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A69644 The life of faith in times of trial and affliction cleared up and explained from Hebrews X:XXXVIII ... / by Ioh. Brown ... Brown, John, 1610?-1679. 1679 (1679) Wing B5034; ESTC R7844 214,019 528

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hereof 3. When the Lord surprizeth His People with a Mercy and a Deliverance and cometh upon them with an unexpected Out-gate whether 1. As to their present Frame and Fitness for the mercy and delivery Or 2. As to their Present Hopes and Expectation When First I say the Lord cometh with a sweet and merciful delivery unto a People that seem to be in no present capacity for it as being out of all good Frame or Fitness for receiving such a mercy with advantage because lying in their sin and impenitency When the Lord cometh with Salvation unto such a people sure his way must be covered with darkness and hid from the eyes of Beholders with a clothing of Soveraignity for who could think that deliverance were upon its march towards such a people who are not seeking it nor turning from their sinful wayes that the Lord may have mercy upon them according to his usual Method and Order Such steps of Soveraignity are hid steps of Majesty and full of Glory and therein the Lord is hiding Himself and His way coming with Salvation in an unusual path As when he saith Esai 57 17 18. For the iniquity of his Covetousness I was wroth and smote him I hid me and was wroth and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart I have seen his wayes and will heal him I will lead him also and restore Comforts unto him and to his mourners Next When the Lord surprizeth a people with a mercy that they are not in Expectation of nor Waiting for then he acteth like a stately King and His Way is Glorious and hid as it was when the Captivity was brought back from Babylon concerning which they say Psal. 126 vers 2. When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream It is true they had good ground to be now looking for their delivery because of the Prophecy of Ieremiah foretelling that after Seventy Years they should return back to their owne land and Daniel understood so much and thereupon when the time was approaching set himself to pray Dan. 9. But as to the generality they were in all appearance little looking for this outgate but rather fearing more trouble and vexation by Babylons warrs with the Medes and the Persians who were coming against them though the name of Cyrus because of what was foretold by Esai Ch. 44. and 45. might have caused them lift up their heads in hope But notwithstanding of all this we see they were at least as to the generality and bulk of the people little looking for an outgate at this time therefore at the first report of freedom granted to them to returne they were like men that dream scarce beleeving their owne eyes and eares At which time while they were in this dreaming posture how were they surprized with this mercy And how was the way of the Lord in His stately Marchings hid from their eyes In reference to this same Dispensation of deliverance to his People by Crus is the Prophet here crying out thus Verily thou art a God that hidest thy self as the former part of the Chapter from the beginning cleareth 4. When Dispensations upon the one hand and the other say that in humane probability there is no appearance or ground of hope of an outgate or deliverance yet delivery cometh in an unexpected way how hid must the way of the Lord then be Thus He loveth to hide Himself in His advancing with Salvation when there is no appearance to humane Consideration whether mens eye be upon the Enemies or upon the People of God themselves As to Enemies they may 1. Be Strong Mighty and Invincible the Consideration of which might alone be sufficient to dash all hopes as who could have thought that the People of Israel being so under the feet of that mighty Monarch Pharaoh could get out of his Territories and be freed of his mighty Yoke 2. They may not only be strong but prevalent and prospering in their evil way all things succeding according to their mind the Lord as it were shining upon their Counsels and granting to them their hearts desire crossing them in none of their wicked interprizes and designes but even suffering them to devise mischiefe upon their bed and to put it the next day in execution Was it not so with Saul in his wicked persecution of David oftentimes Had he him not sometimes in a net and compassed him about on all hands that there was no apparent escaping and yet deliverance came 3. They may be also Crafty and Politick and lay their traines so sure that they may think they cannot misgive and have all things prepared to their minde that in a moment they may blow up His People that there should not so much as a memorial of them be left and yet be disappointed The Lord in an unseen way may bring about His Peoples deliverance so was it with the people of the Iewes in the dayes of Mordecay when Haman had gote a Commission sealed by the Kings ring and a Decree passed that might not be ranversed or recalled the day appointed and designed and that by a lot as having something like a divine approbation Orders dispatched to put all in execution and thus the mine was ready for the springing what hop could the poor Iewes then have of a delivery And yet behold the Lord was then a God that hid himself He was counter-working this myne and laying a back traine that might cause it spring back upon the Authors and so it did as the Storie cleareth When the Enemies thought themselves sure of their designes and thought it impossible that their purposes could fail behold the God of Israel the Saviour was hiding himself and laying an unseen ambush that cutt them off who thought to have destroyed the Iewes So upon the other hand this God will bring about deliverance to his People When upon their part there is not one toaken for good not one thing apparent that can be a probable ground of hope As 1. When their strength is gone and there are none shut up or left not a man that might be an hopful Instrument to the fore all their valiant Men and Men of Courage and such of whom any thing could be expected destroyed and taken away Yet He who is a God that hideth Himself can come in an unseen way and loveth to come so according to that gracious Word Deut. 32 vers 36. For the Lord shall judge his People and repent Himself for His Servants when he seeth that their power is gone and there is none shut up or left Was it not thus also in the dayes of Deborah when there was not a spear or sheild seen among Fourty Thousand in Israel Iudg. 5 vers 8. 2. When their heart and courage is gone they are desponding and desparing and looking on their own case as hopless and helpless as it is said of the People of Iudah while in Babylon who said Ezek.
assert an Vniversal Subjective Grace that is Grace and Power granted to every One to hearken to the voice of God calling in Nature and in the Gospel to convert and turne themselves to believe and repent if and whensoever they will because they see not how it is consistent with Gods Wisdom and Goodness to require any duty of man but what he giveth him full ability to performe not regairding the stock of strength that was once given to man and was dilapidat by Adam But as to this how crooked so ever we suppose it to be we must rest here that the Carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be Rom. 8 vers 7. And that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2 v. 14. and that Faith is the gift of God Ephes. 2 v. 8. And that it is God that worketh in us both to will and to do according to his own good pleasure Phil. 2. vers 13. And that Christ is a Prince exalted to give Repentance Act. 5 v. 30 And that God is a free Dispenser of His grace as being obliged to none and shewing mercy to whom he will 4. That work of the Lord 's covenanting with Adam as the Head in the name of all mankinde and his imputing his sin unto his posterity who were in his loines so that all become borne and conceived in sin and obnoxious to the wrath of God because of that transgression of Adam according as the Apostle speaketh Rom 5 vers 12. Wherefore as by one man sin entr●…d into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned And againe Vers. 14. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression And Vers. 18. Therefore as by one mans offence or by one offence judgment came upon all men to condemnation This Dispensation I say seemeth so crooked to some such as Pelagians Socinians Arminians and Quakers that they must absolutely deny it and say there is no such thing as original sin though Paul sa●…eth Ephes. 2 vers 3. that we were by nature including himself the Children of wrath And David telleth us in his humble Confession of sinnes to God Psal. 51 ver 5. Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my Mother conceive me And Iob sayeth Chap. 14 v. 4. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean Not one And to the same purpose Bildad Iob. 25 v. 4. How can he be clean that is borne of a Women 5. For further setting even what otherwayes men think crooked in the way of the Lord they imagine assert and defend an Universal Redemption saying that Christ hath died for all equally say some with some difference say others because it seemeth a crooked thing with them and inconsistent with the Nature and Goodness of God not to seek the Salvation of all and not to prepare meanes of life for all so not to send Christ to die for all and every mothers son though we be plainly enough and expresly told in Scripture that the Father gave not all to the Son to redeem but some and that Christ laid down His life a ransome for those alone who were given to him to save and of whom he must give an account to the Father as having undertaken to redeem them from Hell Wrath Satan and all their Enemies and by His Power and Grace to bring them saife home at length as being their Head their Husband their Shepherd their Cautioner their Lord Ransomer their Intercessour and Advocat with the Father and that these are an all and called the ●…orld to point out their natural Original that Grace may the more appear to be grace and to pointe out their being scattered through th●… world and taken out of all Kindreds Tongues Nations People Languages especially now under the Gospel in distinction from the dayes of the Old Testament when the Iawes were only the peculiar people of the Lord and in Iudah only was God known and his name great in Israel 6 Further to make God's supposed crooked wayes straight the Enemies of the free G●…ace of God imagine that the will of Man must be left Free to be Lord of all and absolute disposer of the decrees and purposes of God of Redemption and of Salvation so that the Lord must not by an Irresistible Power draw any home to Christ contrary to Ioh. 6 44. Nor create in any a new heart and take away the heart of stone and give an heart of flesh contrare to Ezech. 11. 19. and 36 26 27. Because they cannot see how it can consist with Gods Love to mankinde to preferre one to another they imagine that God layeth the matter alike to all mens door standing equally and knocking at every mans door and so leaving it to them alike to choose or refuse to become happy or miserable as they please and so they say that when God hath done all He can or will do to save people their will is at perfect freedome to accept or reject the Grace of God and that there is no special saving work of grace upon the heart of one more then of another O what real crooked work do foolish men make here How do they darken deforme and make crooked the glorious straight work of the free grace of God wherein absolute Soveraignity glorious Grace and the free Mercy of God shineth forth with such a Soveraigne Lustre Beauty and Glory Paul had other thoughts of the matter when he said Ephes. 1 vers 3 4 5 6 7. Blessed be the God and Father of ou●… Lord Iesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Celestials in Christ according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestinated us unto the adoption of Children by Iesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of His will To the praise of the Glory of his grace wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved c. 7. To salve this same Diana of Free will the same Persons do deny the Free and Absolute Decrees of God touching any thing to be done by Man whether good or evil because they cannot see how God's Absolute Decrees concerning this or that can consist with the free Actings of mans will not impose an absolute necessity on man to do or not to do according to what is decr●…ed as the stone must absolutely and naturally move down-ward and the Sun shine and all Natural causes act and work therefore to make this supposed crook straight they see no other way but to deny all such Decrees and Purposes in God not knowing that as God's decrees determine the event
God will bring upon a land inevitable judgments and will not be stopped in the execution by the intercessions of Moses and Samuel how much more may we suppose certainly and unavoidably shall judgment overtake a generation that is guilty of all those twenty grievous iniquities From this matter all of us may learne these lessons 1. To fear and tremble before this God seing He is so just and seyere a judge and Governour and seing it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God 2. To beware of abusing His Patience for howbeit it may endure for sometime yet it will expire at length as to its effects and abused longanimity will end in unavoidable ruine and in inevitable strokes of Iustice. 3. All whether Lands or particular Persons who know themselves guilty of the evils mentioned as causes procuring such inevitable rodes should hast to break off these courses that will no doubt hasten-on irremediable destruction It were best to get out of the way of the wrath of God in time If it be enquired what the People of God are called to do in such a day when the place they live-in is guilty of and continueing-in these grievous sins and they can look for nothing but wrath to be poured-out so that no Prayer Fasting or Supplication shall hold it off For Answer Let such minde those duties following 1 Let them beware to seek great things for themfelves Ier. 45. The Lord said to Baruch by the Prophet Ieremie vers 4 5. Behold that which I have built will I break down and that which I have planted will I pluck up even this whole land and seeke●… thou great things for thy self seek them not for behold I will bring evil upon all flesh saith the Lord. Whence we see that it becometh not the People of God to be too much minding themselves and their own things in such a day but they ought to be very well satisfied if the Lord give them their life for a prey as He promised to Baruch 2. They should stoup and adore this God who is just and righteous in all His wayes they should be silent before Him and put their mouth in the dust no quarrelsome thoughts should have place or room in their hearts Hold thy Peace saith Zephaniah Ch. 1 7. at the p●…esence of the Lord God for the day of the Lord is at hand For the Lord hath prepared a Sacrifice He hath bid his guests c. When the Lord is about to make a Sacrifice in a land and to give the carcases of men to the fowls of the Heavens and the beasts of the field all flesh should be silent and His People especially should quiet themselves and hold their peace before Him without murmuring or venting any discontentment at the matter 3. They should observe the glory of the Lord shineing forth in that remarkable Act of Holy Justice see His Majestie Awfulness Terrour and just Severity to the engaging of their hearts more unto Him and to a glorying in Him The black and dreadful day that was to come upon Iudah was mentioned and several things held forth to make it have a deeper impression Ier. 9 and v. 22. it was said that even the carcases of men shall fall as dung upon the open field And then it is added v. 23. Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom c. and Vers 24. But let him that glorieth glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that I am the Lord which exercise loving kindness judgment and righteousness in the earth for in these things I delight saith the Lord. To tell us that in such a day especially the Lords People should be taking a right view of God that they may understand and know Him to be Jehovah one that exerciseth judgment and righteousness in the earth and withall one that even then exerciseth loving kindness to His own and a God that delighteth in these exercises and that they should glory in Him even in such a day and delight in that wherein He delighteth 4. They would do well to refuge themselves in time in their chambers and shut their doors about them and hide themselves for a Little moment until the indignation be over past As it is Esai 26 20. This is the Counsel of the Lord unto His people in a time when the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity v. 21. 5. They should rest satisfied though their prayers in behalfe of the land have not that success and fruite that they could have wished that upon these grounds and considerations 1. Out of that Dispensation howbeit both black and terrible yet God will get glory both of his Truth and Veracity in his threatnings at which the wicked tushed would give no credite to them which carriage could not but Afflict His people it could not but grieve themto see those wicked ones carry so atheistically as contemning all the Denounciations of wrath but now when the day of execution is come the Lord is seen to be a God of truth and His people see then whose word standeth whether God's Word or the word of those wicked sinners Ier. 44 28. And of His justice in pursueing evil doers who said by their doings that He had forsaken the earth or that He was not a God that judgeth in the earth So also of His Holiness and Purity For then it 's made manifest that He is not as they imagined altogether such an one as themselves but that He hateth all the Workers of iniquity 2. God will have a care of them even then and be a little sanctuary unto them Ezek. 11 v. 16. and cause all things work together for good to them Rom. 8 v. 28. He will set a mark upon such as sigh and cry for all the abominations that are done that the men with the slaughter weapon may not come nigh unto them Ezek. 9. 3. He will return their prayers into their own bosome againe so that they shall not fall to the ground Psalm 35. vers 15. 4. He will accept their prayer and intercession as good service off their Hand even though He think not good to grant the Particular that they ask And if they be accepted of Him in that piece of service it may suffice and satisfie 6. They would do well to be sighing and crying for all the abominations that are committed in the land to be keeping themselves free of that guilt mourning over the same protesting against it abhorring the same that they may be preserved and protected in the day of God's contending according to what we read Ezek. 9 4 6. 7. In the midst of all these desolations and the effects of the Lords indignation burning against a sinful generation they are called to act faith on God as the true and faithful God keeping mercy and covenant for ever and to waite upon him in faith hoping and expecting with confidence that
the wicked were hunting for the precious life been forced to make use as a shelter beyond above a palace of pleasure but ô what a sure what a safe refuge is the rock of Salvation in time of trouble O how doe the environing wall●… of Christs righteousnesse power these everlasting armes underneath supporting and round about surrouding preserving from the tempest of wrath that it cannot invade or break thorow make such accommodation sweet pleasant But when with all this secret place of the most high hath not onely all safetie in it but it hath also all sweetnesse all satisfaction and all goodnesse laid up in it for such as it hids It s not onely a strong place that hath salvation for walls and bulwarks But it is within this also that he shines and shewes his marvelous kindnesse Psal. 31 vers 20 21. there is not onely a refuge here but there is besids a rich treasure of all goodnesse laid up in this storehouse to be laid out and made forthcoming for all who enter within the gates of this Citie It s not onely a house of war but a house of peace and pleasure it s within these walls that that peace of God which passeth understanding doth guard the heart and mind as it s here that the place of their defence is the munition of rocks so it is within this rock that their bread is given them and their waters ate m●…de sure there is great fatnesse within this strong hold for feasting souls and a river of pleasure for their refreshing This is that unexhausted well-spring fountain of loving kindnesse tender mercies and bountie which glads perpetually the hearts of all beleevers This is the river that maketh glade the whole Citie of God This is the very Fountain of life it self thristing to be drunk of by thristy souls which is nothing else but God himself imparting and communicating himself to his emptie and indigent people and making up thereby all their wants according to his riches in glory a saving God satiating the weary soul and replenishing it with goodnesse this River of God which is full of water running in into the heart of him who hath opened his mouth wide till it be filled to a running over O how do they who finde by tasting how good he is and what is to be had in the Kings chambers pitie the poor mistaken World that feed upon husks while they are feasted with these royal dainties Alas the World who are strangers to their joy knowes little what a Kings life they live and how while in their wildernesse lot they feed upon Manna and are feasted with Angels food they little believe how the People of the Lord in their shuttings up are so fatiat with goodnesse as their hearts are enlarged while made glade by the light of his countenance lifted up upon them in their desirings for others that it were with them in all things as it is with themselves save as to their bonds O what a blessed hiding place doe they finde him He is such a secure hiding place as is also a most sweet beautiful and refreshing resting place a refuge where repose and soul ravishment are met and marryed together without a divorce Now could a soul think of changing his dwelling place could he ever by choice and upon deliberation come out after he hath enterd into these chambers and shut the doors about him and hath tasted and seen how good God is No sure it will not it cannot think on this without terrour it will not after it hath drunk of the river of his pleasure and is satisfied with the fatnesse of his house leave these pure springs to drink of an impure pudle O how easily must the soul be arrested where it is ravished in the fruition of what it finds Now my dear and distressed Brethren Consider that you may not be weary nor fainted in your minds in the day when the blast of the terrible one is as a storme against the wall what a compleat hiding place you have from trouble and what a citie of refuge you have to flee unto Thou art my hiding place thou shalt preserve me from trouble thou shalt compasse me about with songs of deliverance said the Psalmist Psal. 32. And in this he is not alone for grace hath made you sharers with him of this great goodnesse The sure mercies of David are made sure to all who have taken hold of the Covenant so as whosoever have fled into Jesus Christ for a refuge from wrath and for pardon of sin when pursued by justice they may conclude this as a sweet consequent of it also Thou art my hiding place from trouble And whatever hardship you may meet with or whatever heavinesse you may be under yet you may conclude O comfortable conclusion That the Lord vvill command his loving kindnesse in the day time for you and in the night his song shall be vvith you yea you shall be compassed about with songs of deliverance songs shall inviron you about and joy shall break in on every side you shall be able to look no where even while all who look on may think your misery unmixed and your sorrow without the least alay of sweet but you shall finde matter of a song and be able to command a most sweet consort of musick within your own soul because both safe and satisfied The Lord will be a refuge in times of trouble Psal. 9. and they who know his name which is a strong tower may and will put their trust in him This then is the all of your businesse in order to support saftie and satisfaction in order to your being in case both to honour him and to be happie in the midst of all possible sufferings for his sake to betake yourselves to him for shelter and trust in the covert of his wings And it is for this end that this teacher taught of God hath left his Brethren in affliction these directions that as they may be persuaded to stand perfect and compleat in all the will of God so amidst all their sufferings for his sake they may know how to have a sweet serenitie of soul by acting faith upon him as a full Fountain sutably to all their needings wantings darknesses difficulties and dangers and so be put in case to say In the Lord have vve righteousnesse and strength in him by whom we are justified in him and by him do vve glory in tribulation and are more than conquerours Now that you may live more constantly with him have a more comfortable and joyful life then ever in a fellowship with the Father with his Son J. Christ that you may have grace for grace yea an all of grace whereby you may glorifie your Father which is in Heaven adorne the doctrine of God the Saviour be enabled to fight the good fight of Faith through Christ strengthening you and endure to the end by the new supplies of the Spirit
sometimes wise and great Politicians Statsmen and Leaders of Armies carry on their designes in such a way as ordinary onlookers shall not understand what the matter meaneth nor what is intended by what they see done with their eyes And the more they carry on their work with success in the dark and hid from the observation of ordinary spectators the more do they discover their great wit and give proof of their dexterity in the managment of affairs of greatest consequence and such under-ground workings and stratagems carry on them a special piece of Beauty and Glory Thus our Lord thinketh good sometimes to work and while working not let every one see what he is doing but carry on his business much out of sight and under ground and by Holy and Majestick Stratagems so as not only enemies shall be ignorant of what He is doing or about to do but many even of his owne followers and friends shall be in the dark So that the observation of Iob. Chap. 23 8 9. is oft times found to be true Behold I go forward but he is not there and backward but I cannot perceive him on the left hand where he doth work but I cannot behold him he hideth himself on the right hand that I cannot perceive him As also of the Psalmist Psal. 77 vers 19. Thy way is in the Sea and thy path in the great waters and thy footsteps are not known As all the wayes and footsteps of the Lord are full of Majesty and of hid and unseen Glory and therefore must be sought out of all that take pleasure therein Psal. III vers 2. so that in all of them the Lord is like Himself acteth like Himself and every piece of them discover to a spiritual observer the Finger of God So there are some special pieces of work which are more signal and remarkable and wherein the Lords gloriously-working hand is less obvious and even these works upon that very account are in a special manner Glorious and Majestick and of such is the truth in hand to be understood wherein the Lords footsteps are not seen nor known nor observable by every one for further clearing of which point of truth concerning the Lord's thinking good to work and yet to hide Himself so as it shall not be observed by every one that He is indeed working we shall mentione some few of these special Works of God that are thus covered with a cloud of Majesty that every one cannot understand the Reasons of State why such and such things are done or suffered to be done nor see the connexion betwixt these Actings and the intended Designe As 1. When there is not only a seen and palpable disproportion betwixt the meanes taken and followed and the end projected or intended and an obvious unsutableness of the meanes used unto the designe to be carried on by them But the Work of the Lord seemeth to Onlookers to Crosse and Counter-work the intended end How oft is it seen that the Works of Gods Providence seem not to run in a subserviency to the bringing effectually about of the Promises but rather to turn head upon them and to threaten the utter annulling of them and rendering of them void and of no credite When the present Dispensations of providence are considered and compared with the great things concerning the Kingdom of Christ promised who can see what rational correspondence they keep can observe them smiling one upon another as fit meanes and the end would do Nay who would not say that these Dispensations do rather drive on a direct designe to defeate the Promises who would consult with humane Reason Is not this then a special piece of the Lord's Work wherein He hideth himself and thinketh good to cloath himself with State and Majesty that every one may not be able to prye into the Depths of his Insinite Wisdom nor see how all things are laid and joynted together with firme bands and ligaments that cannot be broken or dissolved and so have a certaine connexion with the intended and promised good When Moses was sent to deliver the People of Israel out of Aegypt and to tell them good newes that the Lord had visited them and looked upon their Affliction and would now rescue and deliver them from their bondage and slavery Exod. 4 v. 30 31. the Dispensation that immediatly followed upon the neck of that seemed to keep no good correspondence therewith when their yoke was made heavier and their bondage more grievous and their slavery and hard work doubled by the People of Israel their being constrained to seek straw for themselves without diminishing the tale of their bricks and they hereupon who formerly believed the Word of God by Moses and bowed down and worshiped when they heard the same now made to say unto Moses and Aaron Exod. 5 v. 21. The Lord look upon you and judge because ye have made our savour to be abhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of his Servants to put a Sword in their hand to slay us Yet herein was a piece of that Stately Working of God which is full of Majesty which the People could not see and which Moses himself could not well take up as his words to God Vers. 22 23. evidence where he saith Lord Wherefore hast thou so evil intreated this People Why is it that thou hast sent me For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy Name he hath done evil to this People neither hast thou delivered thy people at all 2. When the Dispensations of God are such as even those whom they most concerne who have greatest interest in them and are most called therefore to understand them do not know what to say of them nor what construction to put upon them nor what to gather out of them not only in particular but even as to a more general matter that is they shall not know whether they speak-out Mercy or Anger in God towards them This must be a singular piece of God's hiding himself and covering himself with a cloud that no distinct judgment can be made of what He is doing Such was that Dispensation which Sampsons Father met with He and his Wife could not agree in their judgment as to what they saw Iudg. 13. Manaoh said Vers. 22. We shall surly die because we have seen God But his Wife on the contrary said Vers. 23. If the Lord were pleased to kill us he would not have received a Burnt offering and a Meat-offering at our hands neither would he have shewed us all these things nor would he at this time have told ut such things as these So as to that strange and unusual Dispensation which holy Iob did meet with he did not know what the mind of the Lord was nor what he was intending and driving-at thereby therefore he resolveth Chap. 10 Vers. 2. to say unto God Shew me wherefore thou contendest with me which sheweth that he was utterly ignorant
He will carry on His work and make His Kingdom come and make all this contribute unto that end We see what desolation Zephaniah is threatning against Ierusalem and the rest of the Cities of Iudah for their great sins Cbap. 3. 1 to 7. And thereafter Vers 8. he inferreth and presseth on them that would minde the duty of the day a waiting in Faith and Hop upon the Lord saying Therefore waite ye upon me saith the Lord until the day that I rise up to the prey c. And then followeth Vers. 9 10. For then will I turn to the people a pure language that they may call upon the Name of the Lord to serve Him with one consent from beyond the Rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants the Daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering They should wait in faith for the accomplishment of all the great and precious promises made to the Church notwithstanding of all these sad interveening Dispensations This was the resolution of the Prophet Esai Chap. 8. 17. in an evil day when many should stumble and fall and be broken and be snared and taken Vers 15. And I will said he wait upon the Lord that hideth his face from the House of Iacob and I will look for him But it will be said what shall the righteous do in the day when God is so angrie at the whole Land that He will cut off the righteous with the wicked and to this end shall draw His Sword forth out of His Sheath against all Flesh from the South to the North as it is Ezek. 21 3 4 5 For Answer I grant such a dispensation may be expected when all Flesh have corrupted their wayes and even the righteous who have not gone the length of others in Defection and Apostasie yet have not been valiant for the Lord and for His oppressed truth nor so faithful and zealous for the Lord of Hosts in their Generation as became them It is then to be feared that even many of them shall be sweeped away with the common calamity as they have been in part tainted with the common sin procuring it And in that case it is their part to minde these duties following 1. To be preparing to meet the Lord with ropes about their necks acknowledging their sin giving glory unto the Lord as just and righteous in proceeding thus against them with the rest They should prepare to meet their God thus coming in His holy displeasure to glorifie His justice as the Prophet adviseth Israel to do Amos 4 12. 2. They should be busie to get their peace made with God in time through Jesus Christ that when God shall get glory on their carcases in the sight of others they may get their souls for a prey They should be mourning as doves in the valleyes every one for his iniquity that their sin may be blotted out and their souls washen in the bloud of Iesus 3. They should be amending through the help of the Lord what hath been amisse and seeking to Him and seeking righteousness meekness upon a may be of being hid in the day of the Lords anger this is the exhortation of Zephaniah Chap. 2 3. Even to the Godly Seek ye the Lord all ye meek of the earth which have wrought his judgment seek righteousness seek meekness it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lords anger 4. If they should not be hid but the judgment should overtake them as well as others then let them sweetly submit and lye under the rod and humble themselves under the mighty Hand of God Iam. 4 10. 1 Pet. 5 6. and say with good old Eli when sad things were denounced against his house and it was told him that God would judge his house forever and that the Lord had sworn unto the house of Eli that the iniquity thereof should not be purged with Sacrifice nor offering for ever It is the Lord let Him do what seemeth Him good 1 Sam. 3. 12 13 14 18. He saw it was Jehovah who could do no wrong and therefore he was quiet and acquiesced to all that He would do how sad so ever it was He saw Him the righteous Governour and Iudge and said His holy Will be done 5. They should accept of this punishment of their iniquity Levit. 26 ver 41. giving Glory to Gods Iustice and have a complacency for so the word will import in that stroke as being a stroke of Iustice and a stroke whereby God will be glorified in His Iustice Righteousness and holy Severity Thus should they kisse the rod and contentedly welcome the Sword of Justice and kisse its point when pierceing their heart because of their sins 6. Thus should they say with good Hezekiah when sad things were denounced against his Family Esai 39 vers 6 7. Good is the Word of the Lord. Vers 8. It is Iehovah's Word I have nothing to say against it holy and righteous is He and his Judgments are righteous His Threatnings are good And thus should they with the Church Micah 7 vers 9. Bear the Indignation of the Lord because they have finned against Him AMEN A TABLE Of the CONTENTS THE Introduction Pag. 1. Seven Considerations handled at more length in the first Part briefly resumed Pag. 2 3 4. Consid. VIII It is the decreed will of God Pag. 5. How trouble is decreed of God in Seven Particulars 8 to 13. How the Consideration of this calmeth the heart in Six cases 15. to 23. How it helpeth under affliction in Eight particulars 23 to 27. How this Consideration is set home in Three particulars 28 to 32. Consid. IX It is the commanding Will of God 32. That suffering sometimes is the Will of God cleared in 8. particulars 34 to 37. The season wherein People are called to suffer cleared 37 to 39. How we shall know if we be called to suffer 39 to 52. How this Consideration is to be improved in 10. particulars 52 to 61. Consid. X. God overruleth afflictions 62. God hath an hand in Afflictions cleared from 6. Grounds 64 to 71. The way hereof cleared in 14. particulars 71 to 82. How this Consideration should be improven in 8. particulars 83 to 101. Consid. XI Christ himself had a suffering life 102 Twelve particulars concerning Christ ' sufferings considerable 104 to 113. How this is to be improved in 7. particulars 114 to 125. Consid. XII Our sufferings not comparable to Christs 127. The disproportion cleared in 6. particulars 127 to 133. How this is to be improved in 7. particulars 134 to 138. Consid. XIII Sufferings the lot of the Church 140 Ten particulars concerning the sufferings of the Church considerable 141 to 146. How this ought to be improved in reference to the Church 147 to 152. How in reference to our selves in 6. particulars 152 to 154 Consid. XIV Other beleevers have been afflicted 145 Six particulars to be considered by such as are afflicted 156 to 159. Ten particulars wherein possibly others have