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A05090 A plaine refutation of M. G. Giffardes reprochful booke, intituled a short treatise against the Donatists of England Wherein is discouered the forgery of the whole ministrie, the confusion, false worship, and antichristian disorder of these parish assemblies, called the Church of England. Here also is prefixed a summe of the causes of our seperation ... by Henrie Barrovve. Here is furder annexed a briefe refutation of M. Giff. supposed consimilituda betwixt the Donatists and vs ... by I. Gren. Here are also inserted a fewe obseruations of M. Giff. his cauills about read prayer & deuised leitourgies. Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593.; Greenwood, John, d. 1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1523; ESTC S104500 292,873 278

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right deare and faithful seruant of CHRIST yet Sathan sifted him and he fell Yea we had thought that our Sauiour onlie had receiued this strength and defence against al temptations to sinne assaults c. And that al mortal men had bene dailye subiect to sinne temptation c that our reioycing might be of God and not of our selues and Gods glorie be shewed and perfected through our weaknes If these vanuties of the Bissops were true then might it indeed rightly be called a Confirmation for then such as had that were sure and sure there then to those should be no more vse of CHRISTES merites suffrings or mediation or of Gods mercye But because al men are cōtinuallie prone vnto and euen enclosed and compassed about with sinne whilest they dwel in this mortal flesh and haue continual neede of Gods mercy and vse of CHRISTS merites suffrings and mediation Yea because we see wel nigh al those whom the Bisshops haue thus confirmed to be confirmed in al sinne and wickednes and euen the Bisshops themselues the aucthors of this deuise from whom al this vertue and holines should flowe fourth vnto others to be them-selues the verie synkes draynes of al abhomination corruption idolatrie superstitiō blasphemie and open transgression of al Gods lawes We are confident in the truth and power of our Lorde IES●S CHRIST to witnesse against these abhominable ordinances of Antichrist and against the Church of England for receiuing the same and maintayning the most impious blasphemous doctrines that ensue therof as is aboue proued TO the blasphemous Collects in your Sacraments Booke you wishe we were as weary in lying and sclandering as we should be to seeke finde out one such You haue in remem●rance the Collects wherin the Priest by th'aucthoritie committed vnto him doth absolue the sicke of al his sinnes You must not forget your two Cellects said ouer your deade brother The one wherin you praise God for receiuing to mercye his soule liued he or died he neuer so prophane blasphemouse and impenitent a wretch The other wherin you praye for him that you with him may haue a perfect consummatiō blisse both in bodie and soule Nowe to helpe your memorie a little furder we woulde desire you to consider better of that glorious Antheame you singe or saye in your publique Communion wherin with Angells Arch-Angells and al the companie of heauen you laude magnifie c Wherin we wil not demaunde of you howe whilest you remaine in the flesh you can haue such familiar conversation with those heauenlie souldiours and elect spirits of the faithful deceased that you together with them can praise laude God Nether wil we presse you with the papistical and curious speculations in making digrees of Angells Arch-Angells c. But we would here knowe of you howe manie Arch-Angells you reade of finde in the Scriptures And whether you knowe anie more heades of Angells then Christ himself Exept peradvēture your Church haue some especial prerogatiue frō the Apostatical Sea to make Arch-Bisshops and Arch-Angells Your Collect also in baptisme of Sanctifijng the floud Iordan and al other waters to the mistical washing away of sinne some saye sauoreth greatly of Poperye and retayneth the people in a superstitious opinion That the water vsed in baptisme hath holines some especial vertue in yt ab●●e common water especially whē yt is thus blessed by the Priest and 〈◊〉 out of the hallowed Fonte c. But we wil not presse you herewit● nether yet stand to examine your Collect vpon your St. Michael all Angells-Day how you make Michael a creature and Canonize him amonge the Popes Saincts and worship him amongst together with all Angels This shalbe no blasphemie no Poperie in your Church Nether will we stand to vnrip your popish patched Letanie Or shew by what POPE and whie euery part therof was deuised and added And wherfore yt is good As for the quick the deade For al that trauaile by sea or by land For all weomen labouring with childe For all sicke persons and younge children all prisoners and captiues For Bishops Curates For lightnings and tempestes For plague pestilence and famine For battaile and murder and for sodeyne death c. All which things and what ells that you will request at his handes CHRIST cannot but graunt you when you so beconiure him By the mysterie of his holie incarnation by his holie natiuitie and circumcision by his baptisme fasting and temptation by his agonie and bloudie sweate by his Crosse and passion by his pretious death and buriall by his glorious resurrection and assention and by the comming of the Holy Ghost And sweetlie you entreat him by them all seuerally and ioyntely to deliuer you from the euils aboue-said and also from fornication and al other deadly sinnes In which Sofrage we wil not obserue y t you hold some sinnes deadlie and others not deseruing death because you peraduenture can shift it off with learning howsoeuer yt standeth in the Popes booke or they that made it thought of it Onely we obserue that this your holy Letanie is a most rare and especiall confection soueraigne good for all thinges at all times but especially in the morning and therfore it is so oftē enioyned to be songe or said in your Church euerie weeke at their mattens Yet was there by what aduenture we knowe not an vnsauorie vnhappie Sofrage stollen into your Letanie in Kinge EDVVARDS tyme Against the tyrannie of the Bisshop of Rome and all his detestable enormities Which Sofrage because it was nether so Canonical or holie nether agreed vnto the rest could not be songe with thē in tune Or because it was ouer rough doctrine for sondrie of their weake bretherē that then loued yet loue the POPE anie thing that commeth from him with all their hearte Or ells that which is more likelie ouer plaine doctrine to make the people abhor all their Romish wares marchantmen The worthy Bishops most vigilant Pastors Gouernours of your Church to auoide these inconveniences of their pontificall aucthoritie dismissed yt thrust it quite out of their L●tanie and vtterlie abrogated and razed it out of their Authenticall Leitourgie Wherin nowe it hath bene by these learned men corrected and this perrilous Sofrage thrust out it is impossible to finde ether heresie or blasphemie But cā there be more horrible execrable blasphemie then thus to coniure exercise Christ by his natiuity circumcisiō baptisme fasting by his agonie his sweate his crosse his death his buryal c what Coniurers or Enchaunters can exceede this where haue they learned thus to praye thus to dismember distort Christ or thus idolatrouslie to applie and abuse these outwarde thinges which he did or were donne vnto him in the fleshe Why might they not aswel beseech him by his growing in age his walking fleeping weeping c by his crowne of thornes the spondge nayles speare No meruaile
vtterly broken off the Iewes for their sinnes infidelitie that the Gentiles might be gathered and grafted in by faith Yet is the Lord in his greatest wrath alwaies mindeful of his mercy and hath set a tyme whē to cal ingraff againe the Iewes that al Israel might be saued and brought into one shepefold as yt is written But in the meane tyme it is no reason to say That because the Lorde euen in the worst tymes alwaies reserueth a remnāt in his mercy Therfore these wicked people in those euil tymes are his visible Church Or because the Lorde in the Loynes af the most wicked hath a holie seede according to his secret election That therfore these wicked parents are in the visible Church or their ofspring vnder the outward couenant Yet are these Mr. Giffards best Argumēts to proue Israel in their open schisme idolatrye and Iuda in their open Apostasy and idolatrie to be the true outward Church whervnto the Seales of the outward couenant belonged and were giuen euen to the seede of the greatest Idolator Yea the schisme apostasy idolatry prophanation of the holie things of God amongst these Iewes Israelites are the best and onlie groundes he hath or bringeth to approue iustifie the corrupt estate of the Church of ENGLAND and that the seed of their prophane Idolators ought to be baptized Saue that at lēgth he hath founde out a merueylous knot in a rush and of the same made such a share for his Br●wnistes as they must needes either confesse the baptisme of their Church to be a signe of the couenant And so they all from their ancestors and their whole Church are within the couenant Or ells if they denie it fal into the heresie of the Catabaptistes and make themselues also without the couenant or ells to haue a couenant without seales But now if he wil giue vs leaue to vnlose this knot we must desire him to learne to put a difference betwixt false Sacraments and true Sacraments and againe betwixt false Sacraments and no Sacramēts The false Church hath her hyd bread and stollen waters her false Sacramēts The Israelites in their schisme and the Iewes in their apostasie stil had and vsed Circumci●ion This Circumcision was no true Sacrament vnto them neither sealed the Lordes couenant vnto them in that estate Yet was this circumcision true circumcision concerning the outward cutting and was vpon their repentance and retourne neither defaced nor reiterat but they were restored againe to the Temple and receiued to the Passouer As wee reade in Ezechias and Iosiahs tymes as also after the retourne out of Babilon In like maner in this general apostasie and defection from the Gospel so much fore-told in CHRISTES Testament the baptisme contynued and vsed in these Apostatical and false Churches cannot in this estate thus administered c be said a true Sacrament or seale of Gods couenant vnto them Yet concerning the outward washing yt is true baptisme and vpon their repentance and restoring to the Church the outward actiō need not ought not to be againe repeated after th'abuse therof in the false Church is purged away by true repentance Yet iustifie we not hereby anie thing donne in the false Church but cal all men by all meanes from the same willing their whole worship to be repented of left and forbidding al men vpon incurring the Lords heauie indignation to offer bring their children vnto the false Church to be baptized exhorting them rather patiently to expect and diligently to seeke out repaire vnto the true Church of CHRIST where at the handes of Christes true Ministers they may receiue the true seales of his couenant vnto their comfortes Yea assuring them that whilest they refreyne from that which they knowe to be euil and with true heartes sprinckled from an euil conscience diligently seeke to doe the wil of God as he offreth meanes they their seede are within the couenant of God although through the iniquitie of the tymes they be stil restreyned for a ceason from hauing outward baptisme so that they neither neglect or contemne much lesse abuse and prophane of heauenly an ordinance THus this learned Diuine hauing as you haue heard bestowed all his labour and long studie to proue the kingdomes of Israel and of Iuda in their schisme and apostasy to be the true Church yet to make the matter more clea●e and the more easie for the Church of England he wil also proue her mother of Rome to be the true Church of CHRIST Because the Brownis●es hold that this land in the tyme of Poperie was not the true Church of CHRIST and that nowe they are but confuse multitudes not rightly ●ntred into couenant with God This that he may doe he holdeth it not enough to affirme with other learned Diuines That the invisible Church of GOD is in the Papacye as in all other places of the world because God hath his elect there and in al other places But he to be singular inverteth the Proposition and saith That the Papacy with the whole apostasie and all their abhominations and al that receiue the Beastes marcke and worship his image are in the Church because Antichrist doth sit in the Temple of God Thus whilest he without al vnderstanding or feare after his accustomed presumption peruerteth and wresteth the Scriptures from their holie sense according to his owne lust no merueile though GOD giue him vp into a reprobate sense and suffer him to drawe these heretical doctrines and damnable conclusions from the same to the destruction of himself and of as manie as receiue his doctrines If Antichrist may be said to sitt reigne and remaine in the Church of God Then CHRIST is not made heire and Lorde of all and set as Kinge vpon Mounte Sion Then CHRIST is either cast out of his house or made subiect vnto ANTICHRIST or diuideth with him Then the Church of CHRIST maie remaine subiect vnto and be gouerned by Antichrist Then the Church of Christ may stand vnder be subiect vnto two heades CHRIST and Antichrist Then CHRIST is not the onlie head of the Church If Antichrists Ministers marcked seruants maie be brought into set ouer the Church of God then is not CHRISTS Ministrie which he hath instituted to his Gospel and his Church permanent vnto the worldes end but variable at the wil of man Then may the Church of God caste out Christes Ministrie and receiue Antichrists If Antichristes doctrines lawes may be brought set vp remaine in the Church Thē Christ is not the onlie Prophet Lawegiuer Then may the Church be builte vpon an other foundatiō then vpon Gods worde If al Antichristes abhominations heresies idolatries may be brought into remaine in the Church of God Then no blasphemie heresie apostasie or anie thing that man cā commit or deuise cā breake the couenant Thē may the Church of God
mock erye of your seruice booke and what Idolatrie is cōmitted by yt to the abandoning true prayer according to the present wantes occasion The next thing to be cōsidered is about making of lawes in the worship of God Where he would persuade vs that their whole Leitourgie conteining al their publick worship gouernment offices ordinances of their Church be but matters of order conveniencie Then the compelling teaching the publick assemblie to reade ouer mens writings both as Canons lawes in the Church and publickly priuately to offer them vp in stead of true prayer holy invocatiō is a matter of comelines conveniencie In the meane time it must be a turning away of the whole order ordinances of God For what is the whole Testament of Christ but an order for euerie office person action in the Church if he wil haue it taxis and then must confesse their Leitourgie an other order of publick administration and so as I haue said an other Gospel an other Testament a setting vp an other worship And herevpon I trust I may cal al this an adding to the word of God yea I wil go a litle further an abolishing disabling dishonoring of the word yt self graces of his spirit And whither all this smoke of the bottomlesse pyt may not be reproued with these scriptures not only Prouerb 30 verse 5. 6. Deut. 4. verse 32. but also Reu. 22. verse 18. 19. let the godly ponder and search and let the fearefulnes of the threats deterre all flesh from presuming to alter the ordinances lawes worship of the most high God And that the verie reading of an other mans writing for my owne praier or the prayer of the Church in stead of powring foorth our owne hearts is a changing of the whole worship into the making mens writing an Idoll which is by these places condemned as an accursed sinne let the most hard text as he in carnall wonder exclaymeth be looked into Reuel 22. verse 18. 19. The words are plaine If anie man put or add any thing vnto these or if anie man take away from these words he shalbe iudged as followeth Now if the adding an other whole Worship and suppressing of that God hath apointed be not an adding to these things writtē gyue sentence as you wil answere O saith he but it is said God wil add vnto such al the plagues written in this booke and there is in this booke mentioned the lake of fire As though the lake of fire is not due for euery sinne and yet not euery one that committeth sinne to be condemned what sinne is it that deserueth not the eternall wrath of God yet not euery one that sinneth giuen ouer to that iudgmēt for either yt may be of ignorance or of negligence and washed away by repentance in the blood of Christ or it may be repented of left whē wee see yt Mr. GIFFARD hath read wel the curses of the law all the curses due for sinne that seeth not how many curses the law the Prophets pronounced vpon sinne to call the persons themselues to repentance shewing together the equitie of Gods law yet withal the free mercye of God to al y t truly repent their euil wayes Al that receiue the Beastes marke in their hand or forehead are thretned to be cast with the Beast and false Prophet into that lake yet I doubt not but manie that haue bene so seduced into that sinne shal by repentance be saued Not that I encourage anie to cōtinue in such fearful estate to hardē their hearts against the threatnings of God but that I would haue Mr. GIFF. to put difference betwene the curse layd to the sinne and the condemnation of the person sinning And seeing he taketh that lake a perticular seuere threat to the Apostasie vnder Antichrist I would he had the grace to consider how it lyeth vpon him whiles he speaketh out of y e mouth of the Beast if he repēt not to turne from his euil wayes Let it further be weighed how ignorantly he chargeth me to cōdemne al Churches for this smale examplifying of this Egiption darknes Idolatrous worship and exalting mens writings into this defacing of Gods word and true worship they neither being guylty of such a sacrilegious Leitourgie as this Egiptian Calf hatched at ROME neither are to be presently iudged no Church for others sinne till they ioyne obstinacie to their transgressiō But shift the matter as you wil or rather as you cā apeare before God I wil not make lesse the sinne or the iudgmēt due to sinne for mēs persons no not of whole Churches if they shal be guilty therin My desire is by discouerie of the sinne to bring men to repentance and vnto the awe of God in his worship who are guyltie besides your selues in such sacriledge as to abrogate the Leitourgy of Christ set vp an other or to restraine Gods true worship to giue life to y e image of the Beast it skilleth me not let sinne be sinne and God righteous and thē examine your selues if they or you be cleare I reioyce neither do I think or cā charge them with such Idolatrie as is here erected I take it you wil be found y e sclāderer of other Churches to hide your owne filthines But saith Mr. Giff. those scriptures are against the adding of humane preceptes lawes to be kept as partes of Gods worship to bind y e cōscience to seek righteousnes y e forgiuenes of sinnes or y e merit of eternal life in them or against such rules of gouernmēt as God hath to be perpetual In which we must take your meaning to be this that you grāt where anie humane precepts lawes be enforced as a part of Gods worship or as lawes to bind the conscience or when righteousnes is sought in them and forgiuenes of sinnes by obseruing of them or merit by them or if they be against such rules of gouernment as God hath set to be perpetuall if the additions or constitutions be such as anie of these then such lawes and constitutions are against the perfection of the word of God against Christian libertie and in the chief things which con●erne Gods worship against the ground and foundation of our faith and so a thing most detestable accursed which our Sauiour CHRIST refused iustly to obserue with the blinde Phariseis wherein you haue granted as much as I euer affirmed For is not your whole Leitourgie being an other then CHRISTS Testament your whole reading mens writings in place and in stead of laying forth your owne present wantes and occasions in prayer to God humane constitutions and made a parte of Gods worship at least such pretended vvorship as you thinke good enough for him Weygh the matter vprightly Againe whither your whole Antichristian gouernment offices Courtes and ministerie be not constitutions and ordinances against such rules of CHRISTS gouernmēt as be perpetual and an
funeral Sermons ouer for the deade You confesse a maner of visiting the sicke prescribed but you demande of vs where we haue seene it practized by or vrged at their handes which are able and diligent Pastors by these that haue the gouernment of your Church Wee answeare that it sufficeth to be commanded and prescribed by your seruice-booke vnto all your Ministers and Churches to the diligent obseruation wherof all ful Priestes are sworne Furder your Church-Wardens Sidemen are sworne to present all defaultes therin at the Arch-Deacons or Cōmissaries Courtes So that no marueyle though this booke be founde in the handes of the most diligent able Priestes reading yt ouer weomē at their Churching ouer the maried ouer the sicke ouer y e deade and where not And for Mr. Giffards satisfying we giue him to weite that as learned Priestes as he haue vsed this booke to the visitation of the sicke And nowe we would knowe of him whie these able Priestes should haue more libertie to pray by the the direction of the spirit for and with the sick according to their present estate thē they are allowed by those that ha●e the gouernment of your Church in the publique praiers of the whole Church according to the present estate therof To conclude we would knowe of him by what warrant in Gods worde the Church can prescribe enioyne such a forme of visiting c. As to their Absolution which Mr. Giffard so slilye would passe ouer without speakinh anie worde therof Let the Reader vnderstand that nothing can be more popish or blasphemous then yt is where a sacrilegious Priest taketh vpon him by the authoritie committed vnto him to absolue the sicke from all his sinnes Hath anie mortal man power to forgiue sinnes Or is it not the office of God alone Hath the Priest power to forgiue al sinnes such as are not made vnto him What horrible blasphemie is this To him that hath power to forgiue all sinnes to him we may make our prayers and supplications him only may we worship Hath the greatest Minister of the Church any more power to retaine or loose the sinne of the least member then the said member hath to bind or loose his sinne Doth not this rule of our Sauiour aswel extend vnto him as to the least in the Church If thie brother sinne against thee rebuke him and if he repent forgiue him Hath not the Church power to reproue and cast out their Pastor if he so deserue Is not al this binding loosing donne by the worde of God and not by anie power or excellencye of man Hath not the worde of God the like power and effect against sinne in the mouth of the least of Gods seruants as in y e mouth of the greatest Let this Collect then wherbie the Priest in their Leitourgie by the power committed vnto him absolueth the sick of al his sinnes remaine one witnesse amongst manie other of their Poperie and vntil more come of most high blasphemie Mr. GIFFARD taketh verie heinouslie at our handes this phrase of hous●ing with the Sacrament terming yt a false packing in vs and goeth about to purge his Church therof by shewing how yt denieth al y e wicked blasphemous corrupt doctrines of the Papists touching the Lordes Supper And also denieth that a man is of necessitie to receaue yt at his death Thus euer with his impertinent matters he vvith-draweth and shrinketh from the present question We must therfore still call him backe to the poynte and demaund of him what warrant in CHRISTS Testament their Church hath to institute a priuate Communion or to administer the Supper of the Lord in anie other place thē where y e church is assembled This if he can doe then indeed we haue faulted in caling yt an Housel But if he can shewe no warrant for this priuate domestical Communion then we must still blame this action as popish superstitious and irregular what doctrines soeuer they hold of the Lordes Supper besides Againe though they exhort and perswade the sick person that this Sacrament is not then of necessitie Yet if he be so superstitious to require it the Priest then is bownde of necessitie to deliuer yt him though there be no more to receaue then they two And what is this but to nourish superstition or to make the Sacrament so deliuered of great value proffit vnto them Thus iugleth toyeth your Church with the holy things of God at her pleasure THe Papistes you say that invented the Purgatorie had also their blasphemous diriges prayers for the deade But we are more then impudent in lying to terme the prayers which you vse at burials such seing your Church denieth the Purga●orie prayers for the dead c. We will not requite you with euil wordes but let the proofe of these matters declare who is a lyer and impudent We would therfore first knowe of you where you haue learned to make the burial of your deade an ecclesiasticall action part of the Pastors office and to make it an especial part of your worship if not of the POPE Then where you learned to burie in your Hallowed Churches and Church-yardes as though you had not fieldes and grounde to bury in with a special Dirige and leitourgie with praiers Singers Ringers Mourners Beades-mē c if not of the POPE It were too longe to shewe the originall and processe of this superstition with the great aduantage that cōmeth to the Priestes therbie It were needles also to shewe howe this your Leitourgie Dirige and prayers are fetched and peiced out of the POPES Portesse It were curious to relate the watching preparing arraying crossing dressing the corps to the graue also the array of the Mourners with all the superstition of the Heraldes the attyre of the Priestes aud Clarckes with their tymes and place when and vvhere to receaue vvhen to rest when to singe to reade to praye when and with what wordes to cast on the first shouel of earth by the hand of the Priest the graue being made easte and west c. Onely this in general we say that all these deuises seing God no where commandeth them in his worde are vayne superstitious and fond as whereby Gods name is highly taken in vayne prophaned and abused yea his holy spirit most impiouslie blasphemed despighted For whilest the whole land is of their Church and they bury all that dye in their Church of their natural death after this maner with this Leitourgie but such as dye of any violent death how christianly soeuer they vouchsalf not thus to burye pronouncing in the Collect they vse whilest earth is casting on that God in his mercy hath taken to himself the Soule of that their deare Brother or Sister departed they therbie iustifie the most wicked gracelesse impenitent vvretches Atheistes blasphemers Idolarours Papists Anabaptists Heretickes Coniurers that dye in their sinnes as though such could haue anie benefite
by the death of CHRIST or the mercy of God belonged vnto such as dye in their sinnes impenitent except peraduenture the Priestes prayers nowe the holines of the grownd and this christen buryal c may helpe him thus openl●e contradicting th'expresse word of God and hardening all the rest of your prophane Atheists Idolators whore-masters blasphemers in their sinnes Likewise in an other Collect where they desire God that they with that their departed brother may haue a perfect consummation blisse both in bodie soule what do they but pray for the Soule of the deade seing they burye all with this Collect and some must needes dye apparantly wicked and impenitent Yea what doe they hereby but establish a Purgatory or some such meane place for in Hel there is no redemption Thus whither doth not man wander whilest he followeth his owne inventions and forsaketh the straight pathes of the Lorde AS to their venal funerall Sermons they haue as litle grownde or vvarrant in the Scriptures as their Dirige and funeral Collects haue Wel may they deriue them from the funeral Orations of the Heathen Orators but no president they haue of the godlie in anie age so to bury their deade We reade of no such matter at anie of the Patriarches Prophets or godlie Kinges burial No nor at the burial of our Sauiour CHRIST of the Martyre Stephen of the Apostle Iames or anie of the faithful in those tymes yet were there as godlie religious learned and able men to doe yt then aliue remayning as they that thinck the best of themselues nowe if the holy Ghost had seene it so needful NExt fellowe your corrupt maner of administring the Sacraments the Font the Crosse in baptisme your Gossips and blasphemous Collects vsed to this Sacrament your Baptisme by weomen Bishoping with other heretical Collects of this booke when we shew you say whie the Fonte is an abhomination you shal knowe what to say How idolatrously the Font was invēted brought into y e church hallowed the POPE is euident to all men Whether they fetched this from the Iewes Lauar Sea or Base we will not here dispute Sufficeth it vs that yt ys an idolatrous popish enchaūted hallowed relique wherin they put kept their enchaunted hallowed water and vsed yt to manie execrable idolatries Therfore yt is an abhominatiō to the Lord a detestable Idoll that ought to be vtterly abolished by the lawe of God and ought not to be vsed in his Church and worship Furder seing yt nourisheth the Papists the weake and ignorant in their fore-conceaued superstitiō and is an offence vnto the godly if yt were a thing in libertie yet ought is not to be thus vsed much lesse thus enioyned retayned by vertue of lawe vpon all Congregations And seing in the best imagination of yt it is not an instrument of anie more necessitie or vse v●to this Sacrament then anie other cleane and decent vessel seing also our Sauiour CHRIST hath not separated anie vessel or water to this vse We cannot see how a fewe men may be thus bold to command this vessel vpon all Churches by waye of lawe and to forbid all other vnto this vse For what is this but to restraine that which God hath left in libertie to cōtrole God and to make newe lawes for his Church And whie might they not by the same vsurped power bring in what vnnecessarie Ceremonies they list euē al their fore-Fathers y e Iewes Popes infinite traditions aswel as these popish deuises Iewish ordinances aboue-said aswel as these popish idolatrous reliques of Fonte Bells Organs Musick Surplices Coapes Vestimentes Habites Hoodes Cappes Tippetts Tires c. BVt if these least litle thinges which they call matters indifferent wherein al men ought to obey proue so heynous in Gods eyes so pernitious to the whole Church what shal we thinck of their Simbolical Ceremonies tryflings iocolings that they haue added to their Sacracraments As vnto their Baptisme a Dialogue betwixt the Priest the Clarcke the God-fathers God-mothers and the Infant the signe of the Crosse the sanctifying or making holie their water c. Their fowre sortes of Baptismes Namely 1. Their publique Baptisme by the Priest c. 2. Their hastie Baptisme by weomen 3. Their Baptisme by supposition N. if thou be not baptised I baptize thee c. 4. And their Lorde the Bishop his Baptisme or Confirmation of CHRISTS baptisme Likewise in their Sacrament of the Supper their friuolous Leitourgie stinting the Priest when and how to stand at the North end of the Table what and when to saye and praye when to kneele when to tourne when to glory God c. Also the vayne Dialogue betwixt the Priest Clarcke and People Their altering the wordes of CHRISTS institution and deliuering yt after a popish maner The bodie of our Lord IESVS CHRIST vvhich vvas giuen for thee preserue thie Bodie and Soule vnto euerlasting Life c and that kneeling that they might adore the bread or at least retaine a taste of their former superstition in tyme of high poperie c. Of this Sacrament they haue also diuers kindes with diuers Leitourgies As publique or ordinarie Sollemne vpon certaine of their Festiuals And priuate or domestical Not here to speake of their other half Sacraments As their Penance or Commination vpon Ash-wednesday with their special Leitourgie therevnto Their Sollemnization of Mariage in the bodie of their Church vpon the Lordes daye or otherwise by the Priest with his booke and special Leitourgie with a Ring as the element to be laid vpon the Seruice-booke which doth hallowe yt in steade of holie Water with which ring the man must be taught of the Priest to wedd his wief c And the marryed offer vnto the Priest and Clarck TOuching the Crosse Mr. Giffard confesseth yt to be most blasphemously and horribly abused in Poperye they ascribing vnto yt power to driue out deuils and worshipping yt with deuine honor We looked that after his accustomed maner he should haue said But our Church doth not so thinck of or worship the Crosse Therfore you Brownists most impudent lye sclander c. But in steade of this he saith neuer a worde to the mattter in perticular Saue vnto Symbolical ceremonies in general he is of iudgment That the antient Churches immediatlie after th'apostles tyme did offend in taking ouer much libertie to ordeine ceremonies Symbolical Yet he doubteth not but verie reuerēd godlie learned men ledd by th'example of those holye Fathers haue iudged it lawful for the Churches to ordeyne such Ceremonies We would first therfore knowe of those reuerend godlie learned and not of Mr. Giffard whie they nowe that al are Christian and no heathen amongst them retaine enioyne this superstitious signe of the crosse in th'administration of their baptisme Also whether they are not persuaded That our Sauiour Christes institution which the Apostles taught and deliuered vnto the Churches touching th'administration
that they be not taught exercised or practized after anie prophane vaineglorious or superstitious maner but in al sobrietie modestie and in the feare of God To these fewe rules if their Vniuersities Colledges Scholes were reformed then should they not be as they nowe are the seminaries of Antichrist the bane of the Churche the corruption of all the youth in the lande But then should they be that which they nowe pretend the scholes of all godlie learning to garnish the Church to furnish the common wealth with fit and vertuous men for euerie place office and estate LEt vs nowe procede to the other sorte of this Collegia●e idle ministrie of the Church of England Which are these Cathedral Abbay lubbers These L. Bishops Deanes Subdeanes Prebendes Cannons c as in their cataloge who liue together like Monkes in their Cloisters celles adioyned annexed vnto some Cathedral Church within which precincts they are ●edd stalled vp to intēd the diuine seruice of the said Cathedral ●at certaine howers of the day limited euerie one in his seuerall array ministerial vestures surplices copes vestimentes hoodes tippets cappes rochets c according to their seuerall office place and degree some singing some piping some reading some praijng some pisteling some gospeling some preaching some administring the sacramentes c Of whose offices ceremonies rites orders customes seuerally to entreate is not mie purpose It sufficeth me that I finde not any such Cathedrals Cloisters Societies Offices Orders Ceremonies VVorship c in all the booke of God and therfore I dare pronounce them Antichristian such as God wil not be pleased or serued with in his Church Let not Mr. Deane vnder the visarde of a christian name and office thincke to escape for when we bring him to the light we finde him but a counterfeight hauing neither the office nor ministration of a christian Deacon The christian Deacons office is faithfully to collect and distribute the almes and contribution of the Church But these Cathedral Deanes feede themselues their troupes I say not of the weekely almes of their Church for that they neither gather neither would it suffice the tenth part of their pompe but of the Lordships landes and fees of their Church lying loytering in their stately pallaces and not distributing to the poore of that Congregation according to th'appointment of the Elders and the Church A christian Deacon keepeth himself within the limites of the office he is called vnto and doth not intermeddle with th'execution of their offices which belong not vnto him as the administration of the worde and sacraments c But these Cathedral Deacons take vpon them the ministrie of the worde and sacraments manie of them hauing personages beside their Deanerie And hauing bene Pastors before yet for liuing and promotions sake are not ashamed to goe backe to the Deacons Office or to retaine both offices Neither doth the christian Deacon vsurpe such place preeminence and dignitie in the Church to sit in one of the chiefe roomes with his velvet quishon clo●h of estate or be brought to his place with a siluer mace before him To conclude these Cathedral Popish Deanes haue nothing common or like to a christian Deacon either in office caling to their office administratiō of their office or place where they administer Therfore what titles soeuer they carrie or pretextes they make we may affirme them to be impes of Antichrist to belong to his spouse and throne the false Church And not to be those holy Ministers those christian Deacons which CHP●IST hath instituted to his Church Of Subdeanes or their office we reade not in CHRISTS Testament And as to those idle bellies those Prebendes we knowe not what to make of them Ministers of this Church yea ful Priestes they should be in that they are bownde to make 4. sermons in the yeere in their Cathedral yet are some of them Ciuilians as they terme them lay Persons But yt is no noueltie in the Church of ENGLAND For Ecclesiastical Ministers to exercise ciuile offices and likewise for ciuile persons to vsurpe possesse offices in the Church both of gouernemēt as in their Courtes abouesaid and of the ministrie of the worde sacraments as Prebe●des Parsonages and those not impropriate c. Of such Monkish secluding and gathering the Ministers of their Church into these Colleges Halles Cloisters we haue alreadie spoken As also of their idolatrous and false worship which they exercise Of the seueral rites ceremonies that these stalled bulles vse therin here to discourse were long tedious Or to stād to refute the vnlawfulnes of these Mother Cathedral Churches where Sathans throne is wherin sit his lieutenants these Arch Lord Bishops wherin are the Colleges of these idolatrous Priestes loyterers whose verie names being but recited the light of the gospel being but brought to their College Cloister doores is enough to discouer them of what stampe and broode they are Yea let this light of the Gospell be brought to the tryal of their ministrie ministratiō though nothing be said to them but they only put to approue themselues by Gods worde you shall see them discouer themselues of what kingdome spirit they are defending thēselues with their nayles tongues smiting al such as thus call their doings into this question with the fist of wickednes and with the tongue of reproch as by their prisons bookes is to be seene The one being ful of poore persecuted christians in great distresse and miserie without any iudgment or help by lawe without any equitie mercie or compassiō shewed The other being ful euen in euerie leafe yea almost in euerie line of wicked sclanders accusations suggestiōs blasphemies against these faithful seruantes of CHRIST their aduersaries Not approuing their ministrie worship and procedings directly by any one place of scripture though they be neuer so much vrged thervnto But if they haue no better defence their kingdome shalbe left vnto them desolate as their bretherē the L. Abbots Monckes Fryars and Nonnes are Al which might aswel for any thing I can fee or they can say haue bene reserued reformed and tyed to the saijng ouer this seruice book as these all being alike without warrant in Gods worde and therfore detestable accursed IT now remayneth that we take like sodaine viewe of the third sorte the seruile ministrie of the Church of England namely these Parsons Vicares Curates Hirelings Preachers Deacons These were blamed to Mr. Giffard to carye strange antichristiā Names Offices also to haue as strange antichristian an entrance vnto their office administration in their office as also that their support maintenance is not such as belongeth to the ministrie of the Gospell In these poinctes we desired Mr. G. to approoue the ministrie of Eng●and or his owne ministrie by the rules of CHRISTS Testament This if he had donne al controuersie had ceased and we yeilded Al this by his owne bare
hatched brought vs foorth this worthie reason to rest vpon If the execution of discipline by Bishops be the yoke of Antichrist and if all the Churches vvhich doe stand vnder the same doe vvorship the Beast and be not christians it must needes follow that such as did euer execute this power were Antichristes and no children of GOD at that time or before thei repented But by your owne confession manie of them died blessed Martyres I conclude therfore That the Brownistes cannot but vvith heresies and most heinous iniurie inordinate dealing condemne a Church as quite diuourced separate from CHRIST for such corruptions imperfections in Gods vvorship as be not fundamentall nor destroy the substance for that wicked men come vvith the godly to the publick exercises of religion for some wantes in calling ordaining Ministers and in ecclesiastical discipline BElike Mr. GIF is hard driuē when this old popish reason alreadie by vs answeared and now by him not ouer wel repayred is fayne to become his cheif corner stone to approue this Church in all these chardges and the only reason he can bring for the Hierarchie regiment of the Church of England By this reason his holie Father the POPE was wonte to defend his triple Crowne apostaticall Chaire Because in the same haue sit manie godly Bishops blessed-Martyres c so that if the office power and dignitie of his Popedome be antichristiā then must all these godly learned men that haue executed the same needes be Antichrists and not true members of CHRIST vntill they repent But they neuer were founde to haue repented these thinges yet are confessed by al that knewe them in that age to be learned godly Therfore M r. G. and all this horned Cleargie and Lordly hierarchie of England cannot without schisme reuoult from without heresie pronownce this holie Sea office antichristian c. Let M r. G. now he seeth the fordge issue bind or loose followe or leaue this argument at his owne pleasure perill If he suppose to escape by shewing discrepance betwixt these godly predecessors vngodly successors in manie circumstances and vertues And so thinck this reason wil not presse him half so sore as it doth vs yet let him consider though I will not be the POPES aduocate that they here reason of the same office and not of the same circumstāces and that these godly predecessors executed the self same office with these their bad successors Yea so might th'example be put as yt should be without anie great difference in circumstance also And as to the difference betwixt the persons of the one and of the other if that may be a solution to this argument we shall not greatly need to feare finding this viperous generation these idle proude wordlie fleshlie persecuting blasphemous Prelates nothing so like these their godly predecessors these Martyres in laboures humilitie bowntie spiritual holie conuersation faith patience loue of the truth of the Sainctes of CHRIST c as they are in that which is euill in these antichristian titles offices Courtes iurisdiction reuenues pompe c. Which as we before said vnto you so say we againe that no men or Angels can iustifie where Gods worde condemneth though all the Martyres in the worlde should dye in and for them We may not be leed or drawen by the examples persons of men how good soeuer from one iote of Gods reueiled truth The best men we see doe erre and sinne there neuer was or shalbe anie man that erreth and sinneth not in manie thinges But should we because good men haue donne euill and erred therfore iustifie sinne and error That were high presumption greiuouslie to tempt God and to abuse the holie Scriptures which recorde not mens faultes to that end What sinne or error might not so by th'example of some good man or Church be iustified yet these are M r. GIFF. his best reasons for his Church ministrie c. and here his only reason to approue the gouernment of these Bishops and hierarchie But now as we here iustifie allowe not any sinne by the examples persons of the godly so condemne we not these godly mens persons for sinne error vntil obstinacie be ioyned thervnto which M r. GIFF. cannot shew in these holie Martyres And therfore we denie the consequent of his Maior or first Proposition That because the office iurisdiction they executed were Antichristian therfore the men that exercised them were Antichristes and not children of God We may vtterly condemne the sinne and yet not so peremptorily condemne the sinner It is a sure position that euerie sinne is of the Deuil yet is there no consequence therof that euerie one that sinneth is of the Deuil we see no such necessitie as M r. G. would persuade of that matter The godly may sinne of ignorance of negligence of fraylety yet not thervpon vntill obstinacie be added vnto sinne cease to be christians These godly Martyres so lately escaped out of that smokie fornace of the popish Church could not so clearely discerne and sodenly enter into the heauenly beautiful order of a true established Church It is more thē one dayes worcke to gather to plante and establish a Church aright much more so manie thowsand seuerall Churches as are supposed in this land It can be no wonder that those godly men being so vnexpert and vnexercised in his heauenly worcke neuer hauing liued in seene or hearde of any orderly cōmunion of Saīnctes anie true established Church vpon earth of so many hundreth yeeres euer since the general defection vnder Antichrist so much foretold of in the Scriptures no maruaile I say if they erred in setting vp the frame But what then should we therfore iustifie or persist in their errors especially should we reiect the true paterne of CHRISTS Testamēt which reproueth our workes and sheweth vs a better course should we not suffer our worckes to burne after the maner of these deceitful workmen of these tymes God forbid For thē should we receaue their reward perish with our worckes Now to the second propositiō of this argument we haue alreadie expressed our minde concerning the suffringes faith and death of these Martyres We finde them obstinatly to haue resisted no part of Gods worde or truth he gaue them sight of at anie tyme but to haue bene verie faithfull constant euen vnto bandes death in that truth they were come vnto Furder we doubt not but they truly repented them of al their sinnes knowen and faithfully laid hold of Gods mercie in Christ Iesus for al their secrete vnknowen sinnes Gods grace we are assured is so much greater then all our sinnes as the sea is greater then one dropp of water Therefore we doubt not of their happie and blessed estate all their sinnes these false offices ministrie which they executed in their ignorance amōgst the rest being forgiue them Th'example then errors of these
discription of that sinne Hebr. 6. 10. where there is dispyting of the spirit accompting the blood of IESVS an vnholy thinge persecuting the light they haue sometimes tasted of and such like notes which are degrees further then presumption for there is presumption of ignorance of rashnes of hope of mercy and many times do the Prophets charge the people with rebellion against God so that all presumption cannot haue the curse maranatha pronounced vpon it or the persons not to bee prayed for But sure I grant that presumption is neere to that sinne and there cannot bee that high sinne without presumption But now if all sinne but sinne of frayltie were vnpardonable your Clergie were in a wofull case that thus maynely resist the truth and persecute Gods seruants Neither is this doctrine anye way contrarye to that I delyuered namelye that the regenerat man cannot bee sayd to stande in bondage to sinne after regeneration and the seruant of God at the same time by outwarde profession for none are in bondage to sinne after their calling to the faith to our iudgment but suche as contynue obstinate in their open knowne sinne after due admonition that such stande not by outwarde profession the seruants of CHRIST but of sinne and are to bee excommunicate hee willingly granteth and herevpon merueileth how I shoulde gather that obstinat grosse sinners shoulde not bee excommunicat which hee might playnlye perceiue if hee had eyes for if al the regenerat bee in bondage to sinne and so the seruants of sinne and of Satan howe should they cast out an other for bondage out of their fellowship by the power of CHRIST If Mr. GIFF. say because the obstinate is in greater bondage then the other this proueth not that the bond can cast out the bond by the power of CHRIST Againe if all bee in bondage then none can bee holden without for being in bondage to sinne so that none shoulde bee excommunicat none without the worlde and the Church light and darknes CHRIST and Beliall should bee mingled together To all which hee hath made no answere but demandeth certeine questions and maketh such a formal conclusion as if all were in bondage vnto sinne His questions I grant al affirmatiuely yet denye his cōsequence Let him plainely proue therfore by euidence of scripture that all that do sinne are bondslaues of sinne and when hee hath so done I shall therevpon conclude him a flat Anabaptist in the cheif ground of their profession Verye gladlye therefore vvoulde hee leaue out the worde bondage and falslye accuseth and sclandereth mee in saying I holde that men can not outwardly appeare sinners and stand the seruants of CHRIST both at a time vvhich is an open vntruth Yt is hee that cannot put differēce betwene sinning and bondage vnto sinne so that in one vvorde all his questions are answered If anie bee in bondage to sinne hee standeth a seruant thereof Now for the 7. to the Romanes the Apostle setting forth the strift betwene the flesh and the Spirit speaketh somtimes in the person of the one if I may so speake and somtimes of the other somtimes of the newe man or regenerat part or of himself so far as hee is regenerat somtimes of the olde man which is not wholly slaine but full of rebellion striueth for maisterie Nowe I must demand of him whether of these two haue the preheminence dominion and rule in the regenerat the graces of the spirit or the rebellions of the flesh The same Apostle saith the spirit and that part of the man renewed therewith which wee call the inner mā In the 8. Cap. hee maketh it playne The lawe of the spirit of life in CHRIST hath freed mee from the lawe of sinne and of death What is the lawe of the Spirit but the powre rule and dominion of the Spirit of God in vs And what is the lawe of sinne but the powre of sinne and bondage wherewith wee were somtimes led headlong by Satan at his pleasure but are nowe freed that it no more doth reigne or beare rule in vs vnto condemnation Againe whosoeuer are ledd by the Spirit of God are the sonnes of God and in the 7. Cap. 4. and 6. Cap. 16. knowe you not that to vvhome you ex●ibit your selues seruants vnto obedience his seruants you are to vvhome you giue your selues obedient DAVID feeling the great assaultes of sinne in his flesh and his inhabilitie to keepe the Lawe of God earnestlye prayeth vnto the Lorde Direct my steppes in thy vvorde saith hee and let none iniquitie haue dominion over mee After the stronge man is cast out CHRIST beareth the rule ouer vs and in vs by his Spirit So the scripture euerye where pronounceth vs Saincts by calling Kinges and Priestes a people set free not that wee sinne not in thought word and deede howrely and daylye but that sinne hath not dominion ouer vs If then wee were in bondage to sinne wee are the servantes of sinne and of death which God forbid Where Mr. GIFF. therfore reasoneth thus the regeneration is imperfect therefore the freedome is imperfect therefore there is some bondage yt is blasphemie For first our freedome is perfect in CHRIST ells his death is not sufficient Then though our sanctification bee not perfect yet is there no bondage but a rebellion of sinne which if yt shoulde reigne wee were not the seruantes of CHRIST And while it seemeth for a time to reigne and wee obstinatly to cleaue vnto yt wee are iudged soe far as men can iudge the seruantes of yt and so gyuen ouer from CHRIST vnto Satan till the grace of the Spirit againe to our iudgement againe appeare to beare rule As for DAVID in the whole yeare after hee had commytted adulterye and murther hee neuer pleaded for his sinne when hee was reproued nor did no longer cleaue vnto yt Soe likewise though wee fall and sinne and bee ●edd awaye with sinne yet are wee not in bondage therevnto vntil wee obstinatly and wilfully giue our selues vnto yt from CHRIST which you finde not in the 7. to the Rom. but resisting of sinne a hatred of sinne a will to doe good a repentance and continuall recouerye of himself and flying vnto CHRIST Soe that your doctrine is false to saye the Apostle stoode in some spirituall bondage and my Argument still firme that these Ministers and people which stande in a professed bondage to a false gouernment their pray●rs are an abhomination vnto the Lorde till they repent and submit themselues vnto CHRIST and his lawes and ordinances Whiche the Lorde gyue them grace to doe euen speedely to depart out of the house of bondage and from all subiection of his Antichristian Hierarchie CHRISTS vnworthie vvitnes for the truth and freedome of the Gospell IOHN GRENVVOOD FINIS Math 2 4. Mar. 13. Psa. 74. Dan. 7. 9. 11 Cap. 2 Thes. 2. 2 Tim. 3. Reuel 6. Reuel 8. Reuel 9. Reuel 13. Reuel 17. Reuel 16. Reuel 18. Reuel 19. ●●uel 12. 14 Reuel