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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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bodies with fode and raiment may shew them selues profitable members of the chrysten publique weale and faythful seruauntes to the their Lorde God whyche alone art worthye all honoure and glorye Amen A prayer for children AS thou O mercyful father hast geuen commaundemēt vnto al fathers ▪ mothers to br●nge vp theyr children in thy feare nourtour and doctryne ▪ so likewyse thy good pleasure is that children shuld honor reuerence their parentes E●odu ix Deute v. Mathe. xix Mar x. E●he ●i Collo iii. Eccl iii. vi● Tobi. iiii Eccle. iii. Proue xix Proue xxx Deu. xxvii diligentlye geue ear vnto their v●rtuous enstruccions and faythfully obey them And as thou hast promised helth honour glory rych●s long life all that good is vnto thē that honour reuerence and hūbly obeye their fathers mothers so haste thou threatned vnt o dysobedyēt chyldren ignominie euyll fame contēpt shame dishonour pouertie sickenes short life and suche other plagues Yea in thy holye lawe thou doest not onelye pronounce them accurssed that dyshonor theyr fathers mothers but thou also commaundest that if anye chylde be stubberne disobediēt and wil not heare but rather despise the commaundemēt of his father and mother ▪ Deute xxi the same shuld be stoned vnto death without mercy so greatly doste thou abhorre disobediēce and rebelliō agaynst all persons but specially agaynst parentes Deute iiii Heb. xiii We therefore hartely wishyng that the plages of thy fearce wrathe for thou O God art a consum●ng fyre maye be far from vs ▪ most hūbly besech the to graue in the harts of all children of what●oeuer age kynd estat or degre thei be true honour harti reuerēce ▪ and vnfained obedyence toward theyr p●rentes Giue them grace o good Lorde that as they profes thi son Christ in name so they may truly represent his maners in their life and conuersacion Luke ii whiche willinglye was obediēt vnto his mother mary and vnto her husband Ioseph geuyng example to al children of the like subieccion and obedyēce tow●rd theyr parents Engraffe in them such a loue toward theyr fathers mothers that they mai both reuerēce thē with outwarde honour and also for their power helpe them socoure thē prouyde for them comfort anb cherish thē in their nede euē as their parēts nourished and comforted thē in their infancy tender age Esay xliii But aboue all thynges geue thē grace truly to honour the whyche art the heauenly father yea oure father our redemer whiche hast made vs dayly cherishest vs euen as a father or mother cherishe their mooste deare and naturall chyldren So shall ●t come to passe Esaye xlix that they faythfully honourynge the shal also in order hartely honour and vnfainedly obey theyr carnal parētes in thi feare vnto y● glory of thy most blessed name which is most worthi to be honored worldes without ende Amē A prayer for Masters ALthoughe O Christe thou most hyghest Lorde al power both in heuen and in erth M●t xxviii be geuē vnto the of thy heauenly father and albeit thou hast geuē vs a commaundement that wee shuld not desire to be called master Mat. xxiii for we haue but one mayster whyche thou art al we are brethren hauing one father which is in heauen yet forasmuch as thou accordyng to thy blessed will hast appoīted some superiours some inferioures some masters some seruaunts some to commaunde some to obey some to rule some to searue and by thys meanes suche as be in superiorytye haue obteyned by thy holye worde the name of maisters or Lordes because they haue seruauntes vnder them and rule vnder the accordynge to thy good pleasure godlie appointment whyche art the mooste supreame power and mooste excellente maiesty Kinge of kinges and Lord of Lordes i. Timo. vi Apoc. ●vii and .xix. to whom all thinges both in heauen and in earth and vnder the earthe do bowe their knees and geue reuerēce honoure Philip. ii whose praise also euery nacion and language doth auance and set forth cōfessing that thou art the Lorde Iesu Christe vnto the glorye of God the father We moste humblye praye thee whyche arte the greatest master and moste hyghest Lorde to sende thy holye spiryte vppon all suche as are called masters here in earthe and haue superioritie ouer other that they remembrynge them selues to be thy seruaunts Ephesi vi Collo iiii and that thei also haue a master in heauē with whō ther is no respect of persons may put awaye all threatninges al cruelty al vnrightousnes and do that vnto their seruaūts whiche is iust equall Eccle. vii Graunte that they entreate not euyll theyr seruauntes whiche worke truly nor the hyreling that is faithful vnto thē Eccle. iiii Eccle. vii Graūt that they be not as lions in theyr houses destroyinge their houshold folks and oppressing such as are vnder them but rather that they cherysh and loue their faithfull discrete seruaūtes euen as their owne soul and by no meanes suffer thē to be vnrewarded for their paines takīg nor yet at the laste to be driuen to beggary for their true seruice doyng but that they liberally rewarding them according to their desertes may shew thē selues to be thy true seruaūtes which leauest no mā vnrewarded Math. xvi but geuest to eueri mā according to his dedes Roma ii to them that do wel and continue in wel doing glory honour peace immortality and euerlastīg life to them that do euill and cōtinue in the same indignacion wrath displesure trouble sorow and eternal damnaciō Graūt therfore O Lorde that all temporall masters may in all their doyngs resemble the which art the heauēly and euerlasting master and so be haue thē selfs both toward theyr seruaūts and all other accordnig to thy blessed wyl that at the laste daye they maye be founde in the nūber of thē to whom thou shalt say Come ye blessed of mi father possesse the kingdom which was prepared for you from the beginninge of the world Math. xxv Lord let it so come to passe Amen A prayer for seruauntes O Christ my lord and sauiour which being the son of the liuing God yea God him self from euerlastynge didst not disdaine at the wil of thine heuenly father to make thy selfe of no reputation to become man to take vpon the the shape of a seruaunt to obey thi fathers commaūdement to the deathe Philip. ii yea euen the death of the crosse for our saluaciō refusīg no seruice no trauail no labour no payne that mighte make vnto the comforte of mankynde we mooste humbly beseche the to geue al seruaūts grace to practise thy humility and obedyence that as thou moost wyllyngly diddest serue and obey thy heauenly fathers good plesure so they in like manner may wyth moste hartye affecciō serue obey their bodely masters in al thynges Ephesi vi that fight not wyth thy blessed
¶ A Table of the prayers co●●tayned in thys booke THe prayer of our Lorde   A Prayer for the mornynge Fol. ● A Prayer for the nyght Fol. ii A Confessiō of our sins vnto god y● father fol. iii. A Confession of our sinnes vnto oure Lord Iesus Christe fol. vii A confession of our sins vnto the holy gost fo xi A prayer to be sayde before dynner fol. xiii A Thākesgeuyng vnto god after dynner fo x●●ii A pryaer to be sayd before supper fol. eode● A thankesgeuyng vnto god after supper fol. x●● A prayer for the kynges Maiestie fol. eod● A prayer for ●he kynges Councell fol. x●● A prayer for Iudges fol. 〈…〉 A generall prayer for all Magistrates fol. xvii● ▪ A prayer for Byshoppes and minysters of God●● woorde fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for gentlemen fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for landelordes fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for marchauntes fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for lawers fol. eodem ▪ A praier for laborers men of occupaciōs fo 〈…〉 A prayer for rychemen fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for poore people 〈…〉 A prayer for the commons fol 〈…〉 A prayer to them that are vnmaryed 〈…〉 A prayer for them that be maryed 〈…〉 A prayer for wemen wyth chylde 〈…〉 A Thankesgeuynge vnto God for th● 〈…〉 〈…〉 A prayer for fathers and mothers 〈…〉 A prayer for chyldren 〈…〉 A prayer for Masters fol. xliii A prayer for seruauntes fol. xlv A prayer for them that are sycke fol. xlvi A prayer for souldiers fol. li. A prayer for maryners fol. lii A prayer for trauelers by lande fol. liiii A prayer for a faythfull man beynge in trouble or indurance fol. lv A thākesgeuīg vnto god for his deliuerāce fo lvi A generall P●ayer that all menne maye walke in theyr vocacion and callynge fol. lix A prayer for our enemyes fol. lxv A prayer for the aduersaryes of Gods truthe and that all men maye come to the true knowledge of gods blessed worde fol. lxvi A prayer for one vniforme and perfecte agrement in matters of Christen religion fol. lx●i A prayer for the Common peace and quyetnes of all Realmes fol lxxv A prayer to be preserued from the plage and other diseases fol lxxviii A praier to preserue y● frutes of the earth fo lxxxi A prayer that we maye haue the feare of god before our eyes in al our doynges fol. lxx●iii A prayer for fayth fol. lxxxv A prayer for charitie fol. lxxxvi A prayer for a g●dly lyfe fol. lxxxviii A prayer agaynst the temptacions of the flesh the diuell and the worlde fol. xci A prayer for the remyssyon of synnes fol. xcv A prayer for a competent necessary lyuing fo c. A prayer to be sayde before the Sermon fol. ciii A thansgeu●ng vnto god after the Sermō fo cv A prayer to be sayde before the receyuynge of the holy Communion fol eodem A Thankesgeuynge after the receyuynge of the Communion fol. cxi A short prayer to be sayd at receiuīg of the mistery of c●ristes body in y● holy cōmuniō fo cxii A praier to be sayd at ●he receyuing of the mistery of christes bloud in the holy cōmuniō fo cxiii A prayer agaynst Idolatry fol. cxiiii A prayer agaynst Swearyng fol. cxv A prayer agaynst pryde fol. cxvii A prayer agaynst Whoredome fol. cxviii A prayer agaynst Couetousnes fol. cxx A prayer against glottony drunkēnes fo cxxiii A prayer agaynst Idlenesse fol. cxxv A prayer against slaūdering ba●bitīg fo cxxvii A general prayer for the auoydyng of all kynde of Synne fol. cxxix A Praier vnto God in prosperitie fol. cx●xiii A Prayer vnto God in aduersitie fol. cxx●iiii A thankesgeuing vnto god for sending his sonne into this worlde to dye for our syns fol. cxxxix A thankesgeuyng vnto god that he hath brought vs oute of the darckenes of mennes tadicions into the gloryous lyght of hys holye gospell fol. cxlvii A Thankesgeuynge vnto god f●r all hys benefytes fol. cxlix A prayer to be sayd for al such as lye at the poynte of death fol. clii A thankesgeuynge vnto god for the departure of the faythfull out of this worlde fol. cliii The Letanye and Suffrages with certayne other Prayers for dyuers purposes fol. clvi The ende of the Table ❧ To the most honourale vertuous Lady Anne Douches of Somerset her ●race Thomas Becon her most hūble and faythful seruant wysheth the fauour of god encrease of honour long lyfe and prosperous health ▪ both of body and soule SO ofte as I behoulde the fact of this world ▪ namelye of thys realme of England mou Gracious Ladye I know not whether ther be offered vnto me greater occacions of gladnes or of sadnes For when I consider the horrible blyndnes and monsterous ignoraunce whyche heretofore reygned among vs a great number of yeares yea and that almost vniuersally in al partes of the Christen publique w●ale thorow the subtile deuises of Sara and of his ministers which to deceiue the folish blinde world fashyon them selfes lyke vnto the Apostles of Christ and walke as the Aungels of lyght when notwyths●andynge they are in deede fal●e Apostles and deceatfull worckers hauyng an ●●warde apperaunce of godlynes ii Cor. xi but vtterly denying the vertue and power therof and now se the aforesaid pestilēces banyshed and driuē out of this most florishing real● of England thorow the wonderful working of Gods spirit in the Kynges Mages●y and in his most honorable Councel I cannot but hartelye ●eioyse and ●y●e God most int●re ●ha●rkes For who seeth 〈◊〉 e●cept he be wilfully blyn●e and obs●inatly refuse to se● how many ●o●able and excelēt benefi●s of ou● saluacion we ha●e re●●yued of God vnd●● this our kyng a Prince for hys godly dispo●icio● 〈◊〉 ●er●uous en●erprises worthy to enioy not onely immortal fame but also the yeares of a●ncient and long liuing M e●husel●h 〈…〉 in these hys yong yeares by the aduise of his most honorable Coūsel hath no les trauailed in putti●●way Idolatry Papi●●●y ▪ Supers●iciō and Hypocrysy out of this his graces Realme ●nd in re●●oryng vnto vs hys humble and obedient Subiects the true religiō and the glorious Gospel of our sauiour Iesu Chri●t then that most godly yong king Iosias dyd in hys kyngdom of Iuda whych beyng but a chylde of eyght ye●es ol●e when he began to reygne dyd not wythstanding both studiously iiii reg xxii ▪ and earnestly seke after the God of Dauid his ●ather ▪ i. Pa. xxxi●● ▪ turned neither to the right hand nor to the le●t An● in the .xii. yeare he began to pu●ge Iuda and Hie●usalem of hyl altars groues harued images and images of mettal so that they ●roke down the altares of Baaleuen in the Kynges presence and the idols that were vpon them he caused to be destroyed He slew the Idolatrous Priests and the Chaplens of Baall He destroyed the stewes and whorysh houses and put down the bugge●y places He neuer cesed tyll he had reformed all hys whole realme and brought in againe
the seruaunt of the Lorde maye not fighte but be peaceable gentel toward all and redy to tech sufferīg the euil wyth meknes enforming thē that re●ist if at any time thou O God maiest geue them repentaunce to knowe the truth i. Tim. ii●● ▪ Let them cast away vngodly old wiuish fables teachinge thy heauenly word purely truly be vnto thē that beleue an example in the word in conuersaciō in loue in spirit in faith in purenes Let them geue attendaunce vnto reading to exhortaciō to doctrine let thē studi to shew thē selfs in thi sight workmē worthi of praise euē suche as nede not to be ashamed As in prechinge thy holy worde ii Timo. i● Iohn xxi i. Tim. iii. Titus i. ●sa lviii E●om xii so likewise in mainteining hospitaliti in distributing to the necessiti of the saints in feding the hungri in clothing the naked in lodging the harbourles in nourishing godly learned men make them diligent heardemen that they maye be pastores and feders bothe in worde deede Graunte agayne that the parishners may reuerence the byshops other spirituall ministers Pary●●oner● geuing them no lesse honour then the childe geueth the father Malach ii 〈◊〉 iiii Math. v. ● Cor iiii Iohn xxi ● Peter v. 〈◊〉 xxxiii Esay lviii ●●bru xiii remēbring that they be the aungels of God the messengers of Christ the lyghte of the world the salt of the earth the dispēsatours of the misteryes of God the feaders of theyr soules the cōfortours of the weke the Phisicions of the sicke the vpholders of the whole the exhorters vnto vertue the fraiers away frō vice c. which watch continuallye for the health of their soules Worke in the hertes of al them that ar instructed with the word such a tender loue and good wil toward the Ministers that teche thē G●la vi that they may giue vnto them abūdantly al good things wherby the preachers may be the more able not onli to norish their familibut also maintain hospitality for the reliefe comfort of the pore For who goth a warfar any time at his own cost i. Cor. ix who planteth a vineyarde and eateth not of the fruit who fedeth a ●●ocke and eateth not of the milke Yf the preachers sowe vnto their parishners spiritual thīgs is it a great thyng if thei reape their carnal thinges Math. ● Thy ordynance is o lord that thei which preach the gospel shuld liue of the gospel Moreouer grant that the husbāds mai loue there wiues as their owne bodies Husbādes not be bitter Ephe. vi Colos. iii. i. Peter ii churlish or vnkynd vnto them but geue honor vnto them as vnto the weker vessels and as vnto them that are felowe heyres wyth th●m of the grace of life Likewise graūt that the wiues be in subiection to theyr owne husbandes as vnto the Lorde in al thinges Wyues and so behaue them selfs as becōmeth womenne of an honest and godly conuersacyon Gyue them grace to aray them selfes in comelye apparell with shamefastenesse and discrete behaueour not with broided here or gold or perle or costlye arai ▪ but with such as it becōmeth women that profes godlines thorow good works Let the inward mā of the hert be vncorrupte wyth a meke and quiet spirit whych before the O God is much fette by For after this maner in the old time did the holy women which trusted in God tyre thē selfes ▪ that wer obedient to their own husbāds euen as Sara obeied Abrahā and called him Lorde Gen● xvi whose doughters the maried women are so longe as thei do wel Grant that fathers maye not rate their children Fathers Collos iii. Ephesi vi lest they be of a desperat minde but bryng thē vp in the nurture informaciō of our Lord god Chyldren Ephesi vi Graūt also that the childrē obei their parēts in al thinges and honour thē Master● Colos. i ii Ephe. vi Graunt that al masters may do vnto their seruauntes that which is iust equal putty nge away threatnings and know that thei haue also a master in heauen Seruauntes Ephe. vi wyth whom ther is ▪ no respect of persons Graunt againe that the seruants be obedient vnto theyr bodely masters in al thinges with feare and tremblyng Collos. iii. Titus ii i. Peter ii in singlenes of hert as vnto Christ not with eie seruice only in y● eye-sight as mē plesers but as the seruaūts of Christ doyng thy wyll O god euē frō the hext with good wyl Gyue them grace also to consider that they serue the Lord not mē and therfore thei mai be sure that whatsoeuer good a man dothe he shal receyue it agayne of the Lord whether he be bōd or fre Further more graunt Elders Titus ii O most mercyful father that the elder men mai be sober honest discrete soūd in faith in loue and in pacyence The elder wemen likewise grant that they be in suche raymente as becommeth holynes not false accusers not geuen to much drynckyng but teachers of honest thinges to make the yong women sobre minded to loue their husbāds to loue their childrē to be discrete chaste housewifely good and obediente vnto theyr owne husbands that the worde of God be not euyl spoken of Yongemen Graunte also that the yonge men be sobre minded and of honeste conuersacyon To conclude graunte that euery one that professe thy gloryous name maye so lyue and behaue him selfe both in thoughte worde and dede that nothing mai procede come from them that shoulde offende thy deuyne and mooste excellent Maiesty Graunt also O mooste gentle and tender father that our lyghte may so shine before men that they seing our good workes Math. v. maye gloryfye the oure heauenlye father with thi welbeloued sonne Iesu Christ our sauiour and the holye gost that most swete comfortour to whom be al honour and glory for euer and euer Amen A prayer for oure ennemyes THe poisōful corrupciō of our nature whiche we haue sucked out of our fyrst parentes Adam and Eue worketh so strōgly in vs O Lord and so myghtely striueth againste the mocyons of thy holy spirit Galathi v. Roma vii that we can not do that we wold nor accomplysh that y● requirest of vs. Thou hast cōmaunded vs to loue not onlye our frends but also our very enemyes to forgeue them y● offēd vs to blesse thē that cursse vs Math v. Luke vi to do good to them that hate vs to prai for theim that do vs wronge and persecute vs if oure enemy honger to feede him ▪ if he thyrste Pro. xxv Roma xii to geue him drinke but our corrupt nature Exodu xxi Math. v. which euer striueth agaīst thy blessed wyl seketh al meanes possible to be reuēged to requite toothe for toothe and eye for eye to render euyl for euyl when vēgaunce is thyne
and amende O Lorde they are thy creatures thou haste no pleasure in the deathe of a sinner but rather that he shoulde turne and liue Ezech. xvii Ezech. xi haue merci on them ▪ suffer them not to perish make them of the vesselles of wrathe the vessels of merci of the enemis of thi truth louers and imbraces of thy truth Take away from thē their harde and stony hearte and geue theym a fteshye softe and gentle hearte Replenysh them with thy holye spirite and with the graces thereof that as they are thy creatures wyth vs so they maye be saued wyth vs. For we are taughte that thou hateste none of al those thinges that thou hast made and that thou dissemblest the synnes of menne for repentaunce sake Sapi. xi and art readye to haue mercye on all menne that repente beleue and amende Iohn vi Agayn seyng the nomanne can come vnto the except thy father draweth hym we most heartelye beseche the i. Timo. ii i. Iohn ii whyche alone arte oure onelye medyatour and aduocate to praye vnto thy heauenlye father that he maye haue mercye vpon the ennemies of thy worde tourne awaye hys wrathe from them lyghten hys louynge countenance vpō them Psa. lxvii geue thē a good spirite and make them thy true and vnfayned dysciples Graunt also O swete Sauyoure which willeste all men to be saued i. Timo. ii and to come to the knoledge of the truthe that all suche as walke in ignorance blyndnes and erroure for lacke of doctryne maye haue faythfull Preachers sente vnto them whyche maye instructe them wyth thy heauenlye word brynge them out of darckenes into lyght delyuer them frō the bondage of mans tradicions and place them in the swete lybertye of the spirite So shal it come to passe that they whych now are not thy people shall be thy people and they which now abhorre and deface the glorye of thy woorde shall bee the valeaunte promoutours and defenders of the same and all suche as heretofore haue walked thorow ignoraunce in all kynde of supersticion and vngodlynesse shall from hencefourthe walke in the gloryous light of thi Gospel prayse the and magnyfye the obey the and serue the in holynes and ryghteousnesse all the days of theyr lyfe Luke i. vnto the glory of thy blessed name Amen A prayer for an vniforme and perfect agremente in matters of Christen religion IN thy laste and mooste sweete sermon whyche thou madest a litle before thy passion o Christ thou sonne of the lyuynge God thou gaueste thy peace vnto thy disciples Iohn xiiiii and willedst them diligently to kepe and maintain the same among them vnto the ●nd This peace is the quietnes of cōscience the reast of the mind and the perfect consent and whole agrement among the faithfull in matters of thy holy religion In the praier also made vnto thy heuēly father thou desirest Iohn xv● that as thou and thy father ar one so thy disciples mai be one that is to sai knytte together in one mynde in one iudgmente in one meaning concernyng matters of Christen faythe i. Co●● ● that they maye all speake one thynge preach and wryt one thyng and by no meanes dissent one frome another Thys peace thys vnyty thys perfect consent in faith and religion is almost banyshed from amonge vs in these oure dayes Ierem xvi whyle euery manne laboureth to establysh the inuencyons and dreames of hys owne hert whyle euery man sweateth to imagine a newe kinde of religion and to maintaine the same whyle euery man seketh to worshyp the not after the rule of thy blessed worde but after his own fleshlye fansy and idle imaginacyon Thy holy Apostle O Lord coulde not abyde that ther shuld be sectes amonge the Corinthyans nor that one should holde of Apollo i. Cori. iii. another of Paule the thyrd of Cephas but that thei only shuld embrace the which alone by thy blessed passion broughtest vnto theim euerlastinge lyfe forasmuche as thou and none other were crucified for them If that thy blessed Apostle had liued in thys oure tyme oh Lorde howe heuelye wolde he haue taken the sects that are now among the chyldrē of menne spronge out of hel and thrust in by Satan yea and that is moost to be lamented among them that professe thi holy name Insteade of Apollo Paule and Cephas we haue Benette Barnarde Fraunces Augustine Sectary●● Anthonye Dominycke Rufus Honofrius Iacob Ioseph Gylbert Gregorye Brygyde Clare Helene Sophye Pope Cardynall c. besydes the dysordered orders of the Camaldulenses the Cistertienses the Basilyenses the Hieronimites the Tertiaris the seruauntes of sayncte Mary the Lazarytes the Magdalenytes the Whylhelmites the Ambrosians the Specularis the Chalomerians the Iohannites the Scelistines the brothers of purgatorye the brothers of the holy cros the brothers of the vale of Iosophat the Carmelites the Chartusians the Hierosolimites the Indians the Niniu●ts the Constātinopolitans with an innumerable rable of Hypocrites mo papistes Heretikes Scismatikes Anabaptistes Sacramentaries Libertines such other dongehylles of Satan whych to much wretchedly haue deuided rent torne in peces the quiet vniti and frendelye concorde of thi holy religion while thei haue imagined and taken vpon them new sects and newe orders and by thee tryfelinge obseruances of them seeke iustificacion remission of synnes and euerlastynge lyfe forsaking the which art the foūtaine of liuely water digginge them myrye and durtye puddles that are able to hold no water Ieremye i● ▪ O Lord as thys deuysion norisheth continuall discorde and enmity a mōg the professours of thi name so do they that vnfaynedly cleue to thy blessed word sorowfully lament that thy glorye thy truthe thy worde thy passion thy bloud thy deathe is thorow these idolatrous imaginacions defaced obscured and almoost vtterly quenched in so much that if thou haddest not reserued vnto the a remnaunte iii. re● xii Roma xi Romay ix Esaye i. whyche haue not bowed their knees to Baal we al hadde ben as Sodom and might iustly haue bene lykened to Gomorre O blessed Lorde lette very pytye moue the to haue compassion vpon thy poore troubled flocke Let the zeale of thy glory prouoke the to treade vnder thy foote al these Sectaries and Antichrists that thou alone mayest be knowen amonge all nacions to be the onlie true and lyuynge God Ah moste gentle sauioure 〈…〉 Mat. ●xiii there is but one lord one faith one baptisme one God one father ▪ one maister one bodye one spirit● one hope one truth one gospel ▪ how vnsemelie thē is it for vs that professe this vnitye to be deuid●d in religion ▪ one to be of thys order another to be of that one to mainetayne thys doctrine another the contrarie Destroy therfore O lord this worke of Satan euen the bryngyng in of these damnable sects diuersities of opinions and restore vnto vs that moost sweete and comfortable vnytye of thy