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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A25895 The Art of catechising, or, The compleat catechist in four parts ... 1691 (1691) Wing A3786; ESTC R5214 104,546 218

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Yes Is not Perjury or forswearing ones self a dreadful Sin Yes Is it not a heinous Sin to break a lawful Oath Yes Is it not Perjury to swear to what is uncertain unknown and doubtful Yes Is it not Perjury to affirm it upon Oath though it should happen to be true Yes May we have irreverend thoughts of God No. Are not all voluntary Oaths or swearing to which we are not called by a Magistrate unlawful Yes Especially all voluntary and promissory Oaths Yes May we patiently endure to hear God dishonoured No. Should a Christian promise any thing unless he intend to perform it No. Should we not labour to glorifie and honour the Name of God by a Christian Conversation Yes IV. COMMANDMENT Remember that thou keep holy c. MUST a Christian that hopes for Heaven when he dies keep holy the Sabbath-day Lord's-day or Sunday Yes Should not a Christian worship God on that day both in publick and in private Yes May this day be spent in Sleep and Idleness Sports and Pastimes No. Should any work be done upon this day except Works of Necessity or Works of Charity No. Should this day be spent in Hearing Reading Prayer Thanksgiving and Meditation at home and in the Congregation Yes Is it enough to do it at home unless it be done in the Congregation too No. Would it not be piously and christianly done of us to observe the Fasts and Festivals of the Church Yes Should we not worship God every day as well as Sunday Yes V. COMMANDMENT Honour thy Father and thy Mother c. MUST we not give Respect and Honour to all that are above us Yes May a Christian be undutiful or unkind to his Father or Mother No. May a Christian in any case rebel against his King No. May a Christian disobey his King except the command be plainly unlawful No. May a Christian disesteem or despise or hate his Minister No. May a Servant be stubborn or unfaithful to his Master or Mistriss No. Should a Christian behave himself proudly or scornfully toward his Betters or Elders No. VI. COMMANDMENT Thou shalt do no Murther SHould a Christian labour to preserve his own and his Neighbour's Life and Health Yes Is not the taking away the Life of another by Murther a dreadful sin Yes Should a Christian follow Peace with all men Yes May he hurt his own or any other man's Life or Health No. May a Christian be a Quarreller or a contentious and brawling Person No. Should a Christian strike wound or maim any Man No. Should we abuse any Man by foul Language No. May a Christian that hopes to see God bear Malice or desires of Revenge in his Heart No. May a Christian use bitter or provoking Words or calling of Names No. May a Christian fight a Duel No. May a Christian willingly vex grieve disquiet or wish ill to another No. VII COMMANDMENT Thou shalt not commit Adultery OUght not a Christian to be chast in heart in tongue and in behaviour Yes Is not Chastity of Body and Purity of Soul a most acceptable Sacrifice to God Yes May a Christian commit Incest Adultery Fornication or any other Uncleanness No. Must a Christian that hopes to see God have a chast and pure Hand and Eye and Heart Yes May a Christian have lustful Desires and Imaginations and delight in them No. May a Christian use unchast Words or Language No. Should a Christian have a chast Ear Yes That is should he listen willingly to filthy Communication and unchast Discourses No. Can a Christian allow himself without sin in any Unchastity of the Hand Eye Tongue or Heart No. Should a Christian avoid all kinds of Uncleanness upon himself or with any other Yes Should a Christian avoid all things that provoke or excite Lust Yes Are not all Thoughts and Actions of that Sort utterly unlawful save only in lawful Marriage Yes VIII COMMANDMENT Thou shalt not steal MAY a Christian take or keep against his Neighbour's Knowledge or Will what belongs to him No. Are not Theft and Robbery great Iniquities Yes Should a Christian give every man his due Yes Should a Christian further his own and his Neighbour's outward Estate by all lawful means Yes May a Christian wrong any man by Deceit or Cozenage or Extortion or any Injustice No. Must a Christian be just and upright in buying and selling Yes May we raise Gain by any unlawful Arts and Practices No. May we advise or encourage consent to or share with those that do No. Can we detain necessary Relief from our poor Brethren without sin No. May a man use false Weights or Measures No. If we find any thing may we keep it from the Owner if we know or can learn who ' t is No. May a Christian steal small things because he is poor No. May a man refuse to pay his Debts if he be able No. May he refuse to pay what he is bound for if the Principal cannot or will not No. Should a Christian take Use of them who are poor No. May a Christian be guilty of Extortion from any man No. Should a man take advantage of the Ignorance or necessity of them he deals with No. May a Christian break his Trust or faithful Promise No. If a man have taken any thing wrongfully from any man should he not make Restitution of it if he be able Yes If he be ashamed or afraid to do it himself should he not do well to go to his Minister or some other good man to do it for him Yes IX COMMANDMENT Thou shalt not bear false Witness c. MAY a Christian bear false Witness against any man No. Should we not avoid all injurious prejudicing our Neighbour's Reputation Yes Should we not endeavour to preserve the good Name of our Neighbour Yes May a Christian stander or back-bite any man No. May a Christian causelesly raise Suspicions of any man No. May we tell a Lye No. May not a Christian tell a Lye to cover a Fault No. Should a Christian flatter any man No. May we defame or detract from our Neighbour No. May we spread ill Reports of him to breed in the minds of men an ill Opinion of him No. Doth not Charity oblige us to think the best of our Neighbour Yes Should we not be candid in our Opinions and Discourses concerning others Yes Should we not forbear all rash and hard Censures of others Yes May a Christian bragg and boast himself No. May a Christian be a Tale-bearer No. Should a Christian publish any man's faults without doing thereby Charity or Justice to some other No. May a Christian be a Whisperer or Evil-speaker No. Should a Christian avoid all things prejudicial or destructive to his Neighbour's good name Yes X. COMMANDMENT Thou shalt not covet c. MAY a Christian covet what 's another Mans No. That is to say should a Christian in the least desire to come by it unjustly No. Should a Christian be content with his
If we now consider as we ought what 't is that is enjoined us in this Commandment and what 't is that is forbidden in it and then reflecting upon our own lives find any of the Duties of it neglected by us in Thought Word or Action how affectionately should we say with the Church Lord have Mercy upon us and incline our Hearts to keep this Law That is Lord pity and pardon all our past Breaches of this Commandment and so incline our Hearts to Love and Obedience for the future that by thy Grace we may very sincerely keep this Law of thine for the remainder of our Days But before we pass from this Fourth Commandment it may not be amiss to touch upon the Reasons of the Change of the Jewish Seventh Day into the Christian Lord's Day the First Day of the Week This Precept of keeping Holy the Seventh Day or Sabbath is partly Ceremonial and partly Moral Now the Ceremonial part of the Jewish Law is done away but the Moral part of it is confirmed perfected and compleated by the Gospel The Ceremonial part of this Commandment was that God be publickly worshipped precisely on the Jewish Sabbath or the Seventh Day The Moral part of it is That a certain and determined time be set out for the publick Worship of the Eternal God And divine Love and Gratitude in us Christians should engage us not to come behind the Jews in the return of our solemn Days of publick Worship Nay Equity requires we should set out One Day in the Week to the more immediate Glorification of God and our religious Duties So that the Jewish Sabbath being abolished as they kept the Seventh Day in memory of the Creation so the Apostles and the Primitive Church and all Ages of it since kept the First Day of the Week in memory of our Lord's Resurrection and our Redemption For as the Redemption of the World was a greater Mercy than the Creation of it and as God rested from his Labours of the Creation on the Seventh Day and our Saviour rested from his Laboure of the New Creation or his Labours of our Redemption on the First Day of the Week when he arose from the Dead so the Apostles and the Church in all Ages since have set apart the First Day of the Week as the Jews were to set apart the Seventh for the peculiar Worship and Service and Glorification of God That our Lord rose from the Dead upon the First Day of the Week we see St. John xx That the Disciples assembled together on the First Day of the Week we are told St. John xx 19. That St. Paul preached and the Disciples met to break Bread that is to receive the Sacrament on the First Day of the Week we read Acts xx 7. That the Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles on the First Day of the Week is certain Acts ij 1. And that Saint John expresly calls it the Lord's-day we read Rev. i. 10. So that as the Moral Equity of the Commandment as well as divine Love and Gratitude obliges us to set apart One Day in Seven for a holy Rest and for religious Purposes so by the Practice of the Apostles and all following Ages of the Church the First Day of the Week was substituted in the room of the Jewish Sabbath which compared with the Scriptures before-mentioned is sufficient to warrant our Practice So that to sum up the whole They the Jews celebrated the Seventh Day by divine Command we the First Day by Apostolical Practice They the Seventh Day or last Day of the Week under the Law of Moses we the First Day of the Week by divine Law under the Gospel Their Seventh Day or Sabbath was Blessed and Sanctified by the Lord's command our First Day was Blessed and Sanctified by our Lord's Resurrection Their Seventh Day was Hallowed by God's resting on it from the Works of the Creation our First Day was Hallowed by our Lord 's resting on it from the Works of the New-Creation when he arose from the Grave Their Seventh Day was kept by them in memory of the great Work of the Creation of the World our First Day kept by us in memory of the greater work of its Redemption Their Seventh Day called the Lord's Sabbath Lev. xxiij 38. and elsewhere in the Old Testament our First Day called the Lord's Day in the New Rev. i. 10. As for any distinct Text in the Gospel for Christ's Abrogating the Judaical Sabbath there is no more reason to expect it than the like for Sacrifices or Circumcision or the Judaical Priesthood Vid. Dr. Hammond in St. Matthew xij 8. a. V. COMMANDMENT Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy days may be long c. THE meaning is Thou shalt pay a due Respect and Love Duties commanded and Reverence in Heart in outward Speech and Behaviour to all Superiors Thou shalt Reverence and Honour and Love and Pray for thy Natural Parents thy Father and Mother Thou shalt obey their lawful and just Commands and support them in their Needs if thou art able Thou shalt obey honour and love the King pray for him and pay him Tribute Thou shalt obey Magistrates If thou art a Servant thou shalt be faithful and obedient to thy Master and serve him with a conscionable care and diligence Thou shalt esteem respect and love and obey the Doctrines of thy Pastor which are faithfully tendred to thee from the Gospel and pay him his just Dues and Maintenance Thou shalt respect and honour the Aged thy Betters and those that are above thee in Learning Wisdom Goodness or any other Gifts and Graces It is here to be remembred too that all Superiors are to perform their Duties to their Inferiors Kings and those in Authority to protect defend and govern their Subjects Parents to nourish baptize provide for and instruct and bless their Children by their Example and their Prayers Husbands to be faithful to love to defend to protect the Wife as the Wife is to be obedient faithful and affectionate to the Husband Masters to be just to admonish to instruct to be examples to their Servants Ministers to feed the Flock faithfully and diligently by Life and Doctrine Sins forbidden These things are commanded in it and the contrary Vices are forbidden As Inferiors are forbidden to behave themselves proudly scornfully and rudely toward their Betters in Age Gifts or Estate Children forbidden to be undutiful stubborn disobedient and unkind to their Parents Subjects forbidden to rebel against dishonour disobey the King or those in Authority under him People forbidden to despise reject hate or defraud their lawful Pastor Servants forbidden to be stubborn negligent unfaithful or disobedient to their Masters And to encourage all to the Duties of this Commandment as well as to disswade them from the Sins forbidden in it here is added a Promise to the conscionable observers of it of a prosperous and peaceable living upon Earth a long and happy life
glorifie me Prove that you are to honour his Holy Name 1 Sam. 2.30 Them that honour me I will honour and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed And his Word Esa 66.2 To this Man will I look even to him that is Poor and of a contrite Spirit and trembleth at my Word Prove that you are to serve him truly all the days of your Life Luke 1.74 75. That we being delivered out of the hand of our Enemies might serve him without fear In Holiness and Righteousness before him all the days of our Life Prove that you are to love your Neighbour as your self Rom. 13.9 If there be any other Commandment it is briefly comprehended in this Saying namely Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self Prove that you should do unto all Men as you would they should do unto you Matth. 7.12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that Men should do unto you do ye even so to them For this is the Law and the Prophets Prove that you are to Love Honour and Succour your Father and Mother Prov. 6.20 My Son keep thy Father's Commands and forsake not the Law of thy Mother Col. 3.20 Children obey your Parents in all things for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Prove that you are to honour and obey the King and all that are put in Authority under him 1 Pet. 2.13 14. Submit your selves to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the King as Supream or unto Governours as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of Evil doers and for the Praise of them that do well Ver. 17. Fear God Honour the King Prove that you are to submit your self to all your Governours Rom. 13.1 Let every Soul be subject to the higher Powers Ver. 7. Render therefore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due custom to whom custom fear to whom fear honour to whom honour Prove that you are to submit your self to your Teachers and Spiritual Pastors Heb. 13.17 Obey them that have the Rule over you and submit your selves For they watch for your Souls as they that must give an account that they may do it with Joy and not with Grief 1 Tim. 5.17 Let the Elders that Rule well be accounted worthy of double honour especially they who labour in word and doctrine Prove that Servants are to be obedient to their Masters Eph. 6.5 Servants be obedient to them that are your Masters 1 Pet. 2.18 Servants be subject to your Masters with all fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward Prove that you are to order your self lowly and reverently to your Betters 1 Pet. 5.5 Likewise ye younger submit your selves unto the elder yea all of you be subject one to another and be cloathed with humility Philip. 2.3 In lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves Prove that you are to hurt no body by word or deed Philip. 2.15 That ye may be blameless and harmless the Sons of God without rebuke 1 Thes 4.6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter because the Lord is the avenger of all such 1 Thes 5.15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man but ever follow that which is good both among your selves and to all men Prove that you are to be true and just in all your dealings Rom. 12.17 Provide things honest in the sight of all men Philip. 4.8 Finally Brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure think on these things Prove that you are to bear no malice nor hatred in your heart Lev. 19.17 Thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thy heart 1 John 3.15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murtherer Matth. 5.44 Love your Enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you Prove that you are to keep your hands from picking and stealing Zach. 5.3 For every one that stealeth shall be cut off Eph. 4.28 Let him that stole steal no more 1 Cor. 6.10 Nor Thieves nor Covetous nor Extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God Prove that you are to keep your tongue from evil-speaking James 1.26 If any man among you seem to be religious and bridleth not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart this man's Religion is vain James 4.11 Speak not evil one of another Brethren Eph. 4.31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice Prove that you are to keep it from lying Col. 3.9 Lye not one to another Eph. 4.25 Wherefore putring away lying speak every man truth with his Neighbour Prove that you are to keep your tongue from slandering Psalm 101.5 Whoso privily slandereth his Neighbour him will I cut off Ps 15.1 3. Lord who shall abide in thy Tabernacle He that back-biteth not with his tongue nor doth evil to his neighbour nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour Prove that you are to keep your Body in Temperance Soberness and Chastity Psalm 84.11 The Lord will give grace and glory no good thing will he withhold from them that live uprightly Prove that you are to worship him Rev. 15.4 Who shall not fear thee O Lord and glorifie thy name for thou only art holy for all Nations shall come and worship before thee Prove that you ought to serve him Luke 4.8 And him only shalt thou serve Prove that you ought to obey him Heb. 5.9 He became the Author of eternal Salvation to all them that obey him Prove that 't is God that sends us all things needful for our Souls and Bodies James 1.17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above Prove that he will be merciful unto us and forgive us our sins upon our unfeigned Repentance Joel 2.13 Rent your hearts and not your garments and turn unto the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful flow to anger and of great kindness Acts 3.19 Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out Prove that he is our defender in all Dangers Psalm 89.18 For the Lord is our defence the holy one of Israel is our King Prove that we are to pray him to keep us from all sin and wickedness and from our ghostly Enemy and from everlasting death Matth. 6.13 Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil Prove that you are to trust that of his mercy and goodness he will do this when you ask him James 1.6 But let him ask in Faith without wavering Psalm 37.5 Commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass Question How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church Answer Two only as generally necessary to Salvation that is to say Baptism and the Supper of the Lord. Prove the Sacrament of Baptism from Scripture Matth.
do this Use lawful means pray to God and trust him Yes Must we not trust in God for his Grace Yes But do we trust aright if we do not pray for it and do not carefully use and imploy that Grace which we have already No. Must we trust in God for a supply of our bodily wants Yes But do we trust aright if we do not use honest industry and labour No. Of Cares Is all carking vexatious distrustful and immoderate care unlawful Yes Is a prudent moderate Care unlawful No. Must we not therefore faithfully use our own endeavours and then look up to God for a Blessing on us Yes ¶ Sunday II. ¶ Of humility IS not humility towards God a Christian Duty Yes Is not this humility such a sense of our own meanness and his Excellency as may make us lowly and submissive to him Yes When God commands us any thing should not this humility make us chearfully set about it In respect of obedience Yes Is the proud Man apt to obey God No. Though we do sincerely obey God should not this humility keep us from any high conceits of our own performances Yes In respect of our own performancer If we do entertain any high and proud conceits of our own performances will they be acceptable to God No. Are not the best of our Works full of Infirmity and full of pollution Yes In respect of Patience Is Patience a duty towards God Yes Is Patience a willing and quiet yielding to whatever Affliction it pleases God to lay upon us Yes Can this Patience become easie to us without humility towards God No. Will the patient Man repine and grudge and murmur at that which God lays upon him No. When God afflicteth us doth he not aim at our good Yes Does not God correct and punish us to bring us to amendment of Life or for a trial of our Patience Yes And does not God often afflict and chastise us here Thankfulness for Afflictions that there may be nothing of evil left for another World Yes Well then should we not be thankful for Afflictions Yes Fruitfalness under them Should we be unfruitful under Afflictions No. Should we be so fruitful as to examine what Sin it might be that did provoke God to sinite us and to reform it Yes When any afflictions befal us from Man is it not by God's permission and sufferance Of Afflictions from Men. Yes Instead of looking upon them therefore with rage and revenge should we not look up to God and acknowledge his Justice in the Affliction Yes When God commands us to believe some things which seem impossible to us doth not Humility teach us to believe them Yes When God commands us to do any thing which is contrary to our fleshly reason and humour must we not do it Yes Submission to Divine Providence Is that Condition best for us whatever it be which God has put us in Yes Can we chuse better for our selves than God can for us No. When God denies us any thing of this world as Wealth Honour Beauty and the like is it not some way or other for our good Yes Is it not our Duty to Honour God Honour Yes That is are we not to have a very high esteem of God in our hearts Yes If we truly honour God should we do any unworthy Action in his Sight No. Of honouring God in his House Are we not to honour God in his House which is the Church Yes Should we not enter into his House with Awe and Reverence Yes in his Possession Must we not Honour God in his Possessions Yes What are these Possessions are they not Tithes and Offerings Yes Can we with-hold them from the Minister without sin No. in his Day Are we to Honour God in his Day Yes Is the Lord's Day to be spent in the Worship and Service of God Yes In Prayer Reading and Meditation Yes May any works except works of Necessity and Charity be done upon that day No. Should not a good Christian those of leisure especially besides the Lord's Day spend some other Days in the solemn Worship of God according as the Church has appointed Yes Should he not keep Christmas-Day Of Festivals with a thankful remembrance of the Nativity of our Saviour Yes Should he not keep Easter-Day with a thankful remembrance of Christ's rising from the Dead Yes Should he not keep White-Sunday with a solemn and thankful remembrance of the coming down of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles Yes Should not a good Christian if he have leisure keep other Holy-Days of Saints-days in memory of the Apostles and other Saints Yes Can any good Man desire to be excused from celebrating their Memory and blessing God for their Example and their Doctrine and desiring Grace to follow them No. Can any good Man blame the Church for setting apart and appointing these Days for this purpose No. Did not these Apostles and Saints reveal Christ and the way of Salvation to us Yes And should we not be thankful for this Yes Should we not at least upon these Holy-Days stir up our selves to the imitating their good Example Yes Fasts of the Church Are there not some Days of Fasting and Humiliation of our selves before God to be kept by the devout Christian Yes Are we not to miss a meal to give Alms to afflict our selves to confess and bewail our Sins before God upon these days Yes Are not Ash-Wednesday and Good-Friday two great Fasting-days Days of penitential Humiliation Yes Is there any Popery or Superstition in penitential Exercises Fastings and Humiliation on those days No. Of honouring God in his Word Are we not to Honour God in his Word Yes Is not this Word of God contained in the Scripture Yes Should we not read it study it and frame all the Actions of our lives by it Yes Should we perform those Duties which God commands us there to perform Yes Should we commit those things which God there forbids us No. Of Catechising Is the Word of God explained to us by the Catechizing and Preaching of God's Minister Yes Are Parents and Masters to Catechize and instruct their Children and Servants Yes If Persons have not been Catechized and Instructed when they were young should they be content to live ignorant when they come Elder No. of Preaching Should we frequently hear Sermons Yes But will hearing only make us good Christians No. Must we not labour to remember and practise what we hear Yes The Sacraments Are there any more Sacraments generally necessary than Two No. Do not these Sacrament convey great Blessings and Benefits to us Yes Of Baptism Did we not enter into Covenant with God when we were baptized Yes The Covenant of Grace What was the Covenant on God's Part was it not a promise of pardon of sin his sanctifying Grace and eternal Glory Yes
must she obey him then too Yes Can any thing warrant the Wife 's not obeying besides the unlawfulness of the Command No. Is the Wife to be faithful to the Husband's Bed Yes Fidelity And faithful and careful of his worldly affairs Yes May the Wife strive for Rule and Dominion over her Husband No. Is the Wife tenderly to love her Husbands Yes Love Can the faults of a Husband justifie the frowardness of a Wife No. Husbands Duty Love Faithfulness Does the Husband owe the Wife a tender Love Yes Is the Husband to be faithful to her Bed Yes Is not unfaithfulness to the Bed in either Perjury as well as Adultery Yes May the Husband deny the Wife maintenance No. Maintenance and Instruction Is the Husband to instruct the Wife according to his knowledge and ability Yes To pray for each other Should the Husband and the Wife pray for each other and advance one anothers good Yes Is it not a great sin to marry any that is promised to another Yes May those marry that are within the degrees of Kindred which are forbidden by God No. If a person marry one that is too near of Kin to his deceased Wife is not that as bad as if she were too near of kin to himself Yes Must not a Christian be faithful to his Friend Yes May he betray the Secrets committed to him by his Friend No. Friendship Its Duties Should he not assist his Friend in his needs and pray for him Yes Should he kindly admonish him of his Faults Yes Should we be constant to our Friend Yes Servants Duty Obedience Diligence Is a Servant to obey his Master in all lawful Commands Yes Ought not a Servant to be diligent in his labours as well in his Master's absence as when his Eye is over him Yes Ought a Servant to be faithful in those things which are committed to his trust Yes Faithfulness c. May a Servant waste or purlion his Master's Goods No. Or convert them to his own use No. Ought a Servant to be meek and patient under his Master's Reproofs Yes May a Servant give his Master or Mistress rude and surly Answers No. Ought not a Servant to be diligent in his Master's business Yes Should a Servant give himself to Idleness and Company-keeping No. Ought not Servants to be present at Family-Prayers Yes Masters Duty Ought not Masters to be Just to their Servants and to perform what they have promised Yes Is it not a great Oppression Justice and crying Sin to with-hold the Wages of the Hireling and the Servant Yes Ought not Masters to admonish and reprove their Servants Admonition when they sin against God Yes And should they not exhort and perswade them to Religion and Virtue Yes Instruction May Masters use Servants Cruelly and Tyrannically No. Should they not remember that they have a Master in Heaven Yes Should Masters be moderate and reasonable in their Commands Yes Should not Masters give them a good Example Good Example c. Yes Ought not Masters to provide them means of Instruction in Religion Yes Should they deny them time and opportunity for Prayer and the Worship of God No. Should Masters permit their Servants to live idly and neglect their Duty No. Should not Masters encourage them in well doing Yes Sunday XVI IS not Charity a great Christian Duty Charity Yes Are not all the parts of it to be seriously considered and conscientiously practised by all that will be true Christians Yes Is not Charity a sincere love of God and of our Brethren for God's sake Yes Does not Charity ingage us to desire and wish good to others In the Affections Yes Can a charitable Man wish any hurt either to the Soul or the Body or the Goods or the Credit of any Man No. To Mens Souls Is not a charitable Man first of all to wish all good to the Souls of all Men Yes Is it not a great uncharitableness to wish the damnation of any Man Yes Effects of this Charity If we love our Neighbour as our selves may we wish that evil to him which we would not have befal our selves No. Is not the charitable Man to be meek and peaceable with all Yes Is the charitable Man contentions or easily provoked No. Is not the charitable Man to be compassionate towards the miseries of others Yes Should not the charitable Man rejoice in the good and prosperity of others Yes Is it not the property of the charitable Man to pray for the good of others Yes Can a charitable Man be envious or grieve at the prosperity of another Man No. Will not true Charity cast Pride out of the Heart Yes Is the charitable Man apt rashly to judge or censure others No. Is not the charitable Man forward to believe the best and hope the best of all Men Yes Can a truly charitable Man be a Dissembler or pretend a false Love No. This Charity to be extend to Enemies Is that Charity where a Man loves another only because he may get by him No. Does not the true Christian Charity cast out of the Heart all malice and desires of revenge Yes May Christians desire to be revenged on their Enemies No. Can a malicious revengeful Man be charitable No. Must a Christian love and be ready to do good to his spitefullest Enemy Yes Should we make them any returns for their Injuries besides Blessings and Prayers No. Though this seem to be a hard Duty must not Christians chearfully obey it Yes Will not Heaven and Happiness make amends hereafter for our conscionable Practice of all such self-denying Duties Yes Should Enemies Persecutors slanderers Revilers or any that have wronged us conquer our Love toward them No. Should we endeavour to overcome the evil they do us by doing good to them Yes Should not Christians carefully practise such a Charity as this to Enemies though it be contrary to the customs and fashion of the World Yes Motives to it If any man should jeer you or despise you for such a Charity will not that liken you to your dear Saviour Yes And is it not a blessed thing to be likened to him Yes The command of Christ Seeing this Charity to and forgiveness of Enemies and returning kindnesses for affronts and injuries seems hard would you know how much you are ingaged to practise it Yes Well then is it not an express Command of Christ's Yes And should a Disciple desire to be excused from obeying so great a Command of his master's No. Example of God and Christ If the Command of our Saviour prevail not with us should not the Example of God and our Saviour prevail with us Yes When we were Enemies to God did he not send his Son to die for us Yes Did not Christ lay down his Life for his Enemies Yes And should we refuse to copy out his Example in