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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04811 The glorious and beautifull garland of mans glorification Containing the godlye misterie of heauenly Ierusalem, the helmet of our saluation. The comming of Christ in the fleshe for our glorie, and his glorious com[m]ing in the end of the world to crowne men with crownes of eternall glorie. Beeing an heauenly adamant to drawe thee to Christ and a spirituall rod to mortifie thy life. Made and set foorth by Frauncis Kett, Doctor of Phisick Kett, Francis, d. 1589. 1585 (1585) STC 14945; ESTC S101081 81,290 126

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souereigne Kings Quéenes yée swéet Lordes and Ladies yee loouing Fathers and mothers yée wise Maisters mistresses yee obedient sonnes and daughters yée diligent and dutiefull seruants and maides reioyce and be glad and behold your king and precious Sauiour Christe ryding into Ierusalem lowly and humbly and now aryse and lyft vp your eyes of repentance to heauen and reioyce and beholde how hée is ready to come in all glory and maiestie with all the powers of heauen to crowne you with glorious and heauenly glorification Therfore cast of from your hartes the euill mantell of pryde disdaine arrogancie haughtines vnmercifulnes frowardnes sinne and vnrighteousnes and put on the mantel of Christes humblenes lowlynes mercifullnes goodnes holynes and righteousnes that you may mé ete Christe with ioy and receiue the incorruptible crowne of eternall glorie for thus saithe the Lord I will set his dominion in the sea and his right hand in the floodes he shall call mee Psalme 89. thou art my Father my God and my strong saluation and I will make him my first borne higher then the Kings of the earth Esay 55. my mercy will I keepe for him for euermore and my couenance shall stand fast with him his seede also will I make to indure for euer and his throne as the dayes of heauen of whome hée sayeth My seruaunt whome I will giue for a witnesse Esay 52. prince and captaine to the people will I keepe to my selfe hee is myne elect in whome my soule is pacified I will giue him my spirit that hee may shewe foorth iudgement and equitie among the Gentiles hee shall not be an outcryer nor high mynded his voice shall not bee heard in the streates a brused ●eede shall hee not breake and the s moking flackes shall hee not quench but faithfully and truely shall hee giue iudgement hee shall neither bee ouer seene nor hastie that hee may restore righteousnes to the earth for I the Lord hath called the in righteousnes and do lead the by thee hand therfore will I also defend and giue thee for a couenāt of the people and to be the light of the Gentiles that thou mayest open the eyes of the blynde let out the prisoders and them that fit in darknes out of the doungeon house In this the Prophet foretelling that Christe shoulde come in the fleshe death shewe that by his meanes only wée shall bee brought to an attonment and peace with GOD the Father expressing the perfectionn of looue and pleasure which GOD the Father hath in his sonne Christe béeing one selfe same nature in another according to Mathew Math. 3.17 This is that belooued Sonne in whome is my delight and according to the saying of the Prophet Dauid in the second Psalme Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thée and héerin wé e learne that if Christe is so béeloued of God béeing God according to the fortie nine Psalme the Father of heauen saith to his sonne God Thy seat shall be for euer and euer then how muche are wée bound to looue so beloued a God and Sauiour to vs giuing him all the praise honor and thankes euermore lyfting vp pure hands for so great treasures of vertue and goodnes for his cléernes of trouth and iudgement for the light and brightnes of his moste holy and blessed doctrine for his aboundant swéetnes of his excéeding and bountiful loone toward vs moste miserable sinners in that hée of his meere mercie and goodnes hath broughte vnto vs redemption and delyuerance out of the bondage of sathan sinne and death calling vs to holynesse of lyfe thereby by imitating him to be made by righteousnesse the sonnes of God and pertakers of the euerlasting kingdome And further the Lord saith My seruant shall deale wis ely therfore shall he be magnified exalted and greatly honored like as the multitude shall meruaile at him because his coūtenāce shal be so deformed and hard fauoured aboue the sonnes of men yea he shall haue neither beautie nor fauour whē we look vpō him there shal be no fairnes in him we shall haue no lust vnto him hee shall be the most simple and dispised of all which yet hath good experience in sorrowes and in firmities but wee shall reckon him so vile and base that we shall not regard him how be it of a trueth hee only takes away our infirmitees Whervpon consider according to Paule that Christ dooth make him self of no reputation and taketh vpon him the shape of a seruant and became lyke vnto man and was found in his apparell as a man and that he abasing him self in respect of all worldly wisdome was of the wis e according to the wisdome of this world dispised scoffed and s corned at hée béeing him self verry wisdome it self and the fountaine therof and he being beautie it self and the Author of all beautie and fairnes woulde shewe him selfe without beautie and fauour to condemne the vanitie of fleshly beautfe and extoll the excellencie and woorthines of the spirituall and heauenly beautie of the soule wherfore O yée Children and Daughters of men yee are become so nyce so arogant and coy because of your faces and so proude of your beauties Come from your vaine looking glasses The contempt of fleshly beautie and beholde héer I offer vnto you the bright shyning glasse of all excellencie euin Christe your King and Sauiour the Author and Giuer of all beauties and godlynesse to beholde him béeing without fauoure and fairnesse beeing lowely mé eke and most humble being simple and not gorgeous how hee condemned and dispised your vaine fleshly pleasure and gaynes euen in the cleere example of his owne person giuing you himselfe for a rule that you reioice not in apparell nor vainely conceaue of your vaine flesh and outward comlines of nature but onely in the beautie of your soules by adorning and decking your inward man with all spirituall rayments of holines and precious ornaments of righteousnes which will neuer decay whereas the flesh and all that pertaine to his furniture is as S. Peter saith as grasse and all the glorie of man is as the flower of grasse Pet. 1.1 the grasse therof withereth and the flower fadeth away but the word of God endureth for euer Moreouer the prophet saith that we shall dispise him and yet he beareth our paine Esay 53. and we shall so contemtuously thinke of him as that we shall iudge him as though he were plagned and cast downe of God wheras he notwiths tanding shal be wounded for our offences and smitten for our wickednes for the paine of our punishment shall bee laid vpon him and with his stripes shall we be healed hee shall be pained and troubled and shall not open his mouth he shall be led as a sheepe to be slaine The prophesie of Christes death yet shall he be as stil as a lambe before the shearers and not open his mouth he s hall be had away his cause not
seruants to prophesie which is with vnders tanding to offer vnto God by Christ the sacrifice of lande the frute of those lippes which confesse his name Wherfore it is apparent that it is the duety and part of princes and gouernours to follow herein the example of Iehosaphat causting the word of god plainly to be taught among their subiects in the mother language as Moyses law was to the children of Israell And it is the duetie and charge of the pastors and ministers to imploy al their diligence to manifest the holy will of God according to the scriptures by teaching and instructing that euerye where the scripture may be fulfilled according to the prophecie of Ioel and Ieremie that sonnes and daughters can prophesie and the law written in their hartes so that it standeth you vpon to haue care of your soules Coloss 2. Mich. 3. that no man make you shoote at a wrong marke Wherefore Micheas thus prophecieth of the dewe of the gospell of Christ saying In the latter daies the hill of the Lords house shall be set vp higher then anye mountaines and the people shall prease vnto it the multitude of gentils hast to it for the law shal come out of Syon and the word of God from Ierusalem and reforme the people of farre countries Nath. ●● for out of Bethlem shal come the captain which shall be the gouernar in Israel whose out going hath beene from the beginning and frō euerlasting he shal stand fast giue food in the strength of the Lord in the victorie of the name of the Lord his god when they bee conuerted he shal be magnified to the farthest parts of the world Wherby it is declared that in spite of all the aduersaries the tread downe the holy sanctuarie of true righteousnes will they nill they the promise which God gaue to Abraham that all nations should bee blessed in his s eede shal by Christs passion extend to all parts of the world to the praising glorifying of god And likewise Esoras doth plainely foretell the ioyfulnesse of Christes comming in his humanitie saying O ye heathen Esdr 4. ● looke for your shepheard he shal giue you euerlasting reste for hee is nighe at hande that shall come in the ende of the worlde be readie to the reward of thy kingdom for the euerlasting light shall shine vpon you for euermore Flye the shadowe of this world receiue the ioyfulnes of your glorie I testifie my sauiour openly O receiue the gift that is giuen you and be glad giuing thanks vnto him that hath called you to the heauenly kingdome In this he sheweth how much he is inflamed with the glad foresight of the sauiour that shuld come kindlyng the hartes of the Gentiles to the expectation of heauenly rewards Wherein he is able to rauish all mens hartes with exceeding ioy in pronouncing the glad tidinges of such a blessed sauiour comming that bringeth the rewardes of glorie and euerlasting life to al that will receiue and imbrace his gospell And seing the comming of Christ in the flesh was ioyfull and filled the world with the oyle of gladnes and treasures of grace and goodnes how much more we now looking for him to come in the end of the world in the glorie of his father in all power to giue the rewardes of glorification and eternall life ought to awake and arise vp from all worldly and fleshly vanities and prepare our hartes to holines and righteousnes that with the aboundant ioy of a pure faith and a cleere and a stedfast hope we may meete our sauiour comming in the cloudes And touching Christes comming in his humanitie it pleased God that he should appeare in the flesh in all meeknes Zach. 9. Iohn 12. Luke 9. Math. 21. Mark 11. lowlines and humblenes of obedience to teach vs the will of his father in all truth of righteousnes according to Zacharie Reioyce O Syon and bee glad O daughter Ierusalem for loe thy king commeth vnto thee euen the righteous and sauiour lowly and simple is he hee rydeth vpon an Asse he will giue doctrine of peace vnto the heathen and his dominion shall be from the floudes to the end of the world and shall be a sauing health to all nations by this consider ye men vpon the earth how worthy Chris t is and how precious a pearle he is in all mens harts and yet to shewe the contempte of this transitorie world and the vanitie thereof and to teache vs the true path steppes of vertue and holynes dooth hé ere make him self to the eyes of all Ierusalem a looking glasse of all low lines and humblenes of hart ryding into the Cittie in all plaines and simplenes sitting vppon an asse as one of no reputation and nothing estéemed but like an inferiour and yet an eternall king a captaine an heauenly Father and sauiour of the world by whōe we are to note that the true path to vertue and holynes is humilitie obedience and lowlynes for among the conferences of men it is a most accepted thing to common rea son to haue our gouernour our captaine our maister or teacher of whome we are to be gouerned guided or instructed to be gentle humble mé ek louing tractable curteous and mercifull-by that meanes winning drawing our harts volūtarily to loue him follow him imbrace his will then how much more are we boūd to god that all the world sleping in their sin wallowing in their wickednes that it pleased him not to cōe vnto vs with the sharpe rod or with the naked or scored sword to the s laughter but to sende his déere sonne Christ in the humilitie of the fleshe to be like vnto vs being such a true gentle captaine guide so louing and bountifull a redemer so humble lowly a tearher so pure of demenor conuersation as that he is the only true lodestōe of loue to drawe all men which are of them selues stubburn froward disdainfull and wilfull to the louing imbracing of him therby the redier to followe his doctrine of eternall peace saluatiō to vs ward And therfore beholde the abundāt loue mercy of god who thus after so excellēt a meanes seketh to draw vs frō our earthly corroptiō and frō the bdōage of death to his heuinly grace eternall kingdome we being of our selues a froward generation touching goodnes in the sin did dwell in vs as a common rotto all mankinde if the God of mercies had not sent this our redéemer to clense and wash away our filth and foulenes and therefore let no man boaste of him selfe any thing for wee haue nothing which wée haue not receiued of Christ neither according to the saying of Ieremie Let not the wise man reioyce in his wisdome nor the strong in his strength Ieremie 9. nor the rich man in his riches but who will reioyce let him reioyce in Christe who is our only saluation Wherfore o ye