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A05789 A prymer in Englyshe with certeyn prayers [et] godly meditations, very necessary for all people that vnderstonde not the Latyne tongue. Cum priuilegio regali.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. aut; Joye, George, d. 1553. Ortulus anime. aut 1534 (1534) STC 15986; ESTC S105505 141,102 352

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myne iyes cease from theyr office Wherfore then oh lorde doste thou not put awaye myne iniquity And yf thou put it out accordinge to the multytude of thy mercyes yet washe me from myne iniquite For yet am I not perfeytly purefyed finisshe thy worke take awaye the hole offence and also the payne that is due vnto the crime encrease thy lyght with in me Kendle myne herte with thy loue cherite put out al feare for perfayte loue sendeth awaye feare Let the loue of the worlde the loue of the flesshe the loue of vayne glorye the loue of my selfe vtterly departe fro me yet styll more more wash me from myne iniquite by the which I haue offended agayn●t my neighbour and clense me from my synne that I haue committed agaynste god I wolde haue the put a way not only the faute payne that foloweth it but also the occasion and nouryshment of synne Washe me I saye with the wa●er of thy gracyous fauoure with water of which he that drinketh shall not thyrst for euer but it shall be made in hym a fontayne of lyuynge water runnynge in to euer lastynge lyfe Washe me with the comfortable waters of thy holye scriptures that I maye be nūbred among them vnto whom thou saydest Now are ye clene for my wordes which I haue spokē vnto you Io. xiij For I knowlege myne inyquyte and my synne is euer before myne iyes ¶ Although through the beholding of thy mercy and compassions I may be bolde ●o flye vnto the oh lorde yet wyl I not come as the Pharise whiche prayed not but rather praysed hym selfe despised his neighboure but I come vnto the as the publican Lu. xviij which durst not lyfte vp his iyes vnto Heauen For I also do knowlege myne inyquyte and whyles I pondre my synnes I dare not lyfte vp myne lyes but humbelynge my selfe with the Publicane I saye God be mercyfull to me a synner My soule wauereth betwene hope feare and somtyme for the feare of my synnes whiche I feale and knowlege to be in me I am ready to despayre somtyme throughe the hope of thy mercy I am lyfted vp and conforted Neuerthelesse because that thy mercy is greater thē my misery I wyl euer lorde truste in the and wyll synge oute thy plentuous compassyons for euer For I knowe that thou desyrest not the deathe of a synner but rather that he were conuerted and that he wolde knowlege his iniquite and forsake his synne and so come to the that he maye lyue ¶ My god graunte me that I maye lyue in the for I knowlege my wyckednesse I knowe what a greuous burthen it is how copious how ieoperdious I am not ignoraunt of it I hide it not but set it euē before myne eies that I maye washe it with my teares and knowlege vnto the Lorde myne vnryghtwysnesse agaynste my selfe And also my synne which I haue proudly done agaynste the is euer agaynst me and therfore it is agaynste me because I haue sinned agaynst the it is truly against me for it is euē against my soule accuseth me euer before the my iudge condēpneth me euer in euery place and it is so agaynste me that it is euer before my face and stondeth but agaynst me that my prayer maye not perce through vnto the that it myght take thy mercy fro me hynder thy mercye that it can not come at me therfore do I trēble and therfore do I morne besechyng thy mercy Therfore oh lorde as thou hast gyuen this grace vnto me to knowe my wickednesse and to bewayle my synne euē so accomplysh this thy beneuolence gyuynge me a ꝑfayte fayth drawyng me vnto thy sonne which hath made a ful satisfactiō for all my sinnes Geue me lorde this precious gyfte for euery good gyfte and euery parfeyte gyfte is from aboue comyng from the father of lyght Agaynst the only haue I synned haue done that which is euyll in thy sight that thou maist be iustified in thy wordꝭ mayst haue the victorie when thou art iudged ¶ I haue ouermoch sinned vnto the alone for thou cōmaundedst me that I sholde loue the for thy selfe shold loue al creatures for thy sake But I haue loued a creature more then that louynge it euen for it selfe What is synne but to loue a creature for it selfe and what is that but to do agaynst the Surely he y● loueth a creature for it selfe maketh that creature his God And therfore haue I synned agaynste the onely for I haue made a creature my god So haue I caste the awaye and haue ben iniurious only to the for I haue not offended agaynste ony creature in that I haue set my truste or confidence in it For it was not cōmaunded me that I sholde loue ony creature for it selfe Yf thou haddest cōmaūded me that I sholde haue loued an aungell onely for hym selfe and I had loued mony for it selfe then no doubte I had offended agaynst the angell But sith y● thou only art to be loued for thy selfe that is to say without ony respecte other of good or euyll and euery creature is to be loued in the for thy sake Therfore haue I surely offended onely agaynst the for I haue loued a creature for it selfe ¶ But yet haue I worse done for I haue synned euen ī thy syght I was nothīg asshamed to synne before thy face Oh merciful god how many synnes haue I done in thy syght which I wolde in no wyse haue done before mortal mē yea that I wolde not in ony case that men sholde knowe I feared men more then the for I was blinde loued blyndnes so did I nether se nor ones cōsidre the. I had only fleshly eyes therfore did I only feare and loke on men whiche ar flesh But thou lokedst on al my synnes and numbred them therfore I can nether hyde them frō the nether turne my backe and flye from thy face ¶ Whether shall I go from thy spirite and whether shall I flye from thy face what shall I then do whether shall I turne me whome shall I fynde to be my defender whom I praye you but the my god who is so good who is so gētle who is so mercyfull for thou passest without comparisō al creatures in gentlenesse It is one of thy chyefest propertyes to forgeue and be mercifull for throughe mercy and forgeuenesse thou dost most declare thy almyhgtynesse I graunt lorde that I haue offended only agaynst the and haue done that whiche is euyll in thy syght Haue mercy therfore on me expresse thy puysaunce in me that thou mayst be iustified ī thy wordꝭ for thou hast sayde that thou camest not to cal that rightwise but synners vnto repentaunce Iustifie me lorde accordyng to thy wordes call me receyue me and gyue me grace to do true workes of repentaūce For this cause wast thou crucyfied deade and buryed Thou saydest also Iohn̄ iij. whē I am lyfted vp from of the
so to brynge me to the Father for it is he which with the father by Christe ī Christ worketh quickeneth al thyngꝭ ¶ I beleue that in al the world be it neuer so greate there is but one comē Christē churche which is none other thing but the cōgregatiō cōmunyō of holy men that is of rightuous faythfull men on the earth that this churche by this holy spirit is gadered and maynteyneth thorough whome also it is gouerned encreased dayly by the sacramentes and worde of god ¶ I beleue that noman can euer be saued which is not founde agreable and consentynge with this cōgregation in one faith in one worde in one sorte of sacramentes hope charyte And that none of the Iewes or Gentilꝭ can be saued with this church except they reconcyle them selfe vnto it come in fauour with it conformyng them selues in all pointes therunto ¶ I beleue that in this cōmunyon or christente all the prayers and goode workes of this congregation do necessaryly helpe me weigh on my syde and conforte me in all tymes of lyfe and deathe ¶ I beleue that in this congregation and comen welth and in none other place is forgyuenes of synnes And that without this all great good workes how many soeuer there be of them do nothyng profet to forgyuenes of synne And contrarywyse in this cōgregation the multitude greatnes and often cōmytting of synnes do no thynge hurte nether let the forgyuenes of synne But that this forgyuenes doeth cotynue whersoeuer and how longe this excellent churche doth endure To whome also Christ gyueth his keys sayth Mat. 18. What so euer ye lose vpon Erth it shal be losed in Heuē Lykewyse Math. 16. he sayth to Peter alone In the name stede of this only church what so euer thou lose vpon Earth it shall be losed in heuen ¶ I beleue that there shall be a rysynge of them that are deade in the whiche rysyng the holy ghost shal sturre vp al flesshe that is all men concernyng the body and flesshe good and euyll so that the veray flesshe whiche was deade buried and consumed or by other wayes destroyed shall returne and lyue agayne ¶ I beleue that after this resurr●ction I my selfe and all true Christen people shall haue euerlastynge lyfe of god the Father in the kyngdome of his welbeloue sonne not for by nor through the workꝭ of ryghtwisnes that we haue downe for all passions and martyrdomes that maye be suffred in this world are not countreuaylable to the glorye to come whiche shall be shewed in vs but by the grace and mercy of God by the redemption which is in Christ Iesu that is to saye by his precyous death and most paynfull passyon for truly the guerdon reward stipend of synne wherwith we all are manyfolde wayes poluted by spotted and defyled is death yea that euerlasting but by the grace of god it is that we repentynge of our synnes and belyuyn●e stedfastly ●is promes●es shall haue euerlastynge lyfe in Iesu Christe our lorde ¶ Amen that signifieth that in good ernest wi●hout doubt al these thynges be true The prayer of the lorde called the pater noster OUr father whiche arte in heuen halowed be thy name Let thy kyngdome come Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in earthe as it is in heuen Gyue vs this dat our dayly breade And forgyue vs our trespasses euen as we forgyue theym whiche trespasse agaynste vs. And leade vs not in to temptation But delyuer vs from euyll So be it A goodly interpretation or declaration of the pater noster OUr Father whiche arte in heuens looke mercyfullye vpon vs thy wretched children heare in earth gyue vs thy grace that bothe thy holy name among vs and al●o thrughout the hole worlde maye be sanctyfyed and praysed thrughe the true pure preachynge of the worde of god and also that synnefull maner of lyuynge and all wicked and erroneouse doctrynes may cease for by these thynges thy name is dishonoured and blasphemed Cause that thy kyngedō may come and be encreased that all synners and all those whiche beynge blynded thorugh ygnoraunce leue in the kyngedom of satan may come to the knowledge of fayth in Iesu Christe that by suche meane thy churche may increas and waxe more and more full of people Cause also that the holy ghoste do confyrme and establesshe vs that we may obay thy wyll and plesure and sustayne beare the crosse as wel in lyfe as in death as wel in prosperyte as in aduersite that we may mortyfy our owne wyll and offer it to god as a sacrifice Geue to vs our dayly brede Take from vs couetuosnes rare for the belye that we may loke for all good thynges from the that we may receyue them of the. Forgyue vs our trespaces as we do forgyue them that trespasse agaynste vs that our herte may be quiete and carelesse and our cōscience not fered with the syght of our synnes Lede vs not in to temptation But helpe vs by thy spirite in mortyfienge and subduynge or ramynge of our flesshe that we may learne to despyse the worlde with al the desyres studies and exercyses belongynge vnto it and that we may vanqueshe and ouercome the crafty gyles of sathan Fynally delyuer vs o almyghty father from all euyll aswell temporall or transytory as euerlastynge as well of body as of soule who so euer coueteth desyrith these thynges vnfaynedly and hertely let them say Amen ¶ And let thē beleue without ony doubte that god hath graunted al these thynges and that theyr prayer is harde all redy accordynge to the promysse of Christe when he sayde what so euer thyngꝭ ye aske and desyre by prayer beleue that ye do receyue it and ye shall haue it ¶ The prayer of the lorde called the Pater noster where in are conteyned .vij. peticions ¶ The preface and introduction to aske these .vij. peticions is conteyned in these wordes Our father whiche arte in heuen ¶ The vnderstondyng of the wordes ALmyghty God syth thou of thyne infinite beneuolence and mercy hast not only admitted vs but also taught yea and cōmaūded by thy only and dere sonne Iesu Christ that we trustynge in his merytes and protection he beynge our in●ercessor shulde beleue that thou were a louynge father vnto vs. And that we shulde also call the father though worthely and by greate ryght thou myghtyste haue ben an angry and greuous iudge agaynste vs synners whiche so ofte and abhomynable haue done agaynste thy godly and moste holy wyll and haue gyuen the occasyon of displeasure agaynst vs. Gyue vs we beseche the by the same beneuolence mercy that we may haue in our hertes sure trust without feare of thy fatherly loue And make vs fele this acceptable smell swetnes whiche the moste sure chyldly truste doth get vnto vs that we may with glade mynde call the father knowlege the loue the and crye on the
prayse and extoll hym for euer Ye aungelles of the lorde prayse the lorde ye heuens loue the lorde Ye waters all that are aboue heuen prayse the lorde all the powers of the lorde mought prayse the lorde The sonne the mone prayse ye the lorde starres of the yrmament loue ye the lorde The rayne and the due prayse ye the lorde all the wyndes of god prayse ye the lord Fyer and heat magnyfie ye the lorde wynter and somer loue ye the lorde Moystnes and ye hore frostes praise ye the lorde the frost and colde loue ye the lorde Yse and snow mought loue the lorde nightes and dayes prayse ye the lorde The lyghte and darknes moughte prayse the lorde lyghtenynges and cloudes loue ye the lorde The Earth mought prayse the lorde loue and extoll hym fo● euer Hylles and Mountaynes prayse ye the lorde all tha● sprynge●h vp on the Earthe loue ye the lorde Ye welles and sprynges prayse the lorde sees and floodes loue ye the lorde Whale fysshes and all tha● moueth in the waters prayse ye the lorde all byrdes of the ayre prayse the lorde All beastes bothe wylde and tame prayse the lorde ye chyldren of mē loue the lorde Israell praise thou the lorde loue him and extoll hym for euer Ye mynisters of the lorde prayse the lorde ye seruantes of the lorde loue the lorde ye sprytes and soules of ryghtewyse men loue the lorde ye holy and meake in herte prayse the lorde Anania Azaria Misaell prayse ye the lorde loue and extoll hym for euer O lorde thou art blyssed and praysed in the firmament of heuen thou art prayse worthy glorious and magnified in to worldes withoute ende ¶ Laudate dominum de celis PRayse the lorde ye heuenly myndes prayse ye hym all that are aboue Prayse hym all angelles prayse hym all his hoste rounde aboute hym Prayse hym sonne and mone prayse hym all bryght and shynyng starres Prayse him the most hyghest heuens and ye waters that are aboue the heuens Prayse ye the name of the lorde for he made and created all thynges with a worde And hath made them to stande faste in to the worlde of worldꝭ he hath gyuen them a lawe whiche they breake not Prayse the lorde all ceratures of the erthe dragons and all deape waters Fyer hayle snowe yse stormy wyndes doynge his cōmaundement Mountayns and all hyghe hylles fru●full trees and all cedre trees All wylde beastes and tame all thynges that crepe and fetherde foules Kynges of the earthe and all people prynces and all rulers of the Earthe Sengle men and maydens olde men and yonge prayse the name of the lorde for it is only hygh and spred ouer erthe heuēs He shall lyfte vp the power of his people it becōmeth his sayn●ꝭ ●o prayse hym wh●che haue profe●sed hym euen Israell his owne people whiche cōmeth vnto hym ¶ Canta●e domino Prayse ye the lorde SYnge ye to the lorde with a newe dy●ie his prayse shall be in the congregation of the sayntes Israell shall reioyse of his maker and the citezens of Syon of theyr kynge They shal praise his name with trompet synge ye vnto hym with taberat harpe For that lorde well pleased with his people shall exalte lowlyones with his helpe Sayntes shall reioyse euen from theyr hertes and the nobles shall triumphe in theyr couches The exaltyng of god is in their throtꝭ and in theyr handes a two egged swerde To take vengeaunce vpon the gentyles and to correct the people To bynde theyr kynges in chaynes and their most noblest rulers ī fet●ers of yerne To execute iudgemente amonge them as it is wryten this glorye shall be vnto all that are his sayntes Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ Lauda●e dūm PRayse hym that hathe his residence in his secrete holy place prayse hym that reygneth in y● firmamente the sea●e of his power Prayse hym for his strenghte prayse hym for almyghtynes Prayse hym with sounde of trompettes prayse hym with ●utes and harpes Prayse hym with tympany and taberat prayse hym with organs and pypes Praise him wi●h soft claricimbales praise hym wi●h loude clarycymbales What soeuer thyng is endued with breth● let it prayse the lorde Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was at the c. The Antheme THe hyghest prayse greatest glorye that we maye gyue to god is to beleue his promyse to veryfye it with our faythe which faythe he doth geue vs also that we myghte beleue our synnes to be forgeuen in Christes bloude The Chapyter Ephys ij By grace are ye made safe thrugh faith that not of your selues for it is the gyft of god and cometh not of workes lest ony mā shold bost hym selfe of his owne dead Thankes be to god ¶ The hympne PRayse ye the Lorde omnypotente ▪ whiche thrughe his benygnyte his most dere sonne hath to vs sent to dye for our iniquite We were his cruell ennemyes abiecte for our transgression how be it in chryst fyr● we our yeis whiche is our satysfaction Glorye be to the trynyte the father sone and spryte lyuynge whiche are one god persones thre to whome be prayse with out endynge The versycle What and yf we here suffre with Chryst. Thanswer Then shall we be gloryfyed togyder with hym in heuen Romans in the .viij. chapytre ¶ Here foloweth the songe of Zachary the preste saynt Iohn̄ Baptystes father ¶ Benedictus PRaysed be the lorde god of Israell for he hathe gracyously vysited and redemed his people He hathe set vp our mightye helthe in the house of Dauid his seruaunte Accordyng to his promises by the mouthes of his holy prophetꝭ of a longe tyme past Promysynge that we sholde be preserued from oure enemyes and from the handes of all them that hate vs. That we wolde thus vse and declare his ryche mercy towarde our fathers remembrynge his holy promyses And also to performe his othe whiche he swore to Abraham oure father and promysed hym selfe to gyue it vs. So that without feare we delyuerd from the handes of our enemyes myghte serue and honour hym In holynes and ryghtwysnes before him al dayes of our lyfe And thou my chylde shalt be called the prophete of the moste hygheste for thou shalte go before the face of the lorde to prepare his wayes To gyue the knowlege of the sauyng helthe to his people through the forgyuenes of theyr synnes The whiche cometh through thaboudant mercy and goodnes of our god by the whiche he hathe thus gracyously loked vpon vs spryngyng from aboue To gyue lyght to them that haue sytte in derknes and in the shadowe of deathe to direct our fete in to the way of peace Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ The antheme HE that
peryshe Glory be to the father c. Quare fremuerunt gentes psal ij WHerfore do the gentyles thus swel and cluster togyder wherfore do the people of the Iues thus gnaste in vayne Wherfore conspyre the kynges of therthe and the cheyfe prestes thus cast theyr headꝭ togyder agaynst the lorde his anoynted Sayenge let vs breake theyr bondes and let vs cast of theyr yokes But he that hath his resydence in heuen derideth them it is the lorde that scorneth them Then shall he thruste them downe in his wrathe and in his indignacion shall be all to trouble theym I haue constytute ordeyned my kynge to be ouer Syon my holye hyll I shal shewe forth the lordes cōmaūdement for he sayde vnto me thou arte my Sonne whom I haue nowe openly declared Aske of me and I shall gyue the the nacions in to thy heritage to be thyne owne possessyon thrughout all the worlde Thou shalt smyte them togyder with an yerne sceptre shalt breke them lyke erthē vesselles Now therfore ye kynges be wyse and vnderstonde ye rulers of the erthe be content to be monyshed lerned Serue ye the lorde besely study to gyue him his honour ioyfully with reuerence Kysse ye the sonne lest he beynge wroth your life ꝑishe for his angre shal be shot●ly kyndled And then blessed are all men that truste in hym Dūe quid multip psal iij. LOrde se what a sorte there are that trouble me full many there are that ryse agaynst me Many there are that thynke thus vpon my soule surely there is no helthe to be loked for from god vnto this man But thou lorde thou art my helpe my glory thou liftest vp my heade The lorde I called vpon with my prayer and he answered me euen from his holye hyll Selah I shall lye downe and sleape I my selfe shal vpwake me for the lorde susteyneth me I shall not feare ye thousandes of folke althoughe they be sege me rounde aboute Aryse lorde saue me my god thou shalt ●yue all my enemyes such a clap on th●yr chekes that a non the tethes of these vngodly shall be broken It is the lordes properte to saue thy people it behoueth to be holpen endued with thy benefites ¶ Non nobis dn̄e psal C.xv. NOt to vs lorde not to vs but to thy name gyue the glory and prayse for thy mercy and for thy trouthes sake Wherfore then sholde the gentyles saye where is nowe theyr god When our god is in the heuens he dothe what so euer lyketh hym Theyr ymages are but golde and syluer euen the very worke of mannes hande They haue mouthes and yet speake they not eyes and se not eares and heare not nose and smell not They haue handꝭ and nothynge fele they feate and go not with theyr throte make they no noyse Unto these ydols are they lyke that make them and as many as truste vnto them But Israell truste thou in the lorde for he helpeth them and is theyr shylde Ye of the house of Aharon se that ye truste in the lorde for he is their helpe their shylde Ye worshipers of the lorde se that ye truste in the lorde for he is to them helpe defender The lorde wyll haue vs in mynde it is he that wyll do good he wyll do good to the house of Israel to the house of Aharon He wyll be benyficiall to the worshypers of the lord as wel to the lytell as to the grete The lord mought increase his good mynd towarde you towarde you and towarde your chyldrene Ye are they to whom the lorde doth good which hath made heuen and the erthe The heuens the verye heuens are the lordes but therthe hath he geuen to the chyldren of men The deed in no maner of wyse shall prayse the lorde neyther they that go downe to the place of scilence But we shall magnyfye and prayse the lorde frome this tyme in to euerlastyng ¶ praise ye the lord The Antheme To the romans xv ¶ We the which are stronge sayth paule ought to beare the frailnes of them which are weake and not to stonde in our owne conceytes ¶ The Chap. Roma xv LEt euery man please his neyghbour vnto his welthe and edefyenge for Christe pleased not hym selfe but as it is wryten The rebukes of them which reuyled that fell vpon me Thankꝭ be to god BLessed be god father almyghty whihath strēghened his feble flocke with stedfast faythe and bolde spirite to bere his crosse burden and youke These ar the last dayes perelous frely Christes gospell to professe come downe lorde shortly to iudge vs. and take vs from this heuenes Amen ¶ The versicle What thynge is precyous in godes sighte Thaūswer The deth of his faithful mē ¶ The songe of our Lady My soule magnyfieth the Lorde And my spirite reioyseth in god my sauyour For he hathe loked on the poore degre of his hande mayden Beholde nowe from thence forthe shall al generations call me blessed For he that is myghty hathe magnyfied me wherfore blessed be his name And his mercye is ouer theym that feare hym throughoute all generations He hathe declared his myghte by his power he hath dyspersed the proude men by the vayne study of theyr owne hertes He hathe plucked downe men of power from theyr seates and hathe lyfted vp the poore lowlyones The hungry men he hathe satisfied with goodnes and them that appered ryche he hathe lefte voyde He hathe taken vp Israell his seruaunte thynkynge vpon hym to be saued for his mercyes sake Lyke as he promysed to our fathers as to Abraham to his seade for euermore Glorye be to the father c The Anthem Luke the .j. .ij. SOmtyme the scrypture with the gospell was so fre that they were preached of the mouthes of holy women as of our blyssed lady of Anna phāneles doughter of the foure doughters of phyllyp but now beholde sayth the lorde by his prophete Amos I shal sende an hūgre in to the erthe not the hungre for bodely fode nor thirst for water but hungre and thurste to here the worde of the lorde and men shall go frome the one see to the other cōpassynge aboute frome the northe to the easte sekynge the worde of the lorde they shal not fynde it ¶ The versycle Oh lorde sende vs the preachers of thy worde Thanswere And geue vs grace to beleue it amē orati O mercyful father which by thy worde madeste all thynges and by it shalt vnmake agayne at the tyme appoynted and with thy fearfull worde dydeste caste downe Adam with thy confortable worde lytfedest hym vp agayne also thrughe thy worde thou hast declared thy wyl geuen vs the knowlege of the by the fathers and ꝓphetes at the last by thyn owne sonne christ sendyng hym to preache it as a thīg soo necessarye that without it there is no knowlege of the no faythe no saluation no helthe wherfore we beseche the for thy wordes
loude syghes that my bones cleued to my skynne I am lyke an destrege of the wyldernes made lyke an owle in an olde forlaten house I lye wakynge am left alone lyke the sparowe in the thacke Myne enemyes reuyled me all daye they that chide me vsed my name opprobriously I eate erthe in stede of brede lycken my teares in stede of drynke And all is for thy indignation and thy wrathe for when I was a lofte thou thruest me downe My dayes are vanysshed awaye lyke a shadowe I my selfe am whytherd lyke hay But thou Lorde syttest styll for euer thy memoriall endureth from age to age Thou shalt ryse and haue pyty on Syon for it is tyme for the to fauour it thy daye apoynted is now come For the stones of it please thy seruantes verely and they fauour her soyle Euen the hethen also shal worshyp the name of the lorde and all the kynges of therthe shall knowlege thy gloryous beauty The lorde verely shal buylde spō he shall be sene in his beautiful glory And he shall haue respect vnto the prayer of the poore forsaken his praier shall he not despyse This thyng shall be wryten for the worlde to come and for this cause the people whiche are yet vnmade shall praise the lorde For he shall loke forthe of his hyghe holye place the lorde shall beholde therthe euen from heuen To heare the syghes of them that are in bondes and to lose the chyldren iudged to death That they myghte preache the name of the lorde in Syon and his prayse in Ierusalem When the people and the kyngdomes shall be gathered together to worshyp the lorde He abated my courage in my iourney and hathe cut of my dayes I saye my god take me not away in the miooꝭ of my dayes for thy yeres endure throughout all ages In the begynnyng thou layedste the foundacyon of therthe and the heuens are thy handy worke They shal perysshe when thou shalt staude faste and all thyngꝭ shal wax olde lyke a garment thou shalt dresse them agayne lyke a garment they shall be chaūged But thou art euen thy very selfe and thy yeares shall neuer be ended The chyldren of thy seruantes shal dwell styll and theyr posterite shall lyue prosperously and blessedly in thy presence FRo my moste depest paynfull troubles called I vpon the lorde Lorde heare thou me and let thy cares be attente vnto my deape desyre If thou sholdest loke narowly vpon our wyckednesses o lorde lorde who might abyde the But there is mercy with the and therfore art thou worshypped I abyde the lorde my soule abydeth hym I tary lokyng vp alway for thy ꝓmyses My soule wayteth for the lorde as desyrously as do the watche men desyre the daye sprynge Let Israell wayte for the lorde for with the lorde is there mercy and plentuous redemption It is he that shall redeme Israell from all theyr wyckednesses Domine exau the .ij. psal C.xliij O Lorde heare my prayer lysten vnto my feruēt besechyng for thy trouthes sake graunt me for thy ryghtwysenes Haue thou not to do with thy seruant in iudgement for in thy presence no man lyuynge is reputed ryghtwyse A cruell enemy verely persecuted my soule he hath caste downe my lyfe in to therthe he hath set me in darknes lyke as men iudged to dethe My spirite is sore troubled within me and my herte wexeth colde in my brest But at last I remembred the dayes paste I consydered all thy workes and pondred in mynde the dedes of thy handes I stretched forth my handes vnto the my soule desyrously panted and breathed for the I gaped for the lyke thyrsty earthe Haste the to graunt me o lorde for my spirite faynteth hyde not thy face fro me on lesse I be lyke mē goyng downe in to theyr grakes Make me shortly to heare of thy mercyable goodnes for in the do I truste shewe me the way wherin I maye go for vnto the haue I lyfted vp my soule Delyuer me fro myne enemyes o lorde my god for vnder the do I hyde my selfe Teache me to do thy pleasures for thou art my god thy good spirite moughte lede me in to the ryght way For thy names sake lorde restore me for thy ryghtwysnes leade my soule out of this strayte anguyshe Ye and for thy mercyes sake all to destroye my enemyes and shake away all that trouble my soule for I am thy seruāt Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holye Ghoste As it was in the beginnyng as it is now and euer shall be AMEN ¶ The commendacyons The argumente in to the C.xix psalme ¶ This psalme declareth in howe greate pryce and reuerence the sayntes or holye men haue the lawes of god how ernestly they are occupyed in them howe they sorowe to se them broken and sayde agaynst of the vngodly how they pray to be taught them of god and to be acqueynted and accustomed with them and to be short how they desyre those mē to be destroyed what so euer they be whiche breake and saye agaynste them ¶ Beati immaculati BLessed are they which lyue pure innocently euē them I meane which lyue after the lawe of the lorde Blessed are they whiche obserue his testimonies and serche theym with all theyr herte For they shal do no wyckednes that thus trede his wayes Thou hast cōmaunded that thy cōmaūdemētes sholde be kepte with earnest diligēce wolde god that my lyfe were so instructe that I might obserue thy ordinaunces Then sholde I not be disapoynted when I shall haue all thy cōmaūdemētes before myne eyes I shall magnifie the with a pure herte when I shall learne thy ryghtwise iudgemētes I shal obserue thy ordinaūces forsake me not at ony time How shold the yong mā amēde his liuyng he shal wel amende it in obseruyng thy pleasures with all my herte haue I sought the suffre me not to swarue frō thy cōmaundemētes In my herte haue I hyd thy wordes to th entēt I wolde not offend ye. Lord thou art praise worthy teache me thy ordinaūcꝭ with my lyppes shal I shewe forth all the pleasures of thy mouthe I shall reioyse of the way whiche thy testimonies teache as vpon al maner of rychesse Upon thy cōmaundemētes shal I set al my mynde shall set thy pathes before my eyes In thy ordinaūces shal I delight I shal not forget thy wordes Rewarde thy seruāt that I maye lyue obserue thy pleasures Uncouer my eyes that I maye perfitly se the meruelous thynges in thy lawe I am but a stranger in the earthe yet hyde not thy cōmaundemētes fro me My soule is broken with desyre to know at all tymes thy pleasures Thou shalt sharply rebuke the vngodly cursed are they the erre from thy cōmaūdemētes Take away fro me obprobry ignominy for I shal obsue thy testimonies Euen the chyef rulers sit speake against me but yet thy seruant is occupied euer in thy ordinaūces Also
O lorde I beseche the let the wyllynge sacrifices of my mouth be accepted and teche me thy pleasures I my selfe bryng my lyfe euer in to peryll but yet thy lawe do I not forget These proude vngodly haue set snares for me but yet I swarued not from thy cōmaundementes I haue chalenged thy testymonyes for my ꝑpetuall herytage for they are my hertꝭ ioye I haue bowed downe my hert to do thy ordynaūces ye that for euer without ende The frantyke harde necked do I hate thy lawe haue I loued Thou art my lurkynge place my shelde I wayte for thy promyses Auoyde fro me ye hurtfull men I shall kepe the p̄ceptes of my god Strengthen me accordynge to thy promyses that I may lyue let me not shamed disapoīted of my hope Stay thou me and I shal be saued and I shall delyte besyly in thy ordynaūces Thou shalt trede downe all that erre from thy ordynaūces for all these crafty mennes studye is to deceyue with lyes Lyke rust thou rubbedest away all those proude vngodly of the erth wherfor I loued thy testīonies My flesshe trēbled for feare of the I feare thy iudgementes All my mynde was to do equite ryghtwysnes leue me not to myne vniuste vexers Delyght thy seruaunt with good thingꝭ leest these vngodly make me sorowfull with their iniuryes My eyes dasled lokyng vp for thy sauynge helpe waytyng for the ꝓmyses of thy ryghtwisnes Deale with thy seruaūt mercyably instructe me with thy ordynaunces I am thy seruaūt make me to vnderstāde know thy testimonyes It is tyme lorde to do iudgemēt for they haue scatered abrode thy lawe And therfore I loued thy p̄ceptes aboue golde and precious stones And for this I knowlege all thy cōmaūdementꝭ to be rightwise I hate euery false path Merueylous are thy testimonyes wherfore my soule obserueth them To cōme but to the dore of thy scripture lyghteneth gyueth vnderstondyng to the vnlerned I drewe in my breth fayntly for that I laboured so sore to attayne vnto Beholde haue thy preceptes mercy vpon me accordyng to thy iudgemētes wherwith thou gouernest the louers of thy name Rule my steps after thy pleasures suffer no iniquite to haue dominiō ouer me Redeme me frō the iniuryes of men and I shal kepe thy cōmaūdemētes Make thy face to shyne vpon thy seruāt instruct me in thy ordynaūces Stremes of water gusshed out of my eyes bycause I se men not obseruynge thy lawe Ryghtwyse art thou o lord ryght are thy iudgemētes Thou hast cōmaūded in thy testimonyes ▪ ryghtwysnes faythfulnes moost chyefly My zele to thy worde killed me bycause my pursuers forgat it Thy wordes are purely tryed lyke as with fyre thy seruāt loueth them I was a lytel on an abiect but yet forgate I not thy cōmaundementes Thy ryghtwysnes is euerlastyng thy lawe is the very trewth Than afflictiō heuynes had taken me than thy cōmaūdemētes refresshed me The beleuyng of thy ꝓmyses is euerlastyng ryghtwisnes gyue me vnderstandyng of this and I shall lyue I called vpon the with al my hert graūte me lord and I shall obserue thy ordinaūces I called vpō the saue thou me I shall kepe thy testimonyes I preuente the dawnyng of the day crye vnto the I wayte for thy ꝓmyses My eyes preuēted the watches that I myght be occupyed in thy plesures Heare me lord for thy mercies sake quicken me after thy pleasures My pursuers layde theyr owne fautꝭ vpō my neck but they ar gone farre backe frō thy lawe Thou art present o lorde and all thy preceptes are the very selfe trouthe I knewe this before of thy testymonies for thou hast stablisshed them to abyde for euer Beholde my affliction defende me for I forget not thy lawe Defende my cause and delyuer me quicken me after thy promyses Helthe is farre frō the vngodly for they regarde not thy ordynaūces Bounteous is thy gentylnes o lorde quicken me at thy pleasure Many ther are that persecute me and are against me yet haue I not swarued frō thy testymonyes I se these malycious men and it irked me bycause they obserued not thy sayinges Thou seest that I loue thy cōmaūdementes lorde for thy mercyes sake quicken me The begynnynge of thy wordes is trouth and the iudgementes of thy ryghtwysnes standeth for euer The ouermost in au●horite persecuted me fautles my hert feared at thy wordꝭ I am as glad of thy plesures as one that had foūde many proyes I hate and abhor lyes I loue thy lawe Seuen tymes in the day I prayse the for thy rightwyse iudgemētes The louers of thy lawe shall haue moche felicite quietnes and no hurte at all I trust vpon thy helpe lorde gyue diligēce to thy preceptes My soule obserueth thy tessymonyes loueth them greatly I obserue thy cōmaundementes and thy testimonyes for all my wayes are open vnto the. Let my cryenge ascende in to thy presence o lord make me ryghtly to vnderstande thy wordes Let my depe desyre cōme in to thy syght delyuer me accordyng to thy ꝓmyses My lyps shall poure forth thy prayse thou shalt īstruct me in thy ordynaūces My tung shall speake of thy pleasures for all thy p̄ceptes are ryghtwisnes Let thy hande helpe me for I haue chosen thy cōmaūdemētes I desyred thy sauyng helpe lord and thy lawe is my delyte My soule shall lyue prayse the and thy iudgementes shall be my helpe I am strayed lyke a lost shepe seke thou thy seruant for thy cōmaundementes haue I not forgoten ¶ The Antheme God cōmaūded man first of all not to taste of the tree of knowlege of good euyll willyng that it sholde not lye in mannes wyll and power of hym selfe to knowe good frō euyll but the knowlege sholde be gyuen man thorowe goddes worde to the which worde he cōmaunded vs also neyther to adde any thynge nor to take from it no not to do without it that thynge whiche appereth ryght in our eyes ¶ The versycle Blessed is that man o lorde whome thou learnest ¶ Thanswere Ye and whome thou teachest with thy worde ¶ The prayer O God almyghty all alone suffycyent for vs all to be holpen and to gyue vs all thynges we beseche the for thy sone Iesus Chrystes sake and for the glorye of thy worde to puryfye our hertes with thy spiryte of fayth that we myght knowe thy worde heare thy voyce beleue it whiche assureth vs frely to be made ryghtwyse by thy fauoure and mercye thorowe the redempcyon that is in Chryst Iesu our seate of mercy thorowe fayth in his blode Amen ¶ Esaye .lix. Lo the lorde is yet alyue whose power is not so mynysshed but he may vs yet saue neyther are his eares soo stopped but he wyll vs yet heare Prayse ye the lorde ¶ Here foloweth the psalmes of the passyon of Chryst. ¶ The argument in to the .xxij. psalme ¶ Here Dauid declareth hym selfe playnly to be the very
fygure of Chryste Wherfore fyrste of all he syngeth and expresseth his great deiection and downe fall and anone after his exaltacyon his encrease and purchasynge of his kyngdome euen to the vttermost partes of the lande and the contynuaunce therof vnto the worldes ende ¶ Deus deus meꝰ respice Psal. xxij MY god my god lo wherfore forsakest thou me how farre is thyne helpe from myne out cryenge My god shall I thꝰ crye and call vpon the all daye and yet wylt thou not heare shall I crye all nyght and neuer cease Ueryly yet art thou that holy one whiche dwellest in Israell extollynge the with prayse Our father 's trusted vpon the they trusted vpon the and thou delyuerdest them They cryed vnto the and were delyuered they trusted vpon the were not shamed But as for me I am but a worme and no man euen the very opprobrye of the men and an abiecte from the vylest folke All that se me made but a laughyng stock on me they mocked me with theyr lyppes and wagged theyr heddes at me Sayinge this vyleyn referred all thynges to the lorde let hym now delyuer hym yf he wyll for he loueth hym well But yet thou arte he whiche leddest me out of my mothers wombe myne owne refugy euen from my mothers teates As soone as I came in to this worlde I was layde in thy lappe thou art my God euen from my mothers wombe Go thou not farre from me for my trouble draweth nygh neyther is there any man that wyll helpe There are beset me rounde aboute greate sturdy steares ye the fatte bulles of Bashan haue hedged me in Lyke a rorynge lyon pantynge and gapynge for his proye theyr mouthes are open vpon me naked before them I sanke awaye lyke water all my bones shoke out of ioynte my hert within me melted away lyke waxe The moystur of my body was dryed vp and I was lyke a potsherde my tung cleued to the sydes of my mouth thou hast drest me to my graue For euen lyke dogges they came aboute me the chyrche of noyous men hedged me in they dygged thorowe my handes fete A man myght haue tolde all my bones they gasyng vpon me thus pytyles entreated toke theyr pleasure They parted my ouer clothes to them self and for my other cote they casted dyce But thou oh lorde be not farre o my strengthe haste the to cōme helpe me Delyuer my lyfe from the deth stroke and my deare soule from the woodnes of these dogges Saue me from the mouthes of these lyons and defende my poore simplenes from the hornes of these vnicornes I shall sprede thy name among my bretherne in the myddes of the congregacyon I shall prayse the. I saye ▪ ye that feare the lorde se that ye prayse hym all ye of the sede of Iacob gloryfye hym all ye of the progeny of Israel feare hym For he hath not despised nor abhorred the troublous affliction of the poore in no maner of wyse turneth he his face from hym but whan he cryed vnto hym he herd hym I shall prayse the in the greate congregacyon I shall ꝑforme my vowes before his worshyppers The meke men shall eate be satisfyed they that seke the lorde shall prayse hym theyr herte shall lyue and ioye for euer The dwellers in thextreme partes of the erth shall remembre themselues and be turned to the lorde and all hethen nations shall fall downe before the. For the kyngdome is the lordes and he is lorde ouer al nations All the ryche men of the erth shall eate and do hym homage they shal be bowed downe before hym and descende in to theyr graues for they may not prolonge ony lyfe to thyyr soules But theyr postertie shall serue hym shall be nombred to the lorde for euer And thus theyr chylders chylderne shall shewe the ryghtwisnes whiche he hath gyuen to the people whiche is yet to be borne ¶ Dn̄s regit me Psal. xxiij THe lorde is my pastoure and feader wherfore I shall not wante He made me to feade in a full plentuous batle groūde and dyd dryue retche me at leyser by the swete ryuers He restored my lyfe and led me by the pathes of ryghtwisnes for his names sake Ye yf I shold go thorowe the myddes of deth yet wolde I fere none euyll for thou art with me thy staffe and thy shepe hoke conforte me Thou shalt sprede garnysshe me a table ye and that in the syght of myn ennemyes thou shalt souple my heed with oyntment and my full cuppe shall laugh vpon me Ye and thy mercy and gentylnes shall folowe me al my lyfe I shall syt in the house of the lorde a longe tyme. ¶ Dīn est terra Psal. xxiiij THe erth is the lordes and all that is conteyned in it the rounde worlde and all that inhabyte it For in the see hath he set her foūdacyons hath buylded her aboue the flodes Who shall clymme in to the hyll of the lorde or who shall abyde in his holy place An innocent in his dedes and he that is pure in herte that hath not extolled hym self proudly vnto vanite neyther hath sworne for ony disceyte This mā shal be fed with the blessyng of the lorde with the mercy of god his sauyour This is the nacion gyuē all vnto hym seketh hī this is the very ryght Iacob Selah Oh ye gates lyfte vp your selues ye gates euerlastynge be ye opened this gloryous kyng shall inentre Who is this kyng that is so gloryous it is the myghty valyaunt lorde noble in power a lord excellēt ī strength to wage batayle Oh ye gates lyfte vp your selfe ye gates euerlastyng be ye opened the gloryous kyng shall inentre Who is this kyng that is so gloryous it is the lorde of hostes it is he that is this gloryous kyng Sela. ¶ Ad te dn̄e leuaui Psal. xxv UNto the oh lorde I lyfte vp my mynde my god I trust in the let me not be shamed lest myne ennemyes reioyse vpon me For they shall not be shamed who so euer depēde vpon the but they shall be shamed that wrongfully hurt innocentes Shewe me thy wayes lord and wonte me to thy pathes Lede me forth for thy faythfull truthes sake acquaynte me with the for thou art god my sauyour of whome I depende perpetually Lorde remembre thy mercy thy gracyous fauour for in these thynges thou excellest euen frō the begynnynge But the synnes of my youthe with my vngodlynes also remēbre thou not remembre me accordynge to thy goodnes for thy mercyes sake oh lorde Good and ryghtwyse is the lorde wherfore he wyll instructe and teche synners the waye He wyll make the lowlyones to go in ryghtly and in good ordre and wyll teache meke men his waye All the pathes of the lorde are mercy and faythfulnes to those men whiche kepe touche and conuenaunte with hym For thy names sake oh lorde forgyue me my wyckednes for it
is very moche Who so euer that man be that feareth the lorde he shall teache hym the chosen ryght waye His mynde shall enioye good thinges and his posterite shall possesse the lande as ryght herytage The lorde is a secrete sure thynge to them that feare hym and them shall he make to knowe his conuenaunte and promyse Myne eyes shall be euer vpon the lorde for he wyll drawe my fete out of the nette Beholde me and haue mercy vpon me for I am alone forsaken full of affliction The sorowfull syghes of my herte encrease more more lede me out of myne anguysshe Beholde my poore state and my heuynes forgyue me all my synnes Consyder my ennemyes for they are full many and with furyous hatred they pursue me Kepe my soule and delyuer me leest I be shamed for I haue put my trust in the. Defende me that I may lyue ryghtly hurtynge no man for of the do I depende Redeme and lose Israell oh god from all his aduersytees ¶ Iudica me dn̄e Psal. xxvj BE iudge for me lorde for I am purposed to lyue innocently and whyles I trust in the lorde I shall not wauer Proue me lorde and serche me trye my reynes and my herte lyke as metall with fyre For thy mercy is euer before myne eyen I lede my lyfe in thy faythfulnes I haue not delyghted in the company of vayne men neyther haue I associated my selfe with these holowe subtyle men I hate the chyrche of hurtfull and noyous men neyther haue I conspyred with the vngodly I shall endeuer my handes to be pure voyde all disceyte thy altare oh lorde shall I go aboute To synge thy prayse to shewe forth what so euer wonderfull dede thou hast done Lorde dere beloued is thy house vnto me the seate of thy beautefull tabernacle also Take not away my soule with the vngodly neyther yet my lyfe with these blody men In whose handes disceyte is turned canuast theyr ryght hande is full of brybes But I lyue harmeles and innocently redeme me and haue mercy vp●n me My fote is fastened in a place well worthy for me in the cōgregacions I shall magnifye and prayse the lorde ¶ Dn̄s illuminatio Psal. xxvij THe lord is my light my sauīg helth of whome than shall I be afrayde The lorde is the stronge defence of my lyfe of whome than shall I be afrayde Whan the noyous harmefull men which were myne aduersaryes fall vpon me to deuour my flesshe than shall they smyte them selfe agaynst the rocke and fall Ye and yf they pytche felde bende theyr ordynaunce agaynst me yet shall not my herte feare Yf batayle be bente agaynst me yet shall I trust to the promyse of god One peticyon asked I of the lorde whiche I wyll folowe vpon that is I myght syt in the house of the lorde all dayes of my lyfe Where I myght beholde the beautefull regaltye of the lorde and visyte his holy temple For he hath hydde me as though I were in his tabernacle in tyme of persecucion he shall hyde me in the preuy place of his tente and shall lyfte me vp in to a rocke He shall gyue me the ouer hande of myne ennemyes whiche haue compassed me in and I shall offre ioyfull sacryfyces I shall synge playe the psalmes before the lorde Lorde heare my voyce I call vpon the haue mercy vpon me and answere me My herte thought vpon the I sought to se the it is the lorde that I seke Turne not thy face from me suffer not thy seruaunt to slyde in thy wrathe hytherto hast thou ben my helper cast me not now awaye neyther forsake me oh god my sauyoure For where my father and my mother fayled me there the lorde gathered me to hym Lorde teache me thy waye and leade me forth in the ryght pathe from theym that laye awayte for me Let them not take theyr pleasure vpon me whiche are my troublous ennemyes lyenge wytnesses stode togyder styffe agaynst me Whose violence had greuously oppressed me had I not beleued to enioye those thynges whiche are good amonge the lyuynge men Depende and wayte thou vpon the lorde be thou strōge it is he that shal strengthen thy herte depende vpon the lorde ¶ Ad te dn̄e clamabo Psal. xxviij UPon the lorde do I call whiche art my stronge defence despyse me not neyther forsake thou me oneles I be lyke men let downe in to theyr graues Heare my prayer whyles I crye vnto the and lyfte vp my handes vnto thy holy temple Plucke me not in to vengeaunce with the vngodly with those whiche study for shrewednes spekyng peasably with theyr neyghbours whyles they nourysshe euyll in theyr hertes Gyue them as they deserue and after theyr malycyous study gyue them after theyr dedes acquyte them theyr deseruynge For they regarded not the workes and dedes of the lorde he shall therfore destroye them and not edyfye them Praysed be the lorde for he hathe herde the depe desyres of my mynde The lorde is my strengthe he is my buckler in hym trusted my hert and I was holpen wherfore my hert reioyseth and I shall magnyfye hym in my songe The lorde is theyr strengthe and a sauyng power to preserue his anoynted Saue thy people do good to thy heritage fede and gouerne them and lyfte them vp for euermore ¶ Afferte dn̄o filij dei Psal. xxix GYue vnto the Lorde ye that excell in myghty power gyue ye vnto the lorde honour and the prayse of his power Gyue the lord worshyp worthy his name honour the lorde in his holy kynges hall The voyce of the lorde is in the watery cloudes god whose maieste is to be feared with reuerence thondreth the lorde is declared vpon great waters The voyce of the lorde is passynge stronge the voyce of the lorde is full of maieste The voyce of the lorde smyteth togyther ceder trees the lorde breaketh togyther the ceders of Libani He maketh the mountaynes of Libani and Hireion to leape togyther lyke calues they ranne togyther lyke the calues of vnicornes The voyce of the lorde casteth and cutteth forth fyry lyghtenynges The voyce of the lorde maketh the deserte to quake the lorde made euen the deserte of Kades to tremble The voyce of the lorde maketh hartes and does to grone to braye vncouereth the thycke wodes whiche all maketh for his prayse to be sayd in his temple The lorde ruleth ouer the vniuersall flode the lorde there kepeth residence a kyng euerlastyng The lorde mynystreth strength to his people the lorde is benefycyall to his people gyuynge them prosperous peace ¶ Exaltabo te dn̄e Psal. xxx I Shall exalte the lorde for thou hast exalted me hast not made my ennemyes to reioyse vpon me Oh lord my god I haue called vpon the thou hast healed me Lorde thou hast led my soule forth of my graue thou hast restored my lyfe lest I sholde haue gone downe in to the pyt
Ye sayntes of the lorde synge vnto hym a prayse se that ye sprede his holy memoryall For it is but a moment that his wrath endureth but lōge is the lyfe that cōmeth of his beniuolence Wepyng waylyng cōmeth in at the euen tide but anone after gladnes aryseth with the mornyng Whan all thingꝭ were ꝓsperous about me I thought with my self that I shold neuer slyde Lorde of thy good wyll thou stablysshdest my kyngdom lyke an hyll for as soone as thou hadst turned away thy face I was astonyed troubled The lorde called I vpon to the lorde did I make my prayer I said with my self what ꝓfyteth my lyf yf I be put now in to my graue shall the dust of my karcas magnyfye the or yet declare thy faythfulnes Heare lorde haue mercy vpon me lorde be thou my helpe Thou hast turned my mournyng in to ioye thou hast shaken me out of my mournyng sacke and clothed me with gladnes Wherfore my tunge shall synge thy prayse and shall not cease lorde my god I shall magnyfye the with prayse in to euerlastynge In te dn̄e speraui Psal. xxxj IN the oh lord haue I trusted let me neuer be shamed for thy ryghtwisnes sake delyuer me Bowe downe thyne eare vnto me spede the to delyuer me be thou my stony rocke whervpon I myght syt fast be thou my strōge defēced castell wherin thou mayst p̄serue me For thou art my rocke my bulwarke wherfore lede thou me forth for thy names sake take the charge of me Lede me forth of the nette whiche they haue set so p̄uely for me for thou art my strēgth I betake my spiryte in to thy handes for thou shalt redeme me lord my god whiche kepest true promyse at all tymes Prayse ye the lorde ¶ The prayer of the prophete Ionas delyuered out of the whales bely IOnas prayed vnto the lorde his god in the whales bely sayinge in my affliction I cryed vnto the lorde he answered me Euen from the bely of hell I cryed and thou herdest my voyce for thou haddest throwen me forth in to the myddes of the depest of the see and the waters closed me aboute all thy great waues flodes wente ouer me And I thought sayinge with my selfe I am cast out of thy syght I shall neuermore se thy holy tēple for waters haue compassed me in euen vp to my soule The darke depthe closed me in the foule stynkynge wedes of the see couered my heed I sanke downe vnder the foūdacyons of the hylles so that the waters barred me out from therthe for euer but thou madest my lyfe to aryse from dethe O lorde my god whan my soule fayled me yet I remēbred the lorde and my prayer came vnto thy holy temple They that are gyuen to vanite and lyes haue lost theyr mercy from god but I shal offer vnto the lowde prayse and shall perfourme my vowes to the lorde whiche is a sauyour for the lorde cōmaunded the fysshe anone she cast out Ionas vpon the drye lande ¶ A Dialoge Wherin the Chylde asked certeyn Questions answereth to the same The question SPeke my deare chylde what art thou The answer As concerninge my fyrste byrthe I am a creature of God endued with wytte reason the sonne of Adam as towchinge my newe secunde byrthe I knowlyge my selfe to be a Christiane The question Wherfore sayst that thou art a christiane The answere Because I am christened in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy goste The quest what is Baptysme the ans It ia called of Paule the lauer or water of rygeneration by the which euery one that beleueth is receyued cōsecrated in to the felawshyp of Christes church to be partaker of lyfe euerlastynge Quest. In whom beleuest thou Answ. I beleue in god the father almyghty and so furthe as it standeth in my Crew Quest. What is Fayth Answ. Fayth as sayth Paule is a sure cōfidence of thynges whiche are hoped for and a certayntie of thynges whiche are not sene that is to saye an ernest and a fast cleuyng to the worde of the lyuyng god with an vndoubtynge trust of his ꝓmesses and no lesse feare of his thretenynges Quest. How many goddes are there Ans. There is but one god alone for all sufficient which hath his beyng of hym selfe al creatures haue their being of him Quest. How many ꝑsons then ar there in the godhed Ans. There are thre parsons whiche are god the father god the sonne and god the holye ghoste thre parsons in Trinite one god in essence Quest. what is god Ans. God is he of whose goodnes and by whose power I am perswaded and assured through my faith to receiue al that good is vnto whō also I flee in all aduersities and perelles as vnto a present and al alone suffecient helpe for me he paciently a bydeth our turnynge from synne full of mercy gentle goad redye alwayes to forgyue and suffreth no synne to be vnpunyshed and that in to the thyrde and fourthe generatiō vntyll none of that synful stocke be lefte alyue Quest. In whom beleuest thou I pray tell me agayne Ans. I beleue I say in god the father almyghty maker of heuen and erathe in Iesu Christ his only sonne our lord c. as it stōdeth in my Crew Quest. What meaneste thou by this fyrste article A. I beleue y● he is my god mercyful father vnto me tēderyng me as his dere beloued chylde and to be euermore vnto me an almighty helper Quest. what meanest thou by the seconde thyrde fourthe c. articles Ans. I beleue that Christe was conceyued borne and suffred for my synnes that he went downe to hel for my sake to delyuer me thense al them that truely beleue that he rose to make me ryghtwyse Quest. What thynge worketh this faythe in the Ans. It worketh in me loue to god to my neyghbours as to my selfe and so chaūgeth me in to a newe man that nowe I beleuynge and knowynge god to haue shewed so excedyng loue for me studye to do his cōmaundemētes and am full heuy in my herte that I can not fulfyll them Quest. Why what ar his cōmaūdemētes Ans. These are his cōmaundemētes fyrste thus saith god Exo. xx I am the lorde thy god Thou shalt haue none other goddꝭ in my syghte The .ij. cōmaundemēt Thou shalt make the no grauē or carued image nether ony similitude that is in heuen aboue either ī therthe beneth or in the water that is benethe therthe Se that thou nether bowe thy selfe vnto them nor yet serue them for I the lorde god am a gelows god punishe the synne of the fathers vpon the chyldren vnto the thyrde fourth generaciō of thē that hate me yet shewe I mercy vnto thousādꝭ amōge them that loue me kepe my cōmaundemētꝭ ¶ The thyrde cōmaundement Thou shalt not take the name of the lorde thy god in vayne
canst rayse vp chldren vnto Abraham neither can my synnes be impediment vnto the yf thou wylte do this but rather where synne is so aboundaunte there aboundeth grace Paule yet brethynge our ●●reatnynges and slaughter agayyste the dyscyples of the lorde receyued cōmyssyon that yf he ●ounde ony whether they were men or women whiche folowed the professed thy fayth he sholde brynge them presoners to Hierusalem And forthe was he goynge lyke a mad harebrayn and as a rauenyng wolfe for to stray a brode rau●sh and kyll thy shepe But whylles he was yet in his iourney euen in the heate of his persecucion and in actuall doynge of his synne whyles he was persecuting the and wolde haue s●ayne thy chosen hauyng no maner of preparatyue vnto grace neyther yet knowlege of his syn̄e when with her● and wyl he was thyne aduersarie blasphemed and cursed the. Beholde the voyce of thy mercyable pytye vnto hī sayeng saule saule why persecureste me by the whiche voyce he was immedyatlye bothe layed a longe and raysed vp he was layde a longe and ouerthrowne as cōcernyng his body but he was raysed vp with the mynd thou raysedste hym vp that was in the slepe of darke ignorauncie and pouredst in thy gloryous lyght in those yeis which were oppressed with this blynde sleape thou shewedst him thy fauourable face and endued hym with thy gracious mercy Then was he reysed as it had bene frome dethe he opened his yeis he sawe the and sayd lord what wylt thou that I do after dydest thou send a shepe to this wolfe for thou cōmaundest ●nanias to go vnto him And then was he baptysed and anone was he replenyshed with the holy ghost and was made a chosen vessel to beare thy name before kinges natiōs the chylder of Israel And without delaye he entred in to the synagoges and preached thy name stoutlye affyrmynge that thou arte chryste He dysputed preuayled and confoūded the Iues. Beholde lorde euen streyght of a persecutoure thou madest hym a preacher suche a preacher that laboured more then all the other Appostles O how greate is thy powere yf thou wylt of a wycked man make a ryghtwyse or of a ꝑsecutoure a preacher who shal forbyd the who shall resyst the who maye saye vnto the why doest thou so All thingꝭ that thou woldest haue thou made in heuen and in erthe in the see and in all bottomlesse depth Therfore impure it not to arrogancye yf I coueyte thrughe thy power and not thrugh myne owne to teche the wycked thy wayes for I know that I can offre nothynge whiche can be so acceptable in thy godly syghte this is the most pleasaunt sacryfyce also for my for my singuler profit now if thou chaū●● me in to an other man then will I teache the wycked thy wayes not the wayes of Plato and Aristole not the intricate and sotle proposicyons of mannes wytte not the instructions of phylosophye not the paynted wordes and vayne coulours of y● rethorycans Not worldly maters and policyes not vnfrutfull wayes of vanite not wayes that leade men in to deathe But thy wayes and thy preceptes whiche lead vnto lyfe nether wyll I teache them only one waye but many wayes for manye are thy cōmaundementes how be it all these wayes ende in one that is in loue charyte whiche doth so combynde the faythfull hertes that they haue one mynde and one wyll in god Or elles maye we vnderstonde by thy many waies the dyuers maner of liuyng wherin euery man walketh accordyng to his vocacyon some maryed● some lyuynge chaste in wedowhod some vyrgyns and so forth these walke after dyuerse wayes in to theyr heuenlye inherytaunce euery man chosyng one in the whiche he may best subdue his rebellyous mēbres Thus wyll I teache the wycked thy wayes accordyng to theyr capacite and cō●●cyon And the vngodly shall be cōuerted vnto the for I wyll preache vnto theym not my selfe but Christ crucified and they shal be conuerted not vnto my prayse but vnto the geuyng the all honour prayse they shal leaue theyr owne wayes come vnto thyne that they may walke in them and so consequently attayne vnto the. Delyuer me frome bloudes oh god the god of my helthe and my tongue shal tryumphe vpon thy ryghtwysnes ¶ I am sty●led in moch bloude and from the depth of it shall I crye vnto the lorde Lorde herken vnto my voyce Tarye not lorde for I am euen at the verye poynte of deathe this bloude that I speake of ar my synnes for as the bodelye lyfe consysteth in bloude euen so is the lyfe of a synner in his synne poure out the bloude and the beaste dyeth poure out the synne knowlegynge it vnto god and the synner dyeth and is made ryghtwyse Neyther am I wrapped in bloude but ouerwhelmed and drowned in bloudes ful stremes of bloudꝭ do dryue me in to hell helpe me lorde leste I peryshe Oh God whiche gouernest all ●hynges whiche onely canst delyuer me in whose hande is the spirite of al lyfe ryd and purge me from these bloudes Deliuer me from bloudes Oh God the auctor of my healthe God in whome onelye consysteth my saluacyon Delyuer me Lorde as thou delyueredst Noe from the waters of the floude Delyuer me as thou delyueredst Lothe frome the fyer of Sodom Delyuer me as thou delyueredst the chyldren of Israel frome the depthe of the red see delyuer me as thou delyuerdst Ionas frō the bely of the whale deliuer me as thou delyueredst the thre chyldren from the furnace of burnyng fyer Delyuer me as thou delyueredst Peter frome the peryll of the see Delyuer me as thou deliueredst Paule from the depthe of the see Delyuer me as thou hast delyuered infinyte synners from the power of deathe and from the gates of hell And then shall my tongue tryumphe thy ryghtwysnes that is for thy ryghtwysnes whiche I shall feale ane perceyue in me through thy gracyous fauoure For thy ryghtwysnes as thapostle saythe Ro. iij. cometh by the faythe of Iesus Christe vnto all and vpon all them that beleue in hym then shall my tongue tryumphe in praysyng this thy ryghtwysnes cōmendynge thy fauoure magnifieng thy pyty knowlegynge my synnes that thy mercye may be declared in me which wold vouch safe to iustefye suche a greate synner and that all men may knowe that thou saues● them whiche truste in the and delyuerest them from extreme anguysshe and aduersite o lorde our god Lorde opē thou my lippes and then my mouth shal shewe forthe thy prayse ¶ Thy prayse is ● great thynge o lorde for it proceade●h o●● of thy fountayne wherof no synner ●●●●keth It is no glorious prayse that cometh of a synners mouthe delyuer me therfore frō bloude oh lorde the god of my he●●he my tongue shall magnifie thy ryghtwysnes And then shalte thou lorde open my lyppes my mouth shal shewe forthe 〈◊〉 prayse for thou hast the kaye of Dauid whiche shertest no man openeth ope●est
that is to saye vpon this greate Saboth daye came the ouermost of the prestes with the pharisayes togyder and went to Pilate remēbringe that Christe whom they nowe called a false deceyuer sayde that he shulde ryse agayne the thyrde day wherupō they desyred that he wolde cōmaunde the sepulcre to be kepte vntyll the thyrde daye leste his disciples shulde pauenture come stele hym awaye so bare the people in hande that he was rysen from deathe and then sholde they be in worse case then euer they were before to whom Pilate graūted the custodye and that they sholde keape the sepulcre as wel as they coulde which then sealed the stone and besette armed men aboute it to kepe hym Adoramus te c. ¶ The verse we worshipe the o Christe and we honour the. Thanswer For by thy holy Crosse thou haste redemed the worlde Oremus Domine Iesu Christ. c. O Lorde Iesu Christe the sonne of the lyuynge god put thy passion crosse and thy death betwene the iudgment and our soules now in the hour of our dethe and graunte vs whiles we lyue mercy and grace to theym that departe forgyuenes rest vnto thy holy churche gyue peace and concorde and to vs that are synners lyfe and glory euerlastynge whiche lyuest and reignest with the father and with the holy goste euer Amen Gloriosa passio c. ¶ The gloriose passion of our lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from sorowfull heuenes bryng vs to the ioyes of paradise Amen GOd setteth forth his incōparable loue that he beareth vnto vs for seyng the whiles we were yet synners Christe dyed for vs muche more then now seynge that we are iustified in his bloude shall we be preserued from dampnation through hym to the Romans the fyfthe A fruetfull remembraunce A deuoute frutfull godly remembraunce of the passion of oure sauyour Iesu Christe THere are certeyne whiche when they excercyse theym selues in the medita●ion or remembraūce of the pas●yō which Chryste suffer●d for mankynde do nothyng els bu● were wod and furious agaynst the blinde iewes and Iudas theyr gyde through whome he was betrayed as an innocent lambe in to theyr bloudy cruell handes euen as it is the comen maner of thē whiche are wonte to lamēte and bewayle the 〈◊〉 o●●heyr frendes to accuse crye out on those persones which do the deade but they nothyng consider them which are the chyefe causes of his bitter death and pas●ion So that in rely this may better be called a remebraunce of the Iewes wickednes then of Chr●stꝭ passion ¶ There are other that haue gathered to gether diuerse cōmodityes whiche springe through the dilygent beholdynge of this passion wherof is the sayenge of Albert in euery mans mouth that it is better to remēbre the passion of Christe oure in once lyfe all though it be but slenderly then to ta●●e euery daye a hole yere to gyder or ●o reade ouer the hole Psalter of Dauid how be it all theyr polytike meanes studiouse imaginacyons they coude neuer a●tayne the very vse and profyte of the passion of Christe Neyther sought they ony thynge therin but theyr owne priuate welth ●or some caryed a●oute them images paynted papers carued tables cro●es and such other tryfles yea and some felle to suche madde ignoraunce that they thought them selues through suche beggery to be sate from ryre water and all other perilous ieoperdyes As though the crosse of Christ shu●de delyuer them from such outwarde tro●les and not rather the contrary ¶ These do pituously sorowe morne for Christe and complayne that he was innocent and gyltles put to death euen lyke as the women of H●●rusalem whom Christe hym selfe dyd reprehende aduert●●ynge thē that they shulde lamen●e them selfes and theyr owne childrē Neyther is it ●ny meruell for the preachers them selues ar sycke of the same disease which for the most parte when they entreate this mater ●epe 〈◊〉 of the fruteful and holesom storye in to these theyr comen places howe Iesus toke his leaue of his disciples ī Betania And with what dolorous syghes his mother Marie pityed hym suche other thyngꝭ on these they bable at lengthe and discant theyr plesures rather to the weryenge then edefyenge of the audience vnto this sorte maye we also adnumbre them whiche haue defined and enstructe other what exellent commodityes are in the masse in so moch that the rude ignoraunt people perswaded them selues that it was sufficient yf they hadde herde a masse and that they sholde h●ue good luke what so euer myschefe they wēt a boute And there are some whiche runne so farre hedlyng that they affirme stoutely that the masse whiche they call a sacrifice is accepte of god for the worke it selfe and not for his sake that doeth the masse They consider not that god loketh fyrste on the person that worketh and then after on the worke as thou haste a goodlye ensample Gen. iiij of Abell and Cain They consider not that an euyll tre can not brynge forthe good frute Mathew .xij. And that on a bromble men can gether no figges Math. vij They consider not that the masse was institute of Christe to make vs more holye through the deuoute remembraunce of his passion with a pure fayth and not for ony other worthynesse that it hathe in it sylfe How be it though we sholde graūte them that the masse in it selfe were as good and holye as theyr couetousnes and belyes haue fayned it yet truely can it nothyng profyte vs excepte we vse it for the same purpose that Christe dyd institute it for what dothe it profite vs that meate and drynke are good holesom yf we abuse them corruptynge our nature yea or what doth it auayle vs that god is god that is to saye almyghty most mercyful good rightewise and alone sufficient yf we abuse his goodnes and beleue not in hym It is therfore to be feared lest yf thou be ignoraūt in the true vse of the masse that the mo thou hearest the more thou offendest god abusynge his institution and ordinaunce ¶ But these are the very right beholders of Christꝭ passion whiche cōsyder marke in his passion theyr owne synnes and enormityes which were the cause and grounde of his passion and death for they ar feared and theyr conscyences tremble as sone as they remembre the passion whiche feare tremble ryseth of this that they maye se in the passion the vehemēt wrath rightuous punishment of god the father agaynst synners whiche wolde not for all the abundaunt fauoure that he had vnto his sonne 〈◊〉 ma●efactoures to go fre and vnpunished but that he muste redeme them with his owne death which thyng Esaias .iiij. do●h al●o confirme sayeng in the person of god the father for the synnes of my people haue I wounded hym what then shall be come of vs syth his moste deare and onlye sonne is so cruelly entreated It muste nedes be a meruelous
for the lorde wyll not rekē hym gyltlesse that taketh his name ī vane ¶ The fourth cōmaundment Remembre the saboth daye that thou sanctifiest it ¶ The fyfte cōmaundment Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thou mayste lyue longe vpon the lande whiche the lorde thy god geueth the. The sixte cōmaundement Thou shalt not kyl The seuenth cōmaundement Thou shalt not breke wedloke The eayght cōmaundemēt Thou shalt not stele The .ix. cōmaūdemēt Thou shalt beare no false wytnesse agaīst thy neyghbour The tenth cōmaundemēt ¶ Thou salte not couet thy neyghbours house neyther shalt thou desyre thy neyghbours wyfe his man seruant his mayde his oxe his asse or any thynge that is his Quest. What meanest thou by the fyrste cōmaundement Answ. I know therby that I am cōmaunded to beleue to truste to cleue to the lorde which promyseth hym selfe to be my god to worshipe and to loue hym alone with all my herte mynde and power of my soule and that it is he onely of whom al godnes is geuen me and vnto whom I muste fle and call vpon in all my troble for he only delyuereth me Quest. what meanest thou by the secunde cōmaūdement Ans. Euen as the wordes shew playnly for whē the lorde spoke vnto you sayth Moysed in the fourth of deutronomie then se ye no image or simylytude of hym leaste ye deceyued sholde make you images The voice of his wordes ye herde but as for ony shap or similitude of him in no maner of wyse haue ye sene ye shal not make you syluer goddes neyther golden goddes shall ye make you Exodi the xx.c Also ye shall make me an altare of Erth but yf ye wyl neades make it of stones yet shal ye not hewe them for yf ye set any instrument of yerne to them then shall they be defyled All this I beleue was ernestly spoken with so many wordes to auoide al karuynge and curyosite in settynge forth of imagꝭ to be worshypped as gods when Chri●t declarynge the same sayde that the very true worshipers ar they that worship the father in spirite of truthe for god is a spyrite Ioh the .iiij. Q. For as much thā as god is a spirite and maye not be imagined of our wyttes howe shall we knowe hym Ans. Faythe and truste fynde hym when we are in parell and shew hym vnto vs and yet this fayth to fynde hym muste he geue vs for yf we gete vs a fayth of our owne fasshonynge wherby we beleue and truste in ony other thynge then god then make we vs an ydole for it is the faythe and trust only in our hertes that maketh other god or ydole for yf oure faythe and truste be ryght and pure then haue we the very true god but yf it be false and fayned then muste we neades fayne vs a false and a lyenge god for true fayth and god ar ioyned to gyder with one knotte so that in what so euer thynge thou trustest and beleauest that same is thy god here now maist thou well se that in these two fyrst cōmaūdmētꝭ god requireth asketh all our hoole hertes and in the thyrde he asketh our mouthes and tongues to be vsed for his prayse and holynes of his name Q. Why what meanest thou by the thyrde cōmaundemēt An. Then take I the the name of god in vayne when I vse to confyrme a lye or to hurte my neighbour ye when neither by it god is glorified nor yet my neighbour by it ꝓfited Also yf I fle not to him for helpe in my trouble nor thanke hym for his benefites in my prosperite welthe then take I his name in vayne Also if I entende do not all thyngꝭ for his names glory then take I his name in vayne Q. What meanest thou by the fourth cōmaundemēt A. I sanctifye the Sabboth daye when I gyue my selfe whole to heare the holy scripture taughte me or to reade it and so occeupye my mynde in it or when I geue my selfe to any other holye workes or as Esaye faythe when I ceasse to do myne owne wyll or to folowe my nowne wayes although they appere to me ryght gloriouse and good for thus me thynketh the Prophete expoundeth this poynte of the lawe in the .lviij. chapitour And for the fulfyllynge of these two laste named Preceptes we praye sayeng Thy name be halowed and thy wyl be fulfylled and not oures Thus mayste thou se these fyrste foure preceptes to pertayne to the glorye of God and to the halowynge of his name ¶ The Question Wherfore then commaundeth he the other syxe The answere For our neyghbours helthe and profite to serue them and especiallye our Father and Mother whom nexte god we oughte to honoure to reuerence to obaye to counforte to helpe and to folowe theyr godlye monycyons and instructions ¶ The Question What meanest thou by the other An. That in no maner of wyse I shulde hurte my neyghbour But to do to hym as I wolde be done vnto no not to desyre or to couet any thynge of his The Quest. why is thought then synne The Answere Ye verely for so expoundeth our sauiour that saw in the fyfte chapitour of Mathew sayenge that who so euer casteth his lye wātonly vpon a nother mans wyfe desyryng hir hath cōmytted aduoutry with hir alredye in his herte Quest. Why are we all synners then and haue we all broken godꝭ cōmaundemētes Ans. We are all synners and haue neade of the mercy of god yf we were not all synners the mercy of god shold take none effecte in vs wherfore the scrypture concludeth that all men are synners that as manye as shall be saued sholde be saued by goddes mercye onely ¶ A prayer for the molifieng and suplyeng of our harde hertes the lyghtnynge of our blynde hertes and the true cōuertyng of our impenitente hertes O Most mercyfull father which by the mouthe of our swete sauyoure Iesu Christe saydeste vnto vs. Math. vij Aske and it shall be geuen vnto you seke and ye shall fynde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you psal C.xlij. Here I beseche the my prayer receyue my supply catyon in to thyne cares for thy trouthes sake heare me in thy ryghtwysnes Da. ix For not in our ryghtwisnes do we lay forth our prayers before the our most blessed father but in thy mandfolde mercyes .ij. Cor. j. Heare therfore our prayers oh father of mercies god of al cōsolacion Haue mercy vpon vs thy most wretched chyldren and vpon me most wretched of all lorde father I aske the mercy Molifie and make softe our harde hertes ble●sed father whiche be indured hardened with the cursed custome of synne and wretchednes myne most harde of al lorde father I aske y● mercy Molifie them bl●●sed father with the swete due of thy grace fulfyll thy promesse made vnto vs by thy prophet Hieremie Hie. xxxvi Take away from vs moste blessed father this stonyshe herte and geue vs a flesshen herte a softe herte an
obediet herte a meke herte and a newe spirite put thou in to vs and make vs walke in thy cōmaundementꝭ hate and slee that thou forbyddest vs loue folowe that thou cōmaundest vs. Iac. j. Lyghten oh father of lyght frome whome all goodnes doth descend lyghten our blynde hertꝭ Eph. iiij blynded with errour ignoraūce wrong iudgment euyl affections myne the most blynd of all blynd lorde father I aske the mery lyghten them I beseche the with the true lyghte of thy worde that we maye knowe thy wyll loue it lyue therafter psal C xviij for thy worde sayth thy prophete dauyd is a lantorne to my fete and lyght vnto my pathes Lu. j. Gyue vs this lantorne blessed father gyue vs this lyght Shyne vnto vs that syt in darknes in the shadowe of death psal xij for thou arte be that lyghteneth our lantornes oh lorde lyghten thou our derknes psal xlij Send out thy lyght and the truthe of thy worde and they shall lede and brynge vs in to thyne holy mountayne which is also thy tabernacle ꝓuer xxj The kynges hert is in thyne handes Oh lorde that where thou wylte thou mayest inclyne it for soo sayeth thy scrypture Inclyne his herte to this purpose oh father that it wyl please hym to cōmaunde his prelates of his realme no lenger to kepe from his people his louynge subiectes the lyght of thy worde the lyght of holy scrypture the lyght of the testament of thy deare sonne our sauyour Iesu christ the lyght wherin he that walketh erreth not neyther stumbleth at ony stone put it in his mynde lorde to cōmaūde that lyke as thrugh thy secrete inspyratiō other nations alredy haue so his people also by his cōmaundement maye haue in to theyr tonge truely translated thy holy scrypture wherin they may learne perfytely know thy godly wyll pleasure obedyently submyt theym selfe vnto the same folowe it expresse it in theyr lyuynge Da. ix O lorde god heare these thy seruauntes prayers depe desyres bowe downe thyne eares heare Open thyne eyes and beholde the thycke derknes that we wanderin psal xxx lyghten thy shynynge face vpon thy seruātes that truste in the that flee vnto the that cleaue fast vnto thy promesses we are synners lord haue lyued vngodly and haue iustly deserued to be depriued of thy lyght and to be throwen forth in to this palpable derknes be cause we dyd not knowe what daunger we were in we sought not vnto the to helpe vs out of it but now lorde god seynge that thrughe thy goodnes we are brought to feele and perceyue our derknes with deape syghes we sue vnto the for to be with thy lyght illumyned Lorde for thy mercy sake heare vs lorde for thy truthe sake graunt vs lorde for thy benygnite sake come agayne in grace with vs. Lorde for thy ryghtwysnes sake attende vnto our peticion and brynge this thynge to passe But now we thynke I heare soūdynge in myne eares that fearful and ouer true worde that thou longe a go spakest by the holye prophete Esaie .xxix. chapytour this people draweth vnto me with theyr mouthes and with theyr lyppes they gloryfye me but theyr herte is ferre from me For they synne dayly without repentaunce Rom. ij Despisinge the riche plentifulnes of my goodnes pacience and longe suffringe not considerynge that my benignite styrreth calleth them to repentaunce but for their hardenes impenitent herte they saye vp as it were in stoore and treasurye myne ire wrathe and vengeaunce agaynst the daye of wrath and ryghtfull iudgemēt Truthe it is oh lorde and ouertrue we cōfesse it to the which knowest al our nough●●nes Hie. xxxj But now cōuert thou our impenitent hertes blessed father which can not repente of them selues and myne most impetent of all impenitentes lorde father I aske the mercy conuert them blessed father vnto repentaunce throughe thyne almighty power Eph. j. whiche thou shewdest in Christe Iesu thy sonne in raysynge hym from deathe for it is no lesse poure to conuerte a synner than to rayse vp a man frō death no not a whit les●e than to make the whole worlde of nought Cōuert thou vs therfore oh moste blessed father whiche art of abilite mighte and powre to do it Hier. xxxj Conuert thou vs and than shal we be truely conuerted for thou arte oure lorde god whiche only wylte and canste do it and yf thou conuertest vs than shall we erneastly repente and do true penaunce And yf thou ones shewest vs oure synnes we shal sinyte our selues on the thyes and euer be cōfussed and ashamed in our selues of it and els al is but very hiprocrice what so euer without thy spirite we inforce oure selues to do psal lxxxiiij Conuert thou vs therfor we beseche the oh almighty father and turne away thy wrath from vs. Gyue vs grace blessed father to haue a spiritual taste and a gostly fealynge in our hertes of thyn infinite goodnes mercy and exceding kyndenes that thou haste so many wayes declared and setforth vnto vs ī and by our swete sauiour Iesu Christe whome thou hast geuyn vp to moste paynfull and after the worldes estymation moste shamefull death for to redeme vs thy moste wreched seruantes from euerlastynge death damnation that we hadde deserued in oure father adam and so innumerable wayes also by our owne abhomynable synne and wrechednes and I most wretchedly of al wretches lord father I aske the mercy and to make vs thy chyldren and heyers brethrē and inheritours togyther with thyne onely naturall sonne our sauiour Iesu Christ. Graunt blessed father that we beynge myndefull of this excedynge kyndenesse maye so condemne oure vnkyndenesse and our abhominable synne and wretchednes hate it and euē abhorre it in our hertꝭ as we shold do Graunte that we maye cease from it leaue it resiste agaynste it and withstonde in tyme of temptation as we sholde do Graunte that with vnfayned fayth with sure beleue in thy promesse we maye aske and obteyne of the forgyuenes of it with grace to amende our vngracious lyues as we sholde do Graunte that we maye be kynde and thankefll for uthy greate benefites that we haue receyued and daylye do receiue of the and laude the loue for them as we sholde do Graunte that for loue of the we maye also loue thyne holy cōmaundemētes as we shold do Graunt vs ghostly eyes to se the bewty of vertue that is cōtayned in them and so consequently an inwarde delectation a ghostlye luste pleasure to muse thynke of them yea a syghyng desyre with a feruēt prepensed purpose an ernest wyll to obserue and keape them as we sholde do Graunte vs thy contynuall assistence and ayde with a constant determination of our mynde not wantynge abilite power nor strenghte to perseuer in them forgettyng that good which thrugh thy grace we haue done neuer thynkynge that we haue done ynoughe neuer wery of well doynge but euer lokynge forwarde
are theyr plentuouse mercyes and forgyuenesses for we haue rebelled agaynste hym And haue not herde y● voyce o● our lord god to walke in his lawe whiche he gaue before vs by the handes of his seruantes the prophetes but al Israel hath transgressed thy lawes and haue gone backe because they wolde not heare thy voyce wherfore the curse othe are fallen vpō vs as it is writē in the law of Moyses y● seruāt of god because we haue off●nded hym he hath fulfilled his sayengꝭ vpō vs vpō our iudges which iudged vs to brynge vpon vs this great plage which haue bene done in no place vnder heuen as is done vpon Ierusalem All these plages of the which it is witen in the law of Moyses are fallen vpon vs and yet we haue not prayed the face of the lorde our god to be conuerted frome our wyckednes that we myght vnderstonde thy truthe But the lorde hasted him to punisshmēt brought it vpō vs for the lorde our god is ryghtwyse in al his workes whiche he hathe done and yet we herde not his vo●ce But nowe lorde our god whiche leddest thy people out of the londe of Egipte from so stronge a poure and hast goten the a name as is now wel knowen we are synners and haue doone vngodlye lorde for all thy ryghtwysnes sake let thy wrath I besech the cease and thy hoote indignation also be turned from Ierusalem thy cytte the hyll of thy holines for because of our synnes and ●or the wyckednes of our fathers Ierusalem and thy people are brought in to an opprobry to all that dwel rounde about vs. And now our god heare the prayer of thy seruan●es and his depe desyres and lyghten thy presence vpō thy sanctuarye thus desolate for Christes sake O my god bowe downe thyne eare and heare open thy eyes and beholde our desolations and the desolotion of thy cytie in the whiche thy name was wonte to be called vpon for we poure not furthe our prayers and these deape desyres before them our ryghtwysnesses but for thy plentuouse mercyes sake Lorde heare lorde be mercyfull lorde gyue hede and bryng this to passe tarye not for thy nowne sake lorde god for bothe thy cytie and thy people are called after thy name ¶ Prayer peaseth Goddes wrathe FOr asmuche as we haue nowe greuously offended our Lorde god and the dayes nowe begynne to appere of the whiche Christe his Apostles prophesyed sayenge there shulde come perelous tymes suche adflyctyon and persecution as haue not bene seene frome the begynnynge of the worlde I can not se how we myghte any other wyse pease goddes wrathe then by contynuall feruent prayer what thynge is it but the importune prayer of faythfull mē hath obtayned it of god at the last what thynge resysteth his wrathe vengeaunce more strongly then prayer Dyd not our lorde saye vnto Moses exod xxxij when the people of Israell had so greuouly offended hym Moses was bent to hym frō vengeaunce takynge dyd he not saye Moses let me go that my wrath myght be caste vpō thē suffre me to destroy the but Moses peased his haslye wrath with this prayer sayeng Wherfore oh lorde is thy wrath thus kyndled againste thy people whom thou haste led oute of Egipte in so greate strenghte so stronge power I besech the let not the Egiptians saye he hath led them out craftely to slee them in the mountayns and to quenche there name for euer let thy wrath therfore ceasle and be thou peaced vpon the wickednes of thy people Remēber Abraham Isaac and Israel thy seruantes to whom thou sworest by thyne owne selfe sayenge I shall multyply your sede and encrease it lyke the nombre of the starres of the Heuen and all this lande of the whiche I haue spoke so oft to you shal I gyue to your sede and ye shall possesse it a longe tyme. After this prayer the lorde was peased so that he powerde not forthe his wrathe vpon his people as he sayde that he wolde haue done Consideryng therfore prayer to be of suche efficacye and vertue and that Christe hym selfe cōmaunded vs to praye also in these perelous dayes me thynketh it necessary that the laye people shulde haue the prayers moste conuenyent for this tyme whiche prayers are psalmes and that ī Englysshe that theyr fayth myghte the more encrese theyr deuotion also by whose prayers the wrath of god moughte be peased and we myghte be restored in to his fauor and grace Whiche graunte vs our father by his sonne Iesus Christe Amen ¶ Thus endeth the prymer in Englysshe with many goodly and godly praiers Imprented at London in Flerstrete by Iohan Byddell Dwellyng next to Flete Brydge at the signe of our Lady of pytye for wyllyam Marshall ¶ Cum gr̄a priuilegio regali Gratia sumus seruati ¶ Iohan Byddell prēter charitas ols suffc●t ¶ An exposition after the maner of a cōtemplacyon vpon the .li. psalme called Miserere mei Deus ALas wretche that I am confortlesse forsaken of all men which haue offended both heuen earth whether shall I go or whether shall I turne me To whō shall I flye for socoure Who shall haue pytye or cōpassion on me vnto heuē dare I not lifte vp myne eyes for I haue greuously synned agaynst it And in the earthe can I fynde no place of defence for I haue bene noysom vnto it What shall I nowe do shall I despayre God forbyd full mercyfull is god and my sauiour is meke and louyng therfore only god is my refuge he wyll not despyse his creature neither forsake his owne ymage Unto the therfore most meke and merciful god come I all sad and sorowfull for thou onely art my hope and thou art onely the toure of my defence But what shall I say vnto y● syth I dare not lyft vp myne eyes I wyll poure oute the wordes of sorowe I wyll hartelye beseche the for mercye and wyll saye Haue mercy vpon me oh god accordynge to thy greate mercye ¶ God whiche dwellest in lyghte that no man can attayne God whiche art hid and canst not be sene with bodely eyes nor cōprehended with ony vnderstondynge that euer was made nether expressed with the tongues of men or angels My god the which art incomprehensible do I seke the which canst not be expressed do I cal vpon what thinge so euer thou art which art in euery place I knowe that thou art the most hye excellent thyng yf thou be a thynge and not rather the cause of all thynge yf I may so call the for I fynde no name by the whiche I maye name or expresse thyne in enarrable maiesty God I saye whiche art all thynges that are in the for thou art euen thyne owne wysdom thy power and thy moste gloriouse felycyte Seynge therfore that thou art mercyful what art thou but euen the very mercy it selfe And what am I but very myserye Beholde therfore o god whiche art mercye beholde
earth I wyl drawe al vnto my selfe verefie thy wordꝭ draw me after the let vs rūne to gether in the swetenesse of thyne oyntmentes Besydes that thou saydeste Math. xi Come vnto me all ye the laboure and are laden and I wyll ease you Loo I come vnto the laden with synnes laboryng day and nyght in the sorow of myne harte refresh and ease me lorde that thou mayste be iustefied and proued true in thy wordes and mayste ouercome when thou art iudged for there are manye that saye he shall haue no socoure of his god God hath forsaken hym Ouercome lorde these parsones when thou arte thus iudged of them forsake me not at any tyme. Gyue me thy mercye and holesome socoure and then are they vaynqueshed ¶ They saye that thou wylt haue no mercye on me that thou wylte cast me clene out of thy fauoure no more receyue me thus art thou iudged of men and thus do men speake of the and these are theyr determynacyons but thou whiche arte meke merciful haue mercy on me and ouercome theyr iudgemētes shewe thy mercy on me and let thy godlye pytye be praysed in me Make me a vessell of thy mercye that thou mayste be iustefied in thy wordes haue the vyctorye when men do iudge the for men do iudge the to be firce and inflexible Ouercome theyr iudgemēt with mekenes beneuolence so y● men may lerne to haue compassion on synners and that malefatours may be enflamed vnto repentaunce seynge in me thy pytye and mercye Lo I was fasshoned ī wyckednes my mother cōceyued me poluted with synne ¶ Beholde not lorde the greuousnes of my synnes cōsidre not the multitude but loke mercifully on me whiche am thy creature Remēbre y● I am dust that al fleshe is as wytherd hay for lo I am fasshoned in wickednes in sinne hath my mother cōceiued me My naturall mother I say hath conceiued me of cōcupiscēce in hir am I polluted with originall synne What is originall synne but the lacke of originall iustice of the ryght pure innocēcy which mā had at his creacyon therfore a man cōceiued barne in suche synne is hole croked out of frame The fleshe coueteth against the spirit Reason is slender the wyl is weake man is fraile like vanitie his sences deceiue him his ymagynacyon fayleth hym his ignoraunce leadeth him out of the ryght way he hath infinite īpedimentꝭ which plucke hym frome goodnes and dryue hym in to euyll Therfore oryginall synne is the rote of all synnes the nurse of all wickednesse for all be it that in euery man of theyr owne nature it is but one synne yet in power it is all synnes Thou seiste therfore Lorde what I am and of whence I am for in origynall synne which conteyneth al synnes and iniquites in it am I fasshoned and in it hath my mother cōceaued me syth then I am hole in synnes and enuyroned with snares on euery side howe shall I escape for what I wolde that do I not but the euyll that I wolde not that do I. For I finde a nother lawe in my membres rebellynge agaynste the lawe of my mynde and subduynge me vnto the lawe of synne and deth Therfore the more frayle and entangled thy godly beneuolēce seeth me so much the more let it lyft vp and confort me who wolde not pytye one that is syke who wolde not haue compassion on hym that is dyseased Come come swete Samaritane take vp the wounded and halfe deade cure my woundes poure in wyne and oyle set me vpon thy beest bringe me into the hos●ry cōmytte me vnto the hoste take out two pence saye vnto hym what so euer thou spendest aboue this when I come agayne I wyll recōpence ye. Lo thou hast loued truth the vnknowne secrete ●gyngꝭ of thy wysdome haste thou vttered vnto me ¶ Come most swete Samaritane for beholde thou haste loued truthe the truthe I saye of thy promyses whiche thou hast made vnto mankynde theym haste thou truly loued for thou haste made and kepte them so that thy loue is nothynge els but euen to do good for in thy selfe thou art inuariable immutable thou vsest not now to loue anon not to loue as mē do neyther doth thy loue so come go But thou art suche a louer as dothe neuer chaunge for thy loue is very god Thy loue therfore wherwith thou louest a creature is to do it good and whom thou most louest to them art thou moste beneficyall Therfore what meaneth that thou louest truthe but that of thy gracious mercy thou makest vs promyses and fulfyllest them for thy truthes sake Thou dydest promyse vnto Abraham a sonne when he was aged thou fulfilledst thy promyse in olde and bareyn Sara because thou louedst truth Thou promisedst vnto the chyldren of Israell a lande that flowed with milke and honye and at the last didest geue it thē for thy truthes sake ¶ Thou madest a promyse to Dauid sayenge I shall set vp thy seate regall one of the frute of thy bodye and it came euen ●o passe because thou woldest be founde true There are other innumerable promyses in which thou hast euer bene faithful because thou louedst truthe Thou haste promysed to synners which wyll come vnto the forgyuenesse and fauour and thou hast neuer defrauded man for thou hast loued truthe That vnthryftye Sonne Luce. xv that toke his iourney in to a farre countre and wasted all his goodes with royatous lyuynge when he came to hym selfe he retourned vnto the sayenge father I haue synned agaynst heuen and before the now am I not worthye to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hyred seruauntes When he was yet a greate waye of thou sawest hym and haddest cōpassion on him and rannest vnto hym fallynge vpon his necke and kyssynge hym thou broughtest forth the best garment and puttest a rynge on his finger and showes on his fete thou kylledst that fatted calfe and madest all the house mery saieng let vs eate and be mery for this my sonne was deade and is alyue agayne he was lost and is now founde ¶ Why didest thou al this lorde god surelye because thou louedst truth Loue therfore o father of mercies this truthe in me which returne vnto the frō a far cūtre runne towardꝭ me geue me a kys of thi mouth geue me those chefe garmētꝭ draw me ī to thy house kyll y● fatted calfe that all which truste in the maye reioyce in me and lette vs eate together in spyrytuall feastes Oh lorde wylte thou exclude me alone wylte thou not kepe this truth vnto me yf thou shuldest loke narowly on our wickednesse o lorde Lorde who myght abyde the But lorde thou wylte not be soo strayte vnto vs for thou louest truth ye and that with a feruent and incomprehensyble loue ¶ Whiche is the truth that thou so louest is it not thy sonne that sayde Iohan. xiiij I