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A29492 Catechetical exercises, or, Questions and answers for youth to learn that they may better understand the church catechism : with the catechists enlargements upon them / by Jos. Briggs ... Briggs, Jos. (Joseph) 1696 (1696) Wing B4662; ESTC R36511 101,779 204

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your duty to your Neighbour Rehearse it out of the Church-Catechism A. My duty to my Neighbour is to love him as my self c. Catechist In this Answer you have first your whole duty to your Neighbour summed up in a few words and then set before you in its several branches as the particular precepts of Gods law require them I pray then first Q. What is the summ of your duties towards your Neighbour A. To love my Neighbour as my self and to shew that love by doing to all men as I would they should do unto me Q. May I not do to others as they do unto me A. No but as I would they should do unto me Catechist That to love my Neighbour as my self is the summ and substance of the Six last Commandments and so of all the duties we owe him appears by Rom. 13.9 For this saith the Apostle Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness Thou shalt not co●●t and if there be any other Commandment it is briefly compreh●nded in this saying Thou shalt Love thy Neighbour as thy self For we must manifest our loving him as our selves by doing to all as we would they should do unto us And whosoever doth so he cannot do any act of injury or wrong or injustice to any person forbidden by any of these Commandments If a man indeed do to others as others do unto him This is Revenge and he cannot but do them wrong as or because they injure him But he that doth to others as he would have others to do to himself in the like case This man cannot deal unjustly or uncharitably with any person in any cause or matter He will neither fail of doing his duty to his Superiors Inferiours nor Equals against the fifth Commandment because were he in their place and station he would expect such duty from them to himself He will neither wrong any person in his body person Goods or good name against the other Commandments because he would by no means have them so to wrong himself in the like case So this is a Comprehensive Law containing all others in it whether of justice or charity all the Six last Commandments Let us now cast our eyes upon every of them apart One by one Q. What duties doth the fifth Commandment Honour thy father and thy mother c. require of you A. The respective duties of all Inferiours and Superiours to each other Q. Shew them particularly in the words of your Catechism A. To love honour and succour my Father and Mother to Honour and obey the King and all that are put in Authority under ●im to submit my self to all my Governours Teachers spiritual Pastors and Masters to order my self lowly and reverently to all my betters Catechist My good children These are great Lessons and very proper for you to learn and have a special care to practice for our Relative duties have a most considerable place in true Religion and no man can be said to be truly Religious that makes no conscience of a careful performing them For further understanding whereof Let me acquaint you in the first place That the great thing required in this Commandment is in other words S. Pauls precept Rom. 13.7 Render therefore to all their Dues tribute to whom tribute is due custome to whom custom fear to whom fear honour to whom honour Owe no man any thing c. More particularly Children must love their parents their natural parents their Father and Mother And that this is included in the word honour as belonging to parents is evident by the Prophet Malachi opposing that honour which is due to fathers to that fear which belongs to servants towards their Masters Mal. 1.6 A Son honours his father and a servant his Master If I then be a father where is my honour and if I be a Master where is my fear And the love children owe to their parents is not denied but implied in that of our Saviour when it interferes not with our duty to God Mat. 10.37 He that loveth Father or Mother more than me is not worthy of me 2 Children must honour their parents which you see is the letter of the Commandment that is have a high and reverend esteem of them in their hearts 3 They must succour them that is in case of poverty want old age or sickness relieving their wants and helping their Infirmities 1 Tim. 5.4 If any widow have children or nephews Let them learn to shew piety at home and to requite their parents For this is good and acceptable to God And in a word which is the result of all they must obey them in all their lawful commands and fulfil them Col. 3.20 Children obey your parents in all things for this is well pleasing to God Now besides natural parents there are civil and political parents the Fathers of our Country the King and such as are in Authority under him and there are Spiritual parents Governours Teachers Spiritual pastors and Masters and all our Betters in Age or quality or estate have a sort of parental Relation to us and so all these are included in the words Father and Mother in the Commandment For Subjects then their duty is to honour the King and all that represent the King in their respective places and offices all that are in Authority under him to honour them for his sake as bearing his Authority And this Honouring the King is so necessary that God joyns these two together in one precept as if we could not do the one aright without the other Prov. 24.21 My Son fear thou the Lord and the King and meddle not with them that are given to change 1 Pet. 2.17 Fear God Honour the King And this Honouring him in our hearts must be shown by obeying their good Laws in our Actions whether concerning our manners or concerning their tributes and prerogatives For so Christ himself teacheth Matth. 22.21 Render to Caesar the things which are Caesars as unto God the things which are Gods Rom. 13.1 Let every Soul be subject to the Higher powers c. Ver. 4. They are the Ministers of God for Good Ver. 6. For this cause pay ye tribute also they being Gods Ministers attending continually on this very thing Of this therefore we that are Christs Ministers are to put you always in mind Tit. 3.1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers to obey Magistrates And so S. Peter teacheth how contrary soever his pretended Successors the Pope and Priests of Rome teach 1 Pet. 2.13 Submit your selves to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it be to the King as supreme or unto Governours as unto them that are sent by Him for the punishment of evil doers and for the praise of them that do well As for Governours Teachers and Spiritual pastors to them the Catechism saith is due the peoples submission One Text is sufficient to
the old Testament in memory of Gods Rest from his works of Creation and thence was it called the Lords day Rev. 1.10 John in the Isle of Patmos was in the spirit on the Lords day Act. 20.7 Vpon the first day of the week when the Disciples were together to eat bread Paul preached unto them 1 Cor. 16.1 2. Concerning the Collection for the Saints as I have given order to the Churches of Galatia so do ye Vpon the first day of the week let every one lay by him in store as God hath prospered him As for the Churches Holy days or Days appointed by Authority for solemn publick prayers and thanksgivings upon occasion of some great Calamities or Deliverances though they be appointed by man only yet have they as good Authority as the Feast of Purim and Dedication among the Jews for they had no other but Humane Appointment Q. How must God be served on those days A. By resting from all bodily labours except them of Necessity and Mercy to the end we may wholly attend the publick and private exercises of Religion and Godliness Q. What sins then are forbidden by this Commandment A. Mispending these days either in sin or idleness or the servile works of our callings or in vain sports or whatsoever may hinder our keeping them Holy Catechist The Commandment expressly forbids all servile works on the Sabbath day and so do divers Texts as Exod. 31.13 14. and 35.2 and Jer. 17.21 much more idleness vain sports and pastimes and all sinful spending it in gluttony drunkenness filthy Communications and all manner of Licentiousness We are to rest from our worldly labours but mark for what end not that bodily ease can of it self please God but it is that being free from all encombrances of this world and all earthly cares and distractions we may sanctifie the day keep it holy or hallow it Only as our Saviour clears the matter in Confutation of the Pharisees Matth. 12.11 12 13. Works of Necessity Mercy and Charity are allowed and lawful for What man of you saith he having an Ox or an Ass fallen into a pit on the sabbath day will not lift it up It is lawfull therefore to do good on the Sabbath day And therefore he Himself scrupled not to heal the sick cleanse the lepers restore the blind and lame c. and thus he justifieth himself in so doing against their cavills Q. What must parents and Masters do in obedience to this Commandment A. They must exercise their children and Servants in all Religious duties publick and private and restrain them from all contrary sins Catechist The Tenour of the Commandment runs thus Thou and thy Son and thy daughter thy man servant thy maid servant c. And for an example to all Householders as well as Kings and Princes Joshua said chap. 24.15 As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. So let all of us say Let other persons be careless how their families observe the Lords day whether they come to the Church or be absent how they mispend it in vain sports or prophaness I and mine will do otherwise we will serve the Lord publickly and privately with all good care and Conscience Ps 42.4 We will go up together unto the house of God with the voice of joy and praise with the multitude that keep holy day Psal 101.4 6. A froward heart shall depart from me I will not know a wicked person Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful that they may dwell with me He that walketh in a perfect way shall serve me Q. What Motives doth God use to engage our obedience to his Commandments A. His allowing us six days for our own labours and his own special property in the Seventh His own Example and His having Sanctified the Sabbath day to Holy Uses Catechist Every one is able of himself to discern all these in the words of the Commandment Let me then leave that to you and ask you in the next place Q. Is it sufficient to serve God in his Solemn days only A. No We must set apart some Competent part of our time every day and serve him truly all the days of our lives Catechist We are injoyned in Gods word to pray always Luk. 18.1 and to pray without ceasing 1 Thes 5.17 that is keep a constant daily course of prayer And in all things to give thanks 1 Thes 5.18 and to have God always before us Ps 16.8 So is every day to be so a Sabbath unto us as therein to rest from sin and to allot some competent time for Gods immediate service from our worldly business as well as to serve him by all diligence in labour and by faithful and righteous dealing in our Callings and Vocations Luk. 1.74 Being delivered from the hands of our enemies it is that we may serve him without fear in Holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our lives Q. Doth this fourth Commandment then oblige us Christians A. Yes though not the Ceremonial part as it requires the seventh-day Sabbath and the strict Jewish Rest yet what is of Moral equity in it to wit that a Competent part of our time be thus devoted to Gods Worship and Service Catechist It concerns us even us Christians to remember often Gods fearful judgements on divers prophaning of the Sabbath as him that gathered sticks on it Num. 15.32 and them that bare burdens on the Sabbath day in Jerusalem Jer. 17.27 And Nehemiahs zeal to restrain from buying and selling wares on the Sabbath day chap. 10.31 against those that trode the winepresses and brought in sheaves and asses laden with wine grapes and figs c. on the Sabbath day chap. 13. from ver 15. to 23. For as St. Paul saith 1 Cor. 10 11. These examples are written for our learning or admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come And as God gave Ten Commandments so had this in special the same Author and Lawgiver as the other had even the Eternal God the Creator of all things who as the very light of nature prompts if he be God must be worshipped and glorified as God which cannot be unless some competent portion of time suppose one in seven be set apart for it And therefore although the Ceremonial part of the Commandment be abrogated yet is the Moral still Obligatory to us Christians And so our Holy Church believes or else we should not be taught by it to pray after the reading of this as well as every other Commandment Lord have mercy upon us and incline our hearts to keep this Law I may now hope you pretty well understand your duty towards God taught you in the first Table of the Decalogue the four first Commandments Let us go on then to the second Q. How many Commandments are there in the second Table A. The Six last Commandments Q. What sort of duties doth the second Table teach you A. My duties towards my Neighbour Q. What is
prove it Heb. 13.17 Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your Souls as they that must give an account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you And so must servants obey and submit to their Masters in all lawful commands 1 Pet. 2.18 Servants be subject to your Masters without fear not only the gentle but also the froward And lastly All men must behave themselves lowly and reverently to all their betters in age estate or quality them that be elder either in higher Rank or Condition For this it is that will preserve order peace and good will amongst men And I shall only here give you the Text for reverencing the aged even in Gods own Law Lev. 19.32 Thou shalt rise up to the hoary head and honour the old man I am the Lord. Many more Texts might I have cited for each duty to these Relations but for brevities sake I must let these suffice beseeching you to let them sink and root in your hearts for the regulating your whole conversations in this world Now you will much better know these your duties required in this Commandment if you can well learn what the particular sins contrary to those duties are which are forbidden by this Commandment and those of both parties in these several Relations for though the one only is expressed yet doubtless the other are implied First then Q. What are the sins of Children against this Commandment A. Their despising of their parents in their hearts or their irreverence or disobedience to them in their behaviours or not relieving nor helping them when they fall into want or sickness Catechist All which God knows are too much to be seen in divers Children but for which no doubt they must at last find the effects of Gods terrible curse Deut. 27.16 It is threatned expressly to all Despisers of their parents but doubtless extends to all irreverence Undutifulness and Disobedience Cursed be he that setteth light by his father and mother To which all the people shall say Amen Prov. 1.8 My Son hear the instructions of thy Father and forsake not the law of thy Mother For chap. 15.5 A fool despiseth his Fathers Instruction And see how he threatens such a man chap. 30.17 The eye that mocketh at his Father and despiseth to obey his Mother The Ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young Eagles shall eat it And mark it it is one of the Abominations foretold of the last and perillous times Men shall be Despisers of parents As for not succouring them or childrens not relieving their parents in need when and as they are able you cannot but know that it was for this that our Saviour rebuked the Pharisees most sharply Mar. 7.11 They taught men to neglect their parents in necessity so that they did but consecrate that to pious Uses to the Corban wherewith they should relieve them And so under pretence of piety it is said they suffered no man to do ought for his parents and thereby made the Commandment of God of none effect through their own Traditions Q. On the other hand what are the sins of parents A. Not providing for their Children or bringing them up in idleness and ungodliness Catechist You have the parents duty to provide for their childrens sustenance in our Saviours argument Luk. 11.11 If a son ask bread of his father will he give him a stone or if he ask a fish will he give him a Scorpion And the Apostle saith 2 Cor. 12.14 Children lay not up for their parents but parents for their children All men do this by the Law and instinct of nature And therefore he saith 1 Tim. 5.8 If any man provide not for his own He is worse than an Infidel It is true some men are in the other extreme taking immoderate care and using unjust means to enrich their families yet still all Unthrifts that piss against the walls all their earnings and through carelessness and profuseness let their children and families starve and fall into beggary are great sinners and so great that the Apostle censures them as worse than Heathens or Infidels But above all parents had need to be diligently taught that great duty of Godly education of their Children and their miscarriages shall aggravate the parents damnation if it be for want of bringing them up in the Nurture and admonition of the Lord Eph. 6.4 Q. What are the sins of subjects against Kings and Magistrates A. Contemning disobeying or rebelling against the King or those that are in Authority under him Catechist What a sin it is to despise or Contemn the King or his Magistrates may be seen by the strictness of the precepts Exod. 22.28 Thou shalt not revile the Gods nor curse the Ruler of thy people Eccl. 10.20 Curse not the King no not in thy thought for the bird of the air shall carry the voice and that which hath wings shall tell the matter As for disobedience and Rebellion we have terrible examples of Gods vengeance for it in Corah and his Company in Absalom and Sheba and as terrible a Commination to all that tread in their steps Rom. 13.2 Whosoever resisteth the powers resisteth the or dinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation Q. What then are the sins of Kings and Men in Authority A. Not making good Laws or not executing them for the punishment of evil doers and the encouragement of them that do well Catechist For this is Gods declared end in raising up Kings and Magistrates 1 Pet. 2.14 That they may be Ministers of God saith St. Paul Rom. 13.3 for good to them that are good encouraging them in well doing but not bearing the sword in vain may be a terrour to evil doers Which also is well expressed in his Direction what to pray for in their behalf 1 Tim. 2.2 That under them we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty Which thing they can never perform any other way than by making good Laws and impartial putting them in execution and therefore not doing either of these is their sin against this Commandment Q. What are the peoples sins against their Teachers piritual Pastors and Ministers A. Despising them witholding their Dues or resisting or rejecting their Doctrine or Government causelessly Catechist Remember I pray you Abrahams answer to Dives in hell interceding for his brethren on Earth That one might be sent to them from the dead to warn them lest they should also come into those terments They have Moses and the Prophets that is such as teach their Doctrine If they will not hear them neither will they believe though One should rise from the dead As for withholding the Ministers dues titles or maintenance it is enough that the Prophet Malachi calls it theft or robbery and that a robbing of God Mal. 3.8 And that there is such a Sin as
Sacriledge under the Gospel is manifest because else St. Paul would never have mentioned and reproved it Rom. 2.22 Thou that abhorrest idolatry dost thou commit Sacriledge As for rejecting their doctrine or Government it is apparently a breach of good order and God is the Father of order and not of confusion in all the Churches 1 Cor. 14.33 And it is against that precept Heb. 13.17 Obey them that have the Rule over you And no doubt what our Saviour said to his Disciples extends to all lawful Pastors in a just proportion as being sent by Chirst and speaking in his name and acting by the rules of his Gospel Luk. 10.16 He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me Q. On the other hand what are the sins of Pastours or Ministers A. Neglecting to teach or guide their flocks or misleading them by corrupt doctrine or by the bad example of a wicked life Catechist There being none of that sacred function here present I need say little of it only this God make me and all my Brethren sensible how sad it will be for us if preaching to others we ourselves prove cast-aways 1 Cor. 9.27 which we shall certainly if we do the work of the Lord negligently Jer. 48.10 Not feeding Christs sheep and lambs as we ought John 21.15 c. For such Ministers are called dumb dogs idle or idol shepheards Vnprofitable Servants And for all wicked Ministers that of St. Paul is very sharp Rom. 2.1 Thou art inexcusable O man ver 21. Thou that teachest another teachest thou not thy self And Psal 50.16 Vnto the wicked God saith What hast thou to do to declare my statutes seeing thou hatest to be reformed Yea let such be never so commendable for their diligence in preaching and prophecying in the name of Christ Himself tells them what he will say to them at the last day Mat. 7.23 Depart from me ye workers of iniquity Q. What are the sins of Servants against their Masters A. Being stubborn or slothful or Unfaithful in their Masters business or trust Q. And what are the sins of Masters against their Servants A. Hard using their Servants withholding their wages or not providing what is needful both for their bodies and souls Catechist Not to multiply Texts The sins of Servants are very easie to discern in Col. 3.22 Servants obey in all things your Masters according to the flesh not with eye service as Men-pleasers but with singleness of heart as fearing God and whatsover ye do do it heartily as to the Lord not as to men Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ And for the sins of Masters as we know how great that is of withholding the hire of the Labourer Jam. 5.4 it is a crying sin so the other sins are evident in that of the same Apostle Col. 4.1 Masters give unto your Servants that which is just and equal knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven Q. What are the sins of wives against their husbands A. Disobeying or resisting their lawful Commands unquiet behaviour and unfaithfulness Q. What are the sins of husbands against their wives A. Unkindness Unfaithfulness not providing for their Sustenance and not bearing with their infirmities as weaker vessels Catechist To prove which I need no more but shew what the Apostle requires of either of them for that shews their respective transgressions Eph. 5.22 Wives submit yourselves to your husbands as it is fit in the Lord and mark his reason for the Husband is the Head of the wife as Christ is the Head of his Church Ver. 33. Let the wife therefore see that she reverence her husband For quiet and unquiet behavior what St. Peter speaks is excellent for this Sex to be often thinking of 1 Ep. 3.4 Commending to them a meek and quiet spirit as the best ornament far to be preferred before those of gold silver or pearl it being in the sight of God of great price As for Unfaithfulness that is of two sorts that in his bed which is Adultery and that in such concerns as are committed to them by their husbands Concerning which I shall need say no more but offer you that description the Wise-man gives of a good wife and then it will follow unfaithfulness must needs be an argument of a bad one Prov. 31.11 The Heart of her busband safely trusts in her so that he shall have no need to fear spoil or waste On the other hand there are like sins of husbands towards their wives unfaithfulness and any thing contrary to true love especially unkindness or bitterness of anger For Eph. 5.28 They ought to love their wives as their own bodies and as Christ loved the Church Col. 3.19 Husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them Not providing for their Comfortable Sustenance For that is a fault in many Husbands to drink and tipple while their Wives and Families mourn and starve and have hard fare or famine and to this extends the forequoted censure of the Apostle He that provides not for them of his own household is worse than an Infidel And lastly it is expressly injoyned them 1 Pet. 3.7 Likewise ye husbands dwell with your wives according to knowledge giving honour unto the Wife and so bearing with her infirmities as the weaker vessel and as heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindred Q. What are the sins of all other Inferiours against their Betters whether in Age Gifts or Estate A. All proud or irreverent behaviour towards them whether in word or deed Catechist In all degrees of men The Lord hateth a proud look as well as a lying tongue Prov. 6.17 The younger sort therefore are to be humble and sober minded Tit. 2.6 And it is Gods express Law that they rise up before the hoary head and bonour the old man with this reason I am the Lord Lev. 19.32 And as for the wiser and richer sort their Wealth and Wisdom being the Blessings of God useful to the good of mankind there is a reverence due to them whence Solomon in the forequoted place forbids as cursing the King in our thoughts so the rich in our bed-chamber for a bird of the air shall carry the voice and that which hath wings will tell the matter Q. What then are the sins of Betters to them below them A. Scornful despising them or not using their own respective abilities for others good as need requires Catechist For as for the Aged it is discretion that makes the gray hairs truly venerable And S. Paul enjoyns them to be sober and temperate as also the younger to follow the good councels and examples of the wise and experienced Tit. 2.2 And whosoever they be that extol others in wealth wisdom or dignity they must consider of them as Gods Gifts and Blessings and themselves as his Stewards bound to