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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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preach the ghospell should liue of the ghospell Gal. 6. Let him that is taught in the worde minister vnto him that teacheth him in all good thinges Iosua 13 Offerings Heb. 13 Iosua gaue none inheretance to the Leuits but the offerings of the people Remember them that haue the ouersight of you which haue spoken vnto you the word of God whose faith sée that you follow and marke the ende of their conuersation Reuerence Ministers Obey them that haue the ouersight of you and submitte your selues vnto them for they watch for your soules euen as they that must giue accompts that they may doe it with ioye and not with griefe I beséech you be obedient to all that helpe and labour 1. Cor. 16. looke that you knowe them that are such I was filled after that I receyued the thinges which were sent from you Phillip 4 an odour of a sweete smell a sacrifice accepted vnto God Father But Sonne what shall Ministers and Preachers doe with that which remayneth of the tythes and benefices more then they bestow of themselues their wiues Children and famelie Sonne They shall giue it saith the Lord Deu. 26. vnto the straunger the fatherlesse and the wydowes that they may eat within their gates and fyll themselues Father Thou hast spoken much what Ministers must doe and wherevpon they shall liue but tell me what reward the Lorde prepareth for them in the worlde to come Sonne The wise Dan. 12. such as haue taught others vnto godlinesse shall glyster as the shining of heauen and shall be as the stars world without ende Reuel 213 A crowne of glorie a throne of Maiestie a paradise of pleasure a life euerlasting Math. 15 They shall shine as the Sunne in the kingdome of the Father Esay 51. An euerlasting ioy is vpon their heads they possesse ioye and exultacion and all payne and forrow is fled from them Reuel 3 I will saith Christ graunt them to sit in my seat with mée 1. Peter 5 When the chiefe shepperd Iesus Christ shall appeare they shall receaue an incorruptable crowne of Glorie Reuel 22 They shall sée the sace of God and his names shall be in their foreheades Father Well sonne the Lord is a great God and mercifull father thus to reward them that worke his worke but are Ministers and Preachers reuerenced of all men as the messengers of God and disposers of his secrets Sonne No Father sometime slandered sometime mocked sometime bett and sometime put in death They ●acked the messengers of the Lord and despised his worde 2. Cro. 36 and misvsed his prophets vntill the wrath of God arose agaynst the people They hadde the messengers of the Lord in●ension 3. Esdras 1 and looke what GOD saide vnto them by his prophetes they made but a sporte of it The rulers beat the Apostles Acts. ● and commaunded them not to speake in the name of the Lord Iesu but they went away from the Counsell reioycing that they were compted worthie to suffer rebuke for his name Christ left vs an example that wée should follow his steppes 1. Peter 2 who did no sinne neyther was there any guile founde in his mouth which when hée was reuiled reuiled not agayne when he suffered he threatned not by whose stripes we were healed The wicked saith Saint Peter 2. Peter 2. liue in pleasure in their owne deceyueable waies and feasting and mocking the desciples Elia saide 3. kings 1 the Children of Israell haue forsaken thy couenant broken downe thine alters slayne the Prophets with the sword and I onely am left and they séeke to take away my life Heb. 11. Some are racked some reproched some whipped some chayned some imprisoned other stoned cut in péeces slayne with the swoord Math. 26. Yea Christ our Maister and heade crucified Wherefore if we be compted the off skowring of the world and with the Apostles and Christ himselfe kylled let vs reioyce Math. 5. for great shall our reward bée in heauen Father ●a●sters Procéede to the duties of Maisters to their seruants Sonne ●ollo 4. Saint Paull teacheth playnely saying that Maisters must doe to the seruaunts that which is iust and equall knowing also that they haue a maister in heauen ●phe 6 Ye Maisters doe that which is right vnto your seruants putting away threatninges for the Lord hath no respect of persons ●euitic 19 Let no seruaunts wages abide with shée vntill the morning Whosoeuer woorketh any thing for thée Tobias 4. immediatly giue him his hyre and looke that thy seruaunts wages remayne not by thée one night If thy brother or sister serue thée sixe yéeres Deu. 15. and in the seuenth yéere depart from thée thou shalt not let him goe from thée empty but shall giue them of thy shéepe and of thy corne and of thy wine Whereas thy seruant worketh truely Eccle. 7. intreat him not euill nor the hireling that is faithfull vnto thée loue a discrete seruaunt as thine owne soule defraude him not of his libertie neyther leaue him a poore man He that defraudeth a labourer of his hyer is a bloudshedder Eccle. 34 The hyer of the labourers that haue reaped downe your Corne fieldes Iames. 5. which hyer is of you kept backe by fraud cryeth and the crye hath entred into the eares of the Lords Sabaoth so that if Maisters detayne their seruaunts wages or deale cruelly with them the king of glorie will burne their flesh in the fier Father Let me heare the seruaunts dutie to their Maisters Seruants Sonne Titus 2 Saint Paull saith exhort seruants that they be obedient vnto their own maisters and to please them in all things not answering agayne neyther to be pickers but that they shew all good faithfulnesse that they may doe worshippe to the doctrine of Christ our Sauiour in all things Ephe. 6. Ye Seruants obey them that are your bodelie maisters with feare trembling euen with the singlenesse of your heart as vnto Christ not doing seruice vnto the eye as they that goe about to please men but as the Seruaunts of Christ doing the will of God from the heart with good wil seruing the Lord and not men Collo 3 Ye Seruaunts be obedient vnto your bodely Maisters in all thinges not with eye seruice as men pleasers but in singlenesse of heart fearing God 1. Tim. 6 Let as many seruaunts as are vnder the yoake compt their Maisters worthie of all honour that the name of God and his doctrine bée not euill spoken off 1. Peter 2 And concluding with Saint Peters words which are Seruaunts obay your Maisters with feare not onely if they bée good and curteous but also though they be froward Father Tell me some thing of the duties of husbands to their wiues Husbands Sonne Saint Peter who was married himselfe thus exhorteth husbandes 1. Pet. 3● yée men dwel with your
vnto God the things that are goods Esdras 7 Whosoeuer will not obey the King let him haue Iudgment without delay Rom. 13. Giue to euery man his duty tribute to whom tribute belongeth custome to whō custome is due feare to whome feare belongeth honour to whō honour pertaineth Math. 7 Iesus saide to Peter of whome doe the Kings of the earth take tribute or toll and further saide goe least we should offend and take thine angle and looke that thou take the fyshe that first commeth vp and thou shalt finde in his mouth a péece of xx pence that take and giue it vnto them for mée and thée 1. king 8 The Lord shewing the domynion of a king ouer subiects sayth he will take your sonnes and put them to his Chariots and make horsemen to runne before him make of them Captaines ouer thousands and ouer hundreths to eare his ground gather his haruest and your daughters wil he make cookes apotecaries and bakers and he shall take the best of your feildes vine-yerds olyues and giue thē to his seruants I exhort saith saint Paull Tim. 2 that aboue all things prayers Praier for Kings supplications intercessions and giueing of thankes be had for all men for Kinges and for all that are in authoritie that we may liue a quiet and peaceable life with al godlinesse honesty And all the people sayd 1. King 10 God send the king long life I pray God that my Lord King Dauid may liue euer God saue King Salomon 3. kings 1. the people sayde Amen I pray God that the Lord God of my king say so too Daniell sayd oh king Dan. 2. God saue thy life for euer Father What Euell princes are all kinges and Princes to be honoured and prayed for if they be euill and wicked Sonne Yea Dan. 3. for why they are Gods ministers ordained of God I read that Nabugodonozer King of Babulon made an Image to be worshipped howbeit Sidrach Mysaac and Abednago although they refused to worship that Idoll yet they submitted thēselues and honoured the King Daryus king of Babulon Dan. 6 casting Danyell into a Lyons Den yet Danyell honoured the king and sayd oh King God saue thy life for euer Saull a wicked king purposing to haue killed Da. yet Da. honored him said 1. king 24 the Lord forbid that I should touch the Lords annoynted Iob. 34. For the wickednesse of the people doth the Lorde make an hippocrite to raigne ouer them Pro. 21. The kinges heart is in the hande of God like as are the ryuers of water hée may turne it whether soeuer he will So that you may perceaue Father that God ordayneth a wicked king to raigne ouer wicked people to scourge and plague thē For a wicked king is the lands scourge Father Depose May not Subiectes labour to depose their Prince if he bée euill and place another Sonne Daniel 2. The Lord forbid for why wisedome and strength are the Lords he setteth vp kinges and putteth downe kinges 1. king 17. The Lord hath rented his kingdome from thée and hath cast thée off that thou shalt not bée king Father But by whome and wherefore was Saull deposed Sonne 1. Cro. 10. By the Lord was he deposed Because he trespassed against the Lord in that hée kept not the word of the Lord but sought and asked counsel of a woman the wrought with a spirit and asked not of the Lorde The highest hath power ouer kingdoms of men and giueth them to whom he wil Daniel 4. and he bringeth euen the verie abiectes of men ouer them Father Then it is not lawfull for any person to rebell or make insurrection Rebellion Sonne Who can lay his hand saith Dauid 1. king 26. 1. king 24. on the Lords anoynted and be guiltlesse the Lord be mercifull vnto mée that I do not touch the Lords anoynted Dauid said to the young man 2. king 2. how is it that thou wast not afrayde to slaye the Lordes anoynted and his young men came vpon him and slue him The vnrighteous and wicked men that slue the kings sonne in his owne house 2. king 4 vpon his bed shall not I saith Dauid require his bloud at your hands take you from the earth and Dauid caused them to be hanged vppe and cutte of their handes and féete Rebellion is as the synne of witchcraft 1. king 15 and disobedience is as the sinne of Idolatrie 2. king 18 Absolon rebelling against Dauid his father roade vpon a Mule who ranne vnder a trée and was hanged by the lockes of his haire and was cast into an hole and stones vpon him Math. 27 Iudas who betrayed his Maister for xxx péeces of siluer went out and hanged himselfe and his bowells gushed out Numer 16 Corath Dathan and Abyron rebelled and they their wiues and children goods cattells being in their tents the earth opened her mouth and they went downe all quicke into hell Nume 16. Two hundreth being of the same conspiracie not then there present fire came downe from heauen and destroyed them Ecclesi 10 Wish the king no euill in thine heart nor thy Prince any hurte in thy prieuie Chamber for a byrde of the ayre shall bewray thée and with her fethers shall shée bewray thy secrets Rom. 13 But chiefelye marke Saint Paules words Whosoeuer resisteth shall receaue to themselues damnation whereby you may well perceaue Father how the Lord God of heauen plaugeth rebells not only with bodely death destruction but also with eternall confusion and condemnation in the burning lake of hell where fier and Brimstone storme and tempest shall bée their portion to drinke Father Iesu my sonne how many conspiracies trayterous rebellions haue been of late against our gratious Princesse Sonne Yea father yet the Lord that great and mightie Iehoua doth saue his anoynted out of their bloudie hands A prayer And I beséech our God and heauenly father for Iesus death innocent blood-shedding to blesse preserue and saue her Maiestie and either in mercy conuert their hearts to their dutifull obedience vnto her Maiestie or else in iustice destroy them that they may perish and haue their portion with Corath his companie which thing the eternall God for his great mercy sake graunt And thereto let all that feare God say Amen Father And I beséech the Lord God 3. kings 1 of my princesse to say so to Amen Procéede my son to tell me of whome haue Iudges Iudges and magestrato Rulers Magestrates and Officers of euery degrée in the common wealth their power and aucthoritie Sonne Of their head the Prince euen as the Prince hath power from his heade Christ For they are the hands of their king or Prince whereby he worketh Exod. 18. Be thou vnto the people to God-ward that thou maist bring the causes vnto God and
soeuer is iust but sinneth seauen tims a day but what sayest thou of the electe Saints of God Sonne Iob. 15. Iob that iust man in respect of others saith behold the Lorde doth not trust his saints yea the very heauens are not cleane in his sighte Iob. 25 How may a man compared to God be iustified how can he be cleane that is born of a woman the stars are corrupt in his sight Father What sayst thou of that Virgen Mary Mother of Iesus Christ Virgin Marie for some say that she is coequall with God some affirme that shée may bée compared to a sacke that when the meall is out is nothing better Sonne I for my part Exod. 20. thinke well of neither of these for the one speaketh blasphemie to make any like God who created and made all thinges and the Lorde is a Iellious God and I will haue none to be compared to him as for the other they speake vnreuerently to compare that elect and chosen of God Marie blessed that blessed among women to a sacke or filthie vesture for she is called of the Angell Gods messenger vnto her blessed for thus he saith Luke 1. Haill full of grace our lord is with thée blessed art thou among women for thou hast found grace with God The mother of Iohn the baptist that holie woman full of the holie ghost Luke 1 cryed with a loud voice saide blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe Luke 11 Euen a simple woman cryed before Christ and said blessed is the wombe that bare thée and the paps that gaue the sucke She was called blessed because she was elected to saluation by faith in her sauyour she was called blessed because shée was chosen of God to beare Iesus that anoynted of the father she is called blessed by reason she obayed the Lordes commaundement and yéelded to his will Luke 1. And she was most blessed that the Lord imputed no sinne vnto her and as touching this her blessednesse she saith her selfe Behould from hence foorth all generations shall call me blessed so that this blessed and elect of God is neither Goddesse for she exalteth not her selfe so hie neither to be compared so vnreuerentlie séeing that it pleaseth the Lord our God and sauiour to be borne of her Father Math. 1 Then thou makest her without sinne Sonne As touching the conception and byrth of Christ she was a most pure Virgen in al respects touching the same vndefiled but as touching her owne conception and byrth Psal 51. she will say and confesse with Dauid behold I was gotten in wickednesse and in sinne my mother conceaued mée How can he be cleane that is borne of a woman Iob. 25. the starres are not cleane in his sight Looke at her owne words She saith Luke 1. my soule doth magnifie the Lord and my spirit reioyceth in God my sauiour if she had béene cleane from all sinne then shée might haue béene saued by the lawe and Christ Iesus although her Sonne should haue profited her nothing therefore you may sée that she findeth somthing in her selfe that causeth her to confesse with ioye gladnesse of soule that her owne sonne must be her sauiour For why there is none that commeth vnto the Father of heauen but those that are brought by Christ for hée saith Nemo venit ad patrem nisi per me There is none that commeth vnto the father but by mée Father May wée not lawfully woorshippe and praye vnto this blessed Virgin and other Saincts Prayer to Saints Sonne Noe Father for Christ saith Dominum deum tuum adorabis et illi soli feruies Thou shalt worship the Lorde thy God and him onely shalt thou serue Reuel 19 Iohn fell downe at the Angels féete to worship but hée saide vnto him sée thou doe it not for I am thy fellow seruant and one of thy brethren euen of them that haue the testimonie of Christ Iesu but worship God Acts. 10 Cornelius fell downe at Peters féete and worshipped him but Peter tooke him by the hande and saide stande vp I my selfe am also a man Acts. 14 Iupiters Priestes brought Oxen and garlands vnto the Porch and would haue done sacrifice with the people which when the Apostles Barnabas and Paull hearde they rent their clothes and ranne among the people and saide sirs why doe ye this wée are mortall menne like vnto you and preach vnto you that yée shoulde turne from these vanities to the liuing God 4. king 17 Feare serue bow and doe sacrifice to God and to none els The Lord charged that they shoulde feare none other God nor bowe them selues vnto them nor serue them nor sacrifice to them but feare God that brought them out of Egypt him feare and to him bowe and to him doe sacrifice And as touching praier Christ teacheth his Disciples to pray Prayer Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name c. When thou prayest Math. 6 Pray to the father of heauen enter into thy Chamber and shut the doore and pray to thy Father which is in secret and he will reward thée openly I cry vnto the Lorde with my voyce saith Dauid Psalm 77 euen vnto God will I crye with my voyce and he shall harken vnto mée Looke vnto whome Abrahams seruaunt prayed Lord God of my Maister Abrahā Gene. 24 send mée good spéede this day and shewe mercy vnto my Maister Abraham Abraham praied for Abimelech vnto the Lorde Gen. 20. and the Lorde healed Abimelech He that offereth to any but to the Lord onelie let him be rooted out Exod. 22 Serue where thou wilt saith Iosua Iosua 24 I and my house will serue the Lord God The Angell sayde Iudg. 13. if thou wilt offer an offering thou must offer it vnto the Lorde Elcana went euerie festiuall day to pray and to offer vnto the Lord God of hostes in Silo. Anna prayed and saide I haue powred out my soule before the Lord wherby you may perceaue father that none is to bée worshipped bowed vnto feared sacrificed before prayed vnto but onely the God of heauen and earth Father May we not pray thus and say GOD and our Ladie helpe mée or God and S. Iohn Peter or Iames Sonne Esay 59 None can helpe but God That is to make others equall with God For Esay sayth that the Lord sawe that none was righteous and he wondred that there was none to helpe him wherefore he helde him by his owne power and susteyned him by his owne righteousnesse And I tould you before that it was blasphemie to compare any with GOD and besides such are enemies to those Saincts for they wish that the Lord in his ielousie shoulde plague them by reason that they attribute that vnto them 2. King 6. that belongeth onely to the Lord. Vsa as we réede when he saw the Oxen
euill counsellers Sonne If Sathan their Maister sée that through them he cannot preuayle 2. king 17 he will doe with them as he did with Achetofell for when Absolon did not follow the counsell of Achetofell his most trustie counseller Euil counsellers hanged Achetofell went home set his house in order and hanged himselfe ye may sée that when Sathan by his naughtie counsell could not come to his purpose to obtaine the more yet he tooke the lesse Father Some there be that will not onelye moue their Maisters to mischiefe but also mocke the poore when they crie and complayne Mockers What saiest thou of these Sonne Math. 27 Will ye thinke much to suffer reproch mockeing and derision Christ our King and Sauiour was derided they that passed by when he was vpon the Crosse reuiled him wagging their heades and saying thou that destroyest the Temple of God and buildest it in thrée dayes saue thy selfe and the high Priestes likewise mocked him Iob. 30 The fooles and villaynes saith Iob make me their song I am become their iesting stocke 4. king 1 Little children came from Bethell and mocked Elizeus and saide goe vp thou bald head and he cursed them in the name of the Lord and two shée Beares came out of the wood and tare them in péeces Ye may sée that mockers shall be punished Father Mercilesse men What sayest thou of such vnmercifull men that mocke and oppresse the poore what shall become of them Sonne Except they repent they shall all perish Iames. 2 for he shall haue iudgement saith S. Iames without mercie that sheweth no mercie for mercie reioyseth against iudgement Iudge not that ye be not iudged Math. 7 condemne not that you be not condemned for with what measure soeuer you méete to others with the same measure it shal be measured vnto you againe The Lorde will not be slacke in comming nor tary longe Ecclesi 36 till he haue smitten in sunder the backes of the vnmercifull till he haue reuenged himselfe of the cruel Father Well sonne Sacrifices leaue these mercilesse men to the good pleasure of God and procéede to tell with what offerings and sacrifices of man is the Lorde best pleased Sonne He that is mercifull and giueth almes Eccle. 35 Almes offereth a right thancke offering A troubled spirit Psalm 51 a broken and contrite heart is an acceptable sacrifice Psal 54. An offering of a frée heart will I giue thée and praise thy name oh Lord because it is so comfortable Psal 112. He that is merciful louing righteous and guideth his wordes with discretion offereth a swéete sauour vnto the Lorde Heb. 13 To doe good and to destrybute forget not for with such sacrifice God is pleased By Iesus Christ we do offer sacrifice of land alwaies to God ●o● that is to say the fruite of those lyppes which confesse his name Rom. 12 Chiefelie we ought to make our bodies a quicke sacryfice holie and acceptable vnto God which is our reasonable seruing of God Father Vengance Vnto whom belongeth vengance Sonne Rom. 12 Vnto the Lorde for vengance is mine and I will reward saith the Lorde Psalm 94. O Lord God to whome vengance belongeth thou God to whome vengance belongeth shew thy selfe Father Humble and poore Shall not the humble and poore bée once exalted and holpen Sonne Yes father Christ saith Luke 18 he that exalteth himselfe shal be brought low and he that humbleth himselfe shal be exalted He hath put downe the mightie from their seat Luke 1 and hath set vp the humble and méeke Father What saist thou by these land-lordes and other vnmercifull and wicked men Euell example that do not onelie wickedlie but also giue euill example to others Sonne It were better for them that a Milstone were hanged about their necks Luke 17 and that they were drowned in the depth of the sea for wo be vnto them by whom the offence commeth Father Whereof ought we to glorie or reioice Glory Sonne The Prophet Ieremie saith Ieremi 9 let not the wise man reioyse in his wisdome nor the strong man in his strength nor the rich man in his riches but let them reioyce in this that they knowe mée sayth the Lord. Let him that reioyceth reioyce in the Lord for he is made vnto vs wisdome and righteousnesse and sanctifiyng and redemption Father In the beginning almost thou toldst mée that all thinges néedefull for saluation wer contained in the booke of life and also all other thinges necessary for the good gouerning of a christian which thou hast proued but tel me now why we ought to liue so precisely as thou hast shewed Sonne For diuerse causes first because the Lorde our God hath so commaunded secondlie because thereby we shewed our selues to be louing vnto is Maiesty and obedient to his holy will good pleasure Thirdly because we haue enimies that lye in waite for vs to draw vs from our God into perdicion And lastly because we shall all once appeare before the Maiestie of allmightie God to giue a iust accompt and make a streight reckning of our selues and of all our thoughts wordes and workes the Lord respecting no person but iudgeing euerie one according to their déedes Father Let me know first what those enimes are that are so lusty and carefull or rather watchefull to drawe vs from God that they may haue somthing wherewith they may accuse vs in the day of the Lord and so bring vs to perdicion Sonne The Diuell the worlde and flesh Father Describe vnto me the qualities and force of that enimie the diuell and Sathanas Sonne Iob witnesseth that the Lorde called his people before him Iob. 1. and Sathan appeared also The diuel searcheth euery place And the Lord demaunding of Sathan where he had béene he aunswered and saide I haue béene through the world and séene it Iesus said to his disciples Luke 22. The diuell tryeth Gen. 3. Craftie Sathan hath desired to sift you as it were wheate The serpent the diuell was subtiller thē euery beast of the field which the lord hath made There was a man named Goliath of 1. King 17 the Philistines host of six cubits and an hand bredth longe A strong enimie wel armed weaponed and had an helmet of brasse vppon his head and a coate of male about him and the waight of his coate of male was fiue thousand sickles of brasse and had boots of brasse vppon his legges and a shéeld of brasse vppon his shoulders and the shaft of his spear was like a weauers beame and the head of his speare weyed six hundred sickles of Iron A blasphemer of God Arailir and he blasphemed God and rayled vpon the host of Israell Iob. 40 A strong enimie mightie Behold the beast Behemoth loe how strong he is in his loynes what power he hath