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mercy_n call_v lord_n sinner_n 2,337 5 7.5568 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00808 A diamonde most precious, worthy to be marked instructing all maysters and seruauntes, how they ought to leade their lyues, in that uocation which is fruitfull, and necessary, as well for the maysters, as also for the seruants, agreeable vnto the holy Scriptures. Reade me ouer, and then iudge, if I be not well, then grudge: thinke well of him that mee made, for Gods worde shall neuer fade. Fit John, John. 1577 (1577) STC 10929; ESTC S117750 53,823 110

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had pleased thee to make vs rycher men of great authoritye knowing certaynly that if it were more expedient for thy glory and our saluation to haue eyther higher or lower of degre or greater ryches in this world then we haue as we thank thy goodnesse for that which we haue that both thou mightest by thyne owne omnipotent power and also by thy great goodnesse wouldest haue made vs great rich men lyke as thou haste in olde tyme aduaunced manye as of lowe degree as we are to great ryches and honour in the worlde therefore consydering it is neyther for promotion of thy honour nor for our profyte to be greater and richer thē we be we beseech thee make vs well contente from our hart with that degree and substance which we haue and to contynue in this laboryous state wherin we now are neither grudging agaynst thee for this our pouertye nor enuying the ryches and honour of other men knowing that the welth of rich men is profitable to vs and to all poore men and the prosperity of great men as our quietnes sauegard Moreouer O Lord we knowledge that it is thy diuyne maiesty that some should be set in high authoritye to rule other and some to be rycher then other for if al mē were in a lyke authority and riches ech man would dispyse his neighboures and the pride of men woulde be so intollerable that they woulde neuer suffer no good order to be in the worlde and on the other syde if all men were a lyke pore the mysery in the world would be so great that no man should be able to helpe another so that these diuers offices among men and this diuersitye of riches honours and pouerty which thou hast ordayned O Lord in this world is incomparable better for vs then any order that we can in our brayne deuyse to haue in earth therfore if any man be not content with his degree in this world hee must needes thinke himselfe to be a wicked man because he is sturdy and a stryuer agaynste thy ordynances and because we perceyue O Lord that many in the world are not content with their estates but seeke the honour and ryches of this world some be rebellyous and obstinate some Murtherers bribers theeues and other vniust men we mekely beseech thy diuyne maiesty to amend al such and to saue vs that we neuer consente to their wickednesse nor agree with them in their euil doings but euermore that wee maye haue thy grace to liue contēt with that which thou hast seute and will send vs by truth and honestye and iust meanes that wee running the race of this shorte lyfe in the way of thy commaundementes maye fynally through thy grace obtayne the lyfe euerlastyng in Heauen aboue Amen ¶ A Prayer for them that be at the poynt of Death O Most louing Sauyor gentle redemer which camest into the world to cal synners vnto repentance and to seke vp that was lost thou seest in what case thys our brother lyeth here vysyted with thy mercifull hand all weake feeble sick and ready to yeelde vp his soule into thy holy hands O loke vpon him most gentle Sauiour with thy mercifull eye yea pittie him and be fauourable vnto him he is thy workemāship despyse not the worke therefore of thyne handes thou sufferedst thy blessed body thy precious bloud to be shead for his sins and all ours and to bring him vnto the glory of thy heauēly Father let it not therefore come to passe that thou shouldest suffer so great paynes for him in vaine he was baptysed in thy name and gaue himselfe wholy to be thy seruaunt forsaking the Deuill the world and the flesh count him therefore before thy heauenly father and his blessed Aungels to be thy seruaunte his synnes we counte are great for who is able to say my hart is clean and I am free from my synne but thy mercies O Lord are much greater and thou camest not to call the righteous but the sinners vnto repentaunce to them that are diseased and ouerladen with the burden of sinne thou doest promise thou arte that God which wyllest not the death of a synner but rather that he should tourne and lyue thou arte that Sauyour which wyshest al men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of thy truth wythdraw not therefore thy mercyfull hande from hym because of his sinnes but rather lay vpon him thy sauing health that thou mayest shew thy selfe towardes him to be a Sauyour what greater prayse can be to a Phisition then to heale the sicke neither cā there be a greater glory to thee being a Sauyour of synners Saue him therfore O Lord for thy names sake Agayne let the law be no corisye to his conscience but rather giue him grace in this extreame Agonye and conflict of death to be fully perswaded that thou by thy death haste taken awaye all his sinnes and fulfylled the law for him and by this meanes deliuered him from the cares of the law and payde his raunsome that he thus being fully perswaded may haue a quyet harte a free conscience and a gladde will to forsake this worlde and to goe vnto his Lorde god Moreouer thou hast conquered him that had rule of death euen Sathan suffer him not therfore to excersyse his tyranny vpon this our sicke Brother nor to disquyet hys conscience with the terrours of his sinnes and paynes of Hell let not Sathan nor his infernall Armye tempt him further then he is able to beare but euermore giue him grace euen vnto his last breath valyauntlye to fyghte agaynst the Deuill with strong fayth in thy precious bloud that he may fight a good fight and fynish his course with ioy vnto the glory of thy holy name and the health of his soule O Lord so worke in him by thy holye spirite that he with all his hart may be content and despyse all worldlye thinges and to set his mynde wholye vppon heauenlye thinges hoping with a strong and vndoubted fayth Agayne let it not greeue him O sweete Sauyour to be loosened from this vyle and wretched carcase which is nowe so full of sorrow trouble anguishe sicknesse and paine but let him haue a bent readye wyll through thy goodnesse to put it of yea and that with thys fayth that he at the last daye shall receyue it againe in a much better state then it is now or euer was from the day of his byrth euen a body vncorruptible immortall and like to thy glorious body Let his whole hart and minde be set onely vppon thee let the remembraunce of the ioyes of heauen be so feruent in his breast that he may both paciently thankfully take his death and euer wyshe to be with thee in glory and when the time commeth that he shall giue ouer to Nature and depart from this miserable world vouchsafe we most humbly beseech thee O Lorde Iesu to take hys soule into thy handes and place it among