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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17725 Two godly and learned sermons, made by that famous and woorthy instrument in Gods church, M. Iohn Caluin. Which sermons were long since translated out of Latine into English, by M. Robert Horne late Byshop of Winchester, at what time he suffered exile from his country, for the testimony of a good conscience, as his apology in the beginning of the booke will witnes. And because these sermons haue long lyen hidden in silence, and many godly and religious persons, haue beene very desirous of them: at theyr earnest request they are nowe published by A.M.; Quatre sermons. English. Selections Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Horne, Robertc1519?-1580.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1584 (1584) STC 4461; ESTC S110726 58,766 149

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Two godly and learned Sermons made by that famous and woorthy instrument in Gods church M. Iohn Caluin Which Sermons were long since translated out of Latine into English by M. Robert Horne late Byshop of Winchester at what time he suffered exile from his Country for the testimony of a good conscience as his Apology in the beginning of the booke will witnes And because these Sermons haue long lyen hidden in silence and many godly and religious persons haue beene very desirous of them at theyr earnest request they are nowe published by A. M. At London Printed for Henry Car and are to be sold in Paules Churchyard ouer against the signe of the blasing Starre The glory of the Honourable is the feare of God 1584 To the Right Honourable and his very good Lord Robert Dudley Earle of Leicester Baron of Denbigh Knight of the most noble order of the Garter and one of her highnesse most honorable priuie Counsell c. A. M. vvisheth continuall happines both in this life and in the life to come WHen these two notable and famous Sermons right Honorable had past the Printers presse and the daily request of zelous persons was to haue thē in their hands in respecte of the woorthinesse of the Booke and the vnfained duety I owe to your Honoure I determined to present them to your godly and learned iudgement beeing perfectlie assured that your honor beeing such a certaine freend to all godly and vertuous exercises this little Booke could not demaund a Patron more fit to countenaunce it which although it shall happen to endure the malicious cauiles of the enemies of Gods trueth as the Author himselfe is well knowne to haue tasted yet so much the lesse shall the enemie boast of his wickednesse when he seeth stampt in the forehead of this little Booke the noble name of him who is and euer hath beene a refuge to the Godly from time to time a ready defender to imbolden them in such excellent studies As for the reuerend Father that tooke first the paynes to translate them I doubt not but he was well knowne to your honour and for his sake I hope they shall be the better welcome and for my selfe bothe the cause that mooued mee to enter into this boldnes and the affection I haue continually borne to your honour in this small gift I referre all to your honorable construction desiring God to blesse you night and day in all you goe about Your Honours ready at commaundement Anthony Munday ¶ The Apologie of Maister Robert Horne late Bishop of VVinchester Grace peace and mercie from God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Amen AFter that God had striken our head shéephearde vnder Christe that worthy King and confessour Edward the sixt good Christian brethren which he threatened by his faithful seruants long before if we would not turne from our sinnes wickednesse I perceyued that it could not be auoided God so disposing the matter for our vnthankfulnesse but that the kingdome of God at the least for a time must be taken from vs and the Christian flock dispersed The which thing began to appeare to me more plainlie when I sawe Gods booke conteining the word of life taken foorth of the Churches in the Bishopricke of Duresme and a fowle sort of Idols called lay mennes bookes brought in therfore when the common prayer commaunded by publique aucthoritie set foorth after S. Paules rule to the edifying of Christes congregation in the vulgar tongue was against Gods lawe and also against the lawes of the Realme banished in the place therof a kinde of prayer vsed farre dissonaunt from Gods lawe the example of the primitiue Church in a strange tongue farced ful of superstition idolatrie false fables hauing nothing tollerable in it sauing that the people could not vnderstand it therefore were lesse harmed thereby although I suppose the popish Prelats kéep it in a strange language least that if the cōmon sort of men should heare it in their owne tongue they would perceiue it to be vaine false lying fables and therfore credite theyr dooings much worse in all other things But especially when I sawe the Lords table whereon was ministred the holy Supper of the Lord according to his owne institution ordinance was caried away the Cōmunion abhorred as heresie and for these Baals altars reared vp and his Priests monkish hipocrites returned to theyr abhominable blasphemous and idolatrous Masse as Dogs to their vomit Wherefore I began to recorde with my selfe call to my remembrance not without earnest calling on Gods name for the assistaunce of his spirit mine owne state condition and to examine more déepelie both y e doctrine which I had taught wherof I perceyued that of necessitie I must render an account and that within short time and also my duty of allegaunce vnto the Quéens highnesse wherin I found my selfe so cleare blameles that if the deuil himselfe and all mine enimies should doo theyr worst they could not haue accused me iustlie neither of word nor déede perpetrated against her grace And as cōcerning the doctrine which I had taught the more dilligentlie I did examine it by the holie Scriptures and the testimony of the auncient Fathers the more sincere and pure it appeared I was the more earnestly perswaded and setled in the trueth thereof my conscience dyd more plainelie laye to my charge that I could not reuoke saye against nor dissemble it without blasphemous contempt of God and most horrible deniall of his Sonne Iesus Christe So that I found no fault in my selfe as touching my preaching but that as an vnprofitable Seruaunt I dyd not so much as I ought to haue doone although I had doone much more then some thought I should haue thanks for But what soeuer men thought or spake as touching thankefull reward for my labour I perswaded my selfe that I should haue all thinges weied after equitie and therefore considering both mine owne integritie that I had offended no law of the Realme but liued like an obedient subiect and also that the same men bare the chéefe rule vnder the Quéenes highnes and should be my Iudges as did know that the sword was deliuered them for the defence of the good obedient subiect so soone as I heard tell that I was exempted the Quéenes highnes pardon I tooke my iourney towardes London with so much conuenient spéede as I might Where I found all thinges farre otherwise then I would haue beléeued if I had not béen put in experience therof my selfe For I found in the place of equitie preiudice for lawe lust for reason will and such as should haue giuen sentence according as matter had béen obiected and iustlie prooued plaide both the part of the accuser of the witnesses also of the Iudge and gaue this sentence immediatlie that I should eyther vndoo that I had doone or else what that or else meant I knewe well inough for I
traditions misconstruing of Gods lawe superstition hatred of the true religion persecuting of the Prophetes of Christ and of his Apostles slaundering of Christe to be short what wickednesse eyther in manners or in religion can be found in them but that the lyke and much more dooth plainly appeare in ours Yea ours haue found out for vs an infinite rablement of idolatries which they neuer heard of and would haue abhorred as Masses inuocation of Saints worshipping of Images and such like But they could neuer away with Christ nor his Apostles but alwaies spake euill of them and of the Gospell because it rebuked theyr vices And what is the cause that our Bishoppes and Priests may not now abide the self same doctrine nor the Preachers therof but for that they disclose their hipocrisie and proude dissembling with God the world What will they nowe saye by the doctrine and the Preachers therof What shal now be the talke in alehouses tauernes banquets What shall now a sort of leude Priestes iangle in theyr assemblies at markettes when they haue all theyr cups in What shall now Antichrists champions blouster and blow● out at Paules Crosse and elsewhere But that such Preachers as had vsed that place nowe of late yéeres were carnall and fleshlie Gospellers such as would not liue chast set naught by fasting and prayer and preached carnally carnall lybertie such as spake to please men for profite and promotion sake last of all such as were ranke seditious heretiques theyr doctrine was new against the teaching of the Catholique church and at the last they began to suspect it themselues therfore durst not abide by it but ranne theyr way out of the Realme Shall not this be the sum of theyr brauling diuinitie But how much are we bound to our heauenly maister Iesus Christe that both gaue vs warning that they should thus intreat vs and also for our comfort that he should taste of this kindnesse before vs There is no Disciple better then his instructour nor no seruaunt aboue his maister It may suffice the scholler to be as his teacher and the seruaunt as his maister If they haue called the maister of the houshold Belzebub how much more his houshold seruaunts But feare them not sayth Christe But when these spirituall Preachers call vs carnall gospellers what meane they therby Meane they that we be sinners and that our flesh is not so subdued but that it will lust against y e spirite Or meane they that we haue pleasure in sinne and in sinners Or they call vs sinners because we could not liue chaste that is godlie without a wife If they meane after the first sort we confesse with the Publican That we be sinners And saye with S. Paule That the fleshe striueth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh insomuch that we doo not those things the which we would faine doo If they vnderstand their carnall Gospellers after the second sort we haue to thāke them that they will both shew plainly whose children they are for héerein they resemble the olde Phariseis and also that they will serue vs héerein as the Phariseis did Christ for the self same thing was in this wise laide to his charge of them and hath continued a common practise since that time tyl now and is not like to decay in these mens handes but if it be against their will After our sauiour Christe had dimissed Iohns Disciples and preached to the people they praised God but the Phariseis and the Lawiers despised Gods counsaile sayd Tush he is but a glutton and a swilboule a bolsterer of Publicans and sinners This was a common obiection and slander that the Pharises vsed to deface Christes preaching and dissuade the people from it For he receyueth saye they sinnes and eateth with them What were these complaints and slaunderous accusations wherewith they went about to bring Christ in hatred of the people but the selfe same that now is obiected against vs Wherefore say they doo not thy Disciples fast Wherfore do they that which is not lawful to do on the sabaoth We and Iohns disciples fast No no euen as he is himselfe such are his Disciples He is wholie giuen to serue the bellie he fasteth not he neglecteth the Sabaoth he setteth naught by prayer he is a carnall man wholie giuen to carnall libertie and to preach the same and such are all his Disciples But we fast we praye we chastice our selues we are not like these men we faste twise a weeke we are not so carnall as this man and his Disciples Were not these the goodlie and holie perswasions of the old Phariseis against Christe and his doctrine Did they not in defacing of Christe and his Disciples aduaunce and set vp themselues Dyd they not by this colour of calling Christe such a Preacher of carnall lybertie créepe into the consciences of the simple there to place themselues surelie vnder the pretence of a more perfect holinesse And what meane our Pharisaicall hypocrites by tearming the Preachers of Christes Gospell carnall Preachers of libertie but the selfe same thing But this is to be noted of these hypocrites in all theyr Sermons when they thus rayle against the Preachers it is to this end to dissuade the people from the doctrine of onelie saluation by Christ and to kéepe this estimation of themselues that they be holy pure and godlie lyuers and therefore men must heare follow them all other are but carnall sinners In this wise the Phariseis persuaded the blind man whome Christe restored to his sight againe saying Giue God the praise as for this man we know is but a sinner As though they should haue said beléeue vs folow our doctrine be our disciple for we be holie we serue God we kéep the ordinaunce of our mother the holie Church and to maintaine this theyr hypocrisie with all when other shiftes failed they tell a false lie on Christe to bring him in hatred saying He is a sinner and y t they know it so to be You may be sure these honest men would not els haue said it But if they should haue him examined what sinne they knew by him they should haue had nothing to saye And what I pray you knoweth our religious phariseis by the Preachers whome they call carnall sauing that which is confessed that we be all sinners haue néede of Gods mercie Doo they knowe vs to be dronkardes théeues murtherers whoremongers common braulers or such open offendors as the Congregation tooke offence by our liuing if they doo let them openlie rebuke it that other may be afeard to doo the like Let them proue it by two or three witnesses after S. Paules rule And I for my part shall not onely make open confession but also shall make open satisfaction as the order was in the church of auncient time If they haue none of al● thinges to