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A44498 A gracious reproof to pharisaical saints causlessly murmuring at Gods mercies toward penitent sinners in explication of Luc. 15. 30, 31 / written by John Horne, sometimes minister of Lin Allhallows. Horn, John, 1614-1676. 1668 (1668) Wing H2803; ESTC R43264 137,083 347

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of murthers white as wool or snow ver 21. He can wash away the filth of the daughters of Sion and purge the blood of Jerusalem in the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning Isa 4.4 judging them and helping them to judge themselves and burning up what is reproved by him Oh! how precious is Christ then and how much to be prized by us who when the richest man in the world though the greatest King or Potentate cannot give a price to God sufficient for one mans soul to ransome it though guilty of the least sins yet he was judged of God whose judgment is according to truth a sufficient ransome for all men 1 Tim. 2.6 And there is vertue enough in his blood to obtain sparing for the greatest sinners and mercy to be extended to convert and grace to pardon them being converted to him Being made a Prince and a Saviour to give repentance to Israel a people guilty of greatest sins against the greatest mercies and forgiveness of sins Act. 5 3● Oh! let us magnifie and run into this fountain to which also God in his mercy by Christ calls the greatest sinners 3. It leads to hope in God for backsliding and sinful brethren and much more for them that never so tasted God's goodness and sinn'd against such tasts and in that hope to seek and endeavour their conversion and upon repentance to receive them as God for the sake of Christ received and receiveth us Rom. 15.6 7. not to cast off the care of them and say with Cain Am I my Brother's keeper or up-seeker But rather as the Apostle says With meekness to instruct those that oppose themselves if peradventure God may give them repentance to the acknowledgment of the truth And that they may recover themselves out of the snares of the Devil who are taken captives by him at his will 2 Tim. 2.25 26. Yet herein praying for and asking discretion some rebuking sharply and wi●h some dealing gently as Jude saith ver 22 23. Of some have compassion making a difference and others saving with fear or terrour pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh As some the Apostles gave up to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus 4. It may provoke such as have sinned and done shamefully and wickedly even after grace received as Peter and David did not to despare but to look back back again to God and hope in his mercy and waite for it in his ways through Jesus Christ Confessing and forsaking their sins that they may finde mercy Prov. 28.13 For God hath no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather that he turn and live And therefore let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and turn to the Lord for he is gracious and to our God for he will abundantly pardon Ezek. 33.11 Isa 55.7 However much or great evil or sin men have done it s not the way to be helped to despair of help or to seek for it elsewhere then in turning to God by Jesus Christ for whithersoever else a man turn he goes after vain things and things that cannot profit but in God and Christ as is said there is mercy and help Let Israel therefore though great sinners against greatest mercies hope in the Lord for with him there is mercy and with him is plenteousness of redemption Psal 1●0 6 7. 1 Sam. 12 19 20. but delay not to turn to him least he cut us off in his wrath To day if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts least ye be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin Delays in this case are dangerous for what 's our life and in whose hands but his that is offended by us 5. Yet let none presume upon this therefore To sin that grace may abound for though grace is more abundantly declared in saving and pardoning great sinners yet they that therefore do evil that good may come thereof if God leave them to sink and perish in their sinful presumption their damnation is just Rom. 3.8 because there is forgiveness with God so as in his hands to dispense or withhold it therefore he is to be feared and not presumptiously sinn'd against Psal 130.4 In this respect of calling back and shewing mercy to such offenders He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy whom he will he hardens The Chirurgeons greatest skill is shewed in healing the most shattered bones or most desperate wounds Yet who but a mad-man would therefore to prove his skill go break his bones in pieces or run upon sword points on purpose when as if he be healed he will be but in the same sound state happily as before and might have been without these pains and smarts they will put him to Yea and he runs a desperate hazzard of being never healed it depending meerly upon the Chirurgeon's good pleasure 6. If it be meet for us to rejoyce and make merry for the restoring of sinners and God also call upon us thereto then also 1. It faults those that neither indeavor it when they be fallen nor are glad for it when restored but rather murmur at it and are offended like the Pharasees here in this Chapter were either for seeking such that they might be restored or receiving them when restored so far are they from rejoycing at it If thou thy self that dost so hast an interest in Christ why shouldest thou be offended at thy brothers restauration and reception and not rather desire it yea endeavour and rejoyce in it there 's never the less room for thee in God's house nor never the less chear for thee for the multitude of them that dwell and feed therein Here the more the merrier and never a whit the lesser chear for as we have shewed the bread of Christ's giving is living growing and enduring bread that is no more consumed by being eaten and fed on and digested then the Sun is perhaps far less by being daily looked upon or the light of it walked in And if God please to shew mercy to any great sinners why shouldest thou snuff at it and envy it Is thine eye evil because Gods is good Oughtest thou not rather to rejoyce to see a soul saved from destruction and that God is so gracious to us who are all of us sinful enough to deserve a thousand destructions at his hands than to be offended at it Is it a light matter for a soul to go to hell what pleasure is that for thee or what profit in it surely they are more cruel than Tigers and the most savage beasts that would wish their worst enemies or the worst of sinners such a mischief and not rather desire and endeavour to prevent it and rejoyce to see any good ground to think that God hath prevented it upon any and yet how often is it found that not only profane
A Gracious Reproof TO PHARASAICAL SAINTS Causlesly murmuring at GODS MERCIES TOWARD PENITENT SINNERS In Explication of Luc. 15.30 31. Written by JOHN HORNE sometimes Minister of Lin Allhallows Psal 119.1 2 3. Blessed are the undefil'd in the way who walk in the Law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his Testimonies and seek him with the whole heart They also do no iniquity they walk in his ways Bat As for transgressors wo to them for destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity Psal 37.38 Prov. 20.29 Is thine eye evil because mine is good Matth 20.15 London Printed for Tho. Passenger at the three Bibles on London bridge 1668. TO THE READER Reader WHither thou beest Saint or Sinner and one of them assuredly thou art thou maist through Gods blessing find something useful for thee I hope worthy thy perusall and serious consideration in this insuing Treatise If thou beest one that knowlest the grace of God in truth and thereby art sanctifyed to God and followest after holiness here is that that may perswade thee and shew thee caus● to be holy still and to go on in denying all ungodliness and worldly lusts to live soberly righteously and godlily in this present world abiding in Christ and walking with God Both as it sets before thee the good and blessed state of those that so do and as it shews the miserable and sad state of those that do otherwise and especially of such as having tasted the graciousness of the Lord withdraw from him again and after they have begun to be good turn to do badly forsaking the way of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness Prov. 2.13 of which therefore also it doth admonish thee However strongly thou think thou standest that thou take heed of falling of which there is need enough to be admonished in this back sliding and truly and too shamefully adulterous and sinful generation Wherein they that depart from iniquity make themselves a prey and wherein men being frighted from or scoffed and derided at for nothing so much as truth and plety there is too general a temptation upon men be afraid or ashamed to be or however to confess and shew themselves to be seriously holy and religious Atheisme Prophanes● Popery and all manner of debauchery growing into fashion and nothing scarce looked upon as more obsolete and antick than soundness and sincerity with true zeal and fervency in the exercise and practise of the truth of Religion And yet it also admonisheth thee to beware of the leaven Pharasees which is hypocrisie of being too rash and censorious in judging those that having been prophane and evil livers or abusers of God's grace and truth return therefrom to a better mind or of judging God's and Christ's or his Servants dealings with such when by the profession of such persons he or evidently and apparently they are more gracious and ready to receive sinners than thou wouldst have them There is nothing more eminently discovered in God than love and charity to the souls of men whereof the whole Gospel and all the holy men in the Scriptures bear their testimony especially in his receiving repentant sinners And therefore nothing should be more desired by us and rejoyced in on their behalf than their conversion to him and finding his gracious acceptance God's children should be and are in some measure like to God himself who is their Father and therefore as his elect holy and beloved put on bowels of mercy kindness lowliness of mind long-suffering and above all charity which is the bond of all perfection as the Apostle exhorteth Col. 3.12.14 Nor doth any thing scarce make men liker the Devil than to endeavour to hinder or to repine at the conversion of sinners or God's mercy to them as that was one concomitant or product rather of the Pharasees zeal and religion their opposing Christ and grudging at him for his charity to sinners so I suppose it was none of the least of the ingredients of that evil frame which occasioned his stiling them the children of the Devil Joh. 8.44 Well may we be glad indeed when we find any such thing as a sincere convert in these evil days and God gracious to sinners therein When there are so many Apostates from God so few Converts to him Converts there may be some to this or that opinion or practise from some open prophanness sometimes to thriftiness and worldliness and yet even such conversions are not so frequent in these days as from thriftiness to prodagality and rudeness sometimes possibly to some opinionative profession or zealous endeavour after righteousness that is not Gods but mens own but few that when they return return to the Lord Jer. 4.1 to mind and receive and walk in the knowledg and faith of him and his great goodness to mankind in Jesus Christ our Lord and so to behold his glory as thereby to be changed into his image by the operation of his power and spirit and so to worship God in the spirit as testifying of his grace in his Son Phil. 3.3 Rejoyce in Jesus Christ have no confidence in the flesh When we see any turning to this we have cause to be glad and rejoyce for them for they turn from death to life from misery to salvation and unspeakable felicity But alas more play the Prodigals in going from Christ and God and the living in the faith and knowledge of him as the fountain of life and righteousness to live upon either their outward or inward receits from him their riches friends wit parts or their righteous frames and endeavours receits and attainments which lived upon will soon with the Prodigals patrimony be spent and leave them to losse and beggary or ● servile drudgery and desire of husks then do imitate him in returning to God and Christ to live in his house and upon him and his provision therein the grace not in us but in Christ Jesus 2 Tim. 2.1 which is and may be matter of great lamentation Yet if thou beest a sinner walking in thy self thine own will wisdom righteousness lusts affections or appetites and so not in Christ Jesus not in the way of understanding not in the spirit but in the flesh and so in a state of sin as such there be great store both of persons in a sort zealous and of prophane here is that that may move thee to repent and to turn to God therefrom Both the evil and dangerousness of the state of sin and sinners and the acceptableness to God of true and unfeined repentance in returning to Christ and so to God in and by him is here toucht upon and it s largely evidenced that God is ready to embrace such as so do return and to give them the most sure signs and pledges of his mercy toward them as having joy in their salvation And indeed this is the main scope of the Parable herein paraphrastically explicated and of the Text opened and applyed and by
they in him as they are his and he Gods In him we are compleat Col. 2.9 10. And 3. In and through Christ in our persons in title and interest by promise as Abraham Isaack and Jacob did the Land of Canaan while yet they had it not in possession for Israel did not take away wrongfully the Land of Canaan from the Inhabitants they claimed but their own by the gift of him who is the Lord of all the earth and had sworn to give it them and so the Fathers that are said to dye in faith not having received the promises Heb. 11.13 are yet said to have received them Heb. 6.14 that is as to promise or covenant and the title that gave them thereto Thence too the believers are said to be heirs according to promise Gal. 3.29 4. In hope and expectation that being justified by faith ye might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life which God that cannot lye hath promised before the world began Tit. 3.7 and 1.2 5. In usefulness and benefit all things working together for good to them that love him that are the called of God according to purpose Rom. 8.28 And so they that overcome and keep Christs words and keep with God are heirs of all things All that I have is thine Let us take a brief view or survey of their riches 1. God is theirs and all that he is not that he can be comprehended of and by them seeing he comprehends them and all things and is himself incomprehensible but by himself but he is their God their Father their Portion and Inheritance as to be worshipped and acknowledged by them so to inrich save and satisfie them The portion of Jacob is not like unto them he is the former of all things the Lord of Hosts is his name Jer. 10.16 and the Lord is my portion saith my soul therefore will I hope in him Lam. 3.24 I go to my God and your God my Father and your Father saith Christ John 20.17 an infinite portion for in having him we have infinite Wisdom to order and dispose of all things for us and our benefit and of us also for our own greatest happiness and to advise counsel and direct us in all our difficulties infinite power to effect and bring about what in the counsel of his will or wisdom he sees good to be effected and to prevent and hinder remove or destroy what he sees destructive to us infinite strength to bear up all things for us and us in all cases and to strengthen us in all services and sufferings infinite duration to continue and lengthen out our happiness for ever that we may never be deprived of it but enjoy it to eternity infinite goodness to lead him to exercise all his other attributes for our infinite and everlasting advantage infinite truth and holiness to perform all his words and promises to us c. and all this for us in and through Christ Jesus 2. Christ is Gods 1 Cor. 3.23 and he is theirs and all his infinite fulness I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine saith the Spouse Cant. 2.18 and 6.3 He that hath the Son hath life and he that abideth in the Doctrine of Christ that is that continueth in the belief and obedience of it He hath both the Father and the Son 1 John 5.11.2 2 John 9. and it s in having Christ that any man hath God his God and portion and hath all his fulness for him for he that transgresseth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God and it s in him he hath all things who hath and abideth in him even unsearchable riches in him infinite wisdom to order and manage all things with God for us and from God to over and about us and to direct and guide us in all conditions In him righteousness infinite and everlasting for presenting us just and acceptable in the sight of God and in him all the promises of God are yea and Amen affirmed and confirmed true and certain 2 Cor. 1.19 20. Isa 45.23 24. In him holiness infinitely for us and therein dedication to God and renewing into his image and likeness grace to make us holy and renew us and so to make us also Gods Inheritance his chosen generation Royal Priesthood Holy Nation peculiar people In him Redemption even forgiveness of sins through or in his blood Eph. 1.7 Col. 1.14 even infinite plenteousness of Redemption for redeeming us from all iniquities Psal 130.7 8. and so from all troubles miseries bondages death the fruits of sin lying upon us Psal 25.22 Yea even from bodily death and Grave yea from hell and destruction Rom. 8.23 Hosea 13.14 John 11.25 26. in him son-ship heir-ship title to the Inheritance John 1.12 Gal. 3.26 27. Yea in a word This is the record God hath given of his Son that God hath given us eternal life and this life is in his Son he that hath the Son hath life and he that hath not the Son hath not life 1 John 5.11 12. 3. God hath an infinitely Holy Spirit which he hath put upon Christ to bring forth Judgement to the Gentiles and this he also gives in and through Christ to them that obey him Acts 5.32 to help their infirmities teach and lead them into the knowledge of Christ glorifying him to them and so into all truth to bring his words to remembrance justifie them in their Consciences sanctifie and wash them in the Blood and Name of Jesus comfort them in their exercises tribulations and temptations be a Spirit of Holiness to and in them leading them in the way of and framing and quickning them to holiness teaching them to pray and groan after God and his Grace and Mercy in Christ for their helpfulness In a word to inhabit and dwell in them through the Word or Faith of Christ and be in them as a spring of living Waters springing up unto everlasting life and gifting them for usefulness to others and so to be as rivers of living waters flowing out of their bellies or inward man to seal them up also to the day of redemption and be to them the anointing and furnisher for Gods Service the earnest of conductor to and raiser up of their dead bodies to the enjoyment of the Inheritance Rom. 8.14.26 27. John 16.14 15. and 14.16 17 26. 1 Cor. 6.11 Isa 11.2 Gal. 5.16 Psal 143.10 and 119.37 and 51.10 11. Zech. 12.10 Eph. 2.22 and 5.18 19. with Col. 3.16 1 Cor. 12.7 John 4.14 and 7.37 38 39. 2 Cor. 1.21 22. Ephes 1 14. and 4.30 4. God hath an innumerable company of Angels to minister to him Dan. 7.10 11. and these are in and with Christ the Believers and Obeyers of him Pitching their tents about those that fear him to deliver and save them Psal 34.7 Bearing them up in their hands and keeping them in all their wayes Psal 91.11 12. Sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation Heb. 1.14 In●i●●●ing the
whom they injoy their happiness and livelihood and about whom and whose good the Master appoints them their choise imployment It was meet we should make merry and be glad for it is my Son and thy Brother what though he hath been a bad husband he is not so now What though a spend thrift an evil liver then indeed we had cause of sadness but now he that was so is reclaimed and he is still my Son thy Brother That a Second 3. It is meet c. Because of the sad estate he hath been in and from which he is raised again and brought to this condition He was a Son a Brother of whom there was great fears and for whom we had great grief and exercise he hath been long away and far from us there was little hope that we should ever see him again he hath been in great poverty necessity and straits he hath been pinched with hunger dryed up with thirst naked and destitute of clothing and harbour ready to famish and perish with want and this in a strange Country where all were set to ruin him none to help him It s a thousand to one but he had perisht and been lost for ever and yet from this strange and sad case he is at length returned safe again and should we not make merry for the good of such a relation that hath been in such perils of death and drowning or of perishing by the most cruel and lingring death that of Famine It 's true he is not come into a better condition in it self than those that abide and walk with God but he is come to it out of a worse than ever they were in and therefore hath reason hereafter to be more wary to keep home and may walk more thankfully and dutifully because under the sense and mindfulness of the greater mercy to him And as we had more abundant cause of grief and fear for him so we have now answerably more abundant cause to make merry and be glad for him as we are most glad of the safety of ours after the greatest danger of utter loosing them That 's a Third 4. It was meet that we should make merry c. If we consider whence this hath happened to him that he is come safe home again It 's the Lords own work and a work of more abundant grace marvellous and miraculous power and mercy to convert a sinner after he hath been with God and departs from him again And as God rejoyces in his works generally Psal 104.31 so especially in those that are works of his mercy because mercy pleaseth and delights him Mich. 7.18 and yet more in those in which his mercy is most glorified by him And surely as all the works of God are wonderful and glorious and its meet we should have pleasure in them so especially those in which he is most brightly discovered and his glory that is all matter of gladness is most of all displayed And such is his mercy in converting and calling back from death and giving pardon and life to a rebellious offender and therefore it 's meet that all flesh should bless his holy name in this and such works as these especially and that all his people who have thereby more abundant occasion of beholding and cause of admiring his goodness and whose hearts may thence receive most incouragement to obey and serve him have cause to rejoyce in him and in his doings herein It was meet that we should make merry and be glad 5. It was meet in respect of its tendency and fruit which is the glorifying of God and drawing in other sinners to repentance that they also may be saved the most acceptable thing to God 1 Tim. 2.3 David being pardoned for and healed of his great sins of Adultery and Murther delivered from blood-guiltiness Would teach trangressors the way so as sinners should be converted to him his tongue should sing aloud of and greatly commend Gods righteousness though he could thenceforth less speak of his own His lips being again opened should shew forth Gods praises Psal 51.13 14 15. As the turning away of good men from God by sin doth mightily dishonour God and stumble and hurt others so the returning of backsliders to God tends much to the glorifying him and doing good to others by their examples before them and confessions and praises of God to them strengthening those that are in God's way and recalling others that stray from it yea and incouraging them to Repentance That 's a fifth Reason Use And this consideration also in its several Branches may be of divers usefulness to us as 1. It magnifies and tends to provoke us to magnifie the greatness of the grace and mercy of God to Mankind that hath prepared and made a way in and by his Son Jesus Christ that rebellious sinners and back-sliders from him might be brought back again to him and be received of him There is with the Lord plenteousness of redemption so as he can and will redeem Israel from all his iniquities He can forgive and revive such as none else can or will Such as being put away for Whoredome have joyned themselves to others that might not be received again by the Law yet he can receive and forgive such and declares himself ready to it also through Jesus Christ Jer. 3.1 2.8.12 13. All things that could not be atoned or from which men might not be justified by the Law of Moses all that believe in Jesus Christ are justified from by him Act. 13.38 39. And he can call and revive and quicken the most dead souls through the seven Spirits of God that are in him Revel 3.1 And so it leads us 2. To magnifie and commend the exceeding preciousness of the blood of Christ and the fountain opened therein For the house of David and inhabitants of Jerusalem to wash in for sin and for uncleanness Zech. 13.1 The house of David we know was guilty of blood and the City Jerusalem a bloody idolatrous City compared to a woman to be judged for breaking Wedlock and for shedding Innocent Blood Adultery and Murther Ezek. 16.38 and yet this fountain in Christ's most pretious blood will extend to and is vertuous for the washing them God hates the bloody and deceitful man David was guilty of both and yet in the multitude of God's mercies he durst go into God's house and appear before him Psal 5.6 7. And praying to God to wash him from those sins saith That if he would purge him with Isop and wash him he should be whiter than the snow Psal 51.7 8. And the like is promised upon their repentance to the Princes and People of Jerusalem and Judah though compared to the Princes of Sodome and people of Gomorrah for badness Isa 1.10 16 17. Such is the vertue of the blood of Christ that in coming to it and bathing in it in turning to God and believing in his Son it can make a City that is an harlot and full
rebuking his fellow sufferer for his reproaching Christ acknowledging the justness of their sufferings and our Saviours innocency and praying Christ to remember him when he came into his kingdom he heard this comfortable word which doubtlesse strengthened his confidence and gave him full assurance of his salvation Verily I say unto thee this day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Surely this was written for an incouragement even for such offenders also to hope in God by Jesus Christ and betake themselves to him for mercy in an humble acknowledgement of their offences and of his power to forgive and help them which that they also may obtain of him even to the giving them large confidence in him and full assurance of their salvation Christ's graciousness to him doubtless doth testifie that none may say what should such hainous sinners dye like Saints though yet in one sense such dye not as Saints while they glory not in nor justifie the cause of their death as those that dye for Christ and righteousness sake may and often do but in that regard take shame to themselves and acknowledge the righteousnesse of the shame and punishment ordered to them as deserved by them and submit themselves thereto And surely it would be too great an injury to the grace of God and to his love to mankind and to their welfare and too great a derogation to the vertues of the precious blood and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus to imagine that such mercy may not be shewed to them that are so great sinners both as to make them in their receit of it hearty in their repentance and chearful in their spirits under their sufferings in the hope of God's salvation Object Ah! but the suddainnesse of the conversion and speedinesse of the consolations and the coming so easily by them without more drooping and humiliation makes some question They expect such great sinners should long lye under dejection and sadness before they get a good word from God and if not so they are apt to conclude them under a delusion or but hypocrites in their profession of joy and consolation Answ Truly I would not be misunderstood to speak in behalf of any that are not truly penitent and turned in to Christ or that are daubed with untempered morter and slightly healed Yet this is evident that sometimes the grace of God makes quicker work in mens conversion and he more speedily comforts them thereupon than the wisdom of the flesh or of man judges fitting as by this Parable appears as also by the carriage of the Pharasees toward Christ often censuring him for his receiving sinners while it appears they were not satisfied of their conversion I conceive had they been first made Pharasees they would not then have been offended and judged them sinners still The woman that at Simon 's house stood behind Christ and washed his feet with her tears c. had not satisfied the Pharasee that she was a convert for then would he not have had indignation thereat nor said in his heart If this man were a Prophet he would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him for she is a sinner Luc. 7.39 Surely Christ knew her better then he did and knew her to be a real convert though it seems she had not so publickly bewailed her self and bewailed her sin as to satisfie the Pharasee that she had left it And what appears to have been the sorrow and humiliation of the Malectour we finde nothing said thereof and yet evident tokens appear of his real conversion and he had speedy absolution For 1. He rebuked his fellow for his carriage towards Christ as if he had been turned a suddain Preacher of repentance to him Fearest thou not God seeing we are in the same condemnation 2. He confessed his sins and justified the righteousness of his death submitting himself upon that account to bear it patiently And we indeed justly for we receive the due reward of our deeds 3. He confessed Christ and justified him in his sufferings and that when the whole multitude the Princes Priests and zealous Pharasees and learned Rabbies the chief builders did most of all reject him despise and deride him And when he was in his deepest sufferings But this man hath done nothing amiss 4. He in this lowest case of Christ when his own Disciples durst not own him owns and professes his faith in him that he was Lord and King and that he should have the kingdom and so that God would glorifie him through and after those his sufferings saying Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom And 5. In that faith he calls upon him as upon the Saviour of the world or of sinners saying Lord remember me c. as intimately professing his faith that he could forgive and save and blesse him We finde no great lamentation for his sin nor dejection under the sense of it but yet a better confession of faith we scarce finde from any of the Apostles who were now shrunk from him Yea Peter that thought to have stood it out denied him See here how suddainly and silently the grace of God may work a notable alteration as to conversion and then see the speediness of Christ in forgiving and comforting He lets him not hang long drooping to his death upon the Crosse but presently tells him This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise And was it not so with David he said he would confess his sin and God forgave the punishment of it He said but I have sinned and Nathan replies the Lord also hath taken away thy sin thou shalt not dye Psal 32.5 2 Sam. 12.13 So Peter had but begun to speak to the Gentiles and presently the Holy Ghost fell on them and they spake with tongues without any long humbling them first for the sins of their Gentilism or bringing them into the profession of Judaism by circumcision as it seems the Disciples of the Jews had some thought he should have done by their quarrelling with Peter for his eating with and receiving them Acts 11. Yea and Peter himself says what was I that I could withstand God! as if there might be some such leaven in him also as to have kept them longer out from comfort and made them more humbled first before he would have received them had they been at his disposing Truly I suspect it s our hypocrisies or want of thoroughness in coming off from our idols our sticking long in the place of the breaking forth of children that increases and lengthens our throws and sorrows Hos 13.13 As while David kept close his sin his bones waxed old and he roared out with daily disquiets Psal 32.1 2. the heart that comes off soon and roundly from its sin is sooner comforted So the compassionte Father here so soon as he sees his Sons resolution and finds him upon his way to him yea While he was yet a great way off presently runs to