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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A28867 The principles of religion by Edward Boughen. Boughen, Edward, 1587?-1660? 1646 (1646) Wing B3816; ESTC R24142 34,491 87

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11.1 according to Saint Pauls rule imitate the Apostles knowing that they were guided by the Spirit of God The Apostles began to keep this day the first day of the week and the Church of God hath done so ever since The practice of the Apostles is a sufficient warrant Q. Is it lawfull to doe no manner of worke on this day A. Not the workes of our trade or vocation to make a gaine thereby But upon that day we may doe workes of necessity and workes of charity Q. How prove you this A. By our Saviours Doctrine and practice 1. By his doctrine for c S. Mat. 12.1 3. c. he justified by Scripture that it was lawfull for his Disciples on the Sabbath day to gather eares of Corne and eate them And that it is as d S. Luc. 14.5 lawfull for us to pull our oxe or asse out of a ditch on the Sabbath day This for workes of necessity And for workes of charity or mercy he justifies them by his owne practice e S. Mat. 12.13 On the Sabbath day he healed the withered hand as also f S. Luc. 14.4 the man sick of the Palsie g S. Ioh. 9.14 On this day he opened the eyes of the blind And not only so but he gives us directions for the future assuring us that * S. Marc. 2.27 The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath Q. Which is the fifth Commandement A. Honour thy father and mother c. Q. Who are meant by Father and Mother A. I. Our naturall Parents II. The King and his Ministers that is all such as are placed in authority by the King III. All my governours teachers spirituall Pastors and Masters And in the last place all my betters Q. Of naturall Parents there 's no question but is the King my Father A. The Kings stile hath ever been h Pater Patriae the Father of his Country to put us in mind of our filiall duty and him of the Fatherly and tender affection he ought to bare to his Subjects And are not i Es 49.23 Kings and Queenes called the nursing Fathers and nursing Mothers of the Church To signifie to us who are the Sonnes of the Church what they are to us and how we ought to behave our selves towards them Q. How ought we to honour the King A. As Gods substitute and immediare Vicegerent for k 2. Chron 9.8 on the Lords throne he sits to be King for the Lord thy God So then he is next to God and lesse then God only Q. Wherein doth this honour consist A. l Pro. 2● 〈◊〉 v. 24.21 In fearing to displease him m 1. S. Pet. 2.13 in obeying him in reverencing and loving him o Rom. 13.6 7. in giving him what ever is due to him by the Law of nature the Law of God and the Law of the Land Q. How farre forth must we obey the King A. So farre forth as he commands nothing that is contrary to the Law of nature or the Law of God Q. May the King command what is evil A. He ought not If he doe p Act. 5.29 we must obey God and not man But though he may not command us to doe that which in it selfe is evill or unlawfull yet he may prohibite some things that in themselves are lawfull and honest though they seeme necessary for the preservation of a Common-wealth And this prohibition we are bound to obey Q. How prove you this A. q Jer. 35.6 7. Jonadab commanded the Rechabites his sonnes that neither they nor their Children should 1. drink wine for ever And that they should neither 2. build house nor 3. sow seed nor 4. plant Vineyard nor 5. have any We know that in themselves all these things are lawfull and honest and yet r Ib. v. 8. they obeyed the voyce of their Father Jonadab in forbearing these And God commends them and rewards them for it for his promise to them is this ſ Ib. v. 19.20 Because yee have obeyed the commandement of Jonadab your Father and kept all his precepts and done according to all that he hath commanded you Jonadab the Sonne of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me for ever And the King hath an higher power over us then our Parents have Q. Are you sure of this A. This is learned by daily experience If my Father command me one way and the Kings Officer another I must obey the Kings Officer and not my Father The reason is because as I am subject to my Father so is my Father subject to the King The King therefore may punish my Father for his countermand and me for obeying it Indeed my Father is but the Father of a Family but the King is the Father of all his Country that is of all the Families in His Dominions He hath therefore Power both over me and my Father Besides t Ro. 13.4 the King hath the Power of the Sword of life and death which a Father hath not For if my Father kill me the King ought to question him and to execute Iustice upon him for this wicked Fact Q. May no man controule or forbid what the King commands A. Surely no for u 1. S. Pet. 2.13 the King is Supreme the highest power under God All other Civill powers are to be obeyed so farre forth * Ib. v. 14. as they are sent by the King as they have Authority from him and no further To be otherwise taught is but to be trained up to Rebellion For the King is not only the Fountaine of Honour but the Fountaine of all Civill power within his owne Dominions as the Apostles justifie Rom. 13.1 S. Pet. 2.14 Q. But suppose the King command that which is utterly unlawfull and contrary to Gods word may we disobey A. Disobey him we may to obey God That is we must preferre Gods command before the Kings And this cannot justly be called disobedience but obedience since we x Ro. 13.1 obey the higher Powers namely God from whom he hath this Power Q. And may we resist in this or such like cases A. We may not since that God who hath charged obedience upon us y Ib. v. 2. Non resistit quod subiectum est Aug. de verâ Relig. c. 35. hath forbidden resistance upon paine of damnation Q. What is to be done in these streights A. When we may not submit to the command injoyned we must submit to the penalty inflicted Thus did the Apostles of Christ and thus must we Q. What if the King be a Tyrant or Persecuter of the Orthodoxe Faith A. * Magistratibus ex animo deferendus est honor etiam tyrannis Beza in Act. 23.5 Yet we must submit as is prescribed After this manner the Apostles and their Scholars submitted to Nero Domitian Julian c. Q. What is due to the King by the Law of God A. z Ro. 13.1 Subjection
Reverence a Ib. v. 6 7. Tribute Custome b Prov. 24.21 Feare and c 1. S. Pet. 2.17 Honour And no humane Law can take these or any of these from him since the divine Law is the Supreme Law and every Law is voyd as soon as made that is contrary to this Law And hence it is that we are commanded to obey Princes d 1. S. Pet. 2.13 for the Lords sake e Ro. 13.5 for Conscience sake and f Ib. v. 2. upon paine of damnation Q. Why is God so carefull of Kings A. 1. Because g 2. Chron. 9.8 they are his Substitutes and represent his Maiestie 2. Because h Lamen 4.20 they are Gods Anointed 3. Because i 1. S Pet. 2.14 in disposing Favours and dispensing Iustice they cannot but draw much envy upon themselves 4. Because k 2. Sam. 18.3 the King is worth ten thousand of the best of us And yet when the people spake this of David there were brave men among them viz. l Ib. v. 2. Ittai the Gittite and Joab and Abishai m 1. Chro. 2.16 Davids owne Sistars sonnes men of great birth and power eminent for vertue and n 2. Sam. 18.2 the chiefe Commanders of his host Q. How ought wee to honour our Parents A. By loving reverencing and succouring them in their necessities since under God they are the Authors of our being and breeding and preservation Not because we have need of them but because they are our Parents Honour THY FATHER not because he is great or rich but because he is thine Thus o 1. Kings 2.19 Solomon though a mighty Monarch 1. rose up to meet Bathsheba his mother and 2. bowed himselfe unto her and 3. caused a seat to be set for her and 4. placed her on his right hand St Pauls advice therefore is that p 1. Tim. 5.4 we learne to shew piety at home and to requite our Parents and his charge is that q Col. 3.20 Children obey their Parents in all things And reason good r Ib. 1. Tim. 5.4 for these duties are well pleasing unto the Lord. Q. How ought wee to honour our Masters A. ſ Col. 3.22 By obeying them in all things not with eye-service as men pleasers but in singlenesse of heart fearing God Q. The Scriptures are very mindfull of the duty of Children and Servants but are they silent of Parents and Masters A. They are not Of Parents and Masters in generall they say thus t 1. Tim. 5.8 He that provides not for his owne is worse then an Infidell And in particular to each of them thus u Eph. 6.4 Yee Fathers provoke not your Children to wrath but bring them up in the nourture and admonition of the Lord. * Col. 4.1 Yee Masters give unto your Servants that which is just and equall knowing that yee also have a Master in Heaven Q. What saith the Scripture concerning spirituall Pastors and Masters A. It calls them x S. Mat. 5.13 the Salt of the earth y Ib. v. 14. the light of the world z Mal. 2.7 the Angels of God a 1. Cor. 4.1 the Ministers of Christ and Stewards of the mysteries of God b Ib. v. 15. Fathers in Christ and c 1. Cor. 3.9 Labourers together with God And d Ib. the People are Gods husbandry whereon they are to spend their labour Q. What requitall are wee to make them for these their paines A. e Gal. 6.6 Let him that is taught in the word minister unto him that teacheth in all good things For f 1. Cor. 9.13 AS THEY THAT WAIT VPON THE ALTAR are partakers with the Altar EVEN SO HATH THE LORD also ORDEINED that they which preach the Gospell should live of the Gospell Besides Saint Paul commands us to g Heb. 13.7 Remember our guides who have spoken unto us the word of God whose faith he enjoynes us to follow as also to h Ib. v. 17. Obey them and submit our selves unto them for they watch for our soules And againe i 1. Tim. 5.17 Let those Presbyters or Elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour especially they who labour in the word and doctrine Q. What saith the Scripture generally of our betters A. k Levit. 19.32 We must reverence them and rise up to the hoarie headed l 1. Tim. 5.1 2. We must intreat the elder men as Fathers the elder Women as Mothers and m Ib. v. 3. Honour Widdowes that are Widdowes indeed We have Moses for an example n Ex. 18.7 who did obeysance to Jethro his wives Father Q. How comes it to passe that Father and Mother are named but not the King nor any of the rest A. Because in the Father and Mother i● 1. Age 2. Place and 3. Wisdome to instruct and 4. Power to command and controule In them God at first setled all that power which since is derived from them to our Governours according to their severall places and degrees Q. Which is the sixth Commandement A. Thou shalt doe no murder Wherein not only actuall murder but the resolution or desire to doe it is condemned Yea all causelesse and unbrideled anger is forbidden for our Saviour saith that o S Mat. 5.22 Whosoever is angry with his brother without cause shall be in danger of judgement And S. John p 1. S Joh. 3 15. Whosoever hateth his brother is a Murderer The unjust judge also is in the same predicament for q Deut. 27.25 Cursed is he that takes a reward or bribe to slay an innocent Person Q. The seventh Commandement A. Thou shalt not commit adultery In which words not only the act but all inordinate affections and desires or any thing tending thereto is forbidden For S. Paul forbids r Rom. 13.13 Chambering and Wantonnesse And our Saviour professeth that ſ S. Mat. 5.28 whosoever looketh on a Woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart Q. The eight Commandement A. Thou shalt not steale wherein not only theft but t Lev. 25.39.46 oppression u 1. Cor. 6.10 extortion and * 1 Thess 4.6 cousenage are forbidden And to this commandement I conceive belongs that curse Deut. 27.17 Cursed is he that removeth away the marke of his neighbours lands either by Meere-stones Evidences Records or the like for this is cousenage at the least Q. The ninth Commandement A. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour In judgement we may not without question Indeed in our ordinary communication it is dangerous for any man to scandalize or slaunder his neighbour They that doe so shall have no place in the Kingdom of God 1. Cor. 6.10 Neither may we lye since x Psal 5.6 the Lord will destroy him that doth so To this command belong those two imprecations y Deut. 27.19 Cursed is he that letteth