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A03903 Davids sling against great Goliah conteining diuers notable treatises, the [n]ames whereof follow next after the epistle to the reader / by E.H. Hutchins, Edward, 1558?-1629.; Hake, Edward, fl. 1560-1604. 1593 (1593) STC 14012; ESTC S4711 77,891 358

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the peril of a mortal plague I beseech thee therfore O father of heauen in the name of thy sonne Christe to deliuer mee of this terrible reward of sinne to qualifie with the salt of thy grace our vnsauourie fleshe and to sweeten our viperous and vile nature with the oile of thy spirit that fighting manfullie vnder our capteine Michaell against the Dragon wee may not onelie wage battell or subdue but also crucifie the old man hand foot head hart euen the whole kingdome of Satan the prince of vtter darkenes that the diuel being battered downe and the olde Adam driuen out of our hartes we may offer vppe our bodies as liuely sacrifices vnto thee without any sent of stinking nature For this O Lord is acceptable in thy sight that beeing transformed into thee in newnes of life wee may bee fit temples for thy holie spirit to dwel and abide in Mortifie therefore the flaming fleshe O Lorde and appease the waues of our wanton nature that we may be euen as thou willest holie as thou art holy Amen Another WHat shal I doo O gratious God for I am borne of flesh the very affection wherof is death Shal I die shal the frame of thy hands be destroied no Lorde For thy mercies sake remember thy promise Aske and haue I aske O Lord I aske mercy doo I aske I desire thee in the bow els of thy Son Christ to regenerate me a spiritual man that beeyng borne anewe not of flesh nor of bloud nor of the will of man but of thy spirite by the power of thy worde I may be consecrate a priest vnto thee O Lorde and louer of holines guide me in the waye of thy will that I wander not in vanitie which thou abhorrest and canst not abide Thou hatest sinn and all the workers of iniquitie and vnles wee repent as father Baptist saide we shal al for our sinnes suffer the rod of thy iustice Giue mee therefore the sword of thy spirite that I may cut off the eare of Malchus and then bee healed by the playster of Grace Apparel me with thy heauenlie truth and arme me with thy holie worde that in time of combate I may be able to cut off the desperate assaults of the sinfull flesh Amen O Lord Amen I saie vnto the wordes Aske and thou shalt haue In mercie performe thy promise O eternal veritie and giue me grace not to doubt thereof Amen A praier for the obteining of grace O LORD I am thy sheepe thy hands haue facioned me a lost sheepe I am that haue wandered past the pasture of thy will into the brode field of vanitie As thou hast framed mee therefore of thy goodnes so recall me from straieng by the voice of thy mercie Giue mee grace to heare thee hearing to come vnto thee comming to follow thee and following thee the waie to heauen and doore of glorie euer to beare about me the pearle of grace and neuer to decline from the rule of thy wil. Keepe me from the pit of sinne vnderprop me from falling into the ditche of iniquity by the hand of thy fauour and fense me with grace the buckler of thy mercie that I may defeate Satans wilinesse and repel the blowes of frowning sinne a cloudie conscience O Lord let grace through the pipe or chanell of thy mercie distil into the vessel of my barren hart that being moistened with the dewe of thy gratious blessinges and softened with the spirit of thy goodnes I may lodge thee the blessed Trinitie linked in an indissoluble knot of vnitie to the reparation of the image of grace recouerie of disgraced nature Amen Another IT is thy gratious wil O God of mercie that all men shuld be saued It is not thy wil ô pitious Iesu that any sheepe of thy pasture should bee deuouted or anie Creature perishe which thou of thy goodnes hast framed And therefore O louer of man and loue it selfe I a poore wretched sinner that haue a longe time pastured in the broade way of iniquity yet hearing thee continuallie and that of mercie calling Come vnto me doo come vnto thee for grace and mercie agaynst merited cōdemnation Grace Lord grace is almy sute For I am a plaine castawaie and by thousands more wretched than the crawling Worme of the earth vnlesse thou bedeck me with the garment of Grace and marrie me in thy mercies promised to the house of Dauid Lap me therefore O Father of Heauen in thy whyte rayment and apparel my nakednes with the wouen coate of thy grace that Satan finding no seame in my wedding garment may not be able in anie respect to rip vp my faults before thee at the daie of thy visitation This do O gratious Iesu clippe mee in thy sweete armes and bowe downe thy head to kisse mee in mercie and be not angrie for my sins but drowne them in thy pretious blood for thine owne sake I beseech thee Amen A praier for patience in affliction O Fountaine of comfort O streamie welspringe of vndeserued mercie beholde most gratious GOD and louing Father I beseech thee mee thy poore creature Behold Lorde I am a worme and no man the buls of Basan impale mee rounde about the diuell like an hungrie Lion ro reth and gapeth to dispatch mee and the flesh like a venemous viper seeketh to stinge me Good God behold behold mee and fortifie thy seruaunt thine owne handie worke against the stormie blasts of the enimie Patience patience O Lorde adorne me with patience and seale vp in my heart the remission of my sinnes by the testimonie of thy holie spirite that being holden vp by the anchor of a liuelie hope in thy sufficient merits I may be able to indure the ende of this my combat which vnder thy banners I presently do sustein Most mighty Mychael fence thy child against the traitorous rebels of this world which doo nothinge else but dismember the babes of thy familie pro phane thy pretious passion Be thou vpon my side that no enimie may preuaile againste me Lord in thee haue I trusted let me neuer be confounded I beseech thee for thine owne merits Amen Another THere is no victorie without fighting nor anye crowne without victorie giue mee therefore power O Lord that fighting valiantly I maie bee crowned gloriouslie in heauen with thee to liue for eeuer Minister strength vnto mee that I maye ouermayster mine enimies and giue mee the spirit of patience that continuing to the ende I may bee found and taken as a faithfull souldiour of thy sonne Iesus and so be blessed Let me not faint in feare but let mee fight in a liuely faith whych ouermatcheth the whole worlde Plant me a naturall branch by the power of thy worde in the vine Iesus and make me able to indure euerie cracke Let no canker of sinne eate me let no worme of a burnt conscience gnaw me let no blaste of the worlde ouerturne me but staie me vp with thy mightye hand and bee euer at
or bubble in the water a verie wretch I am good Lord borne in sinne by nature wrapt in iniquitie and so thine vtter enimie worthie to perishe euerlastinglie But see thine owne goodnes sweete Lord thine hands formed mee beeing nothing thy mercie hath preserued mee till this day beeing nought And euen nowe sweete Iesu thou hast sent thy purseuant sicknes to bid me put off the old man put on the garment of faith that I being readie for the mariage may come and marrie thee in the couenant of thy father wherein al the nations of the world by promise are blessed Amen Another LOuing Iesu pittifull Iesu blessed Trinitie haue mercie vpon mee Beholde I am sicke Lorde iustlie buffeted for sinne the mother of euerie mortal infirmitie Yet Lorde louing Iesu pittie me pittie my case Louing father purge mee with Isop clense me from my secret sinnes drie vp the puddle of iniquity with the beams of thy mercy and clense me in the poole of thy pretious blood that this sicknes and infirmity the iust reward and penalty of sin and iniquity may cease and finish Beat me O God ô gratious God O father of heauen beate me in fauour and not in iudgement kisse me with the couenant of grace and be not angrie with mee O louing Iesu ful of pity and pitious compassion I would be clean and if thou wilt Lorde thou canst make me cleane Behold Lord I am sicke the palsie of sinne shaketh euerie part the leprosie of mine iniquitie hath ouer run al my soule and body but yet good Lorde and gratious Iesus if thou wilte thou canst make me cleane For thou art my father Almightie with whome nothing is impossible Lord I aske thy grace giue it mee I seeke it let me finde it I knocke for mercie open O Lord the chest of thy goodnes and enrich me with the iewels of grace that I may reign with thee in glory Amen A confession for the Sicke MY thoughtes my words my deedes al crie vnto mee Thou art a sinner And this doo I confesse vnto thee O Lord I cannot so much as think a good thought much lesse can I speake muche lesse can I doo wel I confesse that in me that is in my fleshe dwelleth no good thinge euen so vile a Creature so wretched a caitife that Satan might iustlie haue claimed my life in the swathecloth beeing borne the childe of wrath and heire of damnation I am a cankered branch of mother Eue that ancient stock of sinne whose heritage is nothing but iniquitie garded with an infinite sea of miserie For out of sinne as out of a filthie puddle or stayned fountaine issued the riuers of sicknes death and damnation with such a streame that they ouerranne and drowned the whole race of Adams curssed progenie So that as I confesse my selfe a sinner so doo I confesse that I am iustlie visited with this rod of sicknes wherwith thou art woont of thy iustice to beate wanton Adam that old man of sinne when he wil not be ruled Beat me therfore beate me O Lord to better me and sinite me enough so thou saue mee as I doo put my truste in thee Let Satan haue no power to harme mee nor the worlde with the baites of vanitie to snare me but defend me from al euil I beseech thee Amen Another O Bleeding Iesus O slaughtered Lambe O sweete babe of the virgin Marie and onlie beloued darling of God behold heere I lie sicke in bodie and sore in soule whome thou hast bought with thy pretious blood Helpe me saue me from sinne the fountaine of sicknes O fountain of mercie For I am a greeuous sinner by nature fettered with iniquitie wherein I was conceiued and borne O Iesu O Christ thou sonne of Dauid O gratious samaritan and piteous shepherd haue mercie vppon me haue mercie vpon me cal me clense me saue me salue me with the merit of thy passion againste the palsie of sinne and iniquitie O lambe of God thou hast taken awaie the sinnes of the worlde thou hast crucified the diuell confirme this faith in mee louing Lorde I beseech thee I beseech thee encrease my faythe and renew a righte spirit within mee Remember Lorde remember sweet Iesus thy crowne of thornes bruzed head thy boared handes nailed feete and crucified bodie Remember the pearsing speare thy wounded side and thy pretious blood that did spin and gush out Remember thy bloudie teares thy great thirst of my saluation and gall and vineger which thou didst drink to saue me and for thy mercie saue me and crie to thy father Father father forgiue him O Iesu be mine aduocate praie praie sweete Iesus praie for me and bestow some drop of thy bloud to wash me Amen A praier against desperation O Lorde I am a greeuous sinner I haue passed broken the banks of thy cōmandements from the wombe til this daie I haue with the pirat Satan sailed in the shippe of iniquity so that I maye saie with Paule I am cheefe of all sinners This must I needes confesse to thee O god of iustice this worm of conscience biteth me What then good Lord shal y e worme deuoure me shal this snake of conscience sting me to death what good Lord is the stream of thy mercy stopped are the riuers of thy grace dried vppe is there no drop of thy bloud left to washe my seelie soule doest thou not cal me saiyng Come vnto mee Yes good Lord and therefore despaire I wil not It is not thy will that anie sinner should perish and thou hast not onely said it but sworneit that thou willest not the deth of a sinner but rather his conuersion and life Behold therefore deere Father I come vnto thee being a greeuous sinner in hope of pardon in the name of Christe thy sonne who by his own testimonie came into this world to saue sinners Hee was content to blot out that obligation which satan hadde against me by the flood of his pretious bloud which issued out of hys glorious side In this poole he hath washed away the leprosie of sinne were it neuer so desperate And in token that he is ready to receiue a sinner hee stretcheth foorth both his sweete armes as ready to embrace and boweth downe his glorious head as willing to kisse the prodigall childe that craueth pardon for his misse-spent daies O Lord and gratious God I haue wasted my daies in vanitie I haue from time to time troden vnder my feete the pearles of Christyan profession euen frō the womb haue I beene a rebellious traitour to thy maiestie a friend to this world to godlines an enimie but nowe O Lorde I crie vnto thee forgiue me forgiue me Now I come vnto thee as thou hast called me now there fore couer me with the winges of thy mercie and tender mee as the hen dooth her chickens least Satan clawe me and so I perish Good Lord accept the bloud of thy sonne the merits of his manhood for a
not swallowed vp in griefe and sorrowe Lorde sweete Lord thou sendest thy seruants to cal me to the marriage thy fatlinges and oxen are killed and Dinner is readie Lorde giue mee grace to come vnto thee that beeing freed from sinne and eased of sorrow the fruit of sinne I may mary thee in the couenant of thy mercie and banquet with thee face to face at the table of ioye in thy heauenlie Ierusalem Lord louing Lorde and gratious God blesse the fruite of my wombe and take it into thy famylie For I beleeue Lorde that thou becamest of God the sonne of man to make it and all other whome thy father hath giuen thee the Children of God thy heauenlie Father According to my faith therefore O Lord be it vnto me Open the doore of thy mercie and lodge my child in the vertue of thy couenant that being my God and the God of my seede I maie glorifie thee both now and euer and offer vp the sacrifice of praise the fruites of a ioyfull spirit vnto thee Lord and Father of heauen it is thy wil that al men should be saued thy wil be doone and saue mee by thy mercie I beseech thee Amen A praier for the prisoner O Liuing GOD and louinge Father of Heauen I haue stood in the waie of sinners and wasted my days in iniquitie for the which I am iustlie tied in bands and shall suffer the shippewrack of this fraile and fading life O Lorde comfort me with thy holy spirit against the terror of death and so roote in mee the hope of saluation that I may looke in stedfast saith after the night of my passion to suppe and to be with thee in heauenly paradise Euill hath beene my life euen from the wombe haue I warred with euill nature against thee and to my power sought to destroy my selfe and to crucify my Iesus again most villanouslie But yet O. Lorde and father of mercie I beleeue verilie that al thy sonnes bloud is not dried vppe I am persua ded that there are some drops of grace reserued for all laden and labouring publicans and therefore comming vnto thee I crie and cal Lorde haue mercie vpon me a sinner Lorde O Iesu thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me Remember thy bloo die passion and with the testimonie of most thy holy spirite seale vp in my heart my saluation that I may die in thee and so liue with thee for euer Amē A praier to be said at the houre of death FAther of heauen into thy handes I doo commend my soule Lorde increase my faith strengthen my weaknes fortifie my soule with the Testimonie of thy fauour against the feare of death which is dreadfull vnto me O gratious God looke not vppon my merits for they are none nor vpon my life for it hath been very naught and abhominable but looke vpon Christ thy deer sonne and my louinge Iesus who beeing slaughtered vpon the altar of the Crosse crieth vnto thee for me and my brethren Father forgiue thē Thy sonne O Lorde died to deliuer vs was bound to lose vs out of hellish Aegypt that being freed by him wee might alwaies and solie serue him But mercie Lorde mercie is all my sute for I haue prophaned his pretious passion by my euill conuersation and done what laie in my power to crucifie him againe but notwithstanding Lord thou art alwaies mercifull and of great pittie and I beleeue verely that thy sonnes mercie is not abated who cried for the butchering Iewes Father forgiue them Louing God therefore burie mine iniquities and accept thy sonnes crie as a satisfaction for my sinne Lord haue mercie vpon me a sinner Amen A praier for the truth HEresie O Lorde is the spurre of dunghil cocks and hirelinges which faint and will not fight in thy quarrell against the wolfe for the sheepe of thy pasture Let not this spur blind the eies of christians let it not shut vppe the windowe of thy will Thy truth defende O Gratious God and with the whippe of thy iudgement scourge al penie gospellers and scowre thy fathers house which must be a house of praier that thy worde may be truly preached which is thy power vnto saluation Grant vnto vs the pure bread of life let it not bee sowred with the leuen of vnseasoned Rabbins least thy truth being eclipsed with euill doctrine be vtterly buried and so thy Lambes for hunger starued The babes of thy familie do hunger gape for meat they dailie crie vnto thee Father of heauen deliuer vs from euil Come Lorde Iesus come for thou art truth and the onely teacher of truth Roote vppe out of thy garden the weedes of heresie and hinder the blaste of slaundering Trumpetters whoe dooe nothing else but barke againste thy truth and bite the good names of others and al to the defacing of thy Gospel Amen A praier for the ploughman IT is thy iuste reward O GOD to man for his trecherie and disobedience against thy maiestie that he should get his liuing by the sweat of his browes I confesse therefore O thou iust God and louing father that I haue merited this bondage that thou maiest be iustified when thou art iudged Giue me thy grace O Lord that I may be diligent and faithful in my vocation to doo my dutie not so much for feare as for conscience Giue me thy grace that I may serue with a willing minde and a free conscience that beeing subiect to a Christian in body yet I may beare rule ouer sinn and Satan in a stedfast fayth and feare of thee Gard defend mee with thy grace and fense me with thy fauour Vphold my feet frō slipping staie mee that I fall not and if I fal raise me vp that I may not lie in the mire of desperation when sinne shall assault mee Plow my hart with the threats of thy pearsing lawe and harrowe it with a greeuous memorial of my omitied duetie but so O Lord that thou in the end doo so we in it the seede of thy Gospell the bread of immortalitie that I may liue in thee and by thee now and for euer Amen A praier for the blessing of his labour SVch was the fall of Adam O gratious God so great was his rebelliō against thy diuine maiestie that of desert thou maiest forsake him and staie the hand of thy boun teous liberalitie Notwithstanding Lorde because that thou hast commanded all men to aske and allured them to craue things necessarie by thy promise that hee that asketh shal haue therefore O Lorde in hope of thy wonted and offered mercie I come vnto thee in the names of Christ thy beloued sonne and my louinge husband desiring thee in the streames of thy bloodie teares to wash me from my sinnes to burie them in the bottome of the sea and to scatter them as chaffe before the winde that I being taken into thy fauour reconciled to thee in the blood of the immaculate lambe may looke in assurance for thy
satisfaction for my sinnes drown them in the streame of thy mercie cast them behinde thee good Lord I beseech thee O sweete Iesus lodge me in thy pretious wounds and look vpon me with thy piteous eie least that bee destroied which thou of thy great goodnes hast made and Christ thy sonne of inestimable loue and infinite charitie hath redeemed thorough his bitter passion This is the totall summe of my sute vnto thee Lord mercie mercie ô father of mercie mercie is the thing that I begge haue mercie vpon me haue mercie vpon me I beseech thee louing Lord haue pitie vpon me Bee thou my shepheard to defende mee my Castell of defense to saue me against the gaping diuel Thou hast store of mercie for them that aske it O Lorde therefore euen for the wounds of thy deere sonne haue mercie vpon me let not sinne sting me to death but lay to my sore soule the salue of thy mercie of thy mercie one drop of thy sonnes bloud a little dewe of thy blessing good Lorde I beseech thee Amen Another O Lorde my thoughtes my wordes mine actions haue taken weapons and waged battell againste mee and Satan that old rebellious traytour taketh part with them to ouerthrowe me thy poore and impotent souldiour He raiseth vp the snake of my conscience to sting me the poison of an euil life to infect mee with the desperat plague of Cains blasphemie and I am but fleshe vnable to withstande the furie of this dragon Oh what shall I doo I am a Sinner as Satan saieth and my conscience telleth mee and the rewarde is death as thy word dooth teach me What then shal I doo shal I die as Iudas O Lord is there no remedie surely my Lorde and my God I despaire in my selfe and confesse my selfe the child of wrath by naturs voice but yet O Lord it is thy voice it is the voice of grace that thy mercie is aboue al thy workes in token whereof thou camest into the world to saue sinners This is the piller that vpholdeth mee from falling this is the rod of iron that dasheth sa tan out of countenance and defeateth the argumentes of my sinnefull conscience Arme me with this buckler of faith in thy meritorious incarnation life and passion that I may not be giuen ouer as a prey to the dragon but crucifie the snakie persuasions of Satan and his companie Amen Another AVoid Satan thou shalte not tempt the Lords seruant thy works are destroied thy bandes are broken thou shalt not take or bind mee Auoid sinne for thou hast loste thy sting thou wast condemned in the fleshe nailed to the crosse and crucified with my Lord Christ vpon the tree Auoid death for thou art dead and hel for thou art swallowed vp in victorie Auoid thou dragon and all thine angelles for Michaell hath beaten thee and broken thy head he hath freed vs from sinne and ledde awaie captiuitye captiue euen hee Satan hath ouermastered thee that crieth out vnto me Feare not for I haue ouercome the world euen he that hath promised to bee with mee till the ende of my pilgrimage and crieth out that if hee bee with mee no man can bee agaynst me no not hell gates to preuaile against me Fight therefore Satanne as long as thou wilte thou shalt bee at length put to the foile for the mightie lion of the tribe of Iuda telleth mee that there is no condemnation to them that be in him that Iesus is the conquerour of the whole worlde and vanquisher of thee fight and rage thou neuer so much Ther fore auoide I saie awaie from me for in Christ haue I passed the sea of my sinnes thy cursed armie if thou folow to pursue mee thou shalt bee drowned in the red sea of Christes bloud to whome be all glorie Amen A praier for the auoidance of Gods wrath QTender harted Ioseph haue mercie vpon me Great is the floud of myne iniquities so great O God of mercie that vnles the banks of thy grace represse it it will ouerrunne and so drowne my see lie soule Drowne my s●●s in the poole of thy mercie cast them into the sea of thy bottomles pity least the smoke of my wickednesse doo smother me and the rod of thy iudgement breake and brooze mee like a potters vessell For the bagge of mine iniquities is so stuffed and the stinge of my sinnes so poisonous and the sent of them so vnsauourye in thy nostrilles O Lorde that if thou wilt obserue it who may abide it the surest piller of thy Church woulde shake the fairest rose would wither the best lamb should abide the slaughter if the beames of thy mercie shoulde not partch and burne vp the ripe and plentious haruest of our iniquities O Lord therfore haue mercie vpon vs and beate vs not with the rod of thy furie but vnder prop the shippe of our weake faith with the anchor of thy mercy that beleeuing in thee we may not perishe but haue euerlasting life Thou hast apesed ô sweet Iesus the wrath of thy father againste sinne conceiued by thy meritorious passion that I might with the holie ones bee holie as thou art But I haue prophaned thy passion by my dailie faults such is the frailtie of the flesh for the which I iust ly may be refused But yet Iesus one drop of fauor bestowe vppon mee and crie For my bloudie passion father forgiue him I beseech thee Amen A praier for remission of Sinnes O Lord what do I dailie but wander in the field of vanitie what is my hart but a filthy prisō of corrupt thoughts what is my mouth but a stinking chanell of vaine wordes what are my feete but chariots to bloudshed what are my hands but battellers with charitie what is my heade but a castell of wicked deuises and what is my life but a fardell of iniquitie I am nothing better than a deade tree the roote is perished the bough withered I am fruitles and good for nothinge but for the furie of the flame What then good Lorde shall it bee so I am no better than a deade tree but what shall I burne sweete Iesu O saue me for thy name sake and quicken me create a new hart within me ingraffe me in the true Oliue purge mee that I may bring foorth much fruite and for euer flourishe lyke a tree planted by the riuers side O powre the oile of grace into my defiled heart and season it with the salt of thy mercy least the sume of mine iniquities ascend vppe to thy nostrils and prouoke thy furie against me Powre downe some drops of thy pretious bloud from the clouds of thy mercy to quench out the angrie flame of sinne which I my selfe am not able to put out by the vertuous water of any merite Purge mee therefore with Isop O Lorde and then I shal bee cleane O lambe of God let me eate thy flesh and drink thy bloud that I may liue by thee and cloath me in
that lost that royall stamp of a pure nature to the vtter disgracing of all his progenie Man this loste sheepe thou soughtest O Iesus thou foundest sweet Iesus by death thou foundest her by bleeding paines thou foundest her by nailed hands and bored feete thou foundest her by a sharpe thornie crowne which pear ced thy glorious head by sheding of thine owne bloud by drinking of veneger in thine extreme thirst by suffering the most violent death of y e crosse thou foundest her and so fo undest thy lost sheepe man loste man sinfull man the childe of wrath O Iesus O louing Iesus tender harted Samaritan that of a sicke hast salued of a sore sinner hast saued him of a wicked Creature washed him cleane in the streame of thine inestimable mercie O Iesu O gratious Iesu thou hast sought loste man and founde lost man by condemning sinne by breaking the bands of the diuel by conquering hell sinne death and diuel in the flesh Sith therefore thouhaste O louing Iesu pitiful Iesu of thy mercy shed thy bloud not onlie for my firste father Adam but also for mee euen for the whole worlde that as sinne ouerran al men to condemnation by one man so in thee al the nations of the worlde might bee blessed And sith thou hast not onelie made a ful purgation for my sinnes beeing the slaughtered Lambe that haste taken awaie the sinnes of the worlde but also soong a conquest ouer sinne which hath lost his sting death which was dead hel which had lost the victorie and the dragon which thou ouercammest in heauen by preaching libertie to Captiues and leading captiuitie captiue there is no cause whie I should faint and feare death Arme mee therfore O Lord with this faith that thou hast dashed Death in peeces with the rod of thy merits drowned the diuell in the riuers of thy pretious blood that no torment or biting paine of the fleshe sunder mee from thee most louing Iesu but imprint in my heart thy grace that in greatest anguishe I may be so farre from the feare of it as rather to crie with thy Sayntes Come Lord Iesu Come and desire to bee dissolued with Paule and to be with thee my louing husband than by anie panges of death to refuse thee O Lord doo thy good will Amen Another OVr Father which arte in heauen thou art life how shal I come vnto thee there is no waie O Lord but thy selfe no man commeth vnto thee but by thee There is no remedy but this vessel of earth must bee broken before I shall see thee face to face euen as thou art in fulnes of glorie Dust to duste ashes to ashes claie to claie earth muste returne to earth to pay this borrowed tabernacle to earth where of it came Grasse must wither the flower must fade the vapour vanish I must be dissolued before I shall be ioyned fullie to thee my head and onelie vine wherein I liue Thy purseuant sicknes must visit this body of sinne and death muste rowe me ouer the seas of this world vnto thee in the barke of faith by the anchor of thy couenāts made to the house of Dauid O Lord therefore giue me grace to welcome death by which I must passe to life that dieng in thee I may be blessed and liue in the storehouse of thy ioyes for euer Amen Another O Louing husbande mine onely Iesus sleepe not slumber not but awake my ioye awake my comfort and lose the bandes of my miserie Death death O Lord thou hast nailed to the tree by the pretious passion and drowned Satan the prince of darkenesse in the streamie floud of thy blessed bloud Sweet Iesus louing Lord and husband mine lock vp the faith of this thy merit in my heart and clip mee in the sweete armes of thy woonted comfort Kisse me kisse mee pitious Iesu pittie mee and be not angrie with mee Diuorce me not O mercifull Iesus but marrie me in mercie and call me in thy fauor to the mariage of grace that beeing thine by the testimonie of thy spirite I may singe with a brasen face sinne where is thy sting hel where is thy victorie Mercie O Lorde mercie loue louing God loue is thy nam 〈…〉 mercie is my sute O bottomlesse pitie thy loue I labor and crie for Lord Lord Iesus thou sonn of Dauid haue mercie vpon mee and spread foorth the banners of thy comfort that I may knowe that I am thine and knowing it may neuer distrust thine inestimable mercie Amen Another in forme of a confession IN thy name O Lord Amen I acknowledge to the publishing of God his glorie and the comfort of my soule that I am God his owne childe that he hath created me of nothing redeemed me being lost preserued me from the wombe till this time In him haue I onely trusted neuer shal be confounded Beloued friendes in the Lord for your comfort and mine owne duetie heare my confession which euery christian is boūd to make I acknowledge ther fore in the face of GOD Almightie before you all that whether I liue or die I am his He hath suffered death to saue mee from death he was crowned with thornes to crowne me with glorie he was bored and nailed to the tree to nayle and to crucifie the sinnes of the whole world He was content to be pearced and goared with a speare yea so pearsed that the blood gushed out and for nothing else but to washe me cleane from the sore of sin in the streames of his mercie For this with one consent lett vs crie Our soules doo magnifie the Lord and our spirits rcioise in God our Sauiour Sccondlie I confesse that though Christe in his pretious bloud hath clensed me from the filth of sinne that notwithstanding I doo nothing in this present life but heape sinne vppon sin and hourde vp trespasse vpon trespasse so that this daie is worse alwaies than yesterdaie by increasing as daies so sins and therefore the indignation of God against mee But yet those of hel shal not be able to preuaile against me For there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus my Sauiour Thirdlie I confes that as my life is sinful so it is shorte like a smoke like a shaddowe like a warrefare like a flower that fadeth grasse that withereth a word that soon passeth it is like a bubble in the water a weauers shuttle it is a span long and no moe Againe it is not onelie short but also miserable For it is an exile a vale of miserie it is a wildernesse it is stuffed with sorrowes a cage of enimies a sea of myseries a dungeon of gronings greeuous sobbings it is a storme a tempest that wonderfullie trobleth the people of our heauenlie father beleeue me it is no better than a womans trauell and that is extremelie miserable and therefore as not onelie short but also wretched I am willing to forsake it Yea death welcome death sicknes sicknes of
thereof it came without question that they did cursse not onlie the daie of birth but also him that brought the message to their father that a child was borne They had fullie considered the degrees of their miserie Their birth place was but a foule and filthie dungeon they themselues were but a substance of bloud and instruments of their mothers their nourishment little better than venom their birth not without extreme pains of the deere mother and violent offense of their tender bodies They knewe throughlie that they were conceiued in filth and vncleannes born in sinne and care and nourished with paine and labour They dyd knowe themselues to haue bin like cralling wormes and that at their entrie into this worlde they were apparelled with bloud And therefore considering their miserable condition they curssed the daye of their wretched birth Yea this made father Ieremie to wishe that his mothers wombe hadde serued for his tumbe and father Esaie to bewaile his birth and to murmur againste the knees that helde him vppe and also the breasts that gaue him suck They had fully conceiued that man was made of the slime of the earth conceiued in sinne borne in paine and at the laste made a prey for wormes This miserie of mans life had they fullie digested and therefore wished to haue died before they were borne Come hither nowe beloued Christians wee are manie an ace short of Iob Ieremie or Esay in life and in iudgement One after a through sifting of this miserable life wished that his mothers wombe had been his tumbe another murmured at the paps that gaue him suck the third curssed the daie of his birth and not onelie that but him also that firste declared it Did they soe lyttle sette by this myserable life as to cursse it and so little loue the pappes that norished them as to murmur against them yea the verie knees that helde them vp and by reason of this wretched pilgrimage to be so wearie of this life as to wishe they had beene buried in their mothers wombe and shall wee feare death They wished they had neuer liued and shal we for feare of death wishe euer or a longe time to liue they curssed the daie of their birth whoe were holie men and shal we weepe for the daie of death the verie ende of their wishe did they murmur against the paps that gaue them sucke and shall not we welcome death when the Lord sendeth him naye they murmured euen againste the knees that did beare them vp and shal not we bee willing to surrender heade feete handes heart knees and al to mother earth and to salute death in ioy of spirit Fie for shame and out vpon vs if we doo not willinglie and merrilie wishe and crye Thy kingdome come ô father of heauen Come Lord Iesus come Let vs denie the olde man cherish our hope that wee haue in the full merites of Christ that when the Lorde shall call we may come vnto him without anye rebellion And as for death account of it but as a moste blessed ende or period of this wretched life an axe that cutteth off al miseries and therefore feare it not The thirde weapon Consider the commodities of death WE are tossed turmoyled vppon the seas of this world with manie a dangerous tempest euen till wee be we arie or at least should be with holie Paule of our short vncerteine miserable liues and then dooth the Lorde euen of mercie call vs to reste and ioy with his Saints in heauen 〈◊〉 that resting from our labours wee may continuallie pray se him with the band of his holie Angels By death he deliuereth vs from danger and therefore to arme vs against the feare therof it pleased the holie spirit to cal death a sleepe by the which being dispatched of all aduersities wee are brought to our graues therein to lie as it were in a soft featherbed and in a sweet sleep abiding the comming of Christ our lord whe● hee shall knocke at the bedd● and cal vs vppe to liue for eue● with him and his holye Aungels Death therfore doth not swalow vp our bodies thogh for a time they must lie in the bellie of mother earth For death is a sleepe and is vnpossible as it is that a whole man being in a sound sleepe should not wake vp againe euen so vnpossible is it that a Chrystian shoulde continue in Death for euer And as for this sleepe it is but a shorte sleepe for the daye is at hand and the time of iudgmente draweth neere when dead bodies shall arise and the earth shal render them vp that be in her that meeting and appearing together with our beloued friends and set vpon the right hand of his blessing wee may as liuely members be fully knit in our body Christ Iesus So that death is but a sleepe and a shorte sleepe out of the which we and al our brethren sisters and friends that are departed in the Lorde shall rise more fresh than euer we were to leaue this fraile and earthie bodie and to haue it made like to the glorious bodie of Iesus Christ. And who now would feare death or who should grudge at the Lorde for castinge vs asleepe Death is a sleepe the earth is the Christian mannes featherbed where he must lie● till the trumpet shall sound to awake him and call him vnto iudgement Who wil murmur againste this necessitie or rather againste this mercie for mercie it is that we die but for a time or rather sleepe for a time where of merit we shuld die for euer And therefore vnles by your gronings and sighings you wil exclaime against the mercy of the Lord by the which you are saued doo not feare Death or murmur against him but bles him with father Iob and thank him hartily that he hath granted thee thy daielye petition wherein thou praiest sayeng Our Father which art in heauen thy wil bee doone deliuer vs from euil For as for the first his will is doone whensoeuer any man dieth The verie farthing sparrowe can not fall without his prouidence the heares of our head can not perishe without his will much lesse dieth anie man without his will whoe far surpasseth all farthinge Sparrowes So that to wishe them aliue that are departed in peac it is to wishe that God his wil were not doone and what is that but to wishe that GOD were no God For if God bee God his wil is iust and muste needs be doone But as for many they will acknowledge that the will of God is doone againe that hi● wil was iust in calling for their children whome hee had but lent them for a time and yet will carrie a biting sorrowe in their hearts and so wil they go neere to bringe death vppon themselues But to such mourning mothers I saye Why doo you mourne this life is a warfare death is asleepe Why do you mourne this life is short by condition and ful of myseries
mercie vpon me and giue me thy grace not onelie to be thankefull for this thy gratious gift but also dutifull to vse it after thy good will and pleasure It is thy wil O father of Heauen that chyldren shoulde come vnto thee yea that all men shoulde be saued and come to the knowledge of the truth Fil the cup of thy mercie O Lorde and let mee drinke of it and my children pledge me that we may together bee wrapped in the garment of Grace and at length be married vnto thee into the kingdome of glorie Take my tender babes O Lord into thy familie that as children of thy house together with me they may sit with father Abraham Isaac and Iacob at the table of ioy in ioy vnspeakeable and in pleasure inconceiueable Giue them the spirite of thy fauour that they may crie truelie vnto thee Abba Father assured in their consciences that they are thy children and coheires with our Sauiour Iesus of life eternall O father shew thy mercy for thy mercies sake Amen The Childs praier IAm borne a naturall child O father of Heauen weake in bodie blinde in soule in all parts maimed and as it were lapt in bands of myserie O Lord renew mee wholie make me a babe of thy familie that I may suck the paps of thy word which is of power to saue bodie and soule Lop the tree of nature O gratious God and restraine me within the banks of thy wil by the bri dle of thy spirite that I neuer passing the limites of thy good pleasure may of thy mercie be taken as worthy to sit with father Abraham in the restefull lande of Canaan Regenerate me O Lorde and make mee a new creature that hauing put off the olde manne I may bee transformed into thee the second Adam in newnes of life and be freed from albruntes of storming nature blowes of tyrannous Satan that I maie sleepe in the lap of thy Church in safetie for euer O sweet Iesu let no tempest of sinne or thunderboult of Satan or hys mynisters ouerturne mee thy poore Creature sayling vpon the foming seas beset and bea ten with the surges of this present worlde but gard me with thine hand and let thine holie Angels pitch their tents about me least the brickle barke of my bodie being broozed with the waues of wickednesse and the shippe of my soule shaken with the tempests of iniquitie I vtterlie come to naught and become a castaway In al dangers therefore giue me grace to crie vnto thee with a lowde voice Helpe mee thou that canst stil the roughnesse of the sea or else I perish Amen The Husbandmans praier IA pore husbandman O lord GOD doo come vnto thee for succour Iesus thou sonne of Dauid haue mercie vppon mee Thou art the true vine and GOD thy father the husbandman and a braunche ingraffed in thee by grace and nourished by the iuice of mercie O Lord when the pock of my corrupt nature breaketh out and the wild Oliue sheweth it selfe then of thy fauour lop and crop mee purge mee that I may budde in thee and beare fruite worthie repentance Giue me thy grace that I tie not my hart to this world nor locke my thoughts in the chaine of vanitie but free me from the slauerie of the diuell and vnlose the desperate knot of my sinneful conscience that sinne beeing disiointed by remission and my conscience vn linked from sinne I may serue thee in holines and righteousnesse all the daies of my life Aide mee O father of heauen when the branch of sinne will ouerwantonlie flourish old Adam passe the limits of thy holie will Doo this O father and onely good husbandman for thine owne sake Amen The Maydseruants praier AL estates O Lorde depend vpon thee Kinge and begger Magistrate Clergieman maister and scholler al come of thee And me thou hast made a poore handmaid which I do not only willinglie beare as knowing thou haste allotted mee this calling but also very many waies I haue to thank thee for it For thou hast not onely deliuered me from the slauish seruice of Satan but also dooest by this my yoke restraine the wanton reliques of stained nature preserued me from the pampering of the old man in pleasure and idlenesse Secondlie that I am not seruaunt to any Heathen Turke or Saracen but vnto a Christian in suche a place where thy Gospel is preached freely and fullie Thirdlie and speciallie because thou hast called me vnto such an estate of life as wherein I knowe I doo well please thee For who liueth after thy Gospell if not I whoe get my liuing with the sweate of my browes I doo not glory heere in vaine but to thee bee the glorie who hast turned the cursse into such a blessing O Lord giue me grace to consider this that I may bee more diligent in my calling more earnest in seruing thee than euer I haue beene heeretofore Forgiue me al that is past and guide me in thinges to come that I may neuer haulte in my vocation Giue mee a sounde and perfect faith in thy sonnes blood O father wherin he hath washed of his great mercie my poore soule that notwithstanding I serue a mortal man yet aboue him in all thinges I may serue thee to whome be all glorie both nowe and for euer Amen A praier for a woman with child IN the beginning of the world O father of heauen after thou hadst formed man of the slime of the earth and yet prince ouer all creatures it pleased thee of thy goodnes to create a woman of his side as well for his solace as for the continuance of his seede It was thy worde vnto them Increase and multiply This increase was easie but mother Eue hath made it hard by passing the bounds of thy wil to al her posteritie so that the woman conceiueth and bringeth foorth in great paine and dangerous trauel the fruit of her wombe in so greate paine O Lord in such extreme pangs that vnles thou quench the flame of her sorrowes with the water of comfort it is impossible for her to beare that into this vale of miserie which thou of thy goodnesse hast fra med she conceiued Wherfore thou GOD of woonders and Father almightie of Heauen as thou hast by the slaugh ter of thine only lambe taken awaie the sinnes of the whole worlde and condemned sinne in the fleshe so take awaie the pangs of childbirth the fruit of sinne from all womankind especially this woman that bearing ioy fullie that which shee hath conceiued fruitfullie and thou hast fashioned gratiously shee maye glorifie thee most carefully and praise thee most thankefully the onely staie of hir estate in al extremitie both now at this present and hereafter euerlastingly Amen A praier for a woman in trauell LOrde saue mee or else I perish Lord haue mercie vpon me a sinner Pitiful Iesu shew thy mercy vnto me and let the light of thy countenance shine vppon me that I be
death for the losse of a shadow shal wee by sighs and sobs storme againste the Lord for the losse of a vapour nay shall we not rather be glad to forgo the shadowe and by death desire to be knit more fullye to our bodie Iesus whereof wee are members in faith and hope O ye of lyttle faith crie vnto the God of hea uen Lord increase our faith Be content to leaue this vaporous life and welcome death and cry in a ful beleefe Come Lord lesu come shorten these latter daies for thine elect sake and saue vs. Saue vs O Lord saue vs haue mercie vpon vs and helpe vs helpe Lord and by a blessed death cite vs to appeare before thee For one daie in thy court is better than a thousand elsewhere Amen Secondly consider that thy life is vncerteine For death is like a theefe that commeth at vncertaine houres he is like a thundercracke that soundeth on a sudden yea this life is so vncerteine that death may ask his due in the swathcloth and none be able to resist him He is alwaies a prince hee ruleth not only in the haruest but also in the spring time and summer Yoong menne and babes olde men and maydes greene and ripe al are one death excepteth no persons hee neuer regardeth our yeares but with his sharpe syth on a sudden he cutteth al downe So y ● our life is like a ruinous house alwaies readie to fal like a thin thred alwaies readie to rotte like a running cloud wherof we are vncerteine where and when it falleth This cloud sometimes melteth in the cradle somtims in the chaire Death is like the sunne whensoeuer it shineth it melteth our cloudie life bee the cloud thereof neuer so thin or thicke in yeres Our life nowe being as vncerteine as the weathercocke which turneth at euery blast or like the waue which mounteth at euery storme or lyke the reede which boweth at euery whisteling winde whye shoulde we loue it and not rather loath it in comparison of the euerduring life of the heauenlie citizens wherevnto by death we passe in mercie Oh that al Christians woulde ingraue in their harts the wauering dayes of this vncerteine life and consider and looke for in a ful faith the certaintie of that ioyfull life wherevnto death dooth bring vs For then woulde wee that sayle as pilgrimes on the waters of this world and are tossed dangerouslie by diuers pyrates the flesh sinne and the diuell desire with hartie praier craue of the Lorde that in the barke of a liuely faith by his mariner death he woulde carrie vs to the certeine and blessed life of his saints If we were thus godly wise to consider the vncerteintie of this momentanie life or so happie as to ponder the eternall felicitie of Ierusalem and restful Cannaan we would rather ioy and be merrie when sicknes and death shal visit vs than mourne and sorrowe for it For they are the Lords ambassadours which are sent to bring vs tidinges that dynner and supper is readye and the banket of glorie to bee minystred and that we must come without tarrieng to marrie him and to enioy him face to face euen as he is and 〈…〉 fore with willing mind t●●aie our debted bodies to mother earth whereof wee borrowed them and to him our soules that hee may marrie them in the couenant of his Eternall mercies We are borne into this world naked our heritage is sin and myserie our life is labour and sorrowe we our selues are but tenaunts vnder mother earth concerning our bodies and vnder GOD concerning our soules which God our God of ioy and father of comforte by his owne sonne hath bought vs an inheritance immortall and vndefiled for euer vnto the which by sicknes death as the messengers of his wil he calleth vs. Is all this so and shall wee feare death no for shame let vs bid adieu to this shorte and vncertaine lyfe and receyue death in ioy of spirite as an accomplishment of the obligation of his couenant wherewith he bound himselfe of his meere mercie beyond any merite of ours that wee shoulde neuer see death but haue euerlasting life Vnlesse therefore you will mourne against death bicause by it you passe from an vncerteine to a certeine life from these sorrowing and wauering daies to an euerlasting and incorruptible inheritance and so shew your selues rather willing to haue the fleshepots 〈◊〉 Aegypt for euer than to passe to heauen and to eate of comfortable manna not in the wildernes but in new Ierusalem see that ye feare not death but loue it and welcome it whensoeuer the Lorde will sende it vnto you Thirdlye consider thy life is miserable It is not only short but also miserable yea I may well tearme it a kingdome of miserie New borne babes do what they can to persuade vs of the truth of this matter For they beginne not this life with smiling countenance but with weeping eies By their crie what else dooth nature sing or signifie vnto vs but that thorough our sinnes our life is become a continual warfare and the world our enimie euen 〈◊〉 vale of miserie besette with thornes to pricke vs on euerie side Righteous Abell founde in his life time a thorn of his own blood to trouble molest him euen Caine his own brother to bache his blade in his bloud villanouslie to murther him Iohn Baptist the bright dayestar and forerunner of Christ the sunne of righteousnesse he found a thornie Herode to behead him and holie Stephan stonie Iewes to dispatche him Yea what is this life but a fardle of miserie wherein Christ our blessed sauior tasted of nothinge but of the sower grape of persecution For no sooner was this lambe of God come into the world but Herod by the decree of his hellishe conuocation was ready to deuo 〈…〉 him this was a miserie to mother Marie And maruelouslie doth it paint out the mysery of this life that the hony babe Iesus the very lambe of God and light of this world is so welcomen into the world which intended mischiefe And where hee by the prouidence of his heauenly father escaped the snare of the rauenous fowler yet for his sake doo the children and sucklings of Bethleem and the coastes thereof as many as were twoe yeeres old and vnder preache vnto vs the miserie of this our life The voice that was heard in Ramah moorning weping and great lamentation Rachell 〈…〉 eeping for hir children with out all comforte because they were not teacheth vs and crieth out vpon the miserable life of man If al careles Epicures would aske the iudgement of Father Iob in this case he would expounde the mysticall cries of tender sucklinges that man which is borne of a woman hath not onely a short time to liue but also a miserable life to lead that his life is a warfare continual labour and sorrow This iudgement of Iob without all doubte was rooted in him and his brother Ieremie And
by death they are blessed and rest from their labors Why doo you mourne this life is a vapour by death for a vapour they possesse an heauenlie and euer during inheritance Why doo you mourne doo you not thinke that heauen is better than earth that the companie of angels archangels Patriarkes Prophete● Apostles Martyrs Confessors Virgines and the holy ones of God is better than the felowship of men and the company of beastes Doo you not beleeue that ioye is better than sorrowe that life eternal is better than this short vaine and vile life that it is better to see God face to face to follow the lambe Iesus in heauen in fulnesse of ioy to possesse him at his Heauenlie table to banket with father Abraham Isaac Iacob than to dwel with you all our fare in this worlde is dung in respect of the heauenlie meat which Christ dooth set before them that are passed by death to life and why then doo you mourne Mourne not for them for they are happie happie and thrise happy are they But as I say mourn for your selues that be not so luckie as they to bee taken from this vale of myserie to the storehouse of felicitie as they are For by deathe they are not dead but by death they are passed to life to suche a life as passeth all vnderstanding the ioyes wherof doe surmount the conceipt thoght not onely of man but also angels and Archangels But miserable are you which doo yet carrye about you this earthie Tabernacle yea euen in this one thing you are miserable vnlesse you repent that you mourne for the deathe of your friends or children For in that you denie the will of God to be iuste for that hee hath made man of earth earthy and mortal Mourne for this your vnbeleefe mourne for this your sin weepe for the sinnes of your youth for your secret sinnes and desire God to wipe and to wash your soule from all infection of sinne that being prepared by death to follow your friends and children you may with willing hearts in a liuelie faith giue a farewell vnto this worlde and be readie to marrie Christ Iesus in glorie to whome bee all glorie Amen A battel betweene the Diuel and the Conscience Wherein all true Christians are taught how to oppose and set them selues against the assaults of their Archaduersary Satan made in forme of a dialog by the sayde E. H. Satan THou arte a Sinner and therefore the child of wrath Conscience I am a sinner Satan I confes it that in mee that is in my fleshe dwelleth no good thing which may mooue my Lorde to take pitie vpon me but yet I denie thy consequent For though I bee a sinner yet shall not my sinnes preuaile against me For behold saith Iohn The lambe of God hath taken awaye the sinnes of the worlde hee hath condemned sinne in the flesh so that now there is no condēnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Satan I grant that there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ but suche are in Christ which walke not after the flesh as thou dooest continuallie boording vp trespasse vpon trespasse against the daie of iudgement Conscience Thou liest Satan I walke not after the fleshe but with Paule I wil the thing that is good though I bee not able to perfourme it by reason of that combat which is between the flesh and the spirit Indeed at the least I sinne seuen times a daie but notwithstanding auoid Satan for Iohn telleth mee that if anie manne sinne wee haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christe the righteous and he is the propitiation for the sinnes of the world Sat. But how knowest thou that he wil be thine aduocate For hee is a righteous mediatour and therefore he will not deal for thee 〈◊〉 most miserable sinner Con. I knowe it Satan that hee wil be mine aduocate For so his holie worde preacheth vnto me which is the word of Christe the euerlasting truth which I by his grace wil neuer misdoubt And heerein thou shewest what thou hast beene euen from the beginning a lier For Iohn telleth mee that If anie man sinne yet there is an aduocate and a righteous aduocate euen Iesus Christe the righteous Sat. Yea but how darest thou looke vp to heauen and fly to this aduocate thou beeing a vile sinner and hee a righteous God Con. In a ful faith of his mercie Satan I dare goe to him For hee crieth to all laden and labouring Christians Come vnto me And why then shuld I feare to goe vnto him especiallie since he hath promised to refresh mee If I come vnto him Sat. Thou maiest goe vnto him but thou shalt find him a iudge For he wil neuer refresh thee with mercie but punish thee with deserued iudgement and reward thee according to thy deserts Con. Auoid Satan for thou liest I will go to him in assurance of his mercie for hee is truth and cannot faile in his promise Hee will indeede reward me according to my deserts but what deserts Christ his deserts are my deserts hee by his deathe deserued life for mee and al the world not for himselfe but for vs according to the saying of Peter He bare our sinnes in his bodie And therefore sith Christ by his ful obedience hath deserued lyfe my desert in him is life And therefore will I dare to go vnto my Lord and my God for I am sure of mercie Sat. I am the prince of darknesse and al sinners belong to my kingdome For the reward of sinne is death and therefore assure not thy selfe of mercye for that is in vaine Con. Auoid Satan For what though thou bee the prince of darkenesse yet doo I set thee at naught I am a sinner but what of that Satan my sinnes haue lost their stinge and so mayest thou gape for a prey and goe without a reward For in the bloud of Iesus Christ am I purged from my sinnes yea from all my sinnes the sinnes of my childhood my youth my olde age commytted in thought worde or deede whatsoeuer they haue bene are or shal be they are drowned in the bottom of the sea and so couered in mercie that the Lorde will neuer remember them Sat. Thou liest conscience For the Lord is iust and therefore hee will remember them that he may punish them Con. The Lord is righteous thou fowle diuel iust and true are all his waies but yet thou lyest in thy consequent for it standeth not with his iustice to remember our sinnes that hee may punish vs whose sins he hath punished in his sonne Christ. Christe Iesus by his death hath deliuered vs out of debt to the wrath of his heauenlie Father and purchased vs remission of sins And therefore I am sure that as God is iust so he will not remember my sinnes to punishe them in me againe sith his sonne hath paid his debt for mee For it is againste iustice that any debt should be twise
am sure that my redemer liueth that with these eies I shall see him Though I do heer want bread to quench the crie of hunger and drinke to coole the heate of my burning stomach though I haue neither cloth to apparell mee nor friend to comfort me nor place to lodge in yet beholde I am sure that my redeemer liueth and that with these eies I shall see him If thou be a spirituall Lazar and wantest the crums of com fort if the diuell lay thine own sinnes before thee to the ende thou mayest eat with him the bread of desperation yet run to the lodge of comforte and there sing thou in spight of thy sinnes of Satan and al his hellish hounds I am sure that my redeemer liueth and that with these eies I shall see him In this lodge of comfort S. Iohn dooth finger out to thy hungrie soule the food of life saieng beholde the lambe of God that hath taken awaie the sinnes of the world But what was this lambe crucified dyd he not die yes and rose the thirde day a conquerour ouer sinne death hel the diuel and al his angels But yet perchanse thou wilt not beleeue it if thou doe not come hyther Thomas sayeth Christ and thrust in thy finger Dooest thou not beleeue it then come hither and trie trie and then truste This side of Christ is the sole lodge of rest for all spirituall Lazars that hunger and thirste after theyr saluation Marie Magdalen that was possessed with so many diuels Peter that had once twise yea the third time denied his maister Christ yea the theefe on the crosse by faith leapte into this side of safetie and lodge of Christ Iesus This lodge is his wounds which hee had on the crosse to heale vs which woundes alwaies are open for al st 〈…〉 ng Thomasses to harbour and to lodge in For at what time soeuer a sinner wil repent him of his sinnes I will blot al his sins out of my remembrance saith the Lord. Here is a lodge for al Lazars that grone in spirit All such as are heauie and laden heare and follow that proclamation of Baptist Repent al that with father Dauid weepe learne to wet the couch of their harts with the tears of their groning soules This lodge of comfort is open to all it is denied to none that repent haue they beene neuer so greuous sinners Besides these two sortes of Lazars there are some that are rich in temporal blessings and yet very Lazars in grace couetous men and vsurers they doo not onelie want that they haue but by euer seeking more and more they drowne theyr seelie soules in sinne and for a lodge of comfort they harbour in hellish Aegypt Thus was Diues the glutton a Lazar hee had plentie of all things and yet hee was not so riche in grace as to bestowe a crum of bread vpon Lazarus and therefore dooth hee nowe thirst for a drop of water and cannot get it to ease the furye of his tormenting toong Diues is the ringleader of the dance to al carelesse ritch men that haue departed this life as couetous wretches But vnto them that are yet aliue although they haue been a long time disciples of Diues yet are the woundes of Iesus Christ open to lodge them against the stormes of a frowning conscience Yea it is open for al sinners who are Lazars by nature and want the verie crums of goodnes they gape to receiue vs and they are alwaies fresh and greene Loe a fountaine of Christs pretious and outstreaming blood wherein al that repent are washed from their leprosie and deliuered from the sting of iniquitie for euer In the worlde there is nothing but miserie it is nothing but a kingdome of calamitie and the wounds of Christ are a lodge of al rest where ther is no paine no sorrow no vexation no trouble but all ioye euen such ioy as passeth al con ceipt to the which the Lord of his mercy bring vs al Amen A retrait from sinne Wherein is sounded as with a shrill trumpet in the eares of all men what damnable daungers depend vpon continuance in sin neglect of repentance abuse of the acceptable time of grace and other excellent meanes daily mouing men to the amendment of their finneful life made by the sayd E. H. COnsidering with my selfe the frailetie of man and the dangerous trappes of Satan which he hath laid in euerie corner of this wicked worlde to catch vs his craftie deuises which he worketh con tinuallye to snare vs and the drowsines of man as carelesse to auoid them I thought good to make this base retrait from sinne that beeing called from straieng we might come vnto the true sheepefold and so bee saued And here I might begin with wondering at the churlish nature of man who being so often called by the voice of God and his deputies from sinne doth yet notwithstanding walow therein like swine in filth and mire Duste and ashes shall the Lord himselfe crie vpon thee Sinne not and wilte thou not heare him if not sinning bee thy soules safetie wilt thou be so vnmindfull of thy selfe as to suffer thy gratious lord to haue the repulse Shal the king command his subiect and bee obeyed and the king of glorie commaund thee not to sinne and not bee obeied shal the good and trustie subiect be so dutiful to the king who is yet but duste and ashes and wilt thou shew thy self so rebellious against God who is the God of comfort father of mercie O thou drowsie creature awake bee wise Consider if God being wisedome doo cal thee from sinne then is it follie to follow sinne If God being the father of mercie doo cal thee from sinne the mother of endles misery then ô wretched creature returne repent least for mercie thou doo reap the rewarde of sinne which is death eternal But why should wee by sinning make our selues thrall to so tyrannous a maister as Satan and despise the cal of so lo uing a Sauiour as Iesus Christ crieng vnto vs Sinne not The seruice of Satan is miserable bondage the seruice of Iesus Christe is a blessed libertie it is a freedome that passeth al freedomes and so much the rather to be embraced as the other is myserable and to be detested yea it is with both hands to bee receiued forsomuch as our Lord Iesus Christ in commanding requireth it For being bondslaues of Satan so vile a varlot shall the Lord offer vs his seruice which is perfect libertie and shall we refuse it and not rather receue it Eue did so muche as obeie the lieng serpent in paradise shal we denie obedience to Iesus Christ she obeied to sin but her obedience wroght hir miserie and shal not we obey the Lord that our ende maye be felicitie For how can wee deseruing eternall miserie bee accepted to blisse if that by disobedience we prouoke to wrath the onelie purchaser of mercie I saie therfore where Christ crieth
his side doo testifie a iust condemnatiō against vs that we did so vnthankfully vse them to destroy the sonne of God and yet doo commyt sinne to our power seeking to slaie him againe O yee butchers consider this innocent Lambe how he bleedeth and sheaddeth his pretious bloud to cleanse you from sinne and so to saue you from Satan drinke vp in faith the droppings of his bloud and moisten your soules therwith eate him and chewe him for hee is the bread of life which whosoeuer eateth he shall neuer hunger any more Bid war to old Adam proclaime battell against the subtile serpent and fight like good souldiers of Christ crucified against sinne that death and hel beeing put to the foile by the strength of your valiant capitain ye may at length be registred among the blessed saints of God for euer But if al this will not moue thee O foolish creature to repentance neither the miserable seruice of Satan nor the horrible end of sinne nor the maiestie or mercie of Iesus Christ nor the villanie that sin wrought vnto him which all ought to be forcible motiues and sufficient retentiues from sinne yet consider a while the condition of sinners which of al other is most miserable For first they are Gods enimies euen such rebellious enimies as with open armes in Satans quarrel vnder corrupt nature as their souereigne resist Gods gouernment which thing O sinfull man is of all other most horrible to be Gods enimie to be at war with God to be hated of the most mightie puissant and omnipotente Lord of hosts Neither doo sinners by warring against the honor of God vnder sinne and Satan onelye purchase the anger and hatred of God vpon their heads but also they greeue the courtiers of Ierusalem which is aboue and put the Angels and Saints of God to great greefe and sor row For if that they reioise at the conuersion of a sinner and bee gladde when the loste groat is found and the straieng sheepe brought to the sheepfold then what greefe what sorow what heauinesse do sinners purchase vnto them when being loste they wil not be found and being straieng sheepe they will not be brought to the sheepefold of grace againe And heere it may please all sinners to consider that as repenting wee gladden the Angels and Saintes of God and make the diuell to repine and greeue so when wee commit sinne and decline from the right line of righteousnes then do we keepe wakes for the diuel then dooth he hop for ioy when we defraud the good angels of God of their ioy These irreuocable sinners these the Lorde dooth hate as vtter enimies yea rotten and stinking carion is more sweete before men than is such a soule before God and his Aungels And therefore let all such repent not onelie because they are iniurious to God and offensiue to the good but also bicause they are stinking creatures and such as the Lord neither may nor will abide vnles they returne vnto him in sackcloth and ashes and therefore repent and amend Secondly those sinners that stop their eares against the retrait of these motiues let them consider their woonderous follie For sinne is the dung of the old serpent and he that sinneth for the vilest thing that is forsaketh the most pretious iewel in heauen and earth For what dooth mans soule lose by sinne from whom departeth she from whom doth she separate hir selfe euen frō God her maker her redeemer and Sauiour yea when shee sinneth she forsaketh saluation and her owne safetie she runneth into the stinking lappe of the diuell her desperate aduersarie and hasteneth hirselfe vn to hell Yea by sinne the kingdome of the diuel is inlarged for he that committeth sinne is the seruant of sinne And what if I saye that sinne maketh man like to Satan for whatsoeuer deformitie or filth is in the diuell that is by sinne of the which if the Deuill might bee freed he were a noble and excellent creature Euen so the soule of man by sinne is made filthie and deformed like the Diuel And what an iniurie is this to God that by sinne of his owne image wee shoulde make the image of the diuell Repent therefore and consider thirdlie that it gladdeneth the diuell to see vs sin because thereby we become his dwelling house Now how cursed a thing is sinne which maketh the temple of God the temple of Satan what follie nay what madnes is it to lodge the diuel in our heartes and to driue Christ and his holie spirit out of doores Why shoulde man deale so vnthankefullie with him that being God came from the top of the heauens to this vallie of miserie to take mans flesh vpon him that hee might be his Iesus or why should we sinne and by continual sinning bid adieu to the spirit of holines harbor satan in our harts shall he by whom al creatures were made glorious by sinne bee banished far from vs and he by whome all creatures were deformed bee wholie lodged within vs But tel me O man Christ is saluation life ioy loue and all in al the diuell is the father of death a murderer a manslaier a tyrant a prince of darknesse the worker of woe Now answer doest thou like better of death than of lyfe of paine than of ioye of hatred than loue of damnation than saluation and of hel than of hea uen if thou doo then shalt thou depart curssed into the euerlasting fire But if thou doo prefer Iesus Christ with his inesti mable blessings before Satan then why doost thou wallowe in sinne which is the onelye waie to preferre Satan in this world to establish his kingdome of darknes Wherfore O miserable man repent and amende consider that Iesus Christ like an euangelical henne neuer ceaseth clocking to gather thee vnder his winges like a chicken let him not clock cal in vaine neither be thou like vnto them that stoppe their cares against the charmer charme he neuer so wiselie Consider that God created thee wholie to serue him with al thy hart soule strength and power remember that thou at baptisme diddest vowe and swear obedience to his name remember that before GOD and al the bande of the holye Aungels and Saints thou didst renounce satan al his works and repent vnlesse thou wilte haue God and all his heauenlie Citizens at the great daie of reuelation to giue sentence of condemnation against thy periurie And why O miserable man shouldest thou break thy faith giuen to God in baptisme it is not an oth to bee repented For the seruice of the Lorde is onelie mans safetie as the seruice of Satan is the only cause of mans miserie The gailor that helde vs in a slauishe and spirituall Aegypt was not Pharao but the diuel and that for sinne and therefore if we couet to inhabi● the land of promise and to liue in libertie free from calamitie it standeth vs vppon to returne vnto the Lorde who is onelie able by