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A02613 The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem. Very necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon. And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell; Exempla Sacrae Scriptae ex utroque Testamento collecta. English Hannapes, Nicolas de, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1225-1291?; Paynell, Thomas.; Peraldus, Guilelmus, 13th cent. 1561 (1561) STC 12742; ESTC S103820 271,342 814

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Esther shuld speake vnto kinge Ahasuerus Esth. 4 she saide to Mardocheus Gather all the Iewes together that maye be founde and faste ye and pray for me but howe deuoutlye and howe humbly they praid howe Mardocheus praied for hym selfe and the people It is wrytten in the .xiiii. Chapter of Esther The praier of Ieremy was of great reputation with God Ihere 11. when our Lord said vnto hī pray not for this people Azarias standing in the mydst of the fornace Dani. 3. praid thus Blessed art thou o Lord God of our fathers Daniel for al king Darius acte and decre Dani. 6. left not of kneling downe vpon his knyes to pray vnto the Lorde lyke as hys manner was to do afore time three times a daye See now how precious and howe profitable a thyng he estemed it to pray vnto our Lord. Daniel perceiuynge the tyme of the Captiuitye to be compleate and at an ende prayde the more instantly for the people that were in captiuite And note howe mekely and howe feruently he maketh his intercession and prayer Dani. 9. When Susanna perceiued that she lacked all humaine ayde and counsel Dani. 13. she made her recourse to the helpe of prayer and her prayer was heard Ionas prayed vnto our Lorde out of the fyshes bellye Ionas 2. and sayde in my trouble I called vnto our Lorde and he heard me The congregation were ready gathered to fight 1. Mach. 3. to pray to make supplication vnto God for mercy grace When that Iudas Machabeus should geue battayle with Gorgias he made his praier and said i. Mac. iiii blessed be thou O sauiour of Israel i. mach Vi. In other .ii. principal battaylles we rede not that he praied The one was against king Antiochus then he wanne not but departed his wayes i. Mac. ix The other was agaynst Bacchides Alchimus and then he was slayne in the battaille i. mach xi Ionathes perceiuing that al his cōpany except a few left him fightinge against straungers he rent his clothes and praid and afterwardes obtayned the victory The Iewes beinge in tribulatyon praied vnto our Lord. The priestes hauing on them their priestly stoles and vestimentes fel downe before the aultare and called vpon God ii mac iii. whych had made a law concerning stuffe geuē to kepe that it might be safely preserued for such as deliuerd it to be kepte And al the wemen held vp their handes toward heauen and praid Onias the hie priest praid for Heliodorus that was greuously scourged by God for spoiling of the temple ii mac iii. oure Lord restored him to life again Iudas Machabeus they that wer with him iii. Mac. viii praid and besought our Lorde to deliuer thē from wicked Nicanor and though he wold not do it for theyr sakes yet for the couenaunte that he made with their fathers and because they called vppon his holye and gloryous name The wycked Antiochus praid vnto our Lord of whome he should haue obtained no mercy 2. Mach. 9. Nicanor and they that were wyth him 2. Mach. 15. drue nie with shaumes songes but Iudas and his company with praier and calling vpon God They buckled together with their handes they smote but with their hartes they praied vnto our Lord and slue no lesse thē 35. thousand men for thorow the present helpe of God they were gloriously comforted Mat. 8. The Leper had a short a profitable and an humble maner of praying Luke 5. the which knelinge before oure Lorde did worship him and saide Marke 1. master if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane The Centurion vsed as it wer by a certain insinuation Mat. 8. the like manner of prayer Luke 7. when he saide Master my seruaunt lieth sicke of the palsy Ihon. 11. And also Martha and Mary for Lazarus that was dead and buried Our Lord at times will be prayed for that Luke 10. that he purposeth to do praye ye the Lord of the haruest to send forth labourers into his haruest Mat. 9. Then there followeth immediatelye Calling together c. And when the people were sente away he wēt vp into a mountaine to pray alone Mat. 14. Wherby we are taughte that when we intēd to pray we shuld fie the company of man lest we shuld be troubled Our Lord and sauiour in hys holye Gospels Mat. 6. hath taughte vs to praye by word of mouth saying Thus shall ye pray Our father c. Men oughte alwaies to praye Luke 18. not be weary Also our Lord hath animated vs to praye by his promise Luke 11. Ihon. 14. Aske saithe he and ye shall haue Item what soeuer ye aske in my name that wil I do He hathe lykewise informed and taughte vs to praye by hys example Mat. 14. For he that might commaund would pray And specially he did the same Mat. 26. for the persecution of this Passion beynge at hand he prayed and warned other to pray saying watch and pray When Mary Magdalen obtaind forgeuenes of her sinnes of oure Lord saying Luke 7. Thy sinnes are forgeuen the we rede not that she vsed anye loude prayer but that she wept only where by the efficacye of the inwarde desyre appeareth without any vocall or loud praier Our Lord doth induce vs to instant and cōtinual praier by thexample of one that went to his frend at midnight Luke 11. Luke 18. And by thexample of a widow the which desired wyth great importunity of the wicked iudge to auenge her And to instruct vs to pray with hu●mility without pride Luke 18. or any auācement of our selues Our Lorde induc●th thexample of the proud pharisy and the lowly humble Publicane Act. 1. After our lordes assention into heauen the Disciples returned vnto Ierusalem and they al continued● with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women and Mary Thapostles being minded and willinge to chuse one of the disciples in Iudas place Act. 1. apoynted two Ioseph and Mathias and when they praied they said Thou Lord which knowest the hartes of al men shew whether of these two thou hast chosen In the primitiue church al faithful people continued in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship Act. 2. and in breaking of bread and in prayers Peter Ihon wēt vp together into the temple at the ninth hour of praier Act. 3. And assone as the disciples had praied the place moued Act. 4. where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the holye ghoste and they spake the word of God boldly The Iewes stoned Steuen callinge on Act. 7. saying lord Iesu receiue my spirite And he kneled downe and cryed with a loud voyce saying Lorde laye not this sinne to their charge Peter and Ihon prayed for them of Samaria Act. 8. that they might receiue the holy
wicked dede Ionathas reprehended his father Saule because that he wrongfullye persecuted Dauid 1. regu 19. and at the beginning he somwhat did temper and debate his malyce Abigaill purposing to reproue her husband for his churlyshnesse that he shewed vnto Dauiddes messengers ● regu 25. would not by and by after dynner tel him but taried the aportunite of tyme vntyll the morowe day and then in the mornynge when he had digested the wyne that was within hym she tolde hym Abner tooke Asahel vp right well because he persecuted hym so neere 2. regu 2. But he distained to heare him and therfore he was slaine Note how discretly Nathan the prophete rebuked dauid after he had cōmitted aduoutrye and murder 2. regu 11. He sayde not angerlie thou haste doone wickedlye but wythe an apte and a mete similitude he intraped him by the wordes of his owne mouthe Helias rebuked the people most louyngly sayinge 3. regu 18. How longe halt ye betwene two opinions if our lord be god folowe him There was a certaine man of the children of the prophetes 3. regu 20. that wente about to reprehende Achab the kyng of Israel and put a parable vnto him by the whiche he knew his fawte 4. regu 3. Elizeus said frely to Ioram kyng of I●rael being enuironed wyth hys host if it were not that I regard the presence of Iosaphat I woulde not loke toward the nor yet se the. The priestes withstode Ozias the king of Iuda that would haue burnt incense 2. Para. 26. and saide It is not thy office to burne incense vnto our Lord but to the priestes the children of Aaron that are consecrated for to offer incense Esdras with a loude voyce rebuked the children of transmigratyon 1. Esd. 9.10 that contrarye to the lawe marryed straungers Nehemias hearing the clamoures of the people that were ouercharged by the riche 2. Esdra 5. rebuked the counsellers and rulers and saide vnto them Euerye one of you is to chargeable vnto his brother He doth the like because that many of them bearing of burdēs did prophane and breake the Saboth day Tobi. 2. Tobias elders kinsfolkes laughed him to scorne but he rebuked thē sayinge Saye not so for we are the children of holy men and loke for the life which God shal geue vnto them that neuer tourne their belefe from him When Iudith hearde the mynde and purpose of her citizens Iudi. 8. that they after the fifte day would geue vp the city vnto the Assirians she reprehended and reproued them with faithful and discreate Communicatyon and wordes Daniel did very discretely reproue king Balthazar by the example of his father Dani. 5. And note how pacientlye the king harde him notwithstandynge He spake against him and howe that he afterwardes dyd magnify and honour him And Ihon the Baptist spake with a meruelous feruentnes Mat. 3. to the Pharises and Saduces O● generation of vipers who hath taughte you to flee from the vengaunce to come Ihon said to Herode that committed aduoutrye with Herodiada hys brothers Mat. 14. wyfe It is not lawefull for the to haue her Peter vndiscretely although● yet louyngelye Mat. 16. dyd rebuke ●ure lorde sayinge that he shoulde suffer many thinges of the elders and hye preastes but oure lorde answeared hym hardely agayne sayinge Go after me Satan Our lorde gaue Peter a true and a certaine rule of brotherely reprehention Mat. 18. If thy brother trespase against thee goe and tell him his faute betwene him and thee alone One of the theues which were hanged rayled and blasphemed our lorde Iesus Luke 23. But the other answered and rebuked him sayinge Feareste thou not god c. we receyue accordinge to oure deedes The man that was borne blinde and illuminated of god Iohn 9. did reproue and ouercome the pharises Euen very well sayinge This is a maruelus thinge that ye wotte not from whence he is and yet he hathe opened myne eyes Sence the woorlde began was it not hearde that any mā opened the eyes of on that was borne blinde If this man were not of god he coulde haue done nothinge Peter perceiuing certaine Iewes to maruell Act. 2. and to laughe the Dysciples to scorne dyd boldly and discretelye rebuke them and instructe them and conuerted them to the faith The like did chaunce after that Peter had healed the haulte Act. 3. For he shewed thē their fautes and somwhat he excused them and spake many swete wordes vnto them so that 5000. menne were conuerted Peter rebuked Ananias Saphira his wife very sore Act. 5. because they defrauded and kepte awaye part of the pryce of a field or possession that they hadde solde and broughte a certayne parte and layde it at the Apostles feete Steuen beynge wyth the Iewes in counsell Act. 7. dyd boldly reprehend them sayinge amonge other thynges O ye stiffe necked and of vncyrcumcised heartes and eares ye haue alwaies resisted the holye Ghoste as your fathers did so do ye Whiche of the Prophets haue not your fathers persecuted Paule setting his ●ies on Elimas the sorcerer Act. 13. that sought to turne the ruler away from the fayth saide vnto him O full of all subtelty and disceitfulnesse the childe of the Deuyll thou ennemye of all righteousnesse wilte thou not cease to peruerte the straight waies of the Lord Peter terriblye reprehended and rebuked Simon Magus that offered mony for the gift of God Act. 8. saying Thy mony pearish with thee Paule dothe reproue wyth a meruelous discretion the Romains whiche were conuerted of the Gentiles and Iewes and with a proude commotion woulde haue preferde theym selues aboue other Hee declareth that they haue bothe sinned and that they haue n●ade of the glorious mercye of GOD. For the Gentyles were transgressors of the lawe of nature and the Iewes of Moses lawe Roma 2. For we haue alredy proued saith he how that bothe Iewes and Gentiles are vnder sinne Paule dothe rebuke the Corinthians speciallye of this because they semed to be diuided among them selues for one sayth 1. Cor. I am of Appollo and another of Cepha And again because they diss●mbled and winked at the fornicator that being amonge them kept his mother in lawe And because they wente to lawe for seculer busynesses before the Hethen And he reproueth them as touching the receite of the holye Communion And rebuketh them as concerning their erroure of the resurrection of the deed And chefely he reproueth them because they sustained and suffred many greuous thinges of the false prophets nor had not hym in suche reuerence as they should haue had 2. Cor. 11. ye suffer saith he if a man bringe you into bondage yf a man deuoure you if a man take yf a man exalte him selfe if a man smite you on the face And again he saith I ought to haue bene cōmended of you 2. Cor. 12.
selfe theame that Iohn the baptyste beganne wyth all Do pennaunce For the kyngedome of heauen is at hande The blessed virgin Mary whyche was so reuerentlye saluted of the Angel and calde the mother of the hyest Luc. 2. waxed not proude there with nor she cald not her self the mother of God but the hande maide of God Nor she sent not for Elizabeth her kinswomā but mekely went vnto her And when the Elisabeth replenyshed wyth the holy ghost knew what was done thē Mary commended the dyuine mercy and power sayinge My soule magnyf●eth the Lord Luc. 1. for he hath loked on the humility of hys hande mayden The Cēturion answered mekely faythfully sayinge vnto oure Lorde being minded to go and heale his seruaunte mat 8. Lorde I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe When Peter sawe that he at oure lordes cōmaundement had inclosed a greate multytude of fyshes Luc. 5. hee fell downe at his knees sayinge lorde go from me for I am a synfull man Oure Sauioure did forbyd them to publishe his miracles Mat. 8. to learne vs to flie a voide the vice of pride vanity and to grue vs an ensample of humilitye As it appeareth in the leaper which was cleansed And in the two blind mē that wer restored vnto their sight And again in the deft and dum which were healed And in his transfiguration he said Math. 17. shew the vision to no man When our Lord had said to the womā of Canane It is not mete to take the childrēs bread mat 15. to cast it to dogs She answered Truth Lorde for the dogges eat of the crummes whyche fal from their masters table The disciples askinge Christe who is the greatest in heauen Mat. 18. he answered whosoeuer humbleth him self as this childe the same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen Our Lord induced an ensample or a parable of humble and meke ciuility Luc. 14. saying When thou art bydden to a wedding syt not downe in the hiest roume Then sample which our Lord bringeth in of the proude● Pharisey Luc. 18. the hūble Publican is very good to auoid pride and to follow and ensue humility The humility of Ihon the Baptist doth diuersly apear Iohn 2. For he did iudge but meanely of him self when that the people perchaunce estemed him to be Christe I am not Christe Also hee spake lowly Iohn 1. I am a voyce crying in the desarte He denied hym selfe to be Christ or a prophet And he was but meanely araide with Camels heere● And he chose but a simple a meane habitation Iohn 1. He was in the desart We read that Mary Magdalen did sit most humbly and very oftentimes at Iesus fete Luc. 7.10 and harde the worde of God Peter answered our Lorde mooste humbly Iohn 21. askinge him whether he loued hym more then the other dyscyples and said ye Lord thou knowest that I loue thee We may and ought to take the most notable examples of humility of our sauiour Iohn 7. For he would be conceyued in a despised country that is in Galile Of the which it is wryttē Search and looke for oute of Galile aryseth no prophet And Nathanaell wondering said Can there come anye good thing out of Nazareth Iohn 1. Item he was borne of an humble and a meke mother the which said Luc. 1. Luc. 2. he beheld the humility of hys hand mayden And in a small cotage and a low place for she laide him in a maunger And for the space of xxx yere he was in the world in a manner as vnknowne so that there is nothing red of hys doynges but that he when he was xii yere of age Luc. 2. remained at Ierusalem was found in the temple hearynge questionyng determinyng The which thing maketh against those presumptuous persons Luc. ii that take vpon them to hastely the office of a teacher And then he went downe with Mary and Ioseph and was obediente and subiect vnto them Then beyng about a xxx yere of age he came to Ihon Baptist to be baptised of him But he sēt not for him The which thynge maketh sore against those mat 3. that disdayne to go to theyr inferiors Likewyse he chose him lowly and pore disciples wtal humility was conuersāt among them and taughte them to be meeke humble mat 11. saying learn of me for I am mecke lowly And he cald him self more often the son of man than the son of god although they wer bothe two after the two natures which were in him Yet moste commenly he woulde name hym self after thinferiour and lowest nature He was conuersant with men Ihon. 2. and wold be present at pore mariages where they lacked wyne He went to no costly and riche mariges in the whyche there is mooste commonlye enorme and great excesse And when he knew that they would come and take him vp to make him a king Iohn 6. he fled vp into a mountain Mat. 17. and he paid as a seruaunt or as an aliene the tribute monye Luc. 9. Nor he hadde not wheron to lay his head And going about to castels and villages he went continually a fote so that he beynge weary of his iourny Iohn 4. set on the well and desyred the woman of Canane to geue him drinke And when he came to Ierusalem he had no horse to ride vpon but an asse And departing frō this world vnto his father mat 21. he lefte a speciall example of humilitye when he washed his disciples fete and wyped them with the towel Ihon. 13. wherwyth he was girded But in hys passyon he most chefely humbled hym selfe euen to death Philip. 2. and not to all kyndes of death but to the death of the Crosse the which kinde of death was mooste shamefulst as it appeareth in all the Gospelles Of this it maye be noted that proud men and such as loue the world are wont to be occupied about vii thinges and to desire the same or specially to glory in thinges obtained the whiche thinges Christe hanginge on the crosse lacked and hadde the contrarye They maye be called these earthly aboundaunce Worldly wisdome Carnal plesure The fame and praise of the people A rought of seruauntes The fall of theyr ennemyes A nomber of frendes But our Lord Christ Iesus vppon the Crosse was most poorest Ihon. 19. for he was spoyled of his garmentes He was taken for a fole and vnwise For the preachinge of the crosse is to them that pearish folishnesse 1. Cor. 1. Item he was di●famed and called a deceauer of the people For the hye Pryestes sayd by hym we remember that this deceiuer said c. And beyng vpon the crosse he was wel nie ouercummed inclinynge of hys heade gaue vp the ghost And ther he had no frendes I haue troden the presse
Nabuchodonozor that all the wise men at Babilon should be put to deathe Dani. 2. they calde to theyr felowes to seke mercy at gods hand Then was there a vision shewed vnto Daniel by nyght And so the kyng by the occasyon of hys seruant Daniel spared the wyse men of Babylon After the death of Iudas Machabeus wycked men came vp 1. mach 6. and there was a great dearth in the lande and Bachides made the vngratious lordes in the land And there came great tribulation in Israel the whiche perauenture should not haue chaunced yf they had had Iudas to theyr lord and master When the fyrst of those vii brethrē was fryed in the cauldron 2. Mach. 7. the other with theyr mother exhorted one another to die strongly and manfully Iudas Marchabeus went to take the city of Chytopolis 2. Mach. 12. But for the Iewes sake which were within it the which they intreated louingly he dyd them no euil but gaue them thanckes exhorting them to be frendlye vnto hys kindred As longe as Peter remained wyth the Apostles Math. 26. he was stedfast sure but when he was in the hye pryestes court warming him selfe by the fyre wyth his seruauntes he began to deny our Lord. Iohn 9. Anon after that our Lorde had geuen him his sighte that was blynde from hys byrthe the Phariseys caste him out of the sinagoge But the beninge Lord Iesus receiued him amōg his faithful When all the disciples were wyth one accord together Act. 2. the holye ghoste came vpon them and inestimably did teach them and strengthen them It is thus wrytten of the faythfull the which wer in the primitiue churche Al that beleued kept them selues together Act. 2. and had al things commen Then followeth They did eat theyr meate together wyth gladnesse and singlenesse of hart praising our lord and hande fauoure wyth all the people Saule after his conuersyon came to Ierusalem and assaide to couple him self to the disciples but they wer al afraid and fled from hym and beleued not that he was a disciple But Barnabas tooke him Act. 9. brought him to the Apostles The men which were wyth Paule in the ship when the greate tempest raged Act. 27. were all saued because Paule was in theyr company For the aungel of our Lord saide vnto hym Loe God hathe geuen thee all theym that saile with thee ¶ Of the society and fellowshyp of euell men Capi. Cxx. ABraham departed wel from the Caldees Gen. 11.15 where men were infected with Idolatrye so that oure Lord remembreth that as a benefite saying I am the Lord that broughte the out of Hur of the Caldees A man shuld forsake and leaue his country not only in body but also in thought and affection Gene. 12. Where vpon our lord sayde vnto Abraham which was gone out of his countrye in body Get thee out of thy countrye c. And note the promises whiche were made there We rede not that our lord appeared vnto Abraham as long as he was in companye wyth euill men in Hur of the Caldees Gen. it is not red that the lord apeared to him although he was taken for a good man But after hee departed thence we reade that he was oftentymes visyted wyth deuine apparitions Gen. 13.19 Lot by the occasyon of the wycked Sodomites with whome he inhabyted and dwelt suffred great iniuryes and wronges It appeareth by Lot how harde it is to leaue the accustomed companye of the euel Gene. 19. the which could euē scarcely be drawen away by the angell frō the Sodomites Gen. 21. Ismaels play and pastime with Isaac dyspleased Sara Gen. 28. Our Lord many diuers manner of wayes dyd comfort Iacob auoidyng the companye of his wicked brother Iacob wold not go on wyth his vngratious and euell brother Gene. 33. although he had pacified him with giftes Not withstanding his brother instantlye desired hym and hadde shewed hym signes and tokens of dilection loue Moses said to the congregation of Israel Nume 26. depart from the tents of these wycked men and touch nothynge of theyrs least ye pearyshe in all theyr synnes Our Lord sayd to Moses cōmaund the children of Israel that they when they enter into the lande of Canaan Nume 33. destroy al the inhabitors of the land but if ye wyl not destroy them they the remayne shall be as it were prickes in youre eyes and Dartes in youre sydes By the occasyon of Acham whyche toke wyth him of the excommunicate thynges of Iericho Iosu. 7. the people were ouerthrowne in battayle Through certaine chyldren of Beliall the whych had commytted a detestable dede against the Leuites wife Iudi. 19.20 al the children of Beniamin fewe excepted were slaine The chyldren of Israel would not destroy the inhabyters of the land Iudi. 1.2 as the Lord commaunded them therefore theyr chaunce was vnfortunate and euell The familiaritye and amitye that Amnon Dauids sonne hadde wyth Ionadab 3. regu 13. gaue hym an occasion and a waye to enforce Thamar hys syster Many simple persons drue vnto Absolon rebellyng agaynste hys father 2. regu 15 the whych would neuer haue conspired against Dauid if they had contynued with good and peaceable men at Ierusalem For certain which were yet alyue of the house and family of Saul 2. regu 21. ther fel a great hunger in the land vntyll that they at the peticion of the Gabanites were hanged Iosaphat the king of Iuda was almost slaine goynge to warfare wyth Achab 2. Para. 19. and was reproued by the lordes prophet saying Thou helpest the vngodlye and louest them that hate the lord and therefore thou deseruest the ire and anger of the lord Ochozias king of Iuda walked in Achabs wayes 4. reg 8. and did euill before the lord The cause foloweth for he was Achabs sonne in law Elizeus the prophet said vnto Iosaphat king of Israel 2. Pat. 20. because thou hast ioyned thy self wyth Ochozia the lord hath broken thy workes and destroid thy shyps The man of God came to Amasia king of Iuda 2. para 25 and said O king let not the armye of Israel come wyth thee for the lord is not with Israel But if thou thinke that the battayl doth consyst in the strength of the hoast God shall make thee fall before thy ennemye When the chyldren of Israel aft●r theyr comming agayne from Babylon 1. Esd. 3.4 were a buildinge the Temple their aduersaries wold haue builded with them but they vsing good counsail refused them When all the other wente to the golden calues Tob. 1. which Ieroboam ●ad made Tobias alone fled al their cōpanies and went to Ierusalem to worshyp the lord God of Israel Blessed Iob sayd I am the brother of Dragons Iob. 30. and the companyon of Estriches esa 6. When Esay hadde sayde I am a man of vncleane lyppes he