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A05611 The ansvver of Iohn Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the exceptions made against his Letany by a learned gentleman which is annexed to the Letany it selfe, as articles superadditionall against the prelats. In the vvhich there is, a full, demonstration and proof of the reall absence of Christ in the sacrament of the Lords Supper, with the vanity and impiety of the consecreation of temples churches and chapples, also the necessity of the perpetuall motion and circulation of worship if men be bound to bow the knees at the name of Iesus. This is to follow the Letany as a second part thereof.; Litany. Part 2 Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. 1637 (1637) STC 1573; ESTC S104507 58,802 32

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scorne or other and some notorious lyes told of them So that I wonder not that those poore men are thought so euilly of though a most innocent and harmles people as any liues upon the earth For when the place of God it self from whence truth should onely sound is made a theater of lying and false accusations no wonder that the Kings Maiesty and nobles of the Kingdome haue a prejudicat opinion of them they call Puritans when they expect nothing but truth and veritable narrations from that place In my yonger dayes that I may in some thing relate my owne condition I was bred in as great a hatred of Puritans as any tender yeares was capable of as it is well knowne and thought those men not worthy to liue yet knew not any of them our Country hauing then scarce two in it neither was there a sermon perhaps in halfe a yeare thereabouts and that read out of a paper booke and halfe of it commonly was rayling against the Puritans But whē it pleased God that some of those that spake euillest of them through surfetting and excesse had brought themselues to languishing sicknes and after to death it selfe I say when those men in their greatest extremities chose rather to trust them yea and to preferre them before there owne brethren and niest kins-folks and bequeath their children estats into their hands and then being also demanded the reason of such trust and confidence in them whom they had reputed the worst of men before and most of all traduced and hated they then openly declared themselues and their opinion of them saying that they were now dying men and that it was now time to speake the truth and that they in their harts beleiued they were the true seruants of the Lord howsoeuer despised and contemned in the world and withall they desired that their soules might goe the way that theirs went I say when I saw such a wonderfull change in these men who were men many of them of knowledge and vnderstanding in all religions and some of them trauellars and courtiers and that now on their death beds they should giue such an approbation and so honourable testimony of those men of whom they had in their prosperity spoken so maliciously I being then of yeares of descretion and better able to discerne and iudge of things that differ began more seriously to consider of that matter and soe much the more studious I was because I had in some sort seene the vanity of all pleasures hauing indeed been bred in nothing else The right way then to find blessednes was my onely ayme which through Gods speciall fauour benediction vpon my earnest endeauours dayly reading of the word and holy scriptures priuat duties godly society and frequent hearing of the word which is onely able to saue our soules I found out to the prayse and honour of his name be it spoken And I then well perceiued looking into the liues and maners of men that those that were comonly branded with the name of Puritans were the happiest and that if any were eternally blessed they were such of them as squared there liues in sincerity according to their profession And least that I might through an ouerweening conceit of some seeming blessednes in them be mistaken I contented not my self with home comparing of men and domesticall experience but I resolued to seek out still a more excellent way if there were any whereupon I went into forraine nations and liued among all sorts of men and in the greatest Princes Courts conuersing among all ranks and orders of them and that many yeares and amongst all professions Courtiers Soldiers Scholars citizens merchants and among all sects of factions and religions and examining all those in the ballance of Iudgment I found none in life and death happy and truely comfortable but those that are branded with the name of Puritans or at least those that liue and die in their faith And for my owne particular to speake now my conscience I had rather goe the way of the meanest Puritans that liue and die according to their profession then of the greatest Prelats that euer liued vpon the earth and this I speake in the presence of God for of the ones happinesse I am as sure as the word of God is sure and of the others I can promise nothing hee liuing in rebellion to God all the dayes of his life and his repentance not knowne vnto mee And notwith standing I say all rhis that these are such an holy people yet are they made but the off-scouring of the world and of all things and brought vpon euery stage and into the pulpit as fittest for ludibry by the Players Preists and Prelats yea and in their Courts it is enough to ruine a mans cause if his aduersary can but taint him with the name of a Puritan but most especially are they vilely abused by the Preists and Prelats in their Pulpits Now I say if it be lawfull in them to make playes of honest men and to faine what they please against them I pray let it be lawfull in mee in merriment to speake the truth of them which as neare as I can I will not transgresse If some shall say they haue not so great traynes nor so much adoe in their marching I affirme that at all tymes they goe more like Princes then humble Ministers of Christ and the Apostles Successors of whom we neuer reade they came euer in coach or on horseback but when Paul was mounted by autority or that they had euer a seruant to attend them much lesse such pompe and state yet one of them conuerted more soules in one day then all the Prelats euer did that euer I read of neither to speake truely haue I heard of any they euer conuerted but of many thousands they haue confounded But now to the matter in hand because one of their abetters sayd not long since that they had not such attendance as I accuse them of I say if they haue lesse company one day they haue more an other and whether they be their owne or others Seruants when they are in their Company be they the Nobles themselues they are all their attendants and the best of them most hartily glad if by their seruice they can please them and we know it vsuall that the denomination of the retinue is alwayes from the greatest and they are sayd to be his followers And I haue heard the pursuiuants themselues often brag of the greatnes of their Masters attendance and in such ample maner as I thinke the Kings Maiestie hath not commonly greater and therefore that cannot be denyed which is dayly practised And for their Seruants insolency I haue frequently both seene it and felt it Now whereas you thinke that it will not be will taken that I call Bishops Preists and Deacons Antichrists little toes and in my LETANY desire deliuerahce from them and withall seeme to accuse them of incontinency
in their diabolycall doctrins and the making of many poore people at their wits end not knowing which way now to take for the sauing of their soules and withall yeilds and ministers to my knowledg many arguments vnto the Preists and Iesuits of seducing the Kings Subiects and to peruert and mislead the people and keeping of the seduced in error and disloyalty to their King when they shall heare our Fathers the Prelats to proclayme the synagogne of Satan Rome it self to be the true Chuth and that she neuer had so much in her as the appearance of error and that saluation may be found and had in it And yet royall and learned KING IAMES ABSOLVTELY ASSEVERS NAY VNANSWERABLY PROVETH THAT THE POPE is ANTICHRIST AND ROME THE WHORF OF BABILON AND that SALVATION CANNOT BE HAD IN THAT CHVRCH and in the same faith he liued and dyed and in the same our gracious King Charles was bred and educated and hath in two seuerall declarations after the 39. Articles of the dissolution of the Parlament pag. 21 24 Protested before God and all his Subiects that he would neuer giue any way to the licencing or autorising of any thing whereby any innouation in the least degree may creep into our Church nor euer conniue at any back sliding to Popery And that it is his hearts desire to be found worthy of that title which he esteemeth to be most glorious in all his crowne Defender of the faith Here the King protests he is of the same faith his father was defender of the same and that he will neuer licence nor autorize any thing that tends to innouation nor neuer conniue at any backsliding to Popery And who is he worthy the name of a Subiect that will not take his royall word by which he hath declared himself to be of his royall fathers faith and a defender of the same and that was that the Pope was Antichrist and the Church of Rome the whore of Babilon And yet the Prelats and their complices that vermin to the deshonour of both these famous Kings their Lords and Maisters teach the contrary and punish those seuerely that defend and mayntaine the same faith they professe themselues protectors and defenders of trampling vpon regall dignity in their Courts and abusing Princely clemency It is worth the looking on to see the pride of the Prelats in setting the Kings picture ouer their dresser in the high Commission Court for they haue placed his Highnes standing with his hat of before their worships like a delinquent his Crowne and scepter layed low as the poore Emperors and Kings were wont to stand before his impiety the Pope when they were cited to his Courts of which storyes you may reade many in KING IAMES HIS APOLOGY to goe no farther and in this very maner haue they set vp the portrait of our renowned King And the very intrinsecall marry bone of the matter is they trample vpon his imperiall dignity while they seeme to honour him with whom they make themselues in the meane time checkmates for they say they were before Christian Kings and had their thrones and that they were not beholding to him for their honour and dignity of Episcopality for they were iure diuino that they were Now what is it to trample vpon the Kings Crowne and Royalty stamp his lawes vnder their feet and to backslide to Popery and to bring in innouation if this be not But concerning innouation afterwards In the meane time by these damnable proceedings they manifest sufficiently that they are Antichrists litle toes for they are very Popes themselues and whatsoeuer can be sayd of the Pope may be spoke of them I will therefore for the more cleare elucidation of this matter in a few things breifly here compare them together For howsoeuer one may be a greater Pope then an other as one King may be greater then an other yet they are all Popes and pernicious enimyes to God the King and the whole Church of God But now to the matter The Pope writeth himself Father so do they write themselues reuerend Fathers The Pope sells sin for mony so do they as the whole kingdome and their Officers can well tell and doth nothing without mony so doe they The Pope forbiddeth marriage and meats and which Paul calleth the doctrine of deuills so doe they in the same maner whatsoeuer they pretend The Pope commandeth superstitious idoll dayes to be kept and obserued contrary to the commandements of God and punisheth the neglect of his Commands more seuerely then the breach of the waightiest lawes of God so do the Prelats as their Courts can witnes yea and command men and compell them as the Pope himself to breake the commandements of God to obserue vaine and impious traditions The Pope selleth Licences for meats and mariage the Prelats doe the same The Pope selleth nonresidences pluralityes trialityes totquots the Prelats doe the same to the staruing and ruining of the soules of men The Pope ruleth and gouerneth the Church by the cursed Canon law and Popish excommunications the scalding house of conscience the Prelats doe the very same and the breach of their stinkingest Canons is more deeply punished in their Courts then the violation of all the lawes of God and the King The Pope preferreth his Ceremonyes and traditions aboue the word of God The Prelats doe the same as dayly experience teacheth vs. The Pope maketh his Seruants or Preists by his owne power without the consent of the people and intrudeth them vpon the congregations without either their knowledge or liking the Prelats doe the same The Pope percecuteth all godly Preachers and people that preach the Gospell in the purity of it and desire in sincerity to serue the Lord and would bring their brethren to the knowledge of the same and to the purity and truth of the Apostolicall Churches the Prelates doe the like as the whole Kingdome knoweth well and the gaoles and prisons dayly witnes and the silencing of so many learned and painfull Ministers The Pope appoynts his Preists to stand at the altar with the Deacon apperrelled with his foppish and player-like accutriments those Babylonish garments and to cry out Dominus vobiscum the Deacon and Subdeacon with all the rest of Baals Preists answering him as lowd as they can the Bishops doe the same sauing onely that it is in English The Pope commandeth adoration at the Sacrament crossing of children in baptisme demanding of the new-borne babes if they will forsake the Deuill and all his works c and esteemeth the Font more holy then other places inioyneth likewise purifying of women and a thousand such like costly and chargable vanities which were tedious to relate and all these and more then these doe the Prelats in like maner in all which their Antichristian autority with their Popish practices are sufficiently manifest so that there is little or no difference betweene Pope and Prelats And all autority of doing
is filled with meat c. So that the domineering of seruants hath euer been the disquieting of the whole land where they are for when they are filled with meat like the euill seruant in the Gospell because his Master delayed his comming fell a eating and a drinking and then a beating his fellow seruants euen so the Prelats they liue of the fat of the earth pamper and cram themselues faring deliciously euery day and then they fall a beating of vs their fellow seruants and vse vs most vnhumanly more like beasts then men and this is and hath been the very practice of Antichrist which they now take vp and therefore in all these respects I may safely conclude they are limbs of the beast and none of Christs Ministers nor the Apostles successors but the very ofspring of Antichrist and according to Poclington lineally descended from him which if you would please with a more serious deliberation to waigh and parallel the Popes and their proceedings a little more narrowly together it would yet more euidently appeare such a sweet harmony you shall find between them in all things Let vs looke therefore vpon the charge that Christ in the last of Mathew gaue vnto his disclipes and in them to all succeeding Ministers of the Gospell Ver. 19. 20. Goe therefore sayth hee and teach all nation baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commanded you and lo I am with you alwayes euen vnto the end of the world Here then we see the whole office of the Ministers of Christ is to teach and administer the Sacraments not to domineir ouer their brethren Secondly the restriction and limitation of his Ministers teaching They must not teach the people what they list but they must teach to obserue all things whatsoeuer Christ commaunds and nothing else not their owne phantisies and foppist superstitions and vaine and idle ceremonyes And thirdly for their comfort in so doing and teaching he promiseth vnto them his perpetuall assistance and blessing and that euen to the end of the world I pray let vs now se whether the Pope or Prelats haue learned this lesson well or no whether they haue imitated the Apostles in so teaching All Christs true Ministers are teachers no Lords nor beaters euer carefull to dispense vnto the people committed to their charge the food of their soules the word and Sacraments they goe and teach all Nations The Pope and Prelats they goe beat and silence all Nations they will neither teach themselues nor will let others teach And this is their dayly practice as the whole world knoweth well Neither can the Pope or Prelats deny it Are not these therefore Antichrist little toes and to be prayed against thinke you but not to speake now more of that Now come to the limitation or restriction All the true Ministers of Christ teach the people to obserue that onely which he hath commanded neither ought they to teach otherwise or the people to heare or obserue otherwise though an angell from heauen should bring it for they haue all a speciall command not to be wise aboue that which is written and not to preach a diuerse doctrine to that they haue been taught And in the 2. of the Colossians the apostle is very large in instructing them to beware of all will worship and to take heed of all such as vnder the pretence of deuotion intrude vpon the people their owne superstitious inuentions in the worship and seruice of God And the same Apostle warnes the Corinthians that in Gods worship they should not become the seruants of men who ought not to prescribe how to serue God in regard that hee himself by Moses the Prophets and in these last dayes by his sonne Iesus Christ hath fully taught vs how to worship him And Christ himself rebuked the Scribes and Pharises for bringing their owne deuices into his Seruice openly teaching all his auditors that those serue him in vaine that worship him after the precepts of men and for our derection sends them vnto the word saying search the Scriptures for they testify of mee and in them you thinke to haue eternall life And this word Paul commands should dwell plentifully in vs and sayes that if we walk according to the rule of that the peace of God shall be with vs and Saint Peter for our comfort bids all Christians haue recourse to it for it is a light to guide vs through the darkest errors of this world And saint Paul Ephesians 4 ver 11. 12 13. 14. setting downe the reason and end why Christ gaue some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some Pastors and teachers saith that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with euery wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceiue By which place it is sufficiently manifest that they haue giuen and left vnto the Church a sufficient rule of direction to be guided by and that to swarue from it is to be like little children tossed to and fro Now then if Moses the Prophets Christ and his Apostles commands be to be obeyed Ministers and people are the one to teach and the other to heare and obserue nothing but what Christ commands and either to teach or to obey contrary is open rebellion against God and pernicious to them both This you see is the restriction The word and command of Christ must be the rule and nothing els Yea an angell from heauen is not to be heard teaching otherwise nor one rising from the dead Abraham sends them to Moses and the Prophets the word of God and that onely is able to saue our soules and that onely must be the rule of teaching and obeying Now I pray to leaue the Pope a little to come nigher home Heare the Prelats teach and their shauelings when they preach euen in the Court it selfe S●imme of first the froth of human wit I meane their vaine and vnprofitable florishes take away their superstition and will worship taught there to say nothing of Popery Arminianisme and Libertinisme Pare away their raylings against the power and life of religion and the generation of the just Remoue also the flattery of them not far many times from blasphemy and able to bring a curse rather then a blessing vpon our gratious King I say remoue all these things away and you shall see that very little of the word will be found and the commands of Christ in their teaching or any thing that tends to soules conuersion the reprouing of vice and beating downe of sinne or building vp of men in their most holy Faith or for the more enabling them to the true worship of God or for the leading of a pious life And to say no more of them looke through the whole Kingdome and in most places you shall find no sermons at all