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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02656 A caueat for commen cursetors vvlgarely called uagabones, set forth by Thomas Harman, esquier, for the vtilite and proffyt of hys naturall countrey. Newly agmented and imprinted Anno Domini. M.D.LXUII. Vewed, examined and allowed, according vnto the Queenes Maiestyes iniunctions Harman, Thomas, fl. 1567. 1567 (1567) STC 12787; ESTC S112487 48,296 64

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some Roge some pyeking knaue anymble Prygge he walketh in softly a nightes when they be at their rest and plucketh of as many garmentes as be ought worth that he maye come by and worth money and maye easely cary the same and runneth awaye with the same with great felicitye and maketh porte sale at some conuenient place of theirs that some soone ready in the morning for want of their Casters and Togemās Where in stéede of blessing is curssing in place of prainge pestilente prayting with odious othes terrible threatninges The vpright mē haue geuen all these nycke names to the places aboue sayd Yt haue we twoo notable places in Kent not fare from London the one is betwene Detforde and Rothered called the Kinges barne standyng alone that they haunt commonly the other is Ketbrok stāding by black heath halfe a mile frō any house There wyll they boldlye drawe the latch of the doore and go in when the good man with his famyly be at supper syt downe without leaue and eate and drinke with them etherly in the hal by the fire al night or in the barne if ther be no rome in the house for them If the doore be eyther bolted or lockt if it be not opened vnto them when they wyll they wyll breake the same opene to his farther cost And in this barne sometyme do lye .xl. vpright men wyth their Doxes together at one time And this must the poore Farmer suffer or els they threaten him to burne him all that he hath ¶ The names of the Vpright men Roges Palliardes HEre followeth the vnrulye rablement of rascals and the moste notorious and wyckedst walkers that are lyuinge nowe at this present with then true names as they he called and knowne by And although I set and place her but iii. orders yet good Reader vnderstand that all the others aboue named are deriued and come oute from the vpright men and Roges Concerninge the number of Morets and Dotes it is superfluous to write of them I could well haue don it but the number of them is great and would aske a good volume ¶ Vpright men Richard Brymmysh Iohn Myllar Wel arayd Richard Iohn Walchman Thomas Bulloke Iohn Iones Ihon Teddar Richard Iustyce Lennard Iust Robart Grauenar Wylliā Chamborne Bryan Medcalfe Robart Gerse Gryffen Core the Cuckolde Robart Kynge Nycholas Wylson Burfet Iames Barnard Stephen Neuet Richard Barton Iohn Braye Thomas Cutter Dowzabell skylfull in fence Robart Egerton Thomas Garret Dauyd Coke Harrye Hilles alias harry go depar Iohn Cutter Folentyne Hylles his brother Wylliam Pannell Wylliam Morgan Iohn Bell. Robart Bell his brother Phillip Gréeke Iohn Steuens Robart Maple Wylliam Belson Iohn Gray● Roba●● Lang●●● Ge●●●e ●●r●mar Wyliam ●●●●s Iohn Why●● Thomas ●ewton Wylliam Garret Longe Gréene Fardinand● Angell Wylliam Robynsō Wylliā Vmb●ruile Iohn Rewe Thomas W●b Wylliam Dauids Iohn M●rres Iohn a Farnando Antony Heymer Laurence Ladd Dycke Glouer Antony Iackson Richard Constans Wyll pen Litle Iohn Gray Robyn Bell. Thomas Grayhis toes begonne Robbyn Topp Iohn Newman Wylliam Iones Great Iohn Gray Dycke a Brystow Tom Bodele Richard Thomas Wyll Powell Christopher Cooke Edmund Dun a singing man Laurence Marshall Richars Cadman Edward Skinner 〈◊〉 N●● Shiner 〈…〉 〈…〉 Wylliam Clark● Water Wyrrall Ned Barington Iohn Appconnes Iohn Thomas Iohn Arter Iohn Palmer alias Todd Iohn Goffren Thomas Wast Thomas Dawso alias Thomas ●acklin Iohn G●d●ord Iohn Herwod amaker of wels he 〈◊〉 halfe his bargaine in hand when he hath wrought ii or iii. daies he runneth away with his earnest Iohn Peter Iohn Porter Richard Stategood Iohn Appowes Harry Agglyntyne Iohn Goddard Edward Browne Rychard Appryce Harry Smith he driueleth when he speaketh Thomas Baset Iohn Bates Thomas Marchant Thomas Web. Iohn Comes Iohn Chyls alias great Chylas Iohn 〈◊〉 he maketh 〈◊〉 and fausets Iohn Loudale a mayster of fence Robart Brownswerde he weatenhe his heare songs Wylliam Browne Iohn Loue dale Harry Ionson Water Martyn Antony Iacson Robart Curses Thomas Awefeld Iohn Mekes Iohn Appowell Thomas Gybbins Richard Walker Wylliam Grace Iohn Chappell Iohn Gryffen Robbyn Edmundes Thomas Lacon Richard Copar Iohn Mason Ned Wetherdon Ned Holmes Dauid Edwards Wylliā Pychering Thomas Bate Iohn S●●●ling with the shaking head Iohn Franke. Thomas Allen. Iohn ●●ker Dauid Holland Iohn Basta●●d George Hu●cheson Dauid Iones Fraunces Dawghion ¶ Roges Harry Walles with the little mouth Iohn Waren Richard Brewton Thomas Haske Richard Horwo● wel pexe lxxx yeres olde he wyll byre a vi peny nayle a sonder with his téeth and a dawdy dronkard Wylliam Carew Iohn Donne with one legge Iohn Elson Thomas Bere Nicholas Adams a great s●amerar Arche Dowglas a Scot. Symon Kinge Iohn Raynoldes Thomas Shawnean Iresh man Blacke Dycke George Belbar●y Humfrey Warde Lytle Robyn Lytle Dycke Iohn Harrys Iames Monkaster a counterfet Cranck Nicholas Crispyn Edward Eellys Wylliam wastfield Dycke Duram Richard Crane ●●rieth a Kinchen co at his Backe Nycholas Blut alias Nycholas Gennyns a counterfet Crank Wylson Godman Iohn Dew Iohn Crew with one arme Nycholas Lynche Raffe Kyteley Richard Iones Lambart Rose Harry Mason Thomas Smithe with the skal skyn Dauid Dew neuet a counterfet Cranke Iohn Browne a great stamerer Edward Anseley Robart Harryson Gerard Gybbyn a counterfet Crank Wylliam Gynkes with a whyr beard a lusty and stronge man he runneth about the countrey to seke worke with a byg boye his sonn carying his tooles as a dawber and plasterer but lytle worke serueth him ¶ Pallyards Nycholas Newson carieth a layned lyrence Bashforde Robart Lackley Wylliam Thomas Edward Heyward hath his Morte following hym Whiche fayneth the crank Preston Robart Canloke Wylliam C●oper with the Harelyp Thomas Edwards Laurence with the great legge Iohn Perse a counterfet Cranke Richard Hylton carieth ii kinchen Mortes about him Dycke S●han Irish Iohn Dauids his fellow Wyll Penyt ●e●reath a kinchen-morte at his back Richard Thomas Iohn Harrison Edward Lewes a dummerer Iohn Carew Wylliā Bowmet Iames Lane with one eye Irish Hugh Iones Dauid Powell Sothegarde Iohn Fysher Nycholas Decase Thomas Dauids Swanders Iohn Dewe Dauid Iones a counterfyt Cranke Iohn Gylford Irish with a counterfet lysence ¶ Their is aboue an hundreth of Irishe men and women that wander about to begge for their lyuing that hath come ouer within these twoo yeares They laye they haue béene burned and spoyled by the Earele of Desmond and report well of the Earle of Vrmond ¶ All these aboue wryten for the most part walke about Essex Myddleser Sussex Surrey and Rent Then let the reader iudge what number walkes in other Shieres ●eare me to great a number if they be well vnderstande HEre I set before thée good Reader the leud lousey language of these lewtering Luskes and lasy Lorrels wher with they bye and fell the common people as they passe through the country Which language they terme Peddelars Frenche ā vnknowen tong onely but to these bold beastly bawdye Beggers and vaine Vacabondes being