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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74029 Anno tricesimo primo Henrici octavi Henry the VIII. by the grace of God kynge of England and of France, defender of the fayth, Lorde of Irelande, and in earth supreme hed immediatly vnder Christ of the churche of Englande, to the honour of almyghty God, conseruation of the true doctrine of Christes religion, and for the concorde quiet and vvelth of this his realme and subiectes of the same helde his moste hyghe court of Parliament begonne at VVestm[inster] the. xxviii. daye of Aprill, and there continued tyll the. xxviii. daye of Iune, the. xxxi. yere of his most noble and victorious reigne, vvherin in vvere establysshed these actes folovvinge.; Public General Acts. 1539. 31 Hen.VIII England and Wales. Sovereign (1509-1547 : Henry VIII); Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547. 1539 (1539) STC 9397.5; ESTC S124831 58,283 58

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henseforthe extended and executed in to and vppon all transgressours and offendours in the sayde chace called Hampton courte chace and into or vppon the sayde warren of the same ¶ And bicause that the sayd manor of Hampton court is thus as is aforesayd decorated and enuironned with thinges of hygh and princely commodities Be it further enacted by auctoritie of this present parliament that the manor of Walton vpon the Temmes in the sayd countie of Surr̄ beyng parcel of the Duchye of Lancaster and the manour of Walton Leghe in the sayd countie of Surr̄ late purchased by the kynges hyghnes of Gyles Leghe esquier deceassed and the house of Oteland and all landes tenementes rentes seruices and hereditamentes in Weybridge Walton Chartesey in the sayd countie of Surr̄ late purchased by the kynges hyghenes of Iohn Rede son and heyre of William Rede and the manours of Byflete and Weybridge in the sayd countie of Surr̄ beynge parcell of the Duchye of Cornewal and all the landes and tenementes in Walton and Weybridge aforesayd late purchased by the kynges hyghenes of Iohn Goldwel his wyfe all those landes tn̄tes in Walton aforesayd late purchased by the kynges hyghnes of Iohn Carleton the manour of Estmulsey in the sayd countie of Surr̄ late purchased by the kynges hyghnes of y e presidēt scolers of Corpus Christi college in Oxford the manor of Mulsey in y e sayde countie of Surr̄ which late belonged to y e late monastery of Marten in the sayde countye of Surr̄ And the manour of Sandon in the sayde countie of Surr̄ late purchased by the kynges hyghnes of the mayster bretherne of the hospitall of saynt Thomas spittell in Suthwarke in the sayd countie of Surrey And the manour of Weston in the sayd countie of Surrey late purchased by the kynges hyghnes of the abbesse and couent of the monastery of Barkyng in the countie of Essex And the manour of Imworth in the sayde countie of Surr̄ late pourchased by the kynges hyghenes of Thomas Duke of Norf. And the manour of Esher in the sayde countie of Surr̄ late pourchased by the kynges hyghenesse of the reuerente father in God Stephyn byshop af Wynchester and the landes and hereditamentes with thappurtenances called Heywod lyenge within the sayd chace whiche late belonged to the late priory of Newerke in the sayd countye of Surrey And all those manours landes tenementes and hereditamentes lyenge within the sayde chace whiche syr Rychard Page knyght hathe lately bargayned and solde vnto our sayde soueraigne lorde the kynge and al lādes tenementes and hereditamentes which be the sayd syr Rychard Pages lyenge and beynge within the sayde chace And all other manors landes tenementes rentes reuercions seruices and hereditamentes within the limytes and Territory of the same chace which the kynges hyghnes before this tyme hath opteyned bought or purchased of any person or persones bodyes politike or corporate And all the fee ferme or yerely rent or annuitie of the borough or towne of Kyngston vpon Temmes in the sayd countie of Surrey And the manours of Hanneworth and Kynton otherwyse called Cold Kennyngton and the parke of Hanneworth and Cold Kennyngton in the countie of Middelsex And the manoure of Feltham in the sayde countye of Middelsex whiche manoure of Feltham was late pourchased by the kynges kyghnes of the mayster and bretherne of the hospitall of Burton lazer in the countie of Leycester And the manour of Todyngton in the sayd countie of Middelsex late purchased by the kynges hyghenes of the abbot and couent of the monastery of Westmynster in the countie of Middelsex and all landes tenementes and hereditamentes lyenge in the parysshe of Hampton in the sayde countie of Middelsex late purchased by the kynges hyghnes of Thomas Arthure Thomas Gone Iohn Vnydale Iohn Vpton Thomas Elys and Iohn Lewes or of any of them And all lādes tenementes and hereditamentes in the parysshe of Hanneworth in the sayd countie of Middelsex late purchased by the kynges hyghnes of Iohn Willyams Iohn Combes Rycharde Harris William Couper Robert Wattes Thomas Fitzwater Richarde Laurence Thomas Carpenter Iohn Byckes Paule Coke and the persone of the paryshe of Hanneworth afore sayde or of any of them And all the landes tenementes in Kenten in the sayde countie of Middelsex lately purchased by the sayde oure soueraigne lorde the kynge of the maister brethren of the hospitall of Sauey in the countie of Midd And all other maners lādes tenementes hereditamētes in Kingston Hāworth Kentō Coldkeningtō Felthā Todingtō Hāpton whiche our sayd souerayne lorde the kynge before this tyme hath bought purchased or obteyned of any person or persons bodyes polityke or corporate shall from hensforth be perpetually vnited annexed deined reputed taken to be parte parcell and membres of the sayde manour of Hampton courte And that the same manour of Hampton court together with all other the sayde manours landes tenementes and other the premisses aboue rehersed and specified so vnited annexed to the same manour of Hampton court shall from hensforth be named callid accepted and taken the honour of Hampton courte And that the sayde manour of Hampton courte shall from hensforthe be the chiefe and capitall place and parte of the sayd honour of Hampton courte ¶ Be it also further enacted by auctoritie afore sayd that the sayd honour and chace of Hampton courte and all the manours landes tenementes hereditamentes and other the premisses aboue rehersed shall from hensforth be in the order suruey rule and gouernance of the court of Augmētations of the reuenues of our souerayne lorde the kynges crowne and to be granted let and set to ferme by the offycers and mynisters of the same court in such maner and fourme as other the manours landes and tenementes appoynted to the same court ben or ought to be letten or graunted And that all the fermes issues reuenues and profittes commynge and growynge of the premysses and of euery parte therof shal be taken and receyued to the kynges vse by the mynisters and officers of the same court in such maner and fourme as is vsed and had of other manours landes tenementes cōmytted to thorder suruey gouernāce of the said courte of augmentatiōs any acte statute ordinance custome or vse heretofore had made or vsed to the contrary therof notwithstandynge ¶ AND furthermore be it enacted by auctoritie aforesayd that all and syngular the tenantes as wel freeholders copy holders as other and all and syngular personnes whiche owe suite to any of the sayde manours or to any leete or lawdaye to be holden within the procincte of any of them and the heyres successours assygnes of euery of the sayde tenantes shall do theyr suites seruices and customes and paye theyr rentes to the sayde sondry manours and in suche tymes as they dydde and ought to do before the makynge of this presente acte And that the sayde tenantes and sutours or any of them or the heires