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A04597 A spiritual chaine, and armour of choice, for Sion souldiers Which, whosoeuer weareth graciously, shall be sure of the best honour, comfort and safetie (whether he liue or die in the battell) that can come to a Christian souldier. Very necessary for these times. Jones, Anthony, fl. 1622. 1622 (1622) STC 14717.5; ESTC S114423 39,266 114

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worthy names as are here giuen them for this departures sake so much the more they haue to answer hereafter because they abuse their honorable calling and name It is my dutie and not my offence to iudge in loue of such and to giue the best titles and termes I can to such whose Baptisme Profession Vowes Education Vocation and God do call them with a loud voice to be the selfe same in deed which I in words name them Sion souldiers sacred souldiers Gracious men wil not take so high titles in vaine but abandon vanities and follow the wayes of wisedome I desire that this little booke may do them good herein It cometh not hastily abroad no sooner penned but printed Lapwing-like They report that this bird is more forward both for foote and wing then other birds are insomuch as it will runne away with the shell on it head and quickly take flight also so do many Lapwing bookes now adayes For in our time this saying of Solomon is more and more verified There is no end of making many bookes and much studie is a wearinesse to the flesh and that also of the Poet Seribimus indecti doctique poemata passim Both learned and vnlearned men Each where apace we plie the pen. Had I therefore knowne of any in our dayes who had written purposely of this subiect I would haue kept silence and not ventured vpon the hazard of doing so needlesse a worke as that which already is done But finding none by sight or report who haue made it their labour in such sort as they who take it for their taske though some haue dealt graciously therein by the way and perceiuing it to be a thing worth the labour yea and a whole and long labour rather then it should be vnhandled I haue set a weake hand to it This matter offereth one iust occasion before I go any farther to write at large of the most worthy and ancient profession of a Souldier yet sith I doubt not but this truth is generally receiued I will onely handle it in briefe and so come to the maine point which I aime at that is The holy cariage of good souldiers whereby they ought to honour this high profession of theirs Touching the calling of a souldier to fight corporally that I may speake for better vnderstanding as the thing is indeed I say that the heauenly armour of a souldier was in truth and substance before the earthly howsoeuer for our weake capacitie the spirituall armour was afterwards made plaine to vs by the corporall so as according to a supernaturall sence the bodily armour may be said to take denomination of the armour of the spirit and the corporall combat denomination also of that spirituall combat which the children of God haue with Satan and his children For why the armour of armours belonging to this combate euen the armour of God was before any corporall combat could be vsed Adam presently after the promise no doubt did put it on I will put enmitie saith our God betweene thee and the woman Gen. 3.15 and betweene thy seed and her seed Hee shall breake thy head and thou shalt bruise his heele Here is mention made of a spirituall warre to which belonged spirituall armour instantly and the grand Captaine of the war pointed vnto That promised seed Christ Iesus whose souldiers all godly people must be both Captaine and souldiers fighting against the euill one Now as this enmitie is manifest in the soule of good men carying a godly hatred against the diuell continually and against the qualities of the wicked whilest they remaine in the old birth so it is also declared by an open corporall combat hand to hand against Gods foes in battell when our God will haue them punished or brought in subiection or put to death Therefore though fields and campes could not be at first till multitudes were increased yet a disposition to warre both spirituall and corporall was at first and that as well in the bad to offend as in the good to defend This euill disposition was quickly seene in Cain Lamech and Esau And a kind of duell there appeared when as yet there were but a few men in the world namely betweene Cain and Habel Cain offending and Habel we may well thinke striuing as nature taught to defend himselfe but he was a stronger spirituall souldier then temporall God suffering his bloodie brothers strength to preuaile so far as to take away his mortall life in that corporall combat Here were both warres begun in two brethren Cain exercised a most vngracious fleshly warre as his wicked murder declared he fought for Satan Habel by his fathers example practised the gracious spirituall warre as his holy and well accepted sacrifice declared Gen. 14. he fought against Satan The father of the faithfull did know and practise this warre both wayes with faith he made warre against Satan and with weapons of warre against fiue wicked Kings Hereby it plainly appeareth that the calling and dignitie of them that warre on Gods side is very ancient and no lesse honorable then that calling whereof Christ Iesus being King of Kings and supreme Commander in the warres is Head and chiefe Leader If we looke to the temporall warre this he acknowledgeth himselfe to be euen a Captaine of the Lord of hoasts we may perceiue in the booke of Iosua Ios at the besieging of Ierico And it came to passe when Iosua was by Ierico that he lift vp his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man ouer against him with his sword drawne in his hand and Iosua went vnto him and said vnto him Art thou for vs or for our aduersaries And he said Nay but a Captain of the hoast of the Lord am I now come And Iosua fell on his face to the earth and worshipped If wee looke to the spirituall warre there also he professeth himselfe to be our most powerfull Pr●nce and gouernour yea the author and finisher of our faith without whom we can do nothing a Captaine of Captaines therefore and we also most ioyfully confesse this esteeming it our greatest renoune to fight vnder his banner though with afflictions as his souldiers So saith Saint Paul to his sonne Timothy Thou therefore suffer affliction as a good souldier of Iesus Christ And of himselfe he saith I haue fought a good fight Abraham I say againe was such a souldier both spirituall and temporall Spiritually wee may see it vvhere our God saith I know him that hee will command his children and his houshold after him Gen. 18.19 and they shall keepe the way of the Lord to do iustice and iudgement that the Lord may bring vpon Abrahā that which he hath spoken of him And corporally we may not doubt but that he taught his people what to do in battell against those cursed Kings And no maruell that so good a sonne and seruant as Abraham did imitate so good a father and master
as his God in this instruction Our gracious God vouchsafeth to teach his seruants his souldiers how to fight Hee teacheth my hands to fight saith King Dauid Nay more then this so honorable is the profession of a souldier that God of vvarre by the pen of his seruant Moses professeth himselfe to be a man of vvar The Lord is a man of warre saith he You saw before that he called himselfe a Captaine of the Lords hoast here he is called plainly A man of warre As he took mens nature vpon him so taketh he mens names vnto him they men of warre he a man of vvarre they brethren he a brother they seruants and he a seruant yea and imparteth also his owne names to the sonnes of men he a father and men fathers he a King and men Kings nay he a God and men Gods And vvhat so great maruell is this for names sith it is his good pleasure to make men partakers also of the diuine nature in regard of qualities and to giue them an entrance here into his euerlasting kingdome where at his appearing they shall be like him yea one with God O wonderfull humiliation on the one side O wonderfull exaltation on the other side Warre then is ancient vvarre then is honorable If we respect the spirituall warre all the life of man is a warre saith Iob if we respect the corporall warre we may see that as our God will be called a warrier so he will haue his deputie Kings who yet aboue all other men ought to seeke peace and make peace and keepe peace if it be possible to be vvarriers also vvhen time and cause are offered Samuel did signifie thus much to the Israelites vvhen he told them that their King would chuse some of their sonnes to make instruments of warre and other some to be Captaines ouer thousands To this end for one also he gaue King Saul another manner of heart then that which he had when he sought his fathers asses a couragious heart for battell and made little Dauid a man of great courage as to take a Beare by the throate a Lion by the beard and a Giant by the eares yea and this prouident God of ours chargeth Kings to make war by counsel and teacheth them to be circumspect in war What King saith our God goeth to war against another King and sitteth not downe first Luke 14.31 and taketh counsell whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twentie thousand Moreouer we perceiue that all people of vnderstanding despise a coward and respect a man of valour whence it is that the name of a dastard is a base by-word of great reproch And hence also it comes that they who are to be chosen to offices of any eminencie in the Weale publike one speciall qualitie regarded in them is according to Iosuahs counsell that they be men of courage Lastly Exod. 18.21 we may see in all ages that the most worthy Kings and Princes haue highly preferred souldiers of fidelitie policie and prowesse yea giuing them titles and places so high as to be of their Councell such were King Dauids Worthies 2. Sam. 23.8 and from hence euen from courage in war proceeded that which greatly sheweth and setteth forth the ancient dignity of a valiant souldier namely Armes Souldiers are specially called Men of armes nay they onely are so called and haue had both Names and Armes giuen them as well as other honours for their worthy deeds of Chiualrie These things thus I will come to apply that which I haue briefly laid downe of the right worthy and ancient profession of a souldier concerning which this I say Sith the antiquitie dignitie estimation and vse of men of warre is so great what maner care ought true Christian souldiers to haue for ioyning heauenly cariage with earthly nay rather with heauenly courage heauenly armour with earthly armes Surely an exceeding great care thereby adorning a profession so princely with all eminent vertues and holinesse otherwise they do not only forset all their former titles ornaments and aduancements of sacred and worthy souldiers but withall they shame as much as in them lieth their countrey their Religion their Kings their Princes their Leaders their parents their teachers their kinsfolkes their alies yea and dishonor their God also Far be it then that a Sion souldier any one I meane who haue that name should in his deeds be found to be a swearer a drunkard a drone a tigre a peacock a lyer a bragger a Thraso a filthy doer a loose speaker a lasciuious liuer a quareller a cutter a cozener a shifter an irregulous Atheist a prophaner of the Sabbath or any way tainted with any other notorious sin No no a Sion souldier must be a Saint by life as hee is by calling Hence it is that I vse my best endeuour to perswade all Protestant souldiers to all maner holinesse and this not onely in peace but in warre also yea and then especially lest they lose the presence of God and his blessed Angels when they haue most need of them Will you see a precise commandement for a speciall regard of their holy cariage in warre his generall commandement to all the world that they be holy as he is holy Leuit. 19.2 might serue for all sorts yet it is his good pleasure very remarkable to informe their care of holinesse in the very time of warre Deut. 23.9 When thou goest out saith our God against thine enemies keep thee from all wickednesse Will you moreouer see the exhortation of a most valiant godly Captaine to this See it in Iosua a little before the destruction of Ierico The very day before their miraculous passage through Iordan Ios 3.5 he called them together and said Sanctifie your selues For your better and more full consideration yet what a great respect our glorious God hath to his peoples holinesse in warre ponder I pray you deeply of the grieuous state of Gods armie yea and of good Iosuah himselfe especially at their fight with the men of Ai. How came this Ios 7.1 Because there was one wicked man in secret among them Behold this turned to their great discomfort Consider then with your selues how fearfull the standard of any campes must needs stand in all ages if there be many notorious wicked men in them horribly infected like lepers with many contagious vices Our good God I know both can and may spare such campes for his owne names sake for his owne childrens sake but I am sure that the case of such camps shall for euer be desperate for ought that man can see How so Because the true and powerfull word of our most true and powerfull God whose reuealed will belongeth to vs and our posteritie hath shewed it Reade and consider If thou shalt obey diligently the voice of thy God Deut. 28.1.2 3. and obserue and do all his commandements which I command thee this