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A43572 The best entail, or, Dying parents living hopes for their surviving children grounded upon the covenant of Gods grace, with believers and their seed, being a short discourse upon 2 Sam. 23, 5 : wherein is a collection of several covenant-promises to support the faith, and some pleas to direct and quicken the prayers of Gods covenanted people for their surviving posterity / by O.H. ... Heywood, Oliver, 1629-1702. 1693 (1693) Wing H1761; ESTC R40552 56,018 114

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and take no care of their precious Souls and know not when they Dye whether he that comes after them shall be a Wise man or a Fool Eccl. 21.9 if he be a wise man a little will serve him with Gods blessing if wicked he puts a Sword into the hand of a Fool to do himself and others a greater mischief Oh how much better is it for their own peace and their Childrens profit to plead the Covenant to Instruct Correct Admonish Counsel Comfort and incourage their Children in the ways of God and use their utmost Endeavour to make them Gods Children an Ancient thus writes Sabrian ad Eccles cath lib. 3. p. 441. Disciplinam parentes deus jubet thesaurisare filijs non pecuniam perennia praecipit non peritura conferre God commands Parents to hoard up Disciplin not Money for their Children things of a perpetual not perishing nature what a base and sordid thing is it to prefer a Swine to a Son to provide for a Beast and cast out a Child and yet most Parents bestow more care of their Cattel than of their Childrens Souls they give their Children nature but deny them nurture Yea they propagate corruption to them but do not travel over them till Christ be formed in them they glory in being Fathers of their Flesh but cry not to the Father of Spirits for the best life in their Childrens dead Souls they promise at their Baptism to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord but know not what that meaneth and have no heart to learn that they may teach Oh what account will these perjured Parents give another day Remember God will call you to account what Answer will you give when he shall Say where is the Childs Soul that I committed to thy trust what care hast thou taken of it where are thy Tears Prayers Groanings Earnings of Bowels for thine own Bowels didst thou not know that thy Child had a Soul that its Soul was polluted with Sin that it must be born again not only of Water but of the Spirit or could not be Saved that though I was to be the Efficient cause yet thou must be the Instrument to begin and carry on this Work and hast thou struck one stroke in this work by faithfull endeavours or hast thou earnestly desired me to do that for thy Child that thou couldest not thou knowest thou hast done neither and therefore thy Childs Blood shall be reqiured at thy hands what Apology wilt thou then make for thy self Dost thou think to come off by Saying I sent him to School to learn or to the Minister to be Catechised this is more than some will do but is this all is not paternal care thy personal duty was not thou charged with thy Childs Soul may not God justly blast other teachers pains as a punishment of thy negligence and doth not thy bad Example at home unravel all that others teach them Wo Wo be to such wicked wretched Parents In the name of God I charge you as you will not have your Children accuse and curse you in Hell for ever concern your selves deeply about their Everlasting State think they can never do well if they do not well for another World they will never be dutifull to you till they be Obedient to God train them up for God and you consult at once Gods Glory the good of Church and Common-wealth your own Comfort and their Eternal felicity true Grace qualifys persons for every condition for he that is really good will be relatively good a good King and Subject Father and Child Master and Servant Heathens knew this that the way to form Persons into a due mould of civil Subjection is a literate and vertuous Education thus the King of Babylon conquering Judah ordered the Kings seed Dan. 1.3 4 and Princes to be trained up in the learning of of the Chaldeans and our own Historys tell us that when the Romans conquered this Island Julius Agricola brought Noble mens Sons to Rome and caused them to be educated in liberal Sciences whereby they gradually tamed the furious temper of the Brittains so that the Inhabitants here became of gentle spirit and peaceable Subjects much more will Christianity and true Piety bring persons into a regular conformity it expells Barbarity and produceth Civility Hospitality Frugality and yet a discreet liberality a divine Benediction is entailed upon Sincere Religion Godliness is profitable unto all things 1 Tim. 4.8 having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come if your Children be Godly they will be fit for any thing and all things will conduce to their good And You Oh children suffer a word of Exhortation from one that hath had Experience of childhood Youth riper age and is arrived at old age and hath been a teacher of others above forty years and may say to you as Augustus did to his mutinous Army Audite me juvenes quem juvenem senes Audierunt Hear me Young men whom sometimes Old men have heard and obeyed God forbid you should be head-strong sons of Belial Yoakless and so run headlong into the pit of destruction Be not like the wild asses colt break not thro' Parents tears Prayers counsels and commands to Hell Alas that any young persons should desperatly contradict the perswasions of Ministers the motions of the Spirit the checks of their own consciences the sad warnings of their undone companions and the rods of God on their own backs and haste through all these to the pit and never stop till they be swallowed up in that Infernal Lake that burns with Fire and Brimstone you will say what would you have us to do I answer Act as Rational Creatures inure your selves to Solemn consideration Consider that you are Creatures of an higher rank than Bruits that you have Immortal never dying Souls that God made you to Glorify and injoy him that he hath given you a rule to act by in order to another state in the other World that Sin hath depraved your natures hath diprived you of Gods Image brought you under his curse that Christ came to redeem Sinners that saving Faith doth interest Souls in Christ that Faith is the gift of God that in your Baptism you were ingaged to forsake the World Flesh and Devil Consider your sins since you were baptized confess them to God review and renew your Baptismal vow actualy renounce all other claimers and give up your Selves to the Lord understandingly Deliberately Vniversally and Perpetually improve Jesus Christ as the way the truth and the Life Espouse his interest joyn with Gods People Obey all his commands Attend on him in all his Ordinances Be sure you be sincere Exercise every Grace aim at Perfection keep a constant watch over your hearts and ways maintaining a dayly warfare against all Spiritual Enemies prepare for death and consider where you must lodg when the King of Terrours lays its cold hand of Arrest
who dictated them 1. The Penman or Instrument David is described these four ways 1. By his natural descent the Son of Jesse 2. By his Royal Dignity raised up on high 3. By his Divine Unction anointed of God 4. By his Employment Exercise sweet-Psalmist of Israel whose breath is sweet to this Day 2. The Authour that dictated to David Viz. 1. The Holy Ghost Spirit spake by me Viz. 2. God the Father the God of Israel Viz. 3. Jesus Christ the Mediator of the Covenant called here the Rock of Israel as he is called 1 Cor. 10.4 2. In the Temple or the Matter David speaks are also two things considerable 1. The nature of David's Regiment 2. The Excellency of the Covenant For the former which unfolds to us the nature and properties of David's Kingdom as the type and of Christs as the Antitype in four particulars 1. The holiness of it he that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God a brave character 2. The happiness of it he shall be as the light of the morning when the Sun riseth a morning without clouds 3. The fruitness of it as the tender grass springing out of the Earth by clear shining after Rain 4. Here 's an uncomfortable exception with reference to David's Family and Kingdom in these words Although my house be not so with God 2. Here 's an Excellent description of the nature properties and suitableness of the Gospel-Covenant in these four particulars Viz. 1. The dureableness of it Everlasting 2. The orderliness of it Ordered 3. The sureness certainty of it 4. The suitableness to David as to his 1. Present desires in this World 2. Eternal Salvation hereafter You see the Text is a full store house a rich treasury a blessed Magazine whence we may fetch both meat and medicine food and physick work and reward all things that concern grace and glory 1. The Text then presents to us David's case and 2. Cure 1. His Case is presented negatively Although my house be not so with God 2. His Cure positively which is the Covenant that 's a Salve for all Sores a Remedy for all Maladies a Supply for all Wants I am not ignorant that some carry the sense thus Although my house be not so with God i. e. my house is not such an unstable inconstant thing to alter and change as the Weather from a glorious Sun-shine morning to a dark cloudy gloomy evening so it may prove a stormy rainy day no no my House and Family is fixed setled splendid and compleat if not in my outward affairs at present yet in the Messiah to come out of my Loynes in the fulness of time his Kingdom will appear and shine most gloriously and break in pieces all other Kingdoms and it shall stand for ever so you read Dan. 2.44 But though that be a great truth I am apt to incline to those Interpreters that take this as a concession concerning the defects and imperfection of Piety and Tranquillity in David's Family q. d. I must needs confess that neither I nor my Children have lived so exactly or ruled so uprightly in the fear of God as we ought we have had our faults and folly which have clouded our Consciences and Reputation and therefore have not injoyed such uninterrupted prosperity as we might had we walked more closely and exactly and therefore sad Clouds and Storms have darkened and disturbed our Heaven yea oft benighted our state domestical political ecclesiastical as well as personal my Children have not been like tender Grass springing up to maturity but some of them cut off in the prime of their days I have been banisht from my Throne and family not suffered to build God an House nor abide in his Sanctuary my wounded Spirit hath sighed out many heavy groans God hath oft with-drawn his Grace hid his Face and left my Soul on the brink of hellish despair yet for all this I can in my lowest ebbs cast my Eye upon the Gospel-Covenant and fetch relief from that in my lowest state inward or outward Many Doctrines may be drawn out of this large and full Text. Doctrine 1. That it 's a singular mercy to be be trusted with a Family This is implied and owned by David in 1 Chron. 17.16 25. God setteth the solitary in Families Psal 68.6 Doct. 2. House-holders must make inspection into their Families So doth David here and Psal 101.2 3. he had a large Family State-affairs on his hands yet prays with his Family 2 Sam. 6.20 puts it not off to Stewards or Chaplains See Prov. 27.23 Doct. 3. A Religious Family is to be with God Although my House be not so with God he earnestly desires all the members of his Family might be with God laments the contrary for the Lord is with them that are with him 2 Chron. 15.2 Doct. 4. The best Families have their defects and imperfections David's Family for all his care may be far from the rule not only as to individual members but as to the complex body of a Family there were disorders even in Christs own Family Doct. 5. Family-faults bring family plagues family-defects produce family-afflictions God will not spare sinning families though dear to him nay they shall smart soonest and sorest Amos 3.2 You only have I known of all the families of the Earth therefore I will punish you Doct. 6. Family-miscarriages do greatly trouble gracious house-holders He speaks of it with sad resentment Oh what bitterness is it to a godly Father Master to find disorders in such as are under his charge Doct. 7. The Covenant of Grace is extensive and comprehensive The godly have much comfort and content in it with reference not only to themselves but their houses and families Doct. 8. The Covenant of Grace is Everlasting It is from all Eternity in the Covenant of Redemption betwixt Father and Son Tit. 1.1 2. and endures for ever Psal 111.9 Doct. 9. There is a comely and admirable order in the Gospel-Covenant An order of persons in the Fathers Election Sons Redemption Holy Ghosts Application believers reception An order of things supream subordinate causes means instruments promises priviledges principles and practices all keep their places they do not interfere or thwart each other Doct. 10. The Gospel-covenant is sure and stable Things are not left at uncertainties nor depend on the mutable Will of Man as of old it was with Adam but they are the sure Mercies of David Isa 55.2 and 54.9 10. Doct. 11. There 's that in the Covenat that answers a Christian's desires As the Christians desire is mainly carried to it so there is that in it which answers and satisfies those desires desires are vast and immense but the contents of the Covenant run parallel and are every way adequate to just desires Doct. 12. A Christians Salvation is wrapt up in the Gospel covenant Upon this may a Child of God venture his Soul Eternal Life is contained and comprehended in it I wave