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A04220 An exposition of the second epistle of the apostle Paul to Timothy, the first chapter Wherein 1 The text is logically into it's parts resolved ... 4 The seuerall doctrines thence arising deduced. ... All which is accompanied with familiar and delightfull similitudes ... Lastly as the matter requireth: there is vsed, definitions, distributions, subdiuisions, trialls, motiues, and directions, all which be of great vse in their proper order. By Iohn Barlovv ... Barlow, John, b. 1580 or 81. 1625 (1625) STC 1434; ESTC S100861 328,113 454

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Ieremiah Iosiah Timothy and others that of children were called that Parents might be encouraged to vse the meanes of conversion and not be without all hope of a blessing And so we doe of some old men as of Abraham called at 70 yeares of age and it seemeth probable by Nichodemus his answere to Christ that he himselfe was an old man Iohn 3. This no doubt is written that we might not Aged persons rarely called despaire of any for God can call whomsoeuer and whensoeuer he will Yet men and women of great age are not often called 1. For they are most vnfit for the Lords worke what man will take an aged person to make a watch or to become a Musition for are not his fingers set which should bee nimble for such a calling how vnhandsomely will they goe about so curious an instrument or action And shall the Lord then not make choise of the fittest persons to performe his actions 2. Old men haue gotten a stronger habit of sinne then others what saith Christ of such Can a Blackamore change his skin and a Leopard his spotts then may ye doe well that are accustomed to doe evill 3. Sathan hath more possession of such people and is the harder to be cast out 4. We read in the Gospell that God calles at the third houre sixt houre ninth and eleuenth houre why not at the twelfe making an equall distribution I cannot tell I doe but guesle but it may be because at the twelfth houre either none or few are called I would not be mistaken here as though this were vnpossible with God but that men might be moued not to procrastinate and deferre their conuersion I haue added this And when trees haue beene often watered pruned and dunged yet beare not doth not the Lord of the vineyard bid them to be cut downe Luk. 13. for why make they the ground barren wicked men hinder the good of others This for the time of calling The manner how followeth and that is either violently How the Lord calleth or more gently God is wise in all his proceedings and therefore calleth as he seeth needfull Some he peirceth to the very hart woundeth the spirit causeth them to quake and tremble exceedingly at the voice of his power others he calleth with a still and quiet voice as is most conuenient The discreet Mother hauing a child stubborne vntoward shaketh the rod when as one that is more meeke and tractatable is allured by a cherry or apple and euen so dealeth the Lord by his chosen children for he calleth them according to their dispositions and seuerall qualities yet alwaies so as they come and obey his voice 2. And this may serue to haue beene spoken of their cutting off both for time and manner Next their fitting followeth the which consisteth of 2. branches the one Compunction the other desperation When the Cyon is cut off from the tree then in order it followeth that it be fitted to be set into the stocke into which it is to be grasted And so when by the knife of the law we are either violently or more leisurely lopped from the old oliue it ensueth that wee be fitted to be set into the new Christ the Lord. Now this compunction of heart hath two degrees the one rendeth asunder the very ioynts and sinewes pierceth and entreth into the very bones and the marrow But the other doth not wound so deepe but as it were skarreth the skin and ●ateth into the flesh For as some be let bloud in the finger others in the arme or head so God being a most skilfull Chirurgion doth pricke and let vs bloud as he discerneth the nature of our disease The child came to himselfe by neezing seuentimes 2 King 4. 35. And after this compunction followeth an holy desperation which consisteth in the denying of a mans owne merits and relying on the Lord for mercy for his sinnes being great and many his good workes not any at all he is therby brought to despaire in regard of himselfe and also to call the mercy of God into question Yet not doubting whether the Lord can but whether he will or not grant him a pardon for his sinne Now doth the sinner hang the head smite his hand vpon his thigh cry earnestly to God for mercy and seeke to the Minister the Phisition of the spirit for grace and comfort And this compunction and holy desperation is greater in some then other for these Reasons 1. Some man may haue had many outward calls by the Sixe reasons why all men are not called a like word and inward motions by the Spirit the which hee hauing resisted and not obeyed then hee is brought to feare that he hath sinned the sinne vnto death And if he hath any knowledge in the Scriptures peradventure will bring that to fight against himselfe especially that place in Heb. 6. or 10. 2. Other some haue had good education and haue bin trained vp in the Scriptures of children so that they haue beene restrained from many grosser sinnes then others haue committed Whence it followeth that there is degrees of compunction Trees that haue beene long vnpruned haue the more cuts when they come to be lopped and dressed 3. Peraduenture the Lord hath a purpose to send some one of his children for to dwell like Lot in Sodom or Ioseph in Egypt and there he foreseeing that they shall haue weake provocations to good strong temptations to evill letteth them drinke the more deepely of the dregs of sinne that they in future time the rather may be moued to avoyd it For a wounded spirit and troubled conscience for sinne will proue for time to come an excellent Tutor Hee that hath burnt his feete with treading on the hot stone will looke the better to his steps in all his iourney afterward 4. All men haue not constitutions of body alike some be strong others weake so that that measure which will but cure the one humble him sufficiently would kill the other and bruise him to powder And if some were so cast downe as others be they being poore men and to liue by great toyle and dayly labour would neuer be able to execute the duties of their calling and to get their bread by the workes of their hands A man in the breaking of his beast will haue an eye to that and shall not the Lord much more in the reclaiming of his children 5. God appointeth some to be sonnes of thunder to speake with power and authoritie to Preach amongst a people whose faces be as brasse and neckes like sinewes of yron therefore he bringeth them home as we say with a witnes at their conuersion For as he that hath receiued much wrong by a bad neighbour will speake worse of him then he can who hath had lesser iniuries at his hand so will such as haue felt the enmity of sinne the most preach more fervently against it then he who hath not felt the sting
it be infused His essence Reas 2. is not destroyed but his faculties disordered so that being once turned like a wheele that goes backward he will Gods finger being once present easilie be caried the same course as at the creation This doctrine should incourage men to vse the meanes Vse 1. without wearines whereby sinners are converred Wee must instruct them who be contrarie-minded prooving if God at any time will bring them out of the snares of the Devill to 2. Tim. 2. 25. amendement of life Why should we despaire of any person iudge him finally or repute him a reprobate Was not this man with whom we haue to deale as vnlikely to haue proved an Apostle an holy liver as any thou knowest Hee who had seene Paul with the high-Priest and met him with letters trudging to Damascus would haue little thought he would another day haue sealed the Gospell with his blood Let the meanes be vsed and referre the successe to God The prodigall may come to himselfe and returne to his Father at the last Onesimus may be begot in his wandring proue profitable to and abide with his master for ever after Phile. 10. c. This Doctrine is of vse also for such as haue mispent Vse 2. their former time followed the evill fashions of the world and given their members as so many servants to worke wickednesse with greedinesse If they finde in themselues a setled resolution to leaue their former courses and with a purpose of heart to cleaue vnto the Lord it s a truth that Sathan will tempt such and tell them that now it is in vaine to returne from their wonted wayes former wickednesse and alter their crooked pathes But they must not giue credit to his false suggestions and subtillillusions for if they doe they bee vndone Bee of good comfort For thy former evill course shall not make thee miscarry if thy present resolution be to be reformed in all things For as bad lewd profane as thy selfe haue become godly persons excellent people Let this then be a meanes to comfort thee when thy spirit is wounded or thou by Sathan to vtter desperation art tempted Yet caution must heere bee had that this comfortable Cautions to be vsed that grace be not abused doctrine be not abused First take heede that thou doe not learne heereby to deferre thy repentance to extenuate thy sinne or to apply it to all times and persons For this were a sinne with an high hand and in so doing thou shouldst aggrauate thine in●quitie and turne the mercie bounty and long-suffering of the Lord into wantonnesse abuse his patience and iustly incurre greater condemnation Wee must not sinne because grace doth abound but rather in the consideration thereof bee led to repentance Secondly as thou desirest to partake of the like grace and favour which others haue done striue thou to be equally qualified as such persons haue beene The choicest rece●pts are applyed to the sickest weakest The mercie of God is physicke onely for the wounded spirit Wherefore set this example before the eye of thy soule in the greatest temptation hardest conflict and when thy faith in the remembrance of thy former crooked courses the most seemeth to faile thee for then it may stand thee in stead otherwi●e not I could also gather from these words That diverse names may for iust and lawfull vses be vndertaken That our owne names and hand is necessarie to bee annexed to our writings but I omit these and proceede further Of Iesus Christ What did the Apostle most reioyce in from what did he deduce arguments to maintaine his dignitie from his Tribe kindred Pharisaicall profession or any carnall and earthly priviledge in no wise but from that he was now the servant of Christ and put into office vnder him whence may be collected that Any vnion relation Doct. 3. or contract in and with Christ is of great importance As Paul doth magnifie his place and person in regard of his master Christ so may we in all other respects whereby we are conioyned and knit by any band vnto him What greater honor to the weaker sex than to be the mother of Luk. 1. 43. 48. our Lord What dignitie is this to fraile man that he passed by the Angels and assumed his nature What priviledge Heb. 2. 16. of more price than to be bone of his bone and flesh Ephes 5. 30. of his flesh to be a branch of such a root a member of such a head and an Ambassadour of so vnmatchable a Monarch 1 Cor. 9. 1. 1 Tim. 1. 12. Rom. 16. 1. Why Is not Christ Iesus God-man the onely Sonne of Reas 1. the Father and the beginning of all creatures Surely the neerer we approach in nature vnion or action to the creator the neerer are we to all perfection and blessednesse that Heb. 1. 14. can befall a creature Againe Are we in his service Wee shall be preserved Reas 2. assisted well rewarded Be we vnited to him We shall never be rent asunder but abide with him and in him for ever Is he our first kinsman and husband What honor to this What profit comparable For thereby God is become our Father heaven our inheritance and salvation eternall our yearely ioynture Here are reprehended many in our dayes who care not Vse 1. a whit for matters of that nature reputing it no reputation to haue relation vnion and communion with Christ Iesus these shew plainly that they be carnall and savour not the things which be of God What boasting will some vse of their pedigree and bloud Yet never dreame of affinitie with Christ or the new birth Extoll themselues that they or theirs are matched in such or such a house yet haue no care at all to be graffed into Christs stocke the Lords familie as of this sort there be millions so they be all miserable This must teach vs who haue any relation with Christ Vse 2. highly to esteeme it and greatly to reioyce in it Thinke it no small thing to be an off●cer in his house a labourer in his V●neyard and a member of his bodie for this is true nobilitie vnconceiuable dignitie and the direct path to eternall felicitie Paul a Preacher of Iesus Christ is a name of greater price and prayse than all humane titles and times ad●u●cts though in their nature good in all the world And here we are instructed from this point how to attaine Vse 3. vnto great dignitie we our children must get some office vnder Christ principally endevour to be vnited by faith and aff●ction vnto him but alas men scorne the Ministery the name Preacher is a word of derision in the Parish and Parents cry out What Make my sonne a Priest I will never doe it Well the calling is of great honor with God though despised of these beastly men And the dayes 1 Sam. 1. vlt. haue beene when to dedicate a sonne to the
creature cannot but haue a large extent a spreading operation This may informe vs what to judge of many in these Vse 1. dayes surely they haue little or none of this oyle or fire abroad and kindled in their hearts for if they had we should fee it's spreading We may truly say with Christ that Loue is waxen cold Many boast much of it but where shall we finde a faithfull louing man for all seeke their owne and not the good of their brethren We haue a prouerbe Loue me and loue my dog I wish some did not more loue their dogs then the Lords children And by this doctrine in the impartiall examination of Vse 2. our selues we may try the trueth of our Loue. Canst thou that art a Magistrate say with Moses Oh! that there were such an heart in my people to serue God being a preacher canst thou breake out with Paul I would to God that all that heare me this day were such as I am the children of the Lord Hath the Lord made thee a father and canst thou pray with Abraham and Noah Oh that Ismael might liue and Iapheth dwell in the tents of Shem that is that my disobedient seed might know the Lord God of their father serue him and be saued you that are Gouernours of families is it in your hearts and hands for you and your people to follow God doe you labour like Cornelius that all your family might feare the Lord And you that are single persons doe you helpe one another to get grace and to grow vp in godlines then this fire of true affection is from Gods owne altar descended on you this loue is shed abroad in your hearts the oyle of amity hath annointed your garments and you are of that number which with ioy vnspeakeable shall one day behold the face of God But if this desired spreading be absent your hearts are stuffed with hatred cold envy hath benummed your subtile and actiue affections and therefore take heed of this that you be not found haters of God and louers of pleasure aboue him or his If you be heare your doome Depart from me into euerlasting fire for I know you not you did neuer visit me in my members cloath me feede me or build vp my decaied body by prayer instruction example nor in affection therefore you haue no loue in you neither shall ye receiue any fauour at my hands for the head and members make but one obiect Thou wilt say vnto me How farre will loue spread it Quest Answ selfe Why from God the Father to all his children Christ the head to all his members from the beginning of Gods booke to the last letter in breife from one end of the world from one part of the large heauens vnto the other true loue would haue al sexes persons countries and kingdomes so farre forth as it may stand with the will of God the Father to be sanctified and for euer blessed for there is no bounds in loue Affection vnlesse God chaine it the which he may and doth for mans vnworthines is without limits spreading it selfe from the externall conuexe of the highest throne round about and thence descendeth to the earth's lowest center yea Loue embraceth the Lord who is infinite incomprehensible so farre forth as sound reason doth rightly guide it direct it It is a garment that doth cloth all creatures and to the vttermost of its power wrap within its louely armes the eternall Creatour He that findeth this in himselfe findeth a good thing and but that very character which is imprinted in the heart of euery true beleeuer and faithfull person I might deduct another doctrine out of the matter of this petition which is that The mercy of God is principally to be desired for our friends Doct. 5. For what Paul prayed for for his friends we should request also for ours Rom. 1. 7. 1 Cor. 1. 3. Gal. 1. 3. For if we receiue mercy from God we shall want no Reas 1. manner of thing For to whom the Lord shewes mercy to that man he will giue all gifts spirituall and corporall whateuer so farre as they be good for him Againe had we all other fauours the world can affoard Reas 2. yet without the mercy of God they would but proue curses to vs in the end for without mercy we are no members of Christ so no sonnes and consequently no heires of heauen This checkes the preposterous course of many in these Vse 1. times The Papist he entreates God that his friend may haue his Purgatory here or in another world but omits the mercy of God in the beginning The common Christian or earth-worme wisheth his kinred and companions strong bodies large possessions heapes of siluer and long life but no mention of Gods mercy all this while that is least thought on seldome prayed for He that obserueth but the custome of many in their best wishes shall heare them ordinarily crosse this Canon and method of our Apostle Let this then be a derection to thee what chiefly and Vse 2. first of all to beg of God for thy friends Aske not that thy sonnes may sit at the right hand of Christ in his earthly kingdome for it is not of this world Cry not for Quailes in the wildernesse for they may choake thee and thine nor for riches for the theefe may breake through thy wall carry them away seeke not long life or like Saul the honour of the people But cry to the Lord for grace and mercy this this is that one thing necessary for thy selfe for all thy friends And though few doe thinke so yet it is so for if the Lord doe not deny thee this then hee will deny thee nothing and hee that hath this shall haue all things This will wash away thy sinnes cloath thee with the righteousnesse of Christ enrich thee with the sauing graces of the Spirit procure thee food and rayment sanctifie all things to thee affliction and sinne it selfe giue thee comfort in trouble hope in death and carry thee to the throne of God where in his presence thou and thy friends shall haue fulnesse of ioy for euermore Then when thou prayest say The Lord giue mercy to me and my friends to them and their families For hee oft refreshed me In these words wee will briefly point out the Doctrines and handle some of them From the person refreshed Paul we gather that Want may befall Gods dearest children Doct. 6. Iacob sometime went ouer Iordan with his staffe Ioseph was once no rich man the widow of Sarepta was in a great Gen 32. 10. 1 King 17. 6. Luk. 16. 20. strait Lazarus was poore and it is said the women did minister to Christ Luke 8. 3. of their substance The Lord doth it for many Reasons First to correct his for the abuse of his creatures for Reas 1. when wee haue like the Prodigall mis-spent abused or surfetted on them the Lord in
good is alwaies to be preferred before a particular Yet thou must see that such by some trusty keeper may be respected well attended at the least May a Minister liue in a corrupted aire Quest 2. Answ Yes For 1. It s as good for him as for the people 2. And God would haue such saued He sought me c. We will collect hence that The faithfull where we trauell from home are to be sought for We haue in the Scripture both precept and example to this purpose and to confirme the point See Act. 21. 4. 8. Math. 10. 11. For they be of our kinred we are children of one father Reas 1. and will not euery one be desirous to see and be acquainted with his nearest friends We shall receiue comfort from them and they from Reas 2. vs for they will tell vs what great workes of mercy the Lord hath done in that place how the word runs what faithfull Men Magistrates Ministers c. the Lord of his good prouidence hath sent amongst them And thus when the Saints haue met they haue as we reade refreshed one another and builded vp one another in their holy faith This checketh those that neuer doe it nor can endure others Vse 1. to doe it Such a one was Diotrephes 3 Ioh. 3. 9. 10. Then when we goe into a farre country let vs enquire Vse 2. who are worthy that is honest men For its profitable many waies in buying selling borrowing lending in comforting and being comforted You shall haue the drunkards gamsters whoremasters and the like enquire out one another and shall not we such as be faithfull truly religious This point is of good vse but seldome practised and the best in the neglect of it may be a great enemy to himselfe euen in temporall affaires How shall I know such Quest Ans 1. If the best report well of them 2. If the worst say ill of them 3. By their speech and carriage for wisedome and grace will appeare in the words and face as the wiseman saith Yet beleeue not euery report faire shew good word For some mens sinnes follow afterward as others goe before 1 Tim. 5. 24. Very diligently The point is that Whom we affect truly we will seeke for diligently speedily Doct. 3. For so the word may be rendred This will hold in all things whateuer David loued the Lord and he would seeke him early at midnight and all seasons Elisha loued his Master therefore sought him The parents of Christ loued Luk. 2. 48. him and did they not seeke him with heauy hearts the Bride loued her Husband and so sought him and we Cant. 3. 1 2. may say the like of what can be named Because the affections are implacable vnlesse the obiect Reas 1. be enioyed which they most affect It is the nature of loue to delight in the present fruition of that it most affecteth And as euery graue thing is in motion vntill it come to the Center so are the affections stirring vntill they claspe about the subiect they affect Againe true affection desireth to manifest its selfe to the Reas 2. thing it loueth and to make it the better yea to bee if possible made one with it But how can this bee if they two bee separated therefore the affections will wooe and importune the will to worke for the bringing of them together What then shall we say of those who neuer sought the Vse 1. Lord saith grace or the kingdome of heauen in all their liues doe they loue the one or other Is their cafe blessed or cursed for the present It pittieth mee to thinke of the misery that many be in yet beleeue it not or know it not Where doe the most men seeke him their soules best loue when doe they seeke him how doe they seeke him Did Onesiphorus thus seeke Paul because he loued him and doe wee loue Christ and neuer enquire after him in his Word or in heauen Surely it cannot be Would we then vnderstand the soundnes of our affection Vse 2. vnto God his truth graces and children then let vs try it by the diligent search wee make after these things Doest thou seeke after God search the Scriptures and vse all other meanes for the hauing of them then thy loue is seruent not sained But if thou doe not labour the enioying of them of a truth the loue of them was neuer entertained in thy heart or saluation entred into thy soule Dau●d could say Oh how I long for God and When shall I appeare in his presence I meditate in the law day and night Paul I●couet to bee with Christ and the Saints haue vsed to cry Come let vs goe into the house of the Lord. Cold is that loue weake is that affection which neuer worketh or endeuoureth to obtaine and possesse the thing it loueth And sound me Here is laid downe the successe that Onesiphorus had in his diligent search whence collect wee that They that seeke shall finde all conuenient circumstances being Doct. 4. also obserued For some shall seeke to enter and shall not be able because they either seeke amisse and that in regard of the meanes or end or in that they take not the acceptable time For these cautions must be considered and then the point is firme sound Mat. 7. 7. Psal 50. 15. Because the Lord cannot lie deny himselfe or breake Reas 1. promise his word is gone out and it shall stand therfore those that seeke shall finde And if it were not so then who would vse the meanes Reason 2. depend on the Lords promise or could be saued This Doctrines Vse serueth first to cleere the Lord against Vse 1. all false imputations that the Atheisticall people haue or may obiect against his promise For vndoubtedly hee that seeketh shall not lose his labour in the end Say not then with the idle seruant who digged his talent in the earth that the Lord is an hard Master for he is true of his word faithfull to all that with honest hearts doe or euer shall seeke him or his This may be in the next place a ground of great comfort Vse 2. to all the faithfull and vpright hearted for in whatsoeuer they goe about they shall prosper Wee may apply it to all things as well as to this particular and that by the warrant of the Prophets and Apostles themselues Doest thou seeke after the Lord doest thou desire his fauour callest thou for grace or mercy cryest thou after wisdome and vnderstanding followest thou after faith loue and the the like gifts pursuest thou and pressest thou the God of Abraham for wife children food rayment for earth and heauen why feare not but hope still in the Lord and thy heart shall be satisfied with these things But here let these rules be obserued 1. Take the present time Seeke the Lord while he may be Rules to be obserued in seeking found
The yong man must Remember his Creator in the daies of youth least the houres come wherein hee shall haue no pleasure in them Iezabel had a time so had Ierusalem Agrippa and many others but when they foreslowed the oportunitie they found not in future time any mercy When God calleth and we will not come we shall cry but we shall not be heard Wofull experience hath taught this truth to many thousands for there is an appointed time for all things vnder the sunne 2. Seeke for what thou wouldst haue at the Lords hands let him be the principall Asa was sicke in his feete Ezekiah at the heart the one seeking to the Phisician first died the other going to God had his life many yeares prolonged Goe not with Saul to a witch at Endor with Iudas to the Pharisees with Ephraim and Iudah to Ashur and Hos 5. 13. king Iareb with the Papist to the Pope or Angell But goe to the Lord for these are miserable comforters and the best of them if the God of all the world the first mouer of all things and chiefe Phisician be absent cannot heale thee or cure thee of thy wound But seek vnto God and he will heare thee helpe thee 3. Goe to him but not like the proud Pharisee with I thanke God I am not so nor so neither with the boasting Papist in the robes of thing owne righteousnes but come vnto him in the name of Christ Iesus the sonne of his loue send him or set him before thee For whatsoeuer thou shalt seeke in his name that is in his worthines it shall be giuen thee For without Christ he is a consuming fire 4. Let the word and that neuer-erring spirit be thy guide If these two lead thee to the Father in the new and euerliuing way of Christ the Sauiour of all that are saued thou shalt find according to thy hearts desire Practise this Rule 5. Haue respect to the manner of thy seeking let it be vpon the feete of faith and affection with the wings of pure zeale and feruency and then thou shalt find assuredly 6. And finally let the end of thy seeking be for the glory of thy God the good and comfort of thy brethren and reformation of all thy wayes the curing and curbing of thy strong corruptions the encrease of all grace and for food friends favour and rayment so farre and no farther as the Lord seeth them to be needfull for thee Obserue these directions and then stay the Lords leysure and be sure of it that as Onesiphorus found Paul so shalt thou the thing thou hast sought after be it what it can in earth or heauen Now whereas Onesiphorus sought Paul at Rome and was permitted to refresh him we may note that Rome heathen was not sobad then as Rome Christian is now Doct. 5. Act. 28. 30. For Paul might be suffered to liue to haue his keeper Reas 1. to leade him in a chaine to dwell in a house all that would were permitted to come vnto him and without let he might preach the kingdome of God the Gospell of Christ But now if a Paul were there he would not be thought worthy to liue no not for an houre Againe wicked men grow worse and worse Reas 2. Vse Let this for euer be as a sure brand for that Beast who is drunkk with the bloud of the Saints that it is he and no other who exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called God and the very Antichrist whom the Lord will consume with the sword of his mouth They boast of piety and pitty when as Cain was no more cruell to Abel then they be to the faithfull Well Let them thinke that they doe God good seruice in putting vs to death yet they are deceiued it that In this we are not that for so doing they shall tast of the very dregs of Gods hottest vengeance spue and fall and dye the second death For Pope and Papists are men according to the Divells owne heart VERS 18. The Lord grant vnto him that he may find mercy with the Lord at that day and in how many things he hath ministred vnto me at Ephesus thou knowest very well WE are now come through the good prouidence The Logicall resolution of God to the last verse of this Chapter In the which two things are comprehended 1. A prayer 2. An Appellation In the Prayer we may obserue 4. things 1. To whom Paul prayed the Lord. 2. For whom he prayed him That is Onesiphorus 3. For what he prayed mercy 4. At what time he would haue his friend to receiue the thing he prayed for at that day In the Appellation we haue these particulars 1. That Onesiphorus relieued Paul 2. The place where it was at Ephesus 3. Wherewith that is many things And 4. The probation of this in the last words These or this thou knowest very well He drawes an argument from Timotheus knowledge to confirme his Testimony The Lord. In Hebrew Adonai is Lord being a word of The Theologicall exposition the plurall number yet often vsed in the forme singular it is deriued of Aeden a base or pillar which sustaineth a thing and our English word Lord hath much like signification being contracted of the old Saxon word Laford which commeth of Laef to support sustaine or cherish so that Lord is a Sustainer refresher supporter cherisher For if God withdraw his power all things come to nothing In the Greeke it properly signifieth one that hath authoritie or on whose authoritie something dependeth or consisteth and so indeed doe all things depend on God and hee is cheife gouernour and owner of all things created Mercy The word in the Hebrew put for mercy doth import a sacred affection of piety fauour benignitie and bountifull good pleasure or will of God towards a man without respect of desert or merit It is also applied to man and then it is meant a pious louing and benigne affection whereby he is moued and inclined to doe good to shew pittie compassion c. or that grace of God the which he hath receiued from the father through Christ which is inherent in him or conferred externally vpon him and then its glory Isai 40. 6. 1 Pet. 1. 24. And it is frequent for the Greeks to vse that word which our Apostle doth here for it the which Christ himselfe alloweth did practise See Hos 6. 6. Math. 9. 13. And the Hebrewes of Chesed which is Mercy call a godly man chasid that is gracious mercifull Psal 4. 4. some read a gracious Saint With the Lord. The like phrase we read Gen. 19. 24. The Lord rained fire and brimstone from the Lord. Paul vseth the like manner of speaking for as iudgement came from the Lord vpon Sodom so he prayes for mercy to befall Onesiphorus from the Lord Yet I haue thought that Lord in the first place is to be vnderstood of the Father and in the second is meant the Sonne
be done before Prayer owne basenesse 3. Of thy present condition and 4. Of the former successe which thou thy selfe and others haue had in the done despaire to speed for it s not enough to haue faith but in every action to vse it now when the vnderstanding is misguided marke this then faith is idle not exercised The last thing that must accompany prayers is fervency Ia● 5. 26. The energeticall operatiue fervent Prayer is it which speedeth prevaileth This is the fire which must heat it concoct it else God will reiect it never regard it reward it the which may by these subsequent helpes be procured 1. Vnderstand the worth of what thou desirest crauest Helpes to pray with fervencie for that will fire our affections set an edge on our petitions He who knowes the excellency of grace mercy and peace of the remission remotion and prevention of sinne and the effects of sinne cannot but open his mouth wide send forth his petitions with sighes and groanes and strong cryes 2. Thinke how necessary these things of worth are for thee Why doe beggars cry so earnestly but from an apprehension of their present necessitie great misery Is it not Mat. 8. 28. Luk. 18. 41. evident What caused the blind man to cry O thou sonne of David haue mercie on me The Apostle Helpe Lord or else I perish but the want and worth of that they desired 3. Get loue to the thing thou askest strong affections cause fervent prayers earnest petitions Christ louing Lazarus well wept and groaned in spirit when he prayed for Iob. 11. 33. 34 him David did the like for his sonne Where affection is wanting there will be cold praying Doe we not see this in Sutors 4. Be humble in thine owne eyes conceiue thou art lesse than the least of Gods mercies Proud persons either never pray or but coldly luke warmely He that would leape highest stoopes lowest so he that would pray with fervencie must haue humilitie 2 Chron. 33. 11. 12. 5. Increase thy faith for as Powder the shot so faith sendeth out prayers furiously fervently a great faith will cause men to burne in the spirit and to cry mightily to the Lord God of heaven Mat. 15. 28. 6. In one word Cherish no sinne in thee He who steales his bread will pray coldly for a blessing on 't more might be added but these shall suffice And after Prayer somewhat is to be observed also 1. We What after must vse all lawfull meanes for the procuring of what we Prayer Ezech. 36. 37. haue prayed for He that keepeth not the condition may not expect the performance of the promise or band 2. And we must watch and waite for the things we haue asked at the hands of God these two are often coupled together Ephes 6. 18. Col. 4. 2. Pray and watch Were it not madnesse to preferre a petition to a Prince yet never attend an answer To craue an Almes and not looke and stay for the giuers pleasure 3. If thy demand be not granted at the first thou must not faint despayre but pray still hope and waite still great Luk. 18. 1. men doe not alwayes reward the Musitian at the first sound or ditty for then he would straight be gone mis-spend the gift and play at another Window so dealeth the Lord for we are apt to cease praying and things easily got are soone forgot little regarded 4. And when thy request is granted thou must be thankfull Prayer Watching and Prayses are linked together some fayle in the first many in the second but the most in the last David ●ould blesse the Lord when he had heard Psal 116. 12. his petition so must we In the third place wee are to declare why Prayer is so Prayer is a difficult dutie difficult a dutie to be performed 1. For man must deny himselfe goe in the forme of a beggar acknowledge a superiour and his heart naturally being proud he is not easily brought on his knees constreined to stoope to so meane and low a pitch Who is the Lord cryed Pharaoh that I a King should serue him 2. We exercise every facultie of the soule and member of the bodie in this action as the invention iudgement memorie will tongue hand and all The more strings on an Instrument the more difficult to well tune and strike them many pinnes to the lace makes it hard in weaving 3. It s a most holy dutie wherefore the harder What do the Saints in heaven more then praise God And as that life they liue is most excellent so most difficult for by how much it exceeds other actions in holinesse by so much its many earnest words in prayer for the Preacher as they doe in taxing and condemning of him who knoweth how the Lord might poure his spirit on him loose the root of his tongue and make him one of a thousand Wherefore pray for all men but especially for Princes for Preachers He that doth not this is an enemie to the Church no friend to his owne soule And pray thou that the spirit of prophecie may rest vpon him that hee may deliver the word with all boldnesse be freed from the hands of vnreasonable men and so speake and so doe as that he may saue his own soule and them that heare him Of thee Another may be hence collected that Whom we affect we will pray for Doct. 11. Yea the more fervently we loue another the more earnestly and often we shall pray for that person God forbid sayd Samuell that I should cease to pray for you What could 1. Sam. 12. 23. moue him to doe this but affection see this in David in Ionathan in Iesus and in all the faithfull For truth of affection will vse all meanes lawfull to doe Reas 1. that party good who is affected and is not this one if not the chiefe among many Againe the lover and the beloved are as it were but one Reas 2. subiect so that if wee can pray for our selues wee shall for them whom wee affect This shewes that true loue is rare and hard to be found Vse 1. Many boast of it who never had it to vse the wordes of Dalilab how canst thou say thou louest Father or friend brother or sister wife or children and dost not this thing for them He that affirmes he loueth and prayes not for that person shall be found a lyar and no affection is there in him Make triall of the truth of thy loue by this doctrine canst Vse 2. thou pray for him or her thou affectest without ceasing night and day Then thy loue is sound if not but carnall Many a man tels his wife she her husband Preacher people and they the Preacher one another that they loue them but where be their Prayers When call they on God for them I dare peremptorily avouch that all these are lyers It s 〈◊〉 possible for a man to loue his friend
and are not our imperfect actions perfected by the Lord Iesus Wee seeke and doe not finde because Iam. 4. 3. wee seeke and aske amisse Let me exhort thee to preach and pray read and heare propound and resolue profitable questions and then if thy labours be in vaine count me a false Prophet curse me at thy death Who euer did sow good feed in its season but had a rich and plentifull croppe at haruest If Peter cast in his nette at his masters command though in former time he hath laboured hard and caught nothing yet at the last he shall encompasse many great fishes hale them to land and be sufficiently recompenced satisfied It s not a trade but the well vsing of it not a farme but the well husbandry of it that will enrich the one and the other Wherfore be stedfast immoueable and abundant in the worke of 1 Cor. 15. vlt. the Lord knowing that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord. What did Paul and the people fast pray and lay on hands without obseruing the effect of their actions No he and they saw how the gifts of Timotheus were augmented increased in so doing whence it will follow that In the vse of Gods ordinances we are to obserue how hee dealeth Doct. 8. with vs. Haue not the Prophets Apostles and all the Lords people done thus Should we make a collection of each particular wee should be exceeding large When they did offer sacrifice did they not obserue the successe Fast and pray what effects did follow reade and preach how people were conuerted comforted or hardened In administration of the Sacraments that Many were sicke and weake and slept others healed reioiced and receiued the holy Ghost Gen. 4. 3. and 10. 20. 21. Nehem. 9. 9. c. Psal 106. 23. and 107. 6. c. Mat. 7. 28. Acts 4. 31. and 28. 23. 24. 29. 2 Chro. 30. 20. c. 2 Kin. 22. 19. Io. 13. 27. 1 Cor. 11. 30. For in so doing we come to haue an experimentall knowledge Reas 1. of the truth and fidelity of Gods promises than the which nothing is better If any man will doe his will hee may be assured that the doctrine we deliuer is not sensuall earthly Ioh. 7. 17. Iam 3. 17. or diuellish but pure peaceable good and profitable For all the Lord speaketh shall come to passe Iosh 21. 45. And will it not yeeld matter of thankesgiuing Why are we so barren in blessing of God haue our mouths so empty Reas 2. of his praises doe not continually sing songs of gratefulnesse Is it not the neglect of this obseruation Could we with the Prophet register the many mercies wee receiue in the vse of Gods ordinances we should crie as he did What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits Psal 1 16. 12. Would it not also constraine vs to be more frequent in Reas 3. good duties prouoke and pricke vs forward to preach and pray will not men spend much time without wearinesse in that calling that affordeth great commoditie with constancie Who euer casteth off a profitable art or waxeth dull in doing that which his owne experience makes sure hath recompence of reward Suppose we found no fruit in thus doing but all our actions Reas 4. of this kind were blasted Yet would it not cause vs to looke out the cause why God with-holdeth a blessing Should we not finde some Babilonish garment in our tent some Ionah a sleepe in the shippe one sinne or other that hinders the good successe of our spirituall indeuours and were not this worthy of our paines Hence comes to be reproued many a person who though Vse 1. they performe holy duties yet neuer haue eye to the euent Are not these worse than Cain For he obserued the successe of his sacrifice Or Balaam Did not hee perceiue how the Lord answered him Doe wee not read that hypocrites marked what fruit they reaped in fasting and afflicting themselues Isay 58 3. Are not Christians then blame worthie who come short of such in this thing True it is that in nothing the best faile more than in not ioyning watchfullnesse in the vse of Gods ordinances Want of this one thing breedeth doubting staggering in the promises with-holdeth matter of thankfulnesse causeth slownesse dulnesse in good duties and keepeth sinne close from being reuealed discouered What shal we then do Why we must imitate men in other Vse 2. vocations recreatious When the husbandman hath cast good seede into his soile will hee not haue an eye to its rooting sprowting growing Who planteth or grafteth but obserueth how the tender blades budde shoot forth and spread themselues will not the fisherman hauing cast in his net or angle into the riuer expect whether any fish be catcht by the gill or intangled in the meshes What fowler spreadeth pantels setteth his ginne dischargeth his piece but will haunt the spring view the scrap and looke with a stretched out necke to see if any bird be caught fast insnarred or wounded Shall Physitians giue pils administer potions and grow carelesse how their Physicke workes Learne then by their examples what successe accompanieth the Lords ordinances Preacher people Sow the seede of the word in season out of season and marke which doth prosper 2 Tim. 4. 2. Eccles. 11. 6. this or that In thus doing peraduenture thou maist finde some person strucke with the shot of the word who like a wounded Pigeon will single himselfe from his former companions fall in some obseure corner of a field spread the wings of his armes and with a drouping conscience call and cry to God for mercie for pardon Pray and watch what the Lord will say vnto thee Reade and heare and take notice how thy heart waxeth hot corruption is cooled and grace kindled Yea in all holy actions looke to the successe and experience will let thee see that as the shadow followeth the body the blessing of God doth accōpanie his ordinances Aboue all things thinke thou on this so shall thy faith grow strong in the promises of God thou shalt find them a sure word that neuer faileth Also thou maist haue matter of prayse to God-ward and tell thy brethren what he hath done for thy soule And how will this experimental Psal 66. 16. knowledge encourage thee to preach pray read heare and neuer grow wearie in wel-doing At the least or if I may so say at the worst this benefit will accrue how that there is some sinne in vs not repented of one corruption or other not mortified or iust circumstance in Gods service omitted which causeth our indeuours not to prosper our best fruite to be blasted From the words diuersly considered might many more doctrines be collected as that 1. There may be increase of grace in the best Christian For Timotheus was an excellent man before this time and were not his gifts now augmented 2. That a Minister hath neede
secret which by experience he hath search't into 6. He is able to comfort others by the same meanes and with the same comforts he was comforted of the Lord. And from this knowledge of experience a poore vnlettered man may be a more skilfull P●●●ition to a wounded spirit then a more learned Clearke can These things and many more doth the 〈◊〉 called know by his owne experience And this is that preaching and wisedome which the world co●●●s foolishnes and not many as Paul sayth great men 1 Cor. 1. 23. 26. wise men and noblemen are called vnto But yet for all this that hath beene said least some man might deceiue himselfe and not make his calling and election sure I will further set downe some inseparable effects that accompany effectuall vocation 1. He is in a wonderfull admiration to see what an alteration Fruites or effects of effectuall calling the Lord hath wrought in him Peter neuer admired more at his strange deliuery by the Angel out of that strong prison then that man doth in being brought into the kingdome of freedome out of spirituall bondage and darknesse 2. He hath mixt affections terror and feare in looking backe on the obiect of his former condition and ioy vnspeakeable glorious in consideration of his present good condition Now he can both sigh and reioyce at one and the same instant like the men at the building of the second Temple Ezr. 3. 13. 3. Now he will eate his meate with a glad heart follow the duties of his calling with readines sing Psalmes of praise for his late and great deliuery sleepe and rest in peace for the Lord accepteth him And we are the most forward to all good duties when we are most assured of the Lords fauour and our owne salvation And this the reason why Sathan Note so strongly tempteth the faithfull to doubt and despaire 4. If he haue in former time liued in none or an vnlawfull calling now will he alter his course and take a better for note this when God calls any to mercy as hee did Adam he sets them againe in a lawfull calling He neuer called the Deuill therefore let him goe compasse the world and so doth the Rabble of Fryers disordered people as Bearewards players and idle persons liue out of a calling and goe a compassing its likely in that God hath not yet effectually called them for if he had they would haue gone to work And there is no surer signe of one effectually called by God then to liue in and worke and performe the duties of a lawfull calling and no more fearefull note of a man not called to mercy then to haue none or to abide in an vnlawfull calling 5. He now with Lydia will attend to Pauls voice depend vpon the word and in nothing reioyceth more then to heare the Lord speake to him in his ordinances Nay he will not omitt any meanes to further him in the course of Godlines 6. Finally he will often call vpon God by praier praise him for his great deliuerance shew what the Lord hath done for his soule and as much as in him lyeth seeke to call home others that God might be glorified and they with him saued I haue the longer insisted vpon this point because it is the very first entrance to all true blessednesse and the onely ground of our sound comfort and great reioycing With an holy calling Whence we gather that The calling wherwith Gods children are called is an holy calling Doct. 10. The Author of the Hebrewes stiles it a celestiall calling and elsewhere it s said to be an honourable or high calling See Heb. 3. 1. Phil. 3. 14. 2 Thes 1. 11. For the causes of it are holy God Christ the Spirit and Reas 1. the word are all said to be holy And the Ministers for the most part are holy who be instruments in this action I say for the most part for a man not called I iudge may Whether Preachers not called can call others call others For 1. I dare not tye the Spirit to the dignitie of any mans person 2. Such may be fitted for the Ministery and sent of God shall they not attaine to their end 3. Paul reioyced that Christ though by the false Apostles of enuy was preached why did he this if they could not call others at the loast build vp others 4. And lastly hee that holdes the contraly cannot be assured o● the truth of his owne conversion for we are not infallibly certified what Ministers be truly called For 1. Some mens sinnes goe before hand others follow after 2. God only knoweth the hearts of all the sonnes of men 3. No man knoweth the thoughts of man but the Spirit that is in him And he that is not certaine of this cannot be assured of the other for so long as I doubt of the Ministers conversion holding this I must needs call my owne in question because God vseth man in the conuersion of man I am not ignorant of some who hold the contrary and of their obiections and Scripture against this position But yet I hold that an vnconverted Minister may convert though few and seldome as we see by experince in former times and in our daies also And in regard of the end too the subiects from which we are called and to which we be called it s an holy calling For 1. We are called from darknes to light 2. From vncleannes Reas 2. 1 Pet. 2. 9. 1 Thes 4. 7. Heb. 3. 1. Psal 15. 1. to holines 3. From wicked men and Dinels to the communion of Saints and Angels 4. We are called from earth that is polluted vnto heauen the holy Mountaine of the Lord. This serveth first to answere an obiection of wicked men Vse 1. who demand why men will not run with them to the same excesse of ryot Why the Reason is In that they be called with an holy calling Wicked and lewd persons tumble in their sinne like the sow in the mire but what mervaile seing they be not the called of the Lord When men haue had an holy calling then will they haue an holy conversation And by this Doctrine we may try the truth of our calling Vse 2. Have we cast off the wayes of darkenesse singled our selues from the profaine multitude and left sinne and vncleannes behind 's Doe we purge our selues as Christ is pure striue to be cleansed from the filthines of the flesh and spirit and to be presented without spot and blameles●e in the day of our Lord why then we are called with an holy calling for as effectuall vocation is a true signe of salvation so is holines of our effectuall vocation This Doctrine may be of great comfort to such as doubt Vse 3. of the truth of their calling Some because they are not able precisely to say I was called such a time by such a man and in such a manner feare they were neuer called at all
Reasons alleadged we omit what might be further collected from this verse and proceed to the next VERS 10. But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Iesus Christ who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality vnto light through the Gospell THis verse dependeth on the former For our The Logicall resolution Apostle hauing affirmed that we were called and saued in Gods purpose before the world was in these words declareth the manifestation of Gods mercy and the benefits we receiue through the same The particulars in this portion of Scripture be these 1. That the grace and purpose of God and mans saluation is manifested 2. The time in the word Now. 3. With whom or by whom it appeared and that is Christ who is described by two effects one that he destroyed death another that he brought life and the instrumentall cause whereby is said to be the Gospell Now. This word includes all times before and after the The Theologicall exposition comming of Christ Made manifest There be diuers degrees of the appearing of Grace but onely in our apprehension 1. Grace appeareth in Gods decree 2. In the darke promises at the beginning of the world 3. When the efficacy of the merit of Christ appeared in the world 4. By the application of the Spirit 5. When Christ came in the flesh 6. And lastly when hee shall returne againe in Glory Who hath abolished That is Remoued obliterated destroyed swallowed vp 1 Cor. 15. 54. c. Death By Death is meant the sting of death for all must once dye and the torments of hell hereafter called the second death Reuela 21. 8. As also the death of corruption which is in vs may also be vnderstood with all other kinds that be inflicted as curses And brought life First the life of grace here and of glory hereafter And immortalitie This argueth a further benefit that Christ hath procured for as Adam brought death and eternall death so Christ bringeth life and life that shall endure for euer Some read the word incorruption and the bodies of the Saints shall after the day of iudgement see no corruption Vnto light First openly manifestly and as cleare as the Sunne at midday vnto such as haue their eyes opened Through the Gospell First by the promises and doctrine of the new Testament written preached As the Lord from before the begining of the world of The Metaphrase his gracious and free purpose gaue through Christ Saluation to his chosen people so hath he now since the beginning of the Law and promises exhibited clearely and conspicuously vnto euery one of vnderstanding manifested the same by the bright appearing of Christ our Lord who hath blotted and rooted out death temporall in respect of the sting and torment and eternall paine in the kingdome of darkenes and hath also brought vnto light the assurance of the life of grace here and the perfection of endlesse glory hereafter and that by the writing and Preaching of the Doctrine and promises of the Gospell From the relation and dependance of this verse with the The deductiō of doctrines former we gather that Gods purpose in his appointed time shall come to passe Doct. 1. Grace was giuen in Gods resolution before the world and now manifested in former and present times Let man devise what he can Gods counsell shall stand The Lord of h●●sts Prou. 19. 24. Isai 14. 24. 46. 10. hath sworne saying Surely like as I haue purposed so shall it come to passe and as I haue consulted so shall it abide He declareth the last things from the beginning and from old the Psal 33. 11. things that were not done Yea the co●●sell of the Lord shall stand for euer and the thoughts of his heart from generation to generation And though Christ was long yet he came in the fulnesse of time Gal. 4. 4. For he is not subiect to forgetfulnes The Butler being Reas 1. but a man may forget Ioseph and Ioseph his fathers house yet howeuer that be the Lord alwaies is mindfull of his purpose David was in a passion when he cryed Hath God forgotten to be mercifull The Lord hath the Idea of all things in himselfe and euery thought is before his eyes so that he is not forgetfull of his purpose Psal 139. 16. He is true of his promise for it makes for his glory Shall Reas 2. the Lord purpose and not performe Sure this should argue instability and mutability in the Lord the which cannot be For the Lords purposes are founded vpon his counsell his counsell is most wise therefore hee neuer altereth or changeth his former purposes Neither doth God like man purpose any thing that he Reas 3. is not able to performe Nature may be interrupted and not produce her effects but the Maker of it cannot be hindered at all for his power is infinite and if he but will any thing it is done yea speake but a word Speech is one of the least motions yet when God said Let there be light Gen. 1. it was so This may serue for to terrifie the wicked and confute Vse 1. their Atheisme who cry out Where 's the promise of his comming haue not all things beene alike from the beginning Yet Act 17. 31. shall not the Lord appeare in his appointed tim He hath set a day wherein he will iudge the world The yong man Eccles. 11. 9. may reioyce in his youth and doe what seemeth him best in his owne eyes y●t let him know that the Lord will bring him to iudgement The Epicure goe in purple and fine linnen and fare delicately euery day but his sweet morsells shall be grauell in his mouth when his account is cast vp And be thou assured that as the Lord hath purposed mercy to his children so hath he iudgement without 2 Thes 1. mercy to all wicked and vngodly persons and in the time he hath purposed it shall be performed For he is Iob. 9. 4. wise in heart and mighty in power who euer waxed fierce against him and hath prospered God spared the old world long but the floud swallowed them vp at the length Iezabell had a long time of turning and Ierusalem of repenting but was not the wrath of God powred downe at the resolued time to the vttermost And so shall it be at the last with such as cry and thinke the Lord is like vs he will neither Psal 50. 21. Zeph. 1. 12. do● good or evill And in the second place this must teach the faithfull patience Vse 2. Ioh. 2. and to waite the Lords leysure We may not appoint the Lord a time when to finish his worke It was Maryes fault that would be directing her sonne that was God and man when to worke his miracles and be handling of him and we read that the best of Gods children haue failed in not patiently waiting for the accomplishment of
of God in his greatest danger when he had almost slip● and beene turned out of the way to triumph that the Lord would guide him by his counsell and afterward receiue him to glory and in a good heart it will worke the like effect Psal 73. 25. And in the last place this might stirre vs vp to vse all Vse 4. good meanes that we might once entertaine and euer retaine so worthy a guest How will we inuite and entreat to haue our good friend but a day nay one meale to be with vs then shall we not vse all the skill we can to possesse the Spirit of God who will abide with vs and comfort vs at all Quest times in all conditions Thou wilt say Sir by what way may I come to this thing Why thou must get a new heart Ans for he will neuer lodge in the old for that 's naught And this heart must haue these properties 1. It must be broken and that by the Law and the Gospel Properties of a new heart Luk. 18. 13. The Law breakes the heart 2. Wayes 1. In reuealing vnto man the number and greatnes of his sinnes so great an enditement will pierce deepely 2. By declaring what fearefull Act. 2. 37 16. 27. c. iudgements we be subiect vnto For these two will humble a man to the dust He that seeth his former perfection what it was and present misery what it is cannot but be a man of sorrow and the law revealeth both But a Iudas may goe thus farre therefore the Gospell must haue its stroke in this busines and that thus when the Law like an hammer hath dashed in pieces our hard hearts then the promises must come to make them melt and relent within vs and that by a double act the one is in the consideration how our sinnes caused the onely sonne of God to become accursed for a good Nature hauing but a generall illumination cannot but be wounded at this consideration But yet we must passe another step ahd that is when the remembrance of Gods mercy in giuing vs his sonne to dye for vs and in assuring our hearts that all our sinnes are freely pardoned the many heavy iudgements that we were lyable to are for euer remoued and our saluation sealed to our soules I say when the remembrance hereof hath its strong operation and makes our hearts to melt in our bodies The Law like the mallet breaketh the flinty heart but the precious promises of the Gospell like a kind shower the earth bringeth it to a good temper For as the field that becomes fruitfull must haue the first and second raine after that it s plowed and rent asunder by the harrow so must a new heart haue this twofold worke by the Law and gracious promises contained in the Gospell We must not onely mourne that our sinnes be many and the iudgments we be lyable to heauie but also euen our bowells must yearne within vs that Christ was crucified for vs being an innocent person and the Lords fauour worke mightily with vs who hath declared vnto vs in particular such a depth of mercy 2. The new heart must be a pure and purging heart For Math 5. 8. blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God And this pure heart is procured by two meanes 1. By getting of faith for faith will purge like barme in beere and purifie the heart it will cause that no corruption shall lodge or abide neere it 2. A pure heart is obtained by this consideration that no vncleane heart shall inherit the kingdome of God For euery thing naturally seekes it owne preseruation and this once vnderstood it will haue its operation This new heart must be like a liuing spring 3. A new heart must be a smiting heart and that for the least sinne that 's done in secret knowne only to God and our selues aswell as for great offences committed in publike 2 Sam 24. 10. and in the view of many Dauid had a new heart and his had both these qualities and it must smite 1. For sinnes of commission 2. Of omission 4. A new heart must be an vpright heart and that is in regard of time or person for time alwaies endeavouring to be righteous for person 1. Before God And 2. With all Acts 24. 16. men And herein I doe endeauour my selfe alwayes to haue a good conscience before God and before men So that we see that new hearts must be 1. Broken hearts 2. Purging hearts 3. Smiting hearts 4. Vpright hearts and in such an heart dwelleth the Spirit of God Wherefore strive thou for such a one and be thou assured that the Spirit of God will come into thy heart and dwell with thee for euer and euer But if thine heart be not thus qualified be not deceiued the Holy Ghost shall neuer take one nightes abode in the mansion of thy soule and on the contrary thy heart will be but a Denne for that foule and vncleane spirit the Deuill who if he possesse thy heart will draw thee on into that fiery Lake that burneth with fire and brimstone for all eternity I might here note another Doctrine which is that The Spirit of God is an holy Spirit Doct. 6. He is in many places so stiled in Scripture 2 Cor. 13. 13. Eph. 4. 30. c. And he may be so called for these Reasons First in that he proceedeth from the father and the Son Reas 1. the fountaine of all holines Againe he is coequall coessentiall coeternall with the 2. Father and the Son Therefore God holy yea holines it selfe And he worketh the beginning progresse and perfection 3. of all holines in the Creature And as he is opposed to Sathan that vncleane spirit he is sayd to be holy Finally he alwayes disswadeth from vncleannes and perswadeth 4. to holines as we may see in the holy Scriptures which by the holy men of God were penned as they were carried by the holy Ghost Take we heed therefore how we resist or quench the Vse 1. motions of this Spirit For this is a fearefull sinne and to be avoyded We read of some that haue grieued and despighted the holy Ghost but the end of such was neare vnto cursing and burning And this may be done in our selues and others What a lamentable thing is it when gracious words proceede from mens mouthes to heare one say O Sir I perceiue you are a Puritane and one full of the Spirit Doest thou this of ignorance Why then thou art blame-worthy to speake euill of what thou knowest not if of knowledge the greater is thy offence and seemeth to be a step vnto that sinne vnto death Therefore in the name of God despite not the Spirit of grace in thy selfe or thy brother And seeing this Spirit is holy Let those that enioy him Vse 2. be carefull to keepe him and them that want him to striue for him for he is
be The Iudge of all the world But in regard the most little consider this day or dreame of their latter end or if they doe vsually like Agrippa put it off vntill it be too late let these following Motiues somewhat preuaile with thee to practise it speedily 1. Remember that he may come suddenly in the dead of Motiues to prepare for the day of iudgment the night when thou little dreamest of such a matter Was it not a dreadfull summoning to the rich foole This night shall thy soule be fetched from thee Suddennes makes an evill a double curse We may die in our sleepe and what a fearefull thing would this be if we be tooke away in our sinnes for as death leaueth vs so shall iudgement find vs. 2. We cannot hide our selues or the least of our sinnes from his all-seeing eye For all things are naked and bare before him with whom we haue to deale 3. Consider his power he can send his Angells to fetch vs before him from the foure endes of the world be we neuer so strong in might or potent for number 4. Call to minde that he is strict and iust in all his proceedings not one can escape death if sinne be found vpon him 5. That there shall be no delay or bayle when he commeth iudgment shall be executed speedily 6. And last of all let it be well thought on what the iudgment is where the torments shall be with whom and how long The paine shall be in soule and body the place that darke and infernall pit the persons Sathan and all the damned from the presence of God and the spirits of iust and perfect men and the continuance for all eternity What heart so hardened conscience so seared or person so desperate reprobate weighing these things in the equall ballance of his owne minde and consideration that would goe on in a sinfull course and not amend Yet if this will moue nothing I say no more but the Lord haue mercy vpon thee for thy case is fearefull dreadfull The fourth Note we obserue is that The best man is not to rely vpon the merit of his workes but Doct. 4. the free mercy of God at the day of iudgement Math. 25. 37. 38. c. For he hath many falls into euill If we say we haue no sinne Reas 1. we deceiue our owne selues and the truth is not in vs And There is none that doth good and sinneth not no not one Even in many things we sinne all Besides our sinnes the best workes we performe be imperfect Reas 2. For as chaffe groweth vp with the corne so doth sinne cleaue to our perfectest actions Grace and corruption like fire and water mixed hinder the acts one of another from absolute perfection Away then with the Merit Mongers that plead through Vse 1. desert for saluation Had Onesiphorus neede of mercy that did so many good workes shal the Papist hold workes of supererogation We might say of Supererogation Canst thou stay the Sunne in his swiftest motion gather the wind in thy fist remoue the earth out of its center or stoppe the hot burning fornace with straw and stubble then plead afterward for merit yet these things be easier to mortall man then the other yet both impossible But they obiect Why then doth Daniel exhort the King Obiect 1. to Redeeme his sinnes by righteousnes Dan. 4. 27. 1. The Hebrew phrase is not truly turned Sol. 2. It s but an exhortation to repentance inducing him for to breake off his former cruelty he had committed the which is needfull for all persons 2 Tim. 2. 25. Christ bids the people to Make them friends of their riches Obiect 2. of iniquitie that when they want they may receiue them into everlasting habitations Luk. 16. 9. Sol. 1. They is not to be referred to the riches but to the persons as is plaine by the parable's application 2. No other thing is meant but that they would testifie of their goodnes and charitie towards them and pray for them Why then doth God command good workes Obiect 3. Sol. 1. To manifest that he approueth and alloweth them 2. That we might be prouoked to doe them 3. To comfort vs in the assurance of the truth of our faith 4. To strengthen the weaknes of our beleefe that often staggereth But God hath promised a reward to them Obiect 4. True but 1. It s of his free mercy not for our merits Sol. 2. He crownes his owne graces in vs. And we cannot Merit for 1. He workes both the will and deed of his good pleasure 2. There is no equall proportion betwixt our workes and salvation For they be finite imperfect temporall it is infinite perfect eternall 3. A worke of merit must be aboue that which is required at our hands aboue Gods due we haue none such For God hath created redeemed sanctified vs freely 4. We confesse that God might condemne the best for if he should Marke what is done amisse no meere man could abide it And he of his mercy can saue the worst Let the best therefore not presume neither the worst vtterly despaire 5. And we read of a threefold promise of reward 1. Vnder the Couenant of workes 2. Of faith 3. After we beleeue in Christ But this is all out of the Lords mercy and dignity not for our merits or desert 6. And if that be a truth that Christs merits doe not proceede from him or are procured by him without relation to the free promise of his Father the which some hold how then can man merit condignely Yet the Protestants maintaine good workes and no barren faith doe they allow as the lying Aduer●aries know well enough though they send vs all to hell with our fruitles faith Onely we say that by faith we are iustified without the workes of the law for were it otherwise Christ had died in vaine And this is our firme position that as fire cannot be without heate ayre without leuity water voyd of humidity or the earth be abstracted from all gravity No more can a true liuely faith be without some fruites worthy amendment of life Good workes are the way to heauen and a necessary condition if man haue time and meanes to be obserued yet they are not the sole cause of raigning When the Figtree saith our Lord puts foorth his leaues ye know that the spring draweth neere But is that a cause of the spring or the spring of that So when we bring foorth good workes we know we haue a true faith but faith is the cause thereof not the contrary and so consequently of mans salvation Bellarmine himselfe saith that in regard of the vncertainty of mans workes and our owne presumption the safest way is to depend on the mercy of God Thus by the ouerruling hand of God a second Caiphas hath once againe prophecied aright And let this doctrine reach vs to practise Christs lesson Vse 2.