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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04483 A viewe of a seditious bul sent into Englande, from Pius Quintus Bishop of Rome, anno. 1569. Taken by the reuerende Father in God, Iohn Iewel, late Bishop of Salisburie. Wherevnto is added a short treatise of the holy Scriptures. Both which he deliuered in diuers sermons in his cathedral church of Salisburie, anno. 1570 Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Garbrand, John, 1542-1589. 1582 (1582) STC 14614; ESTC S107782 85,989 232

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warneth thée The eye that mocketh his father and despiseth the instruction of his mother let the Rauens of the valley plucke it out the yong Eagles eate it Hath God blessed thée in Wealth Art thou rich Reade the Scriptures they will teach thée Be not high minded and trust not in vncertaine riches but in the liuing God which giueth vs aboundantly all things to enioy Againe Trust not in oppression and robberie be not vaine if riches increase set not your hart thereon Thou shalt depart and leaue them behinde thée they shal forsake thée Thou shalt dye thou knowest not howe soone Salomon sheweth thée Riches auayle not in the day of wrath but righteousnes deliuereth from death Art thou poore and sufferest scarsitie in this worlde Reade the Scriptures they will teache thée Say with Iob. Naked came I out of my mothers wombe and naked shall I returne againe Learne of Salomon Better is little with righteousnes than great reuenues without equitie And againe Better is the poore that walketh in his vprightnesse than he that peruerteth his wayes though he be rich S. Paul saith Godlinesse is great gaine if a man be content with that hee hath for wee brought nothing into the world and it is certaine that we cary nothing out And againe Let him that is poore labour and worke with his hands the thing which is good that hée may haue to giue to him that néedeth Art thou a Marchant Usest thou to buye and sell Reade the Scriptures they will teach thée This is the will of God that no man oppresse or defraude his brother in any matter Thou shalt learne that diuers weights and diuers measures are abhomination vnto the Lorde and deceiptfull balances are not good Art thou an Vsurer thy case is harde yet heare the Scriptures they wil teach thée God commaundeth thée thus If thou lende mony to my people to the poore with thee thou shalt not be as an Vsurer vnto him yee shall not oppresse him with vsurie Againe if thy brother be impouerished and fallen in decaye with thee thou shalt relieue him thou shalt take no Vsurie of him nor vantage thou shalt not lend him thy vittailes for encrease but thou shalt feare thy God that thy brother may liue with thee And Whatsoeuer yee woulde that men should do vnto you euē so do ye to thē And He that giueth his money vnto Vsurie shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen Art thou a Fornicatour liuest in adultery Reade the Scriptures they will teach thée He that committeth fornicatiō saith S. Paul sinneth against his own bodie Know you not that your bodie is the Tēple of the holy Ghost Know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ Shal I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of an Harlot God forbid As hee which hath called you is holy so bee ●e holy in all maner of conuersation saith S. Peter The reason is set downe by S. Paul For this is the will of God euen you holines and that you shoulde absteine from fornication that you may be holy both in bodie and in spirit And Whoremongers adulterers God will iudge They shall haue no inheritance in the kingdome of Christ and of God Art thou a seruant Reade the Scriptures they wil teach thée Seruants be obedient vnto thē that are your Maisters according to the flesh in all things not with eie seruice as men pleasers but in singlenesse of heart fearing God And whatsoeuer ye do doe it hartely as vnto the Lorde and not vnto men Againe please your Maisters not aunswering againe be no pickers but shewe all good faithfulnesse that you may adorne the doctrine of God our sauiour in al things Art thou proude Reade the Scriptures they wil teach thée Be not high minded but feare What hast thou that thou hast not receiued If thou hast receiued it why reioicest thou as though thou hadst not receiued it and learne of me that I am meeke humble in hart And God resisteth the proude but giueth grace to the humble Art thou in aduersitie Read the Scriptures Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord will deliuer him out of them all And he shal call vppon me and I will heare him I will be with him in trouble I will deliuer him and glorifie him And Saint Peter telleth thée the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous his eares are open to their prayers God is faithfull which will not suffer you to be tempted aboue that you be able but will giue the issue with the tētation that yee may bee able to beare it The Lorde is neare vnto all them that call vpon him yea to all that call vppon him in truth Art thou A sinner hast thou offended God reade the Scriptures they will teach thée Hate the euill and loue the good And againe flie from euill and do good and dwell for euer Rise vp and go to thy father and saie vnto him Father I haue sinned against Heauen against thee and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Doest thou dispaire of the mercye of God reade the Scriptures they will teache thée Christ telleth thée I came not to cal the righteous but sinners to repentance Againe Come vnto me al ye that are wearie and laden and I will ease you At what houre soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his heart I will put all his wickednesse out of my remembrance saith the Lord. Againe I desire not the death of the wicked but that the wicked turne from his waye and liue And the Lorde is good to all and his mercies are ouer al his workes Art thou going out of this life reade the Scriptures they will teach thée I am the resurrection and the life hee that beleeueth in me though he were deade yet shall hee liue and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in mee shall neuer dye Saye with Sainct Paule Christe is to mee bothe in life and in death aduauntage I desire to be loosed and to be with Christ. What shoulde I saye more of the Scriptures how profitable and comfortable they be in all cases and parts of our life in aduersitie in prosperitie in life and in death they are our especiall comfort If we must fight they are a sworde if we hunger they are meate if we thirst they are drinke if we haue no dwelling place they are a house if we be naked they are a garment if we be in darknesse they be light vnto our going They are comfortable to kings to subiects to old men to yong men to mā and to wife to father to childe to maister and seruant to captaine and souldiour to preacher and people to the learned to the vnlearned to the wise and
of God and that he saith Let no soule be subiect to the higher powers let euery soule resist the Prince let him withstand the ordinance of God be not obedient neither for wrath nor for conscience giue no custome nor tribute nor feare nor honour vnto hir Remember if thou obey thy Prince as God hath commaunded thée thou art accursed by the Pope or if thou disobey the Prince as the Pope requireth thée thou art condemned by the iudgemēt of God Remember that the Pope hath conferēce with traitours in all countries that he raiseth Subiectes against their Princes that he causeth Princes to plague their Subiectes that he hath no regard of the stranger and the fatherlesse that hée suffereth Iewes and Harlots to liue in wealth and peace with him at Rome yet will not suffer a Christian and lawfull Prince to liue in y ● peace of hir own Countrie at home that he is the procurer of theft and murder of rebellion and dissention in the land that he hath sent in a Bul● to shewe his meaning and to worke our disquiet so bold and vaine impudent a Bul and so full fraught with blasphemie and vntruth as neuer before him did any Let these thinges neuer bée forgotten Let your children remember them for euer Let vs your children with vs pray God saue Queene Elizabeth and confound all those which rise vp against hir Let vs at the length take knowledge of the Pope of his enterprise boldnes He his Predecessours haue deceiued y ● worlde our Fathers before vs. Let vs bee no more children in vnderstanding God hath giuen vs the light of his word we haue by it espied wherein they robbed vs let vs be no more deceiued I say vnto you againe I beséech you let vs at the length take knowledge of the Pope and of his enterprise and boldnesse Hée and his Predecessours haue deceiued the worlde our Fathers before vs. Let vs be no more children in vnderstanding God hath giuen vs the light of his word we haue by it espied wherein they robbed vs. Let vs be no more deceiued And thou O most merciful Father bée our defence in these daungerous times The Lyon rangeth and séeketh whome he may deuour Looke downe from thy heauens vpon vs. Giue thy grace vnto Elizabeth thy seruant Thou hast placed hir in the seate of hir fathers thou hast made hir to be a comfort vnto thy people thou hast endewed hir with manifold gifts shadow hir vnder the wings of thy mercifull protection confound and bring to nothing the counsell of hir enemies direct the worke of thine owne hands establish that O God which thou hast wrought in vs so we which bée thy people and the shéepe of thy pasture shal giue thée honour and praise for euer and euer Amen ¶ A Treatise of the holy Scriptures gathered out of certaine Sermons which the reuerend Father in God Bishoppe Iewel preached at Salisburie Anno. Domini 1570. AMONG al his creatures in heauen or earth God hath not made any like vnto the Sunne in the firmament the beames where of are beautifull and pleasaunte and doe giue comforte in all places to all things It reioyceth the whole and relieueth the sicke it causeth birds to sing fishes to play cattel to stirre wormes to créepe grasse to grow and trées to bring fruit it reneweth the face of the whole earth Yet a blind man hath no pleasure in the beauty therof because he is blind and cannot sée it Yet a deade man hath no warmth by the heate thereof because he is dead and féeleth it not Adam was placed in Paradise in perfect estate and in the companie of Gods Angles God walked and did talke with him He heard the voice and behelde the presence of God The riuers yéelded waters aboundantly the trées brought him foode of life He had plentie without trauel he had pleasures ioy and his hearts desire But Adam was vnthankfull he knew not God the worker of his happinesse he knewe not the place in whic● he was he knew not his owne state and blessednesse therefore the wrath of the Lord grewe against him he fell into the snares of the Deuil he became mortall and returned to dust What nation in all the Worlde so happy as Israel they were deliuered by a mightie hand out of Aegipt from the tyrannie of Pharao from seruage and vilanie Their children were no more slaine before their faces They passed through the bottome of the Sea as vpon drie land When they were hungrie there went forth a wind from the Lord and brought them Quailes from the sea and Manna was giuen them from Heauen to eate when they thirsted the rocks opened and powred oute water that they and theyr beastes might drinke In battaile they were mightie and strong no power was able to stande against them The Lord wente before them by daye in a pillar of a cloude to leade them the waye and by night in a pillar of fire to giue them lighte When they called vpon the Lord he heard them When they trusted in him they were not confounded But they grewe vnmindfull of all these mercies and murmured agaynste the Lorde and againste his seruauntes therefore God raught forth his hand against them He sware in his wrath that they shoulde not enter into his reste Hee sent his Angel and destroied them in the wildernesse Euen so fareth it with all suche whiche regarde not the worde of their saluation because they haue eares and heare not nor will vnderstande with their harts the furie of the Lord shal be kindled against them The Prophet saith in the name of God to Israell I haue sent vnto them al my seruants the Prophets yet would they not heare mee nor encline their eare And Behold I sowe my law in you that it may bring foorth fruit in you But our fathers which receiued the lawe kept it not neither obserued thine ordinaunces neyther did the fruite of thy lawe appeare For they that receyued it perished bicause they kepte not the thing that was sowen in them Samuell telleth Saul Thou haste caste away the word of the Lord and the Lord hathe caste awaye thee Againe Ieremie sayeth How do yee saye wee are wise and the Lawe of the Lorde is with vs they haue reiected the word of the Lord and what wisedome is in them Againe Vnto whom shal I speake and admonish that they may heare Behold their eares are vncircumcised and they cannot hearken beholde the worde of the Lord is vnto them as a reproche they haue no delight in it I wil cause a plague to come vpon this people euen the fruite of theyr owne imaginations because they haue not taken heede vnto my wordes nor to my lawe but cast it off After this sorte dothe God shewe the cause why his word taketh not place in vs bicause we are wilfull and will not heare it nor receiue it nor take delight in it nor let
in his hande and call his neighbours togither and with godly speeches water the minde both of himselfe and the congregation that so wee maye escape the snares of the diuel and reape much fruit by our fasting and be partakers of the mercy of God Thus farre Chrysostome Nowe what if some fewe be wanton and neglect the wholsome vse of Fasting What if godly Preachers exhorte the people to putte away the abuse and doe teache them out of the word of God and the auntient writings of holy Fathers the true order and vse of Fasting should Pope Pius therefore vntruely charge hir Maiestie that she hath abolished Fasting dayes You knowe the Lawes stand in force whiche are made for that purpose and moreouer that common Prayers and an order for publique Faste to bée vsed in time of contagious sicknesse and other troubles and vnquietnesse haue bene set foorthe by the Queenes Maiesties speciall commaundement You knowe the maner and fourme of that generall Faste was first that it shoulde be kepte in euery wéeke vpon the Wednesday secondly by all persons betwéene sixetéene yeares of age and thréescore sicke folks and laborers c. excepted that it appointed but one onely competent and moderate meale that it leaueth it indifferent in the same meale to eate fleshe or fishe so that the quantitie be small and fit for sober and spare diet wythout varietie of meate spices confections or wines but onely suche as maye serue for necessitie comelinesse and health and that men of wealth and habilitie who by this order did abate the costlinesse of their fare should encrease their liberalitie towards the pore with that wich they spared thē that the same day ought to be bestowed in Prayers studie reading or hearing of the Scriptures or good exhortations and other godly exercises but no parte therof to be spent in plays pastimes or idlenesse much lesse in lewd wicked or wāton behauiour This Faste was commaunded and sette foorth in print thys Fast we obserued and taught the people that they should aunsweare before God if in suche godlye exercises they eyther shoulde contemne publike order or dissemble with God pretending abstinēce and doing nothing lesse Let Pope Pius shewe what Lawe of this Realme hathe forbidden or what doctrine of ours hath condemned Fasting We commende it and shewe the necessarie vse thereof Again She hath abolished all choice of meates I pray you where did God euer commaunde the choice of meates Paule saieth Lette no man condemne you in meate and drinke and to the Corinth Meat maketh vs not acceptable to God And Christ saith That which goeth into the mouth defileth not a man What if some eate flesh whose weake stomackes can not be nourished wyth fishe Doe they not kill and eate fleshe in the Citie of Rome Doth not Pope Pius for mony sell licence to eate what a man listeth The thing is not made holy because hée selleth it nor vnholy bicause it commeth fréely This might be sufficient for aunswere But yet because he maketh him selfe so priuie to our doings and doeth so precisely charge vs with his vayne accusations lette him consider that we to whome he maketh this reporte and sendeth ouer this tale are Englishemen acquainted better than he séemeth to be with the lawes of our countrey What one fishe daye is chaunged thorough the whole yeare What Lenten Ember Saturday Friday or other vsuall Fasting day Our Law sayth It shall not be lawful to any person or persons within this Realme to eate any fleshe vpon any dayes nowe vsually obserued as Fish dayes Nay besides those dayes whiche our forefathers kept we haue appointed that Wednesday in euery wéek through out the yeare be kept fishe daye and that no maner of person shall eate anye fleshe on the same day Wherby we haue made nigh fiftie fish dayes more than haue bin obserued heretofore by the lawes and customes of this realme We cannot heare of the like encrease of fasting dayes procured by the Pope and kept in the Coūtreys of Spaine Fraunce Italy or in hys owne Citie at Rome It maye bée hée is angrye wyth the Prouisoe in the sayde Statute Because no manner of person shall misse-iudge of the intente of thys Statute limiting orders to eate fish and forbeare the eating of fleshe but that the same is purposely intended and meant politiquely and not for any superstition to be maintained in the choice of meates bee it enacted that whosoeuer shall by preaching teaching writing or open speache notifie that any eating of Fishe or forbearing of fleshe mentioned in this statute is of any necessitie for the sauing of the soule of man or that it is the seruice of Cod otherwise than as other politique laws are and be that then such person shall be punished as Spreaders of false news are or ought to be Why doth he laye it againste hir Maiestie that she hath abolished al difference of meates we professe as doth S. Augustine In nostro i●●unio nihil melius est quam vt non manducans manducantem ne iudicet In our Fasting there is nothing worthy better accompt than this that hee whiche eateth not doth not condemne another whiche eateth We warne the people in times of abstinence to liue in the obedience of such order as the Lawe and Magistrates haue appointed and that whiles they forsake a common and necessarie diet of flesh they féede not their fantasie wyth such costly sortes of fish or suche daintie banqueting and iunquets whereby they should giue force to the lustes of the flesh in the day of their Fasting It followeth Shee hath abolished single life in Priests and Ministers Is it not lawfull for a Minister to be single you are witnesses to the contrarie you know some vnmarried and againe you knowe some that haue wiues and are married They which marry do wel God grant they do no worsse which doe not marry The Apostle saith Marriage is honourable among all and the bed vndefiled but Whoremōgers and Adulterers God wil iudge All haue not the gift of Chastitie saue they to whom it is giuen for euerie man hath his proper gifte one after this manner and an other after that The holie Patriarks the Prophets and the Apostles of Christe Peter Paule Iames Philip and others had Wines they liued in Marriage Eusebius reporteth out of Clemens Alexandrinus that Peter when he sawe his wife lead away to execution called hir by hir proper name and sayde O wife remember the Lord. Hierome saith if he shoulde name seuerally all the married Bishops they woulde be more in number than all the multitude of the Councell of Ariminum And in another place quasinon hodie quoque plurimi Sacerdotes habeant Matrimonia As though at this day many Priests hadde not their wiues We heare of the Bishoppes in Aethiopia that they are at this day married It is not long sithence Priests were marryed here in Englande and in Fraunce