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A17457 The euer-burning lamps of pietie and deuotion Kindled by many excellent and heauenly prayers, deuided into the seuerall dayes of the weeke, and other occasions: To auoide which weake man hath continuall cause to retire into himselfe, and humbly confer with Almightie God. By I.C. I. C. 1619 (1619) STC 4278; ESTC S118322 68,205 293

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and bee gouerned by thy prouidence accounting whatsoeuer thou pleasest to lay vpon me as a portion left for me by a carefull and louing Father Iesu make me willing to doe good to mine enemies sorry to displease the worst milde in speeches modest in my behauiour constant to my friends and charitable to all Giue mee O Lord a hearty and true sorrow for my sinnes a firme resolution of amendment a constant intent to renew my good purposes a perseuerance to continue them euer and an ardent desire to beginne afresh in thy seruice Grant me O sweet Iesu an vnfained and humble repentance for my former transgressions a hearty and zealous thankefulnesse for thy present kindnesses a terrour of thy iustice a doting on thy fauours and an euer-mindfulnesse of thy glorious presence Blesse O Lord with thy eternall prouidence my going forth and with thy holy assistance guide my comming in that I may walke in thy waies and returne to thy honour and seruice Let vs praise the Father Son and Holy Ghost who hath not forgotten his seruants but giuen them taste of good things recalled them wandring staid them sliding and with vnspeakeable loue brought them to his euerlasting Kingdome A Short Meditation vpon these words of PILATE ECCE HOMO Behold the Man LOoke vp O my soule and if thine eye lids be not pressed down with the two waights of shame and sorrow Behold the Lord of all Maiesty and glorie abased with the disgracefullest behauiour the scorne of the Iewes could lay vpon him Behold that reuerent and beautifull countenance which the Angels adored and God himselfe was well pleased in violently defaced with the vnmercifull strokes of his cruell persecutors his modest Eyes in labour with the bloud which from the riuolets of his head ouer-flowed all his face ioyning with a Sea of bloud which issued in euery place from his tender and delicate bodie What vnused torments were these O my soule What new inuented tyrannies Was euer Innocence so rewarded Vertue so glorified and Goodnesse so exalted But alas as if they would out-goe themselues in tyrannie and study for vnheard off cruelty they couple with these paines the basest and vnmanliest shames and disgraces that euer stories haue left vnto vs. Where is the sacred Balme they apply to thy wounded Bodie The precious oyntment they prouided wherewith to anoint thy bruised face Is that coate of folly and robe of ignominie the medicinable Seare-cloth they wrap thy torne flesh in Is their irreuerent and defiled spittle which they contemptuously throw in thy face the onely remedie they can affoord it With the hemme of thy garment O Lord thou stayedst an issue of bloud and with disroabing thee they open a Floud-gate of thine With thy holy wonder-working spittle thou gauest eyes to the blind and they prophane and vnhallowed Rebels with theirs would take away thy sight Was euer King so entreated by his subiects Was euer Master so abused by his seruants Was euer Father so tormented by his owne children O wicked Subiects disobedient seruants and vndutifull Children What mercie can you expect What freedome require what portion hope for Come hither all yee Kings and Princes of the earth which account the enlarging of your Dominions the onely propagation of your glory the feare and trembling of your subiects the testimonie of your Greatnesse and your vncontrouled and vnlimited command a royaltie onely worthy the Maiestie of a King Looke downe from your stately and gorgeous Thrones and Behold the Man borne a King whose Power and Title so amated Herod enflamed with the ambition of gouernement that onely to auoide his right he gaue command for the cruell slaughter of many thousand Innocents To whom newly brought into the world Kings came to offer bowe down on whom the Starres awaited and the Angels of the great and high God attended like seruants Consider well what Crowne inuironeth his sacred Head what Robe adorneth his Bodie and what Scepter hee beareth in his royall Hand Marke the obedience of his Subiects and suruey the largenesse of his Territories Whurry to this place yee noble and honourable Personages spare no treasure but purchase a standing to Behold the Man You that dwell vpon such nice and respectiue termes of honour who rate a Lye at the price of a Life and a Stroke aboue the value of your Soule carefullier to be accounted valiant then honest and fashionable then Religious who purchase vertues onely to sell away your vices rather forsaking God then your Mistresse Marke well and meditate on the behauiour of this onely honourable and all noble Lord See him buffeted by slaues and vassall-ministers spit on by the rascall company lasht and scourged by inferiour and Vnder-officers patiently and with all humility vndergoing and submitting himselfe to all kinde of scornes and reproches and esteeme not the seruant of more worth then the Lord who hath done all these things both for your redemption and example Thrust in among the Iewes yee common and vnder-people heere is a sight worth gaping after to follow and Behold the Man you that groane vnder the Tyrannie of Pouerty the exactions and cruell oppressions of biting Vsurers and hard Land-lords you who in the shade of your fortunes are left comfortlesse and whom the night of darkenesse and desolation hath suddenly ouer-taken Behold the Son of the euer-liuing God displaying the beames of ioy and consolation and if euer fellowship in misery assawage the rancour of it or company be a comfort glory of so noble and vnmatched a partner who couered with sweate and dust disguised with bloud and torments cloathed with shame and contempt is here made a laughing stocke to the people and since God himselfe so vnworthily submitted himselfe for mans offences Let vs glory and be proud to become his fellow and beare a share with him in all troubles for righteousnesse sake O my Redeemer was the wisedome of thy lips which in thy infancy falling as the melting honey from the Combes astonishing all the great Doctors and Rabbins instructing them in the high and hidden Mysteries of heauen now in thy firmer age thought folly and vaine eloquence Was that modest and beautifull countenance striking feare and reuerence in the beholders one looke whereof raised sinners to bee glorious Saints now buffeted and spit vpon Were thy innocent and spotlesse hands whose mightinesse and vertue loosed the chaines of hell leading captiuitie captiue become prisoners to bondage and fettered with base and seruile cords What part of thee was vnfruitfull and yeelded not comfort and blessings to this vngratefull people Flowed not from thy tongue the riuers of peace and euerlasting happinesse Did not thy eye direct them in the way of saluation Were not thy hands continually held vp and in labour for their pardon and penitencie Who followed thy foot-steps could hee euer goe astray Nay walked they not safe in the shadow of thy bodie from infirmities And did not thy outward garments recouer them of long
seruant who remembring thy promise humbly prostrates himselfe before thy diuine Maiestie confessing all his sinnes and acknowledging all his iniquities Remember not O Lord our offences nor the offences of our fore-fathers neither take thou vengeance of our sinnes for who dare abide thy Iudgements Cast me not away from thy face but say vnto my soule I am thy saluation Haue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon me and let my crie come vnto thee for my sinnes are heauie vpon me and threaten to ouerthrow me yea they say vnto my soule Where is now thy God Turne vnto me O Lord and they shall be turned speake vnto me and they shall be scattered Be vnto me a sure Rocke in the time of my trouble that I fall not vnder it for I have hoped in thee Oh forsake not thy seruant Forgiue O Lord all the passed errors of this day pardon my irreuerence in thy companie my negligence at prayers my faintnesse in good purposes and what euill I haue committed or what good through frailetie and my owne heedlesnesse I haue omitted be pleased not to remember euen for thy owne Names sake who art God most mightie one and the same world without end Amen FRIDAY 13. Morning Prayer O Most mercifully louing Lord and Sauiour the glorie and brightnesse of thy Father who descendedst from all thy Ioyes taking on thee humane frailetie to recall and recouer the sinner and those which were diseased with the vncurable plagues of sinne and wickednesse vouchsafe of thy infinite goodnesse and vnspeakable loue to be aiding and assisting to me this day and by thy might and power defend me from all temptations which may ouerthrow my vnsettled though well-directed resolutions Preserue me O Lord from all bodily dangers which without thee continually hang ouer me threatening my ruine and destruction Make good O Lord to me my determinations and purposes which may be answerable to thy holy and blessed inspirations and graunt me patience O Lord meekely and contentedly to suffer whatsoeuer I shall faile or be hindered in referring my selfe with all humilitie and ardencie of desires to thy diuine will and pleasure which be done O Lord in Earth as it is in Heauen Take away all rancour and malicious imaginations that I may neither by reuiling defame my brother or swell and torment my selfe with any disgracings he shall lay vpon me but acknowledging my basenesse and wickednesse as worthie of all reproches and dishonours calling to mind the Seruant is not aboue his Master in the comfort of thy example who aboue the meekenesse of a Lambe vnderwentest all kind of paines and reuilings I may behold a timely Euening reioycing my anger hath not awaited the Sunnes setting euer endeuouring and labouring against my fraile concupiscences and desires euen for thy holy Names sake Which whosoeuer ardently and continually calleth on shall not faile to obtaine vnspeakable happinesse and felicitie world without end Amen AT NOONE. 14. A Prayer to our blessed Sauiour asking him forgiuenesse for our sinnes which crucified him O Bountifull Iesu O sweet Iesu O Iesu the Sonne of the liuing God how dare I wretched and detestable sinner approch before thy diuine Maiestie How can I ouercome with sinne and shame stay any longer in thy presence Did euer the murtherer and slaughterer of his Lord and Master presume to offend him with his sight whilest yet the wounds were fresh and bleeding whilest his bodie was cruelly mangled and torne and his head with an vn-vsed crueltie pained and tormented lest the smart and rage of his wounds the shame and dishonour of his vsage should take away all hope and pitie of pardon deliuering him in his furie to the Iudge and he to the Executioner to carrie him where is continuall weeping and gnashing of teeth But consider O my Soule how this mercifull and meeke Sauiour behaueth himselfe towards his bloudie and tyrannous persecutors behold him dropping with bloud buffetted by the wicked ministers scorned of the people forsaken of his Disciples hoysted into the ayre cruelly nayled on the Crosse not cursing not reuiling but praying not for himselfe but those that persecuted him Amongst whom running with the formost mayest thou in thy eternall Prouidence O glorious Patterne of all Sufferings behold me with more crueltie laying on thee with my sinnes then the stonie-hearted Iewes vvith their weapons tearing thee if it were possible peece-meale with my horrible and blaspheming Oathes my loose and lasciuious thoughts wounding thy faire Head with more spight and rigour then the sharpe-pointed Thornes my Malice Enuie Pride Drunkennesse Concupiscence with innumerable other sinnes and transgressions flaying thy reuerend Bodie All this O Lord haue I done all this committed knowing thee and confessing thee to be Iesus the eternall Sonne of God and only Redeemer of the World Pray for me most gentle and mild Lord speake for me to thy eternall Father without which most abominable and wretched sinner I shall for euer be condemned Forsake me not now O Lord goe not away from me but renew in me a cleane heart and create a right spirit within me that I may plainely see the deformitie of sinne and the ouglinesse of my misdeedes Giue me grace earnestly to seeke thee and hauing found thee ardently to loue thee ouercome with which I may imploy all my actions endeuours and labours wholly to serue thee which if I faithfully and truly doe I shall at the end of my yeeres hauing so indulgent and louing a Master be made a Free-man of Heauen and those vnconceiuable Ioyes which no eye hath seene eare hath heard or tongue can tell they onely know them that enioy them Which O benigne and mercifull Lord graunt all thy seruants to inherite for thy holy Names sake which shall be honoured and praysed world without end 15. Euening Prayer GRaunt me O Lord after the many and wild distractions of this day a holy and inward recollection that I may returne into my selfe with due care and examination how I haue spent and imployed my faculties of soule and functions of bodie which thou hast lent me for thy vse and seruice and giue vnto me a true compunction and sorrowfull feeling for all the passed errors and transgressions of this day that I may heartily lament and bewayle my sinnes and wickednesses with a full resolution and constant determination of my amendment And graunt me O Lord this Night I beseech thee by thine incomprehensible Diuinitie and Maiestie chastitie of mind cleanenesse of heart simplicitie of spirit and most sincere puritie of soule and bodie that I may earnestly seeke after thee and in thee alone take my rest since whatsoeuer is without thee is onely vexation and trouble of mind that hauing enioyed a comfortable and peaceable Repose both of soule and bodie I may awake with much alacritie and cheerefulnesse of spirit to prayse and honour thee in all my workes and labours which the following day shall call me to for his onely sake in whom wee are
my daily and haynous offences breed in mee a loathing and horrid detestation of all my sinnes that I may flye from them and shun the wayes and occasions which leade vnto them being stricken with an extraordinary sorrow and compunction for hauing dared to offend a Lord of such height and glory and ouercome with shame and ingratitude repent the iniuries offered to so louing and carefull a Master who hath shed his Bloud to saue so vnprofitable a seruant that being by feruent charity reconciled vnto him I may in the day of terrour lawfully claime part of him and being shrowded vnder his wings escape the malice and fury of my accusers euen for thy blessed names sake which shall in that time of trouble bee a sure defence to all thy Chosen 31. A Prayer for Chastity O Almightie and blessed Lord and Sauiour the glorie of thy Father the brightnesse and spotlesse sinceritie of Men who delightest and visitest thy cleane and vnpolluted members sanctifie O Lord and purifie mee that I may not bee a shame and reproach to so immaculary and chaste a Head that I may appeare a sonne some way worthy so holy and heauenly a Father Mortifie and kill in me the loose and powerfull desires of the flesh which borne in me are kindled and inflamed by the diuell and my owne frailtie Fixe my eyes O Lord vpon thy immortall glorious and neuer-fading beautie that I may contemne and despise all earthly and transitorie paintings Strike me in loue wlth the excellencie of vertue that my heart strongly and wholly taken with so faire and worthily beloued a perfection there may be no roome left for Folly and Idlenesse the wel-springs of wanton affection Busie mee O Lord about the day of Iudgement and my Account the torments of hell and their euerlastingnesse that all my study and labour may bee how to auoide them and blesse thee that hast not left me to the world and corrupted tyrannie of man but mercifully laid thy hand vpon me and conducted me to the meanes of my saluation 32. A Prayer in Iournying O Mercifully louing Lord which gouernedst and defendedst thy people Israel from all the vniust oppression and mercilesse fury of their enemies guiding them in all their wayes and trauailes and graciously visitedst thy seruant Iacob in his way and powredst thy blessing on him bee neere at this time to thy vnworthy and sinfull seruant and blesse mee I beseech thee in this my trauell and iourney from any violence of sinne or outward Spoylers and Robbers Prosper O Lord and bring to good end as it shall please thee the businesse I trauell and wander about and vouchsafe to direct mee in it that I do that which shall bee to thy glory and my owne behoofe and profite euen for Iesus Christ his sake Amen 33. A Prayer to bee vsed in any storme of Lightning and Thunder O Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Sabbath Heauen and earth are full of the Maiestie of thy glorie the flouds lift vp their voyce and speake thy wonders the Heauens flie before thy Anger and the vnnaturally mouing Earth trembleth at thy Voyce All which ordained for the vse of Man vpon thy word prooue their scourge and punishment The fire from aboue at the cry of the Prophet eateth vp his Scorners the Sea rageth and deuoureth the people and Chariots of the Egyptians yea the earth gapeth and buryeth men aliue at thy command Preserue vs gentle and infinitely louing Father from this violent and dreadfull storme which raised for our sins threatneth our destruction Put out the lightning O Lord and dissolue the horrid and fearefull stone lest it pash thy people to ashes and we be seene no more Cast thine eye vpon the Merites and Passion of our Sauiour and let his Bloud come betweene thy Iustice and our guilt that we may reioyce and lift vp our voyces with the holy Prophet Dauid I will not feare though the earth bee mooued and throwne into the heart of the Sea for the Almightie is our refuge and strength and helpeth vs in all our trouble Praised be the name of the Lord. 34. A Prayer or Meditation concerning the benefits after Creation COnsider O my soule with reuerence and thanksgiuing how Almightie God placed thee heere of his owne bountie and noblenesse not for any need hee had of thy helpe or seruice but to bestow vpon thee his grace and therefore hath hee enriched thee with vnderstanding to know him remembrance to be mindefull of him will to loue him imagination to represent his benefits vnto thy thoughts eyes to behold the wonders of his workes and a tongue to praise him Wherefore being created and set in the world for this intention reiect and cast away all actions which prooue contrary to this end For alas what did I busie my thoughts vpon O my God when I placed them not vpon thee What was I mindefull of when I forgot thee What did I loue when I did not loue thee Aye me I should haue fed my soule with the veritie and I haue fil'd it with vanitie and haue serued the world which was not made but to serue mee I defie you vtterly O vaine cogitations and vnprofitable fancies I abhorre and abiure you O detestable and friuolous Imaginations I renounce you vnfaithfull and disloyall loues miserable and lost seruices vngratefull gratifications cumbersome and vnpleasing pleasures And thou O my God and my Lord thou shalt bee for the time to come the onely obiect of my thoughts and I will neuer more apply my spirit to any cogitations which may be offensiue or disliking to thee My memorie all the dayes of my life shall be filled with consideration of thy excessiue goodnesse so louingly declared in my behalfe thou shalt be the deliciousnesse of my heart the sweetnesse of my affections Hence therefore from my sight for euer all vaine and idle pastimes whereunto I haue vainely applyed my mind all gamesome and toying exercises in which I fondly spent my dayes and all loose and idle affections which entangled my heart shall henceforth bee a horrour vnto my thoughts because thou hast made me O Lord for thy selfe to enioy euerlastingly the immensitie of thy glorie O when shall it bee that I shall bee worthie and when shall I praise thee according to thy desert and my dutie I offer vnto thee O my deare Creatour all these good affections and holy resolutions with all my heart and all my soule and beseech thee O God to accept these my desires and vowes and to giue my soule thy holy blessing that shee may faithfully accomplish them through the merites of the Bloud of thy blessed Sonne our Sauiour shed for me vpon the Crosse 35. A Prayer against vaine Attire DOth it beseeme mee most mercifull and blessed Redeemer to bee decked and attired in rich and sumptuous Garments when the scornefull and disdainefull Iewes apparell thee in a coate of folly to bee laught at and contemned of the people Doe Iewels and