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A08620 The fift lampe of virginitie conteining sundrie forms of christian praiers and meditations, to bee vsed onlie of and for all sorts and degrees of women, in their seuerall ages and callings ... A treatise verie needful for this time, and profitable to the Church: now newlie compiled to the glorie of God, & comfort of al godlie women, by the said T.B. Gentleman.; Monument of matrones. Part 5. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576. 1582 (1582) STC 1893; ESTC S101563 134,473 221

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haue I receiued it Make therefore and ordeine thou O beloued God in heauen all them in my house and in my handling downe lieng and vprising after thy good will and pleasure thee to loue serue and obey euerie one to his profit For I beleeue in thee in thee is all my trust that thou wilt not forsake me nor my husband and children nor anie of my familie and houshold Defend vs Lord from sinne shame and sicknesse and from all euill Send vs thine holie angell that he may defend vs in all our deeds and liuing that he may lead vs foorth the right way that we may not talke doo or thinke anie thing against thy holie commandements and will but thereafter to liue worshipping thee and praising thee foreuermore through Iesus Christ our Lord thy beloued sonne Amen Another O Gratious God I commend vnto thy protection my house and all that thou hast giuen me my whole familie my husband and children beseeching thee to giue me the power of thy holie spirit that I may well and holilie rule gouerne nourish and bring vp these my children and familie in all godlie feare and knowledge of thy holie word and that I may be vnto them an example of all godlines and vertue to the praise of thy holie name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another O Father of our Lord Iesus Christ father of mercie and God of my life I beseech thee for thy sonne Christs sake haue mercie vpon me mine husband and vpon the houshold and familie that thou hast giuen me and powre thy wholsome benefites vpon vs alwaies sufficientlie for our liuing for our soule and bodie O thou great rich husbandman let thy great riches enrich our pouertie thy mercie beare our sinnes thy grace susteine and comfort our frailnes thy holie angell keepe vs from satan and from all euill that our conuersation may be honest faithfull and plentious in all good works and we saued through the merits of Iesu Christ our Lord Amen Another praier to be said of all christiam masters and mistresses both for themselues and other in like condition ALthough O Christ thou most high Lord all power both in heauen in earth be giuen vnto thee of thy heauenlie father and albeit thou hast giuen vs a commandment that we should not desire to be called masters or mistresses for we haue but one master which thou art all we brethren and sisters hauing one father which is in heauen Yet forasmuch as thou according to thy blessed will hast appointed some superiours some inferiours some masters and mistresses some seruants and hand-maids some to command some to obey some to rule some to serue and by this meanes such as be in superioritie haue obteined by thy holie word the name or title of masters or lords mistresses or dames bicause they haue seruants hand-maids vnder them and rule ouer them according to thy good pleasure and godlie appointment which art the most supreame power and most excellent maiestie King of kings and Lord of lords to whom all things both in heauen and in earth and vnder the earth doo bow their knees and giue reuerence and honour whose praise also euerie nation and language doth aduance and set foorth confessing that thou art the Lord Iesus Christ vnto the glorie of God the father we most humblie beseech thee which art the greatest master and most high Lord to send thy holie spirit vpon vs and all such as are called masters or dames here in earth and haue superioritie vnder thee that we and they remembring our selues to be thy seruants and that we also haue a master in heauen with whom there is no respect of persons may put awaie all threatnings all crueltie all vnrighteousnes and doo that vnto our seruants which is iust and equall Grant that we intreat not euil our seruants and hand-maids which worke truelie nor the hireling that is faithfull vnto vs. Grant that we be not as lions in our houses destroieng our houshold folks and oppressing such as are vnder vs but rather that we cherish and loue our faithfull and discreet seruants and maids euen as our owne soule and by no meanes suffer them to be unrewarded for their paines taking nor yet at the last to be driuen to beggerie for their true seruice dooing but that we liberallie rewarding them according to their deserts may shew our selues to be thy true seruants which leauest no man vnrewarded but giuest to euery one according to their deeds to them that doo well and continue in well dooing glorie honour peace immortalitie and euerlasting life to them that doo euill and continue in the same indignation wrath displeasure trouble sorowe and eternall damnation Grant therefore O Lord that we and all temporall masters dames may in all our dooings resemble thee which art the heauenlie and euerlasting master and so behaue our selues both towards our seruants and all other according to thy blessed will that at the last day we may be found in the number of them to whom thou shalt saie Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome which was prepared for you from the beginning of the world Lord let it so come to passe Amen The maid-seruants or hand-maids praier ALl estates O Lord depend vpon thee king begger magistrate and cleargie-man master and scholer all come of thee and me thou hast made a poore hand-maid seruant which I doo not onelie willinglie beare knowing thou hast allotted me this calling but also manie waies I haue to thanke thee for it For thou hast not onelie deliuered me from the slauish seruice of satan but also dooest by this my yoke restraine the wanton reliques of stained nature preseruing me from the pampering of the old man in pleasures and idlenes Secondlie that I am not seruant or hand maid to any heathen Turke or Saracene but to a Christian in such a place where thy Gospell is preached freelie and fullie Thirdlie and especiallie bicause thou hast called me vnto such an estate of life as wherein I knowe I doo well please thee For who liueth after the Gospell if not I who get my liuing with the sweat of my brows I doo not glorie here in vaine but to thee therfore be the glorie who hast turned the curse into such a blessing O Lord giue me grace to consider this that I may be more diligent in my calling more earnest in seruing thee than euer I haue beene heretofore forgiue me all that is past and guid me in all things to come that I may neuer halt in my vocation nor doo my seruice deceitfully to the eie as a man-pleaser Giue me a sound and perfect faith in thy sonnes bloud O father wherein he hath washed of his great mercie my poore soule that notwithstanding I serue a mortall man and woman yet aboue them in all things I may serue thee to whom be all glorie and dominion both now and for euer Amen Another O Christ our Lord
steale other mens goods and take thy name in vaine or trusting vpon his prosperitie he denie thee and saie What fellowe is the Lord On the other side grant him grace that he may acknowledge that he that ploweth is nothing neither he that watereth but thou Lord which giuest the increase Finallie when thou shalt depriue and take him from all the commodities of this present life giue vnto him the like constancie as thou didst giue vnto thy faithfull seruant Iob who seeing himselfe afflicted on euerie side did neuer murmur against thee but falling downe vpon the ground worshipped thy maiestie and blessed thy name for all which things we his parents praie thee in the fauour of thy welbeloued Sonne he I saie who was obedient vnto thee euen to the death of the crosse our Lord Iesus Christ to whom be glorie for euer and euer Amen A praier to be vsed of anie mother in lawe FOrasmuch O mercifull God as it is commonlie said that step-mothers be malicious towards their husbands children and hate their daughters in lawe bearing no great loue and charitie towards them I being verie desirous to falsifie this report in my selfe whom it hath pleased thee now by marriage to make a mother of so manie motherles children and that I may foreuer be free from anie least suspicion of such offence and neuer found guiltie or culpable of like malice and hatred towards the innocent doo now most humblie beseech thee of thy goodnes so to rule the fond fansies of my mind and crooked conditions of my corrupted nature with the grace of thy holie spirit that I neuer be carried awaie with passions and braids of the mind to plaie the tyrant ouer these my husbands children nor by anie meanes shew my selfe rough rigorous hard-harted or vnresonable towards them but being guided with discretion reason and good consideration let me haue compassion and pitie of their tender and weake age yea let me loue them I saie hartilie and count them euen as mine owne knowing that friendship maketh all things common among friends much more wedlocke being the highest degree not onlie of all friendship but also of all bloud and kindred doth of dutie require the same in me as also especiallie remembring that vndoubtedlie my children shall finde such fauour of others whither I die or liue as I haue shewed to other mens children For looke with what measure we meate with the same shall we be sure to be measured as saith our Sauiour Which thing well considered grant I beseech thee that I may vnfeignedlie loue these my husbands children and be vnto them that which I heare them call me so oft that is a mother not a step mother or mother in lawe after the vulgar opinion in word and outward shew onlie but a mild a gentle tender louing mother in deed and good faith comforting cherishing and instructing them euen as their owne naturall mother would O let me neuer hate or abhor them whom thou hast thus conioined vnto me in house friendship aliance and bloud and made to be brethren and sisters vnto my children Neither suffer me at anie time to wreake conceiued ire wrath and displeasure vpon these poore orphans and motherles children but make me to vse all motherlie curtesie lenitie and good behauiour towards them euen as if they were mine owne Also concerning my daughters in lawe that are maried let me not be discontent that they are bloud of their husbands more than I nor thinke my motherhood anie whit diminished thereby as she that would seeke to win loue by hating them that offend me not but take from vs good Lord I beseech thee all occasions of strife contention bralling chiding and vnnaturall fallings out and if anie discord chance betweene vs make vs also both most wiselie with all our might to auoid it and speedilie with willing minds to reconcile our selues each one to the other againe as becommeth vs that others seeing our mutuall loue concord and godlie behauiour each to other may by our good examples take occasion worthilie to glorifie thee in vsing the like Finallie grant me grace that with Naomie and other godlie women to the vtmost of my power skill and abilitie I may both loue cherish and instruct my daughters in lawe giuing them good counsell and also doo before them in my conuersation all such things as may be examples vnto them both of chastitie sobernes and all manner of godlines and vertue so shall it come to passe that I ruling mine affections modestlie and behauing my selfe curteouslie and motherlie in deed towards these my children in lawe as to mine owne shall not onelie auoid the great number of troubles and miseries which otherwise crueltie and contention would bring vpon mine head but also by that meanes obteine great loue and reuerence of these my children in lawe againe towards me and procure to my selfe a most holie delectable sweet peaceable and quiet life with my deere husband to thy glorie and our eternall felicitie Grant this O father for thy deere Sonne sake our onlie Lord and Sauiour Amen The mistresse or dames praier for hir selfe and hir familie THy commandement is by thine holie Apostle O most mercifull Lord Christ that masters and mistresses should intreat their seruants and hand-maids gentlie putting awaie threatenings and dooing that vnto them which is iust and equall forasmuch as we also haue a master in heauen with whome there is no respect of persons Grant I most hartilie praie thee I may so order my men-seruants and maid-seruants that I attempt none vnrighteousnes against them but so vse my rule and authoritie ouer them that I may alwaies remember that thou art the common Lord of vs all and we all thy seruants Againe that I may not forget that we be all brothers and sisters hauing one father which is in heauen and looke for one glorious kingdome where thou with the father and the holie ghost liuest and reignest true and euerlasting God for euer Amen Another TO haue children and seruants is thy blessing O Lord but not to order them according to thy word deserueth thy dredfull cursse Grant therefore that as thou hast blessed me with an houshold and familie so I may diligentlie watch that nothing be committed of the same that might offend thy fatherlie goodnes and be an occasion of turning thy blessing into curssing but that so manie as thou hast committed to my charge may eschew all vice imbrace all vertue liue in thy feare call vpon thy holie name learne thy blessed commandements heare thy holie word and auoiding idlenes diligentlie exercise themselues euerie one in his office according to their vocation and calling vnto the glorie of thy most honorable name Amen Another praier of dames or mistresses O Lord God almightie our heauenlie father and most merciful Lord thou art my life my soule and my bodie yea all the good which I haue and all whatsoeuer is mine al that thou hast giuen vnto me of thee
and sauiour which being the Sonne of the liuing God yea God himselfe from euerlasting didst not disdaine at the will of thy heauenlie Father to make thy selfe of no reputation to become man to take vpon thee the shape of a seruant and to obeie thy fathers commandement to the death of the crosse for our saluation refusing no seruice no trauell no labour no paine that might make vnto the comfort of man-kind I most humblie beseech thee to giue me and all seruants grace to practise thy humilitie and obedience that as thou most willinglie didst serue and obeie thy heauenlie fathers good pleasure so I and they in like manner may with most hartie affection serue and obeie our bodilie maisters and dames in all things that fight not with thy blessed word not with eie-seruice as men-pleasers but in singlenes of heart fearing thee O God that whatsoeuer we doo we may doo it hartilie euen as vnto the Lord and not vnto men forasmuch as we are sure that we shall receiue the reward of the heauenlie inheritance of thee O Lord Christ whome also wee serue while trulie and faithfullie we serue our bodilie maisters and dames Grant that I thine humble hand-maid and so manie as are vnder the yoke of seruitude may count our maisters and mistresses worthie of all honour that the name of God be not euill spoken of nor his doctrine standered and that we may obeie them with all feare not onlie if they be good and curteous but also though they be froward and testie and please them in all things not answering them againe nor picking ought from them but she wing all good faithfulnes and trustines towards them that in all things we may doo worship vnto the doctrine of thee our God and Sauiour to whom with the father and the holie Ghost be all honor praise and glorie for euer Amen Or praie thus O Lord we seruants are commanded by thy blessed Apostles that wee should honor and obeie our bodilie maisters and dames with feare and trembling not onlie if they be good and courteous but also though they be hastie and froward and serue them not with the eie as men-pleasers but with singlenes of hart not churlishlie answering them againe nor piking stealing or conueieng awaie anie part of their goods vniustlie but she wing all good faithfulnes vnto our maisters and dames as though wee serued God and not men and women Grant me grace I most humblie beseech thee so to serue and obeie my maister and mistres and all other my superiours that there may be found no fault in me but that I behauing my selfe vprightlie iustlie faithfullie and trulie in my vocation may doo worship to the doctrine of thee my God sauiour in all things Amen Another praier to be said of an hand-maid waiting-woman or maid-seruant GRatious God and Lord almightie which by the pretious bloud of thy Sonne Iesus Christ hast redeemed me a miserable wretch from perpetuall slauerie and pulled me out of the power both of sin death darkenes hell and damnation I beseech thee grant that I be neuer ashamed of this my seruile state and condition wherein according to thy good pleasure and will I am placed Neither let me vnpatientlie murmur at anie time against my mistres and betters nor enuiouslie detract from the estimation of them or others but giue me grace to doo thy will continuallie in singlenes of hart as vnto Christ with all possible good-will seruing the Lord and not men Suffer me not malapertlie to vpbraid my maister or mistres with their faults or infirmities when they rebuke me for mine neither yet let me murmur contemne or despise them as Hagar the handmaid of Sara did hir dame Sara that reproued hir but rather make me I praie thee as louing curteous gentle attendant and dutifull vnto mine as Abrahams and the hand-maids of Iudith and Susanna were vnto them O most mercifull God assist me I saie with thy holie spirit that I may obeie these my carnall rulers and gouernours not onelie if they be good and meeke but also if they be euill and froward and that with all feare so long as they command me nothing contrarie to thy commandement Bicause thou wilt haue me to doo so neither let me be forced for anie euill speeches or rough-handling of my dame to flie or runne awaie from hir as Hagar did from Sara to hir no litle sorrowe and miserie but giue me grace rather to humble my selfe as a corrigible seruant vnder hir hands to confesse my faults and amend my maners and crooked conditions especiallie knowing hir power ouer me to be of thee and therefore that the seueritie of my dame should not make me to neglect my duetie and seruice but patientlie and constantlie for thy sake to endure my labours and to tarrie and abide out all my terme of seruice to the end euermore calling vpon thee by hartie praier for hir and that thou wilt not suffer me to be hurt by anie hir euill dealing towards me but preserue and keepe me alwaies safe by thy power from all euill Furthermore I praie thee let not satan suggest or entise me to doo anie euill or wicked deed vnknowne to my dame to my dishonestie or hir damage thereby to cause strife or bralles to arise either within or without to my selfe or others but let it be a greefe vnto me to heare them by anie misreported or standered or to see them by anie meanes abused and hindred or hurt in goods or name Giue me grace alwaies to obeie my good and curteous gouernours not with eie seruice as a man-pleaser but in singlenes of hart as she that more feareth thee than flesh and bloud And make thou me so faithfull and trustie in all my busines that nothing be at anie time either marred or lost of those things committed to my charge either through my negligence or vnthriftines O keepe my hand I praie thee from picking filching purloining and stealing and my tongue from curssing taunting answering againe and euill speaking neither let me with an euill eie wicked affection careles mind and vngodlie intent behold anie of those things put into my custodie and keeping nor vndiscreetlie diminish impaire or lessen them Make me to be content with my wages when I shall depart to go awaie quietlie carrieng nothing of my masters or dames goods to the value of a mite with me but onelie that which is mine owne And in the meane while increase thou my health and grant strength to all my lims and members of my bodie I beseech thee that I may by that meanes be the better able to earne my wages and doo my dutie to the benefite of my master and dame whom I serue as I hartilie desire Giue me also vnderstanding wiselie to go about their affaires and busines and prosper thou the works of mine hands to the blessing and enriching of them and their families Let the eies of thy seruant wait vpon thee O Lord my
God vntill thou which dwellest in the heauens haue mercie vpon me and the eies of thy hand-maid attend and looke diligentlie vnto the hand of hir mistresse that my soule be neuer filled with the scornfull reproofe of the wealthie nor with the despitefulnes of the proud Make me true both in word and deed vnto those whom I serue and with all possible care and industrie to declare my fidelitie and obedience by my faithfull painfull and trustie seruice and by preferring still their busines to mine owne necessitie Make thou me godlie religious and holilie giuen to all vertuous exercises Giue me grace to praie often and hartilie for my master and mistresse their children friends and all their familie and for the whole Church And let thy holie feare be alwaies before mine eies to shunne and auoid all occasion of sinne and offence both in my selfe and others that I may be worthilie accompted in the number of those godlie seruants and maids on whom thou hast promised to powre thy holie spirit and that thou also my souereigne Lord and master maist testifie for my righteous and faithfull seruice by blessing my labours and rewarding mine industrie and diligence as thou didst all the godlie seruants and hand-maids in the old time and thereby giue me ample occasion to laud and praise thee all the daies of my life Finallie whatsoeuer I shall go about to doo doo thou vouchsafe to blesse me O God let it both be begun continued and ended in thee and also tend euermore to the glorie of thy name the wealth of my master and mistresse the full discharge of my dutie and the increase of my faith and blessing in thee euer for Iesus Christs sake thy sonne and my sauiour who being verie God equall with thee laid aside his glorie and being Lord of all made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruant willinglie to submit himselfe to the most shamefull death of the crosse for our redemption to whom therfore with thee and the holie ghost three persons and one God be all honour praise power rule and dominion for euer and euer Amen The poore widowes mite conteining seuen meditations or praiers in meeter for the obteining of Gods mercie and the forgiuenes of sin against desperation to be said or soong● gathered by William Hunnis one of the Gentlemen of hir Highnes Chappell and maister to the children of the same AH helples wretch what shall I doo or which way shall I run The earth be wraies heauen records the sins that I haue do●● The gates of hell wide open stand for to receiue me in And fearefull f●ends all readie be to torment me for sin Alas where shall I succour finde The earth doth me denie And to the sacred heauens aboue I dare not lift mine eie If heauen and earth shall witnes be against my soule for sin Untimelie birth alas for me much better then had bin And now despaire approcheth fast with bloudie murthering knife And willeth me to end my gréefes by shortning of my life Shall I despaire Thou God forbid for mercie more is thine Than if the sins of all the world were linked now with mine Despise not then most louing Lord the image of thy face Which thou hast wrought and déerelie bought with goodnes of thy grace And since the bloodie price is paid and bitter paines all past Receiue my plaints accept my spirit and mercie grant at last So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The second meditation THou God that rulst reignst in light that flesh can not attain Thou God that knowst the thoghts of men are altogither vain Thou God which neither tongue of man nor angell can expresse Thou God it is that I doo séeke thou pitie my distresse Thy seate O God is euerie-where thy power all powers extend Thy wisedome cannot measured be for that it hath no end Thou art the power and wisedome too and sole felicitie But I a lumpe of sinfull flesh nursse of iniquitie Thou art by nature mercifull and mercie is thy name And I by nature miserable and thrall of sin and shame Then let thy nature O good God now worke his force in me And cleanse this nature of my sin and heale my miserie One depth good Lord another craues my depth of sinfull crime Requires thy depth of mercie great for sauing health in time Swéet Christ grant y ● the deapth of grace may swallow vp my sin That I thereby may whiter be than euer snowe hath bin So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The third meditation BEfore thy face and in thy sight haue I deuoid of shame O Lord transgressed willinglie I doo confesse the same Yet was I loth that men should knowe or vnderstand my fall Thus feard I man much more than thée thou righteous iudge of all So blind was I and ignorant yea rather wilfull blind That suckt the combe and knew the Bée had left hir sting behind My sins O God to thée are knowne there is no secret place Where I may hide my selfe or them from presence of thy face Where shall I then my selfe bestowe Or who shall me defend None is so louing as my God thy mercies haue none end In déed I grant and doo confesse my sins so heinous be As mercie none at all deserues but yet thy propertie Is alwaie to be mercifull to sinners in distres By which thou wilt declare and shew thy great almightines Haue mercie Lord on me therefore for thy great mercies sake Which camst not righteous men to call but sinners part to take So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The fourth meditation MOst gratious God doo not behold the number of my sin Nor yet consider with thy selfe how wicked I haue bin But rather thinke I am but dust or as the withered haie Which flourisheth to daie in féeld to morrowe shorne awaie My flesh rebels against the spirit my spirit too weake is found By sin conceiued in mothers wombe my soule first caught hir wound My flesh is fraile too weak vain to do the thing I should And what I would not that doo I contrarie that I would Thou séest O Lord how weake I am not able for to stand Without the succour helpe and aid of thy most mightie hand And what is he that will not staie the man thats like to fall Or will refuse the sicke to helpe for helpe when he doth call If thou wilt laie vnto my charge the burden of my sin O Lord the conquest is but small that thou thereby shalt win For why thy glorie and thy praise in mercie doth consist Unto the which I yéeld my selfe to doo with what thou list My soule shall trust in thée and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The fift meditation IF I demand what mercie is thou