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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05083 Here begynnethe the lanterne of lyght; Lanterne of lyght. Grime, John, attributed name.; Hardy, William, fl. 1535, attributed name. 1535 (1535) STC 15225; ESTC S108268 79,115 148

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Here begynnethe the Lanterne of lyght ✚ ☞ Take here of our gracious lorde god this lytle treatice that here is offred / called the Lanterne of lyght conteynynge xiij chapyters Fyrst a Prologe GOd that is good hym selfe / fayre in his Angels meruelous in his sainctes / merciful apon synners / haue mercy on vs nowe and euer / and gyue vs grace to holde the way of trought in these dayes of great tribulacyon for now many that semed to be stable in vertue fallen from theyr holy purpose dreding losse bodely paine Mat. 24. Quoniam habundauit iniquitas refrigescit caritas multorum as Chryst sayd That thabūdaūce of wyckednes shall coole the charite of many / for Sathan hath nowe destroyed thys worlde by hys leuetenaunt Antechryst / that men be borne aboute in diuers doubtes as waues of the see / wredchydly diuided in diuers opinions one agaynst another But seynt Paule dyd sette one accorde amonge the chisten people saynge / ther is but one Lorde that all men shulde loue and dred / one faythe that all men shulde kepe and byleue with out varyenge / Ephe. 4. Vnus dn̄s vna fides vnum baptisma c. and one Baptyme that all men shuld haue stedfastly holde without defouling Alas howe is this vnyte broken that men vnruled walken after their lustes as bestes in the corne truly the wycked man that Christ spake of hath done thys dede for he hath sowen faves cokle vpon the sede of god Math. 13. Inimicus homo super seminauit zi zannia Thys wycked enemye is Antechriste / that cloutyth hys lawes as rotten Ragges to the clene cloth of Christes gospell And waketh in malice as Iudas chylde / why for Simon slepith and taketh non hede O thou wycked man is there any othere man that may saue soulles than Iesu Chryst / god said by the mouthe of Moyses I shall smyte / and I shall hele and there is none that can delyuer or rydde from my hande / ☞ Apocalipsis 1. who hathe the keyes of Dauid to open heuen gates / and none othere closyth / to close / and then none othere openeth / sayncte Iohn sayeth holy and true Christe hath the keye of Dauid that openeth / whiche castith downe / and than no man reyseth / who reyseth and than no man castyth downe Iob sayeth / whan the Lorde god hathe dystroyed there may none other buylde / ♣ Iob. when the Lord god castyth in pryson ther may none other delyuer or quyte hym of his bondes And therfore in the vertue of this name Iesu / stādeth al mānes saluation / as it is wrytten in thactes of thaposteles Actuū 4. seynct Peter sayde There is none othere name vnder heuen geuen / but thys name Iesu / whereof we may saued be / for alonely in the vertue of thys name Iesu is the remyssyon of synnes / as it is wrytten / Luce .xxiiij. It behoued to be prechyd amonge the people / penaunce remission of synnes in the name of Iesu art thou nat then a wycked man / a folyshe-herde / a cruell beste / the son of perdicion And Antechrist hym selfe that pretendest in the / in thy mēbers / to blesse to cursse to bynde to vnbynde besydes this name Iesu / people wtout nōbre folowynge the thy deuyded lawes ben deuided frō Christe Ihū / and go with the blyndefolde into hell for euermore and thys is great sorowe / so ferforth that Chryst maketh lamētacyon and mournyng ther vpon saynge / Iohīs v. Tu es qui vēturns est an alium ex pectamus I haue come in the name of my father and ye haue not taken me when another shall come in hys owne name him shall ye take / and thys is Antechryste And seyncte Iohn̄ Crisostome / vpon these wordes of the gospel / Mathei xxj Lucerna pe dibꝪ meis verbum tull domine For who that wyll not receyue Christ in payne of synne he is cōpelled constrayned to receyue Antechrist / and therfore in this tyme of tribulacion hydeous darkenes / let vs seke the Lanterne of lyght wherof the prophet spekith Lord thy worde is a Lanterne to my fete / Neque verba neque malagina sa nauit illos / sed omnipotens sermo tuus qui sanat omnia for as fer as the light of this Lāterne shyneth / so far darknes of syn cloudes of tēptacyon of the fende vanyssheth away may not abyde And euermore when thys Lanterne lighteneth into an herte / it purgyth it clēsith it frō corrupcion / it swagyth healyth gostely sores / as the wysemā sayth / that nether herbe nor plaster hathe heled them / but Lorde thy myghty worde that heleth al thynges For truly Lord whē thou dyed apon the crosse thou dydest put in thy worde the spryt of lyfe / Verba que ego locutus sum spūs et vita smit gauest to it power of quickenyng by thyne owne precious bloud / as thou said thy self Io. vj. The wordes that I spake to you / bene spryte and lyfe c. ¶ A peticion of thauctor Iacobi 2. Multū valet deprecatio iusti assidua DEre Brother in Christ helpe me with your prayer to almighty god for seinct Iames saith The busy praier of a right wyse man is moche worthe Ye haue desyered me to take thys trauayle apon me / whiche is full chargeous to me / but as towarde our swete Lorde god nothynge is impossyble as Chryste sayde and in thys fayth Math. 19. Marci 10. Luce. 18. Isaye 18. Deus ipse ola opera operat in nobis Ysaye sayde The Lorde god hym selfe wyrcheth all our workes in vs / fayle we not then god in good leuīg And he may not faile to geue vs suche wysdom / as is nedefull to vs to tempre our tonge / gyue vs true organ / redy speche / in edefyeng of our neyghbour / for without the helpe of the spirite of god our labour were but lost / as Christ said / that it was not we that couldē speke profitably / but the spirite of the father that speketh in vs / for thapostels other holy mē / Math. 18. Non enim vos estis qui loquimini sed spūs prīs vestri quiloquitur in vobis that trauayled in dedly letters / meked thē selfes as simple ydiottes as Hierom sayd / that prechers vnlerned bene sent for to preche / that the faith of the true beleuers shuld be trowed to be brought in not by mānes vertue but by the spech doctrine of god And seynt Austen wryting vnto Simplician sayth what suffren we / what here we / vnlerned mē arisen catche heuē And we with our clergi ben drēched in hel And seinct Gregory in his Moralles affirmith this sentēce and sayth Ryght as trough incarnate / that is Christ in manhede chosith simple poore ydiottes to
of great goodnes not to suffre long tyme synners of theyr wycked purpose to sue theyr owne foly / but sone put to them merciful chastysement / forsothe the lorde doth not so with his chosen as he dothe with an alyen nacyon / that is tho that he forsakyth thorough theyr deseruynge / and castyth them out of hys syght / whom he abydeth paciently to punysshe them at the full in domesday / forsoth he hathe not ordeyned so to ponyshe them whome he louyth / but he chastyseth them pacyently after receyueth them to his gracious fauour and mercye But prestes in thys couetyse moste greuen theyr god / for they bene authours of this synners that we haue sayde aforne They seyen that they haue a lawe that they clepen them selfe / fredome of holy churche / thosse it be boundage of the deuyll / and by this they may purchase out of the secler hande / ye all theyr lyfelode yf they myght wynne it by one meane or by another / and what they wynne into theyr power theyr may no man wynne it or redeme it agayne into the handes of the seclers / fro holy fredome / and who so dothe shal be suspended from holye churche ryght / and a cursed by theyr lawe / tyll he restore it agayne / thus they vndo secler partye with theyr fayned holynes / in clepyng ther sory churche / holy church / theyr thraldome / fredome / and magnyfyen theyr sermons aboue the lawe of god / so that lay men ben oppressed vnder these prestes / as farre as the Iewes weren with Scrybes and Pharysees The deuell whan he tempted Eue made a fayre semblante for to styrre her to couetyse to breke goddes byddyng in etynge of the appell wherby deth shulde entre This woman sawe the appell that it was good in beholdyng / and fayre in syght / and also lykerous in smellyng / she ete therof and gaue to her husbande / he bote therof / than bothe were dedly loften the ioye of paradyse The mayster of the sentence sayth that this apple is syn that god forbedyth / than after the wyt of allegory / that is thus to meane / whan that secler men formen spūal offyce / whan the prestes bowen downe to take temporal lordshyp by temptyng of the deuyl in theyr foule couetyse / than these two partyes as Adam Eue / and they that ben cōsentours ben dryuen out of the blysse of heuen with the sharp of goddes worde Balaam was caught in this couetyse / his owne best repreued hym hurt his fote agayne a wal for his iourney plesed not god but this mā wold not beware / therfor he was slayne amonge the hethen people Numeri xxii This couetyse styred Giezi to take mede of Naaman for a spūal benefyce the god him selfe hathe wrought by his seruaūt Helysy in clensynge of his mesebry / therfore Giezi with his generacyon were smyten for euer with the leper of Naaman .iiij. Reg. 5. Anany and Saphir his wyfe ouercommen with thys couetyse layd in theyr conscyence afore seynt Peters presence / therfore they dyed both in the syn of wanhope Act. 5. who that redyth this blyssed lore that is our fayth and goddes lawe / but he leue this couetyse / he standyth in peryll of his scule / as god sayth by the ꝓphete Esaye 5. wo to you that ioynden house to house / and couplen fylde to fylde vnto the terme of a place / whether no shuld ye dwel alone in myddes of the erthe / sayth the lorde god In this god forbedith the vnleful couetyse that we haue sayde aforne For yf thys couetyse catche not roote in the herte / it shall neuer growe to the dede / as it is sayde afore And therfore sayth Paule 1. Corinth x. Be we not coueting of yll / as some of your elders haue coueted / we prayen for charytee loke in these places / and se what hath fallen for this synne of couetyse Genesi iii. Numeri xiij xvi and .xxij. iiij Reg. 5. Acte 5. This .x. cōmaundemēt of god is thys Exo. xx Thou shall not desyre thy neyhbours wyfe / ne hys seruaunt / ne hys handemayde / ne hys oxe / ne his asse / ne thyng that is hys otherwyse than thou wylt he shall desyre thyne / after reason the law of Christes gospel In the .vi. commaundement god forbyddyth the outwarde dede of lechery / in that he refrayneth the vnlefull treatynge of thy body / but in this forbyddeth the inwarde consent of the herte and in that he refrayneth all vnlefull desyre or wyll namely in tho thynges that bene immoueable / that is to saye that haue no might in them selfe to remoue frō one place to another for the desyre and wyll that restyth in the inwarde man / makyth merite or synne more or lesse in the presens of god / for charitable workes that bene in theyr owne kynde myghty and great ben done somtyme with a frowarde wyl / and than they wanten mede / as Christ sayth in his gospell Math. 7. Math. 7. Not eche man that sayth to me lorde lorde / shall entre into the realme of heuennes A man shall not be only saued for his good workes ne hys good dedes / wherfore than But he that dothe the wyll of my fader that is in heuennes / that is to say / after the desyre that a man hath in worde dede to do the plesynge wyll of god / he shal be after that rewarded in blysse and by this greatnesse of mannes good wyll thoughe it werke / but lytle in kynde / is askyth greate rewarde in blysse And therfore the aungelles songen in Christes byrth Luc. 2. Peace be in erthe to men of good wyll / for suche a good wyll traueylethe to please god in worde and in dede / and whan it may no ferther streche / this wyll is counted for a dede / as the master of sentence reherseth Saynt Austen sayth that this mother ignorance / that we clepen vncunnyngnes / hath thre doughters The fyrst ben all tho that myght lerne and wyll not The seconde bene all tho that wolde lerne and may not The thyrde / bene all tho that taken none hede The fyrste shall algates be dampned The seconde shullen algates be saued / because that theyr wyl answeryth for the dede The thyrde accordyth with the fyrst / but yf it so be that they shulde haue lesse payne in hell / therfore yuell wyll that a man hath to wynne him gostely strenght / or to haue knowynge of very beleue / to do the plesynge wyll of god / is the werst yuell that cometh to man / and straung lyth him with despeyre in the houre of his deth But yet we shulde vnderstande that the wyll of the godhede standyth in thre thynges accordyng to the trynyte / and we must do our vtermost to confyrme our wyll to hys The father of hys royall wyll commaundyth