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A14831 The entrie to Christianitie, or, An admonition to householders very necessary for instruction of their families, as also others, whereby, with some some small labour, they may attaine to the vnderstanding of the Christian faith: (if holy, and Christian exercises, as prayers, and such sanctified meanes) be devoutly vsed. Drawne out of the sacred Scriptures, as also prooued by the iudgement of famous learned writers. Very fit for this diseased and sickly age, where-in popish ignorance and deuilish atheisme dooth so abound. By Thomas Wats, minister of the word of God.; Entrie to Christianitie. Watts, Thomas, fl. 1571-1589. 1589 (1589) STC 25128; ESTC S106295 8,423 24

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Preachers to their families that from the highest to the lowest they may obey the will of God Geneva note vpon Gen. 17. verse 23. Hast thou bought thee a Seruant teach him and commaund him to do the things that pertaine to the knowledge seruice and Religion of God that he may be gentle and quiet toward his other fellow-seruants and all other wayes vertuous Euery mans house is a certaine Citie and euerye man is a Prince ouer his house In ritch mens houses this thing is plainly to be seene where-as there be both Manors with demeanes and Stewards Bayliffs ouerseers and officers one aboue another But I say also that the house euen of poore men is a Citie for euen in this there be also principalities for so much as that the Husband beareth rule ouer the Wife and the Wife ouer the men-seruants and the men-seruants are aboue the women and againe Husbands and Wiues rule theyr Children Doest thou not thinke then the good man of the house to be as it were a certaine King hauing so many Princes subiect to him and that it is good reason that of all others he should be most skilfull to gouerne and most ciuill Chrysost in Ephes Serm. 22. Verely I am of that minde that then there was no family to be found in which there was not either the Maister or Mistresse either the Sonne or the Daughter or at least-wise some one or other of the household that could not at appointed times reade certaine Chapters of the holie Bible and indifferently well expound all the profitablest places in them The holye bookes were at the time coumpted for most precious houshold-stuffe and euery house was after a sort I say not only a Schoole but euen a Church also adorned and beawtified with the daily exercises of reading the Scriptures interpretations and prayers Hyp. lib. 1. De quotid sac Script lect speaking of the dayes in S. Hieroms time when he wrote to Sunia and Fretela There is no house that can rightly be called a Christian house except the word of Christ dwell in it and some-thing be dayly vttered and heard as touching holie matters or points of Diuinitie Euery well ordered and true Christian family ought to represent the forme and similitude as well of the common-weale as also in speciall of the Church and that most chiefely by the continuall handling and interpreting of the word of God Ibid. Question Doest thou then thinke that those housholds are disordered and not rightly ruled where there is no dayly meditation of Religion kept Aunswere Such families may rather be counted a sincke of sinne where the people are carefull of worldly proffits and vaine delight and carelesse of the word of God and true Religion And therefore they are in this case often-times nearer to destruction Mayster Shut in the testimonie of a true faith Question What doest thou thinke of those Maysters which do not teach their Seruaunts the true knowledge of God Aunswere How-so-euer they take themselues it is manifest that they haue not so mutch as the shewe of Christianitie nor of anye godly minde for can those be good which suffer theyr family which should be a little Church to be so ful of wickednesse as roisting swearing rayling lying quarelling and all other filthinesse that is euen a little Hell and neuer goe about to examine and instruct them in anye goodnesse So that they haue their worke done well in the weeke day they care not where they become vpon the Saboth day they neuer examine them how they profit by the word Mayster Gyff in his Catechisme The third commaundement is broken by omitting and neglecting the occasions and oportunitie that is giuen to enstruct other and to bring them to the acknowledging of the truth especially children and others that are committed to our trust and charge Vrsinus in his Catechisme The housholder transgresseth the fourth Commaundement who especially on the Saboths and festiuall dayes so also some-time on the worke dayes hath not propounded or caused to be propounded and taught to his Children and family the chiefe heads of Christian Religion namely such as be taught and contayned in the Catechisme Hyp. in the triall of a mans owne selfe Maisters and Dames are required in the sixth Commaundement to enstruct their seruants in Religion to see that they bestowe not the Saboth day nor any such other time lawfully exempted in worldly affayres but in diuine seruice and such other works as becommeth such oportunities And the sayd Maisters and Dames do breake the sixt Commaundement when they do not diligently traine vp their seruants in Religion and vertue when they set their seruaunts about their owne bellies or other worldly affaires vpon the Saboth day especiallye then or at any time else when of right they should be at Seruice or Sermons Ma. Bunny in a short summe of Christian Religion vnder the consideration of the ten Commaundements The first Counsell of Nice decreed that no Christian man should be without the Bible in his house Corn. Agrip. de vanit scient c. 100. Take the Bible into your hands in your houses at home At home in our houses let vs apply the reading of the holye Scriptures Chrisost in Gen. Hom. 28. Thinke it not sufficient that ye heare the Scriptures in the Church onelye but also in your houses at home either reade your selues or get some other to reade vnto you and heare them willingly August de temp Ser. 55. Let the reading of Gods word begin to take vp and vse the time that furious Table-playing is wont to take from vs. In stead of idle Tables biting iests and venemous detractions let holie conferences and communications of the Scriptures come in place August de temp Serm. 56. Augustine to Volusian and in certayne of his Sermons craueth of the people whose Pastor he was that in stead of Dice Cards and other pastimes they would get them and reade the holy Scriptures Bulling Comp. Christ Relig. lib. 1. c. 7. Let one of you take in hand the holy Boke and let him call his neighbours about him and by the heauenly words let him water and refresh both their minds and also his owne Chrysost in Gen. Hom. 6. Heare the holy Scriptures both in the Church as ye haue beene accustomed and also in your houses reade them ouer againe If any be so busied that before meate hee cannot studie the holye Scripture let it not grieue him euen at his small repast to peruse somwhat of the holy Scriptures that as his flesh is fed with meate so his Soule may be refreshed with Gods word that the whole man that is to say both the outward and the inward may rise filled with an holy and wholesome banquet For if the flesh only be refreshed and the Soule not fed with Gods word the mayde is filled and the mistresse grieued with hunger And howe vniust a thing this is your holynesse cannot bee ignorant And therefore as I haue alreadie sayd ye ought to reade and heare the diuine Scriptures with such desire as that both in your houses and else wheresoeuer yee shall be yee maye be able both to frame your speach of them and also to teach others the same that in minde as in a cleane Soule alwayes calling to remembrance the word of God ye may be able both to receiue for your selues the profitable iuyce that is the spirituall sence and also by the helpe of God yee may bee able to bring and shewe the same to others that that may be fulfilled in you which is written and thy cup that runneth ouer is very excellent August De temp Serm. 56. The Conclusion to each well disposed Christian conteyning the vse of this Table MAruaile not I pray thee good Christian that I haue not expressed the authorities of the sacred Scriptures word for word but onely noted them by booke Chapter and verse I hope that eyther thou haste a Bible of thine owne or else by extreame pouertie wanting it yet according to thy christian bounden dutie thou either art or henceforth wilt be a diligent frequenter of the place where thou mayst haue the vse of it The persons by whome the times at which and the places where-in the priuate exercise of Religion should be begon and continued this monition playnely sheweth For matter what should in this exercise be handled and manner how the same with profit may be done together with the aunswering of such obiections as may be made against it the worthy works heedfully gone ouer whose Titles heere thou hast already will sufficiently instruct thee In fine vpon the reading or hearing of this monition for the glorie of Gods Gospell the safety of thine owne soule and the good ensample of others in the tender bowels of christian loue I beseech thee accept this councell willingly so many of these passing good Authors or their like as thou shalt be able prouide speedely studie them thoroughly commit them to memorie carefully thy knowledge heere-in impart to others gladly frame thy doings accordingly cry to God to God euen the Father by our Lord Iesus Christ crye in dayly prayer for these and other graces necessary to saluation in most plentifull sort to be powred vpon his Church vniuersall our most gratious godly Soueraigne the whole Nobilitie the whole Ministerie all places of learning and the whole Comminalty of this land for the continuall remembrance of these things I praye thee let this booke be in some cōuenient place where it may bee most in sight not onlye for thine owne but also for the vse of all such as do be long or resort vnto thee Farewell in the Lord from Priston in Sommerset Thyne from the verie heart-roote in Iesus Christ Thomas Wats Preacher of Gods Word Certaine Titles of zealous mens learned workes published for the gathering together and edification of Gods Saincts extant in our English tongue and heere set downe by order of their easinesse beginning with the briefest and playnest and so proceeding to the larger and most profound The little Catechisme with additions Maister Somes Catechisme The Summe of Christian Religion Maister Derings Catechisme Maister Nowels little Catechisme Maister Giffards Catechisme Maister Woods forme of Catechizing Maister Nowels middle Catechisme Zacharias Vrsinus Catechisme Mayster Beacons Catechisme Mayster Bullingers Decades Wolfgangus Musculus common places M. Calvins Institutions D. Peter Martirs common places B. Iewels Reply and Defence of the Apologie FJNJS
I will beleeue that which my forefathers beleeued Thou beleeuest well if so be that they beleeued well and if they haue deliuered to the posterities such things as be good Otherwise the Iewes and Turkes vnder this pretence defend their errors which they haue receiued of their fathers Let euery housholder therefore beware and take good héed what he teach his houshold A man may finde housholders which be so ignorant and vnskilfull in things diuine that they can by no meanes performe that thing which is heere commaunded Let such not be ashamed to heare and learne yea if it were of little boyes the things which hitherto they haue not knowne A man may finde also some housholders which will not performe their duetie in teaching Religion although they bee able to do it Againe a man may finde others which by wicked force doo euen let their housholds from learning the things which concerne the Religion and seruice of God But herein it belongeth to the Magistrate to vse his office to erect and set forward publike schooles Wolf Musc in Psal 78. vers 5. Speake men of discipline neuer so much complaine they of the want of Church-gouernment neuer so lowde preach they teach they neuer so much abroade vnlesse they will begin discipline in reforming their houses and giue Religion some roume at home they shal trauaile much and profit little Let there be neuer so good lawes in Cities neuer so pure orders in Churches if there be no practise at home if fathers of families vse not doctrine and discipline in their houses and ioyne their hands to Magistrate and Ministers they may indéed but vniustly as many haue done complaine that their Children are corrupted abroade when they were before and are still corrupted at home Exhortation for houshold Discipline Both maried men and Monkes and wiues commonlye haue this contention among themselues who may learne most scriptures Hierom. in Psal 33. Fathers bring vp your children in the learning and nurture of the Lord and teach them the holie Scriptures Ignatius Epist 6. If ye be willing that the holie Scriptures may become sweete vnto you and that Gods Commaundements may profite you as they ought withdrawe your selues from worldly businesses at certaine houres on which euen in your houses reade ouer the word of God and dedicate your selues wholie to his mercie that they may be happelie fulfilled in you which is written concerning the happie man For in the law of the Lord will he meditate day night And that Blessed are they that search his testimonies and seeke him with their whole heart And that Thy words haue I hid within my whole heart that I might not sinne agaynst thee For as you haue heard as he which hideth Gods words in his heart sinneth not so also he which hideth them not ceaseth not to sinne For if it sufficeth not buyers and sellers to make their gaines of one sort of ware only but they get many wares by which they may encrease their substance and if Husbandmen do their endeuour to sowe diuers kinds of seedes whereby they may sufficiently prouide meate for them and theirs how much rather in spirituall gaines ought it not to suffice you that you heare the diuine lessons in the Church but in your houses and at your meales and when the daies be short some houres in the nights also ye ought to labour earnestly in diuine reading to the end that ye may get you spirituall wheate into the Barne of your heart and in the treasuries of your soules lay vp the Pearles of the Scriptures that when at the day of iudgement yee shall come before the iudgement seate of the eternall Iudge ye may bee found as the Apostle saith Clothed and not naked August ad frat in Erem Serm. 56. If through ignorance or otherwise by sinning yee haue done any thing against God be not slacke through your well doings to amend it carefully calling this to your remembrance that the maried man liue in his house quietly and peaceably as it becommeth a good Christian that he honour his father and mother that he loue his wife that with very great discipline he teach his Children the Catholike faith and law of God to the end that they may knowe how to loue feare and honour God For this thing is acceptable before God August ad frat in Erem Serm. 64. Hearken all ye of the world that haue Wiues and Children how S. Paule the Apostle of Christ commandeth you to reade the Scriptures and that not sleightly or as by the waye but with great diligence Chrysost in Epist ad Coll. Hom. 9. Hearken not hereto only here in the Church but also at home let the husband with the wife let the father with the childe talke together of these matters and both to and fro let them both enquire and giue their iudgements and would God they would begin this good custome Idem in Ioh. Hom. 2. Touching the duetie of Housholders for the dayly exercising of their families in Christ his Religion Authoritie of the Scriptures Gen. 18 19. Exod. 20 10. Iosh 24 15. 1. King 10 5 8. Hest 4 16. Psalm 101. Iohn 4 53. Actes 10 2 16 15 31 32 33 34 18 8. Rom. 16 5. 1. Cor. 1 11 16 15. Coll. 4 15. 1. Tim. 3 4 12 5 8. 2. Tim. 4 19. Philem. 2. Iudgement of the Learned AFter the good man of the house is risen out of his bed let him go about none other thing then that that hee may be doing and talking of such matters as by which his whole houshold may profit more and more in Religion And as for the good wife of the house let her be verie vigilant and looke well about her house but let her mutch more care that her whole family diligently studie and do the things that pertaine vnto heauen For if in our worldly affayres before we dispose the things that concerne our owne houses we first of all care for the seruices which we owe to the Common-wealth least for such duties we be drawne into the Lawe punished and with shame discredited how much more in Spirituall matters ought we first to take order for the things that belong to God the creatour and King of all things least we be perforce haled to the place where is gnashing of teeth Chrisost in Matth. Hom. 78. When he speaketh of the Church in Nymphaes house we ought to remember that in one houshold there is prescribed what manner ones it becommeth all Christian housholds to be to wit that they bee so manye little Churches Wherefore let euerye one knowe that this burden is layd vpon him that he instruct his house in the feare of the Lord that he keepe it in holie discipline to be short that he there make a representation of the Church Calvin in Col. c. 4 15. They were well instructed which obeied to be Circumcised without resistance which thing declareth that maisters in their houses ought to be as