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A00481 Certayne Godly exarcises [sic] meditacions and prayers very necessary and profytable for all persons and for all times, set forthe by certayne godly lerned men, to be vsed dayly as you shalbe godly disposed, and shall feele nede thervnto. And also the letany dayly vsed in churches annexed to the ende hereof. 1565 (1565) STC 10617; ESTC S115579 46,741 130

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synglenesse of heart wyll seeke not them selues but the commoditie of thy people graunt that we maye all liue as faythefull subiectes in al godly due obedience firste to the Quene as supreme head and gouernour and then to al other according to their degree and callynge Fynally we beseche thee O lorde that we maye altogether bothe highe lowe walke in a lyfe and cōuersation worthy for our profession to thy glory the good exāple of other and the stopping of the mouthes of thy ennemies and oures for thy truthes sake that where as they slāder vs as euyll doers they maye see our good workes prayse the in thee day of visitation Amen ¶ A prayer necessary to be sayde at all tymes O Bountiful Iesu O swete Sauioure O Christe the Sonne of god haue pitie vpon me mercifully here me despyse not my prayers Thou haste created me of nothynge thou haste redemed me from the bondage of synne deathe and Hell neyther with Golde nor Siluer but with thy moste precious bodye once offered vpon the crosse and thyne owne blood shed once for al for my raunsome Therfore cast me not away whom thou by thy great wisdome hast made despise me not whome thou hast redemed with suche a precious treasure Nor lette my wickednes destroye that which thy goodnes hath builded Nowe whiles I liue O Iesu haue mercy on me for if I dye oute of thy fauour it wyll be to late afterwarde to call for thy mercy Whiles I haue time to repente looke vppon me with thy mercifull eies as thou dyddest vouchsafe to looke vpon Peter thyne Apostle that I maye bewayle my synfull life and obtaine thy fauour and die therin I acknowledge that if thou shuldest deale with me according to thy Iustice I haue deserued euerlastynge deathe Therfore I appeale to thy high throne of mercy trusting to obtaine thy fauour not for my merites but for thy merites O Iesu who hast geuen thy self an acceptable sacrifics to thy father to please his wrath and to bryng al sinners truelye repenting and amendinge their euil life vnto his fauour agayne Accept me O Lorde among the number of theym that shall be saued forgeue me my synnes geue me grace to leade a godly and innocent life graunte me thy heauenlys wisedome inspire my hart with Faith Hope and Charity geue me grace to be humble in prosperitie pacient in aduersitie obedient to my rulers faithful vnto theym that truste me dealing truclye with all men to lyue chastlye in wedlocke to abhorre adulterye fornication and all vncleanes to doo good after my power vnto al menne to hurte no man that thy name mays be glorified in me duringe this present lyfe that I afterwarde maye attayne euerlastinge lyfe through thy mercye and the merites of thy greuous Passion Amen ¶ A Prayer for true mortification and quietnes of the harte in God MOste blessed Lorde Iesu graunt me thy grace that it maye be alwaye wyth mee woorke in me and perseuere with me vnto the ende and that I maye euer desire and will that is most pleasaunt and moste acceptable to thee thy will be my will and my will alway to followe thy will be there alway in me one will and one desire with thee so that I maye haue noo power to wil or not to wil but euen as thou wilt or wilt not and graunt me that I may dye to all thinges that be in the world and for thee to loue be glad to be dyspised and to be as a man vnknowen to this worlde Graunt me also aboue al that can be desired that I may reste me in thee and fully in thee may pacify my hearte for thou lorde art the very true peace of harte and the perfect reste both of body and soule and without thee all thinges be greuous and vnquiet Wherfore let my hart finde peace and comfort in that peace that is in thee on highe one blessed and one endlesse goodnes reste therin for euermore So be it ¶ A prayer to be sayd before the hearing or readynge of goddes word ALmighty God and most mercifull father whose word is a lanterne to our fete and a lighte vnto oure steppes we most humblye besech thee to illuminate our mindes that we may vnderstand the mysteries conteyned in thy holy lawe and into the selfe same thing that we godly vnderstande we maye be vertuousely transeformed so that of no parte wee offende thy dyuine maiestye through our Sauiour Iesus Christ An prayer for remission of synnes WHen we loke backe and behold our sinfull life paste O Lorde what a dūgeon of errours vice and wickednes openeth it selfe vnto vs so that ther is no mā but he must nedes be ashamed of him self when he calleth to mind what he hath bene and tremble when he considereth the wickednes and sinfull course of his lyfe to come For who shall vndertake that the rest of our lyfe shal be any better then that is past howe can we then sufficiently magnifie and prayse thy great mercy which haste differred thy punishement so longe beholdynge therfore this our daungerous miserable state we come vnto thee O thou great mighty iudge in trēblyng feare hūbly besechig thee not to heape vpon vs thy deserued vēgeaunce but let thy tender kyndnesse and loue thou bearest to Iesus christ thy dere son our gracious lorde redemer couer our iniquities for whose sake though we deserue al extremitie thou doest pardon vs. If thou lord shalt straitly marke our iniquities O lord who shal be hable to abide it Psal 130. A prayer against our spiritual ennemies the deuyll the worlde and the fleshe O Lorde god the deuyl goeth about lyke a roaryng lyon sekyng whō he may deuoure the fleshe lusteth agaynste the spirits the worlde perswadeth vnto vanities that we maye forget thee our Lorde God and so for euer be dampned Thus are we miserablye on euery syde beset and besieged of cruell and vnrestfull ennemies and lyke at euery momēt to perish if we be not defended with thy godly power agaynste theyr tyranny We therfore poore wretched synners dispayring of our owne strength which in dede is none most hartely praye thee to endue vs with strength from aboue that we may be hable through thy helpe with stronge faith to resist Sathā with feruent prayer to mortifie the lustes of the fleshe with continual meditation of thy holy lawe to auoyd the foolyshe vanities and transitorye pleasures of this wicked worlde that through thy grace beinge set at lybertie from the power of these our mortall ennemies maye lyue and serue thee in holynesse and ryghteousnesse al the dayes of our lyfe worke this in vs O holy and blessed spirite together with the Father the sonne one true and euerliuing god ful of maiestie and power whiche with thy heauenlye inspirations quickeneste the myndes of them that afore were dead in sinne makest ioyful the hartes of the faythful penitent bringest into the waye of truthe
which other hath committed against vs so likewise those whych we haue done a gainst thee And leade vs not into temptation Suffer not the deuyll by the abuse of thy benefites to leade vs captyues into deceitefull and dampnable temptation drawing vs by deinty meates vnto gredy glotony by money and richesse vnto vnsaciable couetousenes and by wealth and prosperity vnto pryde vayne glory and by al thy godly gracious giftes vnto euery dyuelishe abominable sinne But deliuer vs from euill Deliuer our goodes from abuse our bodies from corruption our soules from damnation Deliuer vs by Christ Iesu from the bondage of sinne vnto the lybertye of the Gospell so that from all daunger of diuelishe temptation trayning and enticing men toward damnation we maye be deliuered to serue thee in holinesse and ryghteousenesse all the daies of our life with most certaine and sure hope of euerlasting saluation thorow Christ Iesu in whom our hope and thy promise is moste certaine that is to say Amen Your time is short your daungers be great you are well warned by Goddes worde written Mar. xiij Take hede watche and praye Take hede that your hartes and mindes be not made heauy hard and dull with meates and drink vaine plesures or worldly cares Watch with dyllygence to doe youre owne dewties in desyrous lokynge for Chrystes comming Praye that ye may escape all daungers and stande in grace and fauoure afore the face of Christ at his comminge T. Leuer APOCAL. XXII Beholde I come sone ¶ A prayer to be sayde in the mornynge O Almighty and moste gracyous God we hartely thancke thee for the swete slepe comfortable rest whiche thou hast geuen vs this nighte and for as muche as thou haste commaunded by thy holy worde that no man shoulde be idle but all occupied in godly and vertuous exercises euery mā according to his calling we most humbly beseche thee that thine eies may attende vpon vs dayely defende vs cherishe comforte and gouerne vs and al our counsayles studies and labours in suche wise that we maye spend and bestowe this day accordynge to thy moste holy wyll without the hurtynge of our neighbours and that we may diligentlye and warely eschewe and auoyde all thinges that shoulde displease thee set thee alwaies before our eies liue in thy feare workyng that may be founde acceptable before thy diuyne maiestie through Iesus Christ our lord So be it ¶ A Confession of our synnes O Mercifull and most louing father whose Loue is infinite whose mercye endureth for euer we sinfull creatures trustinge in thine vnspeakeable goodnes loue towardes vs do appere this mornynge before thy dyuyne maiestie most humbly confessing our manifold sinnes and innumerable transgressions of thy commaundementes and fatherly wyll against thee only against thee O lord haue we synned we acknowledge oure offences we accuse our selues vnto the O mercifull lord and wyl not hyde our vnrighteousnesse we fynde in our selues nothinge but ingnoraunce of thye wyll and disobedience mistrust doubfulnes in thy goodnes and incredulitie hatred contempt of all spirituall thinges selfe loue confidence in our selues and feruent lustinge after carnall thinges of this worlde and this tree of our corrupt nature bryngeth forth continually in vs none other fruictes but rotten and vnsauery workes of the fleshe in thoughtes wordes and doinges vnto condempnation Wherfore we humbly beseche thy fatherly goodnes euen for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake whome thou hast set forth for a purchaser of mercye vnto vs through fayth in hys bloud make our hartes cleane take away our stony hartes and geue vnto vs a true a liuely fayth whych shal worcke continually by loue throughe Christ haue mercy vppon vs forgeue vs our sinnes for thy sonnes sake certifye our consciences of remission of the same by thy holy spirite by whose operation so mortifye in vs our olde man the whole body of sinne that we continually dyeng vnto sinne may walke in newnesse of life to the glory of thy holy name through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen ¶ Before thou prayest beleue that god is not onely almighty to helpe and to delyuer thee but also that he is gracious and faythefull to fulfill all his promises made vnto vs. Then forgeue if thou hast any thing against any man And remember that thou commest not to god with a double harte but lyfte vp pure handes with oute wrathe or doubtinge O Almighty eternal euerliuing god 1. 2. Corin. 1. and. 2. 1. the eternal father of our Lorde Iesus Chryst whych haste made 2. heauen and yearthe 2. Ictes 4. the sea and al that therin is and of thy great goodnes didst open thy selfe from heauen madest proclamatiō of Iesus christ saieng 3 this is my deare sonne heare him 3. Matth. 3. thou maker of al thinges preseruer helper 4. Philip. 2. Ebre 1. with thy 4. coeternal sonne our lord Iesus Christ raignyng with thee and manifested in Ierusalem and thy holy ghost poured on the apostles O most wise good mercifull righteous iudge and also strong which hast sayde by thy prophet 5. Ezechi 18. 5. I will not the death of a sinner but that he cōuert and liue I thy pore creature and worke of thy handes do acknowledge and confesse vnto thee my manifold synnes and offences which I from my youth vp vnto this time haue greuously committed against thee in thought worde dede am now taught moued by thy word grace to be hartely sory for the same desiring thee which hast sayd 6. Psal 50. 6. call vpon me in the day of thy trouble and I wyll heare thee and delyuer thee for the precious bloudde sheading of Iesus Christ thy sonnes sake our lord whom thou wouldest to be made a slaine 7. Eb. 9. ● 10 7. sacrifice for our sinnes to haue mercy vppon mee and forgeue me all those myne offences according to thy great mercy promise whych haste sayde 8. Eze. 18. 8. at what time so euer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne from the bottom of his hart I will put al his wickednes out of my remembraunce O lorde I acknowledge and confesse that I was borne in sinne 9. Psal 51. Ephe. 2. Rom. 7. and. 9. conceiued in wickednes and am by nature a. 9. childe of wrath for that in my 9. fleshe as saincte Paule saith dwelleth no good thing and that of my selfe I am not able to think a good 10. thought that can please thee 10.2 Corin. 3. much lesse to wishe and least of al to doe that thou in thy lawe requireste of me to be done for 11. Gala. 3. Rom. 7. 11. thou hast saide cursed is he that continuethe not in all thynges that are written in the lawe to do them againe thy lawe is 11. spiritual but I am carnall solde vnder sinne therfore o lorde I call vnto thee for grace whyche haste saide 12. Math. 7. 12. aske and ye shall haue seeke
meditate very profitable to euery Christian WAtche and Pray Part. 4. that ye enter not into temptation c. For the deuyll your aduersary goeth about lyke a roaryng lion seking whō he may deuoure Committe thy selfe and all thye doinges vnto god with feruent and faithfull praier and then doubte nothing at all of the good and profitable successe of the same Pray before thou comest into any cōpany that thou geue no offēce in worde or dede but rather mayst geue good exaumple to edyfie Pray also that thou mayst marke wel and immitate that whiche is well done and spoken and that thou maist forget and flie from that whiche is euyll doone or spoken of any one where thou shalte come Pray when thou art come alone from company with any that god wyl make them to forgette the euyll example thou hast geuen in worde or dede In euery prayer begge of god the spyrite of grace and prayer zacha 12. that thou maist haue delight in praier and talking with God aske I say continually his holy spirite with encrease of Faith Hope In euery benefite behold goddes grace and stay not the considering of the same tyll thou comest to the oryginall rote that is the grace of god in Christ before the worlde was made so shal euery benefite confirme thy Faith Speake thinke and do al thinges as in the sight of god and as vnto god Of all thy thoughtes Eccle. 7. woordes and dedes consider the ende and thou shalt neuer do amisse Trust in god whē thou felest no cause in thy selfe for that is the gretest honour thou canst geue vnto him and a sure token that thou arte his Chylde for euer When thou beholdest any of the workes of god beware thou do it not to cōprehende him for so thou loosest thy labour but loke vpon theym to beholde him to be a God of might and power in the diuersitie of theym to be exceadynge wise by the multitude of theym to be good and gracious whiche hath so done them that they ought to be had in remēbraunce of vs And when thou hast this profite by them then be thou thanckful to god who hath geuen it thee The more sure we are of our saluatiō that we be the children of god the temples of the holy ghost the inherytours of heauen the more we cannot but loue long for the dissolutions of our bodies Vse therfore to beg of god by continual praicr his spirite to cōfirme you in this certen perswasion that god loueth you In the lawe behold god to be thy god to be holy to be iust and seuere against synne and thy selfe vnholy vniust and full of contumacie therfore not mete nor worthy to be where god is but to be reiected frō him and worthy dampnation therfore feare him sinne not In the gospell beholde god to be thye father to loue the euerlastingely to for geue thee all thy synnes to geue thee eternall saluation through his sonne Iesus Christe who hath ouercome sinne death and hell for thee hath brought lyfe ymmortalitie vnto light therfore loue him as a son loue hym for he loued thee fyrst loue hym I say in and for his Christ loue his Christ loue him euer Onely beleue in him forget not to be thanckefull to hym for that he is thy god and thy father for his loue for his Christ for thy saluation for the forgiuenesse of thy synnes for thy delyueraunce from dispaire for the sure certificate of thyne election for the delyueraunce from errour into his truthe for calling the into this grace wherin thou standest and therfore reioyce in hope of the glory of God R. Coles A Complaynt of the Tiranny vsed against the sainctes of god conteyning a confession of our sinnes a praier for the deliuerance and preseruation of the Church and confusion of the enemyes ** ETernall and euerlyuinge god father of our lord Iesus Christ who hast commaunded vs to praye and promised to heare vs euē when we do call from the pyt of desperation the miseries of these our moste wycked dayes compell vs to poure forth before thee the complaintes of our wretched hartes oppressed wyth sorrowe Our eyes do beholde and our eares do heare the calamities and opressions whiche no tongue canne expresse neyther yet alas doo oure dull hartes rightly consider the same For the Heathen are entred into thine inherytance they haue poluted thy sanctuarye prophaned and abolished thy blessed instytutions moste cruelly murthered and dayly doe murther thy deare children Thou hast exalted the arme and force of our enemies thou hast set vs forth as a praye to ignomy and shame before such as persecute thy truth Their wayes do prosper they glory in mischefe speake prowdely agaynste the honoure of thy name Thou goest not forth as a captaine before our hostes The edge of our sword which somtime was most sharp is now blunt and doth returne without victorye in battaile It apereth to our ennemies O lorde that thou hast broken that league whiche of mercie goodnes thou hast made with thy churche For the libertie whiche they haue to kil thi childrē like shepe and to shed their bloudde no man resistinge doth soo blynde and puffe theim with pride that they ar not ashamed to affirme that thou regardest not our intreatinge Thy longe suffering and pacience maketh them hold from crueltie to procede to the blasphemy of thy name And in this meane season alas we do not consider the heauines of our sinnes which longe haue deserued at thye handes not onely these temporall plagues but also the tormentes prepared for the inobediēt For we knowing thy blessed will haue not applyed our dilygence to obey the same but haue folowed for the most parte the vaine conuersation of the blind world and therfore in very iustice hast thou visited our vnthanckfulnesse But O lorde if thou shalt obserue and kepe in mind for euer the iniquities of thy children then shal no fleshe abide nor be saued in thy presence And therfore cōuicted in our own consciences that most iustly we suffer as punished by thy hande do neuerthelesse cal for mercy according to thy promes And first we desire to be corrected with the rod of thy children by the whiche we maye be brought to a perfect hatred of synne and of our selues therfore that it would please thee for Christ Iesus thy sonnes sake to shewe to us thy whole church vniuersally persecuted the same fauoure and grace that some times thou diddest whē the chiefe members of the same for anguish and feare were compelled to cry why haue nations raged why hathe the people made vprores and why haue princes kings coniured against thyne anointed Christ Iesus Then diddest thou wonderfully assiste and preserue thy smale and dispersed flock then diddest thou burste vp the barres and gates of yron then dyddest thou shake the foundations of stronge prysons then dyddeste thou plague the cruell
persecutours then gauest thou some tranquilitie and rest after those ragyng stormes and cruell afflictions O Lord thou remainest one for euer we haue offended and are vnworthy of any deliueraunce but worthy art thou to be a true and constant god and worthy is thy deare sonne Christ Iesus that thou shouldest glorify his name and reueng the blasphemy spoken against the truth of his gospell which is by our aduersaries damned as a doctrine deceiuable false yea the bloude of thy sonne is troden vnder fete in that the bloud of his members is shedde for wytnessyngs of thy truth And therefore O lorde beholde not the vnworthines of vs that call for the redresse of these enormities neither let our imperfections stoppe thy mercies from vs but beholde the face of thyne annointed Christe Iesus and let the equitie of oure cause preuayle in thy presence Let the bloudde of thy sainctes which is shed be openly reuenged in the eyes of thy Churche that mortall men may know the vanity of their counsels and that thy children may haue a tast of thine eternal goodnesse And seing that from that man of sinne that Romayne Antechriste the chyefe aduersary of thy deare sonne do the all iniquitie springe and myschyefe procede let it please thy fatherly mercy more and more to reuele his deceit and tiranny to the worlde open the eies of princes and magistrates that clearely they may see how shamefullye they haue bene and are abused by his deceiuable wayes how by him they are compelled most cruelly to shede the bloud of thy sainctes and by violēce refuse thine eternall testament that they in depe consideration of their greuous offences maye vnfaynedly lament their horrible defectiō from Christ Iesus thy sonne from henceforth studieng to promote his glorye in the dominions committed to their charges that so yet once againe the glory of thy gospell may appears to the worlde And seing also that the chiefe strength of that odious beaste consisteth in defension of princes let it please thee O father whiche hast claymed to thy selfe to be called the God of peace to vnite and knyt in perfect loue the hartes of all those that looke for the life euerlastinge Let no craft of sathan moue them to warre one againste an other neither yet to mainteine by their force and strengthe that kingedome of darkenesse but rather that godly they may conspire illuminated by thy word to roote out from amongest them al supersticion with the maynteyners of the same These thy graces O lord we vnfainedly desyre to be powred forth vppon all realmes and nations that they may be firmly vnited and godly knitte together in the vnitie of thy worde that in their godly concorde thy name maye be glorified and thy dispersed flocke comforted and relieued The cōmon wealthes O lord where thy gospell is truely preached and harborowe graunted to the afflicted members of Christes body and specially accordinge to our bounden duetie this out countrey of Englande we commend to thy protection and mercy Be thou vnto them a defence buckler be a watch man to their walles a perpetual saue garde to their cities that the crafty assaultes of their ennemies repulsed by thy power thy gospell maye haue free passage from one nation to an other let al preachers ministers of the same haue the giftes of thy holy spirite in suche aboundance as thy godly wisedome shal know to be expedient for the perfect instruction of that flocke whiche thou hast redemed with the preciouse bloud of thy onely and welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ Purge their hartes from al kind of superstition from ambicion vaine-glory by whiche sathan continually laboureth to stirre vp vngodly contēcion and let them so consente in the vnitie of thy truthe that neither the estimation whiche they haue of men neyther the vaine opinions whiche they haue conceyued by their writinges preuaile in them against the cleare vnderstandyng of thy blessed worde And nowe last O lorde we most hūbly beseche thee according to that praier of thy dere sonne our lord Iesus so to sanctifie and confirme vs in thy eternal veritie that neither the loue of life temporall neither yet the feare of tormentes and corporall death cause vs to denie the same when the confession of our faith shal be required of vs but so assist vs with the power of thye holy spyrite that not onely boldely we may confesse thee O father of mercies to be the true god alone and whō thou haste sent our lord Iesus to be the only sauiour of the world but also that constantly we may withstande all doctrine repugninge to thy eternall truthe reueiled to vs in thy most blessed worde Remoue from our hartes the blynde loue of our selues and so rule thou all the actions of our life that in vs thye godly name may be glorified thy churche edified and sathan finally confounded by the power meanes of our lorde Iesus Christe to whom with thee and the holy spirite be all glory and prayse before thy congregations nowe and euer So be it Arise O lord and let thine ennemies be ashamed let them flee from thy presence that hate thy godly name let the grones of thy prisoners enter in before thee and preserue by thy power suche as be appointed to death let not thyne enemies thus triumphe to the ende but let them vnderstande that against thee they fight preserue and defend the vine whiche thy righte hande hath planted let all nations see the glory of thine annoynted Hasten lord and tary not A praier against the obstinate enemies of the truth MOste righteous iudge god of all mercy and comforte whiche by thy secrete iudgmente and wisedome doest suffer the wicked to triumph and increase for a tyme for triall of the faith of thy welbeloued little flocke and the mortifyinge of theyr lustes but at length to the vtter confusion of the enemies ioyfull delineraunce of thy people loke doune we beseche thee on thy dispersed shepe out of thy holy habitation in heuen and strengthen our weakenes againste their furyous rages abate their pryde asswage their malyce confound their deuises wherwith they lifte vp them selues against christ Iesus thy sonne our Lord and Sauiour to deface his glory and set vp Antechrist We be not able of oure selues to thynke a good thought much lesse to stād against their assaultes excepte thy vndeserued grace and mighty arme defend and deliuer vs. Performe thy promises made to Iacob and stoppe the mouthes of the cursed Edomites call them to repentance whom thou hast apointed to saluation bringe home them that runne astraye lyghten the blind and teach the ignoraunt forgeue al those that wilfully obstinately rebell not against thy holy will let thy fearefull threatninges pearce our stony hartes make vs tremble at thy iudgementes Make the exaumples of theim whom thou haste ouerthrowne in their owne deuises as Cayn Cham Nimrod Esau Pharao Saule Achitophel Iudas such other to be a
and life Io. 8. Gal. 5. Ro. 8. 1. Pet. 1. Ephe. 5. Ephe. 2. Heb. 4. Ro. 3. Mat. 25. Iohn 14. Luke 12. Luke 22. Apo. 2. Phil. 3. Ephe. 2. Ephe 1. Apo. 13. that by hym alone thou doest acknowledge vs to be thy chyldren and heires that by hym alone we haue entrance to the throne of thy grace that by him alone we are possessed in our spirituall kingdome to eate and drinke at his table with whom we haue our conuersation presentely in heauen and by whom our bodies shal be raysed vppe agayne from the dust and shal be placed with him in that endeles ioye whiche thou O father of mercie hast prepared for thine elect before the foūdatiō of the worlde was layed And these most inestimable benefites we acknowledge and confesse to haue receiued of thy fre mercie and grace Ro. 3. Ephe. 2. Tit. 3. by thine only beloued son Iesus Christe For the whiche therfore we thy congregation moued by thy holy spiryte Ro. 8. render to thee all thanckes prayse and glory for euer and euer ¶ A Thankesgeuinge after the receauiuge of the communyon * MOste mercyfull Father we render vnto thee all prayse thankes honour and glory for that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercies to graūt vnto vs miserable sinners so ercellent a gift and treasure as to receaue vs into the felowship and company of thy deare sonne Iesus christ our lord 1. Cor. 10. whom thou hast deliuered to death for vs and haste geuen him vnto vs as a necessary fode nourishment vnto euerlasting life Rom. 4. Io. 6. And nowe wee besech thee also O heauenly father to graunt vs this request the thou neuer suffer vs to become so vnkind as to forget so worthy benefites but rather imprint and fasten them sure in our hartes that we may growe increase dayly more and more in true faythe Luke 17. whych continually is exercised in all maner of good workes Gala. 5. and so muche the rather O Lorde confirme vs in these perilous dayes and rages of Sathan 1. Tim. 4. Ephe. 5. 2. Pet. 3. Mat. 5. 1. Pet. 2. that wee maye constantly stande and continue in the confessiō of the same to the aduancement of thy glory which art God ouer all thinges blessed for euer So be it ¶ A prayer to be sayde before meate ** O Eternall god Ebre 13. the very god of peace all consolation whych broughtest againe from death our lorde Iesus the great shep herde of the shepe throughe the bloud of the euerlastinge couenante make vs frutefull in all good workes to do thy will worke in vs that which is acceptable in thy sighte sanctify vs throughout and kepe our whole spyrite soule and bodye fautlesse vnto the comming of thy deare sonne our lord Iesus Christ Thou art faythfull O father who haste promysed this who also shall bringe it to passe to thee therfore be geuē euerlasting praise honour and glory Amen ¶ A Thankesgeuing after meate MOste bountifull gracious god which feedest all fleshe and haste promised that asking of thee we shall not lacke if we first seke thy kingdome and the righteousenes therof we felinge presently the benefite of this thy gracious promise in feeding our bodies with these corporall benefites do render vnto the most harty thaks for the same besechīg the likewise to fede our soules with that heuenly fode which perisheth not Ihon. 6. but abideth into euerlasting life so that we being noryshed by thy goodnes both in body and soule may be apte and redy to doe all good workes which thou hast prepared for vs to walk in through Iesus Christ our Lorde Vnto hym that loued vs wasshed vs from our sinnes in his bloud and made vs kinges priestes vnto God his father 1. Pet. 5. be all glory power and dominion for euermore Amen ¶ A prayer for true mortification O God my creatour preseruer euerlastinge defendour where fyrst in my creatiō I was made lyke vnto thyne owne likenesse the deuyll alas hath synce by Adams faule made me oughlye monstruous and lyke euyll fauoured to hym selfe For what are now lord mine earthly mēbres Colo. 3. but as is written in the .iii. to the Colloss adulterie whoredome vncleannes vnnatural lustes euyl cōcupiscence couetousnes which is the worshippynge of Idoles and suche other for the whiche thy wrath is wōt to come vpon the children of vnbelefe Neuerthelesse lorde of thy gret mercie and goodnes against this very great mischiefe a much greater remedy thy fatherly prouidence hath ordeined 1. Io. 3. For thou hast sent Iesus christ thy deere and onely naturall sonne into this worlde the vale of miseries to lose the workes of the deuyll and to take away my sinnes Therfore Sathan hath now nothing to bragge of for through Christ all that beleue in thee and so become thy children 1. Ihon. 5. do ouercome the world the fleshe and the deuyl 1. Ihon. 5. And this is the victorie whiche ouercommeth them all euen our Fayth Io. 3. That Faith I meane which is perswaden that who so euer be leueth in christ shal not perishe but haue euerlasting life 1. Iohn 5. That fayth whiche beloueth the testimonie to be true whiche thou God the Father doeste testifie of thy sonne so making thee no lyer and this is that testimonie that thou haste geuen vs eternall life Ro. 8. That faith wheche beleueth that thou father who raysedst vp Christ frō death shalt also quicken our mortall bodies through thy holy spirite dwellig in vs. Io. 14. That faith whiche beleueth it to be true which thy son Christe affirmed with a double othe saying Verely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth in mee the workes that I do the same shall he do and greatter workes then these shall he do because I go vnto my father Iohn 12. And fynally that fayth whiche beleueth that now Christ hath ben lifte vppe on the crosse he shal draw all thinges vnto hym this fayth I say is the victory whicke ouercommeth our ennemies the deuyll the worlde and our fleshe Iohn 14. Thou therfore lorde father whiche hast promised to geue what so euer I shall aske in thy deere Sonne Iesus name for thy great mercy and infallible truethes sake do nowe in mee the thynge that he came for lose in me the workes of the deuyl 1. Iho. 3. and take away my synnes I beseche thee make stedfast my Faithe confidence in thy promised mercies merciful promises Iohn 3. so that I assuredly beleuīg in thee may haue as thou promisest euerlasting lyfe makynge thee deere God no lyar maye beleue feele and knowe in my hart and conscience the the same euerlastyng lyfe is thy mere free gift vnto me yea already of thy great goodnesse vndoubtedly geuen mee beinge now translated frō death to life Of a thanckefulnes wherof Lorde cause me now dayly
do call vpon thee 11 If then thy fatherly prouidence and tender care O lorde vpon all thy creatures be so great that the very beastes foules haue this experiēce of thy goodnes in their necessities that their roringes and criynges haue the strengthe of earnest callinges and besechinges how muche rather do these syghinges groninges and desperate heuines of men but chiefely of all those whiche beleue in thee crye call loude in thine eares though they speake neuer a word at all 12 Shulde I then nowe dispeire of thy fatherly mercy whiles presently I feele thee stirre vp my soule harte to craue helpe at thy hande Psal 77. shulde I thinke that thou wilt absent thy selfe for euer that thou wylte be noo more intreated that thy mercy is cleane gone and thy promise come vtterly to an ende and that thou wilt now shut vp thy louing kindnes in displeasure 13 Nay god forbydde for all alterations are of thy right hande and turne away to the best to them that feare thee All this is no more but myne owne infirmitie Psal 77. for god is euer one his promises be vnfallible and his loue towardes his euerlastingly duringe 14 I wyll therfore in this my present temptation and greuous assault powre out my heuines of hart before thee dere father yea I will with gronynges lifte vp my soule vnto thee from whence I assuredly knowe my helpe is comming I will also for my present comforte Psal 77. cal to remembraunce O lorde my god thy tender mercies towardes me alredy shewed the multitude of thy benefites the greatnes of the same the longe continuaunce of theim euen from my conception vntyll this instante and fynally thy continuall lust and desyre to powre them vpon me 15. And moreouer sith thy goodnes is so great O lord that thou doest not only pitty misery but also callest the heuy harted and afflicted vnto the promising that thou wilt ease their misery and for as muche as Mat. 11. by the motion of thy good spirite I loth abhorre my sines I felt the greuousenes of them and thy heauy wrath towardes me for the same and finally what nede I haue of thy gracious aide and succoure therfore Lord father in thy sonne Christes name wyth sure confidence and truste in thine infallible promise in this mine anguish and trouble I come vnto thee at thy mercyfull calling and craue comfort at thy hand For this I know wel that when I loth my sinnes thou doest vtterly forget thē whē I fele the greuous burden of them thy mercy swalloweth them vp when I fele what I wante thou wylt assuredly graunt it me For sith thou mouest my harte to desire helpe how should I mistrust but thou wilt for thy truthes sake geue me mine askinge 16. Yea where I knowe not howe or what to desire as I ought thy holy spirite graciously workinge in me maketh intercession mightely for me Rom. 8. with gronings which can not be expressed ther withal certifieth my spirite that by adoption through thy great mercy and goodnes I am become thy childe and heire 17. Why should I not then be of good cōfort ioyfull in thee my God For if thou be on my side who can be againste me Rom. 8. who diddeste not spare thine owne sonne but gauest him for me euen whē I was thine enemy how shalt thou not with him nowe that by his deathe I am broughte into thy fauoure geue me all thinges with him and for his sake who shal lay any thing to the charge of thine elects it is thou lord that iustifiest me who then shall condempne me It is Christe that hath died for me yea rather that is risen againe for me who also is set on thy right hande and hathe taken possession yea and perpetually maketh there intercession for me vntil that ioyfull day be come when I shall haue full fruition of the most glorious presence of thy diuyne maiestie in that kingedome whych thou hast prepared before the beginning of the world Ephe. 1. but in time to thy gracious goodnes thoughte beste made knowen to me by geuinge thy holy spyrite into my hart wherby when I fyrste Lorde beleued thy holy worde whych is thine own power to saue al that beleue I was sealed Rom. 1. confyrmed and stablyshed in certaynty of that thyne euerlastynge kingdome and inheritaunce For the which inestimable benefite of thy rich grace Oh Lorde my God I beseche thee euen for the loue thou barest to Christ Iesu thy sonne and the mercy thou haddeste on him when he cryed on the Crosse Mat. 27. my God my God why haste thou forsaken me helpe help I say and inflame my hart with loue so plenteously towardes thee againe that I may be euē swallowed vp in the ioyful feling of the same in such sort that I may of very thankfulnesse loue thee my God alone thee I say my deare God and nothinge but thee and for thy sake Oh holy spirite whose worke this is in me increase this thy worke of thyne infinite mercy preserue me that I neuer become vnthankfull vnto thee therefore Amen deare god Amen ¶ Remedies against synfull motions and voluptuous tēptations 1. FIrst remember that sinne is so heynous a thing that god by his iustice might worthely dampne the for the same and is therfore to be abhorred as a swete poison a flattering death destruction of thy sowle which wold cutte thee of from god thy fauiour and make thee bonde slaue to Sathan thye deadly enemie 2 Auoyde therfore euen at the first the occasions thereof and betymes quashe out the braines of the children of Babylon against the hard stones Psal 137. whiles they be yet younge weake least when they be growne elder stronger they dashe thee to peeces 3 And for remedy against the same flee vnto god who cōmaundeth thee to call vpō hym in thy troubles and promiseth to delyuer thee and will not suffer thee to be further tempted then he wil make awaye out wherby thou shalte escape 1. Cor. 10. doubte not but he that causeth thee to hate the synne whiche thy nature is to loue wyl deliuer thee also frō the daunger therof and make thee to triumphe ouer Sathan to his confusion to gods glory and to thy great comforte which are the causes that our tender louynge father sendeth tēptations vnto vs and he that is not tempted what is he 1. 〈◊〉 1 4 Nowe after thou hast obteyned the victory remembre two thinges first to geue most harty thanckes to god for his grace and assistance wherby thou haste ouercome and he not vnthanckefull in any wyse and then that he who continually goeth about lyke a roaryng lyon seekyng whom he may deuoure will not be long or farre away from the but wyll attempte agayne the same or as euyll wayes to ouercome thee Watche therfore and praye ¶ A prayer for presente helpe in temptation **
DEare father to whome it is more easie to do all thinges then for me to thyncke anye one good thing Lo do thou but speake a worde and thy deadly sicke seruaunte my soule shall be made whole Helpe O Lord let thy strength suffise against my weakenesse and thy holy spirite againste my synfull fleshe and olde man Thou art true and faithfull O Father who hast promysed that I shall not bee tempted further then thou wile make me able to beare 1. Cor. 10. Geue therefore thy power vnto thy seruaunt that I may with a stronge fayth in thyne infallible truthe and promysed mercy vanquishe subdue what so ouer rebelleth against thy most blessed wills Do this O Father for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake our deare Lorde and gracious redemer Amen ¶ A Prayer to God the Father for the true knowledge of the mystery of our redēption in Christ O Almyghty God and father of our lorde Iesus Christ and by hym also our father the father of all mercy and god of all consolation haue mercye vppon vs and heare our prayers We most humbly beseche thee for thy deere sonne Iesus Chrystes sake his merites and cruel death whiche he suffered to delyuer vs from eternall deathe and the power of darkenes geue into our harts the spirite of truth to worke in vs a true liuely and stedfaste faithe that the cleare lyghte and brightenesse of thy gospell the glorye of Christ may shyne vnto vs and lyghten our myndes that we may learne vnderstande the wonderfull and vnspeakeable rychesse of the misteric of our redēption in Christ and by Chryst O father of glory geue vnto vs the spirite of wisedome brynge vs vnto the true knowledge of this thy beloued sonne Iesus Christe and the knowledge of thy selfe Open and lyghten the eyes of our mindes and vnderstandinge Ephe. 1. that we maye knowe what the hope is wherunto thou hast called vs and howe ryche the glory of thine inheritaunce is vppon thy sainctes and the excedinge greatnes of thy power towardes vs that by trewe fayth vnderstanding and knowledge of thine eternall wisedome whiche is Iesus Christe we may be in deede as wee are called true christians and vnfained professours of thye holy name to worshippe thee in spirite and truthe and to sette forthe the glory of thy grace geuen vnto vs in Christ Iesus our lord Amen O dere father write in our hartes loue to thy lawe hate to all synne thankefulnesse of heart and continual heate of thy holy spirite for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake To whom with thee and thy holy spirite be all honour maiestie glory thankes rule empire and dominion for euer more ¶ A prayer to be vsed of all sortes of men and at all times O Lord God for thy great mercies sake graūt vnto me these my petycions whych I shall make vnto the in Iesus Christes name and endue me with thy grace that I maye aske of thee in such sorte as thou requirest to the honour glory and prayse of thy holy name to the furtheraunce of thy worde the profitte of thy people and to my consolation and comforte throughe Iesus Christe our onely sauiour and readeuter So be it O Lord thou great and terryble god thou that kepest couenant merry with theym that loue thee and doe thy commaundementes let thyne eares be open that thou mayst heare the praiers of thy seruaunte which I make before thee at this time haue mercy vpon me thy pore creature worke of thine handes for I haue sinned done wickedly and haue offended thy maiesty greuously in that I haue gone backe departed from all thy preceptes and iudgementes haue not folowed thy seruaūtes the prophets the spake vnto me in thy name but haue from day to day prouoked thy iust wrath and indignation agaynst me O Lorde I knowledge and confesse my manifolde sinnes and wyckednesse the whiche I haue vnrighteousely committed against thee in thought worde dede fro my youth vp vntill this day for the which I am hartely sory and do vnfainedly repent purposing euermore through the assistaunce of thy grace to walke in a newe life Remember not lord the numbre of my misdedes I besech the but accordinge to thy great mercyes thinke vpon me Call to remembraunce for Christes sake thy louing kindnes and thy tender mercy the which hath euer bene of olde Hyde not thou thy face from me nor cast not of thy seruaunte in thy displeasure for I confesse my sinnes vnto thee and hide not mine vnrighteousnesse For thy mercies sake deliuer me from al my sinnes and make me not a scorne vnto the folyshe Tourne not away thy mercy frō me but let thy most louing kindnes truth alwaies preserue me Helpe me for thy names sake and deliuer me in thy strength Heare my prayer O lord and consider the wordes of my mouth for my misdedes preuayle agaynst me O be thou mercifull vnto my sinnes Let the sorowfull sighyng of thy prysoner come before thee and according to the power of thyne arme preserue those the be appoynted to dye for thy iust cause O Lord comforte the soule of thy seruant for vnto thee do I flee for succour Teache me to number my dayes that I may apply my hart vnto wisdome Satisfie me with thy mercy and that sone so shall I reioyce and be gladde in thee all the dayes of my lyfe Looke not extremely what is done amysse in me for I haue sinned againste heauen and before thee and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne yet lorde of thy great goodnes powre down some of the cromes that fall frō thy childrens table and make me as one of the least of them Rewarde me not accordyng to my deseruings for then I must nedes perishe for vnto me perteyneth nothinge but open shame confusion and damnation but with thee ther is mercy forgeuenes and saluacion O Lorde therefore doe I come vnto thee not hopyng in myne owne righteousnes but trusting onely in thy greate mercies and promises made vnto me in Chryst Iesu my lorde for whose sake I beseth thee to clense me from al my sinnes and do away all mine iniquities For thy tender mercy sake lay not my sinnes to my charge but forgeue that is paste and geue me grace to amende my lyfe to declyne from sinne and incline to vertue that I may walke in a perfect harte a cleue comience and single eye before thee this daye or nyght and euermore Remember not forde myne offences nor the offences of my forefathers neyther take thou beingeance of my sinnes spare me good Lorde spare me whome thou hast redemed with thy most precyous blonde and be not angrye with me for euer spare me good lord spare me Put me not frō thy presence oh thou god of al comfort but incline thine eare vnto my callyng Strengthen thy Seruaunte with the power of thy right hande and helpe the Sonne of thy handmayden Replenyshe my hart with grace wisedome
and if I chaunce to fall or slip make me to thincke on thee and be sory with a stedfast purpose of amendmente O Lorde I gene ouer my selfe into thy holy hande desiryng thee for Christes sake that I maye remayne vnder thy mighty protection and strong defence of thy power and that thy holy aungel may alway pitch his tent roūde about me and compasse me alwaies Good lorde geue me ioyfulnes of harte and peace of conscience continual gladnes and consolation in thy worde promises that I may euermore be thanckefull vnto thee and prayse thy name for euer O Lorde thinke vpon all thy people which are straied here and ther from the farthest part of the earthe which be entred into couenaunte with thee and are minded to walke after thy will graunt Oh lorde that we may grow together in loue throughe the knoweledge of thy worde to keepe the vnitie of the spirite through the bonde of peace to the vtter confounding of erroure and al false opinions and to kepe vs cleane from hipocrysy and superstycyon and to make vs stronge in persecution We besech thee fauourably to heare vs good Lorde and graunt our requestes Geue prayse to god I. H. ¶ A Prayer for the forgeuenes of our fynnes and auoydinge of the plague due and at hand for the same O Lorde most mighty and feareful God to all them that hate thee and followe theyr owne waies and seke not to doe thy holy wil we thy poore creatures which labour do desire to do thy wyl do se by thy righteous Iudgemēt of thy word thy fyerce wrath and terrible indignation readye to fall vpon thys realme of Englande for despising of thy Preachers and Messangers and for the vnthanckful receauing yea treading vnderfote of thy most holy word Vnworthy were we of such a iewell therfore worthely was it takē away from vs lesse worthy were wee to haue it restored to vs agayn but now least worthy of al ar we to injoy the benefite therof And now we se thy wrath is kyndled O Lorde who shall be able to quenche it For our partes we do confesse that we be worthy of al the plagues that thou haste deuised agaynste vs yet neuerthelesse we besech thee vnworthelye to be called thy chyldren looke not vpon oure desertes or worthynesse but vpon thy Chryst thy fauourable mercy which thou haddest in the olde tyme vpon thy chyldren of Israell if they repented and turned vnto thee O Lorde thou diddest preserue them kepe them from captiuitie of al other nations and dyddest euer prouide them a faythful gouernour or ruler And furthermore most merciful father although they were destroyed for their wickednes and left but a small people yet neuerthelesse when they tourned vnfaynedly to thee thou euer gauest thē the victory ouer all their enemies so that they might dwel as bretherne together peaceably in their own lande whiche thou gaueste them Thou art the same lorde and thy mercy endureth for euer And nowe O lorde we that seke to do thy wil being but a smal people do beseche the of thy great mercie for Iesus Christes sake our only Peace maker to tourne away thy great wrath and terrible indignatiō which we haue deserued in this realme of Englande shewe thy compassion vpon vs as thou dyddest vppon the children of Israell in the olde time though not for our sakes whiche haue soo wyckedly deserued thy wrath but for thy most mighty and gloryous names sake For if thou shuldest destroy vs and bringe vs vnto desolation as we haue deserued than shuld thy moste mighty name and thy holy worde be euyll spoken of through vs in al the worlde Therfore we beseche thee most mercifull father to chasten and correcte vs not as we haue deserued but accordynge to thy fauourable mercy not in thy furie but with thy fatherly pitis delyuer vs not ouer into the handes of our ennemies neyther take thy holye worde from vs O lorde thoughe of all other we do moste deserue it and haue moste vnreuerently and vnthanckefully abused the same And here we confesse vnto thee all oure iniquities the which are more in numbre thē the heares of our heades and they presse vs so downe that our hartes fayle vs and we dare scarsely presume vnto thee yet neuerthelesse through Christ which is our righteousnes hath pacified thy wrath we are bold to come vnto thee O lord being sory for our faultes euen frō our very hartes desyring thee for his death and passion sake to forgeue vs all our synnes that euer we haue committed either in thought worde or dede O lord we geue ouer oure selues into thy holy hands with al our hartes do desyre to doe what so euer thy good wyll is that wee shoulde doe besechinge thee to assist vs with the grace of thy holy spirit that we henseforth may liue accordyng to that thy most godly and blessed wyll and laboure and studye to serue thee in newenes of lyfe taking vppe thy crosse folowing thy steppes O lord Christe willingly cherefully al the days of our lyfe And furthermore O lord we beseche thee to geue vs grace to be alway thākefull both in hart in our conuersation lyuynge for al the great benefites that we haue receiued at thy hand so that we maye enioy thē to thy glory and our comforte euen as at this presente we render vnto thee moste humble thanckes fyrste for thy goodnes in the worke of our creation secōdly for that when we were fallen into euerlastinge destruction through our consentynge to the subtilte of the ennemie thou of thy great mercy through Iesus christe didst raise vs vp agayn thirdly that it hath pleased thee to suffer thy holy word the foode of our sowles to haue fre passage ones agayne amongest vs and hast geuen vs an harte and a wyl to seeke it to beleue it and to followe it in our liuing and conuersation Moreouer we render vnto thee moste harty thanckes O heauenly father for Elyzabeth oure gracious Queene and Gouernoure whom in muche mercye thou dyddest delyuer with thy myghtye arme from the handes of her ennemyes and from the lyons mouthe and we beseche thee so to worke in her harte that of a thankefulnes towards thee for this her great deliueraunce and thy syncculer blessing consideryng whose minister she is she may sincerly seke and zelously promote thy true honour and glorye buylde vppe thy house confounde thy sworne aduersaries and carefully trauell to brynge thy people committed to her charge remaynyng yet almost in al partes of this realme either in myserable blyndenes and darke ignoraunce or wylfully stubbernly kickynge against the pricke to the true knowledge of the and thy blessed word Make all that are in auctoritie vnder her vpryght faithfull in their callyng fauourers and furtherers of thy holy gospell followers practisers therof mainteyners and defenders of the Preachers and mynisters of the same and suche as in
al suche as haue erred and gone astray comfortest the sowles of them that hunger and thyrst after ryghteousnesse and plenteously enrychest those with diuerse gyftes which aske them in Iesus Chrystes name purifie our hartes we besech thee inflame them with the fyre of thy loue arme vs against the crafty assaultes of subtyl sathan agaynst the vayne plcsures of the wicked world agaynst the sinfull lustes of fylthy fleshe the we beynge endued with grace from aboue by thy holy inspiration may walke forwardes in newenesse of lyfe in true holynes and righteousnes all the dayes of our lyfe Fyl our hartes with newe afctes and spirituall motions renewe vs both in body and sowle that we may dye vnto olde Adam lyue vnto righteousenes through a liuely faythe whiche worketh by Charitie whiche synguler gyfte of faythe graunt vnto vs that we truely beleuing in thee O eternal God the father the sonne and the holy ghost and fully perswaded of the truthe of thy holy word may be made thy sonnes and inheritours of the euerlastynge ioyes whiche as they are great and vnspeakeable so are there fewe that do inioy thē For straite is the way narrowe is the gate that leadeth therunto fewe there be that fynde it Notwithstandinge O god thou hast a lyttell flocke to whō it is thy pleasure to geue that ioyful kingdome whose names are wrytten in the boke of lyfe Make vs therfore of that nombre for Iesus Christes sake place vs amongest those thy shepe whiche shall stande on thy ryght hande to receiue that blessed inherytance and dwell with thee for euermore An other prayer REmēbre not O lorde god our olde iniquites but let thy mercy spedely preuent vs for we be very myserable help vs god our sauiour and for the glory of thy name deliuer vs be merciful forgeue our synnes Let not the wicked people saye where is their god we be thy people the shepe of thy passture we shal geue thākes vnto thee for euer frō age to age we shal set forth thy lawde and praise to thee be honour and glory world without ende Amen 2. Peter 3. The day of the Lord will come as a theefe in the night in the which day the heauens shall peryshe with terrible noise and the Elementes shall melt with heate and the earth with the worckes that are therin shal burne vp Seinge therfore that all these things shall perish what maner persons oughte ye to be in holy conuersacion and godlines loking for and hastening vnto the day of God ¶ The Letany and suffrages O GOD the father of heauen haue mercye vppon vs myserable sinners O God the father c. O god the Son redemer of the worlde haue mercy vpon vs myserable sinners O God the sonne redemer c. O God the holy ghoste procedinge from the father and the sonne haue mercye vpon vs myserable sinners O God the holy ghost c. O holy blessed and glorious Trinitie three persons and one god haue mercye vpon vs miserable sinners O holye blessed and glorious c. Remember not Lorde oure offences nor the offences of oure forefathers neyther take thou vengeaunce of oure synnes Spare vs good Lorde spare thy people whom thou hast redemed wyth thy most precious bludde and be not angry with vs for euer Spare vs good lorde From all euyl and mischiefe from syn from the craftes assaultes of the deuil from thy wrathe and from euerlastynge dampnation Good lorde deliuer vs. From all blindnes of hart from pryde vayne glorye and hipocrisie from enuie hatred and malice and al vncharitablenes Good Lorde deliuer vs. From Fornication and al other deadly synne and from al the deceyptes of the world the fleshe and the deuyl Good Lorde deliuer vs. From lightnynge and tempeste from plague pestilence and famine from battel and murder and from sodain death Good Lorde deliuer vs. From al sedicion and priuie conspiracy from all false doctrine and heresy from hardnes of harte and contempte of thy worde and commaundement Good Lorde deliuer vs. By the mistery of thy holy incarnacion by thy holy natiuitie and circumsition by thy baptisme fasting and temptaciō Good Lorde deliuer By thyne agony and blouddy sweat by thy Crosse and Passion by thy precious death and burial by thy glorious resurrection and ascention and by the commyng of the holy ghost Good Lorde deliuer vs. In al time of our tribulation in al time of our wealth in the houre of death and in the day of iudgement Good Lorde deliuer vs. We synners do beseche thee to heare vs O Lorde God that it may please the to rule and gouerne thy holy churche vniuersally in the right waye We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maye please thee to keepe and strengthen in the true worshippinge of thee in ryghteousnes and bolines of life thy seruaunt Elizabeth our most gracyous Queene and gouernour We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please the to rule her hart in thy faythe feare and loue and that she may euermore haue affiaunce in thee and euer seke thy honour and glorye We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to be her defender and keper geuing her the victory ouer all her enemies We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it maye please thee to illuminate all Byshoppes Pastours and ministers of the church with trew knowledge and vnderstandyng of thy woorde and that both by theyr preachynge and lyuinge they maye set it foorth and shewe it accordynglye We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it maye please thee to endue the lordes of the counsell and all the nobilitye with grace wisedome and vnderstandynge We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to blesse kepe the Magistrates geuyng them grace to execute iustice and to mainteine truth We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it maye please thee to blesse and keepe all thy people We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it maye please thee to geue to all nacions vnitie peace and concorde We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it maye please thee to geue vs an harte to loue and dreade thee and dilygentlye to lyue after thy commaundementes We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it maye please thee to geue al thy people increase of grace to heare mekely thy word and to receyue it with pure affection and to bryng forthe the fruites of the spiryte We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to brynge into the waye of truth all such as haue erred and are deceyued We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it maye please thee to strengthen suche as do stande and to comforte and helpe the weake hearted and to raise vp thē that fal and finally to beate downe Sathan vnder our fete We besech thee to heare vs. c. That it maye please
ye shall finde knocke and it shal be opened vnto you to preuent and drawe my will to all goodnes for none can come to thee 13. Iho. 3. ● 6 except he be drawne 13. againe excepte we be borne from aboue we cannot see the kingdome of god assiste therfore and gyde me also with thy holy spirite from time to time drawe me there fore and I shall runne after thee geue me strength and ablenes through christe our lorde to accomplyshe and fulfill the same Canti 1. lorde make me to become poore in spirite vile and lowe in my owne sight that I lift not vp my self aboue my bretherne Ihon. 1. but that I esteme my selfe to be as a seruaunt to al men to do thē good after the example of christe which came not to be ministred vnto but to minister for he hathe sayde 14. Math 5. Iames. 4. 14. Blessed are the pore in spirite againe thou resistest the 14. proud but geuest grace to the humble geue mee therefore thy grace that when so euer I be ouer taken wyth any kinde of synne and wickednes eyther in thought word or dede or that I fele my owne infirmitie or weakenesse I maye immediatly with harty repentaunce 15. 2. Timo. 2 15 which is also thy gyfte returne to thee againe and not to lie stil in the security of sin Take from me my stony vnbeleuing blynd doubtfull vnfaithfull vnthankeful hart and. 16. repose in me an hart of fleshe to bowe and encline to thy wil my carnall idle secure impenitent hart take away from me geue me an hart to feare thee to loue thee to truste in thee for euer write thy lawe in my harte graue it in my mynde that I may beleue trust and liue in thee sor euere Deliuer me frō the spirite of pryde and vaine glory all hautines of minde presumption selfe loue and selfe trust that I stand not to hye in my owne conceyt but that I may be willing rather to learne then to teach Lake from me that wicked spirite of suspicion and enuy euil gelousy vaine surmisings murmuring and grudging whispering or backbiting of any especially such as be in auctority and ministers of thy word O lord kepe me from al wrath malice and hastynesse all respecte of personnes in the faith all lying euill wordes contention flatteryng dissimulation I potresy blasphemy and vaine swering by that name of god his works or creatures from all lightnes idle wordes and all vnstablenes of hart O lord deliuer thou my hart from all filthynesse both of the flesh and spirite as heresy and errours from al vncleane thoughtes and vnlaufull desires euil concupisence and lustes of the body Lake frō me also couetousnes and mordinate care of riches all deceit and guile in my callinge and office all idlenes and slouth and geue me not ouer vnto an vnshamefast and obstinate mende Make me able and contented to beare occasions with pactence whē they be offred or geuen me and not to recompence euyll for euyll neyther to swell nor to murmure nor to be solemne nor angry Good lord make me very loth to geue occasions of euil to any man if I chaunce to geue any make me willyng to cōfesse my fault to amēd it Graunt me grace that I may be wylling and fre to geue but loth to take receaue because it is more blessed to geue thē to receiue Geue me thy grace that I neuer enuye any good mans loue or womās because they do either loue god his peple more thē I or els that they be beloued of him or his more thē I. make me to reioice in other mens gyftes not to enuy them because they be better then mine but rather to geue thankes for thē with al my hart desiring that they may be incresed in thē in me Oh lord take fro me a careful hart in al worldly thinges graunt the neyther pouerty opresse me driue me to dispatre or falsehod nether riches lift me vp to forget thee or my self but that in prosperitie I may be thankefull in aduersitie pacient humble Lord make me mery without lightnes sad without mistruste sober wythoute dulnes true withoute doublenes fearing thee with out desperation trusting in the without presumption geue me also the spirite of humblenes simplicitie mekenes gentlenes goodnes faithfulues and truth Braunt me O god the bowels of mercy and louing kindnes toward my bretheren longe suffering pacience to beare al things well that thy prouidēce shal se metee to lave vpon mee regenerate my hart with the spirit of grace dayly more and more geue me an inward taste and feling of thy fauoure mercy towardes me in Christ Iesu our lorde that I may know thee to be my god and father and my selfe to be thy chylde for euer more Lorde merease this my faith in thee and in christ thy sonne my redemer encrease and confyrine my hope in thy promyses touchinge my saluation Oh god make perfecte my loue toward thee and to my reademer and iustifier geue me a trewe and vnfamed loue to al vertue godlines and to all thy chosen people where so euer they be dispersed throughout all the worlde encrease in me strength and victory against all temptations and assaultes of the fleshe the worlde and the deuill 18. 1. corin 1 that accordinge to thy promise I be neuer further proued or tempted then thou wilt geue me strēgth to ouercome Geue me grace to kepe a good cōsciēce geue me a pure hart and minde and renue a right spirite within me geue me also the true vnderstandinge of thy holy worde that I maye neuer swarue from the true sense and meaning thereof and that my chefe felicitie may be in the same in hearing reading talking watching praying fasting mortifyinge and subduinge mine owne wyll and membres O gracious lord Iesus Christ sonne of the liuing god which wast 16. crucified and raysed againe for vs 10. Act. 2. 3 20. Act. 2. 7 21. Psal 68. Ephe. 4.22 1. Timo. 2 1. Ihon. 2 which now sit test and raignest on 20. the right hande of the father that thou mayste 21. gyue giftes vnto men and art apointed to be the onely 22. mediatoure and aduocate for vs vnto god haue mercy vpon me praye for me to thy eternall father and sanctify me with thy holy ghost as thou hast promised sayinge I will not leaue you 23. comfortlesse but will sende you the spiryte of truthe whyche shall abyde with you for euer 23. Ihon. 14. Kindle my mind and hart with thy holye spirite that I maye truely beleue in thee acknowledge and call vpon thee geue thankes and obeye thee for I feele my selfe so clothed and cloyed with infirmities and synne that I know not what to do but euen to offer vp my selfe wholy wyth all my croked and corrupte nature so muche as it is in wyll and workes vnto thy mercy to