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A91003 Sacred eloquence: or, the art of rhetorick, as it is layd down in Scripture. By the right Reverend Father John Prideaux late Lord Bishop of VVorcester. Prideaux, John, 1578-1650. 1659 (1659) Wing P3433; Thomason E1790_2; ESTC R209683 60,135 136

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Hec est corpus meum Matth. 20.26 1 Cor. 11.24 the Signe dignified with the name of the thing signified for the assurance of the performance on the part of him who sealed the evidence except we would make a prodigie of the blessed Supper appointed to set at variance not in unity to fix believers For the exemplification of the third kind of Metonymies upon the mutuall change of antecedent and consequent with the thing to be expressed So To know a woman to go in unto her to be with her Hath Ammon thy brother been with thee 2 Sam. 13.20 serve modestly to expresse what may be done without otherwise speaking of it So Joseph is not and Simeon is not Gen. 42.36 Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they were not Jer. 31.15 Matth. 2.18 by consequence speak their precedent death * Simulatio Because we speak one thing and mean another Cum aliud in pectore reclusum aliud in lingua habemus as in the Poet. Scilicet is superis labor est It is likewise called by Tully Inversio a turning upside down of a thing or contrary to the right form A proper tearm to expresse this Trope where the contrary is meant to what is said Euge bone serve curâsti probè There are six species of it 1. Chleuasmus or Epicertomesis 2. Charientismus or Scomma 3. Astismus 4 Diasyrmus 5. Exutenismus 6. Sarcasmus Ironia Ironies also find an admittance in both Testaments for He that dwelleth in heaven laugheth his enemies to scorn the Lord shall have them in derision Psal 2. Elias mocked them Baalites and said Cry aloud for he is a god either he is talking or pursuing or he is in a journey or peradventure he sleepeth and must be awaked 1 King 18.27 So that speech of Micajah to Ahab Go up and prosper for the Lord shall deliver it into the hands of the King 2 King 22. cannot stand with a true Prophets integrity if it be not passed with an Irony as the King also took it vers 16. By the like proverb which is the Scripture phrase the King of Babylon is intituled Lucifer son of the morning which did weaken the Nations Isa 14.12 The Prince of Tyrus is also taunted Behold thou art wiser then Daniel there is no secret that they can hide from thee VVith thy wisdom and with thy understanding thou hast gotten thee riches and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou encreased thy riches and thy heart is lifted up because of thy riches Ezek. 28.3 4 5. In the New Testament that of our Saviour must needs be taken for an Irony Full well ye reject the commandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers Matth. 23.32 And that Sleep on now and take your rest behold the hour is at hand and the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners Matth. 26.45 So that of the Apostle Now ye are full now ye are rich ye have reigned as Kings without us I would to God ye did reigne that we also might reigne with you 1 Cor. 4.8 More bitter and baser were those Sarcasms of the souldiers to our Saviour whom they had crowned with thorns Hail King of the Jewes Matth. 27.29 Milder that of the Apostles Ye suffer fools gladly seeing ye your selves are wise 2 Cor. 11.29 And what is it wherein ye were inferiour to other Churches except it be that I my self was not burthensome unto you forgive me this wrong ib. 12.13 Some would have that to be ironically spoken Rather give alms of such things as ye have and behold all things are clean unto you Luk. 11.4 which others with greater reason deny * Translatio when a word is transferred from one thing unto another by reason of the likenesse that is betwixt them Nihil est in rerum natura cujus non in alijs rebus possimus uti vocabulo nomine Vnde enim Simile duci non potest potest autem ex omnibus Indidem verbum unum quod similitudinem continet translatum lumen affert orationi The Greek Rhetoricians under this notion did comprehend all the Tropes Arist 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Id Rhetor. lib. 3. cap. 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So Cicero ad Brutum Though the variety of this Trope be very great and field large yet Quintilian endeavours to reduce it into four ranks 1 When one animate is put for another as Cato barked at Scipio 2 Inanimate for another as Classique immit●it habenas 3 Inanimates for animates as ferro an fato virtus Argivûm occidit 4 Animates for inanimates as Sedet inscius metus alto Metaphora As Metonymies so Metaphors in Scripture are eminent and numberless What hast thou done the voyce of thy brothers bloud cryeth unto me from the ground Gen. 4.10 as an importunate Suiter crying for justice We are come to Jesus the Mediator of the New Teastament and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things then that of Abel Heb. 12.24 whose also being dead yet speaketh Heb. 11.4 Speech is here translated from man to blood 2 We have fathers mothers brothers sisters masters servants and such other relatives without stint metaphorically taken So God is said to be father of all Hath the rayne a father or who hath begatten the drops of dew Job 38.28 none but God that created them The child Christ is called the everlasting father Isa 9.6 The divell is a liar and the father of it Joh. 8.44 that is the author inventor propagator Jabal and Jubal the fathers of such as dwell in Tents keep cattle handle the harp or Organ Gen. 4.20.21 Micah's masse-priest must be a father to the plundering Danites Judg. 18.19 that is an instructor One Joab is the father of the valley Charashim for they were craftsmen 1 Chron. 4.14 Elisha cryeth after Elijah My father my father the Chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof 1 King 2.12 a surer protector then all their Martialists with their best forces With the same King Joash reverenceth Elisha ib. 13 14. And Naamans servants honour their Master My Father if the Prophet had bid thee do some great thing wouldest thou not have done it Ib. 5.13 Job stoopes to acknowledge corruption to be his Father and the worme to be his Mother and Sister in regard of his wofull plight Job 17.14 And our Saviours position is catholick Whosoever shall do the will of God the same is my Sister and Brother and Mother Mar. 3.25 not by generation but acceptation In an opposite sense is the inscription on Babylons fore-head Mystery Babylon the great the Mother of harlots and abhominations of the earth Revel 17.5 In as far-fetch'd Metaphors we have The sons of the quiver for arrows Job 41.28 Lament 3.13 Jonah's goard shall be the Son of a night Jon. 4.10 The pascall-Lamb a male the Son of the
of the divers dispositions of the auditors of vvhich Some have eares to heare some none 2. In that of the prodigall Son returning to his forsaken Father Luk. 15. the cheerfull entertainment of a sinner that unfeignedly repenteth 3. In that of the freed debter by God Matth. 18.20 so tyrannically imprisoning his brother and the heavy doome that befell him upon it the necessity that vve should forgive if vve look to be forgiven 4. In that of the labourers in the vineyard and vvages pay'd them that God endureth not Idlers and rewards not as men exspect but of pleasure yet still beyond exspectation 5. The case of him that vvas for building of Barnes instead of thankfullnesse to God that gave corne to fill them Luke 12.16 and of Dives and Lazarus Luk. 16. for vvordlings not to surfeit so here that they suffer for it hereafter and for the pious poor left here to the dogs to finde favour vvith the Angels 6. In the passages parabolically set forth between the Priest the Levite Luk. 10.30 the pittifull Samaritan and the wounded Traveller apparantly may be observed that those vvho are most obliged commonly most neglect their duty and help often commeth from vvhom and vvhen it might be least exspected 7. Our Saviour spake this parable unto certaine vvhich trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others Luke 18.9 10. Tvvo men vvent up into the Temple to pray the one a Pharisee the other a Publican their prayers and postures vve have but the event shevvs not the vaunting gifted man that pressed so high vvith his perfections but the poor penitent that stood a far off not daring to lift up his eyes to Heaven that smote his breast crying GOD be mercifull to me a sinner came last but sped best * Sententia brevis acuta quae multa paucis comprehendit Apothegms Apothegms are speeches of pregnant instruction smart reproof or profound consequence expressed in compendious proposals resolvs or replyes As when Benbadad sends to Ahab The Gods do so unto me and more also if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for handfulls for all the people that follow me The King of Israel inferred and said Tell him Let not him that girdeth-on his harnesse boast himselfe as he that putteth it off 1 King 20.10 11. for things may fall out unexpectedly and events crosse hopes and presumptions So of the wise Woman of Abel's proposall to Joab that furiously stormed the Citty before any Summons given they plainly spake in the beginning it was noysed first amongst us of the Town when we first admitted Sheba and heard of thy pursuit Surely they will aske of Abell and so make an end they will not strike before they speak or batter or throw down the walls before they understand whether we are Royalists or Rebels that will justifie Sheba's action I am one of those that am peaceable and faithfull in Israel thou seekest to destroy a City and a mother in Israel why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the Lord a discreet and quiet conference would take up the matter This put Joab upon a sight of his over-sight and an Epizeuxical acknowledgement Far be it far be it from me that I should swallow up or destroy 2 Sam. 20.18 19 20. So our Saviours answer to the combined Pharisees and Herodians concerning tribute due to Caesar left them all to marvel but not a word to reply Matth. 22.22 To Amaziahs message a kind of challenge Come and let us look one another in the face Jehoash's answer was pricking and pertinent The Sonne of The thistle was no fit match for the Cedar's daughter 2 Kings 14.18 Our Saviour's Replies are here more then apothegmaticall 1. To that of his mother Son why hast thou dealt with us thus Luk. 21.49 Wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers businesse 2. To her motion They have no Wine Joh. 2.3 4. Woman what have I to doe with thee mine hour is not yet come 3. To them that told him that his Mother and his Brethren waited for him whom by Nature he was bound to respect he stretched forth his hands towards his Disciples Matth. 12.48 and said Behold my Mother and my Brethren for whosoever shall doe the will of my Father which is in Heaven the same is my Sister and Brother and Mother in my esteem My Mother and my Brethren are those that hear the Word of God Luk. 8.20 and do it 4. To that of the Pharisee why do thy Disciples transgresse the tradition of the Elders Mar. 7.15 in not washing their hands before meat His satisfaction was Not external ingredients but internal defile a man 5. To that Why eateth you Master with publicans and sinners Matth. 9.11 Those that be whole need not the physition but those that are sick Go and learn what that meaneth I will have Mercy and not Sacrifice Mar. 2.18 6. To that why his Disciples fasted not as well as those of John and of the Pharisees It was not seasonable while the bridegroom was with them and no more advantagious then to put a new patch upon an old garment and new Wine into old vessels which will marre all rather then make good Things must be so ordered that they may doe good and Disciples instructed that they may be edified 7. To that Mat. 2.27 28. Why do thy Disciples pluck the eares of Corne upon the Sabbath day which is unlawfull They may do it in case of necessity as David are the shew-bread when he was hungry And the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath Therefore the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath Likewise him that intruded to be his follower he discharged with Luk. 9.58 Foxes have holes and the birds of the ayre have nests but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head Thou wilt misse of thy ayme if thou think to make a vvorldly fortune by follovving me Him that put off his call Let me first go and bury my Father he lessoneth Let the dead bury the dead but go thou and preach the Kingdome of God So him that vvould complement vvith his friends before he vvould serve his Master he teacheth better manners No man having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the Kingdome of God Reproofs Complaints and Execrations mixed or severed As in a building there must be a sure foundation strong vvalls and a good roof othervvise it vvill soon totter according to that of our Saviour Matth. 7.27 So in spiritual building Scripture must be the ground-vvork Liturgy the vvalls and Discipline the roofe othervvise it vvill never hold out against vvind and stormes But Pharach's dream is verified in us The lean kine so devour the fat that they leave no bones behind them Gen. 41. And the famine of Samaria encreaseth upon us vvhere an asses head is prized at eighty pieces of
that they would neither eate nor drinke till they had slaine Paul Act. 23.12 Haman was sicke of this disease and therefore he thought it scorne to lay hands on Mordecai alone but all the Jewes must be destroyed with him Hest 3.6 All his riches multitude of children advancement above the Peers of the Kingdom affected him little in comparison in his vaunting before his freinds and Zerith his wife yea Hester saith he the Queen lett no man come in with the King to the banquet she had prepared but my selfe and to morrow am I invited unto her also with the King yet all this availeth me nothing so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the Kings gate Hest 5.13 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Joy in anothers ruines is a zeal which least becometh Christians It was a beseeming thought in furious Jehu that after the tumbling of painted Jezabel down from a window and trampling her under his horses feet from the midst of his cups he could command Go see now this cursed woman and bury her for she is a King's daughter 2 King 9.34 For want of which Edom is sharply taxed For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee and thou shalt be cut off for ever in the day that thou stooddest on the other side in the day that the stranger carried away his forces captive and forreiners entred into his gates even the wast one of them Obad. 10. Such was ●he rejoycing of the dwellers on the earth over the two Witnesses slain whom they would not suffer to be put in graves but were merry over them and sent gifts one to another because they tormented them that dwelt on the earth 3. Blind zeal Rev. 11.9.10 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seizeth on any thing putting no difference betwixt good or bad friends or foes This carrieth most commonly with it a mistake in all the rest of the passions as in the 1 of dotage or lust for love 2 Spite to the person or revenge for hatred to the fault In the 3 praesumption despair or groundles credulity is obtruded for hope In the 4 cowardice and needless trembling for fear In the 5 ridculous merriments for true joy In the 6 causeless dejection and melancholly-dumps for grounded sadness Of all which examples from Scripture may be gathered CHAP. VI. Of Characters Descriptions or Idea's I. See that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the Mount Exod. 25.40 Act. 7.44 Heb. 8.5 Characters as they come to hand and for the easier remembring of them where the text will bear it may be cast into heptades As God will protect them that call upon him from 1 Wicked men ungodly that feare not God 2 evill that are injurious to men 3 foolish in their practises 4 vaine in their projects 5 lying in their discourses 6 blood-thirsty in their persecutions 7 deceitfull in all their contracts and dealings Psal 5.4 5 6. II. The way of Cain Jude v. 11. consisted of 7 crooked-misleading steps 1 Hypocrisy he would sacrifice as well and readily as Abel 1 Joh. 3.12 2 His aemulating hatred to his brother by reason of his preferred devotion 3 This brought him to murder him 4 which he endeavoureth to slubber over with a surly lye Gen. 4.9 I know not where my brother is am I his keeper 5 his desperation upon conviction without the least remorse but rather grumbles at God's just sentence My punishment is greater than I can beare Thou hast fined me too deep dealt too hardly with me 6 his opposition rather to withstand his punishment then submission to mitigate it and marries gets children builds a citty and names it Enoch to eternize his son's name 7 the profaness of himselfe and his who wholly forsook God and prided themselves in their inventions which is intimated by their contrary course taken by the Setheans who applyed themselves to call on God whom the Cainites had forsaken III. These six things doth the Lord hate and seven are an abhomination 1. A proud look 2. A lying tongue 3. Hands that shead innocent blood 4. An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations 5. Feet that be swift in running to mischiefe 6. A false witness that speaketh lyes 7. And him that soweth discord among brethren Pro. 6. IV. Gen. 4. Marked men for revived offences in our time 1. Cain for fratricide 2. Gen. 9.28 Cham for insulting irreverently on his father's nakednesse 3. Ishmael for flouting Isaac and playing it should seem on his name Gal. 4.29 given by God terming him some such thing as a ridiculous young Master which is called a kind of persecution 4. Korah for rebellious contradiction Num. 16. 5. Saul for usurping the Priests office in sacrificing sparing Amalek against God's expresse command 1 Sam. 13. butchering innocent Abimelech and all the inhabitants of Nob the city of the Priests 6. Ahaz for Sacriledge and continued Idolatry when Gods hand was upon him with this Character set upon him This that King Ahaz 7. Zedekiah for perjury and neglecting Gods Prophets 2 Chron. 28. 2 Chron. 26. V. Sin 's genealogy 1. Suggestion from Satan 2. Delectation was pleasant 3. Consent she took it 4. Act did eate 5. Contagion gave her houseband 6. Horrour of Conscience saw their nakednesse feared hid themselves 7. Censure of punishment because thou hast done this VI. Practises of the Jewes against their owne in the fury of their ignorant zeal 1. They killed the Lord Jesus 2. And their owne Prophets 3. Persecuted the Apostles 4. Please not God 5. Are contrary to all men 6. Forbidding to the Gentiles deceived that they might be saved 7. Fill up the measure of their sins to the brim that the wrath of God may come upon them at the utmost 1 Thes 2.15 16. VII A representation of the Divine Majesty I saw the Lord sitting upon a 1. Throne high and lifted up which is applyed to Christ Joh. 12. above it stood the 2. Seraphims each one had 3. six wings with twain He covered his face and with twaine he did fly and 4. cryed one to another and said 5. Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the posts of the door moved at him that cried and the house was filled with smoak Isa 6. VIII A larger representation to Ezechiel in 1 four living creatures each having the likenesse of a man with 4 faces Of a man a Lion an Ox an Eagle 2. fourwings to shew their swiftnesse 3. Sparkling calves feet like burnishing brasse 4. Hands of a man under their wings on their four sides 5. Four wheels animated one with in another full of eyes 6. A throne of Saphire arched with a Rain-bow 7. Upon the likenesse of the Throne was the likenesse of the appearance of a man upon it IX Rev. 1.13 Our Saviour is set forth by his 1. Attire a garment down to the foot girt about