and freely professe the truth and goe thorow with it In deede they haue laid a foundation that is to say they haue well taught faith in Christ but the beginning midle and end must be ioyned together To bring this to passe God hath not giuen it vnto them but hath left it vnto vs So these peruerse and deuelish spirits set out and aduaunce their owne wicked preachings calling them the word of God and so deceaue many vnder the colour of Gods name For the Deuill will not be ougly and blacke in his ministers but faire and white And to the end he may appeare to be such a one he setteth out and decketh all his words and works with the colour of truth and with the name of God. Hereof is sprong that common prouerbe among the Germains In Gods name beginneth all mischiefe Wherefore let vs learne that this is a speciall point of the deuils cunning that if he can not hurt by persecuting and destroying he doth it vnder a colour of correcting and building vp So now a dayes he persecuteth vs with force and sword that when we are once taken away and dispatched he may not onely deface the Gospell but vtterly ouerthrow it But hitherto he hath preuailed nothing for he hath slaine many who haue constantly confessed this our doctrine to be holy and heauenly through whose bloud the Church is not destroied but wattred Forasmuch therefore as he could preuaile nothing that way he stirreth vp wicked spirits and vngodly teachers which at the first allow our doctrine and teach the same with a common consent together with
extremely and vvasted it And profited in the Ievvish religion aboue many of my companions of mine ovvne nation This place hath in it no singuler doctrine Notwithstāding Paule alledgeth here his owne example saying I haue defended the obseruations of the Phariseis and the law more constantly then ye and all your false teachers Wherfore if the righteousnes of the law had bene any thing worth I had not turned backe from it in the keping wherof notwithstanding before I knew Christ I did so exercise my selfe and so profite therin that I excelled many of my companions of mine owne nation Moreouer I was so zelous in defence of the same that I persecuted the church of God extremely wasted it For hauing receaued authoritie of the high priests I put many in prison whē they should be put to death I pronounced the sentēce and punishing them thorow out all the Sinagoges I compelled them to blaspheme was so exceding mad vpon them that I persecuted them euen vnto straunge cities Verse 14. And vvas much more zelous of the traditiōs of my fathers He calleth not here the Pharisaicall or humane traditions the traditions of his fathers for here he treateth not of the Pharisaicall traditions but of a farre higher matter and therefore he calleth euen that holy law of Moises his fathers traditions that is to say receaued and left as an inheritaunce from the fathers For these sayth he vvhē I vvas in the Ievvish religion I vvas very zelous He speaketh after the same maner to the Philippians As concerning the lavv sayth he I vvas a Pharisee cōcerning zeale I persecuted the church and as concerning the righteousnes of the lavv I vvas vnrebukeable As though he would say Here I may glory and may cōpare with the whole nation of the Iewes yea euen with the best and the holiest of all those which are of the Circumcision Let them shew me if they can a more zelous and earnest defender of Moises law then I haue bene This thing O ye Galathians ought to haue perswaded you not to beleue these seducers deceauers which magnify the righteousnes of the law as a matter of great importaunce when as if there were any cause to glory in the righteousnes of the law I haue more cause to glory then any other In like maner say I of my selfe that before I was lightned with the knowledge of the gospel I was as zelous for the papistical lawes and traditions of the fathers as euer any was most earnestly maintaining defending them as holy and necessary to saluation Moreouer I did my endeuour to obserue kepe them my selfe as much as was possible for me to do punishing my pore body with fasting watching praying other exercises more thē all they which at this day do so bitterly hate and persecute me because now I take frō them the glory of iustifying For I was so diligent and superstitious in the obseruation hereof that I laid more vpon my body then without daunger of health it was able to beare I honoured the Pope of mere conscience vnfainedly not seking after prebēds promotions liuings but whatsoeuer I did I did it with a single hart of a good zeale for the glory of god But those things which then were gainfull vnto me now with Paule I count to be but losse for the excellencie of the knowledge of Iesus Christ my lord But our aduersaries as idle bellies tried with no tentations beleue not that I and many others haue endured such things I speake of such as with great desire sought for peace quietnes of conscience which notwithstanding in so great darknes it was not possible for them to finde Vers 15.16.17 But vvhen it had pleased God vvhich had separated me from my mothers vvombe and called me by his grace to reueale his sonne in me that I should preach him among the Gentiles immediately I communicated not vvith flesh and bloud Neither came I againe to Ierusalem to them vvhich vvere Apostles before me but I vvent into Arabia and turned againe vnto Damascus This is the first iourney of Paule And here he witnesseth that straight way after he was called by the grace of God to preach Christ among the Gentiles he went into Arabia without the aduise of any mā to that vvorke whervnto he was called And this place witnesseth by vvhom he was taught by what meanes he came to the knowledge of the Gospell and to his Apostleship VVhen it pleased God saith he As if he would say I haue not deserued it because I was zealous for the lawe of God without iudgement nay rather this foolish and wicked zeale stirred me vp that God so permitting I fell hedlong into more abhominable and outragious sinnes I persecuted the church of God I was an enemy of Christ I blasphemed his Gospell and to conclude I was the author of sheding much innocent bloud This was my desert In the middest of this cruell rage I was called to so great inestimable grace What was it because of this outragious cruelty No forsoth But the aboundant grace of God who calleth and sheweth mercy to whom he will pardoned and forgaue me all these blasphemies and for these my horrible sinnes which then I thought to be perfect righteousnes an acceptable seruice vnto God he gaue vnto me his grace the knowledge of his truth and called me to be an Apostle We also are come at this day to the knowledge of grace by the self same merits I crucified Christ daily in my monkesh life and blasphemed God through my false faith wherin I then continually liued Outwardly I was not as other men extorcioners vniust whoremongers but I kept chastitie pouerty and obedience Moreouer I was farre from the cares of this present life I was onely geuen to fasting watching praying saying of Masse and such like Notwithstāding in the meane time I fostred vnder this cloked holines and trust in mine owne righteousnes continuall mistrust doubtfulnes feare hatred and blasphemy against god And this my righteousnes was nothing els but a stinking puddle and a pleasant kingdome of the Deuil For Sathan loueth such Saincts and accomteth them for his deare darlings who destroy their owne bodies and soules and depriue themselues of all the blessings of Gods gifts In the meane time notwithstanding wickednes blindnes contempt of God ignorance of the gospel prophanation of the sacraments blaspheming and treading of Christ vnder foote and abuse of all the benefits and gifts of God raigne in them at the full To conclude such Saincts are the bondslaues of Sathan and therefore are driuen to speake thinke and doe whatsoeuer he will although outwardly they seeme to excell all others in good works in holines and streitnes of life Such were we vnder the Popedome verely no lesse if not more contumelious and blasphemous against Christ and his Gospell then Paule himself and especially I for I did
righteousnes in deede Paule setteth against the righteousnes of the law As if he sayd Be it so that the law is an heauenly doctrine and hath also his glory yet notwithstanding it loued not me nor gaue it selfe for me yea it accuseth me terrifieth me and driueth me to desperation But I haue now an other which hath deliuered me from the terrours of the law sinne and death and hath brought me vnto libertie the righteousnes of God and eternall life who is called the sonne of God to whom be praise and glory for euermore Faith therefore as I haue said embraceth and wrappeth in it selfe Christ Iesus the sonne of God deliuered to death for vs as Paule here teacheth who being apprehended by faith geueth vnto vs righteousnes and life And here he setteth out most liuely the Priesthode and offices of Christ which are to pacifie God to make intercession for sinners to offer vppe him selfe a sacrifice for their sinnes to redeme to instruct and to comfort them Let vs learne therefore to geue a true definition of Christ not as the Scholedoctours do and such as seeke righteousnes by their owne workes which make him a new law-geuer who abolishing the olde lawe hath established a newe To these Christ is nothing else but an exactor and a tyranne but let vs define him as Paule here doth namely that he is the sonne of God who not for our desert or any righteousnes of ours but of his owne free mercie offered vppe him selfe a sacrifice for vs sinners that he might sanctifie vs for euer Christ then is no Moses no exactor no geuer of lawes but a geuer of grace a Sauiour and one that is full of mercie briefly he is nothing else but infinite mercie and goodnes freely geuen and bountifully geuing vnto vs And thus shall you paint out Christ in his right coloures If you suffer him to be painted out to you any otherwise then thus when tentation and trouble cometh you shall soone be ouerthrowne Nowe as it is the greatest knowledge and cunning that Christians cā haue thus to define Christ so of all things it is the most hardest For I my selfe euen in this great light of the Gospell wherein I haue bene so long exercised haue much a doe to hold this definition of Christ which Paule here geueth So depely hath this doctrine and pestilent opinion that Christ is a lawgeuer entred in me euen as it were oyle into my boanes Ye yong men therefore are in this case much more happie then we that are olde For ye are not infected with these pernicious errours wherein I haue bene so nusled and so drowned euen from my youth that at the very hearing of the name of Christ my heart hath trēbled and quaked for feare for I was perswaded that he was a seuere iudge Wherefore it is to me a double trauaile trouble to correct and reforme this euill First to forget to condemne and to withstand this olde grounded errour that Christ is a lawgeuer and a Iudge for it often returneth and plucketh me backe Then to plant in my heart a new a true perswasion of Christ that he is a iustifier a Sauiour Ye I say that are yong may learne with much lesse difficultie to know Christ purely and sincerely if ye will. Wherfore if any man feele him selfe oppressed with heauines and anguish of heart he must not impute it vnto Christ although it come vnder the name of Christ but vnto the Deuill who oftentimes cometh vnder the colour of Christ and transformeth himselfe into an Angell of light Let vs learne therefore to put a difference betwene Christ and a lawgeuer not only in word but in practise in deede also that when the Deuil shal come vnder the shadow of Christ shal go about to trouble vs vnder his name we may know him not to be Christ but a very feend in deede For Christ when he cometh is nothing else but ioy and sweetenes to a trembling and broken heart as here Paule witnesseth who setteth him out with this most sweete louing title when he saith vvhich loued me and gaue him selfe for me Christ therefore in very deede is a louer of those which are in bitternes of minde sinne death and such a louer as gaue him selfe for them who is also our high priest that is to say a mediatour betwene God vs wretched sinners What could be sayd I pray you more sweete or comfortable to the poore afflicted conscience Now if these things be true as they are in deede most true or else the Gospell must be nothing else but a fable then are we not iustified by the righteousnes of the lawe and much lesse by our owne righteousnes Read therefore with diligent attention and with great vehemencie these wordes Me and for me and so practise with thy selfe that thou maist well conceaue and print this Me in thy heart and applie it vnto thy selfe with a stedfast faith not doubting but thou art of the number of those to whom this Me belongeth Also that Christ hath not onely loued Peter and Paule and geuen him selfe for them but that the same grace also which is comprehended in this Me doth as well pertaine and extend vnto vs as vnto them For as we can not denie but that we are all sinners and are constrained to say that through the sinne of Adam we were all lost were made the enemies of God subiect to the wrath and iudgement of God and giltie of eternall death for this doe all terrified heartes feele and confesse and more in deede then they should do so can we not denie but that Christ died for our sinnes that he might make vs righteous For he died not to iustifie the righteous but the vnrighteous and to make them the children of God and inheritours of all spirituall heauenly gifts Therfore when I feele confesse my selfe to be a sinner through Adams trāsgression why should I not say that I am made righteous through the righteousnes of Christ especially whē I heare that he loued me gaue himselfe for me This did Paule most stedfastly beleue therfore he speaketh these wordes with so great a vehemencie and full assurance Which he graunt vnto vs in some part at the least who hath loised vs and geuen him selfe for vs. Verse 21. I doe not abrogate or reiect the grace of God Now he prepareth a way to the second argument of this epistle And here ye must diligently consider that to seeke to be iustified by the workes of the law is to reiect the grace of god But I pray you what sinne cā be more execrable or horrible then to reiect the grace of God and to refuse that righteousnes which cometh by Christ It is enough and to much already that we are wicked sinners and transgressours of all the commaundements of God and yet we commit moreouer the most execrable sinne of all sinnes in that
but for that he receaued them being committed or done of vs and layed them vpon his owne bodie that he might make satisfaction for them with his owne bloude Therefore this generall sentence of Moses comprehendeth him also albeit in his owne person he was innocente because it found him amongest sinners and transgressours Like as the magistrate taketh him for a theefe punisheth him whom he findeth amonge other theeues and transgressours though he neuer committed any thinge worthy of death Nowe Christ was not onely founde amonge sinners but of his owne accorde and by the will of his father he woulde also be a companion of sinners takinge vpon him the flesh and bloud of those which were sinners theeues and plunged in all kindes of sinne When the lawe therefore founde him among theeues it condemned and killed him as a theefe The Sophisters and Scholemen doe spoile vs of this knowledge of Christe and moste heauenly comforte namely that Christe was made a Curse to the ende he might deliuer vs from the Curse of the lawe when they separate him from sinnes and sinners and onely sette him out vnto vs as an example to be followed By this meanes they make Christ not onely vnprofitable vnto vs but also a Iudge and a Tyraunte which is angry with our sinnes and condemneth sinners But we must as well wrappe Christ and knowe him to be wrapped in our sinnes in our malediction in our death and in all our euils as he is wrapped in our flesh and in our bloud But some man will say It is very obsurde and sclaunderous to call the Sonne of God a cursed sinner I aunswere If thou wilt denye him to be a sinner and to be accursed deny also that he was crucified and died For it is no lesse absurde to say that the Sonne of God as our faith confesseth and beleeueth was crucified and suffered the paines of sinne and death then to say that he is a sinner and accursed But if it be not absurde to confesse and beleue that Christ was crucified betwene two theeues then is it not absurde to saye also that he was accursed and of all sinners the greatest These wordes of Paule are not spoken in vaine Christ vvas made a Curse for vs God made Christ vvhich knevve no sinne to become sinne for vs that vve in him might be made the righteousnes of god 2. Cor. 5. After the same maner Iohn the Baptist calleth him The Lambe of God vvhich taketh avvay the sinnes of the vvorlde He verely is innocente because he is the vnspotted and vndefiled Lambe of god But because he beareth the sinnes of the worlde his innocencie is charged with the sinnes and gilte of the whole worlde Whatsoeuer sinnes I thou and we all haue done or shall doe hereafter they are Christes owne sinnes as verely as if he him selfe had done them To be briefe our sinne must needes become Christes owne sinne or els we shall perish for euer This true knowledge of Christ which Paule and the Prophetes haue moste plainely deliuerede vnto vs the wicked Scholemen and Sophisters haue darkened and defaced Esay in the .53 chapter speaketh thus of Christ God saith he laid the iniquitie of vs all vpon him We must not make these wordes lesse then they are but leaue them in their owne proper signification For God dallieth not in the wordes of the Prophet but speaketh earnestly of greate loue to wit that Christ this Lambe of God shoulde beare the sinnes of vs all But what is it to beare The Sophisters aūswere to be punished Wery well But wherfore is Christ punished It is not because he hath sinne and beareth sinne Nowe that Christe hath sinne the holy Ghoste witnesseth in the 40. Psalme My sinnes haue taken suche holde of me that I am not able to looke vppe yea they are more in number then the heares of my heade In this psalme and certaine others the holy Ghost speaketh in the person of Christe and in plaine wordes wittenesseth that he had sinnes For this testimonie is not the voice of an innocent Christ but of a suffering Christ which tooke vpon him to beare the person of all sinners and therefore was made giltie of the sinnes of the whole worlde Wherefore Christ was not onely crucified and died but sinne also through the diuine loue was laide vpon him When sinne was layed vpon him then cometh the lawe and saith euery sinner must dye Therefore O Christ if thou wilt aunswere become giltie and suffer punishment for sinners thou must also beare sinne and malediction Paule therefore doth very well alleadge this generall sentence out of Moses as concerning Christ Euery one that hangeth vpon the tree is the accursed of God but Christ hath hanged vpon the tree therefore Christ is the accursed of God. And this is a singular consolation for all Christians so to cloth Christ with our sinnes and to wrappe him in my sinnes thy sinnes and in the sinnes of the whole world and so to beholde him bearing all our iniquities For the beholdinge of him after this manner shall easilie vanquish all the fantasticall opinions of the Papistes concerning the iustification of workes For they doe imagine as I haue sayde a certaine faith formed and adorned with charitie By this say they sinnes are taken away and mē are iustified before God. And what is this els I pray you but to vnwrappe Christ and to strip him quite out of our sinnes to make him innocente and to charge and ouerwhelme our selues with our owne sinnes and to looke vpon them not in Christ but in our selues Yea what is this els but to take Christ cleane away and to make him vtterly vnprofitable vnto vs For if it be so that we put away sinne by the workes of the law and charitie then Christ taketh them not away For if he be the Lambe of God ordained from the beginning to take away the sinnes of the world and moreouer if he be so wrapped in our sinnes that he be became accursed for vs it must needes followe that we can not be iustified by workes For God hath laide our sinnes not vpon vs but vpon his Sonne Christ that he bearing the punishment thereof might be our peace and that by his stripes we might be healed Therefore they can not be taken away by vs To this all the Scripture beareth witnesse and we also doe confesse the same in the Articles of the Christian beleefe when we say I beleue in Iesus Christ the Sonne of God which suffered was crucified and died for vs. Hereby it appeareth that the doctrine of the Gospel which of all other is most sweete and ful of singular consolations speaketh nothing of our workes or of the workes of the lawe but of the inestimable mercy and loue of God towardes vs most wretched and miserable sinners to witte that our most mercifull father seeing vs to be oppressed and ouerwhelmed with
promise made vnto Abraham In thy seede shall all nations be blessed might so be fulfilled Therfore by no other meanes could this be done that is here promised but that Iesus Christ must needes become a Curse and ioyne him selfe to those that were accursed that so he might take away the Curse from them and through his Blessing might bring vnto them righteousnes and life And here marke as I haue also forewarned you that this word Blessing is not in vaine as the Iewes dreame who expoūd it to be but a salutation by word of mouth or by wryting But Paule entreateth here of sinne and righteousnes of death and life before god He speaketh therefore of inestimable and incomprehensible things when he sayth that the Blessing of Abraham might come vpon the Gentiles through Iesus Christ Ye see moreouer what merits we bring by what meanes we obtain this Blessing This is the merite of Congruence worthines these are the works preparatiue wherby we obtain this righteousnes that Christ Iesus was made a Curse for vs For we are ignorant of God enemies of God dead in sinne accursed and what is our desert then What can he deserue that is accursed ignorāt of God dead in sinnes and subiect to the wrath iudgement of God When the Pope excōmunicateth a man whatsoeuer he doth is counted accursed How much more then may we say that he is accursed before God as all we are before we know Christ which doth nothing else but cursed things Wherefore there is no other way to auoide the Curse but to beleue and with assured confidēce to say Thou Christ art my sinne my Curse or rather I am thy sinne thy Curse thy death thy wrath of God thy hell and contrariwise thou arte my righteousnes my Blessing my life my grace of God and my heauen For the text sayeth plainely Christe is made a Curse for vs. Therefore we are the cause that he was made a Curse nay rather we are his Curse This is an excellent place full of spiritual consolation albeit it satisfie not the blind hard harted Iewes yet it satisfieth vs that are baptised and haue receaued this doctrine and concludeth most mightely that we are blessed through the Curse the sinne the death of Christ that is to say we are iustified and quickned vnto life So long as sinne death and the Curse do abide in vs sinne terrifieth death killeth and the Curse condemneth vs But when these are translated and laid vpon Christes backe then are these euils made his owne and his good thinges are made ours Let vs therefore learne in all tentations to translate sinne death the Curse and all euils which oppresse vs from our selues vnto Christ and againe from him vnto our selues righteousnes mercy life and blessing For he beareth all our euils vpon him God the father cast the iniquities of vs all as Esay the Prophet saith vpon him And he hath taken them vpon him willingly for he was not giltie But this he did that he might fulfill the will of his father by the which we are made holy for euer This is that infinite and vnmeasurable mercy of God which Paule would gladly amplifie with all eloquence and plentie of wordes but the slender capacitie of mans heart can not comprehende and much lesse vtter that vnsearchable deapth and burning zeale of Gods loue towards vs And verely the inestimable greatnes of Gods mercy not only engendreth an hardnes to beleue but also incredulitie it selfe For I doe not onely heare that almightie God the creatour and maker of all things is good and merciful but also that the same high souereigne Maiestie was so careful for me a damnable sinner a child of wrath and of euerlasting death that he spared not his owne deare Sonne but deliuered him to a most opprobrious and shamefull death that he hāging betwene two theeues might be made a Curse and sinne for me a cursed sinner that I might be made blessed that is to say the childe and heire of god Who can sufficiently praise and magnify this exceeding great goodnes of God Not all the Angels in heauen Therfore the doctrine of the Gospell the booke of God speaketh of farre other matters then any booke of policie or philosophie yea or the booke of Moses himselfe to wit of the vnspeakeable and most diuine giftes of God which farre passe the capacitie and vnderstanding both of men and Angels Verse 14. That vve might receaue the promise of the spirite through faith This is a phrase of the Hebrewes The promise of the spirite that is to say the spirite promised Now the spirite is freedom from the law sinne death the Curse hel and from the wrath and iudgement of god Here is no merite or worthines of ours but a free promise and a gifte geuen through the Seede of Abraham that we may be free from all euils and obtaine all good things whatsoeuer And this libertye gift of the spirite we receiue not by any other merites then by Faith alone For that onely taketh holde of the promise of God as Paule plainly sayth in this place that vve might receaue the promise of the spirite not by vvorkes but by Faith. This is in dede a sweete and a true Apostolike doctrine which sheweth that those things are fulfilled for vs now geuen to vs which many Prophets Kings desired to see to heare And such like places as this one is were gathered together out of diuers sayings of the Prophets which forsaw long before in spirite that all things should be chaūged repaired and gouerned by this man Christe Therfore the Iewes hauing the law of God did notwithstanding besides that law looke for Christ None of the Prophets or gouernours of the people of God did make any new lawe but Elias Samuel Dauid all the other Prophets did abide vnder the law of Moses they did not appoint any new tables or a new kingdom priesthode for that new chaunge of the kingly priesthoode of the law the worship was referred kept to him only of whom Moises had prophesied longe before The Lord thy God shal raise vp a Prophet vnto thee of thine ovvne nation and from among thy brethren Him shalt thou heare As if he should say Thou shalt heare him onely and none besides him This the Fathers well vnderstode for none could teach greater and higher poynts then Moises him selfe who made excellent lawes of high and great matters as are the ten commaundemēts especially the first commaundement I am the Lord thy God Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith all thy heart c. This law concerning the loue of God doth comprehend the very Angels also Therfore it is the headspring of all diuine wisedom And yet was it necessary notwithstanding that an other teacher should come that is to say
rent in peeces this beast which is called the opinion of righteousnes Therefore sayeth God by Ieremie his Prophet My vvorde is a hammer breaking rockes For as long as the opinion of righteousnes abideth in man so long there abideth also in him incomprehensible pride presumption securitie hatred of God contempt of grace and mercie ignorance of the promises and of Christe The preaching of free remission of sinnes through Christ can not enter in to the heart of such a one neither can he feele any taste or sauour thereof For that mightie rocke and adamant wall to witte the opinion of righteousnes wherwith the heart is enuironed doth resist it As therefore the opinion of righteousnes is a great and an horrible monster a rebellious obstinate and stiffenecked beast so for the destroying and ouerthrowing thereof God hath neede of a mightie hammer that is to say the lawe which then is in his proper vse and office when it accuseth and discouereth sinne after this sort Beholde thou hast transgressed all the commaundementes of god c and so it striketh a terrour into the conscience so that it feeleth God to be offended and angrie in deede and it selfe to be giltie of eternall death Here the pore afflicted sinner feeleth the intolerable burden of the lawe and is beaten downe euen to desperation so that now being oppressed with great anguish and terrour he desireth death or else seeketh to destroy him selfe Wherefore the lawe is that hammer that fier that mightie strong winde and that terrible earthquake renting the mountaines breaking the rocks that is to say the proud and obstinate hypocrites Elias not being able to abide these terrours of the law which by these things are signified couered his head with his mantell Notwithstanding when that tempest ceased of which he was a beholder there came a soft and a gracious wind in the which the Lord was But it behoued that the tempest of fire of winde and the earthquake should passe before the Lord should reueale him selfe in that gracious winde This terrible shewe and maiestie wherin God gaue his lawe in Mount Sina did represent the vse of the lawe There was in the people of Israel which came out of Egypt a singular holines They gloried and said VVe are the people of God vve vvil doe all those things vvhich the Lord our God hath commaunded Moreouer Moises did sanctifie the people and badde them wash their garments refraine frō their wiues and prepare them selues against the third day There was not one of them but he was full of holine●●● The third day Moises bringeth the people out of their tentes to t● t●●●●rtaine into the sight of the Lord that they might heare his voice W●●●●owed then When the children of Israell did see the horrible shew of the Mount smoking and burning the blacke cloudes and the lightnings flashing vppe and downe in this horrible darknes heard the sound of the trūpet blowing long and waxing lowder and lowder and moreouer when they heard the thundrings and lightnings they were afraid and standing a farre of they say vnto Moises VVe vvill doe all things vvillingly so that the Lord speake not vnto vs lest that vve die and this great fier consume vs Teach thou vs and vve vvill hearken vnto thee I pray you what did their purifying their holines their white garmentes and refraining from their wiues profite them Nothing at all There was not one of them that could abide this presence of the Lord in his Maiestie and glory but all being amazed and shaken with terrour fledde backe as if they had bene driuen by the Deuill For God is a cōsuming fier in whose sight no flesh is able to stand The law of God therfore hath properly and peculiarly that office which it had then in Mount Sina when it was first geuen and was first heard of them that were washed righteous purified and chast and yet notwithstanding it brought that holy people into such a knowledge of their owne misery that they were throwne downe euen to death and desperation No puritie nor holines could then helpe them but there was in them such a feeling of their owne vncleanes vnworthines sin and of the iudgement and wrath of God that they fled from the sight of the Lord and could not abide to heare his voice VVhat flesh vvas there euer sayd they that heard the voice of the liuing God speaking out of the middes of the fier and yet liued This day haue vve seene that God talketh vvith man and yet he liueth They speake nowe farre otherwise then they did a litle before when they said We are the holy people of God whom the Lord hath chosen for his owne peculiar people before all the nations vppon that earth We will doe all things which the Lord hath spoken So it hapneth at length to all Iusticiaries who being drunken with the opinion of their owne righteousnes doe thinke when they are out of tentation that they are beloued of God and that God regardeth their vowes their fastings their prayers their wilworks and that for the same he must geue vnto them a singuler crowne in heauen But when that thundring lightning fier and that hammer which breaketh in peeces the rockes that is to say the law of God commeth suddenly vpon them reuealing vnto them their sinne the wrath iudgement of God then the selfe same thing hapneth vnto them which hapned to the Iewes standing at the foote of Mount Sina Here I admonish all such as feare God and specially such as shal become teachers of others hereafter that they diligently learne out of Paule to vnderstand the true and proper vse of the law which I feare after our time wil be troden vnder foote vtterly abolished by the enemies of the truth For euen now whiles we are yet liuing and employ all our diligence to set forth the office and vse both of the lawe and the Gospel notwithstanding there be very few yea euen among those which will be counted Christians and make a profession of the Gospel with vs that vnderstand these things rightly as they should doe What think ye then shall come to passe when we are dead and gone I speake nothing of the Anabaptists of the new Arrians and such other vaine spirites who are no lesse ignorant of these matters then are the Papists although they talke neuer so much to the contrary For they are reuolted from the pure doctrine of the Gospell to lawes and traditions and therfore they teach not Christ They bragge and they sweare that they seeke nothing else but the glory of Christe and the saluation of their brethern and that they teach the word of God purely but in very deede they corrupt it and wrest it to an other sense so that they make it too sound according to their owne imagination Therfore vnder the name of Christe they teach nothing else but their
Here is no colouring or new outward shew but a thing done in deede Here is created an other sense and an other iudgement that is to say altogether spirituall which abhorreth those things that before it greatly estemed The Mōkish life and Order did so bewitch vs in time past that we thought there was no other way to saluation But now we iudge of it farre otherwise We are now ashamed of those things which we adored as most heauēly and holy before we were regenerate into this new creature Wherfore the chaunging of garments other outward things is not a new creature as the Monkes dreame but it is the renewing of the minde by the holy Ghost after the which foloweth a chaunge of the members and senses of the whole body For when the heart hath conceaued a new light a new iudgement and new motions through the Gospell it commeth to passe that the inward senses are also renewed for the eares desire to heare the word of God and not the traditiōs and dreames of men The mouth and tounge doe not vaunt of their owne works righteousnes and Rules but they set forth the mercy of God onely offered vnto vs in Christ These chaunges consist not in words but are effectuall and bring a new spirit a new will new senses new operations of the flesh so that the eyes eares mouth and tounge doe not onely see heare and speake otherwise than they did before but the minde also approueth loueth and foloweth an other thing than it did before For before being blinded with popish errours and darknes it imagined God to be a marchaūt who would sell vnto vs his grace for our works and merites But now in the light of the Gospell it assureth vs that we are counted righteous by faith onely in Christ Therfore it now reiecteth all wilworkes and accomlisheth the workes of charitie of our vocation cōmaunded by god It praiseth magnifieth God it reioyceth and glorieth in the only trust and confidence of Gods mercy through Iesus Christ If it must suffer any trouble or affliction it endureth the same cherefully and gladly although the flesh repine and grudge thereat This Paule calleth a new creature Verse 16. And to as many as vvalke according to this rule peace be vpon them and mercy This he addeth as a conclusion This is the onely and true rule wherin we ought to walke namely the new creature which is neither circumcision nor vncircumcision but the new man created vnto the image of God in righteousnes true holines which inwardly is righteous in the spirite and outwardly is holy and cleane in the flesh The Monkes haue a righteousnes and holines but it is hypocriticall and wicked because they hope not to be iustified by onely faith in Christe but by the keping of their Rule Moreouer although outwardly they counterfet an holines and refraine their eyes handes tounge other members from euill yet they haue an vncleane heart ful of filthy lust enuie wrath lecherie idolatrie contempt and hatred of God blasphemie against Christe c. for they are most spitefull and cruell enemies of the truth Wherefore the Rule and religion of the Monkes is most wicked and accursed of God. But this rule whereof Paule speaketh in this place is blessed by the which we liue in the Faith of Christe and are made newe creatures that is to say righteous and holy in deede by the holy ghost without any colouring or coūterfetting To them which walke after this rule belongeth peace that is the fauour of God forgeuenes of sinnes quietnes of conscience and mercy that is to say helpe in afflictions and pardon of the remnantes of sinne which remaine in our flesh Yea although they which walke after this rule be ouertaken with any sinne yet for that they are the children of grace and peace mercy vpholdeth them so that their sinne and fall shall not be layd vnto their charge Verse 16. And vpon the Israel of God. Here he toucheth the false apostles and Iewes which gloried of their fathers bragged that they were the people of God that they had the lawe c. As if he sayd They are the Israel of God which with faithfull Abraham beleue the promises of God offered already in Christ whether they be Iewes or Gentiles and not they which are begotten of Abraham Isaac and Iacob after the flesh This matter is largely handled before in the third Chapter Verse 17. From hence forth let no man put me to busines He concludeth his Epistle with a certaine indignation As if he sayd I haue faithfully taught the Gospel as I haue receaued it by the reuelation of Iesus Christ Who so will not folow it let him folowe what he will so that hereafter he trouble me no more At a word this is my censure that Christe which I haue preached is the onely high Priest and Sauiour of the world Therefore either lette the world walke according to this rule of which I haue spoken here thorough out all this Epistle or else let it perish for euer Verse 17. For I beare in my body the markes of the Lord Iesus This is the true meaning of this place The markes that be in my body doe shew well enough whose seruaunt I am If I sought to please men requiring circumcision the keeping the law as necessary to saluation and reioysing in your flesh as the false apostles doe I needed not to beare these markes in my body But because I am the seruaunt of Iesus Christe and walke after a true rule that is I openly teach and confesse that no man can obtaine the fauour of God righteousnes and saluation but by Christe alone therfore it behoueth me to beare the badges of Christe my Lord which be not markes of mine owne procuring but are laid vppon me against my will by the world and the Deuill for none other cause but for that I preach Iesus to be Christe He calleth therefore the stripes and sufferings which he did beare in his body markes also the fierie dartes of the Deuill anguish and terrour of spirite c. Of these sufferings he maketh mention euery where in his Epistles As Luke also doth in the Acts. I thinke sayth he that God hath sette forth vs the last Apostles as men appoynted to death For vve are made a gasing stocke vnto the vvorld and to the aungels and to men Againe Vnto this houre vve both hunger and thirst and are naked and are buffeted and haue no certaine dvvelling place and labour vvorking vvith our ovvne handes VVe are reuiled vve are persecuted vve are euill spoken of vve are made as the filth of the vvorld the ofscouring of all things Also in an other place In much patience in afflictions in necessities in distresses in stripes in prisonmentes in tumultes in labours by vvatchings by fastings c. And againe In labours more aboundant in stripes aboue
iust doth liue by faith The differēce betvvene a true and a false faith The formed faith of the Scholemen True faith before God. Faith only taketh holde of Christ The lavv teacheth loue Deut. 6.5 Mat. 22.37 Mar. 12.29 Exod. 20.6 Mat. 22.40 The beleuing man obtaineth righteousnes and euerlasting life vvith out the lavve and charitie The promise and the lavv faith and vvorks are separate the one from the other The lavv Faith. They that doe the lavv morally The righteousnes of the lavv Galat. 3 1● The righteousnes of faith Verse 11. The office of the lavv and the office of faith Fides formata Fides informis Fides acquisita such other are cursed and monstrous termes deuised by the Papistes The office of the lavve VVhere is he that doth the lavve The office of faith Rom. 10. ● Rom. 10.4 Christ the end of the lavv Galat. 4.4 5. The Godly do the lavve 1. Cor. 11.11 VVhen faith hath an ond● VVho they are that Paule calleth righteous To doe the lavve A double vse of the lavve The imaginatiō of Ierome vnderstanding Paule as though he spake of the lavv but morally and as it is separate from faith A picture of al Hypocrites Mat 15.9 Rom. 7.23 Remnauntes of sinne in the Sainctes and in the elect of God. Deut●● ●1 ●5 Deut. 3● ●5 Christ bearing the curse not for himselfe VVhat this vvorde for us importeth Christ tooke vpon him the person of a transgressour and therefore must be hanged Esay 53.12 Christ the greatest sinner of all others because he bare the sinnes of the vvhole vvorld Esay 53.5 Mat. 8 17. 1. Pet. 2. ●● Christ tooke our sinnes vpon him VVhat incommodities follovve of the doctrine of the Scholemē Christ must be vvrapped as vvell in our sinnes as in our flesh and bloud An obiection that Christ ought not to be called a Curse Christ is made a Curse and become sinne for vs 2. Cor. 5. ● Io. 1.29 Christ the Lambe of God 1. Pet. 2.22 Our sinne must become Christes ovvne sinne Esay 53.6 Psal. 40 1● A singular cōsolation of the faithfull * He alludeth to the brasen Serpent The faith of the Papistes formed and made perfect vvith charity Our sinnes are taken avvay by Christ alone Of vvhat pointes the doctrine of the Gospell encreateth The lavv hath accused and killed Christ The article of iustification * This opposition called Antithesis is a comparing and matching of tvvo contraties together 1. Cor. 15.57 A maruelous com●ate betvvene sinne and righteousnes in Christ Righteousnes Sinne. Righteousnes the conquerour of sinne The combate betvvene life and death The conquered life the vanquisher of death Hoseas 13.34 The conflict of the curse vvith the blessing Christ the ouercommer of the Curse Colos 2.15 In him selfe Sinne and death abolished to all beleuers Io. 5.40 They that deny the article of the Diuiniti of Christ deny also the article of redēption They become Turkes and Gentiles vvhich denie the Diuinitie of Christ Christ God by nature The blindnes and vvickednes of the Papistes The harnesse of Christians ▪ set out Ephes 6. The vvorke of God to abolish death and to geue life 2. Pet. 2. ●1 Luke 11.26 VVhat maner of doctrine the doctrine of the Gospell i● Christ tooke our sinnes of his ovvne accord and therfore it behoued him to be made a Curse for them Philip. 2.7 Faith onely layeth holde vpon the victory of Christe The Deuil and heretikes lie in vvait to deceaue the Godly I beleue that there is an holy Church The vveaknes of the godly VVhat the Sophisters thinke of Christe Esay 5● To the beleuers sinne and death are aboli●hed The remnants of sinne dead in the saincts Christ hath redemed vs frō the Curse therfore not the lavve By nature vve are all vnder the Curse but Christ hath redemed al that beleue in him All men yea the most holy remaine vnder the Curse vvithout Christ Hovve Christ is truely knovven 2. Cor. 5.25 Christ is made a Curse and sinne for vs. All the curses of the lavve be laid vpon Christ This is a most sure argumēt taken out of the vvhole lavve Paule diligently vvayeth this sentence of Genesis In thy seede c. All nations The Ievves attained not to righteousnes through the lavve Rom. 10. In thy seede Christ became accursed that he might blesse all nations Hovv the nations vvere deliuered frō the Curse In one person Christ ioyneth God and mā together Hypocrites are offended at the doctrin of the gospell Psa 88.15.16 The true mysteries The Fathers of the old Testament reioyced more of the benefite of Christ then vve doe The proper office of Apostles The blessing geuen vnto the Gentiles by Christe The vvorde Blessing Our desert vvherby vve obtaine the Blessing The vvay hovv to escape the Curse Our sinnes are cast vpon Christ and his righteousnes is geuen vnto vs. The mercy of God tovvards sinners vnspeakeable The greatnes of Gods mercy is so exceeding that it can scant be beleued Of vvhat things the Gospell entreateth The promise of the spirite The nature of Faith. Verse 14. VVhat maner of doctrine the Apostolicall doctrine is The chaunge of things reserrued to Christ alone Exod. ●0 The first commaundement the spring of all the vvisedom of God. Humaine things must be confirmed by diuine things and not contrarivvise diuine things by humaine things An argument taken from Gods creatures holdeth The often vse of similitudes in the holy scriptures Math. 7.11 Rom 13. Ierems 3● 16 VVhen arguing from huma●ne things is of force VVhen it is not of force Our loue is corrupted The testament of a mā is not chaunged Gods Testament is chaūged A Testament or last vvill is confirmed by the death of him that maketh it The Testamēt of God ought to be kept vvith greater fidelitie then mans Testament The Testamēt o● last VVill of God. VVho are the destroyers of Gods Testament The nature of hypocrites Paule calleth the promise a Testament The Testamēt of man is a shadovve of Gods Testament Christ the Seede promised to Abraham An obiectiō of the Ievves Paule confuteth the obiection of the Ievves VVhy the lavv is added to the promise The letters he calleth the vvritten vvill or Testament The promise is confirmed by the lavve therefore not abolished VVhat discommoditie should follovve if the lavve should abolish the promise The lavv doth not abrogate the promise but Faith laying hold vpon the promise doth abrogate the lavv The vvritten lavve A Similitude Abrahā vvas not made righteous by the lavve for vvhen he liued ther vvas no lavve VVhat maner of arguments Paule vseth The lavv and the promise must be distinguished Both the lavv and the promise must haue their ovvne proper places appoynted vnto them VVhat incommodities follovve of the mingling of the lavve and the promise together The promise must not be confounded vvith the lavve The argument touching the promise The office of the lavve Galat. 3 1● Galat. 3.10 1. Cor. 15.56 Verse 14. A difference