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master_n father_n king_n servant_n 3,226 4 6.7708 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14108 A plaine discouerie of ten English lepers, verie noisome and hurtfull to the Church and common wealth setting before our eies the iniquitie of these latter dayes, and inducing vs to a due consideration of our selues. Published by Thomas Timme minister. Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1592 (1592) STC 24418; ESTC S118801 68,904 98

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their obiects that is to say by the matter wherein they are imploied as the sight is knowne because it apprehendeth the light and discerneth colours and the hearing likewise in that it admitteth soundes and voyces let vs see what the effect of Schisme and sedition is It may truly be said to effect and bring in priuation and expulsion of two most excellent things that is to say of Order and of Vnitie Order according to Saint Augustines opinion is that by which all things and all persons high or lowe equall or vnequall are disposed and set in their proper places All things in the world are not equall and of like valour but then they seeme to be ordered when they are well disposed and set in conuenient places and humane actions haue then an order when things are framed according to their condition and worthines Vpon the which matter Chrisostome hath notably written in his Homilye 23. vpon Saint Paul his Epistle to the Romanes where hee saith that because equalitie of honour and condition causeth oftentimes many dissensions God hath ordained principalities and many subiections as that of the man and his wife of the father and the sonne of the olde man and the yong of the bond and the free of the master and the seruant of the teacher and the disciple and of the king and the subiect And no maruaile if God hath appointed this order among men when as he hath made the like in our bodies as the head in the highest part and therin the eyes as windowes vnder them he hath placed the mouth to take in sustenance and prouision for strength then the breast to containe the vital parts the stomach to concoct the meates then the loynes legges and feete for supporters of the whole The which being thus ordered within our view do shew forth the great wisedome of the workemaister But if the saide parts be confounded transposed and out of order they make not a man but a monster The like is to be seene among beasts as in Bees in Cranes in flocks of sheepe and among wilde beasts The Sea is not without this discipline where also innumerable sculles of fishes are defended and garded vnder one principall leader If God in the creation of all liuing things hath established such an order among the beasts deuoide of reason how much more necessarie is it that there be order for the good gouernment of men his most excellent creatures to whom he hath made subiect all other things that in God his most excellent common wealth there may be a superioritie also and a subiection a principalitie and an obedience among men according to their seuerall orders and degrees without the which there can be no gouernment but a confusion Anarchia or gouernment of states without a king is of all regiments the worst For where there wanteth a chiefe heade there the people are as sheepe readie for the butcher God gaue Israel in his wrath the choise of foure things namely whether they would haue Rehoboam a foole to be their king the Storke to rule ouer them Assur to be their king or whether still they woulde bee at this stay Nullus Rex est nobis quia non timuimus Iehouam That is We are destitute of a king because we haue not feared the Lord. To haue Rehoboam is ill to haue Ieroboam is woorse to haue the king of Asstria is worsse in the third degree but Nullus Rex No king is woorst of all When there is no king euerie man doth what liketh him best Iudg. 17. Where there is no king men be like fishes the great deuour the small Though it be ill to haue a Lion or a Woolfe to be our king yet it is better to haue one then many to feare one then many A prince is called the breath of our nostrels Iere. 20. And Daniel likeneth him to a great shadowing tree But if God send vs in steade of his good Angell an euill Angell in steade of a tree to keepe vs from the heate of the Sunne a Iuniper tree which will suffer no plant to prosper neare it in steade of light a stinking snuffe it is I confesse a great cursse but if he take both the one and the other from vs all his heauie displeasure is fallen vpon vs. When Iacob had blessed his sonnes with all good things in the end as if he had yeelded nothing without a ruler he beseecheth God to giue them a faithfull Ruler like Ioseph This order and this gouernement therfore God hath giuen vnto his people from time to time in his great loue and fauour for a blessing as the Prophet Dauid acknowledgeth in the Psalme 77. Where he sayth Thou leddest thy people like sheepe by the handes of Moses and Aaron God him selfe is the General and principall leader for the whole worlde is his Moses and Aaron are but Gods hands Gods lieutenants here in earth the one with the worde the other with the sworde They bee both Gods handes Gods guides and Gods pastors They both together may be compared to the two Cherubims with their wings spread to defend and couer the Arke It is most true that Natura non abundat in rebus superfluis nec deficit in necessarys Nature dooth not abound in superfluous things nor faile in necessarie things It is a maimed bodie where either hand Moses or Aaron do want The coniunction of both which maketh a happie gouernment For the which cause Moses was glad of Aarons companie He will be glad said God to Aron when he seeth thee 2. Sam. 24. vers 18. So Dauid had his seeing Gad to be his watchman he would not trust his owne sight onely If Gad the Prophet Dauids Seer had seene no better then Dauid at one time he and all his had beene lost The good that commeth by this coniunction made king Iehosaphat not to vndertake his warres vntil he had asked counsaile of the Priest The which Ioshua neglecting made a couenant with the Gibeonites Ioshua 9. which he afterward too late repented Aaron Gods high Priest is pro Rege Lege Grece That is He commaundeth the king to be honoured the lawe to be kept and the people to be loued The people are of great power being a multitude whom Moses cannot gouerne well without Aarons hand When Alexander came into India and saw there the great Behemoth the Elephant and Porus his little sonne riding on his backe and ruling him as he list he wondred greatly and said Sivires suas noscet non reciperet sessorem If he knew his great strength he would not so easily be backed So may it be said of the multitude that if they be not politiquely and wisely gouerned as well by the one as the other they will not be easily commaunded In simplicitie the people are like sheepe they liue by example And the people haue this propertie of sheepe that if one leape into the ditch all will follow that one Therefore they