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A13748 The examinacion of Master William Thorpe preste accused of heresye before Thomas Arundell, Archebishop of Ca[n]terbury, the yere of ower Lord .MCCCC. and seuen. The examinacion of the honorable knight syr Jhon Oldcastell Lorde Cobham, burnt bi the said Archebisshop, in the fyrste yere of Kynge Henry the Fyfth. Thorpe, William, d. 1407?; Tyndale, William, attributed name.; Constantine, George, ca. 1501-1559, attributed name.; Oldcastle, John, Sir, d. 1417. Examinacion of the honorable knight syr Jhon Oldcastell. aut 1530 (1530) STC 24045; ESTC S104932 68,800 141

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The examinacion of Master William Thorpe preste accused of heresye before Thomas Arundell Archebishop of Cāturbury the yere of ower Lorde M. CCCC and seuen ¶ The examinacion of the honorable knight sye Ihon̄ Oldcastell Lorde Cobham burnt bi the said Archebisshop in the fyrste yere of Kynge Henry the fyfth ¶ Benomore ashamed to heare it then ye were and be to do it ¶ Vnto the Christen Reader GRace and peace in oure lorde Iesu Christe Reade here with iudgemente goode reader the examinacion of the blssed man of god and there thou shalt caselye perceyue wherfore oure holy chirch a● the most on holy sorte of all the people wil be called make all their examinaciōs in darkenes all the laye people cleane excluded from their councels For yf their lies had ben openly confuted and also that the accused of heresye myghte as well haue ben admytted to reason their articles with councell whether they were heresye or no as the accused of treason agenst the king is admytted to his councell to confute his cause and articles whether they be treason or not they shulde neuer haue murthered nor prisoned so many good christen men as they haue done For their cloked lyes coulde neuer haue contynued so long in the lighte as they haue done in corners They good men when they come in the pulpet and preache agenst the treuth crye Yf their lernynge were goode and trew they wold neuer go in corners but speke it openly Where vnto I answere that besyde that Christe and his apostles were compelled for because of the furyousnes of their fathers the bishoppes and preastes whiche onely that tyme also wolde be called holy chyrche often tymes for to walke secretly and absent them self and geue place to their malice yet we haue daylye examples off more then one or two that haue not spared nor feared for to speake and also preache opnlye the trouthe whiche haue ben taken of them prysoned and brent besyde other that for feare of deathe haue abiured and caryed fagottes Of whos articles and examinacion there ys no leye man that can shewe a worde Who can tell wherfore not many yeres paste there were seuen burnt in conuentrye on one daye Who can tell wherfore that good preaste and holye martyr Syr Thomas hitton was brente now thys yere at maydstone yn Kent I am sure no man For this is their caste euer when they haue put to deathe or punyshed any man after their secrete examynacyon to slaunder hym of soche thynges as he neuer thought As they maye do well Inough seynge there is no man to contrarye them Wherfore I exhorte the good brother who soeuer thou be that redest thys treatyse marke hit well and consyder it seryouslye and there thou shalt fynde not onelye what the chyrche ys they re doctryne of the Sacramente the worshyppynge off ymagyes pylgremage confessyon Swerynge and payinge of tythes But also thou mayst se what stronge and substancyall argumentes off scripture and doctoures and what clerkely reasons my lorde the hedde and prymate of the holye chyrche in England as he wil be taken bryngeth agenst this pore folysh symple and madde losell knave heretike as he calleth hym And also the verye cause wherfore all their examynacions are made in darkenes And the lorde of all lyght shall lighten the with the candle of his grace for to se the trewth Amen ¶ This I haue corrected and put forth in the english that now is vsed in Englāde for owe● sothern men nothynge therto addynge ne yet ther from mynysshyng And I entende hereafter with the helpe of God to put it forthe in his owne olde english which shal well serue I doute not bothe for the northern men ād the faythfull brothern of scotlāde THe Lorde god that knoweth all thinges worteth well that I am right sorrowfull for to write or to make knowen this sentēce beneth written where that of myne even christē sette in hie state and dignite so gret blyndnes ād malice maye be knowē that they that presume of them selfe to distroye vices and to plante in men vertues nother drede to offēde god nor luste to please him as their warkes show For certes the biddinge of god his lawe whiche in the praysynge of his most holy name he commaundeth to be knowen and kepte of all men and women younge and olde ▪ after the cōnynge and power that he hath gyuen to them the prelates of this lande and their mynisters with the comente of prestys chefely consentyng to them enforce them moste besyly to withstonde and destroye the holy ordinaunce of god And there thorowe god is greatly wrothe and moeuyd to take harde vengeaunce not onely vpon them that doo the evyll but also on thē all that consent to these Antichristys lymnes Which knowe or might knowe their malyce ād their falshode and dresse them not to withstond their malice and their greate pryde Neuerthelesse fower thinges moueth me to writeth is sentence beneth The fyrst thinge that moeueth me hereto is this that wher as it was knowē to certeyn frendes that I came frō the preson of Shrewisbury and as it befell in dede that I shulde to the preson of Canterbury than diuerse frendes in diuerse places spake to me full hartefully and full tenderly and commaunded me thē yf it so were that I sholde be examined before the Archebishope of Canterbury that if I mygh●e in ony wise I sholde writte myne apposinge and myne answeringe And I promysed to my speciall frendes that yf I might I wolde gladly do their biddinges as I might The .ij. thing that moueth me to write this sentence is thys diuerse frendes which haue herde that I haue ben examined before the Archebisshop haue comen to me in prison and councelled me besely and coueted greatly that I shulde do the same thynge And other brethrē haue sent to me required me on goddes behalf that I shold write out make knowē both myne apposing myne answerīg for the profet that as they saye ouer my knowlegīg may come therof But this they badde me that I shold be besye in all my wittes to go as nere the sentēce the wordes as I coulde both that were spokē to me ād that I spake Vp auēture this writing came a nother tyme before the Archebishope his counsell And of this coūselling I was right glad for in my cōsciēce I was moued to do this thing to aske hereto the speciall helpe of god And so thā I considering the great desyre of diuerse frēdes of sondry places according all in one I occupied all my mynde my writtes so besyly that thorow goddes grace I perceyued by their meyning their charitable desyre some profete might come ther throwe For sothe fastenesse trouth hath these cōdiciōs Where euer it is impugned yt hath a swete smell thereof comes a swete savoure And the more violently the enemyes dresse thē self to oppresse to withstond the truthe the greater the
specially or for any other cause be at distaunce to be knette and made one in true feith in stedfaste hope and in perfite charite Amen ¶ Thus endeth the examynacion of Master Wyllyam Thorpe And here after foloweth hys testamente MAthew an apostle of Christe is gospeler witnessith truly in the holy gospell the moste holy lyuynge and the moste holsome teaching of christe He rehersith how that Christe likeneth them that heare his wordis and kepe them to a wyse man that bildeth his house vpon a stone that is a stable ād a sadde grounde This house is mannis soule in whome Christe deliteth to dwell if it be grounded that is stablisshed feithfully in his lyuyng and in his trewe teaching adourned or made fayre with diuerse vertues which Christe vsed ād taucht without ony medlyng of ony errour as ar chefely the condicions of charite This forsaid stone is Christe vpon which euery feithfull soule must be bylded syns vpon none other grounde than vpon Christis lyuyng and his teaching no body may make eny byldyng or housyng where in Christe will come dwell This sentence witnesseth seynt Paul to the corinthians shewing to them that no body may sett ony other groūde than is sett that is Christis lyuyng his teaching And because that all men women sholde gyue all their besynesse here in this lyfe to bylde them vertuously vpon this sure foundacion seynt Paul knouleging the feruent desyre and the goode will of the people of Ephesy wrote to them cōfortably sayng Now ye ar not straungeris gestis nor yet comelingis but ye ar the citezyns and of the housholde of god byldyd aboue vpon the foundament of the apostles and prophetis In which foundamēt euery byldyng that is byldyd or made thorow the grace of god it encreaseth or growith into an holy temple ▪ that is euery body that is groūded or bylded feithfully in the teaching and lyuyng of Christe is there thorow made the holy temple of god This is the stable grounde and stedfaste stone Christe which is the sure corner stone faste ioynyng and holdyng myghtely to gither two wallis For thorow Christe Iesu meane or middill persone of the trinite the father of heuen is pituous or mercifully ioynyd and made one to gither to mankynde And thorow dreade to offende god ād feruent looue to please hym men be vnseparably made one to god and defended surely vnder his proteccion Also this forsaid stone Christe was figured by the square stones of which the tēple of god was made For as a square stone wher so euer it is caste or layde it abydeth lieth stabely so Christe and euery feithfull mēbre of his chirche by example of hym abydeth and dwellith stabely in true faithe and in all other heuenly vertues in all aduersites that they suffer in this valley of tearis For lo whan thes forsaid square stones wer hewen and wroughte for to be layde in the wallis or pillers of goddis tēple none noyse or stroke of the worke men was harde Certein this silence in workyng of this stone figureth Christe chefely and his feithfull mēbres which by example of hym haue ben and yet ar euer to the worldis ende shall be so meke and paci●t in euery aduersite that no sounde nor yet ony grudging shall ony tyme be perceiued in them Neuerthelesse this chefe and most worshipfull corner stone whiche onely is grounde of all vertues proude beggers repreuyd but this despite and reprefe Christe sufferid moste mekely in his owne person for to gyue exāple of all mekenesse and pacience to all his feithfull folowers Certeyn this worlde is now so full of proude beggers which ar namyd priestis but the very office of workyng of priesthode which Christe approuyth trewe ād acceptith is farre fro the multitude of priestis that now reigne in this worlde For fro the hyest prieste to the lowest all as who say studie that is they ymagine and trauell besely how they may please this worlde ād their flessch This sentence ād many soch other dependeth vpon them if it be well considered other god the father of heuen hath deceiuyd all mankynde by the liuyng specially teaching of Iesu Christe by the liuyng teaching of his apostles prophetis or els all the popys that haue ben syns I hadde ony knowlege or discretion with all the college of Cardinallis Archebishopis bisshopis Monkys chanons friers with all the contagious flocke of the comunaltie of priesthode whych haue all my lyfe tyme ād mekell lenger reigned yet reigne ād encrease dampnably fro synne into synne haue bene ād yet be proude obstinate heretikes couetous symoners defoulyd aduulterers in the ministrīg of the sacramentis specially yn ministryng of the sacrament of the altare For as their workys shewe whereto Christe biddeth vs take hede the hyest priestis and prelatis of this priesthode chalenge and occupie vnlefully temporall lordeshippes And for temporall fauour and mede they sell and gyue benefices to vnworthy ād vnable persones yethes symoners sell synne sufferyng men womē in euery degre ād estate to lye cōtinew fro yeare to yeare in diuerse vices sclaūderously And thus by euill exāple of hye priestis in the chirche lower priestis vnder them or not onely suffered but they ar maynteined to sell full dere to the people for tēporall mede all the sacramētis And thus all this forsaid priesthode is blowen so hye ād borne vp in pride vayn glorie of their estate dignite so blindid with worldly couetousnesse that they disdeyne to folow Christe in very mekenesse ād wilfull pouerte lyuyng holily ād preaching goddis worde treuly frely cōtineually takyng their lyuelode at the fre will of the people of their pure almose where and whan they suffyse not for their trewe besy preaching to gett their sustenaūce with their hādis To this trew sentēce grounded on Christis owne liuyng teaching of his apostles thes for said worldly fleschly priestis will not consente effectually But as their werkys ād also their wordis shewe boldeli vnshamefastly thes for said named priestis prelatis couett enforse thē mightely besely y● all holy scripture were expoūdid drawne accordingly to their maners ād to their vngroūdid vsagis fyndyngis For they will not syns they holde it but foly madnesse comforme their maners to the pure and symple liuyng of Christe and his apostles nor they will not folow frely their learnyng Wherfore all the emperours and kynges ād all other lordis and ladies and all the comon people in euery degre and state which haue before tyme knowen or myght haue knowen ād also all they that now yet knowe or myght knowe this forsaid witnesse of priesthode and wolde not nor yet will enforce them after their connyng and power to withstonde charitably the forsaid enemyes and traitours of Christe ād of his chirche all thes stryue with Antechriste ageinst Iesu And they shall
clerkis of your realme if it he trewthe that it myght be confermyd I to be holden for a trew christen man if it be false that it myght be dampned I tauchte a better beleue by goddis lawe and I will gladly obey therto This forsaid beleue the lorde Cobham wrote tooke it with hym offered it to the kyng for to see the kyng wolde not receiue it but bad hym take it to them that sholde be his iudges And than the lorde of Cobham offered to brynge before the kyng to purge hym of all errour ād heresy that they wolde put ageinst hym an hūdred knyghtes squteres And also he offered to fighte with ony mā christen or hethen that wold say that he wer false in his beleue except the kyng and his brethren And after he said he wold submit hym to all maner correcciō that any mā wold correcte hym after goddis law And not withstanding all this the kyng suffered hym to be somoned personally in his owne chāber And the lorde of Cobham said to the kyng that he hadde appeled to the pope fro the Archebisshop wherfore he said he ought not to take him for his iudge so he hadde there his appele redy written shewid it to the kyng therwith the kynge was more angry said He sholde not pursue his apele but rather he sholde be ī warde till his appele wer admitted ād than wolde he or not he sholde be his iudge And thus nothing of all this myght be alowed but because he wolde not sweare to submit hym to the chirche take what penaūce the Archebisshop wold inioyne hym he was arested sent to the towre of London to keape his day that the bisshop assigned hym in the kynges chamber And than he made the beleue afore said with the answeres to foure poyntes that now folow to be written in two partes of an endenture And whan he came to answer he gaue that one parte to the bisshope ād that other parte he kept to hymself ¶ The endenture of the lorde Cobham I Iohn̄ Olde castell knyght lorde of Cobham will that all christē men were how that Thomas of Arundell Archebisshop of Cāterbury hath now leyde maliciously vntreuly by his letter his seale written of me in sclaunderous wyse that I sholde otherwyse feale and teache of the sacramētis of holy chirche assyning in speciall the sacrament of the altare the sacramēt of penaūce also in worshipping of ymagis in goyng on pilgrimagis otherwyse than fealeth and teacheth the vniuersall holy chirche I take almightie god to witnes that it hath ben now is euer with the helpe of god shall be myne entēt my will to beleue feithfully ād treuly in all the sacramētis that euer god ordened to be done in holy chirche And more ouer for to declare me in thes poyntes a foresaid I beleue that the moste worshipfull sacramēt of the altare is very Christes body in fourme of breade the same body that was borne of the blessed virgin our lady seynt Marie done on the crosse dede buried ād the thirde day rose fro dethe to lyfe the which body is now glorified in heuē Also as for the sacramēt of penaūce I beleue that it is nedefull to eueri mā that shall be sauyd to forsake synne and to doo dew penaūce for synne before done with trewe cōfessiō very cōtriciō dew satisfacciō as goddis law limeteth teacheth els may he not be sauyd which penaunce I desyre all men to doo And as for ymagis I vnderstonde that they be not of belefe but they wer ordened syns beleue was geuyn of Christe by sufferaunce of the chirche for to be kalenderis to lay men to represente bring to mynde the passion of our lorde Iesu Christe and martirdome good lyuyng of other sayntes And that who so it be that doeth the worship to deede ymages that is dewe to god or puttith hope feyth or truste in helpe of them as he sholde doo to god or hathe affecciō in one more than in a nother he doeth in that the greate synne of ydolatrie Also I suppose this fully that euery man in this erthe is a pilgreme toward blesse or toward peyne And that he that knowith not nor will not knowe nor kepe the holy commaundementis of god in his liuyng here all be it that he go on pilgrimage into all the worlde and he dye so he shall be dampned And he that knoweth the holy commaundemētis of god and kepith them to his ende he shall be sauyd though he neuer in his lyfe go on pilgrimage as men vse now to Canterbury or to Rome or to ony other place This beleue indented conteinyng the forsaid beleue with thes forsaid answeres he tooke to the bisshops whan he cam to answer on the saturday next befor Michelmesse in the yeare aforesayd And what so euer the bisshopes asked him he badde them looke what his bill said therto and therby wolde he stande to the dethe other answer gaue he not that day but the bisshopes wer not quietyd herewith And the Archebisshop badde hym take auysement till moneday next folowing to answer to this poynte Yf there remained materiall brede in the sacramēt of of the altare after the wordis of consecracion And in the meane tyme he perceiuyd that the vttermoste malice was purposed ageinst hī how so euer he answered therfore he putt his lyfe in goddis hande and answered thus as folowith This is the iudgement and sentence geuyn vpon sir Iohn Old castell knyght and lorde of Cobham the moneday next before michelmesse day at the friers prechers in London in the yeare of our lorde a thousand foure hundred and thirtene the Archebisshop of Canterbery the bisshop of London the bisshop of winchester the bisshop of Bangar Master Iohn̄ witnā Master Iohn̄ whytehede doctours of diuinite Master Philip Morgan Master henry ware Master Iohn̄ kempe doctours of lawe And sir Robert wambnell vicare of seynt Laurence in the iewrie Master Iohn̄ Steuenes Master Iames Colenotaries with the foure orders of friers and many other clerkis demyng and cōuicting hym for an heretike and a cursed man The Archebisshop made all thes clerkys and doctours both religious and seculers to swere vpon a booke that they sholde not for loue or fauour of the one partie nor for any enuy or hatrede of the other partie say nor witnesse but the truthe And the two forsaid notaries wer sworē also to write to witnesse the wordis processe y● wer to be said on bothe the parties and to say the sothe if hit otherwyse wer After this the lorde of Cobhā came ād was broughte before them all to his examinacion to his answer Than the Archebisshop said to hym Lorde of Cobham ye ben auysed well ynoughe of the wordis and processe that wer said to you vpon saturday laste paste in the chapter house of Paulis the