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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33227 Obedience to magistrates recommended in a discourse upon Titus 3:1 preached September the ninth, 1683 by J.C. Clapham, Jonathan. 1683 (1683) Wing C4408; ESTC R29609 14,403 39

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according to that Prov. 17.11 An evil man seeketh Rebellion therefore a cruel Messenger shall be sent unto him But that is most terrible that the Apostle speaks Rom. 13.3 They that resist shall receive to themselves damnation not onely temporal punishment but if they repent not eternal damnation God will maintain his own Ordinance and punish the Violators of it Such do Giant-like fight against God and therefore shall meet with Destruction Thus you see what reason there is to obey and be subject to Rulers and Magistrates IV. But how and in what manner must we yield Subjection and Obedience to them I answer 1. We must give it to all in Authority good and bad as the Apostle speaks of Masters 1 Pet. 2.18 Servants must be subject not onely to the good and gentle but also to the froward so must we be subject to all in Authority that be our Lawful Rulers not Usurpers not onely to the good but to the bad It 's due to the Office primarily whoever bear it then to the Persons placed in it by God The Apostle in the Text speaks of Principalities and Powers in the abstract and when he required Subjection to the Higher Powers Rom. 13. it was at that time when Caligula Claudius or Nero reigned those Monsters of Men and cruel Persecutors yet saith he Let every soul be subject c. If God should give us the worst Magistrates we must not resist them but must reverence the Powers and be subject to them and this is thank-worthy 1 Pet. 2.16 2. Yet we must obey them onely in the Lord. As we must look on them as set in the place of God so must we obey them onely in all things agreeable to the Will of God If they command things contrary to his Will then we must rather obey God than Man as the Apostle teaches Acts 5.29 The reason of it is Because God is the Universal and Supreme Sovereign If an inferiour Officer command any thing contrary to the Will of the King and his Laws we must obey the Will of the King before his So if a King contrary to God's Will commands us any thing we are to obey him that is King of Kings In such a Case the Laws of Men are null ipso facto as St. Austin speaks There can be no Law of what is not just And Bernard What Man commands if God forbid it it is repealed by the Sovereign Lord by whom Kings reign Things materially evil cannot be justly commanded nor lawfully done 3. Not for fear of Wrath onely but for Conscience sake Rom. 13.5 The fear of Man may often restrain from resisting especially the fear of God who threatens damnation but Conscience to God's Command should chiefly make us to obey Magistrates in what they command according to Law 1 Pet. 2.13 Be subject saith he to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake He hath ordained Magistracy and commanded Obedience to it 4. Willingly and heartily Eph. 6.7 With good will doing service as to the Lord not to Man Col. 3.23 Whatever you do do it heartily as to the Lord not as to Men and ye shall receive of the Lord the Reward of Inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ The Apostle speaks of Servants doing their Duties to their Masters but it 's true also of Subjects doing their Duties to Magistrates they are to do it willingly and heartily as to the Lord. V. But why should Ministers put their People in mind to be thus subject to Magistrates and obey them Answ For these Reasons 1. Because every Duty is to be pressed by them they are to make known to them the whole Will of God even all things necessary to Salvation of which this is one principal Command a Branch of the Fifth Commandment Honour thy Political Father and Mother and this Honour cannot be shewn them without Subjection and Obedience Now tho People know this yet they have need to be put in remembrance of it as the Apostle speaks Jude 5. they need to have their pure minds stirred up by way of remembrance 2 Pet. 3.1 Known Duties must be whetted on us again and again This is one great End of the Ministry to stir up People to the Practice of such Duties as they know their Minds are forgetful their Affections dull and they are backward to the practice of many Duties and therefore have need to have them often urged It 's a foolish Cavil some have against Ministers preaching the same Duties again sometimes even the Spirit of Christ is promised by him John 14. to bring to our remembrance what himself had before spoken 2. The Holy Ghost foresaw that some Christians under pretence of Religion would cast off Subjection to those in Authority being made free by Christ they would not be Servants to Men abusing their Liberty The Scriptures foretel it would be so with some Jude 8. They despise Dominion and speak evil of Dignities So 2 Pet. 2.10 Both Places speak of some that would highly pretend to Religion and yet be guilty of this Sin therefore saith he Put them in mind to be subject c. There 's a Spirit in Men ready to turn the Grace of God into wantonness under pretence of Religion to cast off Obedience to Rulers as the Anabaptists in Germany and others have done Some observe the Cretians were a very seditious People and needed this Admonition therefore the Apostle bids Put them in mind 3. Because there sometimes might be strong Temptations to this Sin as when evil Governours arise that rule with an high hand and oppress their Subjects and deal unjustly with them It 's an hard thing then to be subject to the froward and cruel as we are to the gentle and kind to own the Ordinance of God when in the hands or evil Men. This strongly tempts a People to resist as the Burdens of Rehoboam made the Ten Tribes to revolt tho they got nothing by it for we read not of one good King in that Kingdom of Israel To submit to harsh Governours and evil Rulers is against Flesh and Blood nothing but Conscience to God's Command can make us willingly submit to such a Yoke therefore put them in mind to be subject c. 4. Because of the great Scandal that would come to Religion and the Name of Christ by resisting the Powers of the World and refusing to be subject to them therefore put them in mind c. It hath been an old Cavil against Religion and Christians They are seditious rebellious and turbulent Persons Thus they have been represented in all Ages We find the Jews thus of old accused by their Enemies They would not obey the King's Laws and Jerusalem was a rebellious City and by this means the Rebuilding of the City and Temple was hindred Daniel and the Three Children suffered under this Notion St. Paul was accused as a turbulent Fellow and mover of Sedition nay Christ himself to be no Friend of Caesar tho he declared his
Kingdom was not of this World neither medled with Temporal Kingdoms but sought to bring Men to the Kingdom of Heaven Tho Christianity of it self doth not disturb Government but uses the most effectual Means to secure it by teaching it is God's Ordinance and Men must be subject to it for Conscience sake to God's Command and for fear of Damnation c. yet if Christians that profess it should not live quietly and in due subjection and obedience to it they would be a great scandal to it and hinder the progress of it in the World therefore put them in mind to be subject to Magistrates and to obey them that the Name of Christ and his Gospel may not be blasphemed but that Christianity may appear aimiable and winning unto all by teaching all its Professors to live harmlesly and peaceably as the Sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked Generation I come now to Application Use Let me fulfil my Duty according to the Text to put you in mind to be subject to Principalities and Powers and to obey Magistrates to yield them all due subjection and obedience This is a great Christian Duty enjoyned by the Apostle St. Paul Rom. 13.1 and pressed by him with many Arguments and also by the Apostle St. Peter 1 Pet. 2.13 And in my Text Ministers are enjoyned to preach it to their People Put them in mind c. It was practised by our Lord and Master Christ himself when he was upon Earth he was subject to the Authority he was under paid Tribute to Caesar and submitted to be Judged by his Officers tho unjustly used he resisted not when as he could have prayed his Father and he would have sent him more than twelve legions of Angels to rescue him yet he submitted freely to leave us an Example This was practised also by all his Followers who made no Insurrections against the Governments where they lived as did some others but quietly submitted either in obeying or suffering tho daily persecuted imprisoned stoned beheaded burnt c. even when more than Five thousand were martyred in the Roman Empire for every Day in the Year except the First of January onely on which Day they accounted it a piece of Religion not to let any suffer yet they patiently bore and suffered all without making any Resistance against their Rulers Nor can it be said they wanted Power to make resistance else they would have done it for they were multiplied so greatly that they filled their Cities Castles Camps Palaces and Towns so as Tertullian writes If the Christians should depart out and leave them they should remain desolate Remarkable is the Story of the Thebaean Legion in the days of the Emperour Maximinus consisting of Six thousand six hundred and sixty six armed Soldiers all Christians under a Christian Captain who were in the Savoy in a strong Place where they might have defended themselves yet being commanded by the Emperour to sacrifice to his Gods they refused to obey him therein but made no resistance Whereupon he being angry sent forth his Messengers to put every tenth Man to death which they willingly yielded to without any resistance each striving to have a share in that glorious Death Then he caused a second Decimation or Tything of them they remaining constant in their Faith which they suffered patiently And last he caused his Army to fall upon them and destroy them all which was done they making not the least resistance being willing to exchange this present Life for a more glorious If it should be said They had no Laws then for their Religion as we now have and so may stand up for our Laws and Birth-rights and may oppose all that invade them I answer As we have Laws for our Religion and Liberties so we have Laws that forbid our opposing Authority and rising up against them on any Pretence whatsoever and making it Treason to take up Arms without the King's Commission and therefore must be content with the Defence of the Laws and make no Resistance or Rebellion Quest If it be asked What Help and Relief then hath a People if Rulers should violate the Laws and invade Religion and Liberty contrary to Law Answ Our Help must then be in God that made Heaven and Earth and in his gracious Providence over his Church who can when he pleases remove such Rulers as he did Julian Antiochus Dioclesian and our Queen Mary And when a People be humbled for their Sins repent and seek him with all their Hearts can restore Religion in greater lustre and glory as in the Days of Constantine and Queen Elizabeth Innumerable Examples are to be found in Histories ancient and modern of God's Providence over his Church in punishing Tyrants and Persecutors of the Truth and relieving his People when oppressed unjustly which may encourage sincere Christians to commend their Case to God without using unlawful Means to relieve themselves Therefore at such a time a People ought onely to repent and turn to God and seek him with their whole Hearts and use no other Means And in reference to our selves let it be further considered 1. That our Laws have long preserved our Religion Rights and Liberties amongst us and we may hope they may do so still unless we provoke God by our Sins to take away his Gospel and other Mercies from us 2. Other violent Ways and Means are likely to do more hurt than good if it were lawful to take up Arms in vindication of them It was a truly-Christian Saying of the excellent Fran. Junius in his Animadversions on Bellarmine's Books de Translatione Imperii c. l. 1. c. 2. That good Men should rather bear any Injuries from their Magistrates tho never so grievous than inveigh against them in Word Writing or Action to the disturbance of Order and Publick Peace Let us consider the manifold Evils likely to ensue on such Resistance 1. Civil Wars will follow upon it and the Consequences of them will be sad What Rapins Murders Plunders and other Mischiefs attend this Our late sad Experience will inform us sufficiently herein 2. Our Government is in danger to be altered and we cannot expect to find a better Constitution It must be the Reformation of Mens Hearts and Lives must put us into a better Condition not the Change of Government 3. Religion is like to suffer more hereby than by Persecution In such horrible Confusions of Nations and treading down of Laws what Sects Heresies and Divisions will arise to the ruine of Religion Whereas the Blood of the Martyrs hath been the Seed of the Church and Sufferings have purified it and made it more glorious 4. If such as do rise up for defence of their Religion and Liberties shall be conquered by their Oppressors they are likely to come under far greater Slavery and Misery forfeiting their Estates Lives Rights and Privileges and perhaps come under Arbitrary Government and absolute Slavery and what worse Condition can