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A05792 A Beautifull baybush to shrowd us from the sharp shovvers of sinne containing many notable prayers and meditations, being very profitable for all true Christians that delight to laud the Lord. Wolfe, John. 1610 (1610) STC 1599.7; ESTC S5176 64,350 324

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when my weary daies O Lord shall draw to an end in leauing this life and earthly pilgrimage graunt me a strong and stedfast faith with speech and memorie euen to the end that so departing in peace I may rest with thee for euer Amen A prayer to be saide in any kinde of affliction ETernall God and father of all mercies I humbly beseech thée to bow down thine eares hearken vnto me poore sinner whose state is weake and feeble because of thy heauy displeasure but I confesse and acknowledge that it is a iust reward for my iniquities committed against thee respect me neuerthelesse in thy mercie and thinke not vpon my transgressions deliuer my soule endue me with all spirituall graces and consolation and continually keepe me in true faith and humble obedience towards thee neither let me murmure at thy chastisements but with patience endure thy correction it is in thée to deale with me at thy pleasure since thou createdst me of dust and slime of the earth and gauest me life and breath in my mothers wombe Wherfore O Lord I beseech thee suffer me not to be tempted aboue my strength neither yet to be holden downe with greater afflictions then my weak nature is able to endure but rather a●cording to thy tender mercie support and relieue me that neither the flesh the world nor the diuell triumph in my weakenes giue me a feeling of thy mercies that thy graces neuer depart from me and when it pleaseth thee O Lord to bring to an end this miserable life graunt that I may with humble obedience towards thee and perfect faith in thy diuine promises neglect the state of this wretched world and rest with thee O Lord my God in that euerlasting kingdome which thou hast prepared for thy elect from the beginning of the world where I shall continually yeild praises vnto thee together with all the host of heauen for euer and euer Amen A prayer of thanksgiuing to God for his benefits COntinue thy goodnesse stil towards me O Lord that I may daily haue occasion to extoll thy praises for great cause doe I already retaine to land thy glorious name for euer because thou alone act my ioy and saluation and the strong citie whereunto I alwaies flie for succour thou hast euer bene my rocke and tower of defence open now therefore the gate of righteousnesse that I poore sinner may enter therin as one of thy children so shall I be preserued in peace I haue alwaies put my trust in thee stregthen me therefore I beseech thee with thy holy spirit and as thou art altogether righteous and iust so vouchsafe to instruct me in the path wherein I ought to walke for my soule reioyceth in thy truth and desireth thee in the night season yea and my spirit shall seeke thee in the morning how mercifully dost thou nourish thy people and how glorious doest thou make thy elect when I was in distresse I called vpon thee and when thou diddest chastise me I poured forth my prayers and thou like a louing Lord diddest shew mercy on me according to thy great kindenesse O deare father my soule now replenished with griefe because of my sinnes desireth to be receiued into thy eternall rest I was dead putrified through my sinnes and enuironed with dispaire because of my fall but thou of thy goodnesse diddest yeeld reliefe vnto me and made me aliue againe yea thou hast eleuated my soule out of the darknesse of death and ministred light vnto me that I might regard my footesteps thou hast vpholden my life from daungers and preferred me against the enuious mindes of the wicked thou hast defended me from such as rose vp against m● and sent me reliefe in my greatest necessitie yea thou hast plenteously indued me with all things and giuen me a tast of thy goodnesse Wherfore O most merciful God assist me with thy holy spirit that I neuer be vnmindfull of thy mercies but may extol thy glorious name for euer and euer Amen A prayer to be vsed before a man doth begin to trauell or take any iourney in hand REspect me thy vnworthie seruant O Lord with the eye of thy mercie for on thee dependeth my saluation and there is none but thou alone can bring sufficient reliefe and succour vnto my afflicted spirit Wherfore O God be mercifull vnto me and rule my heart in thy faith feare and loue with a carefull keeping of thy commaundements guide thou my footesteps O God and gouerne me with thy mightie hand that I fall not into the pit of destruction assist me with thy grace and holy spirit that I may both discerne and reiect those thinges that are contrary to thy law and saue me O God from the cruelty of such as seeke to oppresse my soule send me knowledge from aboue that I may conceiue rightly of thy heauenly mysteries and teach me O Lord so to order my life that acording to the precise rule of thy holy word and deuine precepts I may daily proceede in newnesse of life to the honor and glorie of thy name Indue me with all spirituall graces to stand against the subtile assaults and temptatious of my ghostly enemies that I may neuer quaile by his tirannie but giue him his finall repulse and vtter ouerthrow be thou my protector and defender most louing father that in all my waies I may be safely directed by thy mighty prouidence for thou art my refuge in all my troubles and in thy mercie will I stay my selfe for euer and my hope shall still rest in thee O God that liuest for euer A prayer for a man that is beset with aduersaries I Call and crie to thee O God with mourning voice beseeching thee to hearken vnto my groning sighes deliuer me from my troubles that oppresse mee grieuously for misery is come vpon me and there is none but thou alone can helpe me guide me O Lord in thy truth and lead me foorth in the pathes wherein I ought to walke thou art the onely rokce whereunto I must cleaue and in thy good time thou wilt vphold my state against my enemies that enuiron me about they haue cast snares in the way to entrap me and by crueltie haue daily sought my decay Wherfore I beséech thée O God come quickly and succour me put forth thy mightie arme and deliuer me from them that rise vp against me pretending my vtter ouerthrow Conduct me in thy truth that I be not intrapped in my waies nor holden in the earke prison of this miserable worlde from the view of thy deuine maiestie but that I may be compassed with the assembly of thy elect to reioyce in thee O my good God for my deliuerance and to sing continuall praises vnto thy holy name for euermore with a chéereful voice preserue me from destruction and vouchsafe O Lord to forgiue me all my offences that I may stand stedfast in thee and neuer be put to confusion but to rest with thee eternally Amen A
life depend vpon thee for euer and let me seeke comfort at thine onely doctrine let my life be prolonged and couered vnder the shadow of thy wings that I being deliuered by thee may render continual thankes vnto thee and zealously imbrace thy testimonies ah alas how haue I gone astray and wandred too and fro like a lost sheepe from his shepheard being readie to fall into all daungers and to be deuoured of the enemie but of thy mercie O Lord thou hast called me home vnto thy sheepefold and restored me againe to the knowledge of thy heauenly doctrine wherefore O God so guide me with thy grace and instruct me with thy holy spirit that I may continue therein for euer A prayer that we may only delight in Gods lawes WIth thy grace and holy spirit assist me O God that I walke not in the steppes of the vngodly neither followe after their wicked and licentious counsell Let me not stand in the waies of impudent sinners neither yet sit or kéepe company with such as deride thee and blaspheme thy holy name but graunt O God that my whole delight may be fixed in the keeping of thy sacred lawes and that my mind may meditate therein night and day Make me O God as a fruitfull tree planted by the water side that being alwaies refreshed with thy grace I may bring forth the fruits of repentance and daily proceed in newnesse of life to thy honour and glory so that what businesse or affaires soeuer I take in hand it may prosper but scatter thou the vngodly like chaffe before the wind and let them tremble at thy righteous iudgements that they stand not in the assembly of the iust for thou like a mercifull God wilt allow and maintaine the life of thy children but the euill life of the wicked shall vtterly perish in thy presence yea and in the end they shall go to destruction therfore will I trust in thee for euermore A praier for boldnes and courage in standing to the truth FAile me not most mercifull God for there are many that rise vp against me vexing my soule continually yea they assault me with diuers temptations saying there is no helpe nor victorie for him in his God but yet in thy good time thou wilt send nourishment and succour vnto thy seruant and defend me on euery side from them that cruelly seeke my destruction yea thou art my glory and thou in mercy wilt lift mee vp when I am fallen therefore will I still call vpon thée o Lord for I know thou wilt heare me out of thy eternall tabernacle and seeing thou art my good God I will lay me downe and rest in peace and arise again because thou defendest me the remembrance of thy promises and trial thereof haue so increased my loue and faith to thée that though many thousands pretend my vtter ouerthrow yet will I not be affraid for thou art the God of my force come forth therefore O Lord and helpe me and in thy good time beate downe my enemies and strike them vpon the iawes that seeke to do me euill break thou the teeth of the vngodly and confound all such as daily go about to slaunder me without a cause it is in thee O Lord to free me from distresse and to deliuer me from the snares of my oppressours for thy blessing is vpon thy people and thou wilt relieue them in their necessitie wherefore extend thy mercie towards me and defend me both now and euer that I may yéeld continuall praise for euer A praier to be deliuered from Gods wrath ASsist me O Lord with thy grace and holy spirit and rebuke me not in thine anger neither chasten me in thy displeasure but haue mercie vpon me that am vtterly destitute of strength and reliefe heale me O God for my soule is grieuously vexed because of my sinne and sore shaken through mine iniquities my heart sigheth being now touched with the feare of thy iudgements wherefore incline thee to helpe me and saue me for thy mercies sake for they that are in the graue cannot praise thee O Lord in mourning I faint and in remorse my sorrow increaseth I weare away because of the lewdnes of my aduersaries and am sore vexed by reason of the miseries wherewith I poore sinner am oppressed but away from me yee wicked for the Lord hath heard my voice and wofull crye yea the Lord hath heard my praier and humble sute and he in his great mercie will confound my enemies and send me reliefe in my greatest necessitie and will put to flight all such as worke my decay or séeke to doe me euill Increase thy loue in me O Lord that I may render due thankes vnto thée for thy continuall assistance and praise thy name because of thy louing kindenesse shewed vnto me in depending wholly vpon thy merites for euer and euer A prayer not to be ouercome of the wicked REgard I most heartily beseech thée O God the humble petitions and praiers of thy seruant for vnto thee alone do I lift vp my hart and soule beséeching thee to extend thy mercy and pitie towards me that haue euermore put my trust confidence in thee let not mine enemies reioice ouer me neither suffer me thy seruant to be put to confusion because my hope resteth onely on thy saluation but euermore retaine me in the faith of thy promises that I swerne not on any side guide my steps in thy truth and instruct me in the rule of thy will for thou art the God from whom I expect and looke for my deliuerance be mindefull of thy mercies which thou hast often shewed vnto thy seruants and of thy manifold benefits which thou from time to time hast declared vnto all ages Remember not the lewdnesse of my youth but in thy mercies think vpon thy seruant instruct me in thy laws and teach me to be humble be merciful to mine iniquities for they are great and by the direction of thy holy spirit conduct me in the right way that my soule may dwell at ease and inherite the land which thou hast prepared for them that serue thee reueale vnto me O God the secrets of thy holy word that I may be endued with vnderstanding turne thy face vnto me and extend thy mercie towards me looke vpon my afflictions and release me of my sinnes and deliuer Israel out of all his troubles A praier for reliefe in sicknes and anguish of spirit HEarken vnto my humble suit O Lord in thy mercy giue eare vnto my praiers I doe not here plead for my selfe neither do I refuse to be reprooued of thee but beseeching thee not to rebuke and chastise me in the heat of thy wrath for thy hand and heauie yoake oppresseth me and the sense of thine ire worthily kidnled against me endureth so grieuous vpon me that my whole bodie consumeth for the aboundance of my wicked offences yea my wounded conscience is ready to putrifie through sin and I dare not but
of hope graunt speedie release vnto me least I fall into the net that the wicked haue laid for me that I being gouerned and directed by thy mighty power may for euer henceforth extoll thy glorious name whilest the wicked are together entangled in their owne mallice graunt this O father for thy deare sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ A prayer to perceiue his owne fraile estate TEach me O Lord to ord●r my steppes according to the rule of thy holy word that the wicked entrap me not in my dealings Let the number of my daies be knowne vnto me and make me I beseech thee more and more seriously to consider how transitory this life is that I may apply my heart continually to the contemplation of thy hidden secrets and deuine mysteries for the length of my yeares is but as a spanne and all earthly things are nothing but meere vanitie in thy sight therefore as the chased Hart desireth to be refreshed by the aid of the water brookes so longeth my soule after thee O God therefore let not thy graces and holy spirit O God be taken from me but extend thy hand to deliuer me from all inconueniences that I become not an open rebuke vnto mine enemies take those plagues and seuere punishments from me that my sinnes do deserue and let thy mercie be an eternall comfort vnto mee graunt me vnderstanding and send me knowledge from aboue that I may see into the cause of my afflictions and neuer murmure at thy fatherly chastisements heare my praier and in thy mercy take pittie and compassion vpon me asswage the great heate of thine anger towards me and release the troubles of my heauy heart and grant me a space of repentance before the time of thy fatherly calling that I may rest with thee for euer A prayer for iourneying I Commit this my iourney and corporall trauell most merciful father vnto thy heauenly direction to guide and gouerne me therein as shall seeme best to thy onely goodnesse and godly wisedome and as this my troublesome and weary life is nothing els but a pilgrimes passage and onely a span from birth to graue so graunt that I may alwaies consider of it And I beseech thee O my God that as to Iacob iourneying into the East praying reuerently for thy gratious protection thou diddest fauourably and of thine infinite mercie minister all thinges necessary to his safety so thou wilt now mercifully beholde me a member of thy little Israel and safely keepe and preserue me in my iourney that the same may tend to the honour of thy name and to the comfort of my conscience both now and euer that like as Iacob saide thou shouldest be his God so we knowing that in all thinges thou art more good and plentiful vnto vs a thousand fold then we can deserue may for thy heauenly graces and continuall goodnesse sing laud praises vnto thy holy name o God that for euer liuest one in trinitie thrée in vnitie Amen A prayer out of the Cxlv. Psalme FRom the bottome of my heart O my God will I ertoll thy name and render thankes vnto thee for euer and euer I will consecrate all the daies of my life to set forth thy glory and to yéeld praises vnto thee continually for thou art great O Lord and there is no praise sufficient for thee yea the memoriall of thy name will I cause to endure from one generation to another neither shall I alone labour to doe this my dutie for verily there will be alwaies some assembly which will by all meanes testifie the remembrance of my deeds and peculiar goodnes and openly declare thy vndoubted promises remaining vnto all ages namely that thou art most mercifull and gratious vnto such as trust in thee and thy louing kindnesse endureth for euer neither is it manifest whether thou art either more slowe vnto wrath or more proue to pardon for thou O Lord I knowe art good to all men and thy mercies are aboue thy workes yet is thy name O God extolled in thy workes and the praise of thy glorie appeareth in all thy creatures thou staiest vp euery one which els should fall and grauntest releefe vnto such as are already fallen yea thou giuest help continually vnto those that loue thee but destroiest the wicked and therefore by good right O Lord will I sound foorth thy praises for euer and euer A prayer to be said before the receiuing of the Lords Supper LOuing Lord and my most merifull father in wonderfull mercy I acknowledge it hath plesed thée to purge me silly wretch by the death bloody passion of thy sonne from al my sins and iniquities to haue adopted me thy childe and giuen me the earnest of my saluation touching my heart with an infallible sence and feeling of thy mercies and setled confidence in thy promises so that euen now in the commemoration of thy vnspeakeable blessings my soule is newly entred into thy house to take the holesome cup of eternall saluation and to call vpon thy holy name assist me therfore with thy spirit O Lord giue me a wise and vnderstanding heart that I may conceiue rightly of thy sacred mysteries and deuine precepts discerne them secretly and receiue them effectually not with rashnes of minde but with sobriety in righteousnes and holinesse of life vnto the perfect consummation and finishing of that happy building which thy worthy goodnesse in mercy hath prouidently begunne in me yea vntill I be come to the measure of the eternall age and fulnesse of my Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ Amen A godly prayer for such things as be needefull both for soule and bodie Extend thy fauourable pitie towards me O Lord and in thy mercie doe away my iniquities take from me al hardnes of heart and indue me with thy grace and holy spirit that my delight may be in thy lawes blesse and prosper I beseech thee my bodily labours and send mee such necessarie reliefe both for my soule and bodie as shall seeme most expedient to thy deuine wisedome O God keepe me vnder the shadowe of thy winges from all the afflictions of this wretched life and defend me from the naughtie dealing of lying lippes and slandering tongues let me not doe any thing contrary to thy will O Lord but keepe me in such good order of life that I be not defamed of the wicked and vngodly person Confirme me in the knowledge of thy law and send me spéedie reliefe in al my troubles giue me good God a feeling of my sinnes with earnest repentance and that I may perseuer in newnesse of life to thy honor and glorie let me auoid the company of such as be euill and let my whole delight consist in the secrets of thy sacred mysteries that I may openly set forth thy praises and yeelde vncessant thankes vnto thee graunt that I may escape the net that the wicked haue priuily laid to intrap me for my hope consisteth in thy saluation and
and redemption yea thy seruants continually do and will for thy great goodnes feare and loue thy holy name my soule also knowing thy singular bountie in that it hath euer tasted of thy incompatable sweetenes shall stil trust in thee for thou diddest defend and nourish me when I was destitute of helpe therefore will I wait for thy saluation euen from the morning vnto the euening and from the euening likewise vnto the morning againe for there is no night-watcher that in greater desire longeth for the dawning of the day then dooth my soule expect the comming of thee my Lord and God for great is thy pittie vnto all such as with true repentance and hearty prayers doe come vnto thee Go too then O my soule now reioice comfort thy selfe in the Lord for euer serue him with feare and reuerence and be readie for his comming sith no varietie resteth in him but that he is good and mercifull and hath often redeemed and deliuered thee from the daunger of hell haue mercy vpon me now therfore O deare father and forgiue me my sinnes cast them from thy presence thinke vpon them no more so shall my soule reioyce and be glad in thee for euer A prayer to be vsed of all men and at all times NOw bewailing my sinfull life past most louing father I doe here in humble wise desire thy gratious fauour haue mercy on me poore sinner that cleaueth wholly vnto thee and in the multitude of thy mercies doe away the heauy burthen of my iniquities wash me from my sinnes and clense me from my offences wash me againe and againe O Lord that all my sinnes whatsoeuer lyeth hid within me may be done away at once O most merciful father against thee onely haue I sinned most grieuously and done wickedly in thy sight yea and those thinges are most iustly decreed of thee which thou hast pronounced against me And I must needes confesse that nothing is faultie amongst thy iudgements for I was corrupt and guiltie in my mothers wombe and repleat with sinne euen from my cradle what haue I to alledge for my selfe knowing O Lord what a wretched case I stand in or what excuse can I make to thee O heauenly iudge wherefore in thy fight doe I remaine the greatest of all sinners purge me with the true Isope which in thy mercy thou hast sent vnto sinners euen the blood of thy deare sonne my Lord and Sauior Iesus Christ that al my filthinesse may vanish cleane away restore me O Lord vnto that vnspeakeable ioy wherwith they are indued that are shrowded from the bonds of sinne and death and receiued into thy fauour againe hide thy face away from my sinnes and race out of thy tables all the wickednesse that I most grieuously haue cōmitted against thee let thy holy spirit so direct me that I may from hencfoorth giue my selfe to thy commaundements then shall I teach thy waies vnto the wicked and sinners shall be conuerted vnto thee deliuer me from sinne that my soule may praise thee continually open my mouth O Lord that my tongue in Psalmes and Himnes may set forth thy glorious name For thou desirest not sacrifice but a sorrowfull minde and cont●ite heart with the true feeling of sinnes and inward repentance and vnfained turning vnto thee which oblation O Lord I now offer vnto thee humbly beseeching thee to accept thereof and incline thine eare thereunto for Iesus Christ his sake my only Sauiour and redéemer Amen A prayer very godly and necessary to be vsed at all times LOrd graunt me the assistance of thy grace and holy spirit that my soule vnto thee may yeeld continuall praises let my whole life extoll thy great kindnesse alwaies shewed vnto me for all praise belongeth vnto thee thou hast indued my heart with ioy and lifted my soule out of the mixe wherefore I will not seeke to any mortall man for their state is slippery and their life cōsisteth in their breath whereof being bereaued they are resolued againe into dust but let my trust be in thee O God on whose mercie dependeth my saluation for thou O God art exceeding good and gratious vnto all such as come vnto thee great is thy power oh how wonderfull is thy handie worke in thy creatures thou bearest a great zeale vnto thy seruants and keepest promise with thine elect thou openest the eyes of the blinded soule and gi●est vnderstanding to the simple thou diddest arme my soule when I fainted in misery wherefore giue me vnderstanding that I may diligently search to knowe thy will thou diddest defend and nourish me when I was destitute of thy helpe thou comfortest the fatherlesse and widdows but in iustice ouerthrowest the wicked O Lord I see that all flesh is grasse and the riches of this world are nothing but vanitie but thy riches are euerlasting wherefore graunt that I may be plentifull in all good workes and lead a life in this world agreeable to thy will that the same being ended I may rest with thee for euer A godly prayer vnto almightie God against all assaults of Sathan I Humbly craue and beseéch theé most mercifull God in fauour to behold my troubled heart and giue eare vnto my lamentable cries for vnto thee alone do I offer vp my prayers desiring thee in mercy to respect thy seruant that now caleth for thy direction let my pathes be guided according to thy will for thou art a God most pure and canst abide no iniquitie at all to raign in thy fight neither the vniust person to stand in thy presence wherefore O Lord endue me plentifully with thy graces that haue no spark of goodnesse in me send me knowledge from aboue and direct me with thy spirit that I be not vtterly cast away for euer but pardon my iniquitie that I may draw neare vnto thee and with reuerent feare extoll thy glorious name Let not Sathan my mortall enemy preuail against me but deliuer me frō the snares that he daily layeth for me replenish me O Lord with vnderstanding that I may safely walke in thy lawes for the enemies of thy truth and disturbers of my soule are many they dissemble in heart and with their lippes they flatter daily but my trust is in thee O Lord that thou wilt confound their deuises so shall I reioyce in thee because thy hand hath deliuered me and my tongue shall neuer cease to extol thy praises and exceeding goodnesse because thou hast defended me with the shield of thy mercy and redeemed my soule from deadly daunger Amen A prayer to be saide in any kinde of affliction RElieue me G God I most humbly beseech thee from al the tyrannous inuasions of my ghostly enemies the worlde the flesh and the deuill and behold the carefull heart of him whome thou hast stricken and visited according to thy heauenly will and because man in his owne nature is nothing but blindnesse and folly before thee and therefore cannot possibly conceiue rightly of the
things aboue renue therfore thy spirit in thy seruant that the same instructing my heart daiely in true wisedome and feare of thee I may come to the feeling of mine owne euils and know the cause of thy scourge that so my wound being apparant to mine eyes I may with all speede see to the cure thereof and deserre no time to seeke the salue to heale it Heare the voice of thy seruant O God that crieth vnto thee consider my complaint and weigh my inward woe conceiued through hate of mine owne infirmities and for want of thy knowledge for I flie from my selfe as from an vnwalled castle fearing my footsteps euen as though I walked on thornes deale not with me in thy displeasure neither let my sinnes seperate thy fauour from me but quicken me in my afflictions and make me ware wise by thy punishments giue me such a sence of my infirmities and so perfect a perseuerance of my rechlesnes in seruing of thee that I may dispose my selfe to contrarie order erecting my mind vnto thee and thereunto so ioyne the increase of thy grace and strenghtning spirit as that I may be able therby to performe my race and continue in that good way which thy goodnesse hath mooued me to in the times of my heauinesse be neere vnto me and open my eyes of faith to behold thy eternall loue so that I be not too much shaken by the enemies assaults but may be replenished with abilitie constancie and patience to giue him his finall repulse and ouerthrow Amen A prayer for our Soueraigne Lord King Iames. MOst mightie God of maiestie and heauenly father deare vnto the humble sutes of vs thy seruants poore giue eare that call on thee still to maintaine and blesse with thy great power our noble King and his ofspring our stay gouernour whōe thou ouer thy little flock vnto our comforts great ordained hast to fit vpon the high and princely seat from forraine force of foes vouchsafe good God to guard his grace that all their subtile sleights and snares he doubtlesse may deface Lend vnto him long life O Lrod and eke a royall raigne and grant that he thy graces great for euermore may gaine Thy blessings bountifull bestowe vpon him we thee pray that his delight may be to loue thy lightsome law for aye And earnestly for to imbrace thy Gospell pure at large vnto the comfort of thy church committed to his charge Vnder the shadow of thy winges Lord keepe him to the end and from conspiracies also vouchsafe him to defend Conuert or els confound all such as mischiefe do deuise against his grace and to thy truth are vtter enemies God graunt him peace in conscience and health without annoy that we long time and many yeares his presence may enioy Amen The confession of a Sinner RIghteous God thou that art the father of all mercies and comforter of all mankind euen of thy tender loue behold me poore sinner that haue straied from thy precepts through ignorance and frailtie of my flesh and most wickedly erred from thy holy commaundements like vnto a wandring sheepe hauing no shepheard O Lord I do confesse I haue followed too much the deuises and desires of my vnrighteous heart whereby I haue at sundry times grieuously offended thy maiestie in breaking and neglecting thy holy lawes which thou hast commaunded me to keepe and contrary to thy will followed these vngodly actions which I ought not to doe leauing vndone those good thinges that thy sacred word hath taught me so that in me there is no goodnes except thou O Lord do speedily looke vpon me and in thy great mercy pardon my hainous offences Forgiue me O deare father and forget my iniquities I most entirely beseech thee that here with a sorrowfull heart confesse my faultes vnto thee O God requesting thee of thy fauorable goodnesse to restore me that am penitent and in thy mercy send reliefe vnto thy seruant satisfie my soule with thy fauour againe according to thy promise which thou hast declared vnto an such as come vnto thee in the name of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ my sauiour wherefore O my God I come vnto thee with an humble minde beseeching thee from the very inwards of my soule to graunt me the assistance of thy grace and holy spirit that I may euer hereafter in newnes of life liue as becōmeth thy seruant vprightly in thy sight and deale faithfully with all men to thy honour and glory and the comfort of my soule Amen Another prayer vnto almightie God IN mercy O Lord vouchsafe to heare my prayers and let my cries haue accesse vnto to thée hide not thy face from me I be seech thee in the time of my trouble but with speed incline thine eares vnto me when I call behold there is no certenty in my flesh for my life consumeth as the smoake and my daies do wast in sorrow mine enemies lie in wait for me and they that rage against me haue conspired my death wherefore the feeling of thy wrath and heauie displeasure hath quite consumed me but thou O Lord whose promises I know endure for euer continuest all one God in mercy vnto such as call vpon thee therefore do I flie vnto thee in my distresse beseeching thee to assist me with thy grace and holy spirit that the cause of my mourning and piteous complaints being taken away I may daily proceed and goe forward in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy holy name Confirme thy good worke begunne in me O God and let me neuer want thy assistant aid therein lest it be vtterly frustrate Let not mine iniquities be any hinderance to thy bountiful goodnesse neither yet my negligences in seruing of thee mooue theé to detract the operation of thy holy spirit in thy seruant but with speede consider my frailty and pardon my offences for Iesus Christ his sake so shall I declare thy worthinesse and extell thy great kindenesse shewed vnto me at all times Haue mercy vpon me O God haue mercy vpon me according to thy eternall promises make me plentifull in all good workes to doe thy fatherly will and let thy commandments be my whole delight refresh my hart with the fruition of thy blessings and let me not at any time be vnmindful of thy goodnes but yeeld continuall thankes vnto thee for thy great benefits extended towards me take me not away O God in the middest of my daies but prolong my time and conduct my footsteps that hauing viewed at full thy graces inestimable kindenesse I may neuer cease vntill the last gasp to sing praises vnto thy holy name for euer and euer Amen A prayer to be vsed when a man is in any kind of trouble COnsider O my God I beseech thee the wofull complaints and prayers that I here offer vp to thy diuine Maiesty vnto thee alone doe I sue for helpe remit therefore my iniquities for the multitude thereof doe speedily craue thy aid and in
not onely bringeth vs to the obedience of Gods will but to eternall happines Thus afflictions are in truth our medicines to driue vs to God to tame the pride of our nature to kill our vices to make vs know our selues loath our sinnes vnfainedly flie from our owne waies seeke strength of the Lord and so from vertue to vertue ascend to the height of our saluation Finally as to the impatient reprobate they are the fearefull comets of their destruction so to the number of Gods elect they are the infallibly pledges and sure ensignes of their continuall victory and future triumph in Iesus Christ The life and healthfull afflictions of Iob and Dauid in aboundont manner do testifie the louing end of Gods afflictions and in them may we find infinit testimonies to prooue how profitable are the fatherly chastisements of our good God who by them dooth euermore scoure vs from the rust of our naturall disposition and fineth vs like pure gold in the furnace briefely by them he violently breaketh into the heart of old Adam and there bursting the corrupt ends and coates of his veines by his wonderfull operation powreth a new spirit into his arteries which creeping through the sences with a liuely moisture as by a certaine heauenly Analogie or proportion doth in settet sort dispose vs to contemne this vile place of miserie and to eleuate our minds to God that so framed vs and so forsaking our sinfull waies and hatefull affections indeuour with all newnesse to serue worship him in righteousnesse and holinesse of life and with all patience looke for the reuelation of the elect children of God against which new birth and inuincible hope before time reserued vnto vs by the good purpose of the father in his sonne Christ and now vndoubtedly confirmed in our consciences by the badges of this fatherly handling shall nothing auaile vs for all the dartes of affliction in what kind soeuer assaulting vs shall be so farre from preuailing to ouerthrow our faith and libertie as the enemy would as that they shall flue-fold redouble the force thereof with exceeding ioy against them so that the very subtilest engines of Sathan shall make vs the more inuincible and his force the more contemptible Thus I say shall Gods fauoureble exercises intermedled with his graces worke the same effect in our soules as our meat and drinke doth to our bodies And like as all such nourishment is the right and ordinarie meane whereby our bodies in this earthly tabernacle doe daily increase and grow in strengthfull habite of health euen so by the other our soule is visited strengthened and increased and we are brought by the mercifull hand of God euen as by degrees and from step to step till at length we come to the fulnesse of our redeemer Christ Iesus to appeare before the Lord in Sion A prayer for Saylors THou God that art the Creator and maker of al things behold vs that here prostrate our selues at the footstoole of thy maiestie crauing pardon for our sinnes gouerne vs thy people O Lord that by thy permission do most daungerously trauell the boisterous seas according to the office and vocation whereunto thou hast called vs for except thy mightie hand do stay vs we shall perish yea we are alwaies in danger to be ouerwhelmed with the perillous waues of the s●a and to be swall●wed vp in the deepe gulfes thereof behold vs therefore O Lord in thy mercy that in these ●ur enterprises we may receiue the fruition of thy blessings when thou O God art angry with vs for sinne thou makest the stormes to rise and the seas to rage in such sort that they enforce vs to quake and tremble and when we cease from sinne thou causest them in like manner to cease for thou appointest to the sea his course and keepest it euer in his bounds yea thou hast ordained vs to trauell thereon to see thy maruellous workes and excellent greatnesse as also to declare thy wonders amongst the children of men thou hast oftentimes for our disobedience and inordinate liuing caused vs to feele thy wrath and grieuous scourge the dangers whereof haue almost brought vs to our wits end but when we turne vnto thee with repentance thou wilt not onely bring vs to a safe harbour to ease our weary bodies but also when our painefull daies are spent and ended receiue vs into the blessed hauen of eternall rest the which O Lord graunt vs to come vnto for Iesus Christ his sake Grace before meat TO thee O Lord God we render most hearty thanks for these thy blessings of meat and drinke which thou in mercy doest now bestow vpon vs beseeching thee to graunt that we doe not abuse them immoderately by surfetting or gluttony but onely to feed thereon with sobrietie thereby to sustaine our feeble flesh and hungry desire and so frame our speeches O God that thy name therein may be glorified and our Christian brethren edified preserue most louing Lord our gratious King with thy vniuersall Church graunt vs we humbly beseech thee the continuance of thy glorious Gospell to be truely and sincerely preached amongst vs and make vs faithfull followers thereof in righteousnesse and holinesse of life vouchsafe O deare father to defend and euermore to keepe our Realme from the inuasion of forraine enemies and send vs a perpetuall peace in conscience through Iesus Christ our Lord. Grace after meat GRations God and most louing father we thy poore seruants yeild vnto thee in humilitie of heart all praise and thankes in that it hath pleased thee of thy inestimable goodnesse at this instant to refresh and relieue the appetite of our earthly bodies with this food of meat and drinke which thy diuine prouidence O Lord in plentiful measure hath bestowed vpon vs and as these thy creatures are by thy permission ordained to nourish our mortall bodies euen so in mercy vouchsafe to graunt that our soules may be fed and comforted with the diuine food of thy glorious Gospell and that it may so shine in our hearts and sences that we by the direction of thy grace and holy spirit may proceed in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy holy name Call vs not O deare Father to account of the vaine and idle speeches that we haue at this present as also at other times of our life vndiscreetly vsed but in fauour remit the same and graunt that we with willing minds may remember and helpe our needy brethren who feele the want of that which we haue had at full In mercy O Lord preserue thy Church our King and Realme increase the number of thy seruants and blesse vs with peace of conscience and health of body thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Earnest and zealous meditations on the seuen petitions of the Lords prayer O Lord thou art the father of all mercies and God of all consolation behold vs that with lowly hearts come vnto thee euen as children doe to their naturall
heauen by the conduct of thy holy spirit through Iesus Christ my onely aduocate and mediatour Amen Godly petitions to be vsed of euery Christian O My God accept thy most vnworthie seruant here humbly falling downe before thee I acknowledge thy great mercies and in sundry sort thy extended goodnesse towards me yet in feare of mine owne frailety I eftsoones present my selfe before thy maiestie to looke fauourably on me alwaies and to open mine eyes more clearely to see thy maiestie for the little tast that thou hast giuen me hath perswaded me alreadie that thou art sweet yea and the more that I discerne thy sweetnesse the more I see also my vncleannesse the knowledge of thee therefore I confesse is the leader to saluation for the consideration of thy greatnesse maketh me despise my basenesse and thy puritie my filthinesse and thy wonderfull goodnesse my monstrous vnworthinesse Forgiue me then O Lord my sinnes and let them not hold backe thy bounteous hand now begunne to be opened towards mee I say begun my Lord because my selfe hath but now begun to see it giue me a wise vnderstanding heart and send me knowledge from aboue driue from my mind the mistes of fleshly darkenesse and make me capable of thy heauenly riches fill my mouth with good things for I will open it to receiue of thy blessings Let me not die but liue and declare the praises of my Lord. Why hast thou made me but to glorifie thee Why hast thou enlightned me but to loue thee yea why hast thou redeemed me but to saue me And for what cause hast thou sanctified my heart but to make me fit for those good things that thou purposest to bestow vpon me O sweete Father thy loue is not to be expressed Now therefore goe forward and cease not with thy poore seruant performe that good building which thy spirit hath begun in me thou hast made me thirst for thy righteousnesse replenish now therefore my heart with gladnesse make my flesh to vanish and the new Adam to rise vp in strength tha● I may be discreet in my waies and stand in the continuall search of thy iudgements And when thy mercie thus ha h enlarged me as a full cloud so shall I declare thy kindnesse and as the sauour of Myrrhe so shall my lippes send vp thy praises Blessed be the Lord who ha●h hiddē these things from the wise of the world and reuealed the way of righteousnesse vnto the simple Lord I thy handmaid or sonne of thy handmaid will attend vpon thy will and repose myselfe vnder the shadow of thy wings both day and night Thou art my wisdome my power my beautie my strength my riches my glory my king my God and my saluation The grace of God the Father the peace of Christ Iesus our sauiour through the comfortable fellowship of the holy Spirit be with me preserue keepe me this day this night and euermore Amen A godly prayer to be said at all times O Eternall God and most mightie King of maiestie how can I hide my selfe frō thy presence or with what cloake or pretence might I couer my shame from the piercing fight of thine eye since I haue nothing O Lord but a guiltie conscience intollerably oppressed with the heauie but then of sinne by which I am almost driuen to the dore of despaire if thy mightie hand stay me not I fall and if thy wisdome prouide not for me I am alwaies in daunger The sorrowes of my heart are enlarged for my daies consume in sinne and the graue gapeth to receiue me before I gaine the gift of loue Vnrighteousnesse raigneth as a king in this my corruptible body and concupiscence deceiueth my sight till I be entraped verily when I come to fight I wonder that thou diddest not destroy me saying O Lord who is able to number his sinnes or what soule is righteous in thy sight shall man striue with God who can say I will be saued fith thou art iust Why diddest not thou cut my thred whilest I prouoked thee why diddest not thou send me to the inheritance of the wicked but thus thou vsest to comfort thy children in their great necessitie and my soule had perished but for this reliefe long agoe therefore crie I vnto thee from the depth of my heart take me not away O God in my sinnes neither let me reape the portion of the wicked thou hast shewed me the dayes of comfort and often deliuered my soule from the Lion And because thou in thy great mercie hast let me see this goodnesse and also made me to reioyce therin increasing light after a darkenesse and doubling ioy to my paine I will neuer cease O deare father to call vpon thee in my afflictions and to looke for the good houre in my daunger increase my faith and settle me in the knowledge of thy will Plenteously blesse me with thy grace and let thy spirit be my protectour for misery O Lord is threatened vnto thy children and ruine to the faith of the younglings no place is safe from the rage of thy aduersaries but thou art the God of might and hast power to preserue our peace Oh if I might aske the death of this old Adam so that all concupiscence might vanish as a smoake then sure say I I would wholly be exercised in the law of my God and at all times would I sing praises vnto his name but I will not presume about thy seruant Paul whom thy wisdome thus answered My grace is sufficient for thee thus will I beseech thee whi●e I liue that this balme of thy grace may alwaies be poured fresh into my wounds that euen in my infirmities I may euer gaine a double reioycing and that the most subtill assaults of the aduersarie may alwaies fall out to be his soulest faile and my weakenesse my wisedome by the renuing of thy grace and enlightning my spirit with the sweete balme of thy lou●ng countenance through thy most tender mercie in the purchase of thy beloued sonne our deare Sauiour Christ Iesu vnto whom with thee and the holy spirit be all power and dominion for euermore Amen A prayer for women with child O Eternall God and most mercifull father who notwithstanding my manifold and grieuous offences hast of thy gratious goodnesse in marriage made me fruitfull which I take as thy great blessings and benefits bestowed vpon me beseeching thee now most humbly to helpe me thy poore handmaiden in these grieuous paines of trauaile and childbirth Thou hast willed vs to call vpon thee in all our needs and necessities and hast promised in thy great mercies neuer to faile them that call vpon thee helpe me now wretched sinner in these intollerable pains that I may ouercome them with patience and euermore praise thy maiestie Comfort me with thy holy spirit that I sinke not vnder this heauie burthen And as gratiously thou hast blessed me hitherto from time to time in giuing me children so mercifully sanctifie them
thy mercy be fauourable vnto me as thou hast euer beene for though I were driuen to seeke the farthest parts of the earth yet will I call for thy direction yea when I am tormented with cares I haue no other refuge to flie vnto but onely to thee O my God wherefore in mercy looke on me and in thy good time take me vp into the place of ioy prepared for thy elect where I may praise thee for euer for how hast thou in great mercy dealt with me in being vnto me an euerlasting tower of defence against mine enemies and though by reason of the retchlesnesse and frailty of my corrupt nature I haue eftsoones swarued from thy holy word yet I beseech thee O deare father deale fauourably with me and lay not my offences vnto my charge but shew thy selfe a louing and mercyfull God towards me and pour on me thy gifts of grace that I may be holy vnto thee and accepted in thy fight so shall my life be prolonged yea so happy indeed as it shall neuer decay and I shall resort to thy tabernacle in peace where I shall be satisfied with the fruition of thy fauour and be sustained with mercy and truth for euer direct me continually with thy holy spirit and teach me good Lord to hate the waies of the wicked erect my minde to the contemplation of thy heauenly mysteries and receiue me both now and euer into thy gratious protection for my aduocat Iesus Christ his sake Amen A prayer against the feare of death O Eternall God and mercifull father from the depth of my weake heart doe I laud and glorifie thee for all the benefits bestowed on me from the beginning of my life vnto this present especially for the blessings of my election redemption vocation iustification and sanctification in Christ Iesus Thou hast deliuered me from the cruelty of my aduersaries and made me an inheritour of thy kingdome and thy childe by adoption yet thou hast giuen me notwithstanding my vnthankfulnesse the earnest penny of my saluation and in mercie hast reconciled me in Christ whilst I was yet a grieuous enemie vnto thee thou tookest me out of the blinde dungeon of carelesse ignorance to render thankes vnto thee and to call vpon thy name in all which thou hast caused me to proceed and profit vnto this day wherein thy pleasure seemeth to incline me towards the greatest benefit that euer I yet tasted that is to free me from the extremities of this life and to bring me to that heauenly liberty where shall be no bitternesse Now therefore O deare Father for Iesus Christ his sake erect my mind towards thee and as at all times of my life hitherto thou hast nourished and preserued me so now in my last need visit and regard me O God that as the enemie will now bend his force against me so thou with thy louing protection and holy spirit wilt comfort me and with thy presence defend me that my faith still increasing with armed patience I may dispise the feare of this bodies death knowing that it is the vnauoidable way that thou hast appointed to doe away my mortalitie and to bring my soule to rest to yelde praises vnto thee in ioyes euerlasting which thy prouidence hath ordained me vnto so instruct me therefore to number my daies that I may apply my heart to thy eternall wisdome teach me sweet Lord as heretofore to liue so now to frame my end that it may redound to thy glory whereunto with a fighting heart I humbly beseech thee that my vnderstanding may alway be lightned with the feeling of my owne infirmitie and that in all perfect humilitie I may flie from the mind of all earthly stay and so not fainting in my farewell but cleaning to thy promises and apprehending thy saluation with sure hope I may expect the dissolution so beholding thee with the eyes of my faith I may grow as by degrees weaker in bodie so fuller and stronger in spirit so that when the last breath is passed my soule in the bosome of Abraham may ioyfully respire the triumphant odors of an endlesse life Amen A prayer for Chirurgians O Most mer●ifull God and louing father we most earnestly beseech thee let the eye of thy mercie behold vs and harken to the humble sutes of thy poore seruants that with penitent hearts doe appeale before thee requiring pardon for our iniquities committed daily against thy diuine maiestie vouchsafe O Lord of thy wonted goodnesse to extend and shew thy fauourable pittie and compassion towards vs and lay not our sinnes vnto our charge but put them quite out of thy memory for Christ his sake thy dearely beloued sonne our sauiour and graunt that we may render vnto theé cōtinual thanks for thy manifold benefits and eternall mercies that thou of thy tender loue dost daily bestow vpon vs. Assist vs also with thy grace that we may neuer cease to sing praises vnto thee for our election creation and redemption we beesech thee O Lord to giue vs the true knowledge of that Art whereunto thou hast called vs thereby to maintaine our selues and our families from the extremities of this sinnefull world and momentaneous life for we doe not onely depend vpon thy fatherly prouidence but doe confesse O Lord that euery good and perfect gift commeth from thee therefore be mindfull wee beseech thee of thy seruants and indue vs with thy blessings of wisdome and vnderstanding fith that thou alone hast elected and ordained vs as instruments to minister those thy rich and plentifull gifts which thou hast appointed for the health and reliefe of mankind vouchsafe to giue vs the gift of heal●ng that we may frame our selues to doe thy will therein and be a comfort to such as lie in miserie and cruell paine by occation of bodily sicknes and externall casualties and hereunto so ioine the increase of thy grace holy spirit that all our actions may be guided according to the rule of thy deuine precepts and commaundements that our consciences be not spotted in thy sight but may remaine pure and holy euen as thou O Lord art holy alwaies reuoking to memorie our duties and necessarie vocation whereby our hearts may be continually stirred vp to call for thy assistance remooue from vs all hatefull and euill thoughts with the couetous desire of filthie lucre and incite in vs a consideration of the wofull estate of the poore and needie that we may relieue their necessitie with such good things as thy fatherly goodnesse and vnspeakeable prou dence in greater measure hath blessed vs withall Respect vs O Lord in thy mercie that those things which we goe about may prosper with us and that all our labours which we shall take in hand may be blessed and brought to good successe by thy assistance and fatherly protection to the honour and glorie of thy holy name credit of thy church comfort of our Christian brethren and our owne saluation graunt vs this O Lord
established my feet in such a perfect path that I may walke now safe and sound amongst the liuing for I haue euermore beleeued the promises of the Lord and therefore did I speake euen my aith min●string voice and words to me being opressed with sorow and thou didst ouercome the dangerous attemps of my foes quickening me for thine infinite mercies sake what shall I render vnto thee therefore for all thy benefits which thou hast bestowed vpon me I will giue thee the sacrifice of praise and call vpon thy name with reuerence yea I w ll pay my vowes vnto thee which I haue promised euen in the m●dst of thy faithfull congregation for euer and euer Amen A prayer vnto God desiring him to defend vs from the malice of our aduersaries MOst mercifull God I beseech thee for thy names sake saue me and deliuer me being an innocent by thy power giue eare vnto the wordes of my mouth and refuse not my prayer that I here present vnto thy diuine maiestie defend me O Lord from the wicked and such as rise vp against me confound their deuices and let the snares that they haue set to imtrap me be as a sword lighting vpon their owne heads cut them downe according to thy promises which thou hast made to thy children that I being deliuered by the extended force of thy right hand may willingly performe my vow and solemne promise vnto thee and celebrate thy praises seeing there is nothing more bountifull nor more excellent than the worthinesse of the power namely in that thou hast saued me from all distresse and graunted me my desire on my enemies graunt this O father for Iesus Christ his sake our onely redeemer Amen A prayer for such as intend to enter into the estate of matrimonie made at the request of M Ed. Fenton MOst mightie God and heauenly father from the bottome of my heart I yeeld all honour land praise and thankesgiuing vnto thy diuine maiestie for those thy riches blessings and benefits which thou in mercy hast bestowed vpon me O Lord that by thy incomprehensible power madest Adam out of the dust and slime of the earth and createdst him to thine own image behold me thy seruant whom thy good pleasure hath called to the honourable state of matrimony and as by thy most excellent prouidence thou diddest giue vnto Adam Eua to be his helper and immutably ordainest them to become one flesh from whom proceeded all mankind so O my good God in thy mercy graunt that this woman whom thou hast giuen me may be vnto me a helper and that we may be a comfort one towards another euen as Abraham vnto Sara and Isaac to Rebecca and not to fulfill our vngodly affections nor the corrupt and filthie desire of our fleshly appetites but to loue and liue together withall humble obedience and reuerent feare towards thee as becommeth thy seruants without strife or debate and for the procreation of children to the increase of thy kingdome which if it please thee to blesse vs withall grant that we may bring them vp in thy feare and true religion Lord behold vs that with one heart and voi●e doe most humbly beseech thee so to endue direct and sanctifie vs with thy holy spirit that all our actions may stand with thy honour and glory credit of thy Church and our euerlasting saluation and graunt that we with all modesty may liue together with continuall peace of conscience and health of body vntill we become aged that we may see our childrens children and thy name eternally aduanced in the Church and congregation and when thy goodnes hath finished our dayes in this life conduct our soules in safetie vnto that spirituall kingdome which thou hast ordained for thine elect to rest with thee for euer Graunt O most mercifull father that those things which we haue faithfully asked according to thy will may effectually be obtained that we thy lowly and obedient children obtaining the perpetuall fruition of thy fauour may for thy gratious assistance and inestimable treasures yeeld vnto thee eternall praise power and dominion with vncessant thanksgiuing both now and euer thorough our onely mediatour and aduocate Iesus Christ Amen A prayer for a vvoman that is barren and desireth the fruit of her bodie O Lord my God most gratious and louing father in Iesus Christ behold me poore wretch whom thy hand hath hitherto humbled as it were in the sight of all the world at the length take away my reproch I acknowledge thy hand to be vpon me for none in heauen or earth saue thy maiestie only is able to withstand the particular effect of that thy generell commaundement Bring foorth fruit and multiply Thou onely deare father canst doe it because of thy almightinesse and thou also doest it euen in thy children according to the most holy decree of thy vnsearchable wisdome now because when thou v●sitest thy children with any wants of outward comforts and blessings thou doest it not deare father for any lacke of loue to them or as though the blessings also of this life pertained not to them for in Christ Iesus who is Lord of all they are likewise our right the vngodly being meere vsurpers of them but thou doest it to draw them by some temporal want and short restraint of their desires to seeke at thy hand some eternall blessings which they stand more in need of that thereby in the end thou mightest be seene to multiply thy rich mercies towards them euery way Of which thy wisdome thou hast left vs a leagible euidence in the story of thy seruant Iob who after thou baddest taught him more humilitie thou enrichedst also as his heart could desire Now because thy waies are all iust O Lord and thou walkest euer like thy selfe haue mercie on me thy seruant I beseech thee giue me to vnderstand that which thou wouldest haue me to see in this my affliction and sith through the darkenesse of my mind it is hard for me O Lord to espit out the deformities and wants that are in me may it please thee to vouchsafe me the especiall guiding of thy holy spirit herein so as by it I may make a through visitation of my selfe both for my outward deeds and for my inward affections vntill I shall find out the thing that may please thee and may also be yet further blessed of thee euen in this thing which my heart defireth so shall this thy louing returne wipe away my reproch thy bounteous dealings with thy seruant be ioyfully praised among thy Saints and as for me whose head thou hast thus lifted vp I will neuer cease talking of thy goodnesse and informing those who shall in like case of thy liberall kindnesse towards all that wait on thee and thy most wise and righteous iudgements which thou exercisest amongst those also that feare thy holy name Amen A prayer for iourneying O Most louing and tender Father I commit this my iourney and corporall trauell vnto thy